An Investigation of Alternative Cooling Methods for a Control Rod Drive Mechanism Coil Stack Assembly by Brian Paul Coombs An Engineering Project Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree of MASTER OF ENGINEERING IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Approved: _________________________________________ Dr. Timothy Wagner, Project Adviser Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hartford, CT December, 2009 © Copyright 2009 by Brian P. Coombs All Rights Reserved ii CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ iv LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... v NOMENCLATURE ......................................................................................................... vi ACKNOWLEDGMENT ................................................................................................ viii ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................................... ix 1.0 Introduction.................................................................................................................. 1 2.0 Background .................................................................................................................. 5 3.0 Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 10 3.1 Boundary Conditions ....................................................................................... 10 3.2 Meshing ........................................................................................................... 21 3.3 FEA Model Inputs ........................................................................................... 23 3.4 Baseline Cooling Analyses .............................................................................. 24 3.5 Conductive Cooling Analyses ......................................................................... 25 3.6 Convective Cooling Analyses – Pins ............................................................... 27 3.7 Convective Cooling Analyses – Fins ............................................................... 29 3.8 Convective Cooling Analyses – Internal ......................................................... 31 4.0 Results........................................................................................................................ 32 4.1 Baseline Analysis............................................................................................. 32 4.2 Conduction Analysis ........................................................................................ 33 4.3 Convection Analysis – Pins ............................................................................. 35 4.4 Convection Analysis – Fins ............................................................................. 36 4.5 Convection Analysis – Internal ....................................................................... 37 5.0 Conclusions................................................................................................................ 39 6.0 References.................................................................................................................. 41 Appendix A...................................................................................................................... 42 Trademark Notes: ANSYS and any and all ANSYS, Inc. brand, product, service and feature names, logos and slogans are trademarks or registered trademarks of ANSYS, Inc. or its subsidiaries located in the United States or other countries. Autodesk Inventor is a registered mark or trademark of Autodesk, Inc. iii LIST OF TABLES Table 1: CRDM Coil Resistances .................................................................................... 11 Table 2: Coil Heat Generation ......................................................................................... 12 Table 3: Properties of Water at 550 °F and 2250 psia ..................................................... 13 Table 4: Properties of Cooling Air at 70 °F..................................................................... 13 Table 5: Inputs for Pressure Housing Interior Heat Transfer Coefficient ....................... 15 Table 6: Inputs for Pressure Housing Exterior (Bottom) Heat Transfer Coefficient ...... 16 Table 7: Inputs for CSA Exterior Heat Transfer Coefficient .......................................... 17 Table 8: Inputs for Pressure Housing Exterior (Top) Heat Transfer Coefficient ............ 18 Table 9: Properties of Water at 100 °F and 100 psia ....................................................... 19 Table 10: Inputs for Pressure Housing Interior Heat Transfer Coefficient ..................... 20 Table 11: Steady State Analysis Boundary Conditions ................................................... 24 Table 12: CRDM Material Properties.............................................................................. 26 Table 13: Pin Sizes and Spacing ...................................................................................... 28 Table 14: Fin Sizes and Spacing ...................................................................................... 30 Table 15: Internal Cooling Cavity Characteristics .......................................................... 31 Table 16: Maximum Coil Temperatures – Baseline Configuration ................................ 32 Table 17: Maximum Coil Temperatures – Conduction Configurations .......................... 34 Table 18: Maximum Coil Temperatures – Convection Pin Configurations .................... 35 Table 19: Maximum Coil Temperatures – Convection Fin Configurations .................... 36 Table 20: Maximum Coil Temperatures – Internal Convection Configurations ............. 38 iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Typical 4-Loop Nuclear Steam Supply System ................................................. 1 Figure 2: CRDM System Schematic.................................................................................. 2 Figure 3: Pin Fin Heat Sink ............................................................................................... 8 Figure 4: Straight Fins on Automotive Radiator ............................................................... 8 Figure 5: Areas of CRDM Convective Heat Transfer ..................................................... 13 Figure 6: Default ANSYS Tetrahedron Mesh ................................................................. 21 Figure 7: ANSYS Tetrahedron Mesh at Maximum Refinement ..................................... 22 Figure 8: Meshed Quarter Section ANSYS Model ......................................................... 23 Figure 9: Heat Loads Applied to FEA Model for Baseline Run ..................................... 25 Figure 10: Conduction Analysis Surfaces – Straight ....................................................... 26 Figure 11: Conduction Analysis Surfaces - Profiled ....................................................... 27 Figure 12: Pin Size and Spacing (Plan View) ................................................................. 28 Figure 13: Heat Loads Applied to FEA Model for Convective Pin Cooling .................. 29 Figure 14: Fin Size and Spacing (Elevation View) ......................................................... 30 Figure 15: Heat Loads Applied to FEA Model for Convective Fin Cooling .................. 30 Figure 16: Heat Loads Applied to FEA Model for Internal Convective Cooling ........... 31 Figure 17: Baseline Cooling Temperature Distribution .................................................. 33 Figure 18: Conduction Cooling Temperature Distribution ............................................. 34 Figure 19: Pin Cooling Temperature Distribution ........................................................... 36 Figure 20: Fin Cooling Temperature Distribution ........................................................... 37 Figure 21: Internal Cooling Temperature Distribution .................................................... 38 v NOMENCLATURE A = Electrical Current, amperes Ac = cross sectional area, in2 CRDM = Control Rod Drive Mechanism CRA = Control Rod Assembly CSA = Coil Stack Assembly D = Diameter, in; FEA = Finite Element Analysis Gr = Grashof Number h = Heat Transfer Coefficient, Btu/in2-hr-°F H = Height, in ID = Inner Diameter, in k = Thermal Conductivity, Btu/in-s-°F L = Characteristic Length, in Lc = fin height plus ½(fin thickness) for straight fins, in; Lc = fin height plus ¼(fin diameter) for pin fins, in; NSSS = Nuclear Steam Supply System Nu = Nusselt Number OD = Outer Diameter, in P = Perimeter, in Pr = Prandtl Number q = Heat transfer, Btu/s q” = Heat flux, Btu/s-m2 Ra = Raleigh Number Re = Reynolds Number RV = Reactor Vessel T = Temperature, °F V = Velocity of Fluid, in/s ΔT = Temperature difference, °F β = Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, 1/°F η = Efficiency vi θ = Temperature Difference, °F ν = Kinematic Viscosity of Fluid, in2/s Ω = Electrical Resistance, ohms SUBSCRIPTS a = absolute AMB = ambient b = base surface f = fin h = hydraulic REF = reference s = surface x = x-direction = free stream vii ACKNOWLEDGMENT To my wonderful wife Sandra, thank you for your love and support these past three years. You made all the difference. To my advisor Dr. Timothy Wagner, thank you for your knowledge and guidance throughout several courses and this project. viii ABSTRACT Heat transfer is a process inherent in most power generation methods, including light water nuclear reactors. Control Rod Drive Mechanisms control the position of Control Rod Assemblies within a reactor core and are vital to nuclear plant operations. Control Rod Drive Mechanisms each contain a Coil Stack Assembly, which requires heat removal to ensure proper operation. This project investigates alternative cooling methods for a Coil Stack Assembly. Lower Coil Stack Assembly temperatures by means of conduction cooling are needed for operating nuclear plants applying for operating license extensions. Enhanced Coil Stack Assembly designs which utilize pin fins, straight fins and internal cooling cavities are required to reduce or eliminate cooling fan power requirements in future power plant designs. Steady state heat transfer finite element analyses are performed using ANSYS Workbench™ Version 11.0, utilizing 3-D models and heat transfer material properties of current Coil Stack Assemblies. ANSYS results from modified Coil Stack Assembly designs are then compared to baseline geometry ANSYS results. Baseline cooling analyses are performed to validate the FEA models. The baseline results show that the average temperature at the inner surface of the coils during normal operating conditions is approximately 3.63 °F above the maximum technical limit of 392 °F. The baseline results are considered acceptable based upon the conservative boundary conditions used in the FEA model. An analysis in which exterior surfaces of the Coil Stack Assembly are held at a constant 100 °F temperature is performed. These boundary conditions, which simulate a conduction cooling apparatus that is form fitted to the Coil Stack Assembly, are shown to reduce the temperatures at the inner surfaces of the coils by an average of 183°F. Coil Stack Assemblies which utilize pin fin and straight fin arrays are also analyzed. An average temperature reduction of 66.5 °F at the inner surfaces of the coils is achieved using pin fin arrays with a total additional surface area of 2553 in2 per Coil Stack Assembly. Straight fin arrays with 5728 in2 of additional surface area per Coil Stack Assembly reduce temperatures by an average of 95.5 °F at the inner coil surfaces. Forced internal convective cooling is shown to reduce average coil temperatures by 44.6 °F when ix internal cooling cavities of ovular shape and approximately 1561 in2 cooling area are used. x 1.0 Introduction The nuclear power industry is in the midst of a resurgence commonly referred to as the “nuclear renaissance”. Approximately four hundred nuclear power plants were built world-wide during the mid- to late-twentieth century. A drop in energy demand, construction cost overruns as well as the accidents at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl were ultimately responsible for the cancellation of hundreds more plants in planning or construction phases. A variety of factors, including efforts to curb climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions, are now encouraging many nations world-wide to reconsider the use of nuclear power generation. In a light water nuclear steam supply system (NSSS), an example of which is shown in Figure 1, water coolant flows through channels in the fuel bundles within the reactor vessel (RV), where the heat energy is transferred from the fuel bundles to the coolant. Figure 1: Typical 4-Loop Nuclear Steam Supply System 1 One of the ways in which the reactivity within the fuel core is maintained is through the use of control rod assemblies (CRA), which introduce negative reactivity when lowered into the core. The heights of the CRAs within the core are maintained by control rod drive mechanisms (CRDM) located on top of the RV. A CRDM is an electromechanical drive that vertically positions the CRA within the RV. The CRDM aids in start up and shutdown of the reactor, adjusts or maintains the power level of the core during normal operation and can quickly introduce negative reactivity into the core in the event of an unusual event or intentional reactor trip. Figure 2 shows a schematic of the CRDM system and its sub-assemblies. PRESSURE BOUNDARY LATCH ASSEMBLY DRIVE ROD ASSEMBLY OTHER COMPONENTS COIL ASSEMBLIES COIL STACK ASSEMBLY COOLING AIR Figure 2: CRDM System Schematic The four major sub-assemblies that comprise a CRDM system are: the coil stack assembly (CSA), the pressure boundary, the latch assembly and the drive rod assembly. The CRDM operates by utilizing electro-magnetic flux fields generated by the CSA to drive magnetic latch assembly components in a pre-determined fashion within the pressure boundary. The timing and sequence of these fields determines whether the CRA is inserted into or withdrawn from the reactor core. 2 Proper CSA operation is vital to the operation of a nuclear reactor. If the coils within the CSA overheat and become damaged, they will short out electrically, resulting in a dropped CRA. While this design is inherently safe, it means that any failure of the CSA will prevent the startup criticality of the fuel core. Therefore, heat removal from the CSA is important during all phases of plant operation. The CRDM CSA is currently cooled using forced air convection. A cooling shroud containing large fans and ductwork encases the periphery of the CRDM systems as part of an integrated system and provides cooling air flow rates of at least 100 ft/s over the coil stack assemblies. This cooling air maintains the coil temperatures within the CSAs at or below 392 ºF; keeping the coils cooled helps to improve latch assembly stepping characteristics and increases the operating life of the CSA. Many nuclear power plants which were originally designed for a forty year life are applying to have their operating licenses extended by twenty years and may apply for an additional twenty year life extension. Given that the effective plant design lives are now longer than originally intended, enhanced CSA cooling methods are desired to help ensure reliable coil function through their extended lives. A reduction in required fan motor size for adequate CSA cooling has two potential benefits: a reduction in operating and maintenance costs if smaller fan motors are used, or increased cooling margin if larger fan motors continue to be used. Additionally, these modifications may be beneficial in advanced reactor designs which seek to utilize the current coil material technology at higher temperatures. The need for enhanced CSA cooling includes in-situ retrofit solutions for operating plants as well as design concepts for future components. The CSAs that are currently in use within operating plants are unable to be modified significantly for many logistical and licensing issues. This project focuses in part on alternative cooling solutions, conductive cooling apparatuses which can readily be added to existing CSAs. These solutions include an apparatus which is approximately form-fitted to the exterior CSA surfaces and a simpler apparatus which fits rigidly along the flat CSA side surfaces. Enhanced cooling methods are also needed for future CSA design concepts. The CSA coil housings are made from cast iron and have the potential to be investment casted with internal cavities. Forced internal convective cooling with water as the 3 cooling medium is considered and the effects of varying cavity shapes and sizes on CSA cooling are determined. Features can also be cast or machined into the external surfaces of the CSA housings. Enhanced external convective cooling by utilization of pin fin and straight fin arrays is investigated; specifically, the effects of different pin fin and straight fin geometries and array layouts on CSA cooling is determined. It is important to note that many assumptions are made in this project regarding the analysis models and inputs; these assumptions are made conservatively whenever possible. The primary purpose of this project is to show that alternative Coil Stack Assembly cooling methods are feasible by comparing analyses to a baseline model. 