Berkeley Women in Business

Berkeley Women in Business
Application for Executive Board Position: 2012-2013
You may apply to up to two positions. Please follow the directions below outlining parts
1 through 4 of the application. Applications are to be submitted via email by Tuesday,
April 3 at 11:59PM. Interviews will be held the evening of Thursday, April 5. Email
your completed application packet to Nishi Waghray, President, at
Important! When emailing your application, please use the following subject heading:
[BWIB] First name, Last name, Position(s) you are applying for
For example: [BWIB] Nishi Waghray, VP of Finance, VP of Internal Relations
1) Executive Officer Ranking:
Directions: Please rank in order the officer position you would like to fulfill. You may
apply for and rank up to two positions. See “Executive Officer Descriptions” at the end
of this document for details about responsibilities and expectations.
Vice President of Communications _____
Vice President of Corporate Relations _____
Vice President of Finance _____
Vice President of Internal Relations _____
Vice President of Marketing ____
Vice President of Membership Development _____
Vice President of University Relations _____
2) General Questions:
Directions: Please limit answers to 200 words per question. You only need to answer
these questions once.
a.) Explain your past involvement with Berkeley Women in Business, including when
you joined the club, and committee and officer positions. What do you think has been
your greatest contribution to the club?
b.) What other organizations will you be involved with next year, and do you see this
conflicting with responsibilities to BWIB?
3) Position-Specific Questions:
Directions: Please answer the following questions separately for each position you
are applying for. Limit answers to 200 words per question.
a.) What direction would you take the club in next year? What do you expect to do in
this position? What new ideas do you have for your position?
b.) Why are you the best candidate for this position?
4) Personal Resume:
Directions: Please attach your resume along with this application for review.
Executive Officer Descriptions:
a. Acts as the primary spokeswoman of Berkeley Women in Business
b. Oversees the operations of the club
c. Acts as the chief executive and primary signatory of Berkeley Women in
d. Calls, organizes, and presides over general club meetings and Executive
Board meetings
e. Organizes the process for a new officer slate and officer transition
Vice President of Communications
a. Takes minutes at all officer meetings and distributes the minutes before
the next regularly scheduled meeting
b. Creates sign-in sheets for every event for members to sign into
c. Sends weekly newsletters to members regarding current club events and
relevant information such as relevant job and internship opportunities for
d. Establishes and maintains the club website
Vice President of Corporate Relations
a. Arranges workshops and guest speakers for club events
b. Researches and contacts potential corporate sponsors for Berkeley
Women in Business in conjunction with Vice President of Finance
c. Writes thank-you notes to all guest speakers, sponsors, and other friends
of Berkeley Women in Business as needed
d. Fosters corporate recognition of Berkeley Women in Business
Vice President of Finance
a. Maintains accurate records of all club finances.
b. Collects membership dues and expenditures and approves
c. Maintains accurate membership records. Membership records are to
include an alphabetized list of all active and inactive members, with their
names, phone numbers, and email addresses.
d. Responsible for all fundraising, including sponsorship packages and
relationships with sponsors
e. Completes and submits the annual application for ASUC funding.
Vice President of Internal Relations
a. Organizes club socials and community service events throughout the year
b. Plans the end of the year banquet
c. Compiles the test bank
Vice President of Marketing
a. Produces PR materials for the purpose of advertising Berkeley Women in
Business on campus
b. Publicizes all club events per the directions of the Executive Board. Also
responsible for obtaining permission from appropriate authorities for club
publicity efforts. Publicity duties may include:
iv.Making Facebook events
c. Photographs and documents club events
Vice President of Membership Development
a. Arranges an internal mentorship program in which upperclassmen
members of Berkeley Women in Business mentor lowerclassmen
b. Administers evaluations of the club and polls in order to gain feedback
c. Establishes and maintains club email listserv
d. Creates club branded attire
Vice President of University Relations
a. Maintains contact with Haas Graduate School of Business “Women in
Leadership” club, as well as other Haas-sponsored and Haas-affiliated
organizations at the undergraduate and graduate level
b. Petitions Haas School of Business Association (HBSA) for club affiliation/
sponsorship and attends the Director’s Advisory Council (DAC) meetings
c. Submits event descriptions to include in UGBA Weekly
d. Responsible for securing club meeting rooms on campus every semester
e. Signs the club up for Calapalooza, Cal Day, and Career Fair events
f. Collaborates with other student organizations on campus