Week 7 Courtship, Dating, Hooking up, and

American Politics 514
Sex and Gender Differences: Biology,
Culture, Politics and Policy
Mr Rhoads
Spring 2003
Office Hours: Tuesdays 1:30-3:40 and by appointment.
Phone Number: 924-7866.
e-mail ser6f@virginia.edu
Course Description
This course will explore sex and gender differences and similarities from a variety of
perspectives but with an emphasis on biological and evolutionary explanations. The
success of the course will be heavily dependent on thoughtful class discussion. With that
in mind, the principal requirements are designed to make our class-time together more
fruitful. These requirements are (1) regular attendance and thoughtful participation in
class; (2) four to six short, unannounced quizzes [unexcused, missed quizzes will count
as failures; however every student's lowest grade (whether from a missed or a "taken"
test) will count only one half as much as the other quizzes; e-mail me BEFORE class at
ser6f@virginia.edu if you can't be there]; (3) two 7-10 page papers on the assigned
reading for the day which will be due in the week before the paper topics are discussed.
More specifically papers will be due by 3:30 on the Tuesday prior to the class meeting in
hard copy under my door at 244 Cabell Hall. I will read the papers before we discuss the
topic, and you and I will bring your arguments into our discussion. There will be a heavy
penalty for late papers. In unusual circumstances students who wish to substitute a paper
of their own design for one of those based on the reading may petition to do so. I will
explain this possibility more fully in class.
Thoughtful Class participation
Unannounced Quizzes
Two Short Papers
Most of the reading for the course will be from a special collection of readings available
at Brillig Books (7 Elliewood Avenue). Brillig will also have copies of Tannen, Talking
from Nine to Five and of Browne, Biology at Work. Students will also be asked to read
and make brief comments on draft chapters from my book ms. with the working title,
Taking Sex Differences Seriously. These chapters will be provided to students at my
expense. Students are asked to return these chapters to me when we are finished with
them. Please do not copy these “far from final” chapters or show them to those not in the
Schedule of Reading
Week 1 Introduction
Week 2 Masculinity/Femininity
I Differences and Their Sources
Udry, J. Richard. (1994). The Nature of Gender. Demography, 31, 561-573.
Begley, Sharon, “Gray Matters,” Newsweek (March 27, 1995), pp. 48-54.
Kingsley Browne, Biology at Work, Rutgers Univ Press, (2002) pp. 1-10 (TEXT)
Rhoads manuscript Chapter Two, “Masculinity/Femininity” (NOT IN PACKET)
Hilary Lips, Sex and Gender (2001) pp. 59-64
Carol Tavris, The Mismeasure of Women, (1992) pp. 42-56
Archer, John. (September 1996). "Sex Differences in Social Behavior." American
Psychologist, 51(9) pp. 909-917.
Gilmore, David D., Manhood in the Making: Cultural Concepts of Masculinity (New
Haven: Yale University Press, 1990). Read pp. 220-231.
II Differences and Culture
Miedzian, Myriam. Boys Will Be Boys (New York: Doubleday,1991). pp. 79-95 only.
Blankenhorn, David. (November 1991). The Good Family Man: Fatherhood and the
Pursuit of Happiness in America. Institute for American Values Working Paper,
W.P. 12, 1-34.
Rosenfeld, Megan, "Games Girls Play: A Toy Chest Full of Stereotypes," The
Washington Post (December 22, 1995), p. A1.
III The Unconnected Man
Heavey, Bill, "Point Well Taken," Washington Post (June 5, 1996), p. C9.
Booth, William, "The Gutter Punks," Washington Post (February 11, 1996),
Doonesbury Cartoon
Crenshaw, Theresa, The Alchemy of Love and Lust (1996), pp. 140-144
Tannen, Deborah, You Just Don't Understand, pp. 176-179, 268-271.
Charles Krauthammer, "Paul Erdos, Sweet Genius," The Washington Post (Sept. 29,
Week 3 Sexuality
I Theory
David Buss, "Strategies of Human Mating," American Scientists' Journal, 5/94, 238-249.
Cashdan, Elizabeth. (1996). "Women's Mating Strategies." Evolutionary Anthropology,
5(4), 134-143. (NOT IN PACKET)
Rhoads, Chapter Three, “Sexuality: Theory, Evidence, Analysis”
Eagly, Alice H., and Wendy Wood. "The Origins of Sex Differences in Human
Behavior," American Psychologist (1999), 408-423.
Kendrick, et. al., "Power, Harassment and Trophy Mates: The Feminist Advantages of an
Evolutionary Perspective," In David Buss, Sex, Power, Conflict: Evolutionary and
Feminist Perspectives (1996), pp.36-41 only.
Buss, Evolution of Desire (1994), 45-48 only.
Helen Fisher, Anatomy of Love (1992), pp.88-97.
Michael Crichton, Travels, pp.317-325.
Theresa Crenshaw, M.D., The Alchemy of Love and Lust, (1996) pp.120-125, 144-147,
A. Bryant Furlow and Randy Thornhill, "The Orgasm Wars," Human Sexuality, (1996)
pp. 55-57
"Big Breasts and a Bogus Broadcast," Washington Post, May 19, 1996.
