Course Syllabus Guidelines and Format

ETSU Quillen College of Medicine
Course / Clerkship Syllabus Guidelines
Each course and clerkship director is responsible for compiling and timely submission of
a written course syllabus, distributed via hard copy, CD or posting through D2L.
Content of Syllabus:
This document should carefully outline what the student is expected to learn. All syllabi
should contain but not be limited to the following information:
Course or clerkship goals
Measurable learning objectives
Methods of instruction
Class attendance policy
Course methodology
Evaluation of students / QCOM Grading Policy / Course details
Expectations related to professional behavior (list of examples of
unprofessional behavior)
Course Evaluation:
The Office of Academic Affairs will obtain from a non-cognitive evaluation on
each student.
Medical students are to submit an online evaluation of every course. Timely
completion of evaluations is required. Student feedback is essential for
curriculum planning.
Daily Course Schedule: A daily course schedule with topics and room assignment if
other than the auditorium. (Reservation required for rooms other than the auditoria).
Tutoring: The Office of Student Affairs will make tutors available to any QCOM
student. Contact Student Affairs at 439-2037.
Counseling: Confidential academic and personal counseling are available through the
Office of Academic Affairs (Dr. Penny L. Smith, 439-8002) and the Professional and
Academic Resource Center – PARC (Mr. Phil Steffey, 232-0275 or pager 854-0342.)
Textbooks: Required and supplementary reading resources in addition to the required
textbooks, it is recommended that you consider purchasing board review books that
best match your learning style. These are available through the COM Bookstore (423)
[If applicable] Recorded information is protected through password access to D2L, stored on a
streaming server (not able to down-load content) with “notation” added to the D2L site:
NOTE: Appropriate use of electronic material is governed by copyright and Intellectual Property
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ETSU Quillen College of Medicine
Course / Clerkship Syllabus Guidelines
Student Procedures for Special Services (ADA):
ACCOMMODATION. The following statement should be included in all course and clerkship
It is the policy of ETSU to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant to federal law, state
law and the University’s commitment to equal educational access. Any student with a disability
who needs accommodations, for example arrangement for examinations or seating placement,
should inform the instructor at the beginning of the course.
All students seeking accommodation for disabilities are to contact Ms. Linda Gibson, M.Ed.,
Director, ADA Coordinator for Disability Services at East Tennessee State University (439-8346).
Faculty accommodation forms are provided to students through Disability Services in the D. P.
Culp center, Suite A.
Inclement Weather Policy:
The official radio station for reporting the status of classes and other activities of the
College of Medicine during inclement weather is WETS-FM 89.5. All students including all medical students - are to govern themselves according to the status as
reported by this station for the University. In the event of missed classes due to
inclement weather, makeup classes may be required on Saturdays.
Policy on Modification of Published Examination Schedule (Form attached)
Policy on requesting exception to published academic calendar / class attendance
policy (Form attached)
Examination Policy: Effective August 1, 2009 the following examination policies will be in effect
for Quillen College of Medicine.
Students will be allowed to bring in only pencils and a computer (only if a computer is required for
the exam). Books, all electronic devices, and other personal items (including baseball caps) may
be left in lockers or cars.
Examinations will be proctored by either a staff member or a faculty member from the department
responsible for administering the examination.
Students will be required to sign in and sign out if they leave the room to attend to personal
needs. They may not remove any items from the exam room and may not talk with classmates
while out of the room.
Other information pertinent to the course/clerkship
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ETSU Quillen College of Medicine
Course / Clerkship Syllabus Guidelines
Required Reporting for AAMC / LCME
Annual Review of Courses / Clerkships:
Instructional Format / Methods and Hours
List of topics: include a list of key words and/or diseases related to each topic
AAMC Hot Topics / Competencies
Annual Review of Course Form
Evaluation / Course Feedback
Reports should be compiled and submitted with syllabus.
Submission of Syllabus:
An electronic version of the syllabus and schedule should be submitted to the Office of
Academic Affairs.
Course (Basic Science) Syllabi are due:
Fall: The beginning and ending dates, holidays and exams are
established by May, daily schedules and course syllabi are due by the end
of June. A comprehensive daily schedule is then compiled and posted to
the web in July. COM classes begin in August.
Spring: The beginning and ending dates, holidays and exams are
established by August, daily schedules and course syllabi are due by the
first of October. A comprehensive daily schedule is then compiled and
posted to the web in November. COM classes begin in January.
Clerkship (Clinical) Syllabi are due:
Review and necessary changes are completed in the fall of each year,
coordinated through each Clinical Department.
