Philadelphia University Nursing Faculty Nursing of emergency and disaster

Philadelphia University
Nursing Faculty
Nursing of emergency and disaster
Academic Year 2014-2015
First Semester- Final Exam
Exam Duration: Two Hours
Date: 5/2/2015
Student ID
Student’s Name:..........................................................................................
Student’s University Number:....................................................................
Session Number: (1)
Dr. Mayada Daibes
Please answer the following 50 questions.
1. Which one of the following is not included in the four basic purposes for
dressings and bandages?
A) control pain
B) immobilize the wound site
C) keep the wound dry
D) prevent further contamination and injury
Answer: A
2. The definition of aseptic is:
A) all viruses have been killed.
B) free of bacteria.
C) all spores have been killed.
D) contaminated with bacteria.
Answer: B
3. A trauma dressing is:
A) plastic wrap, petroleum gauze, or other dressings that form an airtight seal.
B) sterile gauze saturated with petroleum to keep it from sticking to a wound.
C) made from a 10-by-30-inch piece of thick, absorbent material.
D) a piece of thin 4 × 4 gauze.
Answer: C
4. In an emergency, you can use any of the following as dressings except for:
A) clean handkerchiefs.
B) towels.
C) sanitary napkins.
D) toilet tissue.
Answer: D
5. An occlusive dressing is best described by which one of the following?
A) a gauze pad
B) an airtight dressing
C) a sterile dressing
D) an aseptic dressing
Answer: B
6. Burn dressings are made from material that will:
A) turn color with body heat.
B) not stick to the skin.
C) leave lint in the wound.
D) not soak up blood.
Answer: B
7. Which one of the following is not a sign that a bandage is too tight?
A) The skin beyond the bandage is tingling or numb.
B) The skin beyond the bandage is warm to the touch.
C) The skin around the bandage becomes pale or cyanotic.
D) The victim complains of pain, a few minutes after bandage is applied.
Answer: B
8. A cravat bandage is made by:
A) cutting a 40-inch square piece of unbleached cotton cloth.
B) folding a triangular bandage.
C) wrapping a roller bandage around the wound site.
D) folding trauma dressings together.
Answer: B
9. An open wound needs to be dressed and bandaged to prevent infection and
Answer: TRUE
Page Ref: Ch. 10 Intro
10. Improper wound care can result in the loss of a limb.
Answer: TRUE
Page Ref: Ch. 10 Intro
11. A bandage is a sterile covering for a wound.
Answer: FALSE
Page Ref: Sec. 10.1
12. Under which of the following circumstances should you move a victim?
A) warm outside environment
B) fire
C) controlled traffic
D) cool outside environment
Answer: B
13. Never use elastic bandages, paper towels, toilet tissue, or any other material
that could shred and cling to the wound.
Answer: TRUE
14. A bandage should never be placed directly against a wound.
Answer: TRUE
Page Ref: Sec. 10.1
15. When applied correctly, a triangular bandage should easily slip over the
injury site.
Answer: FALSE
16. Bandaging too tightly and not covering the entire dressing are the two most
common mistakes in bandaging.
Answer: FALSE
17. If a bandage becomes loose, wounds may bleed or become infected and
broken bones can further displace.
Answer: TRUE
18. You should frequently check the color and warmth of skin beyond an elastic
roller bandage.
Answer: TRUE
19. The tips of the fingers and toes should be covered when arms and legs are
Answer: FALSE
20. If blood soaks through the first dressing, you must remove it and reapply
with a fresh dressing.
Answer: FALSE
21. In the case of an emergency, the sleeve of a shirt or jacket can be used as a
Answer: TRUE
22. A dressing should cover all the edges of the bandage.
Answer: FALSE
23. Which of the following steps of victim assessment would you generally do
first after arriving at the scene of an accident?
A) determine the chief complaint
B) establish rapport and control
C) assess vital signs
D) take a history
Answer: B
24. Throughout the assessment and treatment process, keep your eye level
________ that of the victim.
A) above
B) even with
C) below
D) to the side of
Answer: B
25. To establish rapport with the victim and gain control of the situation, you
need to use the three Cs. Which one of the following is not one of the "three
A) control
B) confidence
C) competence
D) compassion
Answer: A
26. The mechanism of injury will give us clues as to how the victim was:
A) restrained.
B) injured.
C) treated.
D) examined.