Kate and Douglas Botting, "Men Can Be Sex Objects Too!" Cosmopolitan, August 1996.
Cathy and Doonesbury cartoons.
II Policy
1. Male/Female Relations Among Poor Americans
James Q. Wilson, The Marriage Problem (2002) pp. 144-59
Rhoads, Chapter Four, “Fatherless Families”
Donna Britt, "Sex, Courtship and the Hopes of Black Teenage Girls," The Washington
Post, 5/18/98.
George Gilder, "End Welfare Reform as We Know It," The American Spectator, June
1995, pp. 24-27.
Jane Mansbridge, "Welfare Reform and Women's Independence," APSA Women's
Section Newsletter, pp. 3-4.
Abigail Trafford. “A Poor Excuse for Marriage.” Washington Post, March 26, 2002.
Betty Holcomb. “Montana Women Score Victory on Valuing Caregiving.” Women’s
News: Sept. 1, 2002.
David Lichter. “Promoting Marriage.” Blueprint Magazine: January 22, 2002.
David S. Broder. “An Unlikely Marriage Broker.” Washington Post: March 31, 2002.
Robert Pierre. “States Consider Law Against Paternity Fraud.” Washington Post:
October 14, 2002.
"The Crisis in the Black Family," The Family in America: New Research, Sept. 1997.
"Men, Women and Marriage," Washington Post, December 5, 1993.
Raspberry, William. "Learning About Boys From Elephants," The Daily Progress,
Adam Thomas and Isabel Sawhill. “For Richer or for Poorer.” Journal of Policy Analysis
and Management. Fall 2002. Vol 21, Number 41. P. 587-600.
Alex Kotlowitz. “It Takes a Wedding.” New York Times, 11/13/02.
2. Sex and Power
Peter Huber, "Political Sex," Forbes, October 24, 1994, pp. 270.
Susan Estrich, "Not a Victimless Crime," Washington Post, September 3, 1996.
Camille Paglia, "How Do You Handle a Hungry Man?" Salon Magazine, March 1997.
James Ceaser, "In the Court of Sultan Bill," The Weekly Standard, 2/23/98.
Richard Morin, "Hail to the Philanders-in Chief," The Washington Post, 1998.
Maureen Dowd, "In All His Feathered Glory," The New York Times, 7/6/98.
Stephanie Golberg, “Greene is Sent out to Pasture” WE news, 9-25-02
Martha Frase=Blunt, “The Sugar Daddies’ Kiss of Death,” Washington Post, October 6,
2002, P. B-4.
3. Sex and Close Military Quarters
Browne, Kingsley. (Winter 2001). "Women at War: An Evolutionary Perspective."
Buffalo Law Review. Volume 29, Number l.pp. 171, 191,192 only.
“Advisory Panel Calls on Navy to Permit Women to Serve on Submarines,” AP story
May 4, 2000.
Moloney, Daniel P. (February 2000). "Sex and the Married Missileer." First Things
February 2000, pp. 45-51.
Simons, Anna. (2001). "Women in Combat Units: It's Still a Bad Idea." Parameters,
Short excerpt
Week 4: Aggression/Competition/Risk-taking
I Theories of Aggression
Browne, Biology At Work, pp. 11-21 (TEXT)
Elizabeth Cashdan, "Hormones, Sex and Status in Women," Hormones and Behavior
(1995) pp.354-355 only.
Rhoads Ch. 6 “Aggression, Dominance and Competitiveness” (NOT IN PACKET)
Fischer, Agneta H. & Patricia M. Rodriguez Mosquera. "What concerns men? Women
or other men?" Psychology, Evolution, & Gender, 3.1, April 2001, pp. 5-25.
Crenshaw, Theresa L. Alchemy of Love and Lust. 1996. Read pp. 148-153.
Gorney, Cynthia, "Boys Just Want to Have Guns," Washington Post p. G1
Hillary Lips, Sex and Gender (1997), pp. 112-120.
Goldberg, Steven (1993). Why Men Rule: A Theory of Male Dominance. Chicago:
Open Court. Read pp. 64-73, 103-105, 110-113, 126-129, 148-149.
"Violent Behavior Ebbs After Classes," Washington Post (May 28, 1997), p. A9.
Nisbett and Cohen, “Men, Honor and Murder,” Scientific American. (Summer 1999).
Issue on "Men: The Scientific Truth about Their Work, Play, Health &
Passions." 10(2), pp. 16-19
Walter Harrington, "The Boys of Shelby," The Washington Post
Magazine, June 23, 1985, 9-22.
II Competitiveness, and Title IX
Jessica Gavora, Tilting The Playing Field, pp. 43-69.
Bob Thompson, "My Girls Make a Vertical Leap," The Washington Post, 3/8/98..
Tousignant, Marylou, "Hoops and Hollers Without the Hype," Washington Post
(February 13, 1996), p A1.
