Democratic Club Planning Guide The CDC is the umbrella organization of all Democratic Clubs and County Committees in California. The CDC provides this and other helpful documents to all affiliated members. P.O. Box 6591 Ventura CA 93006 P.O. Box 6591 Ventura CA 93006 (800)446-9709 Democratic Club Creation Guide In order to ensure that new clubs can be created quickly and efficiently, CDC has designed the following strategic plan as a guideline. Following this outline will ensure that your club is created with all the legal and political requirements associated with a Democratic Club. In general, you should allow yourself a minimum of four weeks as your timeframe before the club organizational meeting. This will allow you plenty of time to find a venue for the meeting, properly advertise the event, and invite local legislators that can help draw attendees. You need at least thirty days prior to the meeting to make sure you will be able to meet publishing deadlines. Just as with a campaign, once you have set a date, start planning backwards from that date. This will help you develop the timeline for your tasks. Start with the following information: Club Area: Meeting Location: Meeting Date: Democratic Club Creation Planning Guide P.O. Box 6591 Ventura CA 93006 (800)446-9709 Basic Guidelines to Starting a Club There are several things that need to be done in order to properly charter and register your club. 1. Membership Requirements: Most counties require a minimum of 20 founding members to charter a club. Some only require 10 - check with your county Democratic Central Committee to be sure. The club members may not be listed as charter members of another chartered Democratic club. a. At your initial meeting, find out if the group just wants to have informal meetings or if there is enough interest in forming an official club that requires officers, bylaws, bank accounts, etc. b. If an official club is to be created, continue seeking out other interested people until you meet the minimum requirements. Everyone needs to help and it may take several meetings or weeks/months. 2. During this time, search out possible meeting venues, review bylaws (CDC has a template) and start thinking about who will be the initial officers. 3. As you get closer to meeting the member requirements, begin planning the initial organizational meeting date by inviting local legislators, party members, other clubs, etc.. 4. The organization meeting is where you will approve the initial bylaws which determine what officers will be elected, the club’s name, meeting times, dues, etc.. You should have an agenda (CDC has a template), camera to record the founding meeting, charter signup sheet and membership forms. 5. No money may be collected until the club has a treasurer. In fact, it is best not to collect any money (cash or checks) until the club has a bank account. Finance law dictates that any checks received must be deposited within 10 days!! 6. After the initial meeting, you need to get the rest of the logistics in order. a. The club needs a PO Box so that you can put an address on the bank application and everything else you will need to file. DO NOT use an individual’s address as this will cause problems with finance reporting, etc. down the road. b. You will need an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS. c. Once you get the EIN, file as a non-profit political organization with the IRS. 7. Once you have the EIN, you can open the bank checking account. You will need letterhead (something with the club name/address) signed by both the secretary and president stating Democratic Club Creation Planning Guide P.O. Box 6591 Ventura CA 93006 (800)446-9709 when the club was formed and who the officers are. You will also need the EIN and a copy of the minutes from the meeting when the club was formed. a. Signatures on the account should be the president and treasurer. Only one signature should be required for checks or you will have to send checks back and forth to be signed. (NOTE: The bylaws can state that checks over a specified amount require two signatures.) b. Depending on the planned activities of the club, you may need to open two checking accounts, one for state and one for federal. Name each accordingly. c. Washington Mutual has the least number of fees. 8. File Form 410 with the Secretary of State. 9. File FEC Form 1 with the FEC (if needed). For bank and financial reporting advice, we suggest you call a political treasurer to determine your exact needs. Please contact CDC for a more detailed plan and help with creating your club: Democratic Club Creation Planning Guide P.O. Box 6591 Ventura CA 93006 (800)446-9709 Before the Meeting: A properly planned organizational meeting requires a lot of tasks to be completed before the meeting. Please enter the dates for the following tasks to be completed before the meeting and use the checkboxes to mark off the tasks as you complete them. Date Due Four weeks prior: _____/_____/_____ Task to be completed: Review and submit press releases. (Use attached sample) Four weeks prior: _____/_____/_____ List of local newspapers and submission deadlines. Find out if free section for community events, if not, cost of small ad? $ _____________ List of local weekly/monthly magazines/newspapers and submission deadlines. Four weeks prior: _____/_____/_____ Four weeks prior: _____/_____/_____ List of local legislators/guests. (Use attached worksheet) Send invitations to local legislators/guests. (Use attached sample) Four weeks prior: _____/_____/_____ Invite county DCC chair. Four weeks prior: _____/_____/_____ Design and make copies of flyer. (Use attached sample) Confirm venue. Order food. Develop meeting agenda and send out. (Use attached sample) Four weeks prior: _____/_____/_____ Three weeks prior: _____/_____/_____ Two weeks prior: _____/_____/_____ Two weeks prior: _____/_____/_____ Two weeks prior: _____/_____/_____ One week prior: _____/_____/_____ Three days prior: _____/_____/_____ Three days prior: _____/_____/_____ Two days prior: _____/_____/_____ Complete? Make copies of agenda. Have camera ready/charged and someone to take pictures. Democratic Club Creation Planning Guide P.O. Box 6591 Ventura CA 93006 (800)446-9709 During the Meeting Complete? Task to be completed: Pass out Agenda. Elect officers. Define mailing address for club. Approve bylaws. Present leadership manual. Take pictures for website/newsletter. Define regular meeting date/location. Obtain 20 signatures for charter. Democratic Club Creation Planning Guide P.O. Box 6591 Ventura CA 93006 (800)446-9709 After