4 2.0 Background Thermal management of the CRDM system through heat rejection from the individual CRDM components to the surrounding area is vital to normal reactor startup, operation and shutdown. Prior work has been performed which investigates cooling of control rod drives for a high temperature engineering test reactor. Initial thermal cooling flow analyses [1] evaluated the flow of air around the standpipes within which the control rod drives were situated, similar to the cylindrical CRDM pressure housings. The 3D analyses, in which the control rod drive standpipes were modeled as pillars, were performed using thermal-hydraulic analysis and thermal analysis software codes. The flow analyses results were evaluated and cooling air ducts were added within the stand pipe room to aid in cooling the control rod drives. Operational cooling tests were then performed to determine the control rod drive temperatures [2]. The experimental results showed that the control rod drive temperatures were maintained at temperatures below 180 °C using indirect forced air cooing via cooling air ducts. This project involves heat transfer analysis of components which undergo internal heat generation, conduction heat transfer and convective heating and cooling loads. Established conduction and convection heat transfer principles are used to solve for the boundary conditions acting on the various CRDM components. The boundary conditions are then inputted into a finite element analysis (FEA) model to determine the resulting component temperatures. Conduction is the transfer of energy through particles in direct contact with each other. It is governed by Fourier’s Law, which is taken from [3] and shown in its onedimensional form in Equation 1. Fourier’s Law states that the rate of heat transfer is proportional to the temperature gradient in a material. Different forms of Fourier’s Law can be used to calculate the total heat flow into or out of an object, or the local area heat fluxes. q"x k Where: dT dx q "x = one-dimensional heat flux, Btu/s-m2; k = thermal conductivity, Btu/in-s-°F; 5 (1) dT dx = temperature gradient in x-direction; Examples of conduction cooling are often seen in electronic devices, where latent heat is removed from components through the use of heat sinks. Convection is the transfer of heat energy via bulk fluid motion, as opposed to stationary particles in conduction heat transfer. Convection is characterized in two different ways: natural convection and forced convection. Natural or free convection occurs due to buoyancy effects created by heat-induced density changes. Where free convection occurs by natural forces, forced convection is induced by an external source such as pumps, fans, etc. Forced convection is found in many cooling applications such as condensers, electronics and aerospace component applications. Convection heat transfer is often expressed in the form of Equation 2, which is known as Newton’s law of cooling [3]. q " hTs T Where: (2) q " = heat flux, Btu/s-m2; h = heat transfer coefficient, Btu/in2-hr-°F; Ts = surface temperature, °F; T = free stream temperature, °F; Cooling convection is enhanced by the addition of cooling surface area via extended surfaces in the form of straight fins and pin fins. Extended surface designs vary in shape and size; however the most common forms are pin fins and straight fins of uniform cross section. From [3], it is shown that for fins of uniform cross section, the fin heat transfer is given by Equation 3. qf M sinh m L h / m kcosh m L cosh m L h / m ksinh m L Where: qf = fin heat transfer, Btu/s; M hPkAc b ; 6 (3) m hP / kAc ; L = characteristic length, in; h = heat transfer coefficient, Btu/in2-hr-°F; P = perimeter, in; k = thermal conductivity, Btu/in-s-°F; Ac = cross sectional area, in2; b Tb T ; Tb = base surface temperature, °F; T = free stream temperature, °F; It is seen from Equation 3 that the heat transferred from a fin of uniform cross section is dependent upon material properties, geometry and boundary conditions. The efficiency of straight fins and pin fins, taken from [3], is shown in Equation 4. This equation is used to characterize the thermal performance of each of the pins. f t anhm Lc m Lc (4) Where: ηf = fin efficiency; m hP / kAc ; Lc = fin height plus ½(fin thickness) for straight fins, in; Lc = fin height plus ¼(fin diameter) for pin fins, in; h = heat transfer coefficient, Btu/in2-hr-°F; P = perimeter, in; k = thermal conductivity, Btu/in-s-°F; Ac = cross sectional area, in2; It is shown in Equation 4 that straight fin and pin fin efficiency is a hyperbolic function of fin geometry and material properties. The effects of variations in fin geometry, specifically the length and perimeter, on CSA heat transfer and resulting steady state temperatures are investigated in this project. 7 Pin fins typically utilize circular or rectangular cross sections and protrude at a right angle to the surface of the cooled body. An example is a heat sink for electronic component cooling is shown in Figure 3. Figure 3: Pin Fin Heat Sink Straight fins also extend at right angles to the cooled body, however they typically travel over the entire length of the body with no disconnects. An example of straight fin application is seen in automotive radiators, as shown in Figure 4. Figure 4: Straight Fins on Automotive Radiator 8 Internal cooling convection is a process whereby fluid is forced through cavities within a component in order to provide enhanced cooling to a particular portion of the component. The cooling fluid depends on the application. For example, plane engines utilize air passing through the engines at high velocities for internal cooling. Cooling is achieved by creating small cavities through which a portion of the air can pass as it travels over the turbine vanes. Use of liquid heat transfer mediums for internal cooling can provide much higher levels of heat transfer due to higher heat transfer coefficients in liquids than in gases. Finite element analysis software can be utilized to calculate the temperature distribution in an object based upon boundary condition inputs. The software first breaks the model into differential element volumes. Boundary conditions are then applied and a mathematical model is created using governing equations for the differential element volumes. The FEA program solves the mathematical model and then calculates the temperatures at each of the differential element nodes, in order to determine the temperature distribution throughout the component. In this study, the heat transfer analyses are performed using ANSYS Workbench Version 11.0 software. The steps that were performed for each of the analyses are shown below. 1. Create 3-D solid model in AutoDesk Inventor™ Version 2009. 2. Import native Inventor assembly into Workbench meshing environment. 3. Generate mesh using maximum refinement Workbench settings. 4. Specify thermal inputs and desired result outputs. 5. Run analysis. 6. Review analysis results and print analysis report. 9 3.0 Analysis This section describes the analysis used to evaluate cooling methods for Control Rod Drive Mechanism Coil Stack Assemblies (CSAs). The internal CSA coil heat generation, CRDM system boundary conditions and convective heat transfer coefficients are calculated for use in the different FEA model configurations. FEA model parameters such as coolant properties, air flow characteristics, CSA surface temperatures, and pin fin and straight fin characteristics are defined. In all of the analysis cases, the assumptions used to create the FEA models are listed within their respective section. FEA meshing settings are also discussed, along with the methods used within the FEA model to reduce computing resource demands. Figure 2 shows the CRDM sub- assemblies and direction of cooling air flow passing over them. 3.1 Boundary Conditions 3.1.1 Coil Heat Generation Historical operating plant data shows that the heat rejection over the entire length of the CRDM is approximately 41,000 Btu/hr. However, the local heat generation within the CSA coils during normal operation directly impacts the cooling of the CSA; therefore specific values are calculated for each of the coils. The positions of the three copper wire wound coils within the CSA are shown in Figure 2. The heat generation values within the coils are calculated using the measured current passed through the coils and the resistance of the copper wire. The stationary (bottom) and movable (middle) coils are identical in size and number of copper wire windings. The lift (upper) coil has the same inner and outer diameters but is larger in height and therefore contains more copper wire windings. Resistance within the coil is a function of temperature; resistance increases with temperature. The electrical resistance of the copper wire at 392 °F, the maximum allowable coil temperature, is conservatively used to calculate the heat generation values. The electrical resistance of copper increases linearly with temperature; Equation 5 is used to calculate the corresponding electrical resistance of the coil wire at the elevated temperatures. Note that Equation 5 requires the use of Celsius 10 temperatures be used. The Celsius temperatures used are equivalent to ambient temperature and maximum allowable coil temperature. T 234.5 R AMB R REF AMB TREF 234.5 (5) Where: RAMB = resistance measured at ambient temperature, ohms; RREF = resistance corrected to TREF, ohms; TAMB = ambient temperature, 25 °C (77 °F); TREF = corrected temperature 200 °C (392 °F); The corrected coil resistances at corrected temperature are shown in Table 1. Table 1: CRDM Coil Resistances Coil RAMB (Ω) TAMB (°C) RREF (Ω) TREF (°C) Stationary 8.94 25 14.97 200 Movable Lift 8.94 1.39 25 25 14.97 2.32 200 200 Due to the heavy load that the CRDM lifts during withdrawal and insertion steps, the CSA coils are supplied more current during stepping operations than when holding the drive rod stationary. Although the CRDMs spend the majority of their operating life in hold-mode with reduced current supplied only to the stationary (lower) coil, the time averaged stepping currents of all three coils will conservatively be used to calculate the heat generation values of each coil. This ensures that the CSA cooling is adequate for situations when the CRDMs are stepped continuously. The control systems which power the CSA coils are current-limited and therefore the amount of current supplied to each coil is known. A portion of the power supplied to the CSA coils is used to perform work, i.e. CRA insertion or withdrawal. However, it is conservatively assumed that all power supplied to the CSA coils is converted into heat. The heat generation, taken from [4], is shown in Equation 6. P I 2R 11 (6) Where: P = heat generated within the coil, watts; I = electrical current, amperes; R = resistance, ohms; The coil current, resistance and heat generation values calculated for each of the coils are shown in Table 2. Table 2: Coil Heat Generation Stationary Coil Current (A) 5.61 Resistance (Ω) 15.0 Heat Generation (Watts) 472 Heat Generation (Btu/s) .4469 Movable Lift 5.73 16.94 15.0 2.3 493 660 .4669 .625 Coil 3.1.2 Heat Transfer Coefficients The heat transfer coefficients for the internal and external CRDM areas are calculated as input to the heat transfer analyses. The heat transfer coefficient is calculated for the inner diameter (ID) of the Pressure Housing, which is exposed to reactor coolant (subcooled water) at 550 °F and 2250 psia. The heat transfer coefficients are also calculated for the external Pressure Housing area below the CSA, the CSA, and the Pressure Housing area immediately above the CSA; all of which are exposed to cooling air. Figure 5 shows the convective heat transfer regions and their respective lengths. 12 7" 4 Top 1 INTERNAL AREA WITHIN PRESSURE HOUSING IN CONTACT WITH REACTOR COOLANT 2 EXTERNAL AREA BELOW THE CSA IN CONTACT WITH COOLING AIRFLOW Lower Middle 3 EXTERNAL AREA OF CSA IN CONTACT WITH COOLING AIRFLOW Bottom 4 EXTERNAL AREA ABOVE CSA IN CONTACT WITH COOLING AIRFLOW Upper Middle 35" 3 Pressure Housing 17" 2 1 Figure 5: Areas of CRDM Convective Heat Transfer The properties of the reactor coolant at 550 °F and 2250 psia [5] which are required for the heat transfer coefficient calculations are shown in Table 3. Table 3: Properties of Water at 550 °F and 2250 psia Property Units Kinematic Viscosity, ν 2 Thermal Conductivity, k Prandtl Number, Pr Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, β Value Reference in /s 1.9273 x 10 -4 5 Btu/in-s-°F 1/°F 7.6843 x 10-6 0.797 1.490 x 10-3 5 5 7 The properties of cooling air at 70 °F and 14.7 psia [8] are required for heat transfer coefficient calculations and are shown in Table 4. Table 4: Properties of Cooling Air at 70 °F Property Units Value Reference Kinematic Viscosity, ν Thermal Conductivity, k Prandtl Number, Pr 2 .02337 6.170 x 10-7 0.712 8 8 8 in /s Btu/in-s-°F - Interior Pressure Housing Surface The heat transfer coefficient is calculated for the ID surface of the Pressure Housing from an elevation 17” below the CSA to 7” above the CSA, as shown in region 13 1 of Figure 5. Region 1 is meant to represent the reactor coolant in contact with the Pressure Housing over characteristic lengths which impact CSA cooling. The Guide Sleeve, which rests below the Latch Assembly, acts as a barrier to prevent thermal siphoning between the coolant in the RV and the coolant in the CRDM Pressure Housing. Equation 7 is used to determine the heat transfer coefficient. h1 Nu k L1 (7) Where: h1 = heat transfer coefficient, Btu/in2-hr-°F; Nu = Nusselt Number, dimensionless; k = thermal conductivity, Btu/in-s-°F; L1 = characteristic length, in. Since the values of k and L1 are known from Table 3, the Nusselt number is now calculated. The coolant flow within the Pressure Housing is considered insignificant because the Guide Sleeve, which resides below the Latch Assembly (Figure 2), acts as a thermal flow barrier. The Nusselt number for natural flow over a plate is calculated using Equation 8, from [6]. Note that this equation is limited to conditions for which Gr x Pr > 1010. Nu 0.0210Ra0.4 (8) Where: Nu = Nusselt Number, dimensionless; Ra = Raleigh Number, dimensionless. The Raleigh Number is calculated using Equation 9, from [8]. Ra Gr Pr (9) Where: Ra = Raleigh Number, dimensionless; Gr = Grashof Number, dimensionless; Pr = Prandtl Number, dimensionless. The Grashof number for natural flow over a plate is calculated using Equation 10, from [8]. 14 Gr gL13T (10) 2 Where: Gr = Grashof Number, defined; g = gravitational acceleration, 386.4 in/s2; β = Coefficient of Thermal Expansion, 1/°F; L1 = characteristic length, in; ΔT = Temperature Difference Between Coolant and Pressure Housing ID, °F; ν = Kinematic Viscosity, in2/s. 50 °F is assumed for ΔT; this is based on empirical data from operating plants. Equations 10, 9 and 8 are solved in series and the resulting Nusselt Number is then used in Equation 7 to solve for the heat transfer coefficient of the Pressure Housing ID surface. The values are shown in Table 5. Table 5: Inputs for Pressure Housing Interior Heat Transfer Coefficient Gr 1.5917 x 1014 Ra 1.2686 x 1014 Nu 9194.8 h1 (Btu/in2-s-°F) 1.2585 x 10-3 Exterior Pressure Housing Surface below the CSA The steps to calculate the heat transfer coefficient for the exterior of the Pressure Housing below the CSA in Region 2 are shown below. Equation 11, taken from [7], is used to calculate the heat transfer coefficient for forced flow over a column. Based on empirical plant operating data, the average air velocity over the CSAs will be assumed as 100 ft/s. The properties of cooling air are taken from Table 4. h2 Nu k L2 (11) Where: h2 = heat transfer coefficient for Region 2, Btu/in2-s-°F; Nu = Nusselt Number, dimensionless; k = thermal conductivity, Btu/in-s-°F; L2 = characteristic length, in. The Nusselt Number for forced flow over a column, taken from [7], is given by Equation 12. Note that this equation is limited to conditions for which 5 x 104 < Re < 2 x 106. 15 Nu 0.0208Re0.814 (12) Where: Nu = Nusselt Number, dimensionless; Re = Reynolds Number, dimensionless. The Reynolds Number for forced flow over a column, taken from [7], is given by Equation 13. Re V L2 (13) Where: Re = Reynolds Number, dimensionless; V = Air Velocity, in/s; L2 = Characteristic Length of Pressure Housing Below CSA, in; ν = Kinematic Viscosity, in2/s. Equations 13 and 12 are solved in series and the resulting Nusselt Number is used in Equation 11 to solve for the heat transfer coefficient of the Pressure Housing exterior surface below the CSA. The values are shown in Table 6. Note that the high Reynolds Number demonstrates the turbulent air passing over the Pressure Housing. Table 6: Inputs for Pressure Housing Exterior (Bottom) Heat Transfer Coefficient Re 8.7277 x 105 Nu 1426 h2 (Btu/in2-s-°F) 5.1758 x 10-5 Exterior CSA Surface The heat transfer coefficient is calculated for the forced air flow over the CSA as shown in Region 3 of Figure 5. Based upon the high velocity of the airflow and the geometry of the CSA, the heat transfer coefficient is calculated using equations for turbulent flow over a plate, shown in Equation 14. The properties of cooling air are taken from Table 4. h3 Nu k L3 Where: h3 = heat transfer coefficient for Region 3, Btu/in2-s-°F; Nu = Nusselt Number, dimensionless; k = thermal conductivity, Btu/in-s-°F; 16 (14) L3 = characteristic length, in. The Nusselt Number for forced turbulent flow over a plate, taken from [8], is given by Equation 15. Note that this equation is limited to turbulent flow conditions, Re > 4 x 103. Nu 0.037Re 0.8 Pr0.33 (15) Where: Nu = Nusselt Number, dimensionless; Re = Reynolds Number, dimensionless. The Reynolds Number for forced flow over a plate, taken from [8], is given by Equation 16. Re V L3 (16) Where: Re = Reynolds Number, dimensionless; V = Air Velocity, in/s; L3 = Characteristic Length of Pressure Housing Below CSA, in; ν = Kinematic Viscosity, in2/s. Equations 16 and 15 are solved in series and the resulting Nusselt Number is used in Equation 14 to solve for the heat transfer coefficient of the Pressure Housing exterior surface below the CSA. The values are shown in Table 7. Note that the Reynolds number has more than doubled as the turbulent air travels over the flat sides of the CSA. Table 7: Inputs for CSA Exterior Heat Transfer Coefficient Re 1.7969 x 106 Nu 3332 h3 (Btu/in2-s-°F) 5.8733 x 10-5 Exterior Pressure Housing Surface above the CSA The heat transfer coefficient for the Pressure Housing exterior above the CSA, Region 4, is calculated similar to Section Equation 17, taken from [7], is used to calculate the heat transfer coefficient for forced flow over a column. The properties of air are taken from Table 4. 