Goodman, Ellen. "A winning idea in sports: a level playing field," Boston Globe (June
19, 1997) p. A17.
Marcus, Mary Brophy, "If You Let Me Play: A Basketball or a Hockey Puck May
Shatter the Glass Ceiling," U.S. News and World Report (October 27, 1997), pp.
Debbie Goldberg, “N.J. School Tackles a Political Football,” Washington Post 9-8-02 p.
Sargent, Zillman and Weaver, “The Gender Gap in The Enjoyment of Televised Sports,”
Jrn of Sport and Social Issues, 22 no. 1 feb. 1998. [One page summary of article
by RA Justin Nance]
William Raspberry. "The Way They Play on The Mean Streets." Washington Post,
Charles McGrath. “A Whole New Ballgame.” The New York Times, 9/15/02
Jackson Katz, “The Price Women Pay for ‘Boys Being Boys,’ Seattle Post Intelligencer,
May 13, 2001
Michael Ladenson. “The Real Bobby Knight.” The American Enterprise.
October/Novermber 2002.
Mike Lupica. “Bully for IU- Knight Firing Long Overdue.” New York Daily News.
"Frequent Participation in Sports" Data by Age and Sex, from Gaining Ground (1998),
"More Coachable: Anson Dorrance has found the right approach to women players,"
Soccer Press.
III Domestic Violence
David Buss, "Abuse" and "Jealousy" from The Evolution of Desire
Barri Flowers, "The Problem of Domestic Violence is Widespread," in Swisher ed.,
Domestic Violence, pp. 10-19.
Erica Goode, et.al., "Domestic Violence as a Serious Problem for Women," in Swisher
ed. pp.24-25 only.
Murray Strauss, "Domestic Violence is a Problem for Men," in Swisher, ed. Pp.58-59
Gwinn, Casey. "Harsher Penalties Can Reduce Family Violence," pp. 160-164 in Bruno
Leone, ed. (1996) Family Violence, San Diego: Greenhaven.
Sarah Dinan (research assistant-2001) “Summary of Domestic Violence Research” pp. 14
Ellen Spence and Michael Paymar, Education Groups for Men Who Batter: TheDiluth
Model (1993) pp. 60-3, 72-81
Satel, Sally L., "It's Always His Fault," Women's Quarterly (Summer 1997), pp. 4-10.
John Leo, "Mars to Venus: Back Off," U.S. News and World Report, 5/11/98.
Week 5 Nurturing the young
I Theory and Evidence
1. Biology at Work?
Browne, Biology at Work, pp. 21-2 (TEXT)
Rhoads, Ch. 8 “Nurturing the Young” (NOT IN PACKET)
Babchuk, Wayne A., Hames, Raymond B., and Thompson, Ross A. (1985). Sex
Differences in the Recognition of Infant Facial Expressions of Emotion: The
Primary Caretaker Hypothesis. Ethology and Sociobiology 6, p. 89only
Frodi, Ann M., and Lamb, Michael E. (1978). Sex Differences in Responsiveness to
Infants: A Developmental Study of Psychophysiological and Behavioral
Responses. Child Development 49, 1182-1188.
Hilary Lips, Sex and Gender, pp.120-122.
M. Rivka Polatnick, “Why Men Don’t Rear Children: A Power Analysis,” in Trebilcot
ed., Mothering: Essays in Feminist Theory, pp. 21-37
Blum, Deborah, Sex on the Brain, pp. 64-69.
Natalie Angier, Woman: An Intimate Geography pp. 310-315
Thomas Lewis et.al., A General Theory of Love, pp. 192-99
Cowan, Philip A., Cowan, Carolyn Pape, and Kerig, Patricia K. Mothers, Fathers, Sons
and Daughters: Gender Differences in Family Formation and Parenting Style,
reports in Cowan, Philip et al., eds., Family, Self, and Society: Toward a New
Agenda for Family Research (Hilsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
1993). Read pp. 168-173 only
2. Do Women Need Children?
Betty Rollin, "Motherhood: Who Needs It?," The Norton Reader, pp.534-544.
Anne Glusker, "Fertility Panic," Washington Post, 12/14/97.
“Mothers are Made Not Born (on Lita Hollingworth) from Unger and Crawford, Women
and Gender
William Raspberry, “Having a Career vs. a Family,” The Daily Progress, 4-30-02
Abigail Trafford, “Women Can’t Beat the Clock,” The Washington Post, 4-16-02
“Infertility Campaign Can’t Get Ad Space,” The Washington Post, 8-28-02
Marylou Tousignant, “A Whining, Dining Doll,” Washington Post 1-19-99
Nicholas Eberstadt, “The New Trend: A Population Bust,” Washington Post, 3-18-01
II Breast Feeding
“Breast Feeding Linked to IQ Gain,” Washington Post 5-8-02
“Study Links Cancer Rate, Time Spent Breast-Feeding,” The Daily Progress
Abigail Trafford, “What’s Good for the Baby May Guilt Trip the Mother,” Washington
Post, 12-9-97 and letters to the editor
Judith Galtry, on feminism, breastfeeding and the workplace (Sarah Dinan abstract of
III Child Custody
Klaff, Ramsay Laing. (1982). The Tender Years Doctrine: A Defense. California Law
Review 70:335, 335-372.
