МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Дальневосточный федеральный университет» (ДВФУ) 29 июня 2011 г. УЧЕБНО-МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЙ КОМПЛЕКС ДИСЦИПЛИНЫ Иностранный язык Специальность 080505.65 – «Управление персоналом» специализация «Кадровый консалтинг и аудит» Форма подготовки – очная/заочная Школа Экономики и менеджмента Кафедра английского языка для экономических направлений курс 1, 2 семестр 1, 2, 3, 4 лекции (час.) практические занятия 170 (час.) семинарские занятия ________час. лабораторные работы _______час. консультации всего часов аудиторной нагрузки 170 (час.) самостоятельная работа 170 (час.) реферативные работы (количество) контрольные работы (количество) зачет 1, 3 семестр экзамен 2, 4 семестр Учебно-методический комплекс составлен на основании требований государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования по специальности 080505.65 Управление персоналом (квалификация «менеджер»), утверждённого приказом Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации от 17 марта 2000 года № 279 эк/сп. Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины обсужден на заседании кафедры Английского языка для экономических направлений15 июня 2011г. протокол № 11 Заведующая (ий) кафедрой Лим С.В Составитель: доцент Федько Л.А 2011г. Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 2 из 325 Содержание Рабочая программа учебной дисциплины…………………………………….5 Материалы практических занятий……………………………………….……21 Материалы для организации самостоятельной работы студентов……….....63 Контрольно-измерительные материалы………………………………………67 Глоссарий……………………………………………………………………….267 2 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 3 из 325 АННОТАЦИЯ Учебно-методического комплекса дисциплины «Иностранный язык» по специальности 080505.65 «Управление персоналом» специализация «Кадровый консалтинг и аудит» Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» разработан для студентов 1 и 2 курса по специальности 080505.65 «Управление персоналом» в соответствии с требованиями ГОС ВПО по данной специальности и Положением об учебно-методических комплексах дисциплин образовательных программ высшего профессионального образования (утверждено приказом ректора ДВФУ от 17.04.2012 № 12-13-87). Дисциплина компоненту цикла «Иностранный общих язык» относится гуманитарных и к федеральному социально-экономических дисциплин. Общая трудоемкость дисциплины составляет 340 часов, из которых: 170 часов практические занятия, 170 часов – самостоятельная работа. Дисциплина реализуется на 1 и 2 курсе, в 1-4 семестре. Продолжительность изучения дисциплины – 4 семестра. Дисциплина «Иностранный язык» логически и содержательно связана с другими курсами государственного образовательного стандарта: «Русский язык и культура речи», «Логика убеждения и аргументации», «Философия». УМКД, предназначенный для организации дисциплине, содержит: - рабочую программу учебной дисциплины, - материалы практических занятий, 3 учебной работы по Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 4 из 325 - материалы для организации самостоятельной работы студентов, - контрольно-измерительные материалы, - глоссарий. Достоинством данного УМКД является направленность на развитие у студентов практических навыков владения английским языком (лексикограмматических, речевых и т.д.), которые в дальнейшем могут быть использованы студентами для решения коммуникативных задач в их профессиональной деятельности. Автор-составитель УМКД Федько Л.А. Зав. кафедрой Лим С.В. 4 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 5 из 325 МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Дальневосточный федеральный университет» (ДВФУ) 29 июня 2011 г. РАБЧАЯ ПРОГРАММА УЧЕБНОЙ ДИСЦИПЛИНЫ Иностранный язык Специальность 080505.65 – «Управление персоналом» специализация «Кадровый консалтинг и аудит» Форма подготовки – очная/заочная Школа Экономики и менеджмента Кафедра английского языка для экономических направлений курс 1, 2 семестр 1, 2, 3, 4 лекции (час.) практические занятия 170 (час.) семинарские занятия ________час. лабораторные работы _______час. консультации всего часов аудиторной нагрузки 170 (час.) самостоятельная работа 170 (час.) реферативные работы (количество) контрольные работы (количество) зачет 1, 3 семестр экзамен 2, 4 семестр Рабочая программа составлена на основании требований государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования по специальности 080505.65 Управление персоналом (квалификация «менеджер»), утверждённого приказом Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации от 17 марта 2000 года № 279 эк/сп. Рабочая программа дисциплины обсуждена на заседании кафедры Английского языка для экономических направлений15 июня 2011г. протокол № 11 Заведующая (ий) кафедрой Лим С.В 2011г. Составитель: доцент Федько Л.А 5 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 6 из 325 Оборотная сторона титульного листа РПУД I. Рабочая программа пересмотрена на заседании кафедры: Протокол № 1 от «21» сентября 2011 г. Заведующая кафедрой УПиЭТ Савинкина Л. А. II. Рабочая программа пересмотрена на заседании кафедры: Протокол от «_____» _________________ 20 г. № ______ Заведующий кафедрой _______________________ __________________ (подпись) (и.о. фамилия) 6 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 7 из 325 АННОТАЦИЯ рабочей программы дисциплины «Иностранный язык» по специальности 080505.65 «Управление персоналом» специализация «Кадровый консалтинг и аудит» Дисциплина «Иностранный язык» разработана для студентов 1 и 2 курса по специальности 080505.65 «Управление персоналом» в соответствии с требованиями ГОС ВПО по данной специальности и Положением об учебнометодических комплексах дисциплин образовательных программ высшего профессионального образования (утверждено приказом ректора ДВФУ от 17.04.2012 № 12-13-87). Дисциплина компоненту цикла «Иностранный общих язык» относится гуманитарных и к федеральному социально-экономических дисциплин. Дисциплина «Иностранный язык» логически и содержательно связана с другими курсами государственного образовательного стандарта: «Русский язык и культура речи», «Логика убеждения и аргументации», «Философия». Цель изучаемой дисциплины - ввести студентов в область общего делового английского языка, ознакомить их с базовой терминологией, грамматическими структурами, а также основными аспектами сферы бизнеса. Метод обучения - коммуникативный, опирающийся на основную функцию языка - служить средством общения. Формы обучения - практические занятия, кейсы, консультации, самостоятельная работа дома, работа с информационно-коммуникационными технологиями. 7 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 8 из 325 Виды контроля - еженедельный и итоговый в форме зачета в первом и втором семестре, экзамена – в третьем семестре. Технические средства обучения – онлайновые ресурсы, в том числе аудио и видео. Цель программы – сформировать иноязычную коммуникативную компетенцию, позволяющую осуществлять круг рабочих обязанностей и профессиональное общение в иноязычной деловой среде. Основные задачи программы: 1. Сформировать языковые навыки и на их основе развить речевые умения аудирования, говорения, чтения и письма на изучаемом языке на уровне А2 компетенциям (первый семестр), владения который иностранным согласно языком общеевропейским определяется как «предпороговый», и для которого необходимо понимать и уметь употреблять ходовые фразы, а также участвовать в несложном разговоре. 2. Улучшить языковые навыки и речевые умения до «порогового» уровня В1 (второй семестр), для которого необходимо понимание общего содержания текста, довольно быстрая спонтанная речь, умение делать подробные сообщения на интересующие темы с изложением своей точки зрения. 3. Усовершенствовать языковые навыки и речевые умения до «продвинутого порогового» уровня В2 (третий семестр), для которого необходимо понимание основного содержания сообщений, типично возникающих в стране пребывания, и умение составить связанное сообщение на определенную тему, в том числе о своих впечатлениях. 4. Сформировать межкультурную компетенцию делового общения, т.е. умение понимать и правильно относится к различным аспектам другой культуры во избежание затруднений в коммуникации. 8 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 9 из 325 В основу рабочей программы положены учебники издательства «Person Education Limited» серии «Intelligent Business», уровни Elementary, PreIntermediate, Intermediate. Метод обучения - коммуникативный, опирающийся на основную функцию языка - служить средством общения. Формы контроля: - выступление с топиками, диалогами, докладами, презентациями, краткими пересказами, обратными переводами; - проверка юнитов из рабочей тетради, выполненных с помощью программы Foxit Reader (редактора файлов в формате PDF), включающих задания на чтение, письмо, аудирование, грамматику, лексику; - тесты после каждого юнита; - промежуточные тесты на повторение трех пройденных юнитов; - итоговый тест в конце каждого семестра; - зачет в конце первого и второго семестра; - экзамен в конце третьего семестра. Зачет в конце первого семестра проводится в форме теста BULATS (Business Language Testing Service), использующегося в мировой практике компаниями для определения уровня делового английского языка служащих этих компаний. Определяемый языковой уровень должен соответствовать уровню Elementary. Зачет в конце второго семестра проводится в форме теста BEC (Business English Certificate) Preliminary для определения уровня владения языком, который должен соответствовать уровню Pre-Intermediate (начальной ступени среднего уровня владения иностранным языком). Зачет в конце третьего семестра проводится в форме теста BEC (Business English Certificate) Vantage для определения уровня владения языком, который 9 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 10 из 325 должен соответствовать уровню Intermediate (средний уровень владения иностранным языком). Все перечисленные тесты проверяют все четыре аспекта владения иностранным языком: чтение, письмо, аудирование и говорение. Общая трудоемкость дисциплины составляет 340 часов, из которых: 170 часов практические занятия, 170 часов – самостоятельная работа. Дисциплина реализуется на 1 и 2 курсе, в 1-4 семестре. Продолжительность изучения дисциплины – 4 семестра. Рабочая программа I семестр 1 Грамматика Функции занятие неделя месяц НазваЛексика ние темы 1 Сontacts 2 Countries and nationalit ies Introducing yourself to be a/an 3 Teams Departme Present Simple nts affirm. Introducing others сентябрь 4 Companies Word families Entry test Present Simple negative Company information 10 Text p. 17 – by heart Test 1 Intelligent Business Workbook pp.8-11 Frequenc y adverbs 3 Topic: About myself Тест Intelligent Business Workbook pp.4-7 Jobs 2 Оцениваемое задание Short report about a company Test 2 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. 5 4 6 5 7 Offices Intelligent Business Workbook pp.12-15 Articles There is/are Prepositions of place 8 Giving directio ns 9 Events Food and drink like and would like, can 11 Countable/un -countable nouns, some, any, how much/many 8 12 Review II 9 13 Projects 7 10 Money Ordinal nouns Past simple affirmative Prepositions of time октябрь 14 Orders 11 Topic: Ideal office Intelligent Business Workbook pp.16-19 Imperative 6 Test 3 Progress test 1 Review I Offices Лист 11 из 325 Offers, request s, Dialogue: In a restaurant permiss ion Intelligent Business Workbook pp.20-23 Orderin g goods Dialogue: Ordering a product Test 5 Intelligent Business Workbook pp.24-27 Test 6 Test 4 Progress test 2 Talking Topic: A about a project I projects worked on Intelligent Business Workbook pp.28-31 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. 10 15 Solutions 11 16 Products People and places Past Simple negative, questions and short answers Explain ing a technic al proble m Report: Great idea Adjective s Adjectives and adverbs Describ ing a product Small presentation of a nonexistent product Test 8 Intelligent Business Workbook pp.36-39 Test 9 Size, shape and material 17 12 18 13 19 Competitors 20 14 21 Location ноябрь Test 7 Intelligent Business Workbook pp.32-35 Progress test 3 Review III Word families Market: compoun d nouns Present Continuous Catchin g up Work Comparatives Opinio and ns Superlatives Dialogue: Meeting a colleague Intelligent Business Workbook pp.40-43 Topic: Is Vladivostok a good place to live? Test 10 Intelligent Business Workbook pp.44-47 15 22 23 Careers Лист 12 из 325 Work Present Perfect Intervie ws for and since декаб рь 16 24 12 Dialogue: At a job interview Test 11 Intelligent Business Workbook Test 12 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 13 из 325 pp.48-51 17 25 Progress test 4 Review IV 26 Review 18 27 Exit test 1 Названи е темы Лексика Грамма тика Функции 1 Activities Roles and activities. Word building Present Simple and Continuo us Explaining Company your job presentation Using the Internet Countabl e and uncounta ble Checking informatio n Offers and requests Being polite занятие неделя месяц II СЕМЕСТР 2 2 3 Data 4 3 5 Etiquette Quantity and number Synonym s Prefixes февраль 6 13 Оцениваем ое задание Тест Intelligent Business Workbook pp.4-7 Evaluating a web-site Test 1 Intelligent Business Workbook pp.8-11 Report: Doing business in … Test 2 Intelligent Business Workbook pp.12-15 Test 3 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. 4 7 8 Image 5 9 10 Success 6 11 Review I The fashion industry Word building Opposite s Compara tives and superlati ves Describing Comparing 2 products of products competitive companies Intelligent Business Workbook pp.16-19 Past Simple Telling a story Business failure 12 Future Financin g ventures 13 Collocati ons 14 8 9 Modals of possibilit y Test 4 Making prediction s Text p. 51 summary Test 5 Intelligent Business Workbook pp.24-27 Test 6 Review II 15 Location Collocati ons nouns 16 Multipart verbs 17 Jobseeking Activities Imperati ve The applicatio n process Future Making an plans and appointme intention nt s Dialogue: Making an appointment Intelligent Business Workbook pp.28-31 Explaining Reports: how what to do to prepare for a job interview/fin d a job/write a CV… Find a job Intelligent Business Workbook март 18 Topic: Setting up a new business Intelligent Business Workbook pp.20-23 Collocati ons 7 Лист 14 из 325 14 Test 7 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 15 из 325 pp.32-35 10 19 Selling Word building Modals of obligatio ns Making suggestion s 20 11 21 22 Price 12 23 24 Insurance апрель 26 Service 14 27 Synonym s Verbs that take an object Present Perfect Problems Passives май Intelligent Business Workbook pp.36-39 Test 9 Describing Texts p. 82, p. 90 – a graph rendering Intelligent Business Workbook pp.40-43 Expressin g arguments Insurance fraud Feedback on service Dialogue: Should the co. insure the house? Conditio nal 1 Dealing with problems Dialogue: Wrong delivery – dealing with problems Test 11 Intelligent Business Workbook pp.48-51 Test 12 Review IV Design to delivery Just-intime productio Test 10 Intelligent Business Workbook pp.44-47 Dealing with complain ts 28 15 29 Productivity Test 8 Review III Insurance 13 25 Dialogue: Discussing a sales campaign Adjectiv es and adverbs 15 Managing time Reports: Justin-time production/ef ficient stock control ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. 30 Лист 16 из 325 Intelligent Business Workbook pp.52-55 n Stock control 16 31 Review V 32 Exit test 1 занятие неделя месяц III - IV СЕМЕСТР НазваЛексика ние темы 1 Companie s Compani es and careers 2 2 3 Leadershi p Synonym s Грамматика Функции Present Talking Simple about your and job Continuo us Getting things done (being direct) Articles Collactio ns Оцениваемое задание Company profile Тест Entry test Intelligent Business Workbook pp.4-7 Topic: Leadership (podcast from www.mybo sstv.com) Test 1 Intelligent Business Workbook pp.8-11 сентябрь 3 4 Strategy Suffixes Future forms Short presentation s (attitudes to timing) 5 16 Presentation Test 2 : Armani’s Strategy Intelligent Business Workbook pp.12-15 Test 3 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. 4 6 5 7 Pay Progress test 1 Review I MultiPresent part verbs Perfect/Past Simple Evaluat ing perform ance 9 Developm ent Topic: Success of a Russian tycoon Intelligent Business Workbook pp.16-19 8 6 Лист 17 из 325 Develop ment and the environm ent Modal verbs of likelihood Showin g cause and effect Word form Reports: Economic developmen t of a country Test 4 Workbook: p.20-23 Writing: short report – p. 48 – Dilemma 7 10 Marketing Brands 11 Comparatives Consid and ering alternat superlatives ives Topic: What is marketing? Test 5 Intelligent Business Workbook pp.24-27 Test 6 октябрь Writing: action plan – p. 56 Dilemma 8 12 9 13 Outsourci ng Progress test 2 Review II Offshoring Collocati ons Conditionals 1 and 2 14 17 Making Text p.61 and summary respond ers to suggest Intelligent Business ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. 10 15 Finance Corporat e governan ce Adjectives and adverbs Лист 18 из 325 ions Workbook pp.28-31 Referri ng to visuals Presentation Test 7 : financial performanc e of a company Intelligent Business Workbook pp.32-35 11 16 Recruitment Wordbuilding Relative pronouns Small talk Intelligent Business Workbook pp.36-39 17 12 18 Review III 13 19 Counterfei Counterf ting eiting 20 14 21 Markets Conditionals 1-3 ноябрь Giving reasons Text p. 87 Summary Intelligent Business Workbook pp.40-43 Compoun Gerunds and d nouns infinitives Trade and Test 9 Progress test 3 Prefixes 15 22 23 Lobbies Topic: Test 8 different types of job interviews Modal verbs of obligation 18 Making and responding to offers Dialogue: negotiating an offer Test 10 Making a case Text p.103 - Test 11 summary Intelligent Business Workbook pp.44-47 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. 16 24 lobbies 17 25 Intelligent Business Workbook pp.48-51 Review IV Лист 19 из 325 Test 12 Progress test 4 26 декабрь Review 18 27 Exit test Основная литература: 1. Irene Barrall, Nikolas Barrall. Intelligent Business. Elementary Business English. Coursebook with 2 CDs, Person Education Limited, 2008. 2. Irene Barrall, Nikolas Barrall. Intelligent Business. Elementary Business English. Workbook with 1 CD, Person Education Limited, 2008. 3. Сhristine Johnson. Intelligent Business. Pre-Intermediate Business English. Coursebook with 2 CDs, Person Education Limited, 2006. 4. Irene Barrall, Nikolas Barrall. Intelligent Business. Elementary Business English. Workbook with 1 CD, Person Education Limited, 2006. Tonya Trappe, Graham Tullis. Intelligent Business. Intermediate Business English. Coursebook with 2 CDs, Person Education Limited, 2007. 5. Louise Pile. Intelligent Business. Intermediate Business English. Workbook with 1 CD, Person Education Limited, 2008. Дополнительная литература: 19 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 20 из 325 1. Raymond Murphy "Essential Grammar in Use", a self-study reference and practice book for elementary students, Cambridge University Press, 2011. 2. D. Cotton, D. Falvey, S. Kent. Market Leader. Elementary Business English. Course Book with 2 CDs, Harlow, 2006. Raymond Murphy "Essential Grammar in Use", a self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students, Cambridge University Press, 2011. 3. D. Cotton, D. Falvey, S. Kent. Market Leader. Pre-Intermediate Business English. Course Book with 2 CDs, Harlow, 2007. 4. Е.Н. Учайкина. Halloween. Методическая разработка (для воспитательной работы со студентами). 20 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 21 из 325 МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Дальневосточный федеральный университет» (ДВФУ) ШКОЛА ЭКОНОМИКИ И МЕНЕДЖМЕНТА МАТЕРИАЛЫ ПРАКТИЧЕСКИХ ЗАНЯТИЙ Иностранный язык Специальность 080505.65 – «Управление персоналом» специализация «Кадровый консалтинг и аудит» Форма подготовки – очная/заочная г. Владивосток 2012 ЗАДАНИЯ ПО МЕТОДУ «КЕЙС-TЕХНОЛОГИЯ» 21 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 22 из 325 ИЛИ «МЕТОДУ КОНКРЕТНЫХ СИТУАЦИЙ» NEGOTIATIONS Teacher’s Notes 1. Franchise ACTIVITY Pairwork and groupwork: reading, speaking AIM To act out a meeting between investors and salespeople selling a franchising operation. GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Asking and answering questions. Talking about figures. Conditionals. TIME 30-40 minutes PROCEDURE 1) Write the word franchise in the center of the board. 2) Ask students to suggest examples of franchise operations such as MacDonalds, the Body Shop or Benetton. 3) Ask students, working in pairs, to write a definition of franchising. (For example: When a monopoly producer (the franchiser) licenses the exclusive right to manufacture and/or sell a product to an individual or company (the franchisee) in a defined marketplace). 4) Discuss the definitions. 5) Write the following on the board: The advantages of franchising… for the franchiser for the franchisee 6) Ask the students to suggest advantages and write them in the table. For example: 22 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 23 из 325 For the franchiser; low cost rapid expansion, improved customer recognition, higher income For the franchisee: business knowledge, proven product, established image 7) Divide the class into two groups: Investors and SuperSub salespeople. There should be two investors for every salesperson. 8) Set up the situation. A group of managers have been made redundant by their company, P J Foods. They are looking for a business to go into. 9) Divide the investors into pairs. Tell them they have received $50,000 each. Let the SuperSub salespeople work as a group. 10) The two investors read the two newspaper stories, one each. The salespeople read the advertising flier plus the memo. Allow 5-10 minutes for reading. 11) Ask the students to work in groups of three: each pair of investors meets a SuperSub salesperson. 12) Ask them to act out the first meeting. The investors should try and get as much information as possible. The salespeople should be as persuasive as possible. Allow 10-15 minutes. 13) Once they have finished, ask which investors decided to go further with the idea and which were not interested. Talk about the reasons. Worksheet Student A – Investor You are redundant by your company PJ Foods and received $50.000. Now you are looking for business to go into. Study the info below and meet a SuperSub salesperson (Student B). Try to get as much info as possible about the franchise he (she) offers for you to buy. PJ FOODS RATIONALISES EUROPEAN OPERATIONS 23 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 24 из 325 HUNDREDS OF MANAGERS TO GO PJ Foods, the food and beverage giant, ended a troubled year’s trading with the news that around 400 managers from all departments of the company’s European operations will lose their jobs in a cost-cutting exercise designed to make PJ more competitive. Commented CEO Lance Gullik: “Of course we regret taking this step, but it is a part of a process of re-engineering the entire company. We are removing layers of management to get closer to our front-line workers and our customers”. Some top-level executives, such as Chief Buyer Hans De Witt, will be picking up pay-offs worth $1m or more, but the majority of those to go will be middle-managers. They will pick up between $35,000 and $100,000. SUPERSUB ANNOUNCE NEW PROFIT HIGH The chain of franchised sandwich stores announced record profits at its shareholders meeting yesterday. There are now over 10,000 stores in the chain, with an average income per store of $1.2m per year. SuperSub’s receipt from franchise holders were $180m. The company announced the formation of its “SuperSub Millionaires’ Club” for franchisees who have become millionaires through the franchiser. It already has 100 members. However, closures were also higher last year. Two hundred SuperSub franchise holders resigned their franchisees because income was too low. 24 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 25 из 325 Are you interested in investing your money? Why (not)? Give you reasons. Student B – Salesperson You are a SuperSub salesperson who wants to sell a franchise. Study the info below and meet an investor (Student A). Try to be as persuasive as possible. MEMO From: Petra LaSalle To: All sales staff As you may have seen, another record year. We are now up to 10,000 stores in the chain, with an average income per store of $1.2m per year: receipts from franchise holders were $180m. The new “SuperSub Millionaires’ Club” already has 100 members. The only bad news is that 200 SuperSub franchise holders resigned their franchises because they weren’t getting enough income. Most of them were in suburban locations. We really need to concentrate on city centers: office staff taking lunch really are our core market. Keep up the good work, Petra La Salle. SUPERSUB: CLEAN, SIMPLE, HEALTHY SUPERSUB is an international franchised chain of stores selling takeaway sandwiches and salads. It has been in existence since 1980 and is a world leader in food retailing. The concept underlying its success is Clean, Simple, Healthy Food. 25 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 26 из 325 The franchises are easy to operate: none of the food sold in a SuperSub store is cooked. Training New franchisees receive two weeks’ intensive training in our international headquarters in Columbus, Ohio (air fares and accommodation not included). The program covers everything you need to know about owning and operating a SuperSub store, and includes visits to actual operations. There are advanced courses for existing franchisees, and the SuperSub monthly newsletter contains tips to help you maximize your income. Support Being a SuperSub franchisee means that you get professional advice on marketing, taxes, real estate. Store design and recruitment and many more areas from our 25 Business Expertise Departments in Columbus. Call us any time – it’s a toll-free line. Growth in SuperSub operations Supersub operations opens over 1,000 new stores a year. It has outlets in all 50 states and in most European countries. This brings many benefits to our franchisees, including: Low, low prices on equipment because of our bulk-buying power. Nationwide TV advertising Increased customer recognition of your business name Capital requirements, income and other costs How much capital you need will depend largely on where you open your store and whether you build or convert existing premises. Recently a franchisee converted a shop in central Paris and got into business for only $160,000. He is now turning over $1.8m per year. More modest suburban locations can be set up for as little as $50,000. Gross incomes from SuperSub stores vary from $350,000 to over $10m. Net profits before tax are around 10-15% in most locations. When you set up your SuperSub store we will provide plans and models for signs and store layout. We will 26 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 27 из 325 be available to help at any time. For this service we charge a one-off non refundable fee of $2,500-$5,000, depending on the size of the store. Once you are in operation, we charge 1.5% of your gross income for use of the SuperSub name and business methods. We audit your accounts once a year. Vocabulary: 1. area область, сфера 2. to audit проводить ревизию 3. benefit выгода, польза, прибыль 4. bulk buying оптовые закупки 5. CEO – Chief Executive Officer исполнительный директор 6. closure закрытие 7. to convert превращать, реконструировать 8. core market главный рынок сбыта 9. cost cutting снижение затрат 10. to exist (be in existence) существовать 11. food and beverage еда и напитки 12. front-line workers персонал, работающий с клиентами 13. layer of management уровень управления 14. middle managers менеджеры среднего звена 15. net profit before taxes чистая прибыль до налогообложения 16. newsletter бюллетень 17. non refundable невозмещаемый 18. one-off одноразовый 19. outlet торговая точка, рынок сбыта 20. pay-off выплата 21. to pick up получать 22. power способность, возможность 23. premises помещение 27 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений 24. redundant уволенный по сокращению 25. real estate недвижимость 26. recruitment найм 27. re-engineering модернизация, реконструирование 28. to resign уходить в отставку 29. retailing розничная продажа 30. to set up основывать, учреждать 31. store layout внутренняя планировка магазина 32. tip совет 33. toll-free line бесплатная телефонная линия 34. trading коммерческая деятельность 35. to turn over иметь оборот 36. to underlie лежать в основе Лист 28 из 325 2. Virus ACTIVITY Pairwork and groupwork: reading, speaking AIM To act out a negotiation based on a complaint. GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Negotiating TIME 30-40 minutes PROCEDURE 1) Brainstorm as many words as possible about computers in 3 minutes and write them all on the board. 