17 h4 Nu k L4 (17) Where: h4 = heat transfer coefficient for Region 4, Btu/in2-s-°F; Nu = Nusselt Number, dimensionless; k = thermal conductivity, Btu/in-s-°F; L4 = characteristic length, in. The Nusselt Number for forced flow over a column, taken from [7], is given by Equation 18. Nu 0.0208Re0.814 (18) Where: Nu = Nusselt Number, dimensionless; Re = Reynolds Number, dimensionless. The Reynolds Number for forced flow over a column, taken from [7], is given by Equation 19. Re V L4 (19) Where: Re = Reynolds Number, dimensionless; V = Air Velocity, in/s; L4 = Characteristic Length of Pressure Housing Below CSA, in; ν = Kinematic Viscosity, in2/s. Equations 19 and 18 are solved in series and the resulting Nusselt Number is used in Equation 17 to solve for the heat transfer coefficient of the Pressure Housing exterior surface below the CSA. The values are shown in Table 8. The cooling air is shown to remain turbulent as it passes over the upper portion of the Pressure Housing. Table 8: Inputs for Pressure Housing Exterior (Top) Heat Transfer Coefficient Re 3.5937 x 105 Nu 692.3 18 h4 (Btu/in2-s-°F) 6.1025 x 10-5 Internal CSA Housing Cooling Cavities Based upon the irregular geometry of the CSA housings and a cored hole that runs adjacent to the ID of the CSA housings, it is not feasible for a helical internal cooling cavity to be utilized. Therefore, an ovular shaped internal cooling cavity which spans the height of each of the flat CSA housing sides will be investigated. For the purposes of this project, it will be assumed that component cooling water at 100 °F, 100 psia and 50 ft/s is supplied to each of the CSA cavities at a sufficient flow rate, such that the heat transfer coefficient is constant along the entirety of the cooling cavities. For simplicity, the cooling water flow is considered fully developed and all of the cooling cavities will be subjected to the same heat transfer coefficient and cooling temperature. The properties of the component cooling water are shown in Table 9. Table 9: Properties of Water at 100 °F and 100 psia Property Units Kinematic Viscosity, ν 2 Thermal Conductivity, k Prandtl Number, Pr Reference Value in /s 1.0639 x 10 -3 5 Btu/in-s-°F - 8.3955 x 10-6 4.534 5 5 Because the coolant flow is through an ovular shaped cavity, the hydraulic diameter will first be determined and then the cavity will be treated as a cylindrical tube. The heat transfer coefficient is calculated using Equation 120, which is taken from [8], for fully developed turbulent flow through a tube. h5 Nu k L5 (20) Where: h5 = heat transfer coefficient, Btu/in2-s-°F; Nu = Nusselt Number, dimensionless; k = thermal conductivity, Btu/in-hr-°F; L5 = characteristic length of each cavity, in. Since the values of k and L5 are known from Table 9, the Nusselt number is now calculated. The Nusselt number for fully developed turbulent flow in a cylindrical tube is calculated using Equation 21, from [8]. 19 Nu 5 0.015Rea Prb (21) Where: Nu = Nusselt Number, dimensionless; Re = Reynolds Number, dimensionless; Pr = Prandtl Number, dimensionless; 0.24 a = 0.88 4 Pr ; 0.6 Pr b = 0.333 .5e . The Reynolds Number for flow in a cylindrical tube is calculated using Equation 22 from [8]. Re VDh (22) Where: Re = Reynolds Number, dimensionless; V = average fluid velocity, in/s; Dh = hydraulic diameter, in; ν = kinematic viscosity, in2/s. The hydraulic diameter is given by Equation 23, from [8]. Dh 4 Ac P (23) Where: Dh = hydraulic diameter, in; Ac = cross sectional area, in2; P = Wetted perimeter, in; Equations 23, 22 and 21 are solved in series and the resulting Nusselt Number is plugged into Equation 20 to solve for the heat transfer coefficient of the CSA internal cooling cavities. The values are shown in Table 10. Table 10: Inputs for Pressure Housing Interior Heat Transfer Coefficient Dh (in) .4663 Re 2.630 x 105 Nu 1085 20 h5 (Btu/in2-s-°F) 1.012 x 10-3 3.2 Meshing The CSA models are analyzed using ANSYS Workbench Version 11.0 as outlined in Section 2.0. The models are meshed using the ANSYS default settings for path conforming tetrahedrons with a relevance of 0 on a scale of -100 to 100. The resulting mesh is shown in Figure 6. The mesh contains 69818 nodes and 32990 elements. Figure 6: Default ANSYS Tetrahedron Mesh Setting the mesh relevance to a maximum of 100 refines the mesh to 185237 nodes and 95422 elements, an almost three-fold increase in number of mesh nodes. The refined mesh is shown in Figure 7. 21 Figure 7: ANSYS Tetrahedron Mesh at Maximum Refinement While the default mesh parameters are acceptable, the maximum mesh refinement parameters are used when possible in order to produce more accurate results. In the convection cooling analyses involving pin fins, complex model geometries and computing resources available require the models to be reduced to a quarter section of the original geometry. This is acceptable due to the axisymmetric nature of the CRDM sub-assemblies. The model is conservatively sectioned so that the quarter geometry contains the least cooling surface area of the four quarters possible. Figure 8 shows the plan view of the meshed quarter section model. In all ANSYS cases, the model is first meshed, boundary conditions are applied and then the analysis is performed. 22 Figure 8: Meshed Quarter Section ANSYS Model 3.3 FEA Model Inputs The FEA model boundary conditions, shown in Table 11, are calculated in Sections 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 based upon empirical plant operating data. The intent is to mimic those boundary conditions experienced by the CSA during normal plant operation. It is important to note that heat transfer coefficients are calculated for the regions shown in Figure 5: (1) the internal surfaces of the Pressure Housing, (2) the external surfaces of the Pressure Housing below the CSA, (3) the external surfaces of the CSA and (4) the external surfaces of the Pressure Housing above the CSA. The CSA heat transfer coefficient is calculated by treating the CSA as a flat plate; therefore all four CSA surfaces have the same heat transfer coefficient. Additionally, testing and 23 operating plant data have shown an approximate 50 °F temperature increase in the cooling air temperature as it passes over the height of the CSA. This 50 °F temperature increase is assumed to occur in a linear fashion such that it is incorporated into the FEA models in 10 °F increments as shown in Table 11. Table 11: Steady State Analysis Boundary Conditions Component Boundary Condition Internal Heat Generation (Btu/s-in3) h (Btu/in2-s-°F) Temp (°F) Lift Coil Heat Generation 2.2527 x 10-3 – – Movable Coil Heat Generation 2.1355 x 10-3 – – Stationary Coil Heat Generation 2.044 x 10-3 – Region 1 Convection – 1.2585 x 10 Region 2 Convection – 5.1758 x 10-5 70 Region 3 – Bottom Convection – 5.8733 x 10-5 80 Region 3 – Lower Middle Convection – 5.8733 x 10-5 90 Convection – 5.8733 x 10-5 100 Convection – 5.8733 x 10-5 110 Convection – 6.1025 x 10-5 120 Region 3 – Upper Middle Region 3 – Top Region 4 3.4 – -3 550 Baseline Cooling Analyses The baseline cooling analysis of the CSA is performed by simply applying the loads in Table 11 to the various components of the FEA model, as shown in Figure 9. The heat loads in Table 11 are what the Pressure Housing and CSA experience during normal stepping operations. 24 Figure 9: Heat Loads Applied to FEA Model for Baseline Run 3.5 Conductive Cooling Analyses The conductive cooling analyses are performed by first applying the heat loads in Table 11 on the Pressure Housing and CSA components. However, instead of applying the cooling convection loads to the Pressure Housing and CSA exteriors, specific CSA surfaces are held at a fixed temperature of 100 °F. Holding the surfaces at a fixed temperature simulates a conductive apparatus removing heat from the CSA. Normal component cooling water is typically available on site at 70 °F nominal, however a water temperature value of 100 °F is assumed for these analyses, to account for potential heat loads imposed on the cooling water as it travels through the reactor containment building to each of the CSAs. The flow rate of the component cooling water is assumed to be sufficient to maintain the conductive cooling apparatus at a constant temperature despite 25 potentially high heat fluxes. The thermal conductivities of individual CRDM components that make up the CRDM system are defined as input to the heat transfer analyses. For conservatism, all thermal conductivities shown in Table 12 are taken at the maximum allowable coil temperature of 392 °F. Table 12: CRDM Material Properties Component Material Pressure Boundary Flux Rings Coils Coil Housings Type 304 Stainless Steel Grade 1026 Carbon Steel Annealed Copper Grade 80-55-06 Ductile Iron Thermal Conductivity (Btu /s-in-°F) 2.408 x 10-4 6.555 x 10-4 5.194 x 10-3 3.250 x 10-4 Reference 10 10 11 11 Conductive cooling Case 1 assumes that only the flat sides of the CSA housings are held at constant temperature, which correlates to a straight-sided apparatus that could be utilized on existing CSAs. Figure 10 shows the typical areas (highlighted in dark green) of the CSA housings which are selected within the FEA model for this analysis. Figure 10: Conduction Analysis Surfaces – Straight 26 Conductive cooling Case 2 assumes that both the flat sides and the angled surfaces of the CSA housings are conductively cooled. This correlates to an apparatus which is profiled to both the flat sides and the inward-angled surfaces of the CSA. This profiled apparatus could be utilized on existing CSAs. Figure 11 shows the typical areas (highlighted in dark green) of the CSA housing which are selected within the FEA model for this analysis. Figure 11: Conduction Analysis Surfaces - Profiled 3.6 Convective Cooling Analyses – Pins The convective cooling analyses of pin fin cooling effects are performed by applying the heat loads and convective cooling loads from Table 11 on the quarter section ANSYS model Pressure Housing and CSA components including the added pin fins. Since the amount of convective cooling is dependent on surface area, it is expected that the cooling convective heat transfer will increase as the area increases due to the 27 addition of pin fins. An increase in cooling convection will result in lower CSA component temperatures. The pin fin sizes and spacing are shown in Figure 12. The cooling air flow over the external Pressure Housing and CSA surfaces is shown in Section 3.1.2 to be turbulent. It is assumed that the air flow acts on all external surfaces of the CSA. X D Y Figure 12: Pin Size and Spacing (Plan View) The pin sizes and spacing are defined in Table 13. Table 13: Pin Sizes and Spacing Configuration D (in.) H (in.) X (in.) Y (in.) Total Pins Added Area (in2) 1 2 3 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.625 0.3125 0.1875 0.625 0.3125 0.28 1560 6360 13000 1225 2498 2553 Figure 13 shows pin configuration 1 with all boundary conditions specified. 28 Figure 13: Heat Loads Applied to FEA Model for Convective Pin Cooling 3.7 Convective Cooling Analyses – Fins The convective cooling analyses of straight fin cooling effects are performed similar to the analyses of pin fins. Since the bases of the analyses are similar, it is expected that as the total surface area added by the straight fins increases so will the cooling convective heat transfer, resulting in lower CSA temperatures. The calculated heat loads and convective cooling loads are shown in Table 11. The straight fin sizes and spacing are shown in Figure 14. The cooling air flow over the external Pressure Housing and CSA surfaces is shown in Section 3.1.2 to be turbulent. It is assumed that the air flow acts on all external surfaces of the CSA. 29 W S H Figure 14: Fin Size and Spacing (Elevation View) The fin sizes and spacing are defined in Table 14. Table 14: Fin Sizes and Spacing Configuration W (in.) H (in.) S (in.) Total Fins Added Area (in2) 1 2 3 4 0.25 0.1875 0.125 0.0625 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.375 0.25 0.125 288 504 960 1920 860 1503 2864 5728 Figure 15 shows fin configuration 1 with all boundary conditions specified. Figure 15: Heat Loads Applied to FEA Model for Convective Fin Cooling 30 Convective Cooling Analyses – Internal 3.8 The internal convective cooling analyses are performed by applying the heat loads and convective cooling loads from Table 11 on the Pressure Housing and CSA components. However, the external convective cooling loads are replaced by inputs from Table 10. Since the amount of convective cooling is partially dependent on surface area, it is expected that as the total surface area added by the fins increases so will the cooling convective heat transfer. Though the fluid temperature is assumed to be constant from inlet to outlet for each CSA housing, the temperature is increased for each housing, similar to the increase in temperature for the pin and fin convective cooling analyses. The internal cooling cavities are defined in Table 15. Table 15: Internal Cooling Cavity Characteristics Configuration Shape Number of Cavities Total Cavity Area (in2) 1 Empty Core 24 1561 Figure 16 shows the internal cooling FEA model with all boundary conditions specified. Figure 16: Heat Loads Applied to FEA Model for Internal Convective Cooling 31 4.0 Results Finite element analyses have been performed for several CSA model configurations based upon boundary conditions calculated in Section 3.1. The analyses performed include baseline, conductive cooling, pin fin cooling, straight fin cooling and internal cooling. Baseline analyses were performed to verify the FEA model and calculated boundary conditions. The conductive cooling analyses were performed to prove feasibility for use in existing plants. Finally, fin and internal convective analyses were performed to investigate enhanced cooling methods for future CSA designs. The results of the analyses and the maximum coil temperatures are presented for each configuration analyzed. 4.1 Baseline Analysis The baseline analysis using existing CSA geometry and operating boundary conditions (including stepping operations) shows that the three coil assemblies are able to operate near the maximum coil temperature limit of 392 °F. The maximum coil temperatures are calculated for the ID surfaces of the coils, since the ID surfaces are under the largest thermal loads from the Pressure Housing. The maximum coil temperatures for the baseline analysis are shown in Table 16. Table 16: Maximum Coil Temperatures – Baseline Configuration Coil Lift Movable Stationary Temperature (°F) 396.6 395.7 394.6 The temperature distribution throughout the CSA under normal operating conditions, as presented in Figure 17, shows that the temperatures within the coils are slightly above allowable limits on the ID surfaces. The higher than allowable temperatures are likely due to the conservatisms built in to the boundary conditions. Based upon the temperatures being over allowable limits by approximately 3.63 °F, the baseline FEA analysis and related boundary conditions are considered acceptable for use in other analyses. 32 Figure 17: Baseline Cooling Temperature Distribution 4.2 Conduction Analysis Two conductive cooling analyses are performed: one which takes only the flat sides of the CSA into consideration (“straight”) and one which includes both the flat and curved surfaces of the CSA (“profiled”). The first analysis, which represents a cooling apparatus that fits rigidly along the length of the CSA, holds the flat sides of the CSA at a constant temperature of 100 °F. The second analysis, which represents a cooling apparatus that is closely form-fitted to the angled surfaces of CSA, holds both the flat and the inward contoured surfaces of the CSA at a constant temperature of 100 °F. The results of these analyses are shown in Table 17. 