Ex Parte Devine, Ala., 398 So.2d 686 (1981). Read pp. 686-688, 691-697.
Neely, Richard. "Barter in the Court," The New Republic, February 10, 1986, pp. 13-15.
Goldstein, Leslie. "Can this Marriage Be Saved?" Feminist Jurisprudence (1992), pp.
IV Day Care
Jay Belsky, “Quantity Counts,” Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics. June 2002 pp.
“Child Aggressiveness Study Cites Day Care,” Washiington Post 4-19-01
James Devitt, “Teacher’s College, Social Work Professors Find Association Between
Mothers Working Full-Time and Young Children’s Cognitive and Verbal
Development,” Columbia News 2002
Audrey Fisch, “Where’s Poppa,” www.salon.com. 8-5-02
Ellen Goodman, “Unlike Research Life…..” The Daily Progress, 8-13-02
Steven Pearlstein, “Subsidies May Not Mean Parents Trade Up on Day Care,”
Washington Post 2-5-98
Rhoads Ch 9 Day Care (NOT IN PACKET)
"Childcare Initiative Triggers 'Mommy Wars'," Washington Post, 1/26/98.
Marjorie Williams, “Desk Top Day Care,” Washington Post, 12-13-00
Cohn, D'Vera, "For Women, Work Gains Can Mean Home Losses," Washington Post
(August 26, 1994), p. C1.
Week 6 Conversational Styles
Tannen, Deborah, Talking from 9 to 5: Women and Men in the Workplace: Language,
Sex and Power (New York: Avon, 1994). Read pp. 14-15, 21-77, 88-91, 99-102,
107-144, 185-216, 236-292. 300-301, 310-317. (TEXT)
Brown, David. "Girls May Inherit Intuition Gene From Fathers," Washington Post,
June12, 1997.
Roipe, Anne, "Talking Trouble," Working Woman, October 1994.
"Stuff from Beyond," e-mail from California State University, 1998.
Goodman, Ellen. "Guy Thing, Gal Thing," Boston Globe 3/11/95.
Ehrenreich, Barbara. "The Politics of Talking in Couples: Conversus Interruptus and
Other Disorders," in Feminist Frameworks, Jaggar and Rothenberg eds. (New
York: McGraw-Hill).
L. Peat O' Neil, "Where the Girls Aren't," Washington Post, July 27, 1998.
I Men and Women in Prison
Collins, William C. , and Andrew W. Collins. "Women in Jail: Legal Issues," U.S.
Department of Justice, Dec. 1996, pp. 1-6.
Fletcher, Beverly, et.al. Women Prisoners, 1993 [brief excerpt from review]
Brief excerpts from court commentary
Rasche, Christine E. "Special needs of the female offender." Florida State Department of
Education, 1991. pp. 46-49, 54-57, 191.
Cranford, Susan, and Rose Williams. "Critical Issues in Managing Female Offenders."
Corrections Today, Dec. 1998, pp. 130-134.
Klein, Amy. "New Approaches Sought to Punish–and Reach–Wayward Girls,"
Washington Post, 1997.
Mishra, Raja, "Jessup's New Warden Lets Prisoners Know Who's Boss," Washington
Post, Nov. 22, 1997.
Mason, Ann, "Gender-Specific Programming in Corrections: What's the Point?" May 12,
1999, pp. 19-22.
Week 7 Courtship, Dating, Hooking up, and Cohabitation
I Theory
Buss, David, The Evolution of Desire, (1994) - Ch. 7, "Sexual Conflict."
Nock, Steven L., "A Comparison of Marriages and Cohabiting Relationships," Journal of
Family Issues, January 1995, pp. 53-76.
Schlessinger, Laura, Ten Stupid Things Women Do..., 1994, pp. 91-109.
Fein, Ellen and Sherrie Schneider, The Rules, 1995, Chs. 2-4, Rules 6, 13, 15, 17, 22, 29.
Commentary on The Rules: Goodman and Walsh
Hax, Carolyn, "The Rules for Men," Washington Post, 12/12/97, C5.
"Tell Me About It," Washington Post, August 22, 1997 and November 24, 1997.
Dave Barry, "Men vs. Women."
II Policy and Culture
1.. Sexual Harassment
Twomey, Steve, "A Dear in the Headlights of Harassment," Washington Post, March 28,
Muggeridge, Anne Roche, "Give a Little Whistle!" Women's Quarterly, Winter 1995, pp.
"Saying Yes and No to Sex," Washington Post, January 29, 1995 [Meghan note--from
previous section]
Dave Barry, "World Cups," The Washington Post Magazine, 2/27/94.
Siegel, Deborah, "Legal Definitions of Sexual Harassment Must Be Broad," What is
Sexual Harassment, 1992, pp. 46-53.
"The New Rules of Sexual Harassment," US News and World Report, July 6, 1998.