Answer: B
27. The major goal of the primary survey is to:
A) get the person's medical history.
B) get the person's consent to treat.
C) check for life-threatening problems .
D) identify any witnesses.
Answer: C
28. During the primary survey, assess vital signs using:
A) technical equipment.
B) your senses.
C) your intuition.
D) a second opinion.
Answer: B
29. Unless you find a life-threatening situation that requires immediate
treatment, the primary survey should take:
A) not more than 10 minutes.
B) 5-10 minutes.
C) 3-5 minutes.
D) 1 minute or less.
Answer: D
30. The final step in the primary survey is to determine:
A) nervous system disability.
B) life-threatening problems.
C) whether blood is circulating properly.
D) if the victim is breathing and has a pulse.
Answer: A
31. A bandage will:
A) hold the dressing in place.
B) be placed directly on the wound.
C) turn color with body heat.
D) cause swelling.
Answer: A
32. Which one of the following is not a true principle of dressing and bandaging?
A) Ask the victim how the bandage feels; if it's too tight, loosen it and make
it comfortable but snug.
B) Bandages should not be too loose; neither dressing nor the bandage should
shift or slip.
C) The original dressing should be removed and replaced if blood soaks
D) The body part should be bandaged in the position in which it is to remain.
Answer: C
33. When applying a bandage, it should cover which one of the following?
A) the entire wound
B) the full length of the extremity
C) the splint
D) the entire dressing
Answer: D
34. A pressure dressing is used to:
A) pad a splint.
B) control profuse bleeding.
C) control minor bleeding.
D) keep gangrene from starting.
Answer: B
35. Capillary refill is one method of checking for:
A) fever.
B) high blood pressure.
C) carbon monoxide poisoning.
D) circulation.
Answer: D
36. You should use the back of your hand to assess the victim's relative:
A) respiration rate.
B) skin temperature.
C) pulse rate.
D) oxygen level.
Answer: B
37. During the secondary survey, conduct a full-body assessment to check for:
A) life threatening injuries.
B) airway obstruction.
C) profuse bleeding.
D) swelling/deformity.
Answer: D
38. A victim lying on his back is in what position?
A) supine
B) prone
C) lateral recumbent
D) anatomical
Answer: A
39. The term lateral means:
A) to the left or right of the midline.
B) toward the front.
C) toward the midline.
D) near the surface.
Answer: A
40. The directional term that means near the surface is:
A) internal.
B) external.
C) deep.
D) superficial.
Answer: D
41. The function of the ligament is to connect:
A) bone to bone.
B) bone to muscle.
C) muscle to muscle.
D) muscle to organ.
Answer: A
42. The lower leg consists of the fibula and the:
A) tibia.
B) tarsals.
C) patella.
D) sacrum.
Answer: A
43. The spinal column consists of ________ bones called vertebrae.
A) 33
B) 30
C) 23
D) 20
Answer: A
44. Muscles that make walking, smiling, talking, and swallowing possible are:
A) skeletal muscles.
B) involuntary muscles.
C) smooth muscles.
D) cardiac muscles.
Answer: A
45. The function of the veins is to:
A) exchange fluid, oxygen, and carbon dioxide between the blood and tissue
B) carry oxygenated blood from the heart to the cells of the body.
C) carry oxygen-depleted blood back to the heart.
D) carry oxygenated blood to the heart.
Answer: C
46. One of the principle aims of first aid is to:
A) recognize life-threatening situations.
B) diagnose the medical emergency.
C) transport the victim to the hospital.
D) tell the victim to get a lawyer.
Answer: A
47. One of the principal aims of first aid care is to minimize:
A) further injury and complications.
B) the need for EMS.
C) the need for any additional physician care.
D) confusion and fear of bystanders.
Answer: A
48. A 911 dispatcher will need information which will include:
A) victim's next of kin.
B) exact location of the victim.
C) your driver's license number.
D) your employer's phone number.
Answer: B
49. You should provide First Aid to:
A) victims who are walking away.
B) victims who say "don't touch me."
C) the most seriously injured victim first.
D) victims in a state of denial.
Answer: C
50. If the scene of an accident is unstable and threatening either your life or the
victim's, your first priority is to:
A) quickly perform the ABCDs.
B) assess possible neck or spinal injury.
C) move the victim.
D) splint fractures to the neck and back only.
Answer: C
Best wishes
Dr. Mayada Daibes