The Context of Sura 3:54

Deception in Islam
June 2007 version
Etymology of the Word Makara ............................... 1
Interpretation of Sura 3:54 ........................................ 1
The Context of Sura 3:54 .......................................... 1
Muslim Applications of Sura 3:54 ............................ 1
Mohammed Endorsing Lies in the Hadiths .............. 2
Muslims Can “Dissolve Obligations” ....................... 3
Allah Deceived the Jews, and His Deception of
Christians Has Been Complete Ever Since ............... 3
Allah “Causes to Err”................................................ 3
But What Does the Bible Say? .................................. 3
Allah Deceives Even Muslims .................................. 4
Do not Follow Wrong Parts of the Qur’an................ 4
Will Allah Deceive You Too? .................................. 5
Satan will Not Impersonate Mohammed – but why? 5
Appendix : English Translations of Sura 3:54 .......... 5
“and [they] deceived and Allah deceived
and Allah is the best of deceivers”
Sura 3:54
This word “schemer” (maakir) is a very strong word
which Wehr and Abdel-Nour define as “sly, cunning,
wily”. The Arabic-Arabic unjid defines it with
khuda`a which means exactly the same thing (by Bill
Campbell in his book The Qur'an and the Bible in
the Light of History and Science p.217-218).
Interpretation of Sura 3:54
The person who is a makir (same form as the word
kafir) speaking of the attribute of a person is one who
would outwit someone else to cause them harm. It
speaks of one who would reveal the opposite of what
he plans to do. The reality is that he is scheming evil
for that person. So yes there is the sense of planning
and scheming but mostly it means to trick, outwit
and deceive for the purpose of overpowering and
conquering the other. A makir is one who devises a
secret scheme against someone else. Synonyms
would be cheating, defrauding, double-crossing,
deceiving, tricking, in all cases makara has the sense
of defeating the one you have tricked.
The Context of Sura 3:54
Sura 3:54 Arabic: Wa Makaru wa makara Allah wa
Allah Amkaru al Makireen.
Likewise the phrase of Allah “being the best
deceiver”. kheir ol makarein, is also used of Allah in
Suras 8:30 and 10:21. Sura 10:21 says Allah is the
fastest in planning/deceit
Other references to the plotting/deceit/scheming of
Allah are Sura 7:99; 27:50; 13:42; 14:46; 43:79;
86:15f.; 7:100; 4:142
Yet English translations of the Qur’an typically have
a softer phrase, as Appendix I shows. So in these
verses, specifically how should this word be more
accurately translated, and generally, what is the role
of deception in Islam?
Etymology of the Word Makara
Sura 3:54 says that Allah makara. The Arabic word
makara means to deceive, scheme, or plan. The
Arabic Bible in Genesis 3:1 uses the same word for
Satan. However, the Vand Dyck and Jerusalem
Bibles use the root word hayala.
The context of this story is very important. Sura 3 is
regarded to be the great dialogue of Muhammad with
the Christians. Al-Tabari says here that the deceit of
Allah applies to the time where the Jews wanted to
kill Isa the son of Mary. In order not to be killed
Allah put the appearance of Jesus’ face on someone
else, who was crucified instead of Jesus. This is how
Allah had everybody, even Jesus get deceived.
Strikingly when it comes to the cross, the very
central part of biblical teaching, Allah is called khayr
ulmakirin the most deceitful. Some one
wants to conceal that he lost the battle on the cross!
Here the true nature of Allah is revealed!
Muslim Applications of Sura 3:54
During the Second Gulf War, the Iraqi Information
minister justified his false reports of Iraqi victories
by quoting Sura 3:54, saying that “Allah was the best
of deceivers”. So this is how this Muslim applied this
word and this verse.
Around 686 A.D. Za’idah bin Qudamah saw the
deceiving plot of another and quoted “God is the best
of plotters” (Sura 3:54) al-Tabari vol.20 p.188 says that on the transmission on 9-11
flight 93, the hijackers told the passengers there was
a bomb on board, but that everyone will be safe if
their demands are met. That was certainly a lie, but
were the 9-11 hijackers being hypocrites here? No,
they were not, because the hadiths said they could
practice deception in war. But again, until the
hijackers took over the plane, the men, and even
women and children on board had no idea their
fellow passengers were at war with them.
Now Muslim scholars do not say Muslims can lie
any time the want to, but rather they can lie to nonMuslims for purposes of war, safety, and advancing
Islam. This last reason may explain why some
(though not the majority) of Muslims I have
corresponded with will say false things in order to try
to advance Islam.