Browne, Biology at Work, pp. 191-214
Philip Weiss, "Don't Even Think About It (The Cupid Cops Are Watching)," in The New
York Times Magazine, May 3, 1998.
Cathy Young, "Strange and Cautionary Tales of Sexual Harassment," in The Women's
Freedom Network Newsletter, Summer 1996.
Rita Risser, "The New Law of Sexual Harassment: Everything You Know is Wrong*," in
Rethinking Sexual Harassment: A Women's Freedom Network Special Report,
Martin, Judith, "No Romance Please," Washington Post, 1995.
Stephanie Mencimer, "When You Must Make a Lasting Impression," Washington
Post, April 19, 1998.
2. The Sexual Revolution
Adleson, Joseph, "Sex Among the Americans," Human Sexuality, pp. 37-41, 1997.
Fillion, Kate, "Lock Up Your Sons," Human Sexuality, 1997, pp. 195-199.
Powers, Elizabeth, "A Farewell to Feminism," Commentary, January 1997, pp. 23-30.
Levine, Judith, "The Sexual Revolution is Not Immoral," Sexual Values, pp. 37-43.
"Steps in the Mating Dance" and "A Proper Proposal," in Judith Martin, Miss Manners'
Guide to Raising Perfect Children.
Barbara Rissman and Pepper Schwartz, “After the Sexual Revolution: Gender Politics in
Teen Dating,” Contexts, Spring 2002, pp. 16-23
Alex Kucynski, “She’s Got to Be a Macho Girl,” The New York Times, 11-3-02
Rhoads, manuscript, Ch. 5 pp. 4-10, 20, 31-33 top
Norval Glenn and Elizbeth Marquardt, Hooking Up, Hanging Out, and Hoping for Mr.
Right, Independent Women’s Forum, 2001, pp. 13-20 and 24-9 [This publication will
be distributed in class]
UVA Resident Advisor on “Sex and Hooking Up at UVA” 2000
3. Dating, Marriage, and the Career Woman
Schiffren, Lisa, "Is That All There Is?" Women's Quarterly, (Autumn 1997), pp. 4-8.
Francke, Linda Bird, "The Body Count in the Battle of the Sexes," The Norton Reader.
Clements, Marcelle and Lisa Kogan. "The Single Life," Elle.
Greistman, Ann. "Ring Anxiety," Glamour, Oct. 1999.
Whitehead, Barbara Dafoe. "The Plight of the High-Status Woman," Atlantic Monthly,
Dec. 1999.
Week 8
I Marital Dynamics
Thompson, Linda and Alexis Walker, "Gender in Families: Women and Men in
Marriage, Work and Parenthood," Journal of Marriage and the Family,
November, 1989, pp. 845-865.
Goleman, Daniel, Emotional Intelligence, 140-141.
Booth, Alan and James M. Dabbs, "Testosterone and Men's Marriages," Social Forces,
December 1993, 72(2): 472-473.
Tannen, Deborah, You Just Don't Understand, 288-93
II Marital Health and Happiness
Rovner, Sandy, "Healthtalk: Heart Attacks & Wives," The Washington Post (1983)
Musante, Linda, et. al. (1990). Individual and Cross-spouse Correlations of Perceptions
of Family Functioning, Blood Pressure and Dimensions of Anger. Journal of
Psychosomatic Research, 393-399.
Brian Reid, “Dying to Stay Home,” Washington Post, 9-10-02
Susan Okie, "Stress and Colds," Washington Post, December 10, 1996.
Little, Bernadette and Nancy Burks, "Power and Satisfaction in Marriage: A Review
and Critique," Psychological Bulletin, 1983, 93(3): 513-516, 531-535.
Weisfeld, G.E., "Correlates of Satisfaction in British Marriages," Ethnology and
Sociobiology 1992, 13:125, 139-42
Cancian, Francesca M., "Gender Politics: Love
and Power in the Private and Public Spheres," Gender and the Life Course,
(1985), ed. Alice Rossi, pp. 257-263.
Barnett, Rosalind, et. al."Change in Job and Marital Experiences and Change in
Psychological Distress: A Longitudinal Study of Duel-Earner Couples," Journal
of Personality and Social Psychology, 1995, 69(5): , 846-848.
Barnett, Rosalind and Grace K. Baruch, "Social Roles, Gender, and Psychological
Distress," Gender and Stress, eds. Rosalind Barnett, Lois Biener and Grace
Baruch (The Free Press,1987), pp. 131-141.
"Motherhood Today -- A Tougher Job, Less Ably Done," The Pew Research Center,
III Should Law and Society Encourage Marriage ?
A. Cohabitation and Marriage
Child Trends, “More Unmarried Children Choosing to Live Together and Bear Children”
Sarah Lyall, “With the Blessing of Society, Europeans Opt not to Marry,” New York
Times, 3-24 02
Raley, “Increasing Fertility in Cohabiting Unions,” Demography, 38 [2001] Abstract
Cohan “Fragile Unions (with prior cohabitation),” 2002 excerpt
Waite, Linda, "Does Marriage Matter?" Demography, November 1995, 32(4): 486-489,
Glenn, Norval D., "A Critique of Twenty Family and Marriage and the Family
Textbooks," Family Relations, 1997, 46:197-202.