2) Tell the students they are going to look at a situation involving a computer virus. Ask them what they know about viruses. 28 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 29 из 325 3) Allow about 5 minutes for reading the letter and the invoice and then ask some comprehension questions. For example: What are the names of the two companies? How many PCs did Comtech install in Rapidfire? What does Rapidfire use the PCs for. What did it cost? When was the invoice paid? What was the problem? Why is December an especially bad time for Rapidfire to have problems? 4) Divide the class into two equal sized groups: Rapidfire and Comtech. 5) Let the students read the appropriate memos. 6) Ask the students to work in pairs, a Rapidfire and a Comtech representative in each, to act out the meeting. 7) When the meetings are finished (10-15 minutes), compare notes about what happened. FOLLOW-UP 1 Students write memos to their bosses (see original memos) summarizing the meeting. FOLLOW-UP 2 Students write letters to summarize their positions and make proposals from one company to another. Read the following letter and answer the questions: 1. What are the names of the two companies? 2. How many PCs did Comtech install in Rapidfire? 3. What does Rapidfire use the PCs for? 4. What did it cost? 5. When was the invoice paid? 6. What was the problem? 7. Why is December an especially bad time for Rapidfire to have problems? 29 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 30 из 325 Rapidfire Toys & Gifts Rapidfire House, The Causeway, London E17 9HE Tel: 0181-957 8787 Fax: 0181 957 9310 Attn: Teresa Landers Customer Services Manager Comtech Ltd 11-13 St Stephen’s Business Park Oxford OX2 6TT Ref: I/LB 1312 13 December Dear Ms Landers, Following our telephone call yesterday, I am writing to you to explain in full my complaint. On 5th October one of our engineers installed 25 personal computers in our company. The machines were on a local area network: connected to each other and to 50 other computers in the company. You installed RF Stock, the software you designed for our offices in Stuttgart. The network was intended for processing orders and inventory control. We turned the computers on to find that everything seemed to be working perfectly. That is until yesterday, 12th December, at 12 noon. At that moment all 75 computers went down together. Our IT manager could not find the cause of the problem and rang your customer services department. But within 15 minutes the computers came back on. Each had a message on the screen reading “Merry Christmas” and all the information on their hard disks had been trashed. We were the victims of a computer virus. We back up at the end of every working day, so only four hours information was lost. However, at this time of year four hours work can represent a lot of money. We do 75% of all our business for the year in the eight weeks leading up to 30 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 31 из 325 Christmas. In addition, the whole company was down for the rest of the day and the following morning while the system was disinfected and the software was reinstalled. (I would like to thank you for your prompt attention in respect of this service.) In the opinion of our IT manager the virus can only have come from the software you installed. We are not linked to any network outside the company and the machines have a security system (recommended and installed by your company) which prevent any alien software being installed. I would appreciate a meeting with you at the earliest possible date. Yours sincerely, Laryy Burgoyne, Managing Director Comtech Ltd 11-13 St Stephen’s Business Park, Oxford OX2 6TT VAT number: To: Radidfire Toys & Gifts Invoice: 112/ AO 4556 Date: 7 October Description To Pay 25 Banshee personal computers as per attached specifications sheet 19,975.00 Software as agreed (LAN, operating systems, “RF Stock’ & utilities”) 31 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 32 из 325 3,125.00 Labor (12 hours at £26 per hour) 312.00 Total 23,412.00 VAT at 17.5% 4,097.10 Total to pay 27,509.10 Signed PAID Roy Walsh, Finance Director 10 November Student A – Comtech representative Read the memo from your boss. Meet a representative from Rapidfire (Student B) and discuss the problem with him (her). Write a memo to your boss summarizing the meeting. 32 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 33 из 325 Comtech Memo From: T.Landers, Service Manager To: P. Hasse, Deputy Service Manager Re: Rapidfire Virus Date: 18 December As you know, Rapidfire are upset. They want to meet this week, but unfortunately I have to go to Cairo to see our Egyptian clients. I’m sorry to give you such an awful job, but could you have the first meeting with them? It’s tomorrow at 2pm in their offices with the IT Manager whose name is Sanchez. Apologize for my absence and give them a chance to express their feelings. Sympathize but do not admit any responsibility. There are lots of possible causes: an angry employee who hacked into the system, industrial sabotage… The technician we sent to disinfect the system and reinstall the software says it was a common virus. Anybody could get hold of a copy and add their own screen message. We guarantee the machines and software for 12 months against defects, but I don’t believe this was a defect in our work. Once again, sorry. Teresa Landers Student B – Rapidfire representative Read the memo from your boss. Meet a representative from Comtech (Student A) and discuss the problem with him (her). Write a memo to your boss summarizing the meeting. Memo Rapidfire From: L. Burgoyne, General Manager To: F. Sanchez, IT Manager 33 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 34 из 325 Re: Comtech Virus Date: 18 December Dear F, The first meeting with Comtech is tomorrow at 2pm. They’re coming to us. Can you represent Rapidfire? I feel that as IT Manager you will give us more authority. We probably won’t get an offer of compensation tomorrow, but it is essential that we get something from them that can be construed as an admission of liability. For example, they sent a technician to disinfect the system and reinstall the software. If they agree not to bill us for this service it would imply that they were making good their own work. Another possibility would be a large discount on the original word – say 25%. Please don’t feel that I’m asking you to do anything unethical. I am sincerely convinced that the virus came in with their software. This has cost us, at a conservative estimate, £45,000. Best regards, Larry Burgoyne Vocabulary: 1. admission признание 2. to admit признать 3. alien чуждый, иностранный 4. authority авторитет, влияние, значение 5. to back up делать копию данных для сохранности 6. to bill smb. выставить кому-л. счет 7. complaint жалоба 8. at a conservative estimate по самым скромным подсчетам 9. to construe объяснять, делать вывод 10. to convince убеждать 34 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 35 из 325 11. essential основной, определяющий 12. to go down портиться 13. hard disk жесткий диск 14. to imply подразумевать 15. to install устанавливать 16. to intend намереваться 17. inventory control управление запасами 18. invoice счет-фактура 19.IT (information technology) информационная техника 20. liability ответственность 21. local inventory network (LAN) локальная сеть 22. to prevent предотвращать 23. to process an order обрабатывать заказ 24. in respect of в отношении 25. software программное обеспечение 26. to trash отправлять в корзину 27. utilitу обслуживающая программа 28.VAT НДС (налог на добавочную стоимость) 3. Breach of contract Teacher’s notes ACTIVITY Pairwork and groupwork: reading, speaking AIM To simulate a three-sided negotiation between a client, an architect and a firm of builders. GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS 35 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 36 из 325 Third conditional TIME 35-45 minutes PROCEDURE 1) Write the following half sentence on the board: If you’d finished the work on time … Elicit a few completions. 2) Tell the students they are going to practice negotiating. The negotiation is about a job that was not finished on time. 3) Dictate the following list of words: deadline, penalty clause, overrun, completion, bid, contract. Ask how the words relate to the negotiating situation. 4) Write the following text on the board: You stated in your (1)________ that the (2) __________ for (3) ____________ of the work was march 15 th. You also agreed to the (4) _____________ in the (5) _______________ which said that you would pay us FF15,000 a day if there was an (6) ______________ . 5) Ask the students, in pairs, to complete the text with the words you dictated: (1) bid, (2) deadline, (3) completion, (4) penalty clause, (5) contract, (6) overrun 6) Divide the class into three equal sized groups: Clients, Builders and Architects. 7) Within each of these three groups, put the students in pairs. 8) Let each pair of students read the letters form Ogawa to TKO Construction and the appropriate memos: Clients: 1’st memo (Ogawa), Builders: 2nd memo (TKO Construction), Architects: 3rd memo (Fiona Barnes). Allow 5-10 minutes. 9) Set up the negotiating groups. There should be six students in each group: a pair each of clients, builders and architects. If you have only six students in the class, you may prefer to divide them into two groups of three with one representative of each party in each group. 10) Ask them to run the meeting and see if they can come to a conclusion. It is unlikely that they will find an easy agreement. Interests are very polarized in this negotiation. Allow 10-20 minutes. 36 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 37 из 325 11) When the negotiations finish, ask different groups to explain what the results of their meetings were. Ask what they think would happen in real life in a case like this. Should the three companies have set the job up differently? Could they have avoided this problem? FOLLOW-UP 1 Students look through the documentation and find all the phrasal verbs. FOLLOW-UP 2 Students write memos to their bosses summarizing what happened in the negotiation. Read the following letter, give a short summary of the document. Letter from Ogawa to TKO Construction OGAWA RECREATIONAL VEHICLES SHIN NICHIBO BUILDING 1-2-1 SARUGAKU-CHO CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 101 TEL: (03) 3294 0385 FAX: (03) 3294 0348 Gaspard Racette Sales Manager TKO Construction SA 301 Boulevard Voltaire Ref: E/00987 PARIS 75011 January 9 Dear M Racette, Following our meeting last week, I am writing to confirm that I would like 37 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 38 из 325 TKO Construction to fit out Okawa's new showroom in Paris. I would like to take this opportunity to say how pleased I am that we will be working together on this project and to thank you for all the time you put into putting together such a very detailed and helpful proposal. To summarise the main points from our meeting: 1 The design used will be the one produced by the architects Fiona Barnes Associates 2 TKO will be responsible for all building works, including purchasing and transportation of materials 3 The price for the job will be FF880,000 4 Payment will be in two parts: FF440,000 on signature of the contract followed by FF440,000 on satisfactory completion of the work 5 Building works will commence on February 15 6 All works will be completed by March 15 at the latest 7 If the work is completed late TKO Construction will pay Ogawa a penalty of FF15,000 for every day’s overrun. If this meets your approval, l will have our lawyers draw up a contract this week. Best wishes, Yours, Okamoto Yutaka Special Projects Manager, Ogawa Recreational Vehicles Read the following letter, give a short summary of the document. Letter from Ogawa to Fiona Barnes Associates 38 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 39 из 325 OGAWA RECREATIONAL VEHICLES SHIN NICHIBO BUILDING 1-2-1 SARUGAKU-CHO CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 101 TEL: (03) 3294 0385 FAX: (03) 3294 0348 Fiona Barnes Associates Architects 213 rue du Roi de Sicile 75004 PARIS Ref: E/00911 January 12 Dear Ms Marigny, I hope this finds you well. Once again, thank you for all the hard work you put into the design of the new Ogawa showroom in Paris. The company selected for the building works is TKO Construction. I contacted the two companies you recommended, but TKO's bid was more competitive. They have a good reputation, and I am sure there will be no problems. I am enclosing the business card of Gaspard Racette, TKO's Sales Manager, in case you need to contact him. Best regards, Okamoto Yutaka Special Projects Manager, Ogawa Recreational Vehicles Progress check Memos Student A – client (Ogawa) 39 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 40 из 325 Read the memo from your boss. Meet a builder from TKO construction (Student B) and an architect from Fiona Barnes Associates (Student C), run a meeting, discuss the problem and make an agreement. Write a memo to your boss summarizing the meeting. From: Okamoto Yutaka, Special Projects Manager MEMO OGAWA KK To: All managers, Ogawa Paris Re: Paris showroom Date: 26 March I am writing about the overrun by TKO on completing the building works on the Paris showroom. The work was finished on Saturday: seven days late. TKO do not wish to pay the penalty – a total of FF105,000 (7 x FF15,000). They say it is not their fault. According to their site engineer it was due to errors in the architect’s drawings. However, they accepted the architect’s drawings when they signed the contract. I am not willing to fly to Paris to sort this out; I will leave it to you. Do not make any decisions without my authorization, unless the decision is that TKO, Fiona Barnes Associates or both of them together pay us the money we are owed. Best regards, Meeting at TKO 30 March at 2 p.m. Okamoto Yutaka. Student B – builder (TKO construction) Read the memo from your boss. Meet a client from Ogawa (Student A) and an architect from Fiona Barnes Associates (Student C), run a meeting, discuss the problem and make an agreement. Write a memo to your boss summarizing the meeting. 40 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. From: Gaspard Racette, Лист 41 из 325 Sales Manager Managing Director MEMO To: Perry Mahon, TKO Re: Ogawa showrooms, Paris Construction Date: 27 March Dear Perry, We’ve run into problems on the Ogawa showrooms job. We finished 7 days late and Ogawa wants to apply the penalty clause: FF15,000 per day late, a total of FF105,000. The job was costed very tightly, and this would mean that we came out without a profit. I wouldn’t normally have agreed to a penalty clause on a job like this, but the time allowed – a month – seemed very generous. It was my decision to do the work at weekends – we need all our resources for the job we are doing at Charles de Gaulle airport. The problem arose when we found an error in the architect's plans on Saturday 10: the dimensions for the showroom offices didn't add up. The architect was closed for the weekend and we had to hang about until Tuesday for the correction. In other words, we lost a fullweekend's work - which we had to pay wages etc for. We were fully stretched and couldn't put extra workers on the job, so we didn't finish until Saturday 24. We're meeting Ogawa and Fiona Barnes Associates at our offices here this Friday - 30 March. What do you think our position should be? Gaspard Racette Any penalties should be paid by the architect. They made the mistake that caused the problem. Perry. 41 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 42 из 325 Student C – architect (Fiona Barnes Associates) Read the memo from your boss. Meet a builder from TKO construction (Student B) and a client from Ogawa (Student A), run a meeting, discuss the problem and make an agreement. Write a memo to your boss summarizing the meeting. fionabarnes From: Dominique Marigny, Senior Architect, Paris MEMO ASSOCIATES To: Fiona Barnes Re: Ogawa showrooms Date: 27 March Dear Fiona, Just to keep you up to date, the Ogawa job was finished on Saturday. Apparently there's some sort of problem between TKO and Ogawa. TKO finished late and Ogawa want them to pay a penalty. TKO say that it's our fault in some way. It's true that there was a mistake in the plans. The dimensions for the offices were wrong, but we got a new version of the plans out the day after we got their fax (Monday 12) and they finished a full week late. We've got a meeting with Ogawa and TKO on Friday 30 March, so we'll see what happens. Yours, Dominique Marigny Vocabulary: 1. to add up согласовываться 2. to allow позволять 3. apparently очевидно 4. to apply a cause применять оговорку 42 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 43 из 325 5. approval одобрение 6. authorization разрешение 7. bid предлагаемая цена 8. breach нарушение 9. to draw up составлять 10. to commence начинать 11. completion завершение 12. to confirm подтверждать 13. to cost назначать цену 14. dimension измерение 15. error ошибка 16. fault вина 17. to fit out оснащать 18. FF (french franc) французский франк 19.generous щедрый 20. to keep smb. up to date держать кого-л. в курсе дела 21. to overrun превысить установленные сроки 22. to owe быть должным 23. penalty штраф 24. proposal предложение 25. purchasing закупка 26. recreational развлекательный 27. site engineer прораб 28. to sort out классифицировать 29. fully stretched занятый 30. vehicle средство 31. wages заработок, доход, вознаграждение 43 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 44 из 325 MEETINGS Teacher’s notes 1. Product launch: WOW! Clothing AIM To practice chairing and participating in meetings in the context of a meeting about planning a marketing campaign for launching a new brand of clothing. GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Holding a meeting, taking part in discussion. Modal verbs: must, can, should. Passive voice: will be spent, will be used. First and second conditionals. TIME 40-50 minutes PROCEDURE a) Read out from the worksheet the first paragraph. Let the students react and elicit a few issues that they might have to discuss (e.g. see agenda on worksheet). b) (Option) Consider whether you need to re-elicit any language that you have recently worked on in class. Consider also whether you need to re-elicit any language for the chairperson. Leave these phrases on the board for the students to refer to in the meeting. c) Let the students look at the worksheet. Read the information in the box again and refer to section A, the background information and agenda. Discuss with the class who the main competitors are (e.g. Gap/ Benetton/ Tommy Hilfiger? And ask them to fill in this information on the sheet. Explain that during the preparation the pairs don’t need to make any definite decisions. Allow 10 minutes for this preparation. Divide the class into pairs and circulate, helping with vocabulary. d) Refer to section B. Appoint a chairperson for the meeting. If necessary, explain that you are “invisible” and they should deal with anything that happens in the meeting on their own, as they would in real life. You might occasionally supply a 44 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 45 из 325 word but apart from that they should ignore you. Start the activity, sit away from the students, and make a note of good/bad language use. e) Hold a short feedback slot. Worksheet You work for Hotspot International, a marketing consultancy. Hotspot has just won the contract to launch a new brand of clothing in your market. You will have a meeting to discuss your launch campaign. A Work with a partner to prepare for the meeting. Study the background information and agenda. Discuss some ideas to present to the meeting. B Form a group, choose a chairperson and have a meeting. Background information Client: WOW! Clothing (WOW! is a franchise) Product: A full range of casual, mid-price clothing for both sexes Target Market: 15-24 age group Main Competitor: ___________________________ Client objective: To obtain 10% market share in first year Campaign length: Two month Agenda 1. Chairperson’s opening comments. 2. Brand image. (fun? sporty? radical and alternative? Other?) 45 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 46 из 325 3. Style of campaign. (controversial? humorous? emphasizing quality? emphasizing value for money? Other?) 4. Slogan to promote the brand. 5. Well-known personality to promote the brand. (Someone from the world of pop music? sport? How will the personality be used?) 6. Media mix. Decide what % of the budget will be spent on: TV ___ Radio ___ Newspapers ___ Magazines ___ Posters ___ Sponsorship of music/sports ____ 7. Use of chosen media. TV: which channels? what times? what type of advert? Radio: which stations? what times? what type of advert? Newspapers: which ones? what type of advert? Magazines: which ones? what type of advert? Posters: bus-shelters? metro? large roadside sites? Sponsorship: what type of events? 