COMPUTER APPLICATIONS I Academic Year: 2010-2011 Teacher: Mrs. Welsh Department: Business Phone: 410-758-0500 Email: Queen Anne’s County High School Prerequisites: None Credit: 1 COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to give students and understanding of integrated computer systems and applications. Students will be able to use Microsoft XP Excel and Word. COURSE OUTCOMES: 1. Identify basic components of the computer. 2. Identify components of the Windows© environment. 3. Define Windows© terminology. 4. Use Windows© applications standard to the Windows© environment. 5. Create/revise documents using Word XP 2007 6. Create spreadsheets using Excel XP 2007 7. Use appropriate formulas to add, subtract, multiply and divide cell figures. 8. Create graphs using Excel XP2007 COURSE OUTLINE: Topics/Unit of Study Time Frame (No. of Weeks) Assessment(s) Cooperative Learning, Microsoft Windows XP 2007 1 weeks Assignments Microsoft Word XP 2007 8 weeks *Production Mid Term 1 week Mid term Exam Microsoft Excel XP 2007 8 weeks *Production Final Exam 1 week Projects and Tests TEXTBOOKS/MATERIALS: A limited supply of materials for projects will be made available in the classroom. Business Principles and Management textbook and workbook Three-ring binder Notebook paper (not spiral bound) Blue or black pen Pencil CLASSROOM REQUIREMENTS/PROCEDURES: 1. Classroom policies concur with all county and school policies that are addressed in the student handbook or otherwise stated. Please note the final page of this document explains the attendance and lateness procedures and should be signed by both students and parents. 2. Courtesy must be displayed at all times. 3. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. 4. Each class member will be assigned textbook and workbook. The student will be responsible for that textbook for the entire semester. If for any reason a student’s text is missing at the beginning of class or damaged, the student must report this to the teacher immediately. The student will be responsible for any damage not reported immediately. 5. This course provides and requires many opportunities for active learning. Participation is crucial to success. 6. Homework is vital to the student’s success in the class. Not completing homework deprives one of learning business skills and affects one’s grade. Students will have a combination of short-term and long-range assignments and are expected to be working on some aspect of the course every day. 7. The phone is not for students. 8. Students will be dismissed by the teacher, not by the bell. Please remain at your seat until dismissal. GRADING POLICY: Your work will be evaluated in the following areas: Formative Assessments ............................................................................................... 30% Summative Assessments ............................................................................................. 55% Final Exam.................................................................................................................... 15% Total............................................................................................................................ 100% EXPLANATION OF ASSESSMENTS and/or INTERDISCIPLINARY PROJECTS: 1. Assignments and projects will be assigned regularly from the textbook and supplementary sources. 2. Notebook assessments will be administered periodically. 3. Summative assessments include major projects, research papers, unit tests, chapter tests and midterm. 4. Missing assignments as a result of excused absences or suspensions must be made up within three school days of the student’s return. (QA County Policy) Assignments missed as a result of an excused lateness must be made up by the next day. 5. Students will be allowed to retake or revise one summative assessment (except for the Mid-Term or Final Exam) within 10 school days from the time the assessment is returned if they score 79% or less. The recorded grade is to reflect the higher of the two grades, up to an 80%. PLEASE SIGN AND RETURN THE FOLLOWING PAGE AND BOTTOM PORTION OF THE FINAL PAGE. Computer Applications I Queen Anne’s County High School Academic Year: 2007-2008 I have read the Computer Applications I Syllabus for Mrs. Welsh’s class along with my son/daughter and we agree to its terms. Parent/Guardian (printed name) _________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian (signed name) _________________________________________________________ Phone Numbers (day and evening) E-mail Address (parent/guardian)_________________________________________ Student (printed name) ________________________________________________________________ Student (signed name) ________________________________________________________________ HOME CONTACT LOG (for teacher use only) DATE TIME PHONE # PERSON CONTACTED COMMENTS