B. Policy and Commentary
Carlson, Allan C. and David Blankenhorn, "The Wages of Wedlock," The Weekly
Standard, November 17, 1997, 16-17.
Blankenhorn, David, and Allan Carlson, "Stay-at-home parents denied relief from
discrimination," March 21, 1999.
Fagan, Patterson and Rector, “Marriage, (Marriage Education) and Welfare Reform,”
Heritage Foundation Backgrounder, 10-25-02
Alexandra Starr, “Shotgun Wedding by Uncle Sam,” Business Week, 6-4-02
Amy Benfer, “The Nuclear Family Takes a Hit: Census Data Deals a Blow to an
American icon—and the Conoservative Groups that Promote it,” 6-7-02
III Childcare, Housework and Androgynous/Traditional Marriages
Nock, Steven L., and Margaret F. Brinig. "Weak Men and Disorderly Women: Divorce
and the Division of Labor," pp. 1-9, 11-16, and Table V.
Goldschneider and Waite, New Families No Families. University of California (1991),
pp. 112-113, 128-129 136-141, 188-191, 200-209 [Meghan please note that one
page goes out]
Mainardi, Pat, "The Politics of Housework," Jagger and Rothenberg, eds. Feminist
Frameworks, pp. 19-23.
Browne, Biology at Work, pp. 133-41, 166-90
Roback, Jennifer, "Beyond Equality," The Georgetown Law Journal, 81:128-129,
Morse Roback, Jennifer. "Counter-Cultural Womanhood: Why I Am Not a Feminist."
Oct. 18, 1997 speech to the Women's Freedom Network Annual Conference,
reprinted in "Vital Speeches of the Day." [This comes from below]
Goldberg, Steven, “Men and Women Should Not Share Domestic Responsibilities,” in
Petrikin, ed., Male Female Roles, (1995) pp. 280-83
Schwartz, Pepper, "Peer Marriage," Marriage and the Family, pp. 93-97.
Francine Deutsch, Halving it All: How Equally Shared Parenting Works, (1999) pp. 61-6
Liza Mundy, “The Late Shift,” Washington Post 3-17-02
Huston, Ted, "Path to Parenthood," Discovery (1996), p. 56-63.
Belsky and Houston, “Sex Typing and Division of Labor As Determinants of Marital
Change Across the Transition to Parenthood,” Jrn of “Personality and Social
Psychology 1986 abstract only
Pullella, Philip, "Mama Mia Reconsidered," Washington Post, August 30, 1996.
Washington Post Kaiser Poll on Changing Gender Roles—1998
Week 9 Divorce
I Theory
Betzig, Laura, "Causes of Conjugal Dissolution, A Cross-Cultural Study," Current
Anthropology, 30(5), pp. 658-669.
“Catching a Divorce,” Washington Post, 8-04-02
McGue, Matt and David T. Lykken, "Genetic Influence on Risk of Divorce,"
Psychological Science, Nov. 1992, p. 368-372.
Riessman, Catherine K, Divorce Talk, pp.6-7, 24-39, 46-47, 52-59, 122-131, 142-143,
Blumstein and Schwartz, American Couples: Money, Work, Sex, pp.311-312.
Mary Duenwald, “Two Portraits of Divorce,” New York Times, 3-26-02.
II Policy
A. American Attitudes Toward Divorce
Zinmeister, Karl, "Marriage Matters," The American Enterprise, May/June 1996, p. 4-6.
Talbot, Margaret. "Love, American Style," The New Republic, April 14, 1997.
Popenoe, David. "Murphy Brown, Redux," The Weekly Standard, July 27, 1998.
Akers, Paul, "Walkaway Wives," The American Enterprise, May/June1996, p. 35.
Walsh, Sharon and Devon Spurgeon, "In Divorce, an Equal Partner," Washington Post,
December 4, 1997.
B. The Role of Government
Glendon, Mary Ann, The Transformation of Family Law, pp. 191-196 and 308-313.
“Grounds For Divorce,” (abstract) The Family in America, March 2002
Francine Russo, "Can the Government Prevent Divorce?," Atlantic Monthly, October,
Vobejda, Barbara, "Critics, Seeking Change, Fault 'No-Fault' Divorce Laws for High
Rates," Washington Post, March 7, 1996
"More Good News About Divorce," Washington Post, January 25, 1998.
Linda Waite and Ye Luo, “Marital Happiness and Marital Stability,” pp. 5, 7-10 only. ms.
Mary Garden, “Pro-Marriage Politicians Rely on Flawed Studies,” Women’s e-News 109-02
Michael McManus, “Why is It in the Government’s Interest to Save Marriages,”
Testimony Before New Hampshire legislature, The Heritage Foundation Webmemo # 80
WEEK 10: Cognition
I Cognition Differences: Theory and Findings
Browne, Biology at Work, pp.25-34
Kimura, Doreen. "Sex Differences in the Brain," Scientific American, 1992, p. 119-125.