the Meeting Date Due Task to be completed: Complete? One week after: _____/_____/_____ Open P.O. Box for club. One week after: _____/_____/_____ Obtain Employee Identification Number (IRS) Form SS-4. One week after: _____/_____/_____ File form FPPC# 410 and/or FEC Form 1. One week after: _____/_____/_____ File IRS Form 8871 electronically to set up 527 tax exempt status. One week after: _____/_____/_____ One week after: _____/_____/_____ Two weeks after: _____/_____/_____ Order web site from CDC. Open state and federal bank accounts. Two weeks after: _____/_____/_____ Three weeks after: Turn in CDC affiliation paperwork. _____/_____/_____ Three weeks after: Turn in Los Angeles County charter documents. _____/_____/_____ Three weeks after: _____/_____/_____ Four weeks after: _____/_____/_____ Order club banner and table from CDC. Four weeks after: _____/_____/_____ Democratic Club Creation Planning Guide P.O. Box 6591 Ventura CA 93006 (800)446-9709 Expense List Complete? Expense: Cost Cost of newspaper ad(s). Cost of food & beverages. Copying/printing. Postage Total: Democratic Club Creation Planning Guide P.O. Box 6591 Ventura CA 93006 (800)446-9709 Media List and Submission Deadlines Date Due Media Name Submitted? Four weeks prior: _____/_____/_____ Four weeks prior: _____/_____/_____ Four weeks prior: _____/_____/_____ Three weeks prior: _____/_____/_____ Three weeks prior: _____/_____/_____ Three weeks prior: _____/_____/_____ Two weeks prior: _____/_____/_____ Two weeks prior: _____/_____/_____ Two weeks prior: _____/_____/_____ One week prior: _____/_____/_____ One week prior: _____/_____/_____ One week prior: _____/_____/_____ Democratic Club Creation Planning Guide P.O. Box 6591 Ventura CA 93006 (800)446-9709 Legislator/Guest Invitation List Invitation Sent? Name/Address/Contact Attending? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Democratic Club Creation Planning Guide P.O. Box 6591 Ventura CA 93006 (800)446-9709 Agenda ------ Democratic Club Organizational Meeting October 14th, 2009, 7:00pm 1. Call Meeting to Order 2. Flag Salute 3. Introduction of Speakers a. --------, Chair, County Central Committee b. --------, Regional Director c. d. 4. Declaration of Club Name 5. Determination of Meeting Dates/Location 6. Adoption of Bylaws 7. Election of Officers 8. Signing of Charter (20 signatures) 9. Open Forum 10. Adjourn P.O. Box 6591 Ventura CA 93006 (800)446-9709 Senator State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814 Dear Senator xxxxxx , The California Democratic Council (CDC) is pleased to inform you that a new Democratic club is forming in your district. As the local Regional Vice President for the CDC, I would like to invite you as a guest speaker at the organizational meeting for our newest club in the ---- area on Sunday, 10am, October 14, 2007. The CDC is the statewide association of Democratic Clubs and County Committees. CDC provides a forum for local Democratic clubs to communicate with one another and forward a statewide progressive agenda. CDC supports Democratic clubs and county committees by providing training, operational best practices guidance, and a variety of services designed to create new clubs and help existing clubs and county committees grow and prosper. The location of the new club meeting will be at ---------------------------------------------. We will be inviting a variety of local and state legislators as well as, of course, numerous Democrats from around the area. I hope your schedule – and interest, will allow you to attend. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thanks in advance for your consideration, Your Name Regional Vice President, (999)999-9999 P.O. Box 6591 Ventura CA 93006 (800)446-9709 Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: CONTACT: Your Name (999) 999-9999 CDC Starts New Democratic Club in -------! Los Angeles, CA , September 25, 2007 - The California Democratic Council (CDC), in cooperation with the Los Angeles County Democratic Party (LACDP), is pleased to announce the creation of a new Democratic club for the ------- area. The new club will have its initial organizational meeting on Saturday, October 11th at 2pm. The meeting will be held at --------------------- . Eric Bauman, chair of the LACDP, will be attending the event. ‘We are excited to offer a new venue for grassroot Democrats living in the -------- area which allows them to participate in local, state and national politics.”, said Henry Vandermeir, President of the California Democratic Council. “With the presidential election coming up, it is extremely important that every Democrat has access to a local Democratic club. Any Democrat interested in becoming involved with the political process is encouraged to attend this meeting.” Vandermeir also noted that additional local Democratic Party leaders and elected officials will be attending the event. For additional information, please contact Your Name at 999-999-9999; Regional Vice President for the CDC. ABOUT THE CALIFORNIA DEMOCRACTIC COUNCIL- The California Democratic Council (often called the “CDC") is the statewide association of Democratic Clubs and County Committees. CDC provides a forum for local Democratic clubs to communicate with one another and forward a statewide progressive agenda. CDC supports Democratic clubs and county committees by providing training, operational best practices guidance, and a variety of services designed to create new clubs and help existing clubs and county committees grow and prosper. - ### – Democrats Unite! Sunday, January 19, 2009, 10:00am ---- Democratic Club Organizational Meeting Invited Speakers: , State Senator Eric Bauman, Chair, LA County Democratic Party Henry Vandermeir, President, California Democratic Council , ---- City Council , ---- School Board Help unite the Democrats in the ---- area by joining your fellow Democratic neighbors at this meeting! You can make a difference by becoming involved with the grassroots movement in the ---- area and help us create the newest Democratic club in the county. Only by organizing and actively engaging in our local communities can we beat back the conservative agenda and take back the country we love. Location: Contact: Sample Bylaws For New Clubs The CDC is the umbrella organization of all Democratic Clubs and County Committees in California. The CDC provides this and other helpful documents to all affiliated members. P.O. Box 6591 Ventura CA 93006 T H E X X X X D E M O C R AT I C C L U B Constitution And Bylaws I. NAME The name of this organization shall be the ‘The XXXX Democratic Club’. II. PURPOSE The