8. Special launch event that will get good media coverage. Vocabulary: 1. agenda повестка 2. background предпосылки 3. brand торговая марка 4. bus-shelter крытая автобусная остановка 5. chairperson председатель 6. comments комментарии, замечания 7. controversial противоречивый 8. to emphasize подчеркивать 9. event событие 46 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 47 из 325 10. to launch начать, открыть 11.marketing consultancy консалтинговая фирма по маркетингу 12. media coverage охват целевой группы 13. media mix набор средств рекламы 1. to obtain получать 2. share доля 15. value for money то, что стоит свою цену 2. A Public Relations problem Teacher’s notes AIM To practice chairing and participating in meetings in the context of a meeting about dealing with a public relations crisis. GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Holding and taking part in a meeting. Modal verbs: should, can, must, have to, may. Future Simple. TIME 40-50 minutes PROCEDURE a) Read out from the worksheets the first paragraph in the box. Let the students react and elicit a few issues that they might have to discuss. b) (Opinion) Consider whether you need to re-elicit any language that you have recently worked on in class. Consider also whether you need to re-elicit any language for the chairperson. Leave these phrases on the board for the students to refer to in the meeting. c) Read the information in the box again and refer to section A. Ask students to choose their roles. Allow a few minutes for students to read their own role-notes and 47 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 48 из 325 think about what they are going to say. Circulate, helping with vocabulary. d) Refer to section B. If necessary, explain that you are “invisible” and they should deal with anything that happens in the meeting on their own, as they would in real life. You might occasionally supply a word but apart from that they should ignore you. Start the activity, sit away from the students, and make a note of good/bad language use. e) Hold a short feedback slot. Worksheet Your company sells pre-cooked meals through large supermarket chains. Last month you launched a new line with an expensive advertising campaign on the television. The launch was very successful. Yesterday some newspapers reported new research which shows that eating genetically modified Soya beans may increase the risk of cancer in rats. Your new line of food uses genetically modified Soya. This morning a consumer group phoned your company asking for an interview and a public statement. Your company will give a press conference tomorrow. You have been called to an urgent meeting to discuss the situation. A Prepare to have a meeting. Choose your roles (you may have to combine roles). Read your own role notes. B Have a meeting using the agenda below. Role notes President You will chair the meeting using the agenda below. Try to get agreement on what you need tо 48 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 49 из 325 do. Start by asking everybody in turn to describe the situation from their point of view, Marketing Director Should you still promote the new line or should you recall the products (take them off the market)? How can you restore confidence in your Marketing Manager products? Yesterday afternoon your phone didn't stop ringing - supermarket managers were calling to know if the food was safe and what action you were taking. Orders for pre-cooked food are 25% down. Other products carrying your brand name are also showing lower sales. Finance Manager Any solution has to be justified in terms of cost. Recalling the product and launching a new line will be very expensive. A new advertising campaign or new packaging will be expensive. Product Manager Many other genetically tests modified have shown that these vegetables are safe. Probably there was a mistake in the experiment. Public Relations Officer Further tests may not give a clear answer. The problem is that consumer groups like to make trouble. You will speak at a press conference tomorrow. What will you say? How can you limit the damage to your sales and your company image? 49 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Agenda 1. Chairperson's opening comments 2. Immediate action regarding the new line 3. Press conference tomorrow: what to say Vocabulary: 1. agenda повестка 2. cancer рак 3. confidence доверие 4. damage вред 5. justified оправданный 6. immediate немедленный 7. to launch начинать 8. to limit сокращать 9. line ассортимент 10. public statement официальное заявление 11. to recall отменять 12. regarding в отношении 13. research исследование 14. to restore восстанавливать 15. supermarket chain цепь супермаркетов 16. in terms of исходя из 17. through посредством TELEPHONING 50 Лист 50 из 325 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 51 из 325 Teacher’s notes 1. Arranging a company visit AIM To practice a telephone call discussing a schedule for a company visit. GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Telephoning and making arrangements. Future Simple, to be going to, would like. Complex Object: Do you want me to …? TIME 30-40 minutes PROCEDURE a) Write up on the board: Arranging a company visit. Explain to students that they will practice a phone call to discuss plans for a company visit. Elicit a few phrases for the beginning and end of the call and write them up on the board. b) Divide the class into pairs and appoint visitors and hosts. Explain that the host will talk about their real-life company. c) Give the students time to read their own instructions. Check that Student A knows B’s company, country and type of business so that he/she can prepare the questions. Ask the students to prepare the written information individually, and circulate and check that it is appropriate. d) When the students are ready, ask the pairs to sit back to back (or use a telephone if you have this facility). Start the activity, circulate and make a note of good/bad language use. e) (Option) Ask the best pair/s to re-enact the role-play for the class. f) Hold a short feedback slot. g) Now, or in the next class as recycling: The hosts and visitors change roles and repeat the activity. Hold another short feedback slot. Worksheet Student A: Visitor 51 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 52 из 325 You are going to Student B’s country to see his/her factory/offices and his/her products. You will receive a call from him/her to finalize arrangements for the trip. You have already booked the flight. Let him/her organize the hotel and anything else necessary. Before the call write down: the number of your flight and its arrival day and time __________________ ________________________________________________________________ how Student B will recognize you at the airport _______________________ ________________________________________________________________ your requirements for a good hotel (business services etc.) ______________ ________________________________________________________________ some questions about the schedule or things you want Student B to arrange for you________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Student B: Host Student A is going to visit you in your country. You are going to take him/her to your factory/offices and show him/her your new products. You will call him/her 52 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 53 из 325 to: find out when he/she is arriving (day? time? flight number?) offer to meet him/her at the airport book a room in a good hotel for him/her describe briefly your plans for the visit: the tour of your factory/offices etc. Find out if there is anything else Student A wants you to arrange Before you begin write down a brief program for the visit with times, places and things to see/do. Schedule ___________________________________________________________________ __________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Vocabulary: 1. to arrange организовывать 2. arrangements приготовления 3. briefly кратко 4. to recognize узнавать 5. requirement требование 6. schedule расписание 53 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 54 из 325 Teacher’s notes 2. Placing an order ACTIVITY Pairwork: speaking, filling in an order form AIM To place and to receive an order GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Countable and uncountable: some and any How many? Plural form of nouns. Would like, have got. Dealing with figures. TIME 30 minutes PROCEDURE a) Ask the students to give examples of promotional products that can be used to advertise a company. Pre-teach the vocabulary. b) Ask the students to work in pairs and divide them into Student A and Student B. Let the students read the appropriate part of the worksheet. c) Explain that Student A is a customer and needs to buy some promotional gifts while Student B works for a company which sells corporate gifts. d) Ask the Student As to read the descriptions of the people they will need gifts for and decide what to get. Ask the Student Bs to decide what their discounting policy is going to be, that is, how much discount they will allow for quantity purchasing and also to imagine that some items are out of stock. e) Model the activity with a more confident student. For example: You: I'd like to order some stationary with the company's name on it. Student: What kind of stationary do you want? You: Have you got any pens? . 54 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 55 из 325 Student: Yes, we have. How many would you like? You: Well, how much are they? Student: They’re £8 each. You: OK, I’ll have ten, please. f) Ask the students to work in pairs, a Student A with a Student B and to sit back-toback so then cannot see each other. g) Student A now telephones Student B to place an order. Student B should take down the order, filling in the form. h) When they have finished, ask the students to report back on what they have ordered for each client. FOLLOW-UP Ask the students to write a fax confirming their order. Worksheet Student A – customer You work for a book publisher in Canada. You are going on a business trip to Japan. While you are there you will visit a number of agents, teachers at universities, bookshop owners and someone from the Ministry of Education. Choose some suitable gifts from the list below to take with you. Call the seller (Student B) and place an order. Excel Promotional Items Catalogue Price £ No. Clothing Ties (black. Red, green) 1001 6.00 T-shirts (small, medium, large, extra large) 1002 14.00 Umbrellas (golf or ladies') 1003/4 18.00/12.00 55 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 56 из 325 Sunglasses 1005 28.00 Silk scarves 1006 17.50 Pens (fountain or ballpoint) 1101/2 8.00/1.00 Desk diary 1103 10.00 Calendars 1105 13.50 Note book 1106 1.75 Bookmark (black, red or green) 1201 2.50 Card holder 1203 7.50 Pocket diary 1204 11.00 Travel chess 1402 4.50 Cards (set of two packs) 1403 3.75 Backgammon 1404 6.00 Watches (for women and men) 1301/2 24.00/26.00 Alarm clock 1303 14.00 Lighters (six different colors) 1304 1.50 Penknives (Swiss Army style) 1305 13.00 Stationary Leather goods Games Accessories Student B – seller 56 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 57 из 325 You work for a company that sells corporate gifts. You put the customer's name or company logo onto the products you sell. Decide what discounts you will give for your goods (for what quantity) and what goods are out of stock at the moment. A customer (Student A) will call you. Take down his (her) order and fill in the form. Excel Promotional Items Cat. Price Quan- Dis- Total No. £ tity count £ 1001 6.00 CLOTHING Ties (black, red or green) T-shirts (small, medium, large, 1002 14.00 estra large) Umbrellas (golf or ladies) 1003/4 18/12 Sunglasses 1005 28.00 Silk scarves 1006 17.50 STATIONARY Pens (fountain or ballpoint) 1101/2 8/1.00 Desk diary 1103 10.00 Calendars 1105 13.50 Note book 1106 1.75 Bookmark (black, red or green) 1201 2.50 Card holder 1203 7.50 Pocket diary 1204 11.00 1402 4.50 LEATHER GOODS GAMES Travel chess 57 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Cards (set of two packs) 1403 3.75 Backgammon 1404 6.00 ACCESSORIES Watches (for women and men) 1301/2 24/26 Alarm clock 1303 14.00 Lighters (six different colors) 1304 1.50 Penknives (Swiss Army style) 1305 13.00 TOTAL Vocabulary: 1. alarm clock будильник 2. backgammon нарды 3. bookmark книжная закладка 4. book publisher книгоиздатель 5. excel отличного качества 6. fountain pen авторучка 7. item наименование, пункт 8. leather кожаный 9. lighter зажигалка 10. penknife перочинный нож 11. pocket diary карманный дневник 12. scarf шарф 13. suitable удобный 14. tie галстук 15. T-shirt футболка 16. total итого 58 Лист 58 из 325 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 59 из 325 Teacher’s notes 3. Getting information ACTIVITY Groupwork and pairwork: speaking AIM To negotiate a price by telephone GRAMMAR AND FUNCTIONS Talking about money. Questions. First conditionals. TIME 5-10 minutes PROCEDURE a) Tell the students they are going to practise asking for and obtaining information by phone. b) Divide the class into two groups: Customers and AsiaGloss representatives. c) Give out the appropriate sections of the worksheet. d) Brief the two groups. The customers must decide what questions they will ask. The AsiaGloss representatives must read their information. Allow 2-3 minutes. e) Put the students in pairs: a customer and an AsiaGloss representative in each pair. Ask them to sit back to back if you like to make it more like a phone call. f) The customer rings up to get a telephone quotation from the company. FOLLOW-UP AsiaGloss representatives write faxes summarizing the information. Customers write faxes checking the information. Worksheet 59 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 60 из 325 Student A – customer Read a note from your planner. Make up questions you will ask. Call “AsiaGloss” and ask its representative the questions you prepared. Tuesday morning: Get information about translations: Asia Gloss Job: Translation of an 8,000 word proposal into Vietnamese, Korean and Mandarin Chinese – five presentation copies by Friday afternoon. Student B – AsiaGloss representative Study the information below. Talk with a customer on the phone. Answer all his (her) questions. ASIA GLOSS TRANSLATION PRICES Translation from English into: rates per 1,000 words (English text) Japanese £ 128.75 Korean £ 109.50 Malay £ 109.50 Mandarin Chinese £ 158.75 Nepali £ 101.35 Tamil £ 102.50 Thai £ 119.75 60 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Vietnamese Лист 61 из 325 £ 118.50 Minimum charge: £ 50.00 Turnaround: Small jobs (less than 10,000 words): five days, all languages except Mandarin Chinese which is ten days. Larger jobs are negotiable individually. Supplement for urgent jobs (less than normal turnaround time) 25% Final text can be delivered on disk in most WP formats and/or on paper. There is a supplement of £ 5 per 50 pages for extra copies on paper, with a minimum charge of £ 5 per copy. DeskTop Publishing Rate per 1,000 words (source text): £ 11.50 per language. Vocabulary: 1. desktop publishing настольная издательская система 2. except кроме 3. negotiable договорной 4. proposal предложение 5. rate расценка 6. source text источник 7. supplement дополнение, добавление 8. turnaround сроки выполнения 9. urgent срочный 10.WP (work package) рабочий пакет программ 61 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 62 из 325 МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования 62 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 63 из 325 «Дальневосточный федеральный университет» (ДВФУ) ШКОЛА ЭКОНОМИКИ И МЕНЕДЖМЕНТА МАТЕРИАЛЫ ДЛЯ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОЙ РАБОТЫ СТУДЕНТОВ Иностранный язык Специальность 080505.65 – «Управление персоналом» специализация «Кадровый консалтинг и аудит» Форма подготовки – очная/заочная г. Владивосток 2012 Таблица ниже содержит адреса сайтов, которые могут быть использованы для организации самостоятельной работы студентов. Через месяц после начала учебного семестра рекомендуется предложить студентам выбрать одно из заданий из таблицы и работать над ним в течение всего семестра. 63 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. № Задание (проект) Лист 64 из 325 Развиваемые навыки и умения 1 Создать и вести свой собственный блог (о себе, Навыки семья интересы и т.д.,) письма, – говорения, коммуникативные http://www.blogger.com/start навыки 2 Редактор вики (инфо Владивостоке, ДВФУ, Навыки письма, факультете, группе, саммите АТЭС, строительстве говорения, навыки на о. Русский и т.д.) + организация дискуссии - сотрудничества http://www.learningbusinessenglish.wetpaint.com (работы в команде) 3 Бизнес-игра (симуляция): Навыки аудирования, 1) Capitalism II (http://www.bigfishgames.com/download- лексические games/1762/capitalism-2/index.html навыки, профессиональны 2) Industryplayer (http://www.industryplayer.com/home.php) е навыки 3) Industrymasters (http://realtime.industrymasters.com/ 4) Simexchange http://www.simexchange.com/frontpage.php 4 5 Профессиональные симуляции Лексические http://www.marketplace- навыки, simulation.com/products/difficulty-levels-web- профессиональны marketplace.php е навыки Обучение английскому в виртуальной среде Second Навыки Life: письма, http://www.avatarenglish.com/, говорения, аудирования, http://www.languagelab.com 64 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Cypris Chat в Second Life Лист 65 из 325 произношения, лексические навыки, навыки чтения, коммуникативные навыки (общение) 6 Переписка - http://www.livemocha.com Навыки письма, говорения, лексические навыки, навыки чтения, коммуникативные навыки (общение), межкультурная компетенция 7 Создание собственных подкастов - Навыки говорения, http://www.podomatic.com произношения 8 Создание карточек со словами на собственной Лексические странице http://quizlet.com/create_set/ навыки Словари: http://www.ldoceonline.com/Business+Basics http://thesaurus.com www.dictionary.cambridge.org www.dictionary.reference.com 9 Работа над грамматикой: Грамматические http://www.englishclub.com/grammar/verb-tenses навыки 65 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 66 из 325 http://www.eslgamesworld.com/members/games/gramm ar/ http://www.englishpage.com/verbpage/verbs2.htm http://a4esl.org/ http://iteslj.org/v/ 10 Тестирование http://www.english.language.ru/tests/ http://www.flo-joe.co.uk/cae/students/ -подготовка к Certificate in Advanced English http://www.cambridgeesol.org/test-yourenglish/index.php?page=survey&surveyID=4 http://www.ets.org/toefl/ibt/register/ МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Дальневосточный федеральный университет» (ДВФУ) 66 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 67 из 325 ШКОЛА ЭКОНОМИКИ И МЕНЕДЖМЕНТА КОНТРОЛЬНО-ИЗМЕРИТЕЛЬНЫЕ МАТЕРИАЛЫ Иностранный язык Специальность 080505.65 – «Управление персоналом» специализация «Кадровый консалтинг и аудит» Форма подготовки – очная/заочная г. Владивосток 2012 Первый семестр Вступительный тест на определение уровня с ключом Try to answer all forty-five questions. There is one mark per question. Write your answers a, b, c or d in the space. e.g He __ c ____ from Germany. a) come 1 b) are c) is d) am Where ______ you from? 67 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений a) is 2 c) do d) are He ______ for the computer company, IBM. a) work 3 b) come Лист 68 из 325 b) works c) working d) is work He usually ______ to work by car. a) travel b) is travelling c) travels d) has b) do work you c) work you d) do you work travelled 4 Where _____ ? a) you work 5 I ______born in India. a) am 6 b) not c) doesn’t d) isn’t b) There is c) It is d) They are c) Does d) Don’t ______ he live in Madrid? a) Do 9 d) have ______ many offices in this town. a) There are 8 c) were He ______ take his work home. a) don’t 7 b) was b) Isn’t ______ I speak to Mr Jones, please? a) Can b) Will c) Need d) Want 10 ______ you like to visit the factory? a) Do b) Can c) Have d) Would 11 I ______ to South America last year for business. a) went b) have gone c) been d) go 12 Where ______ you go on business last year? a) do 13 b) did c) have d) were ______ that book before? a) Have you read b) Did you read read d) Are you reading 14 How ______ printers do we need? 68 c) Do you Разработал: Федько Л.А. a) much ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений b) any c) many Лист 69 из 325 d) some 15 We don’t have ______ envelopes. a) any b) some c) an d) much 16 ______ don’t we build a new factory? a) How b) Who c) Why d) What 17 We ______ have a meeting to discuss this. a) need b) want to c) like to d) hope 18 She is responsible ______ the marketing. a) to b) for c) with d) of 19 ______ people want to buy cheaper products. a) Most of b) Most c) The most d) The most of 20 Could I speak to Ms Smith, please? Hello, ______ Ms Smith. a) I am b) this is c) speaking d) here is 21 Could you tell me how ______ to the factory? a) do I get b) I go c) can I go d) I get 22 They ______ the new office last month. a) are opening b) open c) opened d) have opened 23 I think we ______ turnover next year. a) will increaseb) increase c) increased d) increasing 24 They’re used ______ during the night. a) working b) to working c) work d) to work 25 They ______ the contracts when they were interrupted. a) discussed b) have discussed c) discuss d) were discussing 26 The reason sales increased was ______ our team was better trained. a) in order b) so c) because d) so that 27 This is the ______ order we’ve ever received. a) big b) bigger c) biggest d) more big 69 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 70 из 325 28 What’s the ______ way of making money? a) most fast b) most quickly c) quicker d) fastest 29 We spent a lot of money ______ new equipment. a) in b) on c) for d) with 30 I’m sorry ______ late. There was a traffic jam. a) for be b) to being c) I’m d) being 31 Do you mind ______ here a moment? a) for waiting b) to wait c) wait d) waiting 32 I am meeting him ______ the beginning of the week. a) at b) for c) on d) of 33 The ______ for the meeting was sent to everyone in advance. a) diary b) agenda c) minutes d) appointment 34 We have a large ______ of 500 in the factory. a) workforce b) employees c) workers d) manpower 35 We depend ______ our suppliers to deliver on time. a) on b) for c) of d) by 36 The company must invest more in order to remain ______. a) competition b) competitive c) competitor competition 37 Our production costs per ______ fell by ten per cent this year. a) one b) each c) unit d) single 38 Please do not ______ to contact me if you have any problems. a) wait b) delay c) hold d) hesitate 39 We are market ______ in the electronics industry. a) leaders b) heads c) chiefs d) bosses 40 We did a lot of market ______ before we designed the product. a) strategy b) share c) segment d) research 41 Last year we made a ten per cent ______ on sales. 70 d) Разработал: Федько Л.А. a) selling ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений b) turnover c) profit Лист 71 из 325 d) result 42 We need a meeting. Is tomorrow morning ______ for you? a) suited b) convenience c) relevant d) convenient 43 We sell a wide ______ of goods. a) line b) group c) range d) list 44 The company ______ ten people redundant last week. a) took b) put c) made d) got 45 We have ______ our order with the new supplier. a) placed b) done c) met d) given INTELLIGENT BUSINESS QUICK PLACEMENT TEST KEY Place the student according to the following scores: Elementary level = 1─20 Pre-Intermediate level = 20─45 1d / 2b / 3c / 4d / 5b / 6c / 7a / 8c / 9a / 10d / 11a / 12b /13a / 14c / 15a / 16c / 17b / 18b / 19b / 20b / 21d / 22c / 23a / 24b / 25d / 26c / 27c / 28d / 29b / 30c / 31d / 32a / 33b / 34a / 35a / 36b / 37c / 38d / 39a / 40d / 41c / 42d / 43c / 44c / 45a Поурочные тесты с ключами ответов Intelligent Business Unit Test 1 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Complete the sentences with is, am or are. 1 What _______ your name? 2 Where _______ you from? 3 I _______ from Brazil. 4 Where _______ your friend from? 5 _______ you students? 71 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 72 из 325 2 Complete the sentences with a, an or ─ if nothing is needed. 1 I am ________ accountant. 2 John and Erika are ________ architects. 3 This is ________ big company. 4 He is ________ good salesperson. 5 We are ________ managers. VOCABULARY 3 Complete each sentence with one word. The first letter of each word is given. 1 My first name is Maria and my s _ _ _ _ _ _ is Rickett. 2 Can you s _ _ _ _ your name please? 3 Here is my business c _ _ _. 4 What is your job t _ _ _ _? 5 Mr Yang is h _ _ _ of the company. 6 The two managers are from Brazil. They are B _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 7 Her company is in China. It’s C _ _ _ _ _ _. 8 Many employees are from Poland. They are P _ _ _ _ _. 9 We are British. We live in B _ _ _ _ _ _. 10 My family are from France. I’m F _ _ _ _ _. 4 The letters spell the name of a job. Write the name correctly. 1 REDESING _____________ 2 CHAINCEM _____________ 3 R T I P I N O E S T C E _____________ 4 ATHEREC 5 R E W A L Y _____________ _____________ CAREER SKILLS 5 Complete the conversation. Receptionist: Good morning. Can I help you? 72 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 73 из 325 Good morning, my (1) _______ is Felipe Suarez. I’m (2) Mr Suarez: ________ to see Mr Merkel. He’s the Finance Manager. Receptionist: What company (3) _______you with? Mr Suarez: SD Electronics. Receptionist: Right, Mr Suarez. One moment. I’ll call him. I see. OK. Sorry, he’s in a meeting at the moment. (4) ________ you wait about ten minutes? Mr Suarez: Yes, of course. Receptionist: Please have a (5) ________. Mr Suarez: Thank you. INTELLIGENT BUSINESS UNIT TEST1 KEY LANGUAGE 1 1 is / 2 are / 3 am / 4 is / 5 Are 2 1 an / 2 ─ / 3 a / 4 a / 5 ─ VOCABULARY 3 1 surname / 2 spell / 3 card / 4 title / 5 head / 6 Brazilian / 7 Chinese / 8 Polish / 9 Britain / 10 French 4 1 designer / 2 mechanic / 3 receptionist / 4 teacher / 5 lawyer CAREER SKILLS 5 1 name / 2 here / 3 are / 4 Can / 5 seat Intelligent Business Unit Test 2 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. have (x3) / write / sell / develop / finish / organise / get / go 73 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений 1 We ______________ dinner at 7pm. 2 I ______________ work at 6pm. 3 My colleague ______________ all the reports. 4 Mr Jones ______________ lunch in the staff restaurant. 5 The company ______________ many different products. 6 Miko ______________ all the conferences. 7 The employees ______________ lunch at 1pm every day. 8 The boss ______________ home after the staff. 9 Franco ______________ the train home. Лист 74 из 325 10 The R and D department ______________ new products. 2 Each sentence has one mistake. Rewrite it correctly. 1 He gets up at usually 6.15. ______________________________________________________________ _________ 2 She take messages for her boss. ______________________________________________________________ _________ 3 I work in an large office in London. ______________________________________________________________ _________ 4 They often are late for work. ______________________________________________________________ _________ 5 We visit our customers at the morning. ______________________________________________________________ _________ 74 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 75 из 325 VOCABULARY 3 Choose the correct answer a, b or c. 1 The head of a company is usually called the _______. a) CEO 2 b) colleague All the people who work in a company are the _______. a) bosses 3 b) directors b) promotes c) buys The _______ people meet the customers. a) selling 5 c) staff The marketing department _______ the products and services. a) makes 4 c) manager b) sales c) sells Frank Zieder is in _______ of Production. a) head b) charge c) responsible 4 Write the opposite of these words. The first letter of each answer is given 1 easy d________ 2 same d________ 3 formal i_______ 4 usual u______ 5 good b__ CAREER SKILLS 5 Underline the correct word. Can I (1) introduce/meet you to Mr Maybury. We are pleased to (2) welcome/see him to the company (3) as/like the new team manager. He is a good (4) choice/opinion for the job because he (5) has/gets good experience with international teams. INTELLIGENT BUSINESS UNIT TEST 2 KEY LANGUAGE 75 Разработал: Федько Л.