Lubinski, David, Camilla Persson Benbow, and Cheryl E. Sanders. "Reconceptualizing
Gender Differences in Achievement among the Gifted," pp. 699-705 only in K.A.
Heller et al., eds., International handbook of research and development of
giftedness and talent (London: Pergamon Press.)
Pool, Robert. Eve's Rib, 1994, pp. 14-25, 55-63.
Lips, Hillary, Sex and Gender, 1997, pp. 164-7.
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McGuinness, Diane. When Children Don't Learn. New York: Basic Books, 1985.
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Wilkinson, Amy E. "In Her New Book, Lani Guinier Says It's Time For New Teaching
Methods," Pennsylvania Law Weekly, June 30 1997.
BeVier, Lillian. "Is Lani Guinier Right?: Women in Law Schools." Ex Femina, April
II. Tests, Grades, and Accomplishments
Xiguang, Li, "Mental Ability Tests Show Sharp Differences by Sex," Washington Post,
July 7, 1995.
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Arenson, Karen W. "College Board Revises Test to Improve Chances for Girls," New
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Seligman, Dan, "Gender and Brains, II", Forbes, April 20, 1998.
Nakashima, Ellen, "Where In the World Are Girls in Geography? Greater Number of
Boys Find Way to National Bee," Washington Post, May 21, 1998.
Lavon, Neal, "Girl Grievance," Washington Post, May 30, 1998.
Data on Education Results By Gender, The American Enterprise, sept., 2002 p. 61
Michael Fletcher, “Degrees of Separation: Gender Gap Among College Graduates,”
Washington Post, 6-25-02
III Gender and Math, Science, Technology, and Music: Role of Natural Differences,
Social Factors, and Discrimination
Bass, Gary. "Geek Chic," New Republic, Sept. 8 & 15, 1997, p. 11.
Benning, Victoria. "Gender Gap in Fairfax Computer Classes," Washington Post, July
14, 1998.
Karen Stabiner, “Where The Girls Aren’t,” New York Times, 1-12-03
Virginia Task Force on Physics, "Physics in Virginia," July 22, 1996. Read pp. 7, 26,
Zack, Ian. "Panel deletes report's language on hiring of minorities, women," Daily
Progress, p. A1.
Selvin, Paul, "Does the Harrison Case Reveal Sexism in Math?" Science, June 28, 1991,
p. 1781.
Cole, John S., and Zuckerman, Harriet. "The Productivity Puzzle: Persistence and
change in patterns of publication of men and women scientists," pp. 217-221 and
244-250 in Steinkamp, Marjorie, and Maehr, Martin L., eds., Advances in
Motivation and Achievement (Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 1984.)
Paludi, Michele A., and Lisa A. Strayer. "What's in an Author's Name? Differential
Evaluations of Performance as a Function of Author's Name." Sex Roles, 1985,
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Carr, Phyllis, et. al. "Relation of Family Responsibilities and Gender in the Productivity
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October 1, 1998, p.532 only.
Laine, Christine, "On Being Dr. Mom," Annals of Internal Medicine, October 1, 1998.
Goldin, Claudia, and Cecilia Rouse. "Orchestrating Impartiality: The Impact of 'Blind'
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abstract only.
Rensberger, Boyce, "How Honest Data Can Mislead," Washington Post, March 12, 1997,
p. H5.
“Research: Sex, Science and Statistics,” Science Insights, 6 no. 6 National Association of
Scholars 2002
“From The Editor: PC At the NRC,” Science Insights, 6 no.6 National Association of
Scholars 2002
IV. Single-Sex Education
Pool, Robert, Eve's Rib, pp. 244-47.
Riordan, Cornelius. Girls and Boys in School: Together or Separate? (New York:
Teachers College Press), Ch. 3
American Association of University Women Educational Foundation. Separated by Sex:
a Critical Look at Single-Sex Education For Girls, p. 33-34.
Hafner, Katie. "Girls Soak Up Technology in Schools of Their Own," New York Times,
Sept. 23, 1999, p. E7.
Lewin, Tamar. "How Boys Lost Out To Girl Power," New York Times, Dec. 13, 1998.
Strauss, Valerie. "Equal Opportunity Learning: Gender Differences Prompt Teachers to
Try Tactics Geared to Both," Washington Post, Feb 22, 2000, p.A9.
AP, “Single Sex Classes May Increase,” The New York Times, 8-20-02
Leonard Sax, “The Odd Couple,” The Women’s Quarterly, summer 2002, pp. 14-16
Justin Blum, “Scores Soar at D.C. School With Same Sex Classes,” 6-27-02
Ellen Goodman, “Single Sex Ed Makes the Wrong Assumptions,” The Daily Progress,
Week 11 Occupational Segregation and the Glass Ceiling
I Background
Tannen, Deborah. You Just Don't Understand, pp. 236-237.
Major, Brenda, Dean McFarlin, and Diana Gagnon. "Overworked and Underpaid: On the
Nature of Gender Differences in Personal Entitlement," Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology, 47(6), 1984, p. 1399 only.