XXXX Democratic Club (hereinafter called the Club) shall focus its efforts within and around the City of Compton; to advance the goals of the Democratic Party (hereinafter called the Party), through public policy and political issue analysis, education, fund-raising, recruitment, coordination with other Democratic groups, and other activities to benefit the Party. The club shall seek to publicize activities, and to build its membership from registered Democrats within the city. The Club shall develop a work plan, which shall be evaluated by the membership at least once every six months. This work plan shall include a report on the number of registered Democrats within and around the city of Compton, a report on Democratic voter turnout, and a comparison of local Democratic statistics to other political affiliations. III. AFFILIATION A. The Club is officially chartered with the XXXXX County Democratic Party (hereinafter called the XXXXX) and was duly chartered by the Committee on __________________________________, 2009. B. As a chartered and affiliated club of the XXXXX, the Club shall comply with bylaws of the XXXXX and the California Democratic Party, as they apply to fully chartered local affiliates. C. The Club shall apply for membership as a full affiliate in the California Democratic Council. Membership shall be permitted if approved by a majority vote of the club, or 2/3 of its officers. Constitution and Bylaws Page |1 IV. MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS A. Qualifications: Any individual qualifies for Club membership if: 1) The individual is a registered Democrat; or 2) The individual is ineligible to vote (due to minority, non-residency, or other legal impediment), but pledges to register as a Democrat when eligibility is attained; and 3) Supports the purpose of the Club as stated in Article II, above. B. Active Membership: A qualified individual shall be considered an active member only if 1) The member has attended at least one meeting prior to being eligible to vote and 2) The member has paid all club dues. C. This organization does not require or use any test of membership or oath of loyalty which has the effect of requiring prospective or current members to acquiesce in, condone or support discrimination on the grounds of race, color, creed, national origin, physical ability, sex, age, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation or economic status. D. A member is removed from the club roster for non-payment of dues by the date required in these Bylaws, or for publicly endorsing or financially supporting other than a Democrat in any election. V. DUES A. Dues shall be recommended by the Executive Board and reviewed at the first meeting of each calendar year and presented to the General Membership for approval. B. Dues are due on January 1 and payable by January 31 of each calendar year. C. Annual dues for new active Club members shall be prorated on a monthly basis. D. Membership is effective 30 days after receipt of dues. E. Payment of dues shall not be obligatory to anyone for whom it constitutes an economic hardship, and after due consideration with approval of the Executive Board. Constitution and Bylaws Page |2 VI. MEETINGS A. Regular Meetings 1) The Club shall hold regular monthly meetings on such day as the membership may determine from time to time. 2) Regular meetings shall not be canceled more than 3 times within any calendar year and in no event shall more than 2 regular meetings be canceled in succession. B. Special Meetings 1) Special meetings may be called by the chair at any time, on notice as specified below. 2) In the absence of the chair, any two officers may call a special meeting, on notice as specified below. C. Notice of Meeting 1) Notice of regular or special meetings shall be given at least two weeks in advance to all active members, in any manner as follows: a. Notice in writing by US mail b. Notice in writing by e-mail c. Telephone message 2) Notice of the meeting shall be deemed sufficient by any manner specified above if such notice includes the date, time and place of the meeting and is calculated to be received at least two weeks prior to the meeting. Constitution and Bylaws Page |3 VII. RULES FOR MEETINGS A. The Club shall use the newly revised Roberts Rules of Order to govern parliamentary procedure at all official meetings of the organization, except as specifically noted in these bylaws. B. A quorum for any official meeting of the Club shall be 25 percent of the total organizational membership, or ten members, whichever is smaller, as of 24 hours before the meeting, as reported by the secretary. C. Unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws, the Club may adopt events and conduct regular business with a vote of 50 percent plus one of the members present at any meeting. D. The Club may pass resolutions not related to endorsements with a vote of 2/3 of those present and voting at any meeting. E. A process to consider the endorsement of candidates must be approved prior to any suggestion of endorsements. If the discussion of an endorsement process is noticed in the meeting agenda, such process must be approved by at least 2/3 of those present and voting at any meeting. If the discussion of an endorsement process is brought up from the floor as New Business, such process must be approved by at least three-fourths of those present and voting at any meeting. Under no circumstances may the Club consider the endorsement of a candidate for public office who is not registered with the Democratic Party. The minimum threshold for endorsement in a race with multiple Democratic candidates is two-thirds of the members present and voting. F. Changes to the constitution and bylaws not specifically referenced elsewhere must be noticed to the membership at least one meeting before the vote in question, and must be approved by a vote of 2/3 of those present and voting. Constitution and Bylaws Page |4 VIII. OFFICERS A. Club officers shall consist of chair, vice-chair, secretary and treasurer. They shall be elected in January to serve one-year terms of office. B. If the chair vacates office, the vice-chair shall ascend to the position of chair, until an election is held to fill the chair’s remaining term of office. C. In the temporary absence of the chair, the vice-chair shall serve as chair. If the position of vicechair is vacant, the secretary or treasurer shall serve as vice-chair. D. The secretary shall be responsible to ensure that all members are notified of Club meetings, maintain an updated club roster, and shall maintain