ABSTRACT This study examined the influence of billboard advertisement in promoting products: appraisal of Lux soap on pedestrians in Lagos metropolis. Advertising is one of the tools used for persuasive communication to target audience. Advertising is the communication relayed from companies to persuade an audience to purchase their products. Quantitative research design was used in which cross-sectional survey method was adopted while the data collection instrument was questionnaire. Findings showed that billboard advertising creates awareness of products and services; it influences consumers’ behavior on product and services in their choice of products and services selection. Billboard advertising also contribute to nation’s environmental beautification and economic growth. And that billboard advertising messages carry and reinforce electronic and print media messages. It is therefore recommended that outdoor advertising association of Nigeria (OAAN) should endeavor that locations where billboards are cited should be monitored to avoid billboard constituting problems. Advertisers should patronize billboard advertising because it is powerful and intrude on the passer-by’s consciousness. Billboard tends to function as reminder media. 1