А. 1 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 76 из 325 1 have / 2 finish / 3 writes / 4 has / 5 sells / 6 organises / 7 have / 8 goes / 9 gets / 10 develops 2 1 He usually gets up at 6.15. / 2 She takes messages for her boss. / 3 I work in a large office in London. / 4 They are often late for work. / 5 We visit our customers in the morning. VOCABULARY 3 1a / 2c / 3b / 4b / 5b 4 1 difficult / 2 different/ 3 informal / 4 unusual / 5 bad CAREER SKILLS 5 1 introduce / 2 welcome / 3 as / 4 choice / 5 has Intelligent Business Unit Test 3 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Complete the sentences with either a, an or the. (1) _______ company I work for is (2) _______ international company which makes computers. (3) _______ company is called Lenovo. It’s (4) _______ Chinese company. (5) _______ CEO arrives at (6) _______ airport at six in (7) _______ morning. He usually gets (8) _______ taxi back to (9) _______ office. 2 Make these statements into negative sentences (-) or questions (?). 1 They build factories and offices. (-) ______________________________________________________________ _________ 2 Pierre Croix often travels to Germany. (?) ______________________________________________________________ _________ 3 He speaks Spanish well. (-) 76 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 77 из 325 ______________________________________________________________ _________ 4 The company sells luxury goods. (?) ______________________________________________________________ _________ 5 We have 600 employees. (-) ______________________________________________________________ _________ VOCABULARY 3 Choose the correct word. 1 The goods are made in our factory/manufacturer in Spain. 2 George Morden is the finder/founder of the company. 3 Our headquarters/top offices are in Dubai. 4 The company specialises/interests in making shoes. 5 His company produces/products electrical goods. 6 We sell our products in retail/manufacturing outlets in Europe. 7 The new company is very profit/profitable. 8 We are based in Korea, but we have subsidies/subsidiaries in many other countries. 9 The company employees/employs over 10,000 people. 10 The human/people resources department find staff for a company. CAREER SKILLS 4 Complete the conversation. Nadia: Hello, my name’s Nadia. Tomas: Hi I’m Tomas. Who (1) ________ you ________ for? Nadia: A company called Mismo. Tomas: What (2) _______ of company (3) ________ ________? Nadia: It’s a manufacturing company. 77 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Tomas: What (4) ________ ________do? Nadia: It makes cars. Tomas: (5) ________ ________ a big company? Nadia: It employs about 6,000 people. Tomas: And where (6) ________ ________ based? Nadia: I’m based in Venezuela. Лист 78 из 325 INTELLIGENT BUSINESS UNIT TEST 3 KEY LANGUAGE 1 1 The / 2 an / 3 The / 4 a / 5 The / 6 the / 7 the / 8 a / 9 the 2 1 They don’t build factories and offices. / 2 Does Pierre often travel to Germany? / 3 He doesn’t speak Spanish well. / 4 Does the company sell luxury goods? / 5 We don’t have 600 employees. VOCABULARY 3 1 factory / 2 founder / 3 headquarters / 4 specialises / 5 produces / 6 retail / 7 profitable / 8 subsidiaries / 9 employs / 10 human CAREER SKILLS 4 1 do … work / 2 kind/type / 3 is it / 4 does it / 5 Is it / 6 are you Intelligent Business Unit Test 4 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Use the verbs in brackets to make imperative sentences. 1 The door is open. (close) _______________________________________________________________ _______ 2 The computer is still on. (switch off) 78 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 79 из 325 ______________________________________________________________ ________ 3 You cannot leave now. (not leave) ______________________________________________________________ ________ 4 The lights are on. (turn off) _______________________________________________________________ _______ It’s not a good idea to be late. (not be) 5 _______________________________________________________________ _______ 2 Complete the sentences with these words. between / front / in / opposite / on 1 The money is __________ my bag. 2 Please put the files __________ my desk, then I can look at them when I have time. 3 There is a park in __________ of the office. 4 Our office is __________ the bank and the post office. 5 The school is __________ the train station. You can see the trains from the classrooms. VOCABULARY 3 The letters spell something you can find in an office. Write the word correctly. 1 REPOTCHOPOI _____________________ 2 HERDERDS _____________________ 3 MORTION _____________________ 4 PELOVEEN _____________________ 79 Разработал: Федько Л.А. 5 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений PARTLES Лист 80 из 325 _____________________ 4 Underline the correct word. 1 I can’t find anything on the desk. It’s very tidy/untidy. 2 We have to complete a question/questionnaire about the company. 3 Let’s ask an expert/experience to help us. We don’t know much about this. 4 You can put the brochures in the keyboard/cupboard. 5 Three colleagues press/share my office. CAREER SKILLS 5 Complete the conversation with one of these words. on / turn / excuse / straight / get / next / down / take / past / turning A: (1) __________ me. How do I (2) __________ to Barclay’s Bank? B: Oh, you (3) __________ right at the college and go (4) __________ that road. Go (5) __________ the supermarket and then (6) __________ the second (7) __________ left. Go (8) __________ on for about 500 metres and it’s (9) __________ the right, (10) __________ to the international school. A: Thanks. INTELLIGENT BUSINESS UNIT TEST 4 KEY LANGUAGE 1 1 Close the door. / 2 Switch off the computer. (Switch the computer off) / 3 Do not (Don’t) leave now. / 4 Turn off the lights. (Turn the lights off) / 5 Don’t be late. 2 1 in / 2 on / 3 front / 4 between / 5 opposite VOCABULARY 3 1 photocopier / 2 shredder / 3 monitor / 4 envelope / 5 stapler 80 Разработал: Федько Л.А. 4 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 81 из 325 1 untidy / 2 questionnaire / 3 expert / 4 cupboard / 5 share CAREER SKILLS 5 1 Excuse / 2 get / 3 turn / 4 down / 5 past / 6 take / 7 turning / 8 straight / 9 on / 10 next Intelligent Business Unit Test 5 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Underline the correct word(s). 1 He would like/likes his new job. It’s very interesting. 2 I like/would like to have a new job. 3 They would like/like to see the new film. 4 Do you like/Would you like the new restaurant? 5 What do you like/would you like to do now? 6 I would like/like to go home now. 7 I like/would like a cup of coffee, please. 8 She would like/likes most sports, especially running. 9 Would you like/Do you like to come on holiday with me? 10 He likes/would like the town he lives in. VOCABULARY 2 Choose the adjective to complete the article. ill / relaxed / annual / fresh / noisy / popular / corporate / roast / useful / dangerous The company organises (1) ________________ events two or three times a year. The (2) ________________ picnic is every April and it’s very (3) ________________. All the employees like it very much. They bring their children and sometimes it can be very (4) ________________, but everyone enjoys it. We 81 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 82 из 325 find that our staff are more (5) ________________ than they are at work. It’s a (6) ________________ opportunity to learn about each other. We only have very (7) ________________ food. We don’t want people to get (8) ________________. It can be (9) ________________ if the food is not cooked well. We usually have (10) ________________ beef. CAREER SKILLS 3 Match the offers, requests and permissions to the responses. 1 Would you like some coffee? ________________________________ 2 I’d like to see Mr Jones, please. ________________________________ 3 Do you like your job? ________________________________ 4 Does your friend work here? ________________________________ 5 Can we see him at 4pm today? ________________________________ 6 Could I see the file please? ________________________________ 7 Can we use the phone in your office? ________________________________ 8 I can’t finish the job today. ________________________________ 9 Would you like something to eat? ________________________________ 10 Can I smoke in here? ________________________________ a) Yes. What do you recommend? b) I’m afraid not. It’s a no-smoking area. c) Yes, in the marketing department. d) I’m afraid he’s out of the office then. e) Yes, please. With sugar. f) Not very much. g) I’m afraid you can’t. It doesn’t work. h) Certainly. Which one? i) No problem. I can do it tonight. j) I’m sorry, he’s busy at the moment. Can I help you? 82 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 83 из 325 INTELLIGENT BUSINESS UNIT TEST 5 KEY LANGUAGE 1 1 likes / 2 would like / 3 would like / 4 Do you like / 5 would you like / 6 would like / 7 would like / 8 likes / 9 Would you like / 10 likes VOCABULARY 2 1 corporate / 2 annual / 3 popular / 4 noisy / 5 relaxed / 6 useful / 7 fresh / 8 ill / 9 dangerous / 10 roast CAREER SKILLS 3 1e / 2j / 3f / 4c / 5d / 6h / 7g / 8i / 9a / 10b Intelligent Business Unit Test 6 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Complete the sentences with a, an, some, any, much or many. 1 How __________ people work in the office? 2 There isn’t __________ paper in the printer. 3 Can you find me __________ paper please? 4 Is there __________ news about the new CEO? 5 He has __________ problem with the computers. 6 How __________ does the ticket cost? 7 We usually make __________ profit. 8 How __________ time does it take to get to the airport? 9 I have __________ price for the new product. 10 There aren’t __________ apples in the box. 83 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 84 из 325 VOCABULARY 2 Complete the sentences with a word which ends with -T I O N. The first letter is given. 1 The p _ _ _ _ _ t i o n of the UK is more than sixty million. 2 I’d like some i _ _ _ _ _ _ t i o n about your company. 3 Can you help me find a s _ _ _ t i o n to this problem? 4 Every year the company makes a d _ _ _ t i o n to a charity for children who are ill. 5 Bill Gates has a charitable f _ _ _ _ _ t i o n so that his company can help people. 3 Choose the correct word a, b or c. 1 When you change money you usually pay a __________ to the bank. a) currency 2 c) discount b) deliver c) deliverer We need to buy some more chairs. Please phone our __________. a) customer 5 b) charge It’s necessary to pay for the __________ of your goods. a) delivery 4 c) cost The __________ on the order is 10% off the usual price. a) total 3 b) commission b) supplier c) maker We usually send the __________ to our customers when we send them the goods. a) orders b) quantity c) invoice CAREER SKILLS 4 Complete the conversation with these words or phrases. right / much / many / place / account / code / customer / large / can / it is A: Hi. I’d like to (1) ________________ an order for some printers. B: Certainly. (2) ________________ I have your (3) ________________ name? 84 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 85 из 325 A: Yes, it’s B Gibbs & Son. The (4) ________________ number is BG2040. B: BG2040. Is that (5) ________________? A: Yes, (6) ________________. B: Can I have the product (7) ________________ for the printers? A: Yes. It’s 2456X. B: Thanks. A: How (8) ________________ are they? B: £125 each. A: Is there a discount? B: On (9) ________________ orders, yes. How (10) ________________ printers do you want? A: Twenty. B: We can give you 10% discount. A: That’s good. Thanks. INTELLIGENT BUSINESS UNIT TEST 6 KEY LANGUAGE 1 1 many / 2 much / 3 some / 4 any / 5 a / 6 much / 7 a / 8 much / 9 a / 10 any VOCABULARY 2 1 population / 2 information / 3 solution / 4 donation / 5 foundation 3 1b / 2c / 3a / 4b / 5c CAREER SKILLS 4 1 place / 2 can / 3 customer / 4 account / 5 right / 6 it is / 7 code / 8 much / 9 large / 10 many Intelligent Business Unit Test 7 85 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 86 из 325 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the past form. 1 We _______________ (start) the job at 6am. 2 The managers _______________ (be) at a meeting yesterday. 3 Mr Gerden _______________ (sell) me the new printer. 4 The salesperson _______________ (say) the product was new. 5 He _______________ (speak) to the customer about the problem. 6 She _______________ (have) dinner at 7pm. 7 We _______________ (build) the factory a year ago. 8 A year ago the owner _______________ (decide) to open an office in Hong Kong. 2 Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. Put ─ if you do not need a preposition. 1 I plan to see him __________ the morning. 2 She visited the factory __________ last week. 3 We are __________ schedule with the building project. It’s three weeks late. 4 Can you see me __________ lunchtime? 5 I don’t usually work __________ Sundays. VOCABULARY 3 Underline the correct word. 1 The deadline/schedule for the project is 9th May. 2 We had to use more staff so labour/industry costs were high. 3 We missed/failed to get the contract. We were not happy. 4 We don’t want a delay/late with the delivery this time. 5 We hope to improve/include the quality this year. 6 The company employed specialise/specialists to help with the design of the product. 86 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений 7 The products are similar/same. There are some differences. 8 We had some planned/unexpected problems with the equipment. Лист 87 из 325 CAREER SKILLS 4 Use the words to complete the report. Next / Then / After that / successful / several / Finally / First / marketing / I’d like to (1) _________________ tell you about the project we did last month. It was a very (2) _________________ project. It was to decide on the (3) _________________ plan for our new product. There were (4) _________________ stages. (5) _________________ we decided who was responsible for what. (6) _________________ we organised the schedule. (7) _________________ we started on our individual jobs. (8) _________________ we met to discuss our ideas. (9) _________________ we presented our ideas to the company directors. INTELLIGENT BUSINESS UNIT TEST 7 KEY LANGUAGE 1 1 started / 2 were / 3 sold / 4 said / 5 spoke / 6 had / 7 built / 8 decided 2 1 in / 2 ─ / 3 behind / 4 at / 5 on VOCABULARY 3 1 deadline / 2 labour / 3 failed / 4 delay / 5 improve / 6 specialists / 7 similar / 8 unexpected CAREER SKILLS 4 1 I’d like to / 2 successful / 3 marketing / 4 several / 5 First / 6 Then (Next, After that) / 7 Next (Then, After that) / 8 After that (Then, Next) / 9 Finally Intelligent Business Unit Test 8 87 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 88 из 325 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Complete the conversation using did, didn’t, was, wasn’t, were, weren’t. You can use them more than once. A: Where (1) __________ you yesterday? You (2) __________ in the office. B: No. I went to the airport to meet Mr Wang from China but his plane (3) __________ late. A: What time (4) __________ he arrive? B: He (5) __________. When the plane arrived, he (6) __________ on it. A: (7) __________ he phone you? B: No, he (8) __________, but he sent an email to my secretary. A: (9) __________ she call you? B: Yes, she (10) __________. But it (11) __________ already 6.30 so I (12) __________ come back to the office. VOCABULARY 2 Complete the sentences with the correct word. The first four letters of each word are given. 1 The people in the village have no e l e c _ _ _ _ _ _ _ so they cannot have televisions or fridges. 2 He studied science at university. He’s a s c i e _ _ _ _ _. 3 We had a problem with the equipment, but the e n g i _ _ _ _ fixed it. 4 Thomas Edison was a great i n v e _ _ _ _. 5 Dr Jones was my p r o f _ _ _ _ _ of English at university. 6 The company wants to increase p r o d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ because it has many new orders. 7 Dr Peyton is in his l a b o _ _ _ _ _ _ studying the life of insects. 8 Cars cause air p o l l _ _ _ _ _, especially in towns and busy cities. 88 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 89 из 325 9 Last week we r e d u _ _ _ the cost of the product. It was £10 and now it’s £9. 10 We keep the milk, butter and fresh meat in the r e f r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. CAREER SKILLS Complete this conversation. A: Can I (1) _______________ you? B: Yes. I bought this mobile phone (2) _______________ you last week, but it didn’t work. A: (3) _______________ the problem? B: (4) _______________ I switch on, nothing happens. I can’t make or receive any calls. A: Did you read the (5) _______________? B: Yes, I did. But they didn’t help. A: I’m very (6) _______________ about this. B: Can you (7) _______________ it? A: No, we need to send it back to the manufacturer. But we (8) _______________ give you a new phone. B: Oh good. Thanks. INTELLIGENT BUSINESS UNIT TEST 8 KEY LANGUAGE 1 1 were / 2 weren’t / 3 was / 4 did / 5 didn’t / 6 wasn’t / 7 Did / 8 didn’t / 9 Did / 10 did / 11 was / 12 didn’t VOCABULARY 2 1 electricity / 2 scientist / 3 engineer / 4 inventor / 5 professor / 6 productivity / 7 laboratory / 8 pollution / 9 reduced / 10 refrigerator CAREER SKILLS 3 1 help / 2 from / 3 What’s / 4 When / 5 instructions / 6 sorry / 7 fix ( repair) / 8 can (could) 89 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 90 из 325 Intelligent Business Unit Test 9 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Underline the correct word. ABB is a (1) large/largely company. It expanded very (2) quick/quickly in the first two years. It developed a (3) new/newly type of washing machine. The machine works very (4) good/well and saves money. It is also very (5) simple/simply to use. The company plans to build another factory next year and to make washing machines more (6) cheap/cheaply. The machines are also (7) strong/strongly and do not break (8) easy/easily. The old factory is (9) expensive/expensively to run. The machines already sell (10) successful/successfully in Europe and America. The staff are (11) happy/happily and think their jobs are quite (12) interesting/interestingly. VOCABULARY 2 Complete the sentences with the words. attractive / popular / heavy / metal / efficient / weight / reliable / boring / shape / triangular 1 The bag is very __________________. I can’t carry it. 2 I fell asleep because the meeting was very__________________. 3 This product is very __________________. It never goes wrong. 4 Our new product is very __________________. Many people want it. 5 The box is __________________. Usually it has four sides, but this one has three. 6 The __________________ of the bag is more than 5kg. 7 The __________________ of the new logo is square. 8 The design is very __________________. I think people will like it. 9 The box is made of __________________. It doesn’t break. 90 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 91 из 325 The machine uses a lot of electricity. It’s not very__________________. 10 CAREER SKILLS 3 Complete the conversation using the words and phrases. big is it / made of / filing cabinet / does it cost / get / did you like / you see / How heavy A: Did (1) _____________________ any good products at the exhibition? B: Yes, I did. A: What (2) _____________________ best? B: Well, the product I liked best was a stationery cupboard for the office. A: What’s it (3) _____________________? B: Wood with some metal cabinets inside, where you can keep your files. A: Like a (4) _____________________ you mean? B: Yes, but there are shelves for books, and drawers for your paper and pens. A: How (5) _____________________? B: It’s 120cm high and 95cm wide. A: (6) _____________________ is it? B: It’s about 10kg. Quite light really. A: And how much (7) _____________________? B: Let me see, if you buy one, then it’s £150 but you (8) _____________________ a discount if you buy more. INTELLIGENT BUSINESS UNIT TEST 9 KEY LANGUAGE 1 1 large / 2 quickly / 3 new / 4 well / 5 simple / 6 cheaply / 7 strong / 8 easily / 9 expensive / 10 successfully / 11 happy / 12 interesting VOCABULARY 2 1 heavy / 2 boring / 3 reliable / 4 popular / 5 triangular / 6 weight / 7 shape 91 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 92 из 325 / 8 attractive / 9 metal / 10 efficient CAREER SKILLS 3 1 you see / 2 did you like / 3 made of / 4 filing cabinet / 5 big is it / 6 How heavy / 7 does it cost / 8 get Intelligent Business Unit Test 10 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous or present simple. 1 The company __________________ (become) a market leader. 2 We __________________ (not work) at the moment. We are on holiday. 3 Our company __________________ (produce) thousands of cars every year. 4 We __________________ (try) to buy another company at the moment. 5 I usually __________________ (telephone) customers in the morning. 6 He __________________ (write) the report now. 7 They __________________ (make) different kinds of machines for hospitals. 8 He __________________ (always drive) to work. 9 This week he __________________ (take) the train because his car isn’t working. 10 They __________________ (do) a SWOT analysis now. 11 We often __________________ (invest) in new companies. 12 They __________________ (build) a new factory in China. 13 She __________________ (have) a lot of experience in this industry. 92 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 93 из 325 VOCABULARY 2 Complete the sentences with the correct verb: invest, compete, publicise, manage or export. 1 When you put money into a company you make an __________________ in that company. 2 The CEO’s __________________ of the company was very successful. 3 Our main __________________ in this industry is Sony. 4 The electronics industry is very __________________. 5 We need a lot of __________________ for the new product. The newspaper advertisements start tomorrow. 6 We are a large __________________ of medical equipment. We sell to more than forty countries. 7 8 The __________________ of the department is in a meeting. Mr Mack is the biggest __________________ in the company. He has 54 per cent of the shares. 3 Complete the words. SWOT stands for: 1 S_______s 2 W________s 3 O___________s 4 T_____s CAREER SKILLS 4 Match the responses to the questions or statements. 1 How are you? __________________ 2 How’s business? 3 Are you still in the Sydney office? __________________ 4 That sounds good. Do you like it? __________________ 5 It was good to see you again. __________________ __________________ 93 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений a) And you. b) Not bad. Sales increased five per cent last month. c) Great. And you? d) Yes, very much. e) No, I’m working in New York now. Лист 94 из 325 INTELLIGENT BUSINESS UNIT TEST 10 KEY LANGUAGE 1 1 is becoming / 2 are not (aren’t) working / 3 produces / 4 are trying / 5 telephone / 6 is writing / 7 make / 8 always drives / 9 is taking / 10 are doing / 11 invest / 12 are building / 13 has VOCABULARY 2 1 investment / 2 management / 3 competitor / 4 competitive / 5 publicity / 6 exporter / 7 manager / 8 investor 3 1 strengths / 2 weaknesses / 3 opportunities / 4 threats CAREER SKILLS 4 1c / 2b / 3e / 4d / 5a Intelligent Business Unit Test 11 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Put the adverb in brackets into the comparative or superlative form. 1 The training course in France is __________________ (expensive) than the course in America. 2 The __________________ (popular) product last year was the digital radio. 3 Spain is usually __________________ (hot) in summer than England. 4 The conference this year was __________________ (interesting) than last year. 94 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 95 из 325 5 The results are __________________ (good) than we hoped. 6 His hotel was __________________ (far) from the city centre than he wanted. 7 What’s the __________________ (quick) way to their office? 8 We think changing the design is the __________________ (good ) option. 9 Mr Peck is our __________________ (old) employee. He’s seventy years old. 10 The new business park is __________________ (big) than the old one. VOCABULARY 2 Choose the correct word. 1 Mrs Dark left work when she was sixty-five. She’s promoted/retired now. 2 We live in an apartment/accommodation in the centre of town. 3 Many British people immigrate/emigrate to other countries. 4 Her job is voluntary/administrative because she does not receive any money. 5 The country needs more manual/skilled workers like engineers and doctors. 6 Sometimes it can be afraid/frightening going to work in another country. 7 When you work in another country it’s important to try to understand their weather/culture. 8 The temperature/climate in summer is usually thirty degrees. 9 Which hotel do you refuse/recommend? 10 The place/location of our factory is near all the transport connections. CAREER SKILLS 3 Complete the conversation. A: What do you think (1) _______________ the new conference centre? B: I don’t think it’s big (2) _______________. A: Do you think the car park is (3) _______________ small? B: Well (4) _______________ my opinion I think it is. There are many cars in the town. A: And (5) _______________ the bus service good? 95 Разработал: Федько Л.