Office of the Dean Teachers for a New Era Praxis Results for Academic Year 2005-2006 Students in the Teacher Preparation Program of the University of Connecticut’s Neag School of Education (NSoE) are required to pass part of the Praxis series to obtain certification in the field of education in Connecticut. The purpose of this report is to summarize the scores from the Praxis assessments. Background Connecticut participates in two of three assessments developed by Educational Testing Service: Praxis I and Praxis II. The Praxis I is taken by students without adequate scores (i.e., SAT) before being admitted into the Teacher Preparation Program. The Praxis II assessment is actual a battery of assessments by area of specialty to measure basic academic knowledge and skills, as well as general pedagogical and content area knowledge. Method Participants Some students take Praxis I. Results are used as part of their application process for the NSoE Teacher Preparation Program for the Integrated Bachelor’s/Master’s Teacher Education (IB/M) and the Teacher Certification Program for College Graduates (TCPCG). The vast majority of students in the IB/M and TCPCG complete the Praxis II examination regardless of their future career plans to become certified or to teach in other states. Students enrolled with a concentration in agricultural and world languages are not included. Those in world languages complete an assessment from the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, administered through Language Testing International, which consists of two parts: oral proficiency interview and writing proficiency interview. Instruments The Praxis series of assessments are standardized measures developed by Educational Testing Service to ensure that prospective teachers demonstrate adequate skills, knowledge, and competencies to become professionals in field 1 of education. The teacher licensure assessments are divided into three components: 1) Praxis I: Pre-Professional Skills Tests, 2) Praxis II: Subject Assessments, and 3) Praxis III: Classroom Performance Assessments. The Praxis III is not required for teacher certification in the State of Connecticut. Praxis I. The Praxis I measures basic academic knowledge and skills to evaluate individuals for entry into teacher education programs. The assessments are available in paper-based or computer-based formats; the number of items and administration varies for the two formats. The paper-based tests are selected by a student when registering for the PreProfessional Skills Tests in reading and mathematics which consist of 40 multiple-choice questions with 60 minutes of testing time. The writing test consists of 38 multiple-choice questions and 1 essay question with two 30-minute sections of testing time. Computer-based tests are offered by appointment through a national network of Prometric™ Testing Centers and select colleges and universities. Each part of the computer-based test is two hours long to allow for tutorials and the collection of background information from test takers. However, the actual testing time for each part of the test is as follows: No. of questions No. of minutes Reading 46 75 Mathematics 46 75 Writing 44 38 Writing 1 essay 30 Component The computer-based tests are also offered as a combined test that is delivered as a single testing session. The combined test will consist of four separately timed sections: reading, mathematics, multiple-choice writing, and essay writing. The testing session for the combined test is set for 4 1/2 hours. In either type of test, paper-based or computer-based, all test takers receive a score regardless of the number of questions answered. The multiple choice questions and an essay component yield scores with a range from 0 to 200. The minimum passing score in writing and mathematics is 171; the minimum passing score in reading is 172. This score is based on the number of questions that answer correctly with no penalty incurred or subtraction for answering a question incorrectly. Students seeking formal admission to a Connecticut college or university teacher preparation program, or seeking certification in Connecticut, must fulfill the academic skills requirement by taking and passing all Praxis I components or by qualifying and obtaining a Praxis I waiver. A waiver for the Praxis I can be 2 sought through the Connecticut State Board of Education for students who meet the requirements such as the SAT cut-score. Praxis II. The Praxis II is a cadre of assessments that seek knowledge of specific subjects that K-12 educators will teach, as well as general and subjectspecific teaching skills and knowledge. The Praxis II includes: Subject assessments which measure general and subject-specific teaching skills and knowledge. They include both multiple-choice and constructed-response test items. Principles of learning and teaching tests which assesses general pedagogical knowledge at four grade levels: Early Childhood, K-6, 5-9, and 7-12. These tests use a case