Clerk’s Notes Subject to Approval at the next Meeting on 12th July 2010 1866. The Monthly Meeting of the Parish Council was held on Monday 14th June 2010, in the Jubilee Hall, High Street, Heighington, starting at 7.30pm. District Cllrs Mrs Brighton, Ian Carrington and PCSO Carol Daman-Willems were present. An apology was received from County/District Cllr Ron Oxby. There were no parishioners in attendance. Present: Councillor C.M. Green – Chairman Councillor R.S. Bushell – Vice-Chairman (left at 8.40pm) Councillor G. Brennand Councillor Mrs C.J. Dunning Councillors G. Griffin Councillor Mrs E.G. Hutton Councillor A. Puncher Councillor T. Senior 1. Apologies and Declarations of Interest: Apologies from Cllr Mrs Webster, Cllr Dziadkiewicz and a standing apology from Cllr Miss Woodruff were recorded. Cllr Bushell declared a personal interest in the planning application at item 10/a as he lived in the vicinity of the site for a development proposal at 1 Lintin Close. Police Report: PCSO Carol reported four garden sheds had been broken in to. A hedge cutter, lawn mower and tools had been taken from sheds at Washingborough Road and Canterbury Drive; a lap top was also taken from the latter property. A shed along Park Lane was also broken into but nothing had been taken. It was noted that all the properties adjoin public rights of way. The police team had undertaken a leaflet drop in all areas but no information had been received to date. An article was to be published in the next edition of the Sheepwash times emphasising a need to be more security conscious, and asking residents to be vigilant and report anything suspicious immediately. A vehicle parked on Fen Road was damaged over the previous weekend, the rear car window had been smashed with a beer bottle, door to door enquiries had been carried out, but there was no new information. Beer cans and bottles had been discarded on the Potterhanworth Road sports field, left by a marauding few, and someone had been camping out on the field; there had been no reports of anti social behaviour from residents. Noise, nuisance and drinking problems in the car park at St Thomas’ were also reported. The police team were keen to establish who these people are and where they come from, and investigations were on-going. No other matters were raised and PCSO Carol was thanked by the Chairman for attending, and left the meeting at this point. 2. To approve Clerk’s Notes as Minutes from Meetings: 2a. Annual General Meeting on Monday 10th May 2010: the notes from this meeting had been given to each Member and were taken as read. A copy had also been displayed in the two village notice boards on High Street and at the foot of Canterbury Drive. The Chairman proposed that the notes be approved as minutes and this was approved. A resolution that the minutes be signed as a true record by the Chairman was unanimously agreed. 3. Matters Arising: 3a. Annual Litter Pick Sunday 16th May 2010: The Chairman reported on the success of the litter pick and expressed thanks to Wotsitz Youth Group for their sterling efforts in clearing the Beck, and to Members and their families in clearing the sports field and recreation ground and other areas enroute. Two organisations were given a special mention. Domino’s Pizza for providing free pizzas for participants and NKDC for collecting the bags of rubbish on the Monday morning, both contributions were much appreciated. Discussion turned to the possibility of arranging a further clearance of the Beck following the school summer holiday. It was suggested that the Wotsitz Youth Group be approached to see if they could assist. It was resolved that a plan be drawn up to manage the initiative. 3b. Annual Footpath Walk Wednesday 19th May 2010: The Chairman expressed grateful thanks to Members and residents who had taken part in this event. Problems noted en-route had been reported to the County Council footpaths officer for action and these were noted in an exchange of correspondence. Clerk’s Notes Subject to Approval at the next Meeting on 12th July 2010 1867. Cllr Senior apologised for not taking part in the two events due to personal circumstances, and this was acknowledged by the Chairman. 3c. Garden Share Scheme: Cllr Griffin reported that the scheme had started and 2 teams had been matched. A further person had volunteered to work a garden and possible garden space was being looked into by a third party. The project had been promoted at the recent Garden Club meeting, but there was no feed back to date. The Chairman thanked Cllr Griffin for the update. 4. To Receive Clerk’s Notes from Committee Meetings:4a. Policy & Resources Committee Meeting on 12 May 2010: the notes from this meeting had been copied to all Members and were noted for information. The Committee Chairman Cllr Bushell summarised the end of year review and spending plans for the current financial year and this was noted by Members. 4b. Property Services Committee Meeting on 20th May 2010: the notes from this meeting had been copied to all Members and were noted for information. Attention was drawn by the Chairman to the amount of work that had been completed in the buildings and the setting up of a Working Party to carry out a review of hire agreements, fees and discounts. A project to renew the windows and lights at the Jubilee Hall might be delayed, but smaller repairs/renewals were to be progressed. Thanks were extended to the Committee, particularly the caretaker at the Jubilee Hall who had been extremely helpful. Cllr Mrs Dunning (Property Services Chairman) acknowledged the sentiment by saying it was a team effort. 