33 Table 17: Maximum Coil Temperatures – Conduction Configurations Coil Lift Movable Stationary Maximum Temperature (°F) Config 1 - Straight ΔT (°F) Config 2 - Profiled 241.7 154.9 209.8 249.5 146.2 216.3 250.0 144.6 212.3 ΔT (°F) 186.8 179.4 182.3 Table 17 shows a significant decrease in all three coil temperatures, for both cases in which external surfaces are held at constant temperature. The average temperature reduction is 148.6 °F for Configuration 1 (straight) and is 182.8 °F for Configuration 2 (profiled). It was expected that the profiled conductive cooling analysis would produce lower temperatures since a larger surface area was held constant; these additional surface areas are also in closer proximity to the three coil locations. The temperature distribution from the profiled configuration is shown in Figure 18. Figure 18: Conduction Cooling Temperature Distribution Figure 18 shows the external surfaces held at a fixed temperature of 100 °F. These external surface temperatures, meant to represent the effects of a conductive 34 cooling apparatus, result in coil temperatures approximately 175 °F at the periphery of the coils and about 213 °F at the ID surfaces. Convection Analysis – Pins 4.3 Four convection cooling analyses were performed to evaluate the effects of different pin designs protruding normal to the flat vertical sides of the CSA housings. Results of these analyses are shown in Table 18 along with the pin efficiency of each configuration. Table 18: Maximum Coil Temperatures – Convection Pin Configurations Maximum Temperatures Coil Config 1 (°F) ΔT (°F) ηf Config 2 (°F) ΔT (°F) ηf Config 3 (°F) ΔT (°F) ηf Lift Movable Stationary 344.5 347.4 345.1 52.1 48.3 49.5 38% 38% 38% 321.5 325.0 323.6 75.1 70.7 71.0 32% 32% 32% 330.6 327.2 329.5 66.0 68.5 65.1 28% 28% 28% Table 18 shows a significant decrease in all three coil temperatures for all cases. The average temperature reduction ranged from 50 °F for Configuration 1 to 66.5 °F for Configuration 3. Note that the pin fin efficiencies decreased with pin diameter reduction, however total heat transfer increased due to the increased quantity of pins within each array. This increase in convective surface area corresponds to the lower coil temperatures shown for Configuration 3. It was expected that the configurations with more pin surface area would produce lower temperatures. Configurations with more pins could not be analyzed due to computing limitations. The temperature distribution from the most effective cooling results, Configuration 3, is shown in Figure 19. 35 Figure 19: Pin Cooling Temperature Distribution Figure 19 shows that the coils are maintained at approximately 300 °F through most of each coils outer volume and increase to a maximum of about 331 °F at the ID surface. Also, note the arrows pointing to the pin arrays protruding from the CSA housings. Convection Analysis – Fins 4.4 Four convection cooling analyses were performed to evaluate the effects of different fin designs protruding normal to the flat vertical sides of the CSA housings. Results of these analyses and the corresponding fin efficiency for each configuration are shown in Table 19. Table 19: Maximum Coil Temperatures – Convection Fin Configurations Maximum Temperatures Coil Config 1 (°F) ΔT (°F) ηf Config 2 (°F) ΔT (°F) ηf Config 3 (°F) ΔT (°F) ηf Config 4 (°F) ΔT (°F) ηf Lift 360.3 36.3 42% 341.8 54.8 36% 321.8 74.8 30% 300.8 95.8 28% Movable 355.6 40.1 42% 345.9 49.8 36% 325.6 70.1 30% 303.5 92.2 28% Stationary 356.9 37.7 42% 342.0 52.6 36% 321.4 73.2 30% 296.0 98.6 28% 36 The temperature distribution from Configuration 4, which is the most effective, is shown in Figure 20. The efficiency of each pin decreased with reduction of fin cross sectional area, however the quantity of fins within each array also increased, resulting in increased external surface area. This increase in convective surface area corresponds with the larger temperature reductions for Configuration 4. Figure 20: Fin Cooling Temperature Distribution Figure 20 shows that the coils are maintained at approximately 250 °F through most of each coils outer volume and increase to a maximum of about 300 °F at the ID surface. 4.5 Convection Analysis – Internal A cooling analysis was performed to evaluate the effects of internal cooling cavities within the CSA housings. The boundary conditions were determined assuming fully developed turbulent flow and inputted into ANSYS. The results of the analysis are shown in Table 20. 37 Table 20: Maximum Coil Temperatures – Internal Convection Configurations Internal Convection Max Temp (°F) Coil Lift Movable Stationary Config 1 347.2 350.6 355.4 ΔT (°F) 49.4 45.1 39.2 The temperature distribution from the internal cooling analysis, Figure 21, shows that the coils are maintained at approximately 300 °F through most of each coils outer volume and increase to a maximum of about 350 °F at the ID surface. Note also the internal cavities at the peripheral edges of the CSA housings which are convectively held at 100 °F. Figure 21: Internal Cooling Temperature Distribution 38 5.0 Conclusions CRDMs control the positions of CRAs within a reactor core and are vital to the operation of light water nuclear reactors. In order to ensure reliable operation the of the CRDM system, a significant amount of heat must be removed from the CRDM CSA. This project evaluated several different heat removal methods for the CRDM CSAs through utilization of ANSYS finite element analysis software. First, a baseline analysis was performed to verify the FEA model and calculated boundary conditions. Next, conductive cooling apparatuses were analyzed by holding specified surfaces at a constant temperature within the FEA model. Conductive cooling analyses were performed for two cases: a simple apparatus which fit along the flat surfaces of the CSA and a second case in which the apparatus conformed to the external surface profiles of the CSA. Enhanced convective cooling analyses were then performed to determine the effect of various pin fin arrays and straight fin arrays on CSA coil temperatures. Lastly, an analysis was performed to determine the effect of internal cooling cavities on CSA coil temperatures. The results of the baseline analysis showed that the FEA model inputs, specifically the model geometry, material properties and CRDM system heat loads, were valid. The resulting maximum coil temperatures were 3 °F above the technical limit; this was attributed to conservatisms built into the boundary condition. The baseline FEA model was therefore considered acceptable for use. Verification of the baseline FEA model allows for its use in future CRDM system heat transfer analyses as well as larger, integrated system analyses. The conductive cooling analyses resulted in the largest CSA coil temperature reductions. These coil temperature reductions were based on the assumption that the conductive cooling apparatuses were able to maintain the exterior surfaces of the CSA at a constant temperature, despite the potential for large heat fluxes at these surfaces. The profiled conductive cooling configuration, which contained more surface area cooling, provided lower coil temperatures. This was expected due to the increased surface area cooling and the proximity of the additional cooling surfaces to the CSA coils. The results of the analyses show that under the assumed boundary conditions, there is 39 potential to significantly reduce the temperature of the CSA coils in existing nuclear power plants, which can help to extend their operational limits. This temperature reduction also has the benefit of allowing for the elimination of cooling fans and ductwork that are located above the CRDMs on the RV. Additionally, the resulting large coil temperature reductions suggest a possibility for use of conductive cooling apparatuses in future high-temperature CRDM designs. The analyses of pin fin and straight fin arrays on the CSA produce temperature reductions in all of the CSA coils. The coil temperature reductions are shown to be a function of added cooling surface area; more surface area equates to more heat removal from the CSA. The FEA analyses yielded larger CSA coil temperature reductions for the straight fins than for the pin fins. However, the pin fin geometry analysis was limited by computing resources, constraining the maximum total pin fin area to only 45% of the total straight fin area. In either case, CSA coil temperature reductions suggest that pin fins or straight fins, which are easily added to the cast iron CSA housing, have the potential to significantly decrease the cooling fan power requirements at future nuclear power plants. The current CSA housing geometry does not allow for significant modification, therefore only one internal housing cavity configuration was able to be analyzed. The analysis shows temperature reductions in all of the CSA coils. Therefore, there is a potential for internal cooling to be used in future CSA designs, in order to eliminate cooling fans and associated ductwork that are located above the CRDMs on the RV. Additionally, internal CSA cooling has the potential for use within future high temperature reactor designs. 40 6.0 References 1. Takeda, T., Kunitomi, K. & Baba, O., “The Three-dimensional Thermal Analysis for the Stand-pipe room of HTTR by the STREAM Code.” Proceeding of the Sixth International Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics. Grenoble, France. 1993. 2. Takeda, T., & Tachibana, Y., “Indirect Air Cooling Techniques for Control Rod Drives in the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor”. Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 223, Issue 1 (July 2003): 25-40. 3. Incropera, Frank P., DeWitt, David P., “Introduction to Heat Transfer”4 th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, 2002. 4. Irwin, David J., “Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis”, 7th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc, New York, 2002. 5. Harvey, A.H., Peskin, A.P. and Klein, S.A., NIST/ASME Steam Properties, Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. Standard Reference Database 10, Version 2.11 (1996). 6. Kreith, Frank, “Principles of Heat Transfer” 3rd Ed., InText Educational Publishers, New York, 1973. 7. Rohsenow, Warren M., Hartnett, James P., Cho, Young I., “Handbook of Heat Transfer”, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, 1998. 8. Kays, William, Crawford, Michael, Weigand, Bernhard, “Convective Heat and Mass Transfer”, 4th Ed. McGraw-Hill, New York, 2005. 9. ANSYS, Inc., “Theory Reference for ANSYS and ANSYS Workbench”, January 2007. 10. ASME B&PV Code, 1998 Edition up to and including the 2000 Addenda, Section II “Materials” 11. The International Nickel Company, Inc., “Properties of Some Metals and Alloys”, 3rd Ed., New York, 1968. 41 Appendix A Sample ANSYS Solver Output Information for Baseline Analysis 42 Solver Output ANSYS Mechanical U *-------------------------------------------------------------* | | | W E L C O M E T O T H E A N S Y S P R O G R A M | | | *-------------------------------------------------------------* *************************************************************** * ANSYS 11.0 LEGAL NOTICES * *************************************************************** * * * COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARK INFORMATION * * * * Copyright 2007 SAS IP, Inc. 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"Contact Region 26" *********** Real Contact Set For Above Contact Is 68 & 67 *********** Create Contact "Contact Region 27" *********** Real Contact Set For Above Contact Is 70 & 69 *********** Create Contact "Contact Region 28" *********** Real Contact Set For Above Contact Is 72 & 71 *********** Create Contact "Contact Region 29" *********** Real Contact Set For Above Contact Is 74 & 73 *********** Create Contact "Contact Region 30" *********** Real Contact Set For Above Contact Is 76 & 75 *********** Create Contact "Contact Region 31" *********** Real Contact Set For Above Contact Is 78 & 77 *********** Create Contact "Contact Region 32" *********** Real Contact Set For Above Contact Is 80 & 79 *********** Create Contact "Contact Region 33" *********** Real Contact Set For Above Contact Is 82 & 81 *********** Create Contact "Contact Region 34" *********** Real Contact Set For Above Contact Is 84 & 83 *********** Create Contact "Contact Region 35" *********** Real Contact Set For Above Contact Is 86 & 85 *********** Create Contact "Contact Region 36" *********** Real Contact Set For Above Contact Is 88 & 87 *********** Create Contact "Contact Region 37" *********** Real Contact Set For Above Contact Is 90 & 89 *********** Create Contact "Contact Region 38" *********** Real Contact Set For Above Contact Is 92 & 91 *********** Create Contact "Contact Region 39" *********** Real Contact Set For Above Contact Is 94 & 93 *********** Create Contact "Contact Region 40" *********** Real Contact Set For Above Contact Is 96 & 95 *********** Create Contact "Contact Region 41" *********** Real Contact Set For Above Contact Is 98 & 97 *********** Create Contact "Contact Region 42" *********** Real Contact Set For Above Contact Is 100 & 99 *********** Create Contact "Contact Region 43" *********** Real Contact Set For Above Contact Is 102 & 101 *********** Create "Region 2 (70F) Convection" *********** *********** Create "Region 1 (550F) Convection" *********** *********** Create "Region 3 (Bottom-80F) Convection" *********** *********** Create "Region 3 (Lower Middle-90F) Convection" *********** *********** Create "Region 3 (Upper Middle-100F) Convection" *********** *********** Create "Region 3 (Top-110F) Convection" *********** *********** Create "Region 4 (120F) Convection" *********** *********** Create "Lift Coil Internal Heat Generation" *********** *********** Create "Movable Coil Internal Heat Generation" *********** *********** Create "Stationary Coil Internal Heat Generation" *********** ***************** Define Uniform Initial temperature *************** ***** ROUTINE COMPLETED ***** ----------- Number Number Number Number Number of of of of of CP = 7.531 total nodes = 185237 contact elements = 78387 spring elements = 0 solid elements = 95422 total elements = 173809 *GET _WALLBSOL FROM ACTI ITEM=TIME WALL VALUE= 7.92861111 **************************************************************************** 46 ************************* SOLUTION ******************************** **************************************************************************** ***** ANSYS SOLUTION ROUTINE ***** PERFORM A STATIC ANALYSIS THIS WILL BE A NEW ANALYSIS ORIGINAL REV 5.3 SOLUTION CONTROL OPTION IS ACTIVATED, FOLLOWING COMMANDS ARE RESET TO ORIGINAL REV 5.3 DEFAULTS: AUTOTS, DELTIM, NSUB, CNVTOL, LNSRCH, PRED, NROPT, TINTP, CRPLIM, NEQIT, SSTIF. IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED TO USE NEW SOLUTION CONTROL OPTION BY ISSUING SOLCONTROL,ON. THE SOLUTION CONTROL OPTION IS NOW ON BY DEFAULT. USE A MAXIMUM OF 1 EQUILIBRIUM ITERATIONS EACH SUBSTEP *** WARNING *** CP = 7.531 TIME= 07:55:43 Using 1 iteration per substep may result in unconvergent solutions for nonlinear analysis and the program may not indicate divergence in this case. Check your results. USE PRECONDITIONED CONJUGATE GRADIENT SOLVER CONVERGENCE TOLERANCE = 1.00000E-08 MAXIMUM ITERATION = NumNode*DofPerNode* 1.0000 DO NOT SAVE ANY RESTART FILES AT ALL CONTACT INFORMATION PRINTOUT LEVEL 1 **************************************************** ******************* SOLVE FOR LS 1 **************** SELECT IN RANGE 1652 SELECT FOR ITEM=TYPE COMPONENT= 103 TO 103 STEP ELEMENTS (OF 173809 1 DEFINED) SELECTED BY ESEL COMMAND. ALL NODES HAVING ANY ELEMENT IN ELEMENT SET. 3368 NODES (OF 185237 DEFINED) SELECTED FROM 1652 SELECTED ELEMENTS BY NSLE COMMAND. GENERATE SURFACE LOAD CONV ON SURFACE DEFINED BY ALL SELECTED NODES VALUES=_CONVVARI139_LOADVARI139 NUMBER OF CONV ELEMENT FACE LOADS STORED = SELECT IN RANGE 6949 SELECT FOR ITEM=TYPE COMPONENT= 104 TO 104 STEP ELEMENTS (OF 173809 1652 1 DEFINED) SELECTED BY ESEL COMMAND. ALL NODES HAVING ANY ELEMENT IN ELEMENT SET. 14145 NODES (OF 185237 DEFINED) SELECTED FROM 6949 SELECTED ELEMENTS BY NSLE COMMAND. GENERATE SURFACE LOAD CONV ON SURFACE DEFINED BY ALL SELECTED NODES VALUES=_CONVVARI140_LOADVARI140 47 NUMBER OF CONV ELEMENT FACE LOADS STORED = SELECT IN RANGE 1896 SELECT FOR ITEM=TYPE COMPONENT= 105 TO 105 STEP ELEMENTS (OF 173809 6949 1 DEFINED) SELECTED BY ESEL COMMAND. ALL NODES HAVING ANY ELEMENT IN ELEMENT SET. 3918 NODES (OF 185237 DEFINED) SELECTED FROM 1896 SELECTED ELEMENTS BY NSLE COMMAND. GENERATE SURFACE LOAD CONV ON SURFACE DEFINED BY ALL SELECTED NODES VALUES=_CONVVARI142_LOADVARI142 NUMBER OF CONV ELEMENT FACE LOADS STORED = SELECT IN RANGE 3330 SELECT FOR ITEM=TYPE COMPONENT= 106 TO 106 STEP ELEMENTS (OF 173809 1896 1 DEFINED) SELECTED BY ESEL COMMAND. ALL NODES HAVING ANY ELEMENT IN ELEMENT SET. 6824 NODES (OF 185237 DEFINED) SELECTED FROM 3330 SELECTED ELEMENTS BY NSLE COMMAND. GENERATE SURFACE LOAD CONV ON SURFACE DEFINED BY ALL SELECTED NODES VALUES=_CONVVARI143_LOADVARI143 NUMBER OF CONV ELEMENT FACE LOADS STORED = SELECT IN RANGE 3324 SELECT FOR ITEM=TYPE COMPONENT= 107 TO 107 STEP ELEMENTS (OF 173809 3330 1 DEFINED) SELECTED BY ESEL COMMAND. ALL NODES HAVING ANY ELEMENT IN ELEMENT SET. 6812 NODES (OF 185237 DEFINED) SELECTED FROM 3324 SELECTED ELEMENTS BY NSLE COMMAND. GENERATE SURFACE LOAD CONV ON SURFACE DEFINED BY ALL SELECTED NODES VALUES=_CONVVARI144_LOADVARI144 NUMBER OF CONV ELEMENT FACE LOADS STORED = SELECT IN RANGE 2403 SELECT FOR ITEM=TYPE COMPONENT= 108 TO 108 STEP ELEMENTS (OF 173809 3324 1 DEFINED) SELECTED BY ESEL COMMAND. ALL NODES HAVING ANY ELEMENT IN ELEMENT SET. 4936 NODES (OF 185237 DEFINED) SELECTED FROM 2403 SELECTED ELEMENTS BY NSLE COMMAND. GENERATE SURFACE LOAD CONV ON SURFACE DEFINED BY ALL SELECTED NODES VALUES=_CONVVARI147_LOADVARI147 NUMBER OF CONV ELEMENT FACE LOADS STORED = SELECT FOR ITEM=TYPE COMPONENT= 48 2403 IN RANGE 1309 109 TO 109 STEP ELEMENTS (OF SELECT 173809 1 DEFINED) SELECTED BY ESEL COMMAND. ALL NODES HAVING ANY ELEMENT IN ELEMENT SET. 2799 NODES (OF 185237 DEFINED) SELECTED FROM 1309 SELECTED ELEMENTS BY NSLE COMMAND. GENERATE SURFACE LOAD CONV ON SURFACE DEFINED BY ALL SELECTED NODES VALUES=_CONVVARI148_LOADVARI148 NUMBER OF CONV ELEMENT FACE LOADS STORED = ALL SELECT IN RANGE FOR ITEM=NODE COMPONENT= 1 TO 185237 STEP 185237 185237 NODES (OF ALL SELECT IN RANGE 173809 1 DEFINED) SELECTED BY NSEL FOR ITEM=ELEM COMPONENT= 1 TO 173809 STEP ELEMENTS (OF 1309 173809 COMMAND. 