study approach and feature constructed-response and multiple-choice items. Teaching foundations tests which assesses pedagogy in five areas: multi-subject (elementary), English, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science. These tests feature constructedresponse and multiple-choice items. The Praxis II is available only in paper-based format and consists of multiple choice, constructed-response, and case-study questions. Praxis II are taken at testing locations located in various states and regions. Praxis II consists of one, two, or four hours in length. Like the Praxis I, scores range from 0 to 200; however, cut-offs for passing scores vary depending on the subject area of the Praxis II. Additionally, no waiver option is available for any of the Praxis II assessments. Praxis III comprises a system for assessing the skills of beginning teachers in classroom settings. Praxis III is developed for use in teacher licensing decisions made by states or local agencies empowered to license teachers. The Praxis III system utilizes a three-pronged method to assess the beginning teacher's evidence of teaching practice. This includes direct observation of classroom practice, review of documentation prepared by the teacher, and semi-structured interviews. In Connecticut, the BEST system is used and so the Praxis III is not required. Procedures Students in the NSoE Teacher Preparation Program are divided into specific certification areas including elementary education, secondary education (English, history, science, mathematics), special education and music education. They take the corresponding Praxis II assessments. Timelines for completion of the Praxis II assessments vary by certification area. For example, students in the special education program typically complete the Praxis after their 5th year of study whereas students in the secondary education programs usually complete the Praxis before onset of the student teaching 3 requirements. Students in the elementary education program tend to complete the content assessments of the Praxis before the student teaching experience and tend to take the pedagogical assessments during the internship year. Results Summary results, sent to NSoE and the Connecticut Board of Education from Educational Testing Service, reflects all scores obtained within the academic year. The score report is provided only for those assessments completed by at least five students. Scores are distributed by gender, race/ethnicity, education level, and major. The number of students, the median score, and the average score range for each group is summarized in charts and trends described. For the purpose of this current report, scores are further disaggregated by gender and race/ethnicity is provided with adequate participant rates. Praxis I During the testing period beginning September 1, 2005 and ending August 31, 2006, 66 to 202 took the Praxis I assessments. Table 1 contains the numbers of examiners at NSoE who took Praxis I. The median and range the range of scores of the middle 50% of the examiners – from the 25th percentile to the 75th percentile – is presented. Also indicated is the medium score for all examiners, both later acceptance and declined by the program. Table 1 Praxis I Assessments by NSoE Participation Rates and Medians versus All Examiners Median Rates Assessment PPST Reading PPST Writing PPST Mathematics C-PPST: Reading C-PPST: Writing C-PPST: Mathematics N 70 66 69 192 194 202 NSOE Median 180.5 177 180 181 176 179 Range 178-183 175-180 175-184 177-183 174-178 174-183 All Examiners 178 175 178 178 174 178 Scores from the paper-based form of the Praxis I were mainly uniform across subject area and student demographics. The number of students completing each assessment was roughly equivalent (mathematics N=69; reading N=70; writing N=66). More females than males completed each of the assessments (mathematics=78% female; reading=78% female; writing=77% female). However, males (median=184) had a slightly higher median score than females (median=178) in the area of mathematics. Overall, slightly higher median scores were obtained in reading (median=180.5) and mathematics (median=180) than in writing (median=177). Finally, the majority of students completing the assessments were white (mathematics=77% white; reading and writing=79% white). 