On one hand, I have received the following from a
Muslim: “Telling a layman lies in order to convert to
Islam is Ha’ram (unlawful) and condemned by Allah
but a layman is responsible for seeking knowledge
independently as prophet Muhammad also said: ‘It is
mandatory for all Muslims both (Male and Female)
to seek knowledge before worshipping Allah’ Hadith
Qurisiy. But we can tell lies to settle a dispute or
conflict, that’s lawful and rewarding. I studied from
various roots.”
On the other hand, I have seen blatant lies told by
some Muslims about Christianity. But when the
factual error is pointed out, they keep those same
things on their web site; they neither correct or
address their error, nor explain why they think it is
not an error after all.
Mohammed Endorsing Lies in the Hadiths
Telling flattering lies to make peace is OK! “He who
makes peace between the people by inventing good
information or saying good things, is not a liar.”
Bukhari vol.3 book 49 ch.2 no.857 p.533.
See also Ibn-i-Majah vol.4 book 20 ch.5 no.2544 p.6
“Abu Huraira (Allah be pleased with him) reported
that Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessing of Allah
be upon him) said, 'If one hides (the sins of) a
Muslim, Allah will hide (his sins) in this world and
the Hereafter. (1)”
Footnote (1) by the translator says, "Another
translation of this is: if anyone provides some clothe
to a Muslims to cover his private parts. Hadith No.
2546 supports this translation."
“Narrated Jabir : The Prophet said, ‘Who is ready to
kill Ka’b bin Ashraf (i.e. a Jew).’ Muhammad bin
Maslama replied, ‘Do you like me to kill him?’ The
Prophet replied in the affirmative. Muhammad bin
Maslama said, ‘Then allow me to say what I like.’
[i.e. to lie]. The Prophet replied ‘I do (i.e. allow
you).’” Bukhari vol.4 book 52 ch.159 no.271 p.168.
al-Tabari vol.7 p.95 likewise reports Jabir saying
“We shall have to tell lies.” and Mohammed telling
him “Say what you like.”
Bukhari vol.3 book 45 ch.3 no.687 p.415 “Narrated
Jabir bin ‘Abdullah Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Who
would kill Ka’b bin Al-Ashraf as has harmed Allah
and His Apostle? Muhammad bin Maslama (got up
and) said, ‘I will kill him.’ So, Muhammad bin
Maslama went to Ka’b and said, ‘I want a loan of
one or two Wasqs of foodgrains.’” After dickering
over what to hold as mortgage, they agreed that
Muhammad bin Maslama would mortgage his
weapons. So he promised him that he would come
with his weapons next time.” Then Jabir returned,
when Ka’b bin Al-Ashraf was expecting him to come
peacefully, and Jabir deceptively killed him.
The following also discuss the assassination of Ka’b
bin Al-Ashraf, and their narratives all match.
Bukhari vol.5 book 59 ch.14 no.369 p.248; Sahih
Muslim vol.3 book 17 ch.744 no.4436 p.990-991;
Abu Dawud vol.2 book 9 ch.1015 no.2762 p.775;
Abu Dawud vol.2 book 13 ch.1110 no.2994 p.850.
al-Tabari vol.9 p.121 says this occurred between the
battles of Badr and Uhud.
War is guile. Ibn-i-Majah vol.4 book 24 (Jihad)
ch.27 no.2833 p.181. War is deceit according to
Bukhari vol.4 book 52 ch.157 no.268,269 p.167. The
trouble with applying this in Ka’b bin Al-Ashraf is
that Ka’b had no idea Jabir was at war with him.
Thus if a Muslim decides he is “at war” with you (an
infidel), he can with a clear conscience lie to you
while you think he is your friend and he comes to
borrow something from you.
Muslims Can “Dissolve Obligations”
But What Does the Bible Say?
Bukhari vol.7 book 67 ch.26 p.309 Mohammed said,
“By Allah, and Allah willing, if I take an oath and
later find something else better than that, then I do
what is better and expiate my oath.”
Nowhere in the Bible does God lie, deceive, or create
a delusion, though God can send a delusion. For
people like Pharaoh who hardened their own heart
God hardens their heart too. For those who
themselves exchanged the truth of God for the lie, in
Romans 1:25-31, God gives them over to vile
passions. In 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11 for those who
did not receive the love of the truth, God will send
them a strong delusion. So God did not create the
delusion, but He deliberately sent it their way. You
can read a detailed account of one case of this in 1
Kings 22:19-23.
Sura 9:3 Allah and His Messenger Dissolve
obligations with Pagans.
Sura 66:2a says “Allah has already ordained For you,
the expiation of your oaths”
Allah Deceived the Jews, and His
Deception of Christians Has Been
Complete Ever Since
When Allah allegedly had only the appearance of
Jesus die on the cross, that deceived the Jews who
thought they had crucified him. Now if Allah really
did plot this “great switcheroo”, you would have to
agree the effect to extremely successful at not only
completely deceiving all the Romans, and Jews, but
the followers of Jesus also.
htm gives almost 80 writers, prior to the Nicene
Council in 325 A.D., who taught, and in many cases
died for, the belief that Jesus died on the cross and
rose from the dead.