1 DEFINED) SELECTED BY ESEL COMMAND. SPECIFIED BODY FORCE HGEN FOR ALL PICKED ELEMENTS AT STARTING LOCATION IS SET ACCORDING TO TABLE PARAMETER = _LOADVARI135 1 SPECIFIED BODY FORCE HGEN FOR ALL PICKED ELEMENTS AT STARTING LOCATION IS SET ACCORDING TO TABLE PARAMETER = _LOADVARI137 1 SPECIFIED BODY FORCE HGEN FOR ALL PICKED ELEMENTS AT STARTING LOCATION IS SET ACCORDING TO TABLE PARAMETER = _LOADVARI138 1 USE AUTOMATIC TIME STEPPING THIS LOAD STEP USE 1 SUBSTEPS INITIALLY THIS LOAD STEP FOR ALL FOR AUTOMATIC TIME STEPPING: USE 10 SUBSTEPS AS A MAXIMUM USE 1 SUBSTEPS AS A MINIMUM TIME= DOFS 1.0000 ERASE THE CURRENT DATABASE OUTPUT CONTROL TABLE. WRITE ALL ITEMS TO THE DATABASE WITH A FREQUENCY OF NONE FOR ALL APPLICABLE ENTITIES WRITE NSOL ITEMS TO THE DATABASE WITH A FREQUENCY OF ALL FOR ALL APPLICABLE ENTITIES WRITE RSOL ITEMS TO THE DATABASE WITH A FREQUENCY OF ALL FOR ALL APPLICABLE ENTITIES WRITE FFLU ITEMS TO THE DATABASE WITH A FREQUENCY OF ALL FOR ALL APPLICABLE ENTITIES SELECT IN RANGE 1652 FOR ITEM=MAT COMPONENT= 103 TO 103 STEP ELEMENTS (OF ALSO SELECT FOR ITEM=MAT 173809 1 DEFINED) SELECTED BY COMPONENT= 49 ESEL COMMAND. IN RANGE 8601 104 TO ELEMENTS (OF ALSO SELECT IN RANGE 10497 19554 20863 DEFINED) SELECTED BY 173809 FOR ITEM=MAT COMPONENT= 107 TO 107 STEP FOR ITEM=MAT COMPONENT= 108 TO 108 STEP DEFINED) SELECTED BY 173809 ALL SELECT IN RANGE 173809 173809 COMMAND. ESEL COMMAND. ESEL COMMAND. ESEL COMMAND. ESEL COMMAND. ENTITY=ELEM FOR ITEM=ELEM COMPONENT= 1 TO 173809 STEP ELEMENTS (OF ESEL 1 DEFINED) SELECTED BY DEFINITION OF COMPONENT = _ELMISC COMMAND. 1 FOR ITEM=MAT COMPONENT= 109 TO 109 STEP ELEMENTS (OF ESEL 1 DEFINED) SELECTED BY 173809 COMMAND. 1 DEFINED) SELECTED BY 173809 ESEL 1 FOR ITEM=MAT COMPONENT= 106 TO 106 STEP ELEMENTS (OF ALSO SELECT IN RANGE DEFINED) SELECTED BY 173809 ELEMENTS (OF ALSO SELECT IN RANGE 1 FOR ITEM=MAT COMPONENT= 105 TO 105 STEP ELEMENTS (OF ALSO SELECT IN RANGE 17151 173809 ELEMENTS (OF ALSO SELECT IN RANGE 13827 104 STEP 1 DEFINED) SELECTED BY WRITE MISC ITEMS TO THE DATABASE WITH A FREQUENCY OF ALL FOR THE ENTITIES DEFINED BY COMPONENT _ELMISC CONVERGENCE ON HEAT BASED ON THE NORM OF THE N-R LOAD WITH A TOLERANCE OF 0.1000E-02 AND A MINIMUM REFERENCE VALUE OF 0.8851E-05 USING THE L2 NORM (CHECK THE SRSS VALUE) ***** ANSYS SOLVE COMMAND ***** *** NOTE *** CP = There is no title defined for this analysis. *** WARNING *** CP = Element shape checking is currently inactive. SHPP,WARN to reactivate, if desired. 9.531 TIME= 07:55:46 9.531 TIME= 07:55:46 Issue SHPP,ON or *** NOTE *** CP = 12.594 TIME= 07:55:48 The model data was checked and warning messages were found. Please review output or errors file ( C:\Documents and Settings\coombsbp\My Documents\Personal\Grad School\MANE 6980 Engineering Project\ANSYS\Baseline\Baseline Simulation Files\Steady-State Thermal\file.err ) for these warning messages. 1 ***** ANSYS - ENGINEERING ANALYSIS SYSTEM RELEASE 11.0SP1 ***** ANSYS Mechanical U 00211543 VERSION=INTEL NT 07:55:48 NOV 20, 2009 CP= 50 12.609 S O L U T I O N PROBLEM DIMENSIONALITY. . DEGREES OF FREEDOM. . . . ANALYSIS TYPE . . . . . . EQUATION SOLVER OPTION. . TOLERANCE. . . . . . . NEWTON-RAPHSON OPTION . . GLOBALLY ASSEMBLED MATRIX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TEMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O P T I O N S . . . . . .3-D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .STATIC (STEADY-STATE) .PCG . 1.00000E-08 .PROGRAM CHOSEN .SYMMETRIC *** WARNING *** CP = 12.906 TIME= 07:55:49 Material number 18 (used by element 95423 ) should normally have at least one MP or one TB type command associated with it. Output of energy by material may not be available. *** NOTE *** CP = 14.734 TIME= 07:55:51 The step data was checked and warning messages were found. Please review output or errors file ( C:\Documents and Settings\coombsbp\My Documents\Personal\Grad School\MANE 6980 Engineering Project\ANSYS\Baseline\Baseline Simulation Files\Steady-State Thermal\file.err ) for these warning messages. *** NOTE *** CP = 14.734 TIME= 07:55:51 Nonlinear analysis, NROPT set to the FULL Newton-Raphson solution procedure for ALL degrees of freedom. *** NOTE *** CP = 14.750 TIME= 07:55:51 The conditions for direct assembly have been met. No .emat or .erot files will be produced. *** NOTE *** CP = 14.859 TIME= 07:55:51 It is highly recommended to use the solution control option by issuing SOLCON,ON for this problem for robustness and efficiency. *** NOTE *** CP = 17.484 The initial memory allocation (-m) has been exceeded. Supplemental memory allocations are being used. L O A D S T E P O P T I O N S LOAD STEP NUMBER. . . . . . . . . . . . . TIME AT END OF THE LOAD STEP. . . . . . . AUTOMATIC TIME STEPPING . . . . . . . . . INITIAL NUMBER OF SUBSTEPS . . . . . . MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SUBSTEPS . . . . . . MINIMUM NUMBER OF SUBSTEPS . . . . . . MAXIMUM NUMBER OF EQUILIBRIUM ITERATIONS. STEP CHANGE BOUNDARY CONDITIONS . . . . . TERMINATE ANALYSIS IF NOT CONVERGED . . . CONVERGENCE CONTROLS LABEL REFERENCE TOLERANCE NORM HEAT 0.000 0.1000E-02 2 PRINT OUTPUT CONTROLS . . . . . . . . . . DATABASE OUTPUT CONTROLS ITEM FREQUENCY COMPONENT ALL NONE NSOL ALL RSOL ALL FFLU ALL 51 TIME= 07:55:54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 1.0000 . ON . 1 . 10 . 1 . 1 . NO .YES (EXIT) MINREF 0.8851E-05 . . .NO PRINTOUT MISC ALL _ELMISC *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 17 and contact element type 17 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 18. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.44500 Average contact pair depth 0.43920 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.10980 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 8.983789157E-05 was detected between contact element 96164 and target element 97155. You may move entire target surface by : x= 8.966980999E-05, y= 5.492898795E-06, z= -6.529913716E-10,to reduce initial penetration. Max. Closed gap 7.928079111E-02 has been detected between contact element 95792 and target element 96867. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 18 and contact element type 17 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 17. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.62504 Average contact pair depth 0.48331 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.12083 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. 52 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 8.654643855E-05 was detected between contact element 96919 and target element 96099. You may move entire target surface by : x= -6.861418115E-05, y= 5.274827032E-05, z= 1.221605767E-08,to reduce initial penetration. Max. Closed gap 7.303549753E-02 has been detected between contact element 96831 and target element 95637. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 19 and contact element type 19 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 20. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.46956 Average contact pair depth 0.43932 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.10983 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 9.220096409E-05 was detected between contact element 98175 and target element 99111. You may move entire target surface by : x= -4.80849352E-05, y= -7.866928743E-05, z= 1.356610981E-09,to reduce initial penetration. Max. Closed gap 7.928079111E-02 has been detected between contact element 97796 and target element 98739. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 20 and contact element type 19 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 19. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. 53 Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.63626 Average contact pair depth 0.49077 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.12269 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 9.295106468E-05 was detected between contact element 98935 and target element 97935. You may move entire target surface by : x= 4.835981906E-05, y= 7.938027666E-05, z= -1.577988931E-09,to reduce initial penetration. Max. Closed gap 7.303549753E-02 has been detected between contact element 98719 and target element 97653. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 21 and contact element type 21 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 22. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.47775 Average contact pair depth 0.46542 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.11636 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 6.434010522E-05 was detected between contact element 100202 and target element 101537. You may move entire target surface by : x= 6.328451908E-05, y= 1.160684212E-05, z= 4.150189222E-10,to reduce initial penetration. Max. Closed gap 7.948857294E-02 has been detected between contact element 100698 and target element 101780. *** WARNING *** CP = The closed gap/penetration may be too large. 54 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 22 and contact element type 21 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 21. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.65615 Average contact pair depth 0.46161 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.11540 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 6.162955045E-05 was detected between contact element 101226 and target element 99990. You may move entire target surface by : x= -1.660582607E-05, y= -5.935021479E-05, z= 5.736076267E-09,to reduce initial penetration. Max. Closed gap 7.303549753E-02 has been detected between contact element 101035 and target element 99496. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 23 and contact element type 23 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 24. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.47445 Average contact pair depth 0.45427 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.11357 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 55 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 7.121404493E-05 was detected between contact element 102956 and target element 104421. You may move entire target surface by : x= -3.58981887E-05, y= -6.150414818E-05, z= -1.18566584E-10,to reduce initial penetration. Max. Closed gap 7.930313112E-02 has been detected between contact element 103403 and target element 104502. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 24 and contact element type 23 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 23. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.65661 Average contact pair depth 0.46027 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.11507 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 6.877554936E-05 was detected between contact element 104100 and target element 102449. You may move entire target surface by : x= 4.584457584E-05, y= 5.126744578E-05, z= 7.678680644E-09,to reduce initial penetration. Max. Closed gap 7.303549753E-02 has been detected between contact element 104461 and target element 103375. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 25 and contact element type 25 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 26. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. 56 The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.48357 Average contact pair depth 0.47131 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.11783 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 1.020643682E-04 was detected between contact element 105492 and target element 106719. You may move entire target surface by : x= 1.011541963E-04, y= 1.360014081E-05, z= -4.246980873E-10,to reduce initial penetration. Max. Closed gap 7.931584705E-02 has been detected between contact element 104906 and target element 106364. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 26 and contact element type 25 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 25. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.65700 Average contact pair depth 0.46115 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.11529 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 8.563518177E-05 was detected between contact element 106393 and target element 105070. You may move entire target surface by : x= -8.514977077E-05, y= -9.104984864E-06, z= 1.20874828E-08,to reduce initial penetration. Max. Closed gap 7.303549753E-02 has been detected between contact element 106333 and target element 104815. *** WARNING *** CP = 57 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 27 and contact element type 27 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 28. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.48065 Average contact pair depth 0.47439 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.11860 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 1.035381588E-04 was detected between contact element 108164 and target element 109460. You may move entire target surface by : x= -1.026607464E-04, y= 1.345070545E-05, z= 5.137500199E-10,to reduce initial penetration. Max. Closed gap 7.948857294E-02 has been detected between contact element 108658 and target element 109702. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 28 and contact element type 27 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 27. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.66836 Average contact pair depth 0.48168 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.12042 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. 58 Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC Heat radiation is excluded. 8132.2 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 8.683751262E-05 was detected between contact element 109329 and target element 108044. You may move entire target surface by : x= 8.634528637E-05, y= -9.232820222E-06, z= 1.225719288E-08,to reduce initial penetration. Max. Closed gap 7.303549753E-02 has been detected between contact element 108977 and target element 107401. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 29 and contact element type 29 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 30. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.50834 Average contact pair depth 0.48521 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.12130 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 8.917904601E-05 was detected between contact element 110566 and target element 111429. You may move entire target surface by : x= 8.912438166E-05, y= -3.121993019E-06, z= 1.035808843E-09,to reduce initial penetration. Max. Closed gap 7.948857294E-02 has been detected between contact element 110744 and target element 111610. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 30 and contact element type 29 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 29. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. 59 Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.62666 Average contact pair depth 0.46186 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.11546 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 8.583293392E-05 was detected between contact element 111211 and target element 110322. You may move entire target surface by : x= -8.55823204E-05, y= 6.554298831E-06, z= 1.211546053E-08,to reduce initial penetration. Max. Closed gap 7.303549753E-02 has been detected between contact element 111571 and target element 110699. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 31 and contact element type 31 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 32. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.50587 Average contact pair depth 0.48692 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.12173 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 1.036483836E-04 was detected between contact element 112511 and target element 113413. You may move entire target surface by : x= -1.034071013E-04, y= 7.068154661E-06, z= 1.740720425E-10,to reduce initial penetration. Max. Closed gap 7.948857294E-02 has been detected between contact element 112707 and target element 113598. 60 *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 32 and contact element type 31 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 31. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.60452 Average contact pair depth 0.47550 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.11887 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 8.665825073E-05 was detected between contact element 113100 and target element 112249. You may move entire target surface by : x= 8.305250982E-05, y= -2.473727716E-05, z= 1.223186282E-08,to reduce initial penetration. Max. Closed gap 7.303549753E-02 has been detected between contact element 113559 and target element 112634. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 33 and contact element type 33 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 34. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.65380 Average contact pair depth 0.46429 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.11607 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. 61 Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC Heat radiation is excluded. 8132.2 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 3.552713679E-15 was detected between contact element 113794 and target element 114021. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 34 and contact element type 33 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 33. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.59543 Average contact pair depth 0.47374 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.11843 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 3.552713679E-15 was detected between contact element 113956 and target element 113767. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 35 and contact element type 35 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 36. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.54714 Average contact pair depth 0.53990 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.13497 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 62 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 4.087830996E-05 was detected between contact element 114457 and target element 115286. You may move entire target surface by : x= 3.017150334E-05, y= -2.758109156E-05, z= 2.183519337E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 36 and contact element type 35 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 35. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.67172 Average contact pair depth 0.53728 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.13432 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.710343067E-05 was detected between contact element 114865 and target element 114085. You may move entire target surface by : x= -2.064042796E-05, y= 1.756612279E-05, z= -4.202995823E-09,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 37 and contact element type 37 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 38. Both pairs should have the same behavior. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 ANSYS has found the contact pairs have similar mesh patterns which can cause overconstraint. You may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.53398 Average contact pair depth 0.65306 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.16326 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. 63 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Min. Initial gap 0.1 was detected between contact element 115332 and target element 115410. The gap is closed due to initial adjustment. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 38 and contact element type 37 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 37. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.53380 Average contact pair depth 0.65927 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.16482 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Min. Initial gap 0.1 was detected between contact element 115384 and target element 115299. The gap is closed due to initial adjustment. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 39 and contact element type 39 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 40. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.63809 Average contact pair depth 0.44440 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 64 The resulting pinball region Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC Heat radiation is excluded. 0.11110 8132.2 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.024139253E-05 was detected between contact element 115729 and target element 116301. You may move entire target surface by : x= 1.895636934E-05, y= 7.097184876E-06, z= 1.357685633E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 40 and contact element type 39 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 39. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.70142 Average contact pair depth 0.61142 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.15285 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.248567442E-05 was detected between contact element 116074 and target element 115604. You may move entire target surface by : x= -2.213547806E-05, y= -3.952994107E-06, z= -1.610580703E-09,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 41 and contact element type 41 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 42. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.67961 Average contact pair depth 0.44022 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.11006 65 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC Heat radiation is excluded. 8132.2 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.826707785E-05 was detected between contact element 116534 and target element 116800. You may move entire target surface by : x= 1.539663297E-05, y= 2.370593561E-05, z= -2.667712523E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 42 and contact element type 41 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 41. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.70750 Average contact pair depth 0.90120 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.22530 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 3.972746076E-05 was detected between contact element 116618 and target element 116408. You may move entire target surface by : x= -2.243945396E-05, y= -3.278325855E-05, z= 1.748787107E-09,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 43 and contact element type 43 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 44. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.64177 Average contact pair depth 0.45036 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.11259 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. 66 Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC Heat radiation is excluded. 8132.2 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 4.322973688E-05 was detected between contact element 117198 and target element 117660. You may move entire target surface by : x= -4.273241434E-05, y= 6.538418376E-06, z= 1.736189649E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 44 and contact element type 43 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 43. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.70537 Average contact pair depth 0.63620 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.15905 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 3.572078686E-05 was detected between contact element 117563 and target element 117070. You may move entire target surface by : x= 1.057802964E-05, y= -3.411861508E-05, z= 2.84200164E-09,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 45 and contact element type 45 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 46. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.69281 Average contact pair depth 0.42962 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.10740 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. 67 Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC Heat radiation is excluded. 8132.2 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 7.577062244E-05 was detected between contact element 117938 and target element 118308. You may move entire target surface by : x= -7.423497705E-05, y= 1.517746376E-05, z= -5.151848591E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 46 and contact element type 45 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 45. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.73064 Average contact pair depth 0.96835 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.24209 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 4.289890404E-05 was detected between contact element 118133 and target element 117818. You may move entire target surface by : x= 4.168289604E-05, y= -1.014160073E-05, z= 8.96197376E-09,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 47 and contact element type 47 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 48. Both pairs should have the same behavior. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 ANSYS has found the contact pairs have similar mesh patterns which can cause overconstraint. You may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.57066 Average contact pair depth 0.63719 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.15930 68 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC Heat radiation is excluded. 8132.2 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Min. Initial gap 0.1 was detected between contact element 118430 and target element 118540. The gap is closed due to initial adjustment. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 48 and contact element type 47 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 47. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.57066 Average contact pair depth 0.62907 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.15727 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Min. Initial gap 0.1 was detected between contact element 118523 and target element 118413. The gap is closed due to initial adjustment. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 49 and contact element type 49 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 50. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. 69 Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.68214 Average contact pair depth 0.49320 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.12330 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 3.012250237E-05 was detected between contact element 118822 and target element 119755. You may move entire target surface by : x= 2.523300068E-05, y= 1.645177273E-05, z= -1.51710454E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 50 and contact element type 49 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 49. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.68097 Average contact pair depth 0.57501 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.14375 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 3.045011287E-05 was detected between contact element 119511 and target element 118745. You may move entire target surface by : x= -1.028901223E-05, y= 2.86591277E-05, z= -4.674154327E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 51 and contact element type 51 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 52. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point 70 Average contact surface length Average contact pair depth Default pinball region factor PINB The resulting pinball region Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC Heat radiation is excluded. 0.61303 0.48667 0.25000 0.12167 8132.2 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 6.188654633E-05 was detected between contact element 120079 and target element 120394. You may move entire target surface by : x= 6.180172244E-05, y= 3.239092249E-06, z= 8.506690819E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 52 and contact element type 51 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 51. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.72546 Average contact pair depth 0.87205 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.21801 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 6.286253119E-05 was detected between contact element 120275 and target element 119928. You may move entire target surface by : x= -6.27581489E-05, y= -3.621126429E-06, z= -4.248286562E-09,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 53 and contact element type 53 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 54. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.69870 71 Average contact pair depth Default pinball region factor PINB The resulting pinball region Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC Heat radiation is excluded. 0.49071 0.25000 0.12268 8132.2 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 5.62577542E-05 was detected between contact element 120595 and target element 120924. You may move entire target surface by : x= 2.856509074E-05, y= -4.846617892E-05, z= 2.719610498E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 54 and contact element type 53 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 53. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.70745 Average contact pair depth 0.79891 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.19973 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 3.899145167E-05 was detected between contact element 120778 and target element 120463. You may move entire target surface by : x= -1.829521876E-05, y= 3.443280752E-05, z= 6.307800221E-09,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 55 and contact element type 55 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 56. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.66176 Average contact pair depth 0.49894 72 Default pinball region factor PINB The resulting pinball region Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC Heat radiation is excluded. 0.25000 0.12474 8132.2 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 6.392388234E-05 was detected between contact element 121724 and target element 122133. You may move entire target surface by : x= -1.105597113E-05, y= 6.296052918E-05, z= -1.105944355E-09,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 56 and contact element type 55 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 55. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.69045 Average contact pair depth 0.57263 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.14316 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 5.519168303E-05 was detected between contact element 121824 and target element 121516. You may move entire target surface by : x= 1.041896024E-05, y= -5.419932739E-05, z= 7.317636568E-09,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 57 and contact element type 57 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 58. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.64698 Average contact pair depth 0.49275 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 73 The resulting pinball region Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC Heat radiation is excluded. 0.12319 8132.2 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 4.911480547E-05 was detected between contact element 122513 and target element 122817. You may move entire target surface by : x= -3.616736864E-05, y= -3.322928772E-05, z= -2.860434498E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 58 and contact element type 57 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 57. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.70909 Average contact pair depth 0.76541 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.19135 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 5.514479521E-05 was detected between contact element 122693 and target element 122377. You may move entire target surface by : x= 4.00423751E-05, y= 3.791512404E-05, z= -2.048224183E-09,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 59 and contact element type 59 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 60. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.64624 Average contact pair depth 0.48711 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.12178 74 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC Heat radiation is excluded. 8132.2 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.194829801E-05 was detected between contact element 123053 and target element 123380. You may move entire target surface by : x= -1.684397794E-05, y= -1.407153839E-05, z= 1.184423907E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 60 and contact element type 59 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 59. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.73794 Average contact pair depth 0.96865 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.24216 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.502017116E-05 was detected between contact element 123290 and target element 122995. You may move entire target surface by : x= 1.902230665E-05, y= 1.625302478E-05, z= -1.774989966E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 61 and contact element type 61 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 62. Both pairs should have the same behavior. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 ANSYS has found the contact pairs have similar mesh patterns which can cause overconstraint. You may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.57066 Average contact pair depth 0.63940 75 Default pinball region factor PINB The resulting pinball region Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC Heat radiation is excluded. 0.25000 0.15985 8132.2 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Min. Initial gap 0.1 was detected between contact element 123460 and target element 123571. The gap is closed due to initial adjustment. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 62 and contact element type 61 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 61. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.57066 Average contact pair depth 0.68417 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.17104 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Min. Initial gap 0.1 was detected between contact element 123547 and target element 123427. The gap is closed due to initial adjustment. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 63 and contact element type 63 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 64. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. 76 Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.69463 Average contact pair depth 0.49228 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.12307 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.542923049E-05 was detected between contact element 123886 and target element 124845. You may move entire target surface by : x= 2.484725735E-05, y= 5.409211178E-06, z= 6.192739694E-11,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 64 and contact element type 63 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 63. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.69884 Average contact pair depth 0.57451 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.14363 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.808998702E-05 was detected between contact element 124551 and target element 123728. You may move entire target surface by : x= -2.738913375E-05, y= -6.235601254E-06, z= -4.31127651E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 65 and contact element type 65 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 66. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation 77 for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.64339 Average contact pair depth 0.48880 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.12220 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.768708538E-05 was detected between contact element 125079 and target element 125414. You may move entire target surface by : x= 2.161799398E-05, y= 1.72984691E-05, z= -1.338721045E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 66 and contact element type 65 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 65. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.64926 Average contact pair depth 0.65569 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.16392 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.809381993E-05 was detected between contact element 125255 and target element 125047. You may move entire target surface by : x= -2.223147925E-05, y= -1.71762641E-05, z= 4.060435789E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 67 and contact element type 67 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 68. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. 78 Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.69598 Average contact pair depth 0.49122 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.12280 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.253376569E-05 was detected between contact element 125703 and target element 125907. You may move entire target surface by : x= 1.860669086E-05, y= -1.271069044E-05, z= -1.045135663E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 68 and contact element type 67 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 67. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.74677 Average contact pair depth 0.76862 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.19216 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 1.854243924E-05 was detected between contact element 125821 and target element 125626. You may move entire target surface by : x= -1.290612723E-05, y= 1.331367465E-05, z= 2.705054325E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 69 and contact element type 69 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 70. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point 79 Average contact surface length Average contact pair depth Default pinball region factor PINB The resulting pinball region Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC Heat radiation is excluded. 0.72238 0.49474 0.25000 0.12368 8132.2 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 6.879091034E-05 was detected between contact element 126491 and target element 127184. You may move entire target surface by : x= -6.858246615E-05, y= 5.351138488E-06, z= 1.564663937E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.359 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 70 and contact element type 69 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 69. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.68865 Average contact pair depth 0.57340 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.14335 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 6.283435565E-05 was detected between contact element 126875 and target element 126361. You may move entire target surface by : x= 6.232152618E-05, y= 8.011466254E-06, z= -5.678923711E-09,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 71 and contact element type 71 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 72. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.67621 80 Average contact pair depth Default pinball region factor PINB The resulting pinball region Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC Heat radiation is excluded. 0.47534 0.25000 0.11884 8132.2 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.337111178E-05 was detected between contact element 127417 and target element 127815. You may move entire target surface by : x= -2.335020499E-05, y= -9.883282647E-07, z= -1.761990761E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 72 and contact element type 71 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 71. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.64428 Average contact pair depth 0.66105 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.16526 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 1.685003924E-05 was detected between contact element 127565 and target element 127260. You may move entire target surface by : x= 6.548313265E-06, y= -1.552557296E-05, z= 1.776353582E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 73 and contact element type 73 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 74. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.70058 Average contact pair depth 0.48788 81 Default pinball region factor PINB The resulting pinball region Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC Heat radiation is excluded. 0.25000 0.12197 8132.2 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 1.652420186E-05 was detected between contact element 127965 and target element 128277. You may move entire target surface by : x= -1.652411212E-05, y= -5.445871725E-08, z= -5.435731265E-11,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 74 and contact element type 73 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 73. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.72351 Average contact pair depth 0.77368 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.19342 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 1.639712441E-05 was detected between contact element 128199 and target element 127835. You may move entire target surface by : x= 1.095346431E-05, y= 1.220193871E-05, z= -6.283429372E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 75 and contact element type 75 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 76. Both pairs should have the same behavior. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 ANSYS has found the contact pairs have similar mesh patterns which can cause overconstraint. You may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point 82 Average contact surface length Average contact pair depth Default pinball region factor PINB The resulting pinball region Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC Heat radiation is excluded. 0.54169 0.68711 0.25000 0.17178 8132.2 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Min. Initial gap 0.1 was detected between contact element 128371 and target element 128468. The gap is closed due to initial adjustment. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 76 and contact element type 75 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 75. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.54169 Average contact pair depth 0.65937 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.16484 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Min. Initial gap 0.1 was detected between contact element 128436 and target element 128355. The gap is closed due to initial adjustment. *** WARNING *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 77 and contact element type 77 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 78. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. 83 Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.73208 Average contact pair depth 0.43906 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.10977 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 4.273163219E-05 was detected between contact element 128675 and target element 129542. You may move entire target surface by : x= 1.198617965E-05, y= 4.101614178E-05, z= 5.101860249E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 78 and contact element type 77 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 77. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.50242 Average contact pair depth 0.46437 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.11609 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 3.195679891E-05 was detected between contact element 129154 and target element 128553. You may move entire target surface by : x= -7.647687918E-06, y= -3.10282101E-05, z= -6.607203956E-09,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 79 and contact element type 79 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 80. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and 84 heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.73555 Average contact pair depth 0.43400 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.10850 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 6.296426903E-05 was detected between contact element 129946 and target element 130183. You may move entire target surface by : x= 6.293521867E-05, y= -1.912439603E-06, z= 1.873205396E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 80 and contact element type 79 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 79. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.77624 Average contact pair depth 0.99420 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.24855 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 6.301878547E-05 was detected between contact element 130079 and target element 129828. You may move entire target surface by : x= -6.298767845E-05, y= 1.97981981E-06, z= -4.990786046E-11,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 81 and contact element type 81 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 82. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. 85 Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.72424 Average contact pair depth 0.43599 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.10900 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.490960325E-05 was detected between contact element 130393 and target element 131217. You may move entire target surface by : x= -2.168222123E-05, y= -1.226252896E-05, z= 1.401813662E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 82 and contact element type 81 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 81. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.55736 Average contact pair depth 0.54185 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.13546 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.794011479E-05 was detected between contact element 130848 and target element 130303. You may move entire target surface by : x= 2.311040429E-05, y= -1.570220374E-05, z= -5.07729011E-09,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 83 and contact element type 83 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 84. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation 86 for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.72127 Average contact pair depth 0.44189 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.11047 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 5.74459156E-05 was detected between contact element 131466 and target element 131729. You may move entire target surface by : x= -8.676613589E-06, y= 5.678687873E-05, z= -4.433769371E-20,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 84 and contact element type 83 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 83. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.69586 Average contact pair depth 0.82244 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.20561 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 5.784529863E-05 was detected between contact element 131631 and target element 131399. You may move entire target surface by : x= 1.886899183E-05, y= -5.468125544E-05, z= 4.868776631E-09,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 85 and contact element type 85 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 86. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. 87 Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.68561 Average contact pair depth 0.51771 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.12943 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 1.065814104E-14 was detected between contact element 132065 and target element 132562. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 86 and contact element type 85 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 85. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.67144 Average contact pair depth 0.57316 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.14329 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 7.105427358E-15 was detected between contact element 132270 and target element 131872. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 87 and contact element type 87 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 88. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.62541 Average contact pair depth 0.52393 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.13098 88 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC Heat radiation is excluded. 8132.2 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 1.84755447E-05 was detected between contact element 134076 and target element 135321. You may move entire target surface by : x= 1.767588004E-05, y= -5.376710196E-06, z= 2.015866167E-09,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 88 and contact element type 87 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 87. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.73073 Average contact pair depth 0.89259 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.22315 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.85969551E-05 was detected between contact element 134708 and target element 133458. You may move entire target surface by : x= -2.714475352E-05, y= 8.997121598E-06, z= -1.851066181E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 89 and contact element type 89 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 90. Both pairs should have the same behavior. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 ANSYS has found the contact pairs have similar mesh patterns which can cause overconstraint. You may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.67267 Average contact pair depth 0.57504 89 Default pinball region factor PINB The resulting pinball region Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC Heat radiation is excluded. 0.25000 0.14376 8132.2 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 1.421085472E-14 was detected between contact element 135888 and target element 136248. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 90 and contact element type 89 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 89. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.67144 Average contact pair depth 0.57960 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.14490 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 1.421085472E-14 was detected between contact element 136107 and target element 135728. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 91 and contact element type 91 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 92. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.67009 Average contact pair depth 0.57150 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.14287 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 90 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.376371608E-05 was detected between contact element 137154 and target element 138503. You may move entire target surface by : x= 2.3763108E-05, y= 1.69948659E-07, z= -4.178321028E-09,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 92 and contact element type 91 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 91. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.72866 Average contact pair depth 0.80115 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.20029 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 3.647342115E-05 was detected between contact element 137992 and target element 136781. You may move entire target surface by : x= -1.750064032E-05, y= 3.200059434E-05, z= 1.753492719E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 93 and contact element type 93 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 94. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.67607 Average contact pair depth 0.56754 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.14188 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. 91 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.954347729E-05 was detected between contact element 139718 and target element 141473. You may move entire target surface by : x= 2.523557896E-05, y= -1.536172458E-05, z= -4.754066044E-09,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 94 and contact element type 93 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 93. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.70570 Average contact pair depth 0.74807 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.18702 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.375 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 4.430058386E-05 was detected between contact element 140891 and target element 139216. You may move entire target surface by : x= -3.82299024E-05, y= 2.238339322E-05, z= 4.705728529E-11,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.391 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 95 and contact element type 95 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 96. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.67227 Average contact pair depth 0.58122 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.14531 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. 92 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.391 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 1.421085472E-14 was detected between contact element 142133 and target element 142679. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.391 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 96 and contact element type 95 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 95. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.52691 Average contact pair depth 0.40906 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.10226 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.391 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 1.421085472E-14 was detected between contact element 142516 and target element 142044. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.391 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 97 and contact element type 97 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 98. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.66997 Average contact pair depth 0.58002 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.14500 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.391 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.441750294E-05 was detected between contact element 143660 and target element 145248. You may move entire target surface by : x= 2.441687813E-05, y= 1.74624283E-07, z= -4.293274909E-09,to reduce initial penetration. 93 **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.391 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 98 and contact element type 97 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 97. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.72188 Average contact pair depth 0.77996 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.19499 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.391 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 3.827197813E-05 was detected between contact element 144695 and target element 143146. You may move entire target surface by : x= -3.827043827E-05, y= -3.433141059E-07, z= 1.296479505E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.391 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 99 and contact element type 99 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 100. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.66923 Average contact pair depth 0.57823 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.14456 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.391 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.928461929E-05 was detected between contact element 146283 and target element 147634. You may move entire target surface by : x= 1.522712616E-05, y= -2.501446649E-05, z= -4.712411231E-09,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** 94 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.391 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 100 and contact element type 99 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 99. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.72950 Average contact pair depth 0.84865 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.21216 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.391 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 4.119931515E-05 was detected between contact element 147131 and target element 145771. You may move entire target surface by : x= -2.111920858E-05, y= 3.537460385E-05, z= -1.262781009E-10,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 23.391 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 101 and contact element type 101 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 102. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may keep the current pair and deactivate its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.53455 Average contact pair depth 0.45336 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.11334 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.391 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.125641132E-05 was detected between contact element 150020 and target element 152652. You may move entire target surface by : x= 1.837289421E-05, y= -1.0689797E-05, z= 4.548162383E-09,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** 95 *** NOTE *** CP = 23.391 TIME= 07:56:00 Symmetric Deformable- deformable contact pair identified by real constant set 102 and contact element type 101 has been set up. The companion pair has real constant set ID 101. Both pairs should have the same behavior. For asymmetric contact analysis, you may deactivate the current pair and keep its companion pair. Pure thermal contact is active. The emissivity is defined through the material property. Thermal convection coefficient, environment temperature, and heat flux are defined through SFE command. Target temperature is used for convection/radiation calculation for near field contact. Contact detection at: Gauss integration point Average contact surface length 0.75163 Average contact pair depth 0.91459 Default pinball region factor PINB 0.25000 The resulting pinball region 0.22865 Initial penetration/gap is excluded. Bonded contact (always) is defined. Thermal contact conductance coef. TCC 8132.2 Heat radiation is excluded. *** NOTE *** CP = 23.391 TIME= 07:56:00 Max. Initial penetration 2.665659644E-05 was detected between contact element 151776 and target element 149351. You may move entire target surface by : x= -2.528280611E-05, y= -8.447120753E-06, z= 4.659611731E-11,to reduce initial penetration. **************************************** *** NOTE *** CP = 32.328 TIME= 07:56:10 The PCG solver has automatically set the level of difficulty for this model to 2. Range of element maximum matrix coefficients in global coordinates Maximum= 659.862527 at element 135932. Minimum= 1.052931141E-05 at element 169034. *** ELEMENT MATRIX FORMULATION TIMES TYPE NUMBER ENAME TOTAL CP AVE CP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 32588 915 885 1423 1457 1412 1325 960 1008 11628 11009 10773 9829 3328 3317 3565 1001 1001 922 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 2.812 0.109 0.031 0.234 0.047 0.375 0.188 0.031 0.141 0.938 1.109 1.016 0.781 0.328 0.312 0.328 0.703 0.063 0.641 0.000086 0.000120 0.000035 0.000165 0.000032 0.000266 0.000142 0.000033 0.000140 0.000081 0.000101 0.000094 0.000079 0.000099 0.000094 0.000092 0.000702 0.000062 0.000695 96 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 922 1308 1308 1352 1352 1297 1297 1312 1312 954 954 994 994 170 170 628 628 80 80 437 437 308 308 427 427 294 294 116 116 648 648 270 270 271 271 671 671 260 260 279 279 116 116 634 634 302 302 248 248 618 618 289 289 254 254 84 84 624 624 222 222 568 568 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 0.016 1.562 0.000 1.344 0.000 1.172 0.031 0.844 0.063 0.609 0.063 1.031 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.438 0.078 0.000 0.000 0.203 0.000 0.156 0.016 0.234 0.031 0.156 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.250 0.063 0.063 0.000 0.125 0.000 0.469 0.000 0.125 0.000 0.156 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.359 0.063 0.141 0.031 0.172 0.000 0.438 0.000 0.125 0.000 0.094 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.469 0.031 0.188 0.031 0.406 0.000 0.000017 0.001195 0.000000 0.000994 0.000000 0.000904 0.000024 0.000643 0.000048 0.000639 0.000066 0.001037 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000697 0.000124 0.000000 0.000000 0.000465 0.000000 0.000507 0.000051 0.000549 0.000073 0.000531 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000386 0.000096 0.000231 0.000000 0.000461 0.000000 0.000699 0.000000 0.000481 0.000000 0.000560 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000567 0.000099 0.000466 0.000103 0.000693 0.000000 0.000708 0.000000 0.000433 0.000000 0.000369 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000751 0.000050 0.000845 0.000141 0.000715 0.000000 97 83 263 CONTA174 0.125 0.000475 84 263 TARGE170 0.000 0.000000 85 370 CONTA174 0.125 0.000338 86 370 TARGE170 0.000 0.000000 87 1504 CONTA174 1.312 0.000873 88 1504 TARGE170 0.047 0.000031 89 374 CONTA174 0.125 0.000334 90 374 TARGE170 0.000 0.000000 91 1372 CONTA174 1.078 0.000786 92 1372 TARGE170 0.047 0.000034 93 1418 CONTA174 1.141 0.000804 94 1418 TARGE170 0.094 0.000066 95 463 CONTA174 0.188 0.000405 96 463 TARGE170 0.063 0.000135 97 1399 CONTA174 1.281 0.000916 98 1399 TARGE170 0.000 0.000000 99 1381 CONTA174 1.125 0.000815 100 1381 TARGE170 0.000 0.000000 101 2260 CONTA174 2.750 0.001217 102 2260 TARGE170 0.078 0.000035 103 1652 SURF152 0.156 0.000095 104 6949 SURF152 0.812 0.000117 105 1896 SURF152 0.141 0.000074 106 3330 SURF152 0.391 0.000117 107 3324 SURF152 0.375 0.000113 108 2403 SURF152 0.141 0.000059 109 1309 SURF152 0.078 0.000060 Time at end of element matrix formulation CP= 56.09375. HT FLOW CONVERGENCE VALUE= 0.6264E+05 CRITERION= 72.02 PRECONDITIONED SOLVER CP TIME = PRECONDITIONED SOLVER ELAPSED TIME = 21.312 15.200 *** ELEMENT RESULT CALCULATION TIMES TYPE NUMBER ENAME TOTAL CP AVE CP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 32588 915 885 1423 1457 1412 1325 960 1008 11628 11009 10773 9829 3328 3317 3565 1001 1001 922 922 1308 1308 1352 1352 1297 1297 1312 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 2.062 0.031 0.000 0.078 0.156 0.297 0.000 0.016 0.094 0.531 0.812 0.938 0.219 0.125 0.250 0.359 0.641 0.000 0.750 0.000 0.594 0.000 0.531 0.031 0.656 0.000 0.438 0.000063 0.000034 0.000000 0.000055 0.000107 0.000210 0.000000 0.000016 0.000093 0.000046 0.000074 0.000087 0.000022 0.000038 0.000075 0.000101 0.000640 0.000000 0.000813 0.000000 0.000454 0.000000 0.000393 0.000023 0.000506 0.000000 0.000333 98 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 1312 954 954 994 994 170 170 628 628 80 80 437 437 308 308 427 427 294 294 116 116 648 648 270 270 271 271 671 671 260 260 279 279 116 116 634 634 302 302 248 248 618 618 289 289 254 254 84 84 624 624 222 222 568 568 263 263 370 370 1504 1504 374 374 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 0.000 0.188 0.063 0.219 0.016 0.094 0.000 0.484 0.000 0.031 0.000 0.156 0.000 0.109 0.000 0.484 0.000 0.094 0.000 0.125 0.000 0.141 0.016 0.094 0.000 0.188 0.000 0.391 0.031 0.219 0.000 0.141 0.000 0.063 0.000 0.250 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.078 0.000 0.219 0.000 0.031 0.000 0.141 0.031 0.000 0.000 0.281 0.000 0.188 0.000 0.156 0.000 0.031 0.000 0.063 0.031 0.688 0.031 0.031 0.016 0.000000 0.000197 0.000066 0.000220 0.000016 0.000551 0.000000 0.000771 0.000000 0.000391 0.000000 0.000358 0.000000 0.000355 0.000000 0.001134 0.000000 0.000319 0.000000 0.001078 0.000000 0.000217 0.000024 0.000347 0.000000 0.000692 0.000000 0.000582 0.000047 0.000841 0.000000 0.000504 0.000000 0.000539 0.000000 0.000394 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000315 0.000000 0.000354 0.000000 0.000108 0.000000 0.000554 0.000123 0.000000 0.000000 0.000451 0.000000 0.000845 0.000000 0.000275 0.000000 0.000119 0.000000 0.000169 0.000084 0.000457 0.000021 0.000084 0.000042 99 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 1372 1372 1418 1418 463 463 1399 1399 1381 1381 2260 2260 1652 6949 1896 3330 3324 2403 1309 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 SURF152 SURF152 SURF152 SURF152 SURF152 SURF152 SURF152 0.422 0.000 1.016 0.000 0.063 0.000 0.688 0.000 0.750 0.000 1.109 0.125 0.125 0.609 0.125 0.422 0.781 0.344 0.000 *** NODAL LOAD CALCULATION TIMES TYPE NUMBER ENAME TOTAL CP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 32588 915 885 1423 1457 1412 1325 960 1008 11628 11009 10773 9829 3328 3317 3565 1001 1001 922 922 1308 1308 1352 1352 1297 1297 1312 1312 954 954 994 994 170 170 628 628 80 80 437 437 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 SOLID87 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 0.312 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.063 0.031 0.094 0.000 0.000 0.063 0.031 0.125 0.125 0.000 0.156 0.047 0.078 0.094 0.063 0.000 0.031 0.016 0.000 0.000 0.063 0.031 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.016 0.016 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.078 0.156 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.063 0.000307 0.000000 0.000716 0.000000 0.000135 0.000000 0.000491 0.000000 0.000543 0.000000 0.000491 0.000055 0.000076 0.000088 0.000066 0.000127 0.000235 0.000143 0.000000 AVE CP 0.000010 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000043 0.000022 0.000071 0.000000 0.000000 0.000005 0.000003 0.000012 0.000013 0.000000 0.000047 0.000013 0.000078 0.000094 0.000068 0.000000 0.000024 0.000012 0.000000 0.000000 0.000048 0.000024 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000016 0.000016 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000124 0.000249 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000143 100 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 308 308 427 427 294 294 116 116 648 648 270 270 271 271 671 671 260 260 279 279 116 116 634 634 302 302 248 248 618 618 289 289 254 254 84 84 624 624 222 222 568 568 263 263 370 370 1504 1504 374 374 1372 1372 1418 1418 463 463 1399 1399 1381 1381 2260 2260 1652 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 CONTA174 TARGE170 SURF152 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.156 0.047 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.031 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.031 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.063 0.000 0.000 0.031 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.031 0.016 0.109 0.125 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.031 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.031 0.031 0.000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000241 0.000072 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000103 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000051 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000100 0.000000 0.000000 0.000141 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000084 0.000042 0.000080 0.000091 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000022 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000014 0.000014 0.000000 101 104 105 106 107 108 109 *** LOAD *** TIME 6949 SURF152 0.016 0.000002 1896 SURF152 0.031 0.000016 3330 SURF152 0.031 0.000009 3324 SURF152 0.156 0.000047 2403 SURF152 0.047 0.000020 1309 SURF152 0.000 0.000000 STEP 1 SUBSTEP 1 COMPLETED. = 1.00000 TIME INC = 1.00000 CUM ITER = 1 NEW TRIANG MATRIX *** ANSYS BINARY FILE STATISTICS BUFFER SIZE USED= 16384 124.812 MB WRITTEN ON ELEMENT SAVED DATA FILE: file.esav 115.375 MB WRITTEN ON RESULTS FILE: file.rth **************************************************** *************** FINISHED SOLVE FOR LS 1 ************* PARAMETER _DS_PROGRESS *GET _WALLASOL FROM DELETED. ACTI ITEM=TIME WALL VALUE= 7.95083333 FINISH SOLUTION PROCESSING ***** ROUTINE COMPLETED ***** CP = 93.281 1 ***** ANSYS - ENGINEERING ANALYSIS SYSTEM RELEASE 11.0SP1 ***** ANSYS Mechanical U 00211543 VERSION=INTEL NT 07:57:04 NOV 20, 2009 CP= 93.297 ***** ANSYS RESULTS INTERPRETATION (POST1) ***** *** NOTE *** CP = 93.328 TIME= 07:57:04 Reading results into the database (SET command) will update the current displacement and force boundary conditions in the database with the values from the results file for that load set. Note that any subsequent solutions will use these values unless action is taken to either SAVE the current values or not overwrite them (/EXIT,NOSAVE). Set Output of XML File to: PARM, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , DATABASE WRITTEN ON FILE parm.xml PRINTOUT RESUMED BY /GOP *GET _WALLDONE FROM ACTI ITEM=TIME WALL PARAMETER _PREPTIME = 10.00000000 PARAMETER _SOLVTIME = 80.00000000 102 VALUE= 7.95111111 , , PARAMETER _POSTTIME = 1.000000000 PARAMETER _TOTALTIM = 91.00000000 EXIT THE ANSYS POST1 DATABASE PROCESSOR ***** ROUTINE COMPLETED ***** CP = 93.328 EXIT ANSYS WITHOUT SAVING DATABASE NUMBER OF WARNING MESSAGES ENCOUNTERED= 30 NUMBER OF ERROR MESSAGES ENCOUNTERED= 0 ***************************************************** CPU TIME SPENT FOR CONTACT DATABASE 3.828 CONTACT SEARCH 30.109 CONTACT ELEMENTS 7.188 OTHER ELEMENTS 8.688 EQUATION SOLVER 39.812 TOTAL SYSTEM 85.797 ***************************************************** *** PAGE FILE USED *** NUMBER OF R/W OPERATIONS= MAXIMUM RECORD NUMBER = RECORD SIZE (I*4 WORDS) = PAGE FILE SIZE (MB) = 78015 3700 16384 231.250 *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* | | | ANSYS RUN COMPLETED | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Release 11.0SP1 UP20070830 INTEL NT | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | Maximum Scratch Memory Used = 65075252 Words 248.242 MB | | | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | CP Time (sec) = 93.375 Time = 07:57:04 | | Elapsed Time (sec) = 94.000 Date = 11/20/2009 | | | *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* 103