all written records of the Club. E. The treasurer shall maintain all financial records of the club, be responsible for bank accounts, ensure FPPC/FEC financial reports are submitted on time, and will provide a monthly financial report at club meetings. F. The chair shall officiate at all meetings of the Club. G. The chair may appoint members temporarily to fill un-expired terms of office, subject to election by the membership at the next Club meeting 30 days after the office is vacated. H. The Club shall be represented at meetings of the DPOC and any Assembly District Committee meetings at which it may be entitled to membership, and at meetings of the California Democratic Council. A person may serve as representative to more than one outside body if the club membership approves. I. The Club is encouraged to appoint a publicity officer, who shall have the responsibility to develop and to implement a plan to increase the visibility of the Club among Democrats within and around the city of Compton. J. The chair may appoint Club members to serve in other capacities as needed. K. The Club may elect such other officers as may be deemed necessary from time to time to conduct Club business. L. The Executive Board shall be composed of the club officers and chairs of standing committees, and shall be responsible for implementing the club’s goal and maintaining financial viability. M. An elected officer can be removed from office by resolution of a two-thirds vote of the Regular members at a General Meeting for such causes as missing three unexcused consecutive meetings or non-performance of duties, providing the membership and the officer have been notified ten days in advance of the meeting of the proposed action against the officer. Constitution and Bylaws Page |5 AMENDMENTS These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote at a general membership meeting after the proposed amendment has been presented to the membership at a preceding meeting. Two week's notice must be provided of each meeting. ADOPTED: _____________________________________________________, 2008 Certified by: _____________________________________________________________________ Secretary Constitution and Bylaws Page |6 Chartering Documents For Los Angeles County The CDC is the umbrella organization of all Democratic Clubs and County Committees in California. The CDC provides this and other helpful documents to all affiliated members. P.O. Box 6591 Ventura CA 93006 Los Angeles County Democratic Party Democratic Club and Organization Charter Application Packet Dear Democratic Organization: Thank you for chartering with the Los Angeles County Democratic Party (LACDP). This packet should answer all of your general questions about the chartering process and the necessary steps to successfully charter your organization. Whether you are forming a new Democratic organization or have chartered with LACDP previously, we suggest that you read through this packet carefully before completing the paperwork as some requirements have been changed. Please submit your completed application, including: The charter application packet; Appropriate fee payable to LACDP; The organization’s current constitution and/or bylaws; and An electronic and hard copy of the membership roster, to: Los Angeles County Democratic Party 3550 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1203 Los Angeles, CA 90010 All applications must be reviewed by the LACDP Organization Committee prior to approval by the LACDP. The review process takes approximately three weeks to complete. Please allow enough time for the committee to process the application. We welcome you to the chartering process. We hope your organization adds great value to your area and empowers all Democrats to get involved with Democratic activities and campaigns. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the LACDP office at (213) 382-0063 or contact us directly. Democratically yours, Patrick Kelly Organization Committee Co-Chair Los Angeles County Democratic Party (310) 426-6321 Sandra Mendoza Organization Committee Co-Chair Los Angeles County Democratic Party (323) 842-0751 FIRST NAME LAST NAME Eric Bauman Bobbie Jean Anderson Terrence Montgomery Karen Wingard Lois Jean Hill Miguel Santiago Garry Shay Darren Parker Marilyn Grunwald F. Robert Nakahiro Evelyn Montoyer-Williams Sergio Carrillo Christopher Robles Robert Forshay Renee Lancon Michael Cruz Gerardo Guzman David Hyman Dolores Press Donald DeLuccio Roz Teller Bobbie McGowan F. Robert Nakahiro Vacant Rosa Russell Theodore Smith, III Felipe Agredano Antonio Monroy Donald Dear Wilma Haynes James Lau Stephanie Loftin Jim Dear Vacant Richard Gibson John P. Perez Janice Nelson Gregg Fritchle Vacant Adam Seiden Clark Lee Los Angeles County Democratic Party Office Los Angeles County Democratic Party 2006-2008 Leadership Contact Information POSITION ASSEMBLY DIST. Chairman Vice Chair Vice Chair Controller Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Parliamentarian Region 1 Vice Chair 36, 37, 38, 39 Region 2 Vice Chair 40, 41, 42 Region 3 Vice Chair 43, 44, 45, 46, 49 Region 4 Vice Chair 47, 48, 51, 52 Region 5 Vice Chair 50, 53, 54, 55, 56 Region 6 Vice Chair 57, 58, 59, 60, 61 AD Delegation Chair 36 AD Delegation Chair 37 AD Delegation Chair 38 AD Delegation Chair 39 AD Delegation Chair 40 AD Delegation Chair 41 AD Delegation Chair 42 AD Delegation Chair 43 AD Delegation Chair 44 AD Delegation Chair 45 AD Delegation Chair 46 AD Delegation Chair 47 AD Delegation Chair 48 AD Delegation Chair 49 AD Delegation Chair 50 AD Delegation Chair 51 AD Delegation Chair 52 AD Delegation Chair 53 AD Delegation Chair 54 AD Delegation Chair 55 AD Delegation Chair 56 AD Delegation Chair 57 AD Delegation Chair 58 AD Delegation Chair 59 AD Delegation Chair 60 AD Delegation Chair 61 Executive Director Political Director 3550 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1203 Los Angeles, CA 90010 PHONE 818.980.8388 323.752.9362 323.292.9146 626.792.4465 323.753.5059 818.416.8645 323.876.6759 661.718.2934 818.703.7930 323.227.6265 323.932.0769 310.748.6495 661.285.8402 818.710.8865 661.250.0740 818.365.0405 818.893.8613 310.395.8917 310.657.1083 818.901.8057 626.447.5876 323.227.6265 323.582.0773 323.936.2844 323.737.4475 626.232.3099 323.581.3023 310.327.8965 323.566.8414 310.699.0531 562.987.4807 310.328.6212 562.322.8876 626.815.5956 323.722.7728 626.355.2997 909.468.9090 909.620.9239 213.382.0063 213.382.0063 213.382.0063 EMAIL Los Angeles County Democratic Party Application for Democratic Organization Charter Calendar Year 2007 Please type or