5. Correspondence: 5a. Dangerous Tree and Overgrown Foliage P.F.7: A resident had raised concerns about a Sycamore tree that was only supported by a branch from an adjacent tree on land adjoining public footpath No 7 Park Lane to High Street. The Clerk had written to the local land owner and a response was awaited. (Letter copied to the County Council Footpaths Officer and the NKDC Tree Officer). It was reported that there was a similar problem with an Ash Tree on the western boundary of the land, bordering Hudson’s Lane. It was agreed to expedite contact with the land owner. 5b. Standards Committee – Protocol for Handling Complaints from Members/Update: The Chairman recalled that this Council had adopted the procedure at the meeting on 8th March 2010 and this was noted by Members. 5c. Central Lincolnshire Joint Planning Unit: A letter from the Head of the Joint Planning Unit advised of a new local planning authority that had been created in Central Lincolnshire to undertake a joint local development framework on behalf of the four local Councils operating in the area, to include City of Lincoln, North Kesteven District, West Lindsey District and Lincolnshire County Council. We were informed of a requirement to adopt a new Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) that will set out how the Unit will consult stakeholders and the community during the preparation of Development Plan Documents. We were invited to make representations about the contents of the new SCI and submit comments by 25th June 2010. There were no comments for return and the position was noted by the Chairman for information. 5d. LCC Preferred Minerals & Waste Strategies/Submitted Sites & Proposed Assessment Method: A non-statutory consultation on the subject documents starting on 10th June until Thursday 5th August 2010 was noted by the Chairman for information. Both documents were available to view on-line at Strategy 5e. SLCC Regional Conference: The details were noted by the Chairman but no one was available to attend. 5f. LCC Community Risk Register for Lincolnshire: A printed copy of this document had been received from the Head of the Emergency Planning Unit at the County Council and was handed to Cllr Puncher to peruse. Clerk’s Notes Subject to Approval at the next Meeting on 12th July 2010 1868. 5g. Community & Emergency Flood Plan Template: A copy of this model had been received electronically and was handed to Cllr Puncher to peruse. 5h. E’on-Proposed Overhead Electricity Line Works at Spar Shop: Central Networks had notified us of a proposal to refurbish the supply at these premises. No objections were raised. 5i. Readfile: The Summer edition of LCR (Local Council Review) was noted for perusal by Members. 5j. Register of Interests under the Local Code of Conduct and Disclosure of Gifts or Hospitality: The Member Services Manager at NKDC advised the legal requirement under the code of conduct to register any changes within 28 days of a Member being aware of it and to provide written notice to the Monitoring Officer of those changes. There was also a reminder for Members to disclose details of any person from whom they have received a gift or hospitality with an estimated value of at least £25 or more. No new information was reported by members. 6. ExtremeNK: Hiring of Mobile Sports Facilities for Youth Events in the Village: The Chairman summarised a conversation with the Youth Development Outreach Worker at Leisure Connections with regard to this initiative. The climbing wall and skate park would require hard surfacing and in past years we had worked with Branston PC as we have no suitable venue to install those facilities. A similar arrangement this year was not possible. In this regard Parkour was feasible (equipment that linked to provide an obstacle course etc). The Jubilee Hall was considered an ideal venue for the parkour equipment to be installed, and managed by two instructors. It was resolved, subject to a site evaluation, that parkour and two instructors be booked on available dates during August, at a cost of £75 per day for the equipment, and 2 instructors at £15 per hour for each instructor (estimated total cost for the project £540 + VAT). The proposal was unanimously agreed. 7. Community Plan Update: A summary of the comments received from residents had been circulated to all Members and was noted for information. The Chairman reported that he had been invited to a Community Plan meeting on 30th June 2010, and had agreed to attend. A query was raised regarding the adoption of the Plan by the Parish Council, but it was considered too premature at this stage. It was suggested that the Parish Council await the outcome of the Action Plan which is a key stage of the process, before integration into policy. It was emphasised that the Community Plan was a working document and no promises could be made as it would depend on who the provider was. It was agreed that a great amount of work had been accomplished in producing the document and overall it was considered a useful tool towards the future. 8. Four Parishes Group – Update: The Chairman advised that the next meeting of this group was scheduled to take place on Wednesday 7th July 2010, starting at 7.30pm, Pavilion Moor Lane, Branston. 