Allah “Causes to Err”
Sura 40:32: “O my People! I fear a Day when there
will be mutual wailing. No one shall defend you
against Allah. Any whom Allah causes to err, there is
no guide. That is how Allah leads the skeptic astray.”
Sura 40:32 says that Allah leads the skeptic astray.
The context of this is going to Paradise or Hell. So if
a person bound for Hell is believing idols, if Allah
a) Angry with them because they are not believing
what they are supposed to
b) Happy that they are believing what they are
supposed to believe, because Allah led them to
believe that.
If a Muslim answers “a” (like they usually will), then
why is Allah angry with people who followed where
He led them?
For Muslims there might be a similar concept of
either allowing non-believers to stay deceived, or
letting non-believers be further misled. Sura 5:41
says “If any one’s trial [of unbelief] is intended by
Allah, thou hast no authority in the least for him
against Allah. For such-it is not Allah’s will to purify
their hearts.”
Sura 74:31 “…Thus does Allah leave to stray Whom
He pleaseth, and guide Whom He pleaseth; and none
Can know the forces of thy Lord,…”
However according to Islam Allah deceived even His
own followers in Jesus time. In the next section,
Allah personally deceives even his own Muslim
followers too.
Here is how God and Satan handle lying in the Bible.
Does not lie (Num 23:19; 1
Sam 15:29)
Impossible for God to lie
(Heb 6:18)
Does not tempt (Jms 1:13)
Is Light (Jn 1:8; 1 Jn 1:5)
Angels are his servants
(Heb 1:5)
lies from the beginning
(Gen 3:4)
Father of lies (Jn 8:44)
Tempts (Mt 4:1-10)
Transforms himself into an
angel of light (2 Cor 11:14)
servants masquerade as
servants of righteousness
(2 Cor 11:15)
The Bible warns us not to believe every spirit but to
test the spirits (1 John 4:1) and to beware of false
prophets (Matthew7:15).
So how can someone tell if they are mistakenly
following a spirit that lies?
Allah Deceives Even Muslims
“...and then only this nation (i.e., Muslims) will
remain, including their hypocrites. Allah will come
to them in a shape other than they know and will say,
‘I am your Lord.’ They will say, ‘We seek refuge
with Allah from you. This is our place; (we will not
follow you) till our Lord comes to us, and when our
Lord comes to us, we will recognise Him.’ Then
Allah will come to them in a shape they know and
will say, ‘I am your Lord.’ They will say, (no doubt)
You are our Lord,’ and they will follow Him.”
Bukhari vol.8 book 76 ch.52 no.577 p.375. See also
Sahih Muslim vol.1 book 1 ch.81 no.349 p.115.
Now one Muslim pointed out to me that the word
“deceive” is not present in the quote, Allah did not
speak any lying words, and this occurs in Heaven,
not on earth. However, it is not required that the
word “deceive” be used to deceive people, as when
Allah impersonated one who is not Allah. Those who
believed Allah’s words when Allah chose to be in
this false shape go to Hell. If this is not deception,
then what is? We can all agree that this hadith
teaches that at a future time Allah will deliberately
misrepresent himself to Muslims in a “shape other
than they know”.
What is Allah’s shape? I had not heard a Muslim say,
until one Muslim told me Allah probably had a
humanoid shape. Here is what Bukhari vol.9 book 93
ch.24 no.532b p.396 tells us. “When there remain
only those who used to worship Allah (Alone), both
the obedient ones and the mischievous ones, [and
they will say] ‘and now we are waiting for our Lord.’
Then the Almighty will come to them in a shape
other than that which they saw the first time, and He
will says, ‘I am your Lord,’ and they will say, ‘You
are not our Lord.’ And none will speak to Him then
but the Prophets, and then it will be said to them, ‘Do
you know any sign by which you can recognize
Him?’ They will say, ‘The Shin,’ and so Allah will
then uncover His Shin whereupon every believer will
prostrate before Him and there will remain those who
used to prostrate before Him just for showing off and
for gaining good reputation. These people will try to
prostrate but their backs will be rigid like one piece
of a wood (and they will not be able to prostrate).
Then the bridge will be laid across Hell,…”
So, despite what Muslims today might say, Bukhari
says that Allah will have a true physical form in
Heaven, and Allah himself will also appear to
Muslims in a false physical form, as sort of a
temptation to them.
In contrast, James 1:13 says, “When tempted, no one
should say, ‘God is tempting me.’ For God cannot be
tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone.”