А. B: ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 96 из 325 I’m not (6) _______________. I don’t use the buses very much. They’re (7) _______________ expensive. A: (8) _______________ is your opinion (9) _______________ the hotel next to the conference centre? It’s very old. We don’t have (10) _______________ modern hotels near the B: centre. INTELLIGENT BUSINESS UNIT TEST 11 KEY LANGUAGE 1 1 more expensive / 2 most popular / 3 hotter / 4 more interesting / 5 better / 6 further (farther) / 7 quickest / 8 best / 9 oldest / 10 bigger VOCABULARY 2 1 retired / 2 apartment / 3 emigrate / 4 voluntary / 5 skilled / 6 frightening / 7 culture / 8 temperature / 9 recommend / 10 location CAREER SKILLS 3 1 of (about) / 2 enough / 3 too / 4 in / 5 is / 6 sure / 7 too / 8 What / 9 of / 10 enough Intelligent Business Unit Test 12 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Put the verb in brackets into the present perfect or past simple. 1 We __________________________ (sell) thousands of these products since 2005. 2 They __________________________ (never be) to South America. 3 __________________ (you ever meet) the CEO of the company? 4 He __________________ (go) to the conference last week. 5 They __________________ (export) to Korea for three years. 96 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений 6 They __________________ (supply) our company for years. 7 How long __________________ (he work) in this office? 8 She __________________ (do) the same job since 1999. 9 I __________________ (live) in Poland between 1995 and 2000. 10 He __________________ (apply) for that job two days ago. Лист 97 из 325 VOCABULARY 2 Choose the correct word. 1 I went for/did a job interview this morning. 2 We need to fill in the application/applying form. 3 He accepted/refused the offer because it was a good opportunity for him. 4 She has the right qualifications/studies for the job. 5 He’s applying for the place/position of Finance Manager. 6 I complained to the customer services/systems department. 7 She’s looking for a temporary/permanent job for three months. 8 I’d like a job with busiest/flexible working hours. 9 He’s looking for a profession/career in marketing. 10 He hopes to get a rise/promotion to team leader next month. CAREER SKILLS 3 Complete the conversation with the words and phrases. sounds / ever worked / Do / for / have / Have you / what / Why / Thanks / I have A: Good morning Jennifer. (1) ________________ for coming today. (2) ________________ looked at the information? B: About the job? A: Yes. It (3) ________________ very interesting. B: Have you (4) ________________ in a multinational company before? 97 Разработал: Федько Л.А. A: ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 98 из 325 Yes, (5) ________________ worked for Coca Cola (6) ________________ three years. B: (7) ________________ you worked in a design department? A: Yes. I have. B: (8) ________________ you enjoy working in a team? A: Oh yes. That’s (9) ________________ I like best. B: (10) ________________ do you want this job? A: This is a great opportunity and I think I have the right skills for the job. INTELLIGENT BUSINESS UNIT TEST 12 KEY LANGUAGE 1 1 have sold / 2 have never been / 3 Have you ever met / 4 went / 5 have exported / 6 have supplied / 7 has he worked / 8 has done / 9 lived / 10 applied VOCABULARY 2 1 went for / 2 application / 3 accepted / 4 qualifications / 5 position / 6 services / 7 temporary / 8 flexible / 9 career / 10 promotion CAREER SKILLS 3 1 Thanks / 2 Have you / 3 sounds / 4 ever worked / 5 I have / 6 for / 7 Have / 8 Do / 9 what / 10 Why Intelligent Business Unit Test 13 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Complete these sentences with to or ─ if nothing is needed. 1 He promised _________ be here early. 2 She can’t _________ understand the instructions. 3 What do you want _________ do? 98 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений 4 When should we _________ tell her about the problem? 5 We expect _________ see him tomorrow. 6 You shouldn’t _________ drive too fast. It’s dangerous. 7 They arranged _________ visit the office. 8 The company plans _________ expand next year. Лист 99 из 325 VOCABULARY 2 Choose the correct word. 1 Can I give you some suggestion/advice? 2 He mentioned/discussed it to me this morning. 3 Brainstorming/Suggesting is a good way to get new ideas. 4 He has a very good imagination/creation and can think of ideas quickly. 5 They combined/exchanged business cards before the meeting began. 6 A town needs to avoid/provide good facilities for business. 7 I’ve just had an interesting thinking/thought about the project. 8 Customers need to have confidence/confident in a brand. 3 Complete the sentences with made, make, do or did. 1 Have you __________________________ a decision about the advertising? 2 We need to __________________________ more research first. 3 He __________________ a good job for us last year. 4 She doesn’t usually __________________ mistakes. I think she was tired. 5 He __________________ the accounts last week. CAREER SKILLS 4 Complete the conversation with one of the words or phrases. Let’s / think / too / Any / best / should / could / Why / How A: We need to increase our sales. (1) ___________ ideas? B: (2) ___________ about extra discounts on products that are not selling well? 99 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений A: Do you (3) ___________ that’s the (4) ___________ way? B: Well, we (5) ___________ do a lot more advertising on TV. A: It’s (6) ___________ expensive. B: (7) ___________ don’t we have more special promotions in the Лист 100 из 325 supermarkets? A: That’s a good idea. B: Do you think we (8) ___________ advertise the promotions on local radio? A: Yes. (9) ___________ do that. B: OK. INTELLIGENT BUSINESS UNIT TEST 13 KEY LANGUAGE 1 1 to / 2 ─ / 3 to / 4 ─ / 5 to / 6 ─ / 7 to / 8 to VOCABULARY 2 1 advice / 2 mentioned / 3 Brainstorming / 4 imagination / 5 exchanged / 6 provide / 7 thought / 8 confidence 3 1 made / 2 do / 3 did / 4 make / 5 did CAREER SKILLS 4 1 Any / 2 How / 3 think / 4 best / 5 could / 6 too / 7 Why / 8 should / 9 Let’s Intelligent Business Unit Test 14 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Decide if these sentences are now (N) or in the future (F). 1 We are moving to a new office the day after tomorrow. [ ] 2 I am now sending the email. [] 3 He’s working very hard at the moment. [] 4 She’s talking on the phone. [] 100 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений 5 They’re flying to Stockholm tomorrow. [] 6 I’m meeting Josef at four o’clock this afternoon. [] 7 We are changing the opening hours next month. [] 8 Are you waiting to see the boss? [] 9 They are designing new packaging for the perfume. [] 10 The customer is arriving at 3pm. [] Лист 101 из 325 VOCABULARY 2 Write the correct word. 1 What’s the d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ time of your flight? 2 Which p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ does the Paris train leave from? 3 I plan to do some s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when I am in Rome. There are many historic places to see. 4 5 My b _ _ _ _ _ _ reference is HB4265. P _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ need to be at the airport three hours before a flight leaves to check in their luggage. 6 The travel agent has sent the i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for our holiday. We can see where we are each day. 7 We stayed in France for a f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ last year. I hope to stay more than two weeks this year. 8 They made a hotel r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on the internet. 9 Don’t forget you need a p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to use the website. 10 I’d like a room with an e _ _ _ _ _ _ bathroom please. CAREER SKILLS 3 Put these sentences in the correct order. a) That’s not good for me. How about Tuesday afternoon? [] b) Hello. Maria, it’s Michael. I’m coming to Madrid next week. c) Yes. That’s fine. I’m visiting the factory in the morning, but I am free after three.[ ] 101 [] Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений d) I look forward to seeing you. e) When are you arriving? f) OK. I’ll see you on Tuesday at three in your office. Лист 102 из 325 [] [] [] g) No, at the factory. h) Sorry, I can’t make it Monday. What about Tuesday morning? [] i) OK. I’ll see you at the factory. [] j) [] I’m flying in on Sunday evening. Can we meet on Monday morning? [] INTELLIGENT BUSINESS UNIT TEST 14 KEY LANGUAGE 1 1F / 2N / 3N / 4N / 5F / 6F / 7F / 8N / 9N / 10F VOCABULARY 2 1 departure / 2 platform / 3 sightseeing / 4 booking / 5 passengers / 6 itinerary / 7 fortnight / 8 reservation / 9 password / 10 ensuite CAREER SKILLS 3 1b / 2e / 3j / 4h / 5a / 6c / 7f / 8g / 9i / 10d Intelligent Business Unit Test 15 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Use will or won’t to complete the sentences. 1 We think we __________ get the contract. Our prices are the cheapest. 2 It’s late. There __________ be enough time to finish today. Sorry. 3 I think I __________ go home early. I’ve finished everything. 4 It’s possible they __________ make a decision next week. 5 My client __________ sign the contract tomorrow. He has agreed prices. 6 Where do you think the new site __________ be? 102 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 103 из 325 7 __________ everyone be at the meeting tomorrow morning? Yes, they will. 8 Do you think we __________ get more orders from them? 9 In two years’ time people __________ buy things in shops, they’ll use the internet. 10 Don’t worry, John __________ be late. He’s always on time. 11 __________ the factory close in August this year? No, it won’t. VOCABULARY 2 Write these words as numbers and symbols. 1 Ten minus five equals five. ___________________ 2 Five three slash HJ dot com. ___________________ 3 Ten multiplied by seven equals seventy. ___________________ 4 Sixty-two percent ___________________ 3 Complete these sentences with the correct word. 1 A b___________ c___________ is a diagram using rectangles of different sizes to show information. 2 The prices d_________________ from $12 to $10 last month. 3 He made a p_________________ that everyone will live under the sea by 2020. 4 She likes wearing big, colourful j_________________. Look at those earrings! 5 I can never find the r___________ c___________ for the TV. 6 My old computer didn’t have enough m_________________ to store all the information. CAREER SKILLS 4 Complete the conversation with one of the words or phrases. Perhaps / will want / we will / likely / Is it possible / will give / am certain that / will cost / Will 103 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 104 из 325 A: Hello Davina. I want to discuss some ideas about the future of our business. B: Hello Sven. Well I (1) ______________________ in the future customers (2) ______________________ more quality at lower prices. A: That’s true and it’s (3) ______________________ that our competitors (4) ______________________ them this. We need to move fast. B: (5) ______________________ we need to change the design of the products? A: Yes, (6) ______________________. We’ll need to do research into new materials. B: (7) ______________________ that these materials (8) ______________________ more than the materials we use now? A: Yes, it is. We’ll need to look at ways to reduce the cost of production then. (9) ______________________ we will buy new equipment to increase productivity. INTELLIGENT BUSINESS UNIT TEST 15 KEY LANGUAGE 1 1 will / 2 won’t / 3 will / 4 will / 5 will / 6 will / 7 will / 8 will / 9 won’t / 10 won’t / 11 will VOCABULARY 2 1 10 ─ 5 = 5 / 2 53/HJ.com / 3 10 7 = 70 / 4 62% 3 1 bar chart / 2 decreased / 3 prediction / 4 jewellery / 5 remote control / 6 memory CAREER SKILLS 4 1 am certain that / 2 will want / 3 likely / 4 will give / 5 Will / 6 we will / 7 Is it possible / 8 will cost / 9 Perhaps Тесты для промежуточного контроля 104 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 105 из 325 Intelligent Business Progress Test 1 (Units 1─3) Complete all seven sections. There are seventy marks in total. SECTION 1: VOCABULARY 1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of these words. For example: manage ─ manager employ / produce / manufacture / China / promote / manage / retail 1 Mr Yang is ________________. He’s from Beijing. 2 The company has more than 10,000 ________________. 3 Mr Petrov is the project ________________. 4 We are a big ________________ and our shops sell many different things. 5 We sell many of our ________________ in other countries. 6 We are a ________________ company. We make plastic boxes. 7 The marketing department ________________ the new services. 2 Choose a word to complete the paragraph. network / challenge / conference / multinational / members We work for a (1) ________________ company. Its headquarters are in New York. New technology is always a big (2) ________________ for everyone. All our IT team (3) ________________ usually attend the international (4) ________________ so they can learn what is new. There they can (5) ________________ and make contact with a lot of possible new customers. SECTION 2: LANGUAGE 3 Underline the correct word. 1 The CEO arrives/arrive at six o’clock this evening. 105 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений 2 They makes/make cars in Korea. 3 He don’t/doesn’t work for an American company. 4 Does/Do the employees work hard? 5 Do/Does you have John’s address? 6 She works as a/the designer. 7 I always leaves/leave the office at 5.30pm. 8 He sometimes have/has lunch in a restaurant. 9 We are/is interested in sports. Лист 106 из 325 10 Are you Isabel? Yes, I are/am. 11 Does he live/lives in Paris? 12 I work for a/the big company. It’s called Hewlett Packard. SECTION 3: READING 4 In which paragraph are the following things mentioned? 1 the location of head office _________ 2 a personal opinion _________ 3 the journey to work _________ 4 modern technology _________ and 5 _________ 6 types of teams 7 the owner of a company 8 sales of products a) We sell less than 10% of our goods in the home market country. We make _________ _________ _________ clothes for other companies, who sell them in different countries. b) The founder of our company is fifty years old. He owns 85% of the company and is the chairperson. c) We are a multinational company with headquarters in Paris. Many staff work with people from different countries on our projects. Good communication is very 106 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 107 из 325 important. Some people live in one country but regularly commute to another country, especially in Europe. d) I think I spend too much time away from home. I travel all the time for my job and I miss my family. I think we can use things like video conferencing for many of my meetings. e) Our employees work in teams so they need to understand each other and communicate well. Our teams are formal and all the members are from this company. Other companies have international teams. f) Teamwork is important for many companies today, especially in multinational companies. This is easy today because of the internet and mobile phones. SECTION 4: CAREER SKILLS 5 Complete the conversation with one of these phrases. type of company / is it /do you / How many / are its / It’s a / does it / I’m / are you / What’s 1 Hello. _________________ your name? Fritz Scheiner. 2 What company _________________ with? AR Geissling. 3 What _________________ is it? 4 _________________ manufacturing company. 5 What _________________ make? Electronic products for the home. 6 What _________________ do? 7 _________________ the sales manager. 8 _________________ employees does it have? About 600. 9 Where _________________ based? 107 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 108 из 325 In Zürich. 10 Where _________________ factories. In China. SECTION 5: WRITING 6 Underline the correct word. To: Design team From: Sabrina Binden Subject: New team manager Dear colleagues My name (1) is/are Sabrina Binden and I’m the new manager of (2) the/a design team. I’m (3) charge/responsible for all the company advertisements. My (4) job/title is to design and produce good advertisements for our products. Let me tell you something (5) about/for myself. I’m thirty years (6) age/old and come (7) to/from Frankfurt in Germany. I (8) am/have more than ten years’ experience in design with a big company. When I am not at work I like to (9) play/make sport and read newspapers. I hope to (10) meet/speak some of you soon! Best wishes Sabrina SECTION 6: LISTENING Track 1 7 Listen to first Katya and then Graham. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? 1 Katya works for a bank. _________ 2 She doesn’t like big teams. _________ 3 She likes to meet every week. _________ 4 Her team has people from different countries. _________ 108 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений 5 Graham is an international manager. 6 He thinks it’s important to listen to people. 7 He thinks formal meetings are best. 8 He doesn’t like emails. Лист 109 из 325 _________ _________ _________ _________ SECTION 7:SPEAKING 8 Talk about yourself. Say: Who you are. How you spell your name. What nationality you are. How old you are. What job you do or want to do. Your teacher will mark your presentation using the scorecard below. The teacher circles one mark if a student includes the area, and circles two marks for communicating it accurately and effectively. There is a maximum of ten marks. The students said: Who they are. 1 2 How they spell their name. 1 2 What nationality they are. 1 2 How old they are. What job they do or want to do. 1 2 1 2 INTELLIGENT BUSINESS PROGRESS TEST 1 KEY VOCABULARY 1 1 Chinese / 2 employees / 3 manager / 4 retailer / 5 products / 6 manufacturing / 7 promotes 2 1 multinational / 2 challenge / 3 members / 4 conference / 5 network 109 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 110 из 325 LANGUAGE 3 1 arrives / 2 make / 3 doesn’t / 4 Do / 5 Do / 6 a / 7 leave / 8 has / 9 are / 10 am / 11 live / 12 a READING 4 1c / 2d / 3c / 4d or f / 5f or d / 6e / 7b / 8a CAREER SKILLS 5 1 What’s / 2 are you / 3 type of company / 4 It’s a / 5 does it / 6 do you / 7 I’m / 8 How many / 9 is it / 10 are its WRITING 6 1 is / 2 the / 3 responsible / 4 job / 5 about / 6 old / 7 from / 8 have / 9 play / 10 meet LISTENING 7 1T / 2F / 3F / 4T / 5F / 6T / 7F / 8F Intelligent Business Progress Test 2 (Units 4─6) Complete all seven sections. There are seventy marks in total. SECTION 1: VOCABULARY 1 Choose the correct word a, b or c. 1 One _______of company picnics, is that people can meet each other in an informal way. a) profit 2 b) help I keep my pens in the top __________ of my desk. a) filing cabinet b) drawer 3 c) cupboard I need a __________ to keep these documents together. a) paperclip 4 c) advantage b) shredder c) mouse He plays a musical __________. a) instrument b) equipment c) machine 110 Разработал: Федько Л.А. 5 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 111 из 325 Company events give the employees an opportunity to __________ with their managers. a) entertain 6 b) enjoy c) socialise We only have parties on special __________. a) opportunities b) occasions c) options 7 I’d like __________ potatoes tonight. Put them in the water now. a) boiled 8 b) fried c) baked I like going to __________ events. You meet many business people there. a) corporation b) co-operative c) corporate 9 Please send a __________ to Mr Jones. He wants to see all our products. a) brochure b) book c) document 2 The letters spell something you can eat. Write the word correctly. 1 L O N A M S ___________________ 2 CINCHEK 3 REWARTSBRY 4 B L E V E T A G E ___________________ 5 R A C T O R ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ SECTION 2: LANGUAGE 3 There is a mistake in each sentence. Write the sentence correctly. 1 We buy much things in a supermarket. _______________________________________________________________ ___ 2 The boss like to see you. _______________________________________________________________ ___ 3 He works in big company. _______________________________________________________________ ___ 111 Разработал: Федько Л.А. 4 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 112 из 325 Do you can help me, please? _______________________________________________________________ ___ 5 Wait for me in front the cinema. _______________________________________________________________ ___ 6 Please not leave the door open. _______________________________________________________________ ___ 7 Our office is next the university. _______________________________________________________________ ___ 8 I need an information about the product. _______________________________________________________________ ___ 9 How many time do you need? _______________________________________________________________ ___ 10 Do you like to have dinner? _______________________________________________________________ ___ SECTION 3: READING 4 Read the paragraphs below. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? 1 Rich people often give money to charity. _________ 2 Rich people usually give more than money. _________ 3 Charities need business help. 4 American companies often have social events. _________ 5 Office social events are very popular in Britain. _________ _________ 112 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений 6 Companies want people to meet in an informal way. 7 Picnics are not always a good idea. 8 Some workers like to file things immediately. 9 Pilers are always disorganised. _________ _________ _________ _________ 10 People with untidy desks can never find things. a) Лист 113 из 325 _________ There are more rich people in the world today than in the past. Many of these people give money to charities. Some people believe that these rich business people could give more than just money. For example they could help charities to be good businesses. Charities need to make money and use it in the best way for them, like any other business. A business expert can help them. b) Office social events are popular in America, but not so much in Britain. Companies think social events are a good way for people to meet informally. Organising picnics, however, has some disadvantages. For example, the weather can be bad, the children can be noisy, and some people do not like eating outside with insects flying around. Other people are worried that the food is not fresh, which could make them ill. c) So you like to keep your desk tidy? Some people do and some people don’t. Which is best: a tidy desk or an untidy one? Research tells us that there are usually two types of people: the filer who files documents immediately and the piler who leaves documents all over the desk. It is interesting that people who have untidy desks are not always disorganised. They usually know where everything is. SECTION 4: CAREER SKILLS 5 Complete the conversation with one of the words or phrases. can / offer / turn / I’m afraid / Would / get / need / opposite / turning / down Bill: Hi Jane. 113 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 114 из 325 Jane: Hello Bill. (1) ______________ you like a coffee before we start? Bill: Yes please. Jane: Right, how can I help you? Bill: I (2) ______________ to buy some new computers. Where can I get them? Jane: Jefferson’s is the best place. They (3) ______________ a good discount. Bill: Oh, right. How do I (4) ______________ to Jefferson’s? Jane: It’s (5) ______________ the bus station. You (6) ______________ right when you leave the office and go (7) ______________ Hillier Street. Take the second (8) ______________ left and Jefferson’s is on the right. Bill: Thanks. One more thing, (9) ______________ you write the project report his week. I leave for Paris tonight and I have no time. Jane: (10) ______________ I can’t. Ask Anna. I think she can do it for you. Bill: OK. Thanks. SECTION 5: WRITING 6 Complete the note with one word. Hi Erich I (1) ____________ with a customer all day today, so I (2) ____________ visit the new supplier with you. It is a (3) ____________ idea if you take my assistant, Maria, with you. She has all (4) ____________ information. I (5) ____________ that Hicks & Co is a good supplier for us. (6) ____________ them we plan to (7) ____________ monthly orders of £2,500 or more. We can get a good discount. Remember to (8) ____________ them about delivery (9) ____________. Fast delivery is very important for us. We need the goods (10) __________ three days. SECTION 6: LISTENING 114 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 115 из 325 Track 2 7 Listen to Paula Hard talking about her new office and decide where the things are. 1 opposite the door ______________ 2 on her desk ______________ 3 under the window ______________ 4 on her computer ______________ 5 between the bookcase and small cupboard 6 in the small cupboard a) photocopier b) client information files c) desk and chair d) bookcase e) sofa f) ______________ ______________ stationery g) filing cabinet h) printer and computer SECTION 7: SPEAKING 8 Talk about the room where you work or study. Say: Where it is. What furniture is in the room. Where everything is. What items are most important to you. Why you like or don’t like this room. Your teacher will mark your presentation using the scorecard below. The teacher circles one mark if a student includes the area, and circles two marks for communicating it accurately and effectively. There is a maximum of ten marks. 