4 Table 2 Praxis I: Academic Skills Assessment Paper-based Format of NSoE Students Mathematics N Median Avg Range Reading N Median Avg Range Writing N Median Avg Range Gender Race/Ethnicity Male Female Overall White Black Hispanic Asian 13 54 69 47 5 4 3 184 178 180 179 174 * * 180-187 174-182 175-184 175-183 170-181 * * Other 2 * * 12 55 70 49 182.5 180 180.5 181 181-184 177-183 178-183 179-183 4 * * 4 * * 3 * * 2 * * 12 51 66 46 176 177 177 177 176-178 174-180 175-180 175-181 3 * * 4 * * 3 * * 2 * * Note. Missing data has been omitted. * Designates no data provided because of no or few numbers. Scores from the computer-based form of the Praxis I are fairly uniform across subject area and student demographics. The number of students completing the reading (N=192) and writing (N=194) assessments was roughly equivalent but slightly more people completed the mathematics assessment (N=202). More females than males completed the each of the assessments (mathematics=78% female; reading=77% female; writing=77% female). Again, males (median=183) had a slightly higher median score than females (median=178) in the area of mathematics and, overall, slightly higher scores were obtained in reading (median=181) and mathematics (median=179) than in writing (median=176). Finally, the majority of students completing the assessments were white (mathematics and writing=84% white; reading=86% white). Table 3 Praxis I: Academic Skills Assessment Computer-based Format of NSoE Students Mathematics N Median Avg Range Reading N Median Avg Range Writing N Median Avg Range Gender Race/Ethnicity Male Female Overall White Black Hispanic Asian 43 159 202 171 10 12 3 183 178 179 180 172.5 175.5 * 179-185 173-182 174-183 176-183 167-177 170-179 * Other 6 * * 43 149 192 165 6 11 182 180 181 181 180.5 182 179-184 177-183 177-183 178-183 178-184 168-183 3 * * 7 * * 44 150 194 164 9 11 176 176 176 177 175 173 173-178 174-183 174-178 174-179 172-175 166-180 4 * * 6 * * Note. Missing data has been omitted. * Designates no data provided because of no or few numbers. 5 A comparison of scores generated from the computer-based form with those from the paper-based form shows that more students took the computer-based form in each subtest area (CPPST: mathematics N=202, reading N=192, writing N=194; PPST: mathematics N=69, reading N=70, writing N=66). However, there does not appear to be a difference in the scores obtained in computer-based versus paper-based formats. Students scored equivalently, regardless of format (CPPST: mathematics median=179, reading median=181, writing median=176; PPST: mathematics median=180, reading median=180.5, writing median=177). During the testing period beginning September 1, 2005 and ending August 31, 2006, 45 different Praxis II assessments were completed by a range of 1 to 202 students in the NSoE Teacher Preparation Programs. (Also included are individuals from Speech Pathology.) Praxis II Table 4 contains the numbers of examiners at NSoE who took Praxis II over the academic year. The median and range the range of scores of the middle 50% of the examiners – from the 25th percentile to the 75th percentile – is presented. Also indicated is the medium score for all examiners. Scores with a group size less than five – that is, 18 tests - are not presented. All of NSoE medians are above than of all examiners except General Science Content Essay. In this assessment the median for NSoE is at the median for all examiners. Table 4 Praxis II Assessments by NSoE Participation Rates and Medians versus All Examiners’ Median Rates Assessment N 57 57 7 1 55 47 1 1 37 2 1 8 42 Elem Ed Curr Instruc Assessment Elem Ed Content Area Exercises Emementary Ed: Content Knowledge Early Childhood Education Eng Lang Lit Comp Content Knowledge Eng Lang Lit Comp Essays Eng Lang Lit Comp Pedagogy Middle School English Language Arts Mathematics: Content Knowledge Math Proofs Models Problems Part 1 Mathematics pedagogy Middle School Mathematics Social Studies: Content Knowledge Assessment N 1 15 Business Education Music Concepts and Processes 6 NSoE Median 187 165 171 Range 181-191 160-169 167-179 All Examiners 177 157 163 181 165 173-187 160-170 176 155 151 144-167 142 170.5 171.5 NSoE Median 167-185 164-181 161 165 All Examiners 165 155-165 Range 155 Music Content Knowledge Family and Consumer Sciences Biology Content Knowledge CT Chemistry Content Essays Chemistry Content Knowledge CT Physics Content Essays Physics Content Knowledge CT Reading Specialist Speech Language Pathology SE Knowledge Based Core Principles Ed of Exceptional Students: Core CK School Psychologist School Guidance and Counseling General Sci Content Knowledge part I General Science Content Essay General Sci Content Knowledge Middle School Science Principles Learning and Teaching K-6 Principles Learning and Teaching 7-12 Health Education Earth Science Content Knowledge 15 1 23 6 6 7 7 1 8 10 9 7 1 1 5 4 3 1 3 1 5 177 169-185 165 168 160 174 160 158 163-179 155-170 150-190 155-170 146-172 159 155 161 155 150 725 170 177 780 720-740 163-182 174-184 720-800 660 162 172 700 140 135-145 140 172 154-175 165 Available scores from the Praxis II apply to three main categories: 1) Elementary Education, 2) English Language Literature and Composition, and 3) Social Studies. The first, Elementary Education, can be further divided into 1) Content Area Exercises and 2) Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment tests. Due to the small number of male students completing these assessments (N=3 and N=2, respectively), median scores and their average range were only provided for the female students. An equivalent number of students took each test overall (N=57) and students