print legibly with black or blue ink. Name of Organization: Mailing Address: City: ZIP: Phone: Fax: Website URL: Email: Please check organization type: Democratic Club Young Democrats Club Political Action Committee (PAC) Other Organizations (i.e., United Democratic Headquarters) Please check charter type: New Charter Newly formed and not previously chartered Renewal Charter Club was chartered last year Prior Club – Lapsed Charter has lapsed due to non-renewal last year Prior Club – Revoked/Denied In order to be chartered, you must provide at least one of the following identification numbers: Employer Identification Number (EIN): Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Number: Federal Elections Commission (FEC) Number: Your Employer Identification Number (EIN) is the number required to open a bank account. DO NOT use a personal Social Security number. If you do not have an EIN, you can request Internal Revenue Service Form SS-4 from (800) TAXFORM or Your FPPC or FEC I.D. number is the number under which you report funds raised and expended. If your club does not have such a number, and you raise or spend money above a specified threshold, you may be violating the law. You can request an FPPC Form 410 from (916) 322-5660 or and an FEC Form 1 from (800) 424-9530 or Responsible Parties: President: Mailing Address: Email: City: Phone (Home): Phone (Cell): Phone (Work): Fax: Treasurer: Mailing Address: Email: City: Phone (Home): Phone (Cell): Phone (Work): Fax: Los Angeles Club Chartering Documents ZIP: ZIP: Page 1 Name of Club/Organization: ____________________________________________ Club/Organization Officers and Leaders Office Name Home Phone Cell/Work Phone Email Address President Vice President 1 Vice President 2 Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Treasurer or Controller Parliamentarian Newsletter Voter Registration Precinct Operations Events Fundraising Membership Webmaster Other Other Los Angeles Club Chartering Documents Page 2 Name of Club/Organization: ____________________________________________ Executive Board Term End/New Term Begins: Regular Meeting Date/Time: Regular Meeting Location: Please include both an electronic and hard copy version of your membership roster. Please indicate the number of voting members ________ and non-voting members ________ in good standing. Please also list the top five Assembly Districts in which your members live, from most members to least: a. b. c. d. e. f. District Number: District Number: District Number: District Number: District Number: All Others Number of Voting Members: Number of Voting Members: Number of Voting Members: Number of Voting Members: Number of Voting Members: Number of Voting Members: Please include the appropriate fee with your charter application: Organization Type New Democratic Club $50.00 Young/College Democrats Club $15.00 Political Action Committee (PAC) $150.00 Other Organizations (i.e., UDH) $150.00 Number of Non-Voting Members: Number of Non-Voting Members: Number of Non-Voting Members: Number of Non-Voting Members: Number of Non-Voting Members: Number of Non-Voting Members: Renewal $100.00 $30.00 $200.00 $200.00 Please be sure that your organization’s bylaws meet the following specific requirements. 1. Membership. Each member is a registered Democrat or is a person devoted to the principles of the Democratic Party but is ineligible to register as a voter at this time. Any such ineligible person has expressed the intent to register as a Democrat immediately upon becoming eligible. 2. Nondiscrimination. The organization does not require or use any test of membership or oath of loyalty which has the effect of requiring prospective or current members to acquiesce in, condone or support discrimination on the grounds of race, color, creed, national origin, physical ability, sex, age, religion, ethnic identity, sexual orientation or economic status. 3. Fair Bylaws. It has bylaws and a constitution that require: a. Regularly held meetings, open to all Democrats, which requires at least 10-day prior written notice. b. A regular election of officers for a reasonable tenure. c. Payment or waiver of dues/fees due to economic hardship. d. Dedication of its members to the principles of the Democratic Party. e. Prohibiting the endorsement of non-Democrats in any race or the financial support of nonDemocrats. 4. Notification. The organization will keep regular communications with Los Angeles County Democratic Party by sending notice of events and meetings to: a. The Chair of the LACDP. b. All members of the LACDP Assembly District delegation in which a majority of the organization’s members reside. c. The Co-Chairs of the LACDP Organization Committee. d. Mailing copies of the newsletter to the Los Angeles County Democratic Party office. Los Angeles Club Chartering Documents Page 3 Name of Club/Organization: ____________________________________________ Club/Organization Service Area(s) Please indicate which Assembly Districts, cities and ZIP codes your organization intends to serve: ASM. DIST. (AD) CITY ZIP CODE Los Angeles Club Chartering Documents PRECINCT(S) (IF APPLICABLE) Page 4 Name of Club/Organization: ____________________________________________ Please request 20 members of your organization to fill out and sign below. Each member may only sign club roster for one organization per year for the purpose of chartering. Name (Print) Address City Zip Phone AD Signature 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Page 5 Los Angeles Club Chartering Documents 20. Page 6 Los Angeles Club Chartering Documents Name of Club/Organization: ____________________________________________ Please provide brief answers to the following questions: What were your grassroots election activities last year, including precinct operations, voter registration, fundraising activities? What were the results of elections held in your area? What are your grassroots election activities plans for this year, including precinct operations, voter registration, and fundraising activities? What type(s) of elections will be held in your area? Los Angeles Club Chartering Documents Page 7 Name of Club/Organization: ____________________________________________ What type of services would you like to see from the LACDP and LACDP Organization Committee this year? What kind of trainings would you like to see from the LACDP and LACDP Organization Committee? Los Angeles Club Chartering Documents Page 8 Name of Club/Organization: ____________________________________________ Charter Application Checklist Initial Action Item We have fully read and