First Aid Test

First Aid Test
1. Using the numbers 1-4, put the steps in order for CPR
__2_ Send someone to call 911
__1__ See if the individual is responsive
__4__ Begin chest compressions
__3__ Tilt head back to open airway
2. What are the 3 primary objectives in giving first aid?
1._____Stop life-threatening dangers_______________
2._____Keep the victim safe from further harm_______
3._____Get proper medical help___________________
3.What are the 4 vital steps for treating accident victims?
(List in order you would perform them)
1.Immediately treat cases in which a victim’s life is threatened
2.Send someone to telephone or to look for help
3.Treat for shock
4.Examine victim for other injuries that may require first aid
4. True or False? __T___ You should continue rescue breathing
until a person with medical training tells you to stop or it
becomes impossible for you to continue.
5. Compressions should be performed at what rate? 100 per min.
6. List 3 or more signs of a heart attack.
1.__shortness of breath
2.__a feeling of weakness
3.__nausea, with the urge to vomit
4. __unusual sweating
5. __uncomfortable pressure, squeezing or fullness or
Pain in the center of chest behind the sternum
7. What would you do to help someone who is choking?
a. Yell for help
b. hit them on the back
c. perform the Heimlich maneuver
d. hope they eventually stop
8. Draw a diagram of an arm and a leg and label the pressure
points. Identify an instance where you would use pressure points
to stop bleeding.
Brachial artery just below armpit/ femoral artery at top of thigh
If an artery has been severed (blood spurting out)
9. What should you do if you suspect poisoning?
a. try some of the agent yourself to see if it tastes good
b. give them water to dilute the agent
c. call poison control- have the agent with you- save vomit
d. give them ipecac to induce vomiting
10. What are some symptoms of shock?
Confused behavior, fast or slow breathing, very fast or very
slow pulse rate, weakness in the arms and legs, cool and moist
skin, pale or bluish skin, lips & fingernails, enlarged pupils
11. Using 1-3, identify characteristics of a 1st, 2nd, & 3rd degree
_3__ Charred flesh, skin may be burned away. Nerve endings
damaged, not much pain.
_1__ Red, irritated skin. May be painful to the touch.
_2__ Blisters form
12. True or False? ___T___ To treat a blister, wash the area with
soap and water. Put a piece of moleskin in the shape of a
doughnut over the area with the hole over the blister.
13. True or False? __F___ If a person has frostbite, you should
rub the affected area to help the circulation.
14. True or False? ___T__ Body heat is a good way to help
someone who has frostbite.
15. What is hypothermia and what are some symptoms?
Hypothermia is when the body loses more heat than it can
generate. Symptoms are: chilly, tired, irritable, violent
shivering, loss of coordination
16. How do you treat hypothermia?
Get them indoors. Remove any wet clothing. Put her in a dry
sleeping bag. The rescuer must strip down to their underwear
and get in the sleeping bag so body contact will warm the person.
17. True or False? ___T__ You should always wash a cut or
scratch with soap and water before applying a bandage.
18. Identify as a simple or compound fracture.
____simple___ broken bone that has not caused an open wound
_compound ____ broken bone that has cut through the skin/flesh
19. List 2 things you should not do when treating a fracture.
1.___do not try to move the victim________
2.___do not try to set the bone_______________
20. What item could you use to immobilize a fractured leg, arm,
or wrist? ____a splint or a sling______________
21. What is the difference between heat stroke & heat
A person with heat exhaustion will exhibit some different
symptoms. Pale face, dilated pupils, shallow breathing, nausea
& vomiting, headache and dizziness.
Symptoms for heat stroke are: red , very hot face, constricted
pupils, slow, noisy breathing, rapid pulse & possible
22. What would you do differently in treating heat stroke as
opposed to heat exhaustion?
For heat exhaustion you put victim in cool, shady spot on her
back and elevate her feet. Loosen clothing
For heat stroke you put the victim on her back and elevate her
head and shoulders, remove clothing down to underwear
23. The best way to remove a tick is:
a. get a safety pin and dig it out
b. use tweezers and slowly pull so as not to leave any parts
c. cover the area with Vaseline to smother the tick
d. leave it there. It will come out on its own
24. A dangerous condition that can develop as a result of an
allergy to a spider or insect bite is:
a. elephantitis
b. anaphylactic shock
c. tachycardia
d. hypertension
25. Explain how to treat for a poisonous spider or insect bite.
Send for medical help. If bite is on arm or leg, use a constricting
band tied just tight enough to stop the blood flow in the skin.
Keep limb lower than the body. Use ice pack. Get victim to
medical care immediately.
26. True or False? __T___ To treat a nosebleed, have the victim
sit up and lean forward slightly to prevent blood from draining
into her throat. Press on the bleeding nostril.
27. To treat a puncture wound:
a. put a band-aid over it
b. pull out foreign matter, squeeze gently around wound,
wash with soap and water, bandage
c. apply anti-bacterial cream and bandage
d. pull out foreign matter, bandage
28. True or False? ___T__ A person who has had a puncture
wound may need a tetanus shot.
29. True or False? ___T__ It takes about 20 minutes for the oil in
poison ivy, oak and sumac to bind to the skin.
30. To treat poison ivy, oak or sumac contact:
a. wash with soap and water; spread with calamine lotion
b. scratch it to make it feel better
c. bandage tightly
d. drink lots of water to dilute the poison
31. Explain how to treat a snake bite.
Rest the bitten part lower than the body. Put a constricting band
2-4 inches above the bite to slow the spread of venom. Treat for
Shock. Get medical help immediately
32. True or False? ___T__ You should not remove your shoe to
treat a sprained ankle.
33. List 4 ways to transport an injured person.
1.____walking assist__________________
2.____two person carry__________________
3.____four handed seat carry__________________
4.____one person carry
5. ____blanket carry
6. ____stretcher__________
34. Use 1-4 to show in what order you would do the following
for someone who is drowning.
___3__Go with support (boat, canoe, surfboard, etc.)
___4_ Swim
___1 Reach
35. List 10 items that could be included in a first-aid kit.
Bandaids, ice pack, scissors, tweezers, gauze, first aid tape,
cotton swabs, cotton balls, antiseptic wipes, latex gloves,
hydrogen peroxide, moleskin, triangular bandage, etc.