generally scored higher in Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (median=187) than the Content Area Exercises (median=165). Finally, the majority of students completing the assessments were white (Content Area Exercises=75% white; Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment=79% white). Second, English Language Literature and Composition can also be further divided into 1) Essays and 2) Content Knowledge Tests. Overall, more females completed each assessment (Essays=66% female; Content Knowledge=67% female). More students completed the Content Knowledge Test (N=55) than the Essays (N=47). Overall, students also scored higher on the Content Knowledge Test (median=181) than the Essays (median=165). Additionally, males (median=183) scored slightly higher on the Content Knowledge test than females (median=178). Finally, the majority of students completing the assessments were white (Essays=76% white; Content Knowledge=71% white). 7 Table 5 Praxis II: Subject Assessments—Elementary Education Gender Content Area Exercises Race/Ethnicity Male 3 Female 53 Overall 57 White 43 Black 1 Hispanic 2 Median * 165 165 165 * * * * Avg Range * 160-170 160-169 160-170 * * * * N Asian 2 Other 1 Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment N 2 54 57 45 1 1 1 1 Median * 186 187 187 * * * * Avg Range * 179-191 181-191 181-191 * * * * Note. Missing data has been omitted. * Designates no data provided because of no or few numbers. Table 6 Praxis II: Subject Assessments—English Language Literature and Composition Gender Essays Race/Ethnicity N Male 12 Female 31 Overall 47 White 36 Black 1 Hispanic 1 Asian 0 Other 3 Median 165 165 165 165 * * * * 160-170 155-170 160-170 155-170 * * * * 15 37 55 39 2 2 0 3 Avg Range Content Knowledge N Median Avg Range 183 178 181 179 * * * * 177-188 166-186 173-187 173-186 * * * * Note. Missing data has been omitted. * Designates no data provided because of no or few numbers. The third relevant Subject Assessment, Social Studies, differed from the other assessments in that more males (N=55) completed the test than females (N=40). Male students (median=174) also scored slightly higher than female students (median=166). Finally, the majority of students completing this assessment were white (78%). Table 7 Praxis II: Subject Assessments—Social Studies Gender Content Knowledge N Median Avg Range Male 23 Female 17 Race/Ethnicity Overall 42 White 33 Black 1 Hispanic 1 Asian 0 Other 1 174 166 171.5 172 * * * * 167-188 158-181 164-181 164-181 * * * * Note. Missing data has been omitted. * Designates no data provided because of no or few numbers. 8 A comparison of all available scores from the Praxis II reveals some interesting trends. First, analysis of the overall median scores indicates that students received the highest scores in Elementary Education: Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (median=187) and the lowest overall scores on Elementary Education: Content Area Exercises (median=165) and English Language Literature and Composition: Essays (median=165). Second, analysis of the overall rate of completion reveals that the greatest number of students completed the Elementary Education assessments (N=57) while the least number of students completed the Social Studies assessment (N=42). Further, the Elementary Education assessments were completed by the greatest number of females (Content Area Exercises=93% female; Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment=95% female) whereas the Social Studies assessment was completed by the greatest number of males (55%). Summary Students completed Praxis I and Praxis II assessments during the 2005-2006 academic years and a summary report of the resulting scores. Results from the summary report provide information relative to the number of students completing assessments and comparisons of scores across gender and race/ethnic groups both within and across assessments. The Praxis I assessments may be administered in paper-based or computerformats. While more students completed the computer-based format, no differences were observed in median scores between the two formats. Finally, males tended to have slightly higher scores than females, especially in the Mathematics assessments. For Praxis II, in general, more females completed the assessments than males (with the exception of the Social Studies Subject Assessment) and the majority of students completing the assessments were white. These results are consistent with sex and race/ethnicity ratios in student enrollment in the teacher education programs. All but one assessment evidenced NSoE results were above the median for all examiners. All score comparisons should be interpreted with caution as no statistical tests were run on any of the data. Information regarding the significance of any differences in scores is not available at this time. Future reporting of Praxis results for 2006-2007 will include comparisons to the 2005-2006 scores. Additional analyses will also be considered. 9