completed the Charter Application Packet. We have entered our web site and email address on page 1. We have entered our political reporting ID numbers on page 1. We have completed all officer information on page 1 and 2. We have entered our total voting/non-voting members by Assembly Districts on page 3. We have attached the current bylaws, which comply with the specific requirements on page 3. We have attached a list of all the Assembly Districts, cities, ZIP codes, and precincts (if applicable) we currently serve on page 4. We have 20 valid members who have signed page 5. We have completed a brief overview of our election results of last year and plan for this year on pages 6 and 7. The club president and club treasurer have signed page 8. We have attached the club roster/membership list in both electronic (CD) and hard copy formats. We have attached a check for the appropriate chartering fees. We have turned in the completed form with attachments at least three weeks before the monthly LACDP meeting at which we wish to receive charter approval. Note: All application packets must be submitted to the LACDP office at least 21 days prior to the LACDP monthly meeting in order to receive charter approval at the meeting. LACDP meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month unless otherwise noted. _______________________________________________ Signature of Club/Organization President _______________________________ Date _______________________________________________ Signature of Club/Organization Treasurer ________________________________ Date Los Angeles Club Chartering Documents Page 9 Affiliation Documents The CDC is the umbrella organization of all Democratic Clubs and County Committees in California. The CDC provides this and other helpful documents to all affiliated members. P.O. Box 6591 Ventura CA 93006 P.O. Box 6591 Ventura CA 93006 (800)446-9709 Dear Democratic leader: The California Democratic Council looks forward to working with you to ensure every Democrat in California is served by a functioning, chartered, municipally-focused Democratic club that seeks to involve at least three percent of Democrats from the jurisdiction served. Grassroots respect means your local issues become statewide issues. Every full affiliate may appoint representatives to share your views on CDC Committees, including Resolutions, Issues & Political action, Communications and more. CDC looks forward to helping your organization to expand local success: Support to navigate McCain-Feingold finance issues Resources to implement club growth and outreach strategies Advocacy and partnerships on legislative issues Media outreach in your community to support Party presence Recruiting and training candidates for appointed and elected positions Free fully functional website with your own domain name Please contact me anytime with your suggestions and input. Your local officers will be glad to work with you to maximize your CDC affiliation and to grow! Best Democratic regards, Henry Vandermeir CDC President P.O. Box 6591 Ventura CA 93006 (800)446-9709 AFFILIATION INSTRUCTIONS Please read these instructions as we have updated our forms from previous years. Eligibility The following organizations are eligible to affiliate with the California Democratic Council: 1. Democratic clubs chartered by county central committees. 2. Democratic county central committees. 3. Young Democrat and College Democrat organizations The application packet enclosed applies to the organizations listed above. Fees CDC has suspended its club fee structure. This means all clubs may affiliate fully without payment this year. A club must have at least 20 members to be affiliated with CDC and to have voting rights at CDC meetings. Votes earned by a club are based on the size of the roster submitted to CDC. The Credentials Committee reserves the right to verify a club’s size by contacting a selection of club members. Clubs earn CDC Convention delegates at a ratio of one delegate and one alternate per each ten members. Newly-chartered Democratic clubs are limited to three Convention votes during their first year of existence. County Committees pay a $25 fee for each Assembly District (whole or partial) within the county. Young Democrat or College Democrat clubs also do not pay in ‘06, and receive the same benefits as all clubs. Clarity & Completeness Please type or print information clearly to ensure we have the correct information for you and your members. Please provide complete information. We ask for e-mail addresses for your organization, your president/chair, your delegates/alternates and your affiliated members. CDC fully embraces the use of email to distribute information, to make announcements and to hold on-line meetings of our standing committees. Help us keep you and your members in the loop by providing e-mails where available. Filling Out The Application Form Page One - Part A: Indicate if you are a renewing or first-time organization by checking the appropriate box. List the name or your organization as you wish to have it appear on our roster, web site and in correspondence. Provide the organization’s main mailing address. Hopefully, it is a permanent address (e.g. P. O. Box) but it could be the home address of your president or chair. If the organization has its own phone number, fax, email or website, please provide it. Otherwise, leave it blank and provide information in the next section. CDC Affiliation Instructions Page 2. Page One - Part A (continued): List the name, address, phone, fax and e-mail address of your organization president or chair. We rely on this individual to help spread the word about CDC activities so it is important we know all the various ways to reach this person. Also, let us know when the term expires so we know when to contact you to determine if there is a new president or chair. If you are no longer the president or chair, please forward this info ASAP. We also want to know how to contact your newsletter editor. We will send out articles on topical issues or announcements about upcoming CDC events that we would appreciate your placing in your newsletter. Page One - Part B: Check off the appropriate box for your organization. Page One - Part C: The organization president or chair should certify the information by signing the form. Part D: Please submit your organization’s printed or electronic full membership roster, including name, address, city, zip, phone and e-mail for each member. Please list fax numbers if your members have access. E-mailed spreadsheet rosters are acceptable and preferable. Please