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ETSU Quillen College of Medicine
Course / Clerkship Syllabus Guidelines
ETSU Quillen College of Medicine
Office of Academic Affairs
Permission Form for
Modification of Examination Schedule
PRINT Student Name: ________________________________________________________________
Print Course Name
Print Name of Course Director
Scheduled Examination Date
Scheduled Examination Time
New Examination Date
New Examination Time
Reason for rescheduling the examination: _________________________________________________
Required Signatures
Course Director
Academic Affairs - Executive Associate Dean, or designate
Exam Schedule Policy
In order to provide consistency and allow for tracking, those students requesting special consideration on
examination scheduling must complete the attached form. The form must be completed by the student and is
responsible for obtaining the appropriate signatures prior to receiving approval of a requested exception to the
published schedule. This exception policy will be included in each course syllabus. Once approved / denied, a copy
of the form will be retained in the student’s file.
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ETSU Quillen College of Medicine
Course / Clerkship Syllabus Guidelines
Attendance Exception Request (M1 & M2)*
for Student Absence / Enrollment Delay
All ETSU College of Medicine students are expected to adhere to the published Academic Calendar,
which identifies the beginning and ending dates of each semester. In addition, students are required to
follow the attendance policy outlined in each course syllabus. A request for an exception to these
published dates / policies may be submitted for review, and approval / denial.
Print Student Name
Date of Request
Dates of Absence: ______________________________________________________________________________________
Reason for request: _____________________________________________________________________________________
Signatures are required for each course scheduled to meet as indicated on the published weekly schedule.
Approved Denied
[ ]
[ ]
_________________________________ ______________________________________
Course Name
Signature of Course Director
_________________________________ ______________________________________
Course Name
Signature of Course Director
[ ]
[ ]
_________________________________ ______________________________________
Course Name
Signature of Course Director
[ ]
[ ]
_________________________________ ______________________________________
Course Name
Signature of Course Director
[ ]
[ ]
_________________________________ ______________________________________
Course Name
Signature of Course Director
[ ]
[ ]
Student Signature
____________________________________________________ Circle One: Approved
Academic Affairs – Exe. Assoc. Dean, or designate
Attendance Exception Policy:
In order to provide consistency and allow for tracking, those students requesting approval must complete the request form. The
student is responsible for obtaining all Course Director signatures prior to submitting the request to the Executive Associate Dean
for Academic and Faculty Affairs for final review, and approval / denial.
This exception policy will be included in each course syllabus. Once approved / denied, a copy of the form will be retained in the
student’s file. *M3 & M4 students must follow attendance / absence procedures outlined by each clerkship / rotation.
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ETSU Quillen College of Medicine
Course / Clerkship Syllabus Guidelines
AAMC Hot Topic Listing
Check if
Alternative / Complementary Medicine
Biological/chemical terrorism
Chemoprevention methods
Clinical Pathology
Clinical Problem-solving/Decision-making
Communication Skills
Community Health
Culturally-related health behaviors
Cultural diversity
Diagnostic Imaging
Disaster management
Disease screening tests
End-of-life Care
Evidence based Medicine
Evaluation of health research literature (Patient Education)
Environmental health
Family / Domestic Violence / Abuse
Global health issues
Health Care Quality Review / Improvement
Health Care Systems
Health Care financing / Health services financing
Health policy development processes
Healthcare workforce
Health determinants
Health disparities
Health literacy
Health Surveillance strategies
Home Health Care
Human Development/Life Cycle
Human Sexuality
Medical Ethics
Medical Genetics
Medical Humanities
Medical Informatics
Medical Jurisprudence
Medical licensure / regulation
Medical Socioeconomics
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ETSU Quillen College of Medicine
Course / Clerkship Syllabus Guidelines
AAMC Hot Topic Listing
Check if
Medical Spanish
Multicultural Medicine
Occupational Health Medicine
Pain Management
Palliative Care
Patient Health Education / Counseling for health risk reduction
Population-based Medicine
Practice Management
Preventive Medicine & health maintenance
Quality Improvement
Racial / ethnic demographics of illness
Race/gender and treatment outcomes (Health Disparity)
Rehabilitation/Care of disabled
Required Lab where students observe biomedical
phenomena & collect/analyze data (simulated or real
Research Methods
Substance Abuse
Translators, Appropriate use of
Terrorism, Biological / chemical
Women's Health
Also: When creating your daily topic schedule, please include
a list of key words and/or diseases related to each topic
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ETSU Quillen College of Medicine
Course / Clerkship Syllabus Guidelines
Scope: age, religion / faith, gender, race, ethnicity and professional
cultural behavior.