115 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 116 из 325 The students said: Where the room is. 1 What furniture is in the room. 1 2 2 Where everything is in the room. 1 2 What items are important to them. 1 2 Why they like or don’t like the room. 1 2 INTELLIGENT BUSINESS PROGRESS TEST 2 KEY VOCABULARY 1 2 1c / 2b / 3a / 4a / 5c / 6b / 7a / 8c / 9a 1 salmon / 2 chicken / 3 strawberry / 4 vegetable / 5 carrot LANGUAGE 3 1 We buy many things in a supermarket. / 2 The boss would like to see you. / 3 He works in a big company. / 4 Can you help me, please? / 5 Wait for me in front of the cinema. / 6 Please do not (don’t) leave the door open. / 7 Our office is next to the university. / 8 I need some information about the product. / 9 How much time do you need? / 10 Would you like to have dinner? READING 4 1T / 2F / 3T / 4T / 5F / 6T / 7T / 8T / 9F / 10F CAREER SKILLS 5 1 Would / 2 need / 3 offer / 4 get / 5 opposite / 6 turn / 7 down / 8 turning / 9 can / 10 I’m afraid WRITING 1 am / 2 cannot (can’t) / 3 good / 4 the / 5 think (believe) / 6 Tell / 7 place / 8 ask / 9 time(s) / 10 within (in) LISTENING 1c / 2h / 3d / 4b / 5g / 6f 116 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 117 из 325 Intelligent Business Progress Test 3 (Units 7─9) Complete all seven sections. There are seventy marks in total. SECTION 1: VOCABULARY 1 Underline the correct option. 1 Our aim/reason is to finish the job by the end of the month. 2 The technicians did many experiments/experiences in the laboratory. 3 My torch doesn’t work. I think it needs a new electricity/battery. 4 The manufacture/construction of the new factory finished last month. 5 Every product today has a barcode/book on it which a computer can read. 6 Spain makes a lot of money from tourism/agriculture. It has millions of visitors each year. 7 Exercise is good for your health/healthy. 8 I like to do indoor/outdoor exercise because I like fresh air. 9 We did not plan to do this. It was expected/accidental. 10 The new phone has many special items/features. For example you can watch TV on it. 11 The report includes/improves information about prices. 12 The company reduced /increased the price from £5 to £4. SECTION 2: LANGUAGE 2 There is one mistake in each sentence. Underline the mistake and write the correction. e.g. They is here for a meeting. are 1 We don’t make many new products last year. 2 They were late this morning because the car didn’t worked. 3 She met the new CEO in the weekend. 4 I wrote the report at Monday last week. 5 We go to the cinema yesterday and saw a very good film. ___________ 6 The film started at six o’clock of the evening. 117 ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 118 из 325 7 The film weren’t popular with the students. They didn’t like it. ___________ 8 My birthday is the twentieth in May. 9 Do they go to Paris last week? Yes, they liked it. 10 He is born in Scotland in 1978. ___________ ___________ ___________ 11 He speaks Russian good, but he doesn’t know any English. 12 She buyed some trainers to help her run more quickly. 13 Did you finish your work on yesterday? ___________ ___________ ___________ SECTION 3: READING 3 Put these sentences in the correct gap in the article. a) When the cars cannot move, people on bikes can. b) Today we use it for nearly everything. c) The bikes cost between £300 and £750. d) Their doctors told them to try cycling to work and not go by car, as they usually did. e) Here they produce top quality products, which are safe and not very expensive. f) They bought one small factory in Wales. The invention of electricity changed the world completely. (1) ___________. One company which needs electricity is ExFit Bikes, which produces electric bicycles. Two brothers started the company ten years ago, when they wanted to be healthy. (2) ____________. It was very difficult for them because the road to work was up and down and they could not cycle up the hills. They found electric bicycles in a shop, but they were very expensive. That’s why they decided to start their own company. (3) ___________. Now, ten years later they are a very successful company. They have three factories in China and one in Brazil. (4) ____________. Electric bikes are very popular now. People want to have exercise and stop pollution in the cities. Customers also like these bikes because they can get to work more quickly in the cities. (5) __________. They are a very useful means of transport in busy towns and cities. A recent survey 118 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 119 из 325 showed that people who have an electric bike use it more than people who have ordinary bikes. (6) ____________. If you want to sell the bike after a year, you can get a good price for it. Sales last year increased by 25% and are expected to increase by 20% this year. SECTION 4: CAREER SKILLS 4 Put these sentences in the correct order. a) Of course we can. Just wait a moment. 1 [] b) Thank you. 2 [] c) What’s the problem? 3 [] d) Yes, I did. 4 [] e) Can I help you? 5 [] f) Can you fix it? 6 [] g) I bought a microwave oven last week and it doesn’t work. 7 h) I’m sorry about this. 8 [] i) Did you plug it in? 9 [] j) When I turn it on nothing happens. 10 [] [] SECTION 5: WRITING 5 Complete the report with the correct past form of the verb. Report for Bob Finder – General Manager Subject: New product – Supa TV We (1) ____________ (have) a problem with our new product, the Supa TV last month. The main problem (2) ____________ (be) that the picture (3) ____________ (not be) very good. Our customers (4) ____________ (not be) happy. This report tells you what we (5) ____________ (do). First we (6) ____________ (stop) selling the TV and (7) ____________ (ask) customers to send them back to us. Then our engineers (8) ____________ (check) them all for the problem. After that, they (9) ____________ (find) the problem and 119 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 120 из 325 (10) ____________ (say) we needed to have a new design. This (11) ____________ (take) a month. Finally we (12) ____________ (write) a letter to all our customers to offer 15% discount on the models. About 75% of customers placed orders for the new model. SECTION 6: LISTENING Track 3 6 Listen to a conversation between an electricity company and a customer. Complete the notes. Customer account number (1) ____________. Engineer checked electricity on (2) ____________. Engineer arrived at (3) ____________am. He did not (4) ____________ the electricity. Engineer stayed for only (5) ____________ minutes. Another visit arranged for (6) ____________ at (7) ____________ pm. SECTION 7: SPEAKING 7 Describe some item you had when you were young. Say: What it was. Where you bought it. What it was made of. What shape it was. Why you liked it. Your teacher will mark your presentation using the scorecard below. The teacher circles one mark if a student includes the area, and circles two marks for communicating it accurately and effectively. There is a maximum of ten marks. The students said: What the item was. 1 2 120 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Where they bought it. 1 2 What it was made of. 1 2 What shape it was. 1 2 Why they liked it. 1 Лист 121 из 325 2 INTELLIGENT BUSINESS PROGRESS TEST 3 KEY VOCABULARY 1 1 aim / 2 experiments / 3 battery / 4 construction / 5 barcode / 6 tourism / 7 health / 8 outdoor / 9 accidental / 10 features / 11 includes / 12 reduced LANGUAGE 2 1 don’t – didn’t / 2 worked – work / 3 in – at / 4 at – on / 5 go – went / 6 of – in / 7 weren’t – wasn’t / 8 in – of / 9 Do – Did / 10 is – was / 11 good – well / 12 buyed – bought / 13 on – – READING 3 1b / 2d / 3f / 4e / 5a / 6c CAREER SKILLS 4 1e / 2g / 3c / 4j / 5i / 6d / 7h / 8f / 9a / 10b WRITING 5 1 had / 2 was / 3 wasn’t / 4 are not (aren’t) / 5 did / 6 stopped / 7 asked / 8 checked / 9 found / 10 said / 11 took / 12 wrote LISTENING 6 1 WR38172C / 2 Tuesday / 3 9.30 / 4 check / 5 five / 6 today / 7 two Intelligent Business Progress Test 4 (Units 10─12) 121 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 122 из 325 Complete all seven sections. There are seventy marks in total. SECTION 1: VOCABULARY 1 Complete the advertisement with the words. qualifications / career / conditions / terms / global / flexible / domestic / competitive / exciting / range / pension / low-cost We are a (1) _________________ company and we can offer a good (2) _________________ for students who have finished university. The working (3) _________________ are excellent and we also offer (4) _________________ working hours. There are some very (5) _________________ opportunities for university graduates. In (6) _________________ of salary, this is very (7) _________________ and we also have a good company (8) _________________ plan. We now have a new product (9) _________________ for the (10) _________________ market. We have designed (11) _________________ products especially for students. We are looking for younger people with good (12) _________________ to help sell these products. SECTION 2: LANGUAGE 2 Choose the correct word. We (1) make/made many different products for the home in our factories. We (2) have/are having ten factories around the world. We (3) have had/had 5 factories in China for four years. We (4) opened/have opened the first factory in Mexico in 1995. The company (5) expanded/has expanded hugely since then. The (6) biggest/bigger factory is in Beijing now and (7) produces/produced ten million chairs and desks each year. Now we (8) are building/build a new factory in Spain to produce luxury quality goods. Since 2006 sales in Spain (9) increased/have increased sixty per cent. The product which sells (10) better/best is our special armchair which is (11) more/most comfortable than a bed. 122 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 123 из 325 SECTION 3: READING 3 Read the paragraphs below. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? 1 Companies need to be competitive today. [] 2 Staff in large companies need to know why there are changes.[ ] 3 Students who want better jobs often study abroad. 4 Australia is a popular place for Americans to emigrate to. [ ] 5 The cost of living in Spain is higher than in Britain. [] 6 The quality of life in Australia is better than in Britain. [] 7 Skilled workers can get to the USA more easily than manual workers.[ ] 8 People who work from home are often freelance workers. [ ] 9 Most people today stay in the same job all their lives. [] [] 10 Temporary staff are more expensive than permanent staff. [ ] 11 It can be hard to get a permanent job in some industries. [ ] 12 Older people sometimes don’t like new technology. [] Staying competitive is the key to success in business these days. Companies need to keep changing and improving to become market leaders. But it is also important to keep some traditions which are the foundation of a company. Big companies need to make sure that their staff are happy about changes and that they can see why the company needs them. More and more companies understand today that you can help people and be competitive at the same time. Also today many people are living and working in other countries. Many students go abroad to study so they can get a better job when they return home. Thousands of British people are selling their homes in Britain and moving to Australia, Spain or the USA. Some of them say that they are doing this because the cost of living is too high in Britain and that the quality of life in these other countries is better. It is now not very easy to emigrate to some of these countries because they only want skilled workers. 123 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 124 из 325 Finally we can say that the world of work has changed greatly. Many people these days can work from home as freelance workers. Modern technology has made this possible. Another change is that most people cannot or do not stay in the same job for ever, many companies like to employ temporary staff because it is cheaper to only pay someone when you need them. In some sectors it is more difficult every year to find permanent jobs. Many older people are also finding it hard to find or keep a job because they cannot use computers. Often they are frightened of modern technology. SECTION 4: CAREER SKILLS 4 Put these words in the correct order to make questions. 1 job / you/ do / your / like? _______________________________________________________________ 2 do / do / in / time / what / your / free / you? _______________________________________________________________ 3 you / this / why / job / want / do? _______________________________________________________________ 4 have / long / you / here / how / worked? _______________________________________________________________ 5 think / the / new / of / conference / you / do / what / centre? _______________________________________________________________ SECTION 5: WRITING 5 Complete the report with the correct past form of the verb in brackets. best / has worked / recommend / because / have / has / shows / speaks / should / had We (1) __________________ a problem at the Brazilian factory at the moment. I think we (2) __________________ send Mr Lomax there. He (3) __________________ Portuguese and he (4) __________________ in South 124 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 125 из 325 America before. Our research (5) __________________ that the manager of the factory in Brazil does not have enough experience. We think that Mr Lomas is the (6) __________________ person to send (7) __________________ he (8) __________________ a lot of experience. We (9) __________________ problems at the Korean factory last year and he solved them very quickly. I (10) __________________ Mr Lomas. There are no other people with his experience. SECTION 6: LISTENING Track 4 6 Listen to a lady asking someone about local facilities for businesses. Complete the table below. Tick () the good or bad box for each service. Service Good Bad Reasons Car parks (2)_____________ find it difficult. (1) Conference (4) Centre too _____________. location (3) Hotels (5) Business Park (7) Modern and _____________ (6) good. Transport Service (9) Need _____________ buses. (8) Restaurants (10) SECTION 7: SPEAKING 7 Talk about a company you work for or would like to work for. Say: Which company it is. 125 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 126 из 325 What job you do or would like to do. Why you think it’s a good company to work for. How the company helps its staff. What is important to you when choosing a company to work for. Your teacher will mark your presentation using the scorecard below. The teacher circles one mark if a student includes the area, and circles two marks for communicating it accurately and effectively. There is a maximum of ten marks. The students said: Which company it is. 1 2 What job they do or would like to do. 1 2 Why they think it’s a good company to work for. 1 How the company helps its staff. 2 1 2 1 2 What is important when choosing a company to work for. INTELLIGENT BUSINESS PROGRESS TEST 4 KEY VOCABULARY 1 1 global / 2 career / 3 conditions / 4 flexible / 5 exciting / 6 terms / 7 competitive / 8 pension / 9 range / 10 domestic / 11 low-cost / 12 qualifications LANGUAGE 2 1 make / 2 have / 3 have had / 4 opened / 5 has expanded / 6 biggest / 7 produces / 8 are building / 9 have increased / 10 best / 11 more READING 126 Разработал: Федько Л.А. 3 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 127 из 325 1T / 2T / 3T / 4F / 5F / 6T / 7T / 8T / 9F / 10F / 11T / 12T CAREER SKILLS 4 1 Do you like your job? / 2 What do you do in your free time? / 3 Why do you want this job? / 4 How long have you worked here? / 5 What do you think of the new conference centre? WRITING 5 1 have / 2 should / 3 speaks / 4 has worked / 5 shows / 6 best / 7 because / 8 has / 9 had / 10 recommend LISTENING 6 1 bad / 2 customers / 3 bad / 4 old / 5 bad / 6 good / 7 location / 8 bad / 9 more / 10 good Intelligent Business Progress Test 5 (Units 13─15) Complete all seven sections. There are seventy marks in total. SECTION 1: VOCABULARY 1 Choose the correct option a, b or c. 1 He made a __________ at the best hotel in town. a) book 2 Ten __________ by two equals five. a) multiplied 3 c) made b) break c) year Look at the pie __________. You can see where we spent the money. a) diagram 6 b) did He’s thinking of taking a career __________ some time next year. a) gap 5 b) divided c) reduced Have you __________ the work I gave you? No, I haven’t. a) done 4 b) reserve c) booking b) graph c) chart The __________ is for televisions to become bigger and bigger. 127 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений a) trend 7 b) travel c) journey He has made all his travel __________. He has his tickets now. a) organisations 9 b) change c) increase He’s going on a business __________ to Canada. a) trip 8 Лист 128 из 325 b) arrangements c) appointments Are you travelling for business or __________? a) pleasant b) pleasure c) pressure 10 We have had __________ sales this month. a) current b) record c) least 11 Europe is a _________. a) country b) content c) continent 12 What is your date of __________? a) birthday b) born c) birth SECTION 2: LANGUAGE 2 Some of these sentences have a mistake. Underline the mistake and write the correction. If there is no mistake then put a tick (). e.g. We work in a multinational company. ________ He asked me work late. ____to____ Are you live in Turkey? ____Do___ I can’t to finish on time. ____─____ 1 Could you to help me with this report? __________ 2 Where do you want go? __________ 3 I think computers have become smaller in the future. 4 It likely that more people will work from home. 5 Do you see the boss later today? __________ 6 We should to increase the salaries. __________ 7 He promised work late this evening. __________ 128 __________ __________ Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений 8 You should always arrive on time. __________ 9 Why don’t we arrange meet next week. __________ Лист 129 из 325 10 I’m meeting the supplier tomorrow morning. __________ 11 We planned develop a new product. __________ 12 Will they to finish on time today? __________ SECTION 3: READING 3 Which paragraph a, b or c mentions: 1 People who work for no money. __________ 2 How much money the company makes. __________ 3 A way to stop staff leaving a company. __________ 4 Problems finding new ideas. __________ 5 How a product has changed. __________ 6 What to do if your job isn’t interesting. __________ 7 Ways to keep in contact with other people. __________ a) Keeping ahead of the competition is hard work these days. Mr Laliberte of the Cirque du Soleil has managed to do this with his global entertainment business. His profits are huge, but it’s not easy to always have creative ideas as the brand continues to grow. Mr Laliberte has done this and it is likely that the company will continue to be successful. b) People who work for a company for a long time often need a break or they can find their jobs boring. It has become popular today for workers to take 3-, 6- or 12month breaks away from work. In the past it was only students who took a gap year before going to university, but now almost twenty per cent of all workers in Britain are doing this. Popular destinations are Africa and South America. People often do voluntary work while they are travelling. Some companies are now offering their staff the opportunity to take a career break. This is one way to keep good staff. 129 Разработал: Федько Л.А. c) ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 130 из 325 What does the future offer, do you think? Will it be very different from what we know today? Over the last twenty years the world has changed greatly. Technological developments are moving very fast and it’s difficult to predict the future. Twenty years ago, mobile phones were expensive and very big and didn’t work very well. Today they are small and you can watch TV on them, send videos and photographs and use the internet. Maybe in the future we won’t need phones. Perhaps we will use our thoughts to communicate with each other. That will certainly save a lot of money, but we will need to be careful about what we are thinking! SECTION 4: CAREER SKILLS 4 Choose the correct option a, b or c. 1 Why __________ we take the train? That’s a good idea. a) aren’t 2 b) with c) for c) Let’s b) What b) really c) reasonably I think the number of jobs will __________ steady in the future. a) remain 9 c) shouldn’t I’m not __________ sure about that. a) certainly 8 b) can’t __________ promote the products in the supermarkets. a) Will 7 c) It’s b) There is What about lunch? Is Thursday good __________ you? a) to 6 c) changed Sorry, I __________ make the meeting on Monday. I’m busy then. a) don’t 5 b) change __________ likely that more people will work from home in the future. a) I’m 4 c) don’t How about __________ the design? a) changing 3 b) won’t b) go c) continue I’m __________that prices will increase next month. 130 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений a) likely b) possible Лист 131 из 325 c) certain SECTION 5: WRITING 5 Choose the correct word or expression. To: Pedro Lohez. Subject: Visit next week. Dear Pedro I am (1) look/looking forward to (2) meet/meeting you next week. I (3) will/won’t meet you at the airport (4) on/at Monday morning at 7.30. At 11am there (5) can/will be a presentation of the company. (6) After/Next that we are having lunch at a restaurant. (7) In/On the afternoon you (8) could/should have a tour of the departments or visit the factory. At 8pm we are going to the theatre. The next day we are having a breakfast meeting. Later we (9) are/will taking you on a tour of the city. Please let me know what you (10) would/do like to do on Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning. Best wishes SECTION 6: LISTENING Track 5 6 Listen to a woman talking. Are the statements true [T] or [false F]? 1 She doesn’t think her job is good. [] 2 She has worked in IT for six years. [] 3 She is taking a gap year. [] 4 She starts her break tomorrow. [] 5 She’s going out with come colleagues tonight. [ ] 6 She’s going to Taiwan first. [] 7 She plans to travel round Malaysia by train. 8 She will teach IT in a university. [] 9 Her brother lives in New Zealand. [] 131 [] Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений 10 She will be back at work in July. Лист 132 из 325 [] SECTION 7: SPEAKING 7 Talk about what you think your life will be like in ten years. Talk about: Your work or studies. Where you will live. What your house/apartment will be like. What your interests will be. What changes there will be in technology. Your teacher will mark your presentation using the scorecard below. The teacher circles one mark if a student includes the area, and circles two marks for communicating it accurately and effectively. There is a maximum of ten marks. The students talked about: Their work or studies. 1 2 Where they will live. 1 2 What their house or apartment will be like. 1 2 What their interests will be. 2 1 What changes there will be in technology. 1 2 INTELLIGENT BUSINESS PROGRESS TEST 5 KEY VOCABULARY 1 1c / 2b / 3a / 4b / 5c / 6a / 7a / 8b / 9b / 10b / 11c / 12c LANGUAGE 2 1 to = ─ / 2 want go = to / 3 have = will / 4 It likely = is / 5 Do = Will / 6 to = ─ / 7 promised work = to / 8 / 9 arrange meet = to / 10 / 11 planned develop = to / 12 to = ─ READING 3 1b / 2a / 3b / 4a / 5c / 6b / 7c 132 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 133 из 325 CAREER SKILLS 4 1c / 2a / 3c / 4b / 5c / 6c / 7b / 8a / 9c WRITING 5 1 looking / 2 meeting / 3 will / 4 on / 5 will / 6 After / 7 In / 8 could / 9 are / 10 would LISTENING 6 1F / 2F / 3F / 4T / 5F / 6F / 7F / 8F / Итоговый тест с ключом Intelligent Business Exit Test Complete all seven sections. There are one hundred marks in total. SECTION 1: VOCABULARY 1 Choose the correct answer a, b or c. 1 What ______ are you? I’m British. a) nation 2 b) manager b) mentioned c) complained b) living c) lives The new phone has many different ______. a) items 7 c) retail The cost of ______ has increased ten per cent this year. a) life 6 b) marketing The customer ______ because the computer didn’t work. a) discussed 5 c) staff We have one of the biggest department stores in the ______ industry. a) manufacturing 4 c) country This is Emma, a ______ of mine. We work in the same office. a) colleague 3 b) nationality b) factors c) features We will send you the ______ when we deliver the goods. 133 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений a) order 8 c) currency The ______ for the project is not big enough. We need more money. a) account 9 b) invoice Лист 134 из 325 b) bill c) budget We ______ textiles in our factories in China, India and Turkey. a) product b) manufacture c) promote 10 The ______ of the case is only 3.5kg. a) weight b) height c) length 11 When I retire I hope to get a good ______. a) presentation b) pension c) promotion 12 There is a lot of ______in the food industry. a) competitor b) competition c) competitive 13 We ______ our suppliers every month. a) cash b) pay c) spend 14 What is your ______ of the new product? a) thought b) thinking c) opinion 15 The ______ for the report is tomorrow morning. I need to finish it this evening. a) time b) deadline c) date 16 I would like a ______ as an architect. a) career b) work c) place 17 He wants the ______ to develop his skills. a) threat b) opportunity c) prediction 18 We have ______ the price from $7 to $5. a) increased b) improved c) reduced 19 Where is your company ______? a) built b) founded c) based 20 I’d like you to look at this pie______. a) graph b) picture c) chart 134 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 135 из 325 SECTION 2: LANGUAGE 2 Write the verb in brackets in the correct form. 1 I _______________________ (speak) to a customer at the moment. 2 He _______________________ (be) a customer for five years. 3 Our supplier _______________________ (send) the wrong goods yesterday. 4 We _______________________ (make) this product for years. 5 I _______________________ (write) to the company last week. 6 She _______________________ (not work) in head office. Her office is in the factory. 7 At the moment we _______________________ (invest) a lot in research and development. 8 I _______________________ (work) here since 2004. 