e-mail to Please call with questions. Part E: Please submit your organization’s appointments to CDC Standing Committees. Descriptions of the committees are available. You may change these appointments at any time. If more than one of your members wishes to serve on a particular committee, please contact your Area VP to ask for a supplemental appointment. Thank you for your Democratic activism! We are proud to have you as part of CDC. AFFILIATION FORM A. AFFILIATED ORGANIZATION INFO Status: Renewal First Time Organization Name: _____________________________________________________________ Organization’s FPPC number: ________________ Organization’s FEC number: _______ ______ ___ Org. Mailing Address: __________________________________________ Org. Phone: (_____)_____________ City: ________________________________________ Zip:_____________ Org. Fax: (_____)______________ Org. E-mail: _________________________________________ Org. Website: ___________________________ Org. President/Chair: _________________________________________________ Term Exp.: ______/_____/_____ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________ Home Phone: (_____)______________ City: _____________________________________ Zip: ______________ Work Phone: (_____)______________ Email: ______________________________________________________ Fax: (_____)______________ Org. Treasurer: ________________________________________________ Term Exp.: ______/_____/_____ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________ Home Phone: (_____)______________ City: _____________________________________ Zip: ______________ Work Phone: (_____)______________ Email: _____________________________________________________ Fax: (_____)______________ Org. Newsletter Editor: _______________________________________________ Term Exp.: ______/_____/_____ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________ Home Phone: (_____)______________ City: _____________________________________ Zip: ______________ Work Phone: (_____)______________ Email: _________________________________________________ Fax: (_____)______________ Newsletter Frequency: ________________________ Publishing Deadline: ___________________________________ B. AFFILIATION: Please attach your organization’s full roster so your members receive CDC benefits. (Both delegates and alternates may vote at Regional & Area meetings which doubles your local vote allocation!) Clubs: Large-size club (200 or more affiliated members - you earn at least 21 State Convention delegates & alternates) Medium-large club (150 to 199 affiliated members - between 16 and 20 State Convention delegates & alternates) Medium-size club (100 to 149 affiliated members - between 11 and 15 State Convention delegates & alternates) Small-medium club (60 to 99 affiliated members - between 7 and 10 State Convention delegates & alternates) Small-size club (20 to 59 affiliated members - between 3 and 6 State Convention delegates & alternates) First-time member club (not chartered previously) (limit of 3 State Convention delegates & alternates) Young Democrat club or College Democrat club Associate Affiliate (limit of one delegate for State Convention, Area and Regional gatherings) County Committees: $25 for each Assembly District (whole or partial) within County. (There are _____ A.D.(s) in our county.) C. CERTIFICATION: I certify the names listed on the attached roster are current, paid members of this organization. Signed: ____________________________________ _______ Org. President/Chair Date: ______/______/_____ D. LIST OF ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERS FOR: ___________________________________ Total organizational members: _________ You may submit a printout, electronic file or other roster, or you may fill out the form below by hand. If you choose to manually complete the paperwork, please copy this form or print extra copies. Also, if manual, please fill in the page number line, so we can doublecheck receipt of all information. CDC does not sell membership rosters to political organizations or campaigns. This data is used to distribute newsletters and information about regional, area and statewide meetings. Page _________ of __________ of hand-filled membership roster 1. Name: Phone: (______)____________ Address: _________________________________ City: ______________________________ 2. Name: Phone: (______)____________ Address: _________________________________ City: ______________________________ 3. Name: Phone: (______)____________ Address: _________________________________ City: ______________________________ 4. Name: Phone: (______)____________ Address: _________________________________ City: ______________________________ 5. Name: Phone: (______)____________ Address: _________________________________ City: ______________________________ 6. Name: Phone: (______)____________ Address: _________________________________ City: ______________________________ 7. Name: Phone: (______)____________ Address: _________________________________ City: ______________________________ 8. Name: Phone: (______)____________ Address: _________________________________ City: ______________________________ 9. Name: Phone: (______)____________ Address: _________________________________ City: ______________________________ 10. Name: Phone: (______)____________ Address: _________________________________ City: ______________________________ Email: ______________________________ Zip: _________________ Email: ______________________________ Zip: _________________ Email: ______________________________ Zip: _________________ Email: ______________________________ Zip: _________________ Email: ______________________________ Zip: _________________ Email: ______________________________ Zip: _________________ Email: ______________________________ Zip: _________________ Email: ______________________________ Zip: _________________ Email: ______________________________ Zip: _________________ Email: ______________________________ Zip: _________________ Signature of Organization President: _______________________________________ Date ___________________ E. DESIGNATION OF MEMBERS TO CDC STANDING COMMITTEES Each affiliated organization is entitled and encouraged to appoint a voting member to each general standing committee. Members appointed to a standing committee must appear on the affiliated organization’s CDC membership list. Standing Committees hold both face-to-face meetings and virtual meetings via listservs and teleconference. If possible, appointed committee members should have email access so they can fully participate in