Domain I
Rationale, Context and Definition
A. Definition of cultural competence
B. Definitions of race, ethnicity, and culture
C. Clinicians’ self-assessment and reflection
Domain II
Key Aspects of Cultural Competence
A. Epidemiology of population health
B. Patients’ healing traditions and systems
C. Institutional cultural issues
D. History of the patient
Domain III
Understanding the Impact of
Stereotyping on Medical DecisionMaking
A. History of stereotyping
B. Bias, discrimination, and racism
C. Effects of stereotyping
Domain IV
Health Disparities and Factors
Influencing Health
A. History of health-care discrimination
B. Epidemiology of health-care disparities
C. Factors underlying health-care disparities
D. Demographic patterns of disparities
E. Collaborating with communities
Domain V
Cross-Cultural Clinical Skills
A. Differing values, cultures, and beliefs
B. Dealing with hostility/discomfort
C. Eliciting a social and medical history
D. Communication skills
E. Working with interpreters
F. Negotiating and problem-solving skills
G. Diagnosis and patient-adherence skills
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ETSU Quillen College of Medicine
Course / Clerkship Syllabus Guidelines
Category Name Key
Examples of Definitions
Clarifying comments
Case-based learning
Formal system of learning through case presentations
This may appear as clinical problem solving
(CPS), problem based learning (PBL), and/or
computerized diagnostic reasoning (DxR)
Topic centered meeting with peers, specialists, guests
Includes panel discussions.
Directed study block
Professor assigns topic to students
Testing for knowledge of specific fields of study or acquired
Learning activities take place in a traditional science
laboratory or computer virtual laboratory.
Time period is specified
Quizzes, lab and course examinations,
computer-based testing (CBT), and clinical
performance exams (OSCE)
Students interact with laboratory equipment,
subjects of investigation, and the
experimental process. This now includes
viewing computer or equipment generated
images or sounds, i.e. slides, videos,
photographs, xrays, CD, etc.
Instructor speaks before a group on a subject of academic
Observation of patient care, patient models,
history and physical exams, direct patient
Patient care activities
Activities that require the student to interact with patients
Student observes and interacts with doctors, patients, and
staff in community-based practice situations
Going over a subject that has been previously presented
Self-directed learning
The student sets the topic, method, and/or time frame for
Independent study, self-study, course
content on CD ROM
Small group projects
Instructor defines the topic. Groups of 2 to 12 students or
sub-groups of a large class work together to complete a
learning task.
Includes group discussion
Standardized Patient
Individuals are trained to present the student with a
controlled symptomology and behavior for the purpose of
instruction and testing
One student works with one instructor or mentor
Web-based course
Internet based learning activities. Learning materials must
be viewed or retrieved from online sites.
OSCE, Clinical Performance Evaluation, SP
focused learning situations
Not to be confused with computer software
Web CT, web information searching, student
course information web sites, downloading
course notes
Source: University of Nevada
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ETSU Quillen College of Medicine
Course / Clerkship Syllabus Guidelines
Course Name: ________________________________________________ Semester______________ Year______________
Method / Format
Instructional Format Hours are defined as the
time faculty spend with students
providing new course information / materials
Basic Science
Clinical Correlation
Grand Rounds
Laboratory (Faculty present)
Laboratory (self-directed
Small Group
Patient Activities
Clinical Skills Development
Self-Directed Learning:
Required assignment(s) with
expectation of completion before
Indicate an estimate of time required to review
Total for Instructional Hours (Contact Hours)
Optional Review and Examination
Optional Review for Exams
Optional Review with faculty / students
(not “off” hours for study)
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ETSU Quillen College of Medicine
Course / Clerkship Syllabus Guidelines
This form serves two purposes: 1) to inform the Medical Student Education Committee so that the committee can
make appropriate decisions in managing and evaluating the curriculum. 2) to assist the course / clerkship directors
and faculties in appropriate ways in improving the educational experience for the students. Please consider input
from the course faculty when completing this form. Use additional pages if necessary.
PRINT Course / Clerkship Name and Number
PRINT Course / Clerkship Director NAME Date
Evaluate the course from your perspective, including what you believe was accomplished well and what
areas were problematic. Comment on the effectiveness of the course / clerkship, student performance on
examinations, faculty, course / clerkship objectives and any other aspects of the course you believe to be
What comments about the course / clerkship have you received from students? Have any of the student
comments prompted you to make any modifications in the course / clerkship?
What changes will you make in this course / clerkship the next time it is offer3ed (e.g., change teaching
faculty, course / clerkship content, textbook selection, etc.)?
How can the Medical Student Education Committee help you?
Signature of Course / Clerkship Director
Signature of Departmental Chair
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