Gross Anatomy Practice questions 1. What structure holds the sternoclavicular joint Choose BEST together? answer 7. A – subclavian artery B – costoclavicular ligament C – median nerve D – pectoralis minor 2. What is the origin / proximal attachment of extensor indicis? A - thoracodorsal nerve B - medial pectoral artery C - serratus posterior superior D - long thoracic nerve 8. A – posterior ulna / interosseous membrane B – lateral radius / bicipital aponeurosis C – 5th metacarpal D – 3rd metacarpal 3. Which nerve innervates the single flexor muscle of the posterior compartment of the forearm? A – median nerve B – radial nerve C – musculocutaneous nerve D – deep interosseous nerve 4. What is the insertion / distal attachment of flexor digitorum superficialis? A – lateral epicondyle of humerus B – medial supracondylar ridge of humerus C – middle phalanx of medial digits D – proximal phalanx of lateral digit 5. Which nerve passes through the carpal tunnel? A – median nerve B – radial nerve C – musculocutaneous nerve D – deep interosseous nerve 6. What are the major contributing vein(s), moving toward the heart, of the axillary vein? A - brachial vein C - cephalic vein E - answers A, B & C B - basilic vein D- subclavian vein F - none of above An individual with a "winged" scapula has likely injured which structure? With what structure does the lateral end of the clavicle articulate? A - head of humerus B - coracoid process of scapula C - manubrium of sternum D - acromion process of scapula 9. Which of the carpal bones provides an attachment for flexor carpi ulnaris? A - capitate B - scaphoid C - trapezium D - hamate 10. What structure lies just medial to the intertubercular groove of the humerus? A - tendon of latissimus dorsi B - ulnar nerve C - tendon of long head of biceps brachii D - subclavian artery 11. Which of the following nerves has no innervation targets in the arm? A - ulnar nerve B - axillary nerve C - musculocutaneous nerve D - radial nerve 12. Which part of the ulna articulates with the trochlea of the humerus? A - ulnar tuberosity B - supinator crest C - olecranon process of ulna D - head of ulna