throax level3 matt

Aamirah Marouf
Btec Health and social care level3
Matt Hopton
Respiratory system in the thorax
The respiratory system is positioned in the thorax. The thorax is surrounded by the
Nasopharynx - It allows air passage effectively through it in both directions.
Pharynx- This is the throat.
Epiglottis- This closes of the trachea when we swallow.
Larynx- Below the Epiglottis is the larynx which is the voice box. This has two vocal
cords which vibrate when air passes them. We change vibrate into speech with our
lip and tongue.
Trachea- This is another name for windpipe it’s made of muscle and elastic fibres
with rings of cartilage.
Inter costal muscle- The intercostals muscle and the diaphragm change the size of
the thorax and cause air to move in and out of the lungs.
Bronchi- The bronchi are divided into about a million bronchioles.
Pleural membrane- These surround both lungs.
Aamirah Marouf
Btec Health and social care level3
Matt Hopton
Right Lung and Left Lung- The lungs are were the exchange of gases take place.
Both lungs have surrounded by them pair of pleural membranes. Between the
membrane are pleural fluid this reduces friction when breathing.
Diaphram- This forms the base of the thorax. The diaphragm and the intercostals
muscle change the size of the thorax and cause air to move in and out of the lungs.