Document B/C/11Durust, Richard of Bromshulf 1586 Reproduced with the kind permission of Lichfield Record Office 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. In the name of god amen the viijth day of August in the xxviijthyeare of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god of England, France, &Ierlandqueene defender of the fayth&c, And in the yeare of our lord god 1586. I Richard Durustsicke of bodybut of good & p[er]fect memory thankes be with god, make this my last will and Testament in maner and formefolowing. / Fyrst I bequeth my soule to almighty god my maker and Jesus christ my Redeemer, and my body to be buried wheare it shall please myne Executors. / Also my will is that wheareas an Order was taken betwixt me and my sonne Richard that the same shall stand and take place according to the efecttherofwhearin my SonneRychard must pay unto my Sonne in law Thomas Carter Eight pounds of lawfullEnglishe money p[ar]cell of his mariagegoodeswith Johane my daughter. / Also my will is that my debtes be paid and my fun[er]all expenses discharged of my whole goodes and I geve to Johane my daughter the cofer that was her mothers. / Also I geve unto my Sonne in law Thomas Carter<and my said daughter>sixe peeces of pewter and one candlesticke in full satisfaction of suche parte as he or my daughter caneclayme of my goodes. / Also I geve unto Rob[e]rtWakeline my sonne in lawe and Agnes his wyffe one cofer sixe peeces of pewter & a candlesticke in full satisfacc[i]on of suche p[ar]te as he or she cane clayme of my goodes. / And I geve unto Richard mySonne a voyder& ye charge of the takeinge of my house and such goodes as he hath gotten under me & had as appearth by the order above said which I will he shall have in full satisfacc[i]on of such p[ar]te as he caneclayme of mygoodes. / Also I geve unto Rauffe my brother my best coat, my hose &dublet a cape & a payre of shewes, and I geve to Richard Key my godsonne a sword. / Also I geveto Anne Hayly, Margery Wale, &M[ar]gery Carter my god daughters earch each of them xijd . / and I geve to Rob[e]rtWakelines twoe children eyther of them a theave and to Richard sonne of Ric[hard]Durust the younger as good a thing as a heifer sterke<of ye price of xsw[hic]h he and his wiffe would conclude on>price xs / Also I geve a noble which Christopher Chamberlineoweth me to be devided into iiijp[ar]t[e]s. v[i]z. to him y e said xpofer Chamberlinexxdto my sister Agnes Key wiffexxd , to her daughter xxd and to my sister Johane Wettonxxd, and I geve to my two daughters Agnes Wakelin &Johane Carter eyther of them a pane. / The residue of all my goodes moveable & unmoveable I geve and bequeth to Mary my wiffe. / And I make & Appoint Thomas Warner gent[leman] & Mary my wyffe my true &lawfull executors to see this may last will p[er]formed and fulfilled. / / witnesshearunto 35. Per me Thomam Warner Tho: Key Cl[er]icus 36. Margrett Warner Thomas Carter 37. JohaneWetton 38. Agnes Key 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. The Inventory of all yegoodes and cattals of Rychard Durust late of Bromshulf deceased pryced by Thomas Patricke Richard Dyche Thomas Carter Thomas Ibson<and> Thomas Shaw the vth day of September A[nn]o d[omi]ni 1586. / 44.Imprimis 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. iijkyne price It[e]mij heifers It[e]mijSterkes It[e]m iij calves It[e]mx old shepe and iiijlambes It[e]m one Swyne It[e]m x pullen It[e]m corne& hay It[e]msawenbordes<wood>& wooden ware without ye dore& in yebarne ) It[e]miiijbrassepannes It[e]miiijpotes It[e]miiijlyttlepannesijcaldernes ) &ijskelletes ) It[e]m iiijcandlestickes& a chaffing dish It[e]m ijsaltes It[e]m xxxijpeeces of pewter It[e]m paynted clothes It[e]m ij spites It[e]mweaving lomes&geares It[e]m ijfetherbedd[e]s iij bolsters ) andijpillowes ) It[e]m ij mattresses It[e]mvcoverletes& a bedhilling It[e]m iiijpayre of sheetes It[e]m ij pillow beares&ijbord clothes It[e]m iiijTwilsheetes It[e]m v Flesses of wulle It[e]mx yardes of Sea &yorne It[e]m his Apparell vjs It[e]m iiijcofers It[e]m iijlomes a barrell a churne ) ijpealesij meals ijkymmels ) iijcheares& other wooden ) ware in ye house ) vs It[e]m ij Axes a hatchet a land iron ) a brandironijnagers a payre of ) pottchaynes ) It[e]m a cupbordij tables ) adyshebord& a forme ) It[e]m all such ground as he held ) by lease in ye p[ar]ishe of Bromshulf ) andFole in ye p[ar]ishe of Leighe ) It[e]m money in his purse 88. 89. Summa TotalisxxxLixsvjd iiijLi vjLi iijLixiijsiiijd xxvjsviijd xxs xxiijsiiijd vs iijsviijd xxvjsviijd ) vjsviijd xls xxvjsviijd xs xs iijsiiijd vjd xijd xviijd xs xiijsiiijd ijs xiijsiiijd viijs ijs vs ijsvjd xs vjsviijd iiijs iijsiiijd xs vLi xvijs