Associated Press, "Young Female Doctors Reach Pay Parity With Men," Washington
Post, April 11, 1996.
"Working Women," The Washington Post, March 7, 1999..
Kirstin Downey, “Women Rising in Corporate Ranks, Report Says, Washington Post,
11-19 02
II Possible Biological Influences on Occupation & Occupational Achievement
Dabbs, James M. "Testosterone and Occupational Achievement," Social Forces 30(3),
March 1992, pp. 813 only.
Purifoy, Frances E., and Lambert H. Koopmans. "Andostenedione, Testosterone, and
Free Testosterone Concentration in Women of Various Occupations," Social Biology,
26(3), Fall 1979, p.179 only.
Kimura, Doreen. "Commentary on the Report of the 5th Canadian Conference of
Women in Engineering, Science and Technology, York University, August
1992." CAUT Bulletin, 1994.
Hines, Melissa (and Kimura response). "Sex Ratios at Work," Scientific American, Feb.
III Contrasting Explanations
Schultz, Vicki. "Telling Stories About Women and Work," in Bartlett and Kennedy,
Feminist Legal Theory, 1991, pp. 124-137 only.
“Sex Bias Cited in Vocational Ed,” Washington Post, 6-16-02
Williams, Joan. "Deconstructing Gender," in Bartlett and Kennedy, pp. 95-123.
Browne, Kingsley, Biology at Work, pp. 35-92, 142-165, 215-17
IV The Glass Ceiling
Tannen, Deborah. "The Glass Ceiling," Talking From 9 to 5 [You own this book], New
York: Avon, 1994, pp. 132-159, Reread pp.196-198.
Gallese, Liz Roman. "Blame Male Managers," Across the Board, April 1991, pp. 19-22.
Rhode, Deborah. Speaking of Sex (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1997), p.
Morris, Betsy. "Executive Women Confront Midlife Crisis," Fortune, Sept. 1995, 11 pp.
Kingsley Browne vs. Rosalind Arden. "Sex at Work," Prospect, Oct. 1998, pp.16-20.
Keith Bichburg, “French Women Assured Victory Before Vote is In,” Washington Post,
V Women in the Military
Fukuyama, Francis. Review of GI Jane by Stephanie Guttman.
Roush, Paul E. "Women Serving in Combat Would Strengthen America's Defense,"
Women in the Military, San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc.,1991, pp. 59-63.
O' Bierne, Kate. "When Lives Are at Stake," Ex Femina, September 1997, pp. 10-13.
Pictures of male Marines in Afghanistan Washington Post 11-30-01 and female Marine
recruit at Parris Island 4-28-02
Week 12 Parental Leave
I Parental Leave in the U.S. and Europe
T. R. Reid, “Norway Pays A Price for Family Values,” The Washington Post, 11/1/98
Sheila Kamerman, “Parental Leave Policies: An Essential Ingredient in Early Childhood
Education and Care Policies,” Social Policy Report (Society for Research in Child
Development) XIV no. 2 (2000), pp. 1, 3-10
Steven Wisendale, Family Leave Policy, pp. 134-141 only.
Jens Knudsen, “Parental Leave in Scandinavia and the United States,” May 2002 excerpts
II Female Professors and American Universities
Robert Drago and Joan Williams, “A Half Time Tenure Track Proposal,” Change, Nov.
Thomas Bartlett, “Women Who Have Children Early in Their Careers Hurt Their
Chances to Achieve Tenure,” from The Chronicle of Higher Education, 2-12-02
I. Background
Span, Paula. "Television Tunes In To the Real Differences Between the Sexes,"
Washington Post, March 16, 1999.
"Reality Check: The Gender Revolution," Washington Post, March 22, 1998.
Clark, Charles. "Feminism's Future," CQ Researcher, Feb. 28, 1997, pp. 170-188.
II. Differing Perspectives
Blum, Deborah. Sex On the Brain, 1997, pp. 262-283.
Goldberg, Steven. Why Men Rule, 1993, pp. 224-229.
Angier, Natalie. "Men, Women, Sex and Darwin," New York Times Magazine, Feb. 21,
Steinem, Gloria. "Revving Up for the Next 25 Years," Ms., Sept. 1997, pp. 82-84.
Graglia, F. Carolyn. The Housewife as Pariah, (The Institute of United States Studies,
University of London, 1997).
Young, Cathy. "The Right and Left of Feminism," The Women's Freedom Network
Newsletter, Winter 1997, 4 (1).
Young, Cathy. "Sex and Sensibility," Reason, March 1999.
Pollit, Katha. "Marooned on Gilligan's Island: Are Women Morally Superior to Men?", in
Reasonable Creatures: Essays on Women and Feminism, 1994, pp. 42-62.
Crittenden, Danielle. Introduction and Chapter two from What Our Mothers Didn't Tell
Us, (Simon and Schuster, 1999).
Cathy cartoon
Rhoads, Steven E. "The Case Against Androgynous Marriage," The American Enterprise,
Sept./Oct. 1999.