9 They _______________________ (build) the new factory last year. 10 She _______________________ (make) a mistake with the order last week. 11 He always _______________________ (take) the train to work. 12 We _______________________ (not see) this type of machine before. 3 Each sentence has one mistake. Underline the mistake and write the correction on the line at the end. 1 Do you like to speak to the boss? _________ 2 We could buy the cars more cheap in Poland. _________ 3 There aren’t any paper in the printer. _________ 4 I need an information about the product. _________ 5 She want to find a new job. _________ 6 They usually work at Saturdays. _________ 7 She wrote the report very good. _________ 8 How much books did you order? _________ 9 I have seen the customer at the weekend. _________ 135 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений 10 We should trying to visit him today. Лист 136 из 325 _________ 11 It’s likely that labour costs do increase next month. 12 This is a well machine. We like it. _________ _________ SECTION 3: READING 4 Read the article and decide if these sentences are true [T] or false [F] 1 Supermarkets in the UK are still using too much packaging. [ ] 2 Customers in supermarkets should use more plastic bags. [ ] 3 Manufacturing orders grew three months ago. 4 Manufacturing companies are getting more export orders now. [ ] [ ] 5 Exchange rates are part of the export problem. [ ] 6 The economy is also having problems. 7 Umbro is a sports manufacturer. [ ] [ ] 8 Umbro has just bought Nike. [ ] 9 Umbro believes it has made a good deal with Nike. [ ] 10 Adidas has the biggest share of the sports market. [ ] 11 Paxon Electronics has sold more than £200 million items this year. [ ] 12 They sell over one million of the best-selling product each month. [ ] 13 Paxon has opened a store in China. [ ] Business News Big supermarkets in the UK need to use less packaging, a report says. Some major companies have forty per cent of packaging that cannot be recycled. All supermarkets are looking for new materials that are better for the environment. Another thing they need to do is reduce the number of plastic bags each customer uses. Orders in the UK manufacturing industry have grown strongly over the last three months. However, export orders have decreased because of currency exchange rates. 136 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 137 из 325 However, a survey shows that the economy is in a good position and continues to grow. Nike has agreed to buy Umbro, which produces the English football kit. Both companies manufacture sports goods and the CEO of Umbro said that this was a very good deal for the owners of the company. He believes the company will be stronger when it becomes part of Nike. Nike is steadily expanding its share of the market and it hopes to overtake the current market leader, Adidas, soon. Annual sales of our products have reached £200 million for the first time since Paxon Electronics began in 2000. The founder and CEO said that the best-selling product has sold more than one million units in the last three months. The company has also opened many new retail outlets and opens it first one in China next month. SECTION 4: CAREER SKILLS 5 Complete the questions with the words. Why / Can I / What does / Can you / What do / Where / Is there / What / Who / What’s / Can 1 _______________ your name? 2 _______________ speak to Mr Jones please? 3 _______________ do you work for? 4 _______________ is the name of your company? 5 _______________ your company do? 6 _______________ I have your name please? 7 _______________ a discount on this product? 8 _______________ fix the problem please? 9 _______________ is your company based? 10 _______________ don’t we have a meeting about this. 11 _______________ you think of the new offices? 137 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 138 из 325 SECTION 5: WRITING 6 Complete this email with the words or phrases. Then / Finally / wanted to / First / talked / agreed to / didn’t think / met / discussed / needs us To: Sales manager Subject: Meeting with new customer. I (1) ______________ the general manager of Freedom Hotels this morning. (2) ______________ we (3) ______________ which furniture range he (4) ______________ order for the new hotels in London, Moscow and Beijing. (5)______________ we (6)______________ about price and delivery times. He (7) ______________ to deliver the order at the end of August. I (8) ______________ this was a problem. (9)______________ I (10) ______________ give him 12% discount on the total order. He placed an order for: 4,000 beds 10,000 chairs 3,000 sofas 3,000 desks. Best regards. SECTION 6: LISTENING Track 7 7 Listen to a woman talking about a problem she had at work. Complete the table below. Listen twice. Suggestion Good Bad idea idea () () Move to (1) Reasons She likes working in (3) 138 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений _____________ (2 department ) Лист 139 из 325 ______ ______ _____________ _ department. Not good for (6) Work (4) (5 _______________. ) ______ ______ _____________. She needs (7) _____________ from fulltime job. She can work (10) (8) (9 ________________ ) ______ ______ ____________ on Wednesday/Friday hours. afternoons. Manager is (11) _______________ She has more time for (12) __________________. SECTION 7: SPEAKING 8 Prepare a presentation for your teacher about yourself and your work or studies. Include the following: Introduce yourself. Say where you are from. Describe your current work or studies. What you like and dislike about your current work or studies. What you think you will do in the future. Your teacher will mark your presentation using the scorecard below. The teacher circles one mark if a student includes the area, and circles two marks for communicating it accurately and effectively. There is a maximum of ten marks. The student: 139 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Introduced him/herself. 1 Said where he/she was from. 2 1 Described their current work or studies. Лист 140 из 325 2 1 2 Said what they liked and disliked about it. 1 2 What they think they will do in the future. 1 2 INTELLIGENT BUSINESS EXIT TEST KEY SECTION 1: VOCABULARY 1 1b / 2a / 3c / 4c / 5b / 6c / 7b / 8c / 9b / 10a / 11b / 12b / 13b /14c / 15b / 16a / 17b / 18c / 19c / 20c SECTION 2: LANGUAGE 2 1 am speaking / 2 has been / 3 sent / 4 have made / 5 wrote / 6 doesn’t (does not) work / 7 are investing / 8 have worked / 9 built / 10 made / 11 takes / 12 haven’t (have not) seen 3 1 Do you like to speak to the boss? __would__ 2 We could buy the cars more cheap in Poland. __cheaply__ 3 There aren’t any paper in the printer. __isn’t_____ 4 I need an information about the product. ___some___ 5 She want to find a new job. ___wants___ 6 They usually work at Saturdays. ___on_____ 7 She wrote the report very good. ___well____ 8 How much books did you order? ___many___ 9 I have seen the customer at the weekend. ___saw____ 10 We should trying to visit him today. ___try_____ 11 It’s likely that labour costs do increase next month. ___will____ 12 This is a well machine. We like it. ___good___ 140 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 141 из 325 SECTION 3: READING 4 1T / 2F / 3F / 4F / 5T / 6F / 7T / 8F / 9T / 10T / 11F / 12F / 13F SECTION 4: CAREER SKILLS 5 1 What’s / 2 Can I / 3 Who / 4 What / 5 What does / 6 Can / 7 Is there / 8 Can you / 9 Where / 10 Why / 11 What do SECTION 5: WRITING 6 1 met / 2 First / 3 discussed / 4 wanted to / 5 Then / 6 talked / 7 needs us / 8 didn’t think / 9 Finally / 10 agreed to / 11 placed SECTION 6: LISTENING 7 1 finance / 2 bad idea / 3 sales / 4 part-time / 5 bad idea / 6 manager / 7 salary / 8 flexible / 9 good idea / 10 at home / 11 happy / 12 (her) family ВТОРОЙ СЕМЕСТР Поурочные тесты с ключами Unit Test 1 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Write the verbs in brackets in the present simple or the present continuous. 1 He ___________ (work) for a software company in New York. 2 I normally ____________ (get up) at five every morning. 3 Joel _____________ (work) at home this week. 4 Our accountant _____________ (check) the invoice right now. 5 Now, things ____________ (begin) to change in the company. 6 Currently, our customers ____________ (demand) more and more from us. 7 We frequently _____________ (travel) to Asia on business. 141 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 142 из 325 8 My typical working day ____________ (end) at six o’clock. 9 They ____________ (learn) English at the moment. 10 After work, we usually ____________ (have) a drink together. VOCABULARY 2 Complete the sentences with these words. operates / sells / provides / develops / designs / manufactures 11 Our retailer ___________ the products. 12 Frognation creates, develops and ___________ video games. 13 Citibank ___________ banking services. 14 It _____________ the products in the factory. 15 He designs and _____________ software with a team at Microsoft. 16 General Electric _______________ in more than 100 countries worldwide. 3 Write the last three letters in each word. 17 This is my part_____ We started the company together. 18 Can you call the software develo_______? There’s another problem with this new software. 19 He has a meeting with the sales representat______ from our supplier. 20 Picasso is my favourite art_____. 21 I’m a project mana_____ for a mobile phone company. 22 The foun_____ of this company wants to sell it. 23 I love music and would love to be a famous music______. 24 She’s the company law_____. She checks all the contracts. 25 The head engin_____ is on the phone from the site. CAREER SKILLS 4 Underline the correct word in brackets. 26 I work (to / as) a designer. 27 My main role is (to / for) sell our services. 142 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 143 из 325 28 What kind of company do you work (as / for)? 29 I’m responsible (for / as) managing projects. 30 What do you do (in / as) your job? Unit Test 1 Answer Key Language 1 works / 2 get up / 3 is working / 4 is checking / 5 are beginning / 6 are demanding / 7 travel / 8 ends / 9 are learning / 10 have Vocabulary 11 sells / 12 designs / 13 provides / 14 manufactures / 15 develops / 16 operates 17 ner / 18 per / 19 ive / 20 ist / 21 ger / 22 der / 23 ian / 24 yer / 25 eer Career skills 26 as / 27 to / 28 for / 29 for / 30 in Unit Test 2 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Is the sentence correct (C) or incorrect (I)? Correct the incorrect sentence. 1 There’s a lot of information on our current customers. (_______________) 2 How many free time do you have? (_______________) 3 Do you have a statistics on web users? (_______________) 4 I don’t have much advice for you. (_______________) 5 I’m sorry, but we don’t have some messages for you. (_______________) 6 Would you like some coffee? (_______________) 7 I’d like a glass of waters please. (_______________) 8 There’s a call for you on line 3.(_______________) VOCABULARY 2 Choose answer a, b or c to complete the sentences. 9 I can’t remember my ____________. 143 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. a) mouse b) password Лист 144 из 325 c) keyword 10 About 50 people a day _____________ our company website. a) keep b) browse c) type 11 I usually __________ a search engine to find new suppliers. a) use b) phone c) manage 12 Customers have to ___________ their credit card details to order from us. a) appear b) browse c) enter 13 ___________ shopping has made buying and selling so easy! I don’t have to travel anywhere now. a) Search b) Supermarket c) Online 14 ___________ ENTER and it takes you to the site. a) Click b) Type c) Find 3 Underline the correct word in italics. 15 I have a mountain / bit of work on my desk. I can’t do it all tonight! 16 A tiny / substantial amount of my time is on the computer – only about five minutes a day. 17 A few / fraction people work from home in my department. 18 There’s a huge / tiny number of people who now use Internet in this country – over half the population. 4 Write these words as numbers. 19 six hundred and thirty eight_______________________ 20 ten thousand five hundred._______________________ 21 nine million dollars _______________________ 22 ninety-one point four per cent _____________________ 23 one third_____________________ CAREER SKILLS 5 Read this telephone conversation between two colleagues. Write in the missing words. 144 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 145 из 325 A: Can I just (24) c____________ the numbers of employees we have in each office. B: Sure. A: How (25) m__________ do we have in our Milan office? B: Fifteen. A: Sorry, did you (26) s____________ fifty or fifteen? B: Fifteen. One five. A: OK. And in Zurich? B: Ten. A: Sorry, I didn’t (27) c___________ that. B: Ten. One zero. A: Thanks. And finally, what about our two Moscow offices. We have twenty people there. Is that right? B: Sorry, but we don’t have (28) a____________ offices in Moscow. A: Can you (29) r____________ that, please? B: There isn’t an office in Moscow. A: Do you (30) m____________ that they’re closed? B: No. We just don’t have an office in Moscow. We never have! Unit Test 2 Answer Key Language 1 (C) / 2 How much free time do you have? (I) / 3 Do you have any statistics on web users? (I) / 4 (C) / 5 I’m sorry, but we don’t have any messages for you. (I) / 6 (C) / 7 I’d like a glass of water please. (I) / 8 (C) Vocabulary 9 b / 10 b / 11 a / 12 c / 13 c / 14 a 15 mountain / 16 tiny / 17 few / 18 huge / 19 638 / 20 10,500 / 21 $9,000,000 / 22 91.4 % / 23 1/3 Career Skills 145 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 146 из 325 24 check / 25 many / 26 say / 27 catch / 28 any / 29 repeat / 30 mean Unit Test 3 Answer all Thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Match the offers and requests to the responses. Write your answer here. 1 ___ 2 ___ 3 ___ 4 ___ 5 ___ 6 ___ 7 ___ 8 ___ 9 ___ 1 Can I help you with your bag? 2 Let me send this fax for you. 3 Would you like a coffee? 4 Do you want some milk? 5 I could make a copy for you. 6 Can you phone me tomorrow? 7 Could I have some water please? 8 Would you please check the figures? 9 Could you give me some directions? a) Yes, please. Black no sugar. b) Sure. Sparkling or still? c) Thanks – the number is 01245 674 4783. d) Yes, no problem. 146 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 147 из 325 e) No, it’s OK. But thanks. f) Where do you want to go? g) Yes, please. h) Thanks but I don’t really need one. i) Sure. What time? VOCABULARY 2 Which word doesn’t belong after the verb? 10 give: advice, help, mistakes 11 make: a mistake, an email, a phone call 12 invest: manners, money, time 13 respond: positively, commonly, politely 3 Read the comments below and match adjectives a-h. a) dissatisfied / b) impractical / c) honest / d) friendly / e) formal / f) inefficient / g) punctual / h) impatient 14 She always smiles and talks to new people in the office. ____ 15 The system we have for making decisions is slow and takes too long. ____ 16 I’m not happy with you or your work. ____ 17 He says what he thinks and always tells the truth. ____ 18 They do things in a hurry and never wait. ____ 19 In our country we always wear a tie at work and call people by their title. ____ 20 She’s never late. ____ 21 This idea works on paper but it won’t work in reality. ___ CAREER SKILLS 4 Underline the correct word in italics in this conversation. A: Can I (22) introduce / meet you to my colleague, Jane? (23) It / This is Jack Barber. B: (24) Pleased / Please to meet you. C: Nice to meet you too Jane. Would you like 147 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений (25) joining / to join Лист 148 из 325 us for lunch? B: That would be very (26) nice / good. Thank you. [later] B: Thanks for a very nice lunch. A: No (27) problem / thanks. You’re (28) glad / welcome. B: Is it OK to smoke in here? A: I’m (29) afraid / sorry but it isn’t allowed. C: Would you like to go to the bar. You can smoke there. B: It’s all right. Don’t (30) worry / sorry about it. UNIT TEST 3 ANSWER KEY Language 1e/2c/3a/4g/5h/6I/7b/8d/9f Vocabulary 10 mistakes / 11 an email / 12 manners / 13 commonly 14 d / 15 f / 16 a / 17 c / 18 h / 19 e / 20 g / 21 b Career Skills 22 introduce / 23 This / 24 Pleased / 25 to join / 26 nice / 27 problem / 28 welcome / 29 sorry / 30 worry Unit Test 4 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Complete these sentences with the adjective in brackets. 1 I think Italian clothes are ________________ (beautiful) than French clothes. 2 This has been one of the ________________ (bad) years in the company’s history. 148 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 149 из 325 3 This dress is _______________ (cheap) than that one. 4 Our European market isn’t as _______________ (big) as our Asian market. 5 She’s our most _______________ (talented) designer. 6 Designer clothes are ______________ (good) made than off-the-peg clothes. 7 I’ll buy it when the price is _____________ (low). 8 We need systems in the office which are _______________ (reliable). 9 He’s _____________ (happy) with his job than he was. 10 The numbers on this watch are the _____________ (easy) to read. VOCABULARY 2 Complete the end of the word in each sentence. 11 A design___ label is on all their clothes. 12 She’s our most fam____ model. 13 Fashion_____ clothes usually cost a lot of money. 14 He’s a very creat____ man with lots of new ideas. 15 France’s luxur____ goods industry represents some 2,000 firms. 16 The commerc____ point is that haute couture is the fashion house’s loss leader. 17 Your new coat is very styl_____. 18 Our most recent advertis_____ campaign was very successful. CAREER SKILLS 3 Write in the missing question words below. What / Who / Where / How / Why / What 19 _________ does it look? _____ 20 _________ can you use it for? _____ 21 _________don’t you like it? _____ 22 _________ can use it? _____ 23 _________ is it made of? _____ 24 _________ can you use it? _____ 149 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 150 из 325 4 Match each reply (25-30) to questions 19-24. Write the number after the question above. 25 For a PC or laptop. 26 Very modern. 27 Metal and wood. 28 Children and adults. 29 It’s very impractical. 30 In the car. Unit Test 4 Answer Key Language 1 more beautiful / 2 worst / 3 cheaper / 4 big / 5 talented / 6 better / 7 lower / 8 more reliable / 9 happier / 10 easiest Vocabulary 11 er / 12 ous / 13 able / 14 ive / 15 y / 16 ial / 17 ish / 18 ing Career Skills 19 How / 20 What / 21 Why / 22 Who / 23 What / 24 Where / 19 26 / 20 25 / 21 29 / 22 28 / 23 27 / 24 30 / Unit Test 5 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Write the verbs in the past simple. Harold Mack (1)____________ (finish) school in 1989 with no qualifications. He (2)____________ (not/know) what he wanted to do and so (3)___________ (do) various jobs. In 1992 he (4)____________ (have) a simple idea and (5)____________ (found) Mack Packing. The company (6)_____________ (start) in a small warehouse in East London. In the beginning Harold only (7)____________ (employ) four people but the company (8)____________ (grow) 150 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 151 из 325 quickly and two years later there (9)____________ (be) more than twenty. In 1996 Mack Packing (10)____________ (receive) its first international order and now the company exports packaging to ten countries in Europe. 2 Write questions about Harold Mack in the past simple. 11 Q: When ____________________________________? A: In 1989. 12 Q: Where ____________________________________? A: In a small warehouse in East London. 13 Q: __________________________________________? A: Four people. 14 Q: __________________________________________? A: It’s first international order. Vocabulary 3 Complete each sentence with one word from A and one from B. A business / start / market / set / top / B up / job / share / idea / up / plan business 15 Their _____________ _____________ is bigger than their competitors. 16 He has the ______________ _______________ in the company. 17 A _____________ -______________ is a new business. 18 Every entrepreneur begins with a good ________________ ______________. 19 A new company ___________ __________ in our area and we went bankrupt. 20 To get money from the bank, you need to show them your ________________ ______________. 4 Underline the correct verb in brackets. 21 A successful company has to (make / do) a profit. 22 Can I introduce you to the man who (heads / tops) the company? This is our CEO… 151 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 152 из 325 23 I (pay / rent) an apartment in the city centre. 24 To grow, we need to (find / look) new opportunities in the market. 25 We have to increase production to (see / meet) demand. 26 I don’t want to work for someone. I want to (have / be) my own boss. 27 We want to (bring / send) out a new type of smoothie next year. 28 Is it possible to (run / make) a business when you don’t enjoy it? 29 To survive in business, your company cannot (be / stand) still. 30 I like to (play / have) fun at the weekend. Unit Test 5 Answer Key Language 1 finished / 2 didn’t know / 3 did / 4 had / 5 founded / 6 started / 7 employed / 8 grew / 9 were / 10 received 11 When did he finish school? / 12 Where did the company start? / 13 How many people did he employ? / 14 What did Mack Packing receive in 1996? Vocabulary 15 market share / 16 top job / 17 start-up / 18 business idea / 19 set up / 20 business plan 21 make / 22 heads / 23 rent / 24 find / 25 meet / 26 be / 27 bring / 28 run / 29 stand / 30 have Unit Test 6 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Underline the correct word in italics. 1 I’m certain there will / may be space tourism in the future. 2 Their flight is delayed so it can’t / won’t be a problem if you arrive at two. 3 Some people might / will be interested in your proposal but I’m really not sure. 152 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 153 из 325 4 The project manager is on the phone. He says he hopes to finish on time but that they may / will be late because there is a problem with some parts. 5 Ted thinks the price of a ticket into space can / could be around $150,000 in the future. 6 Thanks for calling. I ‘ll / might give him your message. 7 She may / will be able to go tonight. She’ll call later to confirm. VOCABULARY 2 Replace the underlined words in sentences 8-17 with a word from the box. Write the word at the end of the sentence. capital / launch / tight / payback / a joint venture / raise / potential / take / start-up / invest in 8 We’ll put our latest product on the market at the end of next month. ______________ 9 They’ll probably put a million euros into this company. ____________ 10 It’s an agreement to work together between a Spanish and Italian company. __________ 11 This plan has a possibility of future success. _____________ 12 We are working with a carefully controlled budget. ____________ 13 Let’s ask the bank to help us with the setting up of a new business costs. ____________ 14 They want us to read their business plan so that we’ll give them the money for their new business venture. ____________ 15 They increase their prices every month! ____________ 16 I think I’ll go by the elevator to the fifth floor. ____________ 17 We can agree to a six month period for getting back the cost of the investment. ____________ 3 Write in the missing preposition. 18 What do you estimate the return ____ our investment will be? 153 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 154 из 325 19 I’ll try to borrow the money ____ my brother. 20 Most scientists don’t have a very good understanding ____ business. 21 We can’t run this ____ such a low budget. 22 I lent my mobile ____ my colleague at work. 23 Over 20% of office workers also work ____ home. CAREER SKILLS 4 Complete the phrases for making predictions with these words. possible / could / expect / sure / think / unlikely / definitely 24 `It’s ___________ that we’ll live on the moon. 25 I don’t __________ that to happen. 26 I’m _________ they’ll give us the contract. 27 I think it’s __________ that they’ll buy our robot. 28 This will __________ need a lot of work. 29 It _________ be a good way to increase profits. 30 I don’t ____________ that’s true at all. Unit Test 6 Answer Key Language 1 will / 2 won’t / 3 might / 4 may / 5 could / 6 ‘ll / 7 may Vocabulary 8 launch / 9 invest / 10 joint venture / 11 potential / 12 tight / 13 start-up / 14 capital / 15 raise / 16 take / 17 payback / 18 on / 19 from / 20 of / 21 on / 22 to / 23 from Career Skills 24 possible / 25 expect / 26 sure / 27 unlikely / 28 definitely / 29 could / 30 think Unit Test 7 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. 154 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 155 из 325 LANGUAGE 1 Read the conversations. Write in the most appropriate form of the verb in brackets. 1 A: We ordered a new desk for today but it isn’t here. B: Let me contact our warehouse and then I ____________ (call) you right back. 2 A: Can you visit us next week? B: I’m afraid I ______________ (visit) America next week. 3 A: What do you want to do when you graduate? B: I _______________ (apply) to all the big multi-nationals. 4 A: How does the company intend to solve its current problems? B: The company _____________ (review) the situation and then take the appropriate action. 5 A: Can you say I called? B: Don’t worry, I ____________ (tell) him you rang. 6 A: We arranged the meeting. B: Great. What time _________________ (you/meet)? 7 A: ______________(we/open) this new hotel or aren’t we? We need a decision. B: Sorry, but I just can’t decide. VOCABULARY 2 Complete each sentence with answer a, b or c. 8 A(n) ______________ is a very large tall building. 