Chapter 5 Test Study Guide answers

Chapter 5 Test Study Guide
1. Which economic activity did the colonists in the New England pursue during the colonial period?
Fishing, whaling, shipbuilding
2. Which area in the New World earned the nickname “Breadbasket colonies”?
The Middle Colonies
3. Which group of colonies had rugged terrain, rocky soil, and harsh weather?
The New England Colonies
4. Which group of colonies had the mildest climate?
The Southern Colonies
5. Describes a royal colony during the colonial period.
A colony governed by the King of England
6. What was the economic base of the Southern Colonies during the colonial period?
Rice, silk, indigo, tobacco, forest products
7. What was the economic base of the Middle Colonies during the colonial period?
Textiles, manufacturing goods, mining, wheat
8. How were young men from wealthy families in the South educated during the colonial period?
They were educated by tutors or schools abroad
9. The treaty ending the French and Indian War involved what two major countries?
France and Great Britain
10. How did the French and Indian War led to America’s Revolutionary War?
The war left Great Britain in debt, so Great Britain heavily taxed the colonies
without representation
11. How much land did a Georgia settler have to own to become a member of the lower house of Georgia’s legislature?
500 acres
12. Which Georgia governor contributed much to the defenses of the colony?
James Wright
13.The Townshend Acts of 1767 were imposed taxes on…?
All goods not exported or imported on British Vessels
14. Why was anti-British sentiment less in Georgia than in the other colonies during the
Revolutionary period?
Georgia was a far younger colony and still thought they needed the support of
Great Britain
15.The first constitution of the United States of America was called the…?
Articles of Confederation
16.Which countries’ representatives signed the Treaty of Paris to end the Revolutionary War?
Great Britain, France, and the United States
17. The final decisive battle in the Revolutionary War was the battle of…?
18. The Georgians who signed the Declaration of Independence were…?
George Walton, Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall
19. Which Georgia county is the only county named in honor of a woman?
Hart County
20-21. Look at the political cartoon on page 150. What colonies were not represented in the drawing?
Georgia and Delaware
Describes the meaning of the cartoon?
The colonies would not live as separate colonies.
22-23. Look at the map on page 136. Describes the information on the map about the thirteen colonies.
They are divided into 3 sects have different climates, and border
the Atlantic Ocean
According to map, what was the western boundary of the thirteen colonies?
The Appalachian Mountains
24.-25. Look at the map on page 146. What period in American history is represented by the map?
After the French and Indian War
According to the map, what country controlled the land west of the Mississippi River?
26. Who was the leader of Georgia’s militia at the Battle of Kettle Creek?
Elijah Clarke
27. Who was the commander of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War?
George Washington
28. Who avenged the murder by the Tories of neighbor Colonel John Dooley?
Nancy Hart
29. Who were Georgia’s signers of the Declaration of Independence?
George Walton, Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall
30. Who was Georgia’s first royal governor?
John Reynolds
31. Who was the primary author of the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
32. Describe the French and Indian War. Tell who fought in the war, the outcome of the war, and the
importance of the war in the Revolution.
33. Describe the Revolution. Be sure to include who fought in the Revolution, the outcome, and the
importance of the Revolution for the colonies.