9. Finance Matters 9a. to Approve Monthly Statements for May 2010: (copy on minute file) the statement was summarised by the Clerk and there were no queries raised. 9b. to Approve accounts received for payment in June 2010: (copy on minute file) A list of accounts received for payment was reviewed. The Clerk highlighted two payments under Section 137(LGA 1972), authorised in the precept. These covered grants to Washingborough with Heighington PCC £875 (towards Churchyard maintenance at St John’s Church), and Heighington Village Hall Trust £650 (towards insurance and improvements). Members were also advised that HBW United F.C. had agreed to contribute towards mechanical drilling of grass seed on the lower level football area at the Potterhanworth Road sports field. Vertidrain Hire Co Ltd had recently carried out the work at a cost of £352.50. There were no queries raised and the list of payments was approved. Cheques were signed by the Chairman and Cllr Puncher. 9c. to Approve Annual Return & Governance Statement: The Chairman introduced the completed Annual Return; Income & Expenditure account statement and Balance Sheet. The internal Auditor’s Report for the year ended 31st March 2010, and a copy of the Statement of Assurance. Clerk’s Notes Subject to Approval at the next Meeting on 12th July 2010 1869 A review was undertaken during which the Chairman proposed that Members acknowledge responsibility for the preparation of the statement of accounts and for the Council’s internal controls. It was resolved that the undertakings listed are accepted and approved and this was unanimously agreed. Members were advised that the next stage of the audit was to forward the completed Annual Return and supporting information to the External Auditor by 23rd July 2010, which would be undertaken during that week. The Chairman proposed a vote of thanks to the Clerk for the work she had undertaken throughout the audit process and Members agreed. The sentiments were acknowledged by the Clerk. 10. Planning Matters. Cllr Bushell left the meeting at this point. 10a. Planning Applications for Members Consultative Comments: the following proposals had been received from NKDC, and they were introduced by Cllr Puncher (Highways & Planning Chairman): 10/0624/FUL Erection of Stable Block to rear & change of use of land to keep horses at Ventura Place, Middle Fen Lane, Washingborough (Heighington Parish): The application sought to erect a stable block in the garden area so that horses could be stabled during winter months. The site was situated in the countryside where the area was very open especially in inclement weather. Members viewed the plans and details and no objections were raised. It was agreed that no comment be returned to NKDC. 10/0628/HOUS Erection of single storey and rear extension at 1 Lintin Close: the householder application sought permission for the construction of a single storey garage on the eastern boundary, to convert the existing garage space into a wc/utility and study, and build a living area at the rear of the existing dinning room. Members viewed the plans and details on deposit and no objections were raised. It was agreed to return no comment to NKDC. 10b. Decision Notices Received from NKDC: None Received. However, it was observed on-line that permission had been granted for the erection of an agricultural shed at Holly Tree Farm. 10c. Draft Layout Plan for Exception Site: The Chairman introduced a layout plan for affordable housing development on the exception site, land off Fen Road. We were advised that the properties fronting Fen Road will be reversed so that gardens are not facing the road and a note saying that the layout plan will be subject to change after planning comments. In the meantime Parish Council views were sought at this early stage. Surprise at the receipt of the draft layout was expressed, as we had heard nothing since we were consulted about the possibility of an exception site approximately 2-3 years ago. Concerns were raised about the configuration of the proposed development including access, road design and density. There was no integration with the development into the landscape, or providing shade, shelter or visual appearance. Moreover, there was no mention of flood mitigation measures to attenuate surface/ground water and alleviate drainage problems on this site and in the wider area which have become more evident since the floods in July 2007. In discussion it was agreed that comments be returned to reflect the sentiments expressed and this was delegated to the Clerk in consultation with Cllr Puncher (Chairman of Highways & Planning) and the PC Chairman. 11. Parish Council Chairman – Update: Notice board items were raised by the Chairman. (1) Change of Date - monthly PC meeting after the recess in August - Monday 13th September 2010. (2) Open Day for Local Organisation in the Village – Saturday 12 June 2010. (3) Recreation & Environment Advisory Forum – next meeting, Monday 28th June 2010. (4) Fen Road – containers had been installed on a piece of land and the Clerk was asked refer the matter to NKDC Enforcement Team regarding a breach of planning regulations. (5) The surface on the right-hand bend along Chapel Lane had broken-down and 50cm of highway on Washingborough Road had sunk following reinstatement of a service trench. The Clerk was asked to report the situation to the County Council. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.20pm. Signed: ……………………………………………… Dated: …………………………………..