155 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. a) skyscraper b) apartment block Лист 156 из 325 c) theme park 9 You can buy virtually anything in a shopping ______________. a) area b) market c) mall 10 We’re a large _________________ with activities in many different countries. a) regional office b) investment c) multi-national 11 We’re currently looking for a suitable ______________ for an office in Dubai. a) premises b) region c) block 12 Roads links are an important part of a country’s _______________. a) accommodation b) infrastructure c) attraction 13 A(n) ________________ is someone who lives outside their own country. a) tourist b) expatriate c) inhabitant 14 The service ______________ includes banking, insurance and tourism. a) sector b) office c) division 3 Which sentences have the word up or out missing? Write them in. 15 The Opera tickets sold in less than three hours so I bought tickets for the cinema. 16 Inflation is growing at its fastest rate in five years. 17 We need to build on our current success. 18 I set this company in 2001. 19 If you run of money, then give me a call. I’ll lend you some. 4 Delete the word that doesn’t collocate with the underlined word. 20 stable, strong, high economy 21 easy, stable, good access 22 high, strong, low taxation 23 strong, positive, weak currency CAREER SKILLS 5 Words with four letters are missing in this conversation. Write them. Hi Gail. Are you (24)__________ next week? Yes. Are you coming to visit? 156 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 157 из 325 That’s right. I’d (25)__________ to arrange an appointment. Good idea. (26)__________ about Tuesday? I can’t (27)__________ Tuesday I’m afraid. Can you (28)__________ on Wednesday? In the morning, yes. That’s (29)__________ for me. Great. Let’s say ten o’clock? Yes, that’s fine. I’ll see you at ten o’clock (30)__________. OK. Bye. Unit Test 7 Answer Key Language 1 ‘ll call / 2 ‘m visiting / 3 ‘m going to apply / 4 is going to review / 5 ‘ll tell / 6 are you meeting / 7 Are we going to open Vocabulary 8 a / 9 c / 10 c / 11 a / 12 b / 13 b / 14 a 15 The Opera tickets sold out in less than three hours so I bought tickets for the cinema. / 16 Inflation is growing at its fastest rate in five years. / 17 We need to build on our current success. / 18 I set up this company in 2001 or I set this company up in 2001. / 19 If you run out of money, then give me a call. I’ll lend you some. 20 high / 21 stable / 22 strong / 23 positive Career Skills 24 free / 25 like / 26 What / 27 make / 28 meet / 29 good / 30 then Unit Test 8 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Match the two halves of these sentences. Write your answer here: 157 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений 1 ___, 2 ___, 3 ___, 4 ___, 5 ___, 6 ___, 7 ___, 8 ___, 9 Лист 158 из 325 ___, 10___ 1 Don’t touch 2 Pass me my 3 Please read 4 Let’s take a 5 If you don’t want the job, 6 Please write your name on the list if 7 Tell me 8 Do 9 Let’s make 10 Don’t a) the instructions on the form. b) when you leave. c) that lever. d) interrupt, please. e) phone, please. f) say something. g) not enter. h) a decision. i) break at lunch. j) you want to attend. Vocabulary 2 Read parts of four adverts from a careers magazine. Write in these missing words. interview / scheme / contract / find / ads / resume / trade / apprenticeship / apply / headhunting 158 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 159 из 325 We currently have three vacancies on our graduate trainee (11)____________. You can (12)___________ online at… Please send us a copy of your (13)____________. Selected candidates will attend an (14)____________ at the end of this month. Learn a (15)____________ and join a local firm! We would like to offer an (16)_____________ in building. You receive training and a five-year fixed (17)_____________. Are you having problems finding staff? Or perhaps you’re tired of scanning the job (18)____________ for a new position. Contact us. We’re the experts in (19)____________ professionals for key management roles. Let us (20)___________ the right person for the right job. Complete this table of words. VERB NOUN PERSON (21)_____ employment (22)_____ (23)_____ advertisement advertiser apply (24)_____ applicant communicate (25)_____ communicator СAREER SKILLS Someone is explaining how to use some new computer software. Each sentence includes one extra word. Cross it out and write it at the end. 26 First, make it sure you put the disc in._________ 27 Don’t not forget to shut down any other programmes.__________ 28 Always you remember to save your new work._________ 29 It may be the better to save it in this folder._________ 30 If you aren’t sure what to do, just will ask for help._________ Unit Test 8 Answer Key Language 159 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 160 из 325 1 c / 2 e / 3 a / 4 i / 5 f / 6 j / 7 b / 8 g / 9 h / 10 d Vocabulary 11 scheme / 12 apply / 13 resume / 14 interview / 15 trade / 16 apprenticeship / 17 contract / 18 ads / 19 headhunting / 20 find / 21 employ / 22 employee/employer / 23 advertise / 24 application / 25 communication Career Skills 26 it / 27 not / 28 you / 29 the / 30 will Unit Test 9 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Underline the correct modal verb in brackets. 1 The government says companies (have to / should) follow certain rules when advertising. 2 You (mustn’t / don’t have to) say your product does something that it doesn’t. 3 I don’t think you (should / need to) ignore the students market because they are your future customers. 4 You (don’t have to / mustn’t) work late because George said he can if you don’t want to. 5 They cancelled the meeting so we (shouldn’t / don’t need to) go. 6 They (don’t need to / shouldn’t) invest in that company because it isn’t doing well at the moment. VOCABULARY 2 Write in the missing letters in the words below. They are all words about money. 7 If you buy today, we’ll give you a ten per cent _i_ _ou_ _. 8 My bank gave me a personal _oa_ today. 9 I think it’s important we help Africa with its _e_ _ to other countries. 160 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 161 из 325 10 He wants an extra ten thousand a year and he already has a _a_a_ _ of over a hundred thousand a year! 11 How much do you ea_ _ a month? 12 The type of customer we want has enormous _ _e_ _i_ _ power. 13 My house is _o_ _ _ about two hundred thousand pounds. Unit Test 9 Answer Key Language 1 have to / 2 mustn’t / 3 should / 4 don’t have to / 5 don’t need to / 6 shouldn’t Vocabulary 7 discount / 8 loan / 9 debt / 10 salary / 11 earn / 12 spending / 13 worth 14 advertising media / 15 direct marketing / 16 personal selling / 17 public relations 18 Consumption / 19 marketing / 20 analysts / 21 agency / 22 sponsor Career Skills 23 How about / 24 That’s a good / 25 why not / 26 I like / 27 we could / 28 What about inviting / 29 Brilliant /30 I’m not sure Unit Test 10 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Write the verb in brackets in the past simple or present perfect. 1 Two years ago, I ______________ (leave) my company for this one. 2 The price ______________ (continue) to fall for the last two weeks. 3 In 2001, the market ______________ (fall) to an all-time low. 4 This graphs shows that inflation _______________ (remain) steady for six months now. 5 German house prices _____________ (double) since 1979. 161 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 162 из 325 6 How ____________ (be) your trip? 7 We ______________ (not/raise) our prices in recent weeks. 8 ____________ (you/be) to France before? 9 I _____________(see) any changes in our recent performance. 10 _______________ (you/invite) the press yesterday? VOCABULARY 2 Choose the correct verb from a, b or c. 11 It is difficult for companies to __________ the price of a product and know what to charge. a) cost b) set c) get 12 A lower price may increase sales but it also ___________ the profit margin a) increases b) sets c) reduces 13 Many companies are ____________ costs to keep prices down. a) cutting b) setting c) increasing 14 All customers want to ___________ good value for money. a) get b) cost c) sell 15 Customers are also prepared to ____________ more time looking for a good price. a) make b) spend c) have 16 In recent months, sales _____________ between 35 and 40. a) fluctuated b) rose c) raised 17 Large supermarkets can afford to ____________ in bulk which also reduces the price. a) sell b) save c) buy 18 Producing bigger portions doesn’t ___________ up the price. a) pull b) pick c) push 19 To ____________ the demands of supermarkets, food producers have reduced the size of their workforces. 162 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. a) set b) meet Лист 163 из 325 c) reach 20 Prices ____________ a peak last night and then fell. a) reached b) increased c) put up 3 Put these trend words in the correct category. remain steady / lower / rise / level / rocket / push down 21 increase: ________________ ________________ 22 decrease: ________________ ________________ 23 no change: ________________ ________________ CAREER SKILLS 4 Match the two halves of the phrases for describing graphs. Write your answers here. 24___ 25___ 26___ 27___ 28___ 29___ 30___ 24 I’d like you to look at… 25 Turnover increased from 3 billion… 26 The volume of sales went up by… 27 It then reached a peak… 28 This fell to a low point in… 29 It’s stayed the same for… 30 It’s still somewhere between 5.8%... a) of two thousand. b) to 3.3 billion. c) three months now. d) and 5.9%. e) this graph. f ) 2003. g) one percent. 163 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 164 из 325 Unit Test 10 Answer Key Language 1 left /2 has continued/ 3 fell/ 4 has remained/ 5 have doubled/ 6 was / 7 haven’t raised / 8 Have you been / 9 haven’t seen / 10 Did you invite Vocabulary 11 b / 12 c / 13 a / 14 a / 15 b / 16 a / 17 c / 18 c / 19 b / 20 a 21 rise, rocket / 22 lower, push down / 23 remain steady, level Career Skills 24 e / 25 b / 26 g / 27 a / 28 f / 29 c / 30 d Unit Test 11 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Re-write these sentences into the passive or active form. 1 Irene set up her company in 1991. Irene’s company ______________________________________________________. 2 The disc is inserted into the drive. Insert_______________________________________________________________ . 3 We employ over two thousand people here. Over two thousand people______________________________________________. 4 They will pay us the final fee at the end of next week. The final fee_________________________________________________________. 5 All calls are recorded for training purposes. We________________________________________________________________. 6 The government has increased the rate of tax. The rate of tax_______________________________________________________. 164 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 165 из 325 7 We are working on a new procedure. A new procedure_____________________________________________________. VOCABULARY 2 Read people describing problems they have. Write the type of problem in the box next to the description. injury / accident / damage / loss / theft / fraud / fire 8 ‘We need to claim the cost of a new roof after the storm last night.’ ________________ 9 ‘My car was stolen from outside my house!’ _________________ 10 ‘I hurt my leg at work and claimed for medical expenses.’ ___________________ 11 ‘Two offices were burnt down and the factory was damaged.’ __________________ 12 ‘Sorry, I dropped your computer – I didn’t mean to.’ ___________________ 13 ‘One minute I had my bag and then after I went to the bar it wasn’t here.’ ____________ 14 ‘This person said the injury cost him $40,000 but we discovered he didn’t have an injury.’ __________________ 3 An insurance company representative is talking about technology and insurance. Underline the correct verb in brackets. There’s no doubt that technology has made it quicker and easier for people to (15) (take / pull) out insurance policies with our company. Our customers want to (16) (protect / prohibit) themselves against risk, for example to (17) (provide / prevent) cover against things such as injury or damage to property. Most of them do it over the phone. You just (18) (make / give) us a call and we’ll (19) (give / spend) you a quote within a few minutes and if you (20) (detect / suffer) loss or damage you (21) (withdraw / receive) compensation. Because it’s easier to get insurance nowadays some people also say it’s easier to (22) (determine / commit) fraud. But I don’t 165 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 166 из 325 believe that. For one thing we (23) (monitor / maintain) all calls and (24) (watch / screen) any claims that could be fraudulent. In fact technology means that insurance companies can (25) (investigate/ invent) more claims than they used to and therefore we (26) (save / raise) more money than we used to. CAREER SKILLS 4 The same word is missing from these pairs of phrases for expressing arguments. What is the word? 27 I understand your ___________, but… Surely the main ___________ is… 28 On the one _________ you’re right, but… On the other _________ he’s right too. 29 ___________ have to consider the customer… But don’t _________ think it’s too expensive? 30 The fact __________ customers are spending less, so… My view ___________ we need to spend more, because… Unit Test 11 Answer Key Language 1 was set up in 1991. / 2 the disc into the drive. / 3 are employed (here). / 4 will be paid (to us) at the end of the week. / 5 record all calls for training purposes. / 6 has been increased (by the government). / 7 is being worked on. / 8 damage / 9 theft / 10 injury / 11 fire / 12 accident / 13 loss Vocabulary 14 fraud / 15 take / 16 protect / 17 provide / 18 give / 19 give / 20 suffer / 21 receive 166 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 167 из 325 Useful Phrases 22 commit / 23 monitor / 24 screen / 25 investigate / 26 save / 27 point / 28 hand / 29 you / 30 is Unit Test 12 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Complete these sentences with the present simple or future form of the verbs in brackets. 1 If you ____________ (pay) us today, we’ll give you a 10% discount. 2 We ___________ (not/reimburse) you, if you don’t have the receipt. 3 If I buy it online, it ____________ (be) cheaper than from a shop. 4 If she calls, ____________ (you/tell) me? 5 If I _____________(not finish) this tonight, my boss will be angry. 6 You’ll be able to send photos, if you ____________(buy) one of those new mobile phones. VOCABULARY 2 The words and phrases below are synonyms for the underlined words in sentences 7-16. Match them. Write your answers here. 7___ / 8___ / 9___ / 10___ / 11___ / 12___ / 13___ / 14___ / 15___ / 16___ a significant f suffering b a refund g makes a fuss c dissatisfied h deal with d rude i complain e apologise j empathise 7 I am writing to say sorry for our mistake. 8 I’m afraid I’m rather unhappy with the service here. 9 There’s always one customer who wants to whinge. 167 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 168 из 325 10 Don’t worry. That customer always becomes angry about his room. 11 Dealing with customers is a major part of my job. 12 This economy is doing badly due to high inflation. 13 Why don’t you ask for your money back? 14 With an angry customer, the important thing is to show you understand. 15 Let me handle this problem. 16 The steward on our flight was so impolite! 3 Which verb does not go with the NOUN? Delete it. 17 suggest, find, make A SOLUTION 18 handle, satisfy, make A COMPLAINT 19 produce, offer, provide A SERVICE 20 train, complain, employ STAFF 21 do, have, solve A PROBLEM 22 replace, sell, refund A PRODUCT 23 deal with, ask, answer A QUERY CAREER SKILLS (24-30) 4 Re-order this conversation between a supplier and a shopkeeper. Number the sentences 1-9 ___ Today’s best. ___ OK. I’ll arrange for another box. _1_ Hi. I’ve got a problem I’m afraid. You delivered some tomatoes this morning but they’re damaged. ___ Then I’ll bring it right now. ___ The point is that I can’t sell them. Now there are two possibilities. You could either refund me the money or you could bring me another box. ___ When will I get it? ___ Oh I’m sorry about that. 168 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 169 из 325 ___ Is today better for you or tomorrow? _9_ Thanks a lot. Unit Test 12 Answer Key 1 pay / 2 won’t reimburse / 3 will be / 4 will you tell / 5 don’t finish / 6 buy Vocabulary 7 e / 8 c / 9 i / 10 g / 11 a / 12 f / 13 b / 14 j / 15 h / 16 d 17 make / 18 satisfy / 19 produce / 20 complain / 21 do / 22 refund / 23 ask 24-30 Career Skills _7_ Today’s best. / _4_ OK. I’ll arrange for another box. / _1_ Hi. I’ve got a problem I’m afraid. You delivered some tomatoes this morning but they’re damaged. / _8_ Then I’ll bring it right now. / _3_ The point is that I can’t sell them. Now there are two possibilities. You could either refund me the money or you could bring me another box. / _5_ When will I get it? / _2_ Oh I’m sorry about that. / _6_ Is today better for you or tomorrow? / _9_ Thanks a lot. Unit Test 13 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Write these sentences in the correct order. 1 I to often work have late. __________________________________________________ 2 well all our speak staff English. __________________________________________________ 3 system the new is efficiently working. __________________________________________________ 4 are always they arrive the first to. __________________________________________________ 169 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 170 из 325 5 The every night are backed-up computers automatically. __________________________________________________ VOCABULARY 2 Complete the sentences with these words. demand / forecast / delay / model / range / stock / switch / update / order 6 I’m sorry but there’s a ______________ with your order. It’ll arrive tomorrow not today. 7 Hello. I’d like to place an _____________ for three hundred pens. 8 Customer ____________ is very high for ice creams because the summer is so hot. 9 The current ____________ for next year says turnover will remain steady. 10 I’m afraid we don’t have any in ___________ at the moment. 11 This model looks old now. We need to _____________ it to make it more modern. 12 The Ford XR6 is our latest ____________. 13 We’ve decided to ______________ from the old system to this new procedure. 14 Let me show you our full ___________ of cars from this family model to our sports and luxury cars. 3 Change the form of the words in bold to complete the sentences. produce 15 supply 16 Bill is our ______________ manager. He’s in charge of the factory. 17 Can you call our ____________ and find out where the truck is? 18 We’re _____________ shops now in Europe and parts of America. manufacture deliver This is where we store our ______________. 19 We _____________ spare parts for cars. 20 UK car _____________ report a fall in orders. 21 We’re still waiting for the ____________ to arrive. 22 Can you ___________ it to our warehouse please? 170 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. assemble 23 Лист 171 из 325 Components are taken to the ____________-line at the moment they are needed. CAREER SKILLS 4 One word in each phrase for managing time is incorrect. Cross it out and write the correct word at the end. 24 We need to be quickly. ______________ 25 OK. It’s time for finish. ______________ 26 I’m afraid we don’t have many time. ______________ 27 We must finish from ten. ______________ 28 Sorry, we’re running in of time. ______________ 29 Could we quickly talk of the last point on the agenda? 30 OK. Explain it to us but please get it short. ______________ ______________ Unit Test 13 Answer Key 1 I often have to work late. / 2 All our staff speak English well. / 3 The new system is working efficiently. / 4 They are always the first to arrive. / 5 The computers are backed-up automatically every night. (or) The computers are automatically backedup every night. vocabulary 6 delay / 7 order / 8 demand / 9 forecast / 10 stock / 11 update / 12 model / 13 switch / 14 range 15 products – or produce (stress on first syllable) for agricultural products / 16 production / 17 supplier / 18 supplying / 19 manufacture / 20 manufacturers / 21 delivery / 22 deliver / 23 assembly Career Skils 24 quickly / quick / 25 for / to / 26 many / much / 27 from / by / 28 in / out / 29 of / about / 30 get / keep Unit Test 14 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. 171 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 172 из 325 LANGUAGE 1 Each sentence has one extra word. Delete the word. 1 It would be easier if we will changed the website. 2 More people could to buy it if we offered the product online. 3 If they weren’t be on a trip, we’d meet them. 4 What do would you do if you had to go this evening? 5 If you go to the meeting, what will would you say? 6 I’ll talk to him if he had arrives in the next five minutes. 7 If we don’t didn’t take risks, we’d never develop new products. 8 Would you take the job if they’ll offered you more money? VOCABULARY 2 Replace the underlined words with words from the box. Write your answers at the end of the sentence. unplanned / look after / clear / looks like / on purpose / changed / popular / search 9 Can you take care of this problem? _______________ 10 He disagreed with me deliberately. _______________ 11 The factory layout seemed to be random. _______________ 12 I need to look for my mobile. _______________ 13 The new CEO completely transformed the company. _______________ 14 It’s obvious that we have to take action. _______________ 15 This nightclub is thriving. _______________ 16 His car is similar to mine. I often walk to the wrong one in the car park. _______________ Unit Test 14 Answer Key Language 1 It would be easier if we will changed the website. / 2 More people could to buy it 172 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 173 из 325 if we offered the product online. / 3 If they weren’t be on a trip, we’d meet them. / 4 What do would you do if you had to go this evening? / 5 If you go to the meeting, what will would you say? / 6 I’ll talk to him if he had arrives in the next five minutes. / 7 If we don’t didn’t take risks, we’d never develop new products. / 8 Would you take the job if they’ll offered you more money? Vocabulary 9 look after / 10 on purpose / 11 unplanned / 12 search / 13 changed / 14 clear / 15 popular / 16 looks like 17 able / 18 ive / 19 ive / 20 y / 21 ful / 22 ly / 23 able / 24 al Career skills 25 f / 26 c / 27 a / 28 e / 29 d / 30 b Unit Test 15 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Write the verb in brackets in the past simple or present perfect. 1 I _______________ (be) the Managing Director but I retired in 2004. 2 More recently, the company _______________ (specialise) in training. 3 They ______________ (be) off work since June. 4 In the old days we _______________ (work) fifteen hours a day. 5 She _______________ (join) the company three years ago. 6 The latest news is that the President _______________ (resign). 7 What _______________ (you, do) since I last spoke to you. 8 Now our competitor _______________ (introduce) the same discounts as us. 9 Sorry, I still ________________ (not, write) that report you asked me for. 10 For many years we ________________ (not, have) a formal hierarchy but now we do. 11 When _______________ (you, finish) your last job? 12 In the last few years, he ________________ (improve) his performance. 173 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 174 из 325 VOCABULARY 2 Choose the correct word from a, b or c. 13 We need to ____________ initiative and good ideas. a) reward b) pay c) retire 14 He’s ready for greater ______________. a) reports b) recruitment c) responsibility 15 ____________ managers don’t think the younger managers have any talent. a) Subordinate b) Senior c) Superior 16 I like young employees who show plenty of _____________. a) enthusiasm b) achievement c) earnings 17 Her _________________ is to work in the film industry. a) initiative b) career c) ambition 18 Regular customers who show ______________ are very important. a) seniority b) loyalty c) level 3 Underline the correct word in brackets. 19 They are taking (on / over) their smaller competitor. It will make them the only company in this sector. 20 We’re taking (on / off) 300 new staff. 21 She takes (up / on) her new job next week. 22 They took (on / part) in a trade fair. 23 The conference takes (place / part) between February 2-5. 24 The new promotion has really taken (off / over) with the public. CAREER SKILLS 4 A manager is talking to three of his staff. Write in the words in the box. So that / so / it means that / because / because of / In order to More and more staff are leaving. They say this is (25)_______________ the pay or 174 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 175 из 325 (26)_______________ they aren’t happy with their working conditions. Whatever the real reason (27)_______________ we’re spending more time and money on recruitment. (28)_______________ reduce the costs we need to look at the problem in detail. (29)_______________ we find a solution I’d like to set up a committee (30)_______________ I’d like to know if you three people can organise it? Unit Test 15 Answer Key Language 1 was / 2 has specialised / 3 have been / 4 worked / 5 joined / 6 has resigned / 7 have you done / 8 has introduced / 9 haven’t written / 10 didn’t have / 11 did you finish / 12 ‘s improved Vocabulary 13 a / 14 c / 15 b / 16 a / 17 c / 18 b 19 over / 20 on / 21 up / 22 part / 23 place / 24 off Career Skills 25 because of / 26 because / 27 it means that / 28 In order to / 29 So that / 30 so Тесты для промежуточного контроля с ключами Progress Test 1 (Units 1-3) Complete all seven sections. There are seventy marks in total. SECTION 1: VOCABULARY 1 Change the form of the words in the box and complete the sentences. For example: manage – manager, satisfied – dissatisfied manage / satisfied / account / inform / recruit / found / represent / shop / consult / friend / practical / respect 1 I’m the Marketing ______________ for a travel company. 2