the committee work. Name of Club or County Committee: ____________________________________________________ This organization hereby appoints the following members to the CDC Standing Committees listed: Bylaws & Rules Committee: Name: Phone: (______) ____________ Email: ______________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City: _____________________________ Zip: ____________ Communications Committee: Name: Phone: (______) ____________ Email: ______________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City: _____________________________ Zip: ____________ Credentials Committee: Name: Phone: (______) ____________ Email: ______________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City: _____________________________ Zip: ____________ Issues & Political Action Committee: Name: Phone: (______) ____________ Email: ______________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City: _____________________________ Zip: ____________ Membership Committee: Name: Phone: (______) ____________ Email: ______________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City: _____________________________ Zip: ____________ Organizational Development Committee: Name: Phone: (______) ____________ Email: ______________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City: _____________________________ Zip: ____________ Resolutions Committee: Name: Phone: (______) ____________ Email: ______________________________ Address: _____________________________________ City: _____________________________ Zip: ____________ I certify that the names listed on this form are paid members of this organization and whose names are listed on this organization’s CDC Membership Roster of affiliated members. Appointed members of standing committees are expected to maintain satisfactory attendance and participation in the work of the committee. I also attest that this appointment, and the obligations and activities of the standing committee, have been discussed with the appointed member(s) and are understood by the appointee to each standing committee. Signed: _____________________________________________________ Club President/Chair Date: / /______ CDC STANDING COMMITTEES Bylaws & Rules Committee The CDC Bylaws & Rules Committee considers revisions to CDC’s guiding documents as needed, as submitted by other Standing Committees or at direction of the State Board of Directors. Constitutional changes recommended by this Committee are approved by the membership at the Annual State Convention. The Bylaws & Rules Committee also revises and recommends changes, as required, to the CDC Rules of Convention issued prior to each Annual State Convention. Communications Committee The CDC Communications Committee has advisory responsibility for all statewide communications including newsletters, email listservs, the CDC website and media contact. The Committee suggests improved and new methods for effective communications between CDC officers, clubs, committees, the general membership and the public. Credentials Committee The CDC Credentials Committee reviews and maintains membership rosters of all affiliated organizations; and verifies all delegates and attendees at State Board of Directors meetings, the Annual State Convention, and each Area and/or Regional Board meeting. The CDC office in Los Angeles maintains the statewide master roster of all affiliated organizations, but it is important that each Area and Region update and maintain their respective membership and delegate rosters. Issues & Political Action Committee The CDC Issues & Political Action Committee was established in the 2003 revision of the Constitution to develop strategies to implement CDC resolutions, platform statements and legislative advocacy. Does your club have issues of concern? This is the committee to which to appoint a member to represent your priorities. Also, your organization may request ad hoc issues subcommittees to focus on particular issues. If your team wants to be involved in advocacy, this is the committee for you! Membership Committee The CDC Membership Committee provides assistance to the Regional and Area Vice Presidents in working with County Central Committees and existing Democratic Clubs, and by establishing new Democratic Clubs in all communities throughout the state. Each Area Membership Committee works with their local County Central Committee(s) to help with developing and chartering new clubs and increasing CDC membership. The Committee has organizing tools available such as suggested club bylaws and other materials. Additionally, this Committee helps to identify ways of increasing local club membership! Organizational Development Committee The CDC Organizational Development Committee (ODC) is one of the more active committees of the CDC. Working with frequent communication among committee members, committee meetings are conducted via the Internet on a closed email list service available to committee members only. The Committee most recently was responsible for development of the Reorganization and Realignment plan adopted by the membership during the 50 th Annual State Convention. The Committee is currently working on development of a Policy & Procedures Manual authorized in the revised Bylaws. The ODC is working to facilitate more active political advocacy for CDC. If you want to help to shape the future of the California Democratic Council, please appoint a member to the ODC. Resolutions Committee One of the more hands-on CDC committees, the Resolutions Committee has responsibility for the review and recommendation of all Resolutions submitted by affiliated CDC Clubs and Central Committees. The Resolutions Committee recommends action and/or revision regarding every submitted resolution. Reports are issued prior to each meeting of the State Board of Directors, the Annual State Convention and at Area/Regional Board meetings. Whenever directed by the resolution, the Committee presents the approved resolutions to the California Democratic Party Resolutions Committee and to state and federal legislators as required. Area Resolutions Committees are authorized to approve and lobby resolutions pertaining to local issues to the appropriate city councils, school boards or county supervisor boards as may be indicated. Your club’s participation with CDC Standing Committees will enhance your organization’s community leadership. Being a part of CDC, your members will be energized and recognized as leaders among grassroots Democrats. Participation and support in the vital operations of the CDC will create a value-add to your CDC membership.