Do not Follow Wrong Parts of the Qur’an
Bukhari vol.6 book 60 ch.9 no.8 p.10 “’Umar said,
‘Our best Qur’an reciter is Ubai and our best judge is
‘Ali; and in spite of this, we leave some of the
statements of Ubai because Ubai says, ‘I do not leave
anything that I have heard from Allah’s Apostle
while Allah said, ‘What ever verse (Revelations) do
We abrogate or cause to be forgotten but We bring a
better one or similar, to it … (2: 106)”
What do you think abrogated verses means?
a) Verses that are still in the Qur’an, but Muslims are
not supposed to follow it?
b) Verses that used to be in the [some say
unalterable] Qur’an, but are no longer there anymore
c) We can find examples of both
It turns out that Muslim hadiths show us that c) is the
correct answer.
Example of a) Sura 73:2-3 is abrogated by Sura
73:20. Abu Dawud vol.1 book 2 ch.457 no.1299
An example of an abrogated tradition is that Mu’tah
(temporary marriage) for a short time such as a day
or week, was allowed by Mohammed, but, according
to Sunnis, later abrogated. However, Shi’ites believe
that was not abrogated.
Example of b) “Narrated Anas bin Malik: ... There
was revealed about those who were killed at Bi’rMa’una a Qur’anic Verse we used to recite, but it
was cancelled later on. The verse was: ‘Inform our
people that we have met our Lord. He is pleased with
us and He has made us pleased.’” Bukhari vol.4 book
52 ch.19 no.69 p.53. This is not in any Qur’an today.
By the way, I hope nobody has tried to deceive you
into thinking the Qur’an has not been changed, or
that everything is to be followed. The Fihrist p.81-82
lists 18 books about the Abrogating and the
Abrogated in the Qur’an. Among Muslims scholars,
the translator in Bukhari vol.6 footnote 1 p.506
mentions a special term for Qur’anic verses that have
not been abrogated: muhkam, though other sources
call them mohkam.
Will Allah Deceive You Too?
One Answer from Islam: You had better not ask too
many questions.
Bukhari vol.2 book 24 ch.52 no.555 p.323 “I heard
the Prophet saying, ‘Allah has hated for you three
things: - … And asking too many question…”
Sura 5:101 “Believers! Do not ask questions about
things which if made plain and declared to you, may
vex you, causing you trouble.”
Sura 5:102 “Some people before you did ask such
questions, and on that account they lost their faith
and became disbelievers.”
Satan will Not Impersonate Mohammed –
but why?
So even though Allah could come in a deceiving
shape, and ghulat Muslims might be deceived in
worshipping the wrong Allah, thinking that ‘Ali and
Mohammed are divine and parts of Allah, the hadiths
say Satan cannot impersonate Mohammed.
“... and whoever sees me [Mohammed] in a dream,
he surely sees me, for Satan cannot impersonate me
(appear in my figure). And whoever intentionally
ascribes something to me falsely, he will surely take
his place in the (Hell) Fire.” Bukhari vol.8 book 73
ch.109 no.217 p.139-140. (also Sahih Muslim vol.4
book 27 ch.948 no.5635-5639 p.1225-1226)
One answer I have never heard (yet) from a Muslim,
is why Muslims think God will chooses to appear in
a deceiving, people can be deceived in worshipping a
false impersonation of God, yet Satan will never
impersonate Mohammed.
To answer that question for me, or for more info
Appendix : English Translations of Sura
English translations of the Qur’an seem to conceal
part of the true meaning.
Yusuf ‘Ali’s Translation of 3:54 “And (the
unbelievers) Plotted and planned, And Allah too
planned, And the best of planners Is Allah.”
Arberry’s translation of Sura 3 between 45 and
50: “and they devised, and God devised, and God is
the best of devisers”
Malik’s Translation of 3:54: “The unbelievers
among the children of Israel plotted against Isa and
Allah also devised a plan to raise him up, and Allah
is the best in planning.”
J.M. Modwell’s translation of Sura 3 between 40
and 50: “And the Jews plotted, and God plotted: But
of those who plot God is the best.”
Pickthall’s translation of 3:54: “And they (the
disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against
them); and Allah is the best of schemers.”
(translated by Maulawi Sher Ali, an Ahmaddiyya)
“And they planned, and Allah also planned; and
Allah is the Best of planners.”
Yusef Ali, in his version of the Qu’ran, says that
makara can be “good or bad”, positive or negative.
(p.156, footnote 393 on Sura 3:54)
In Farsi, the words, makr and makar are from the
Arabic, and it apparently is always negative.
Translations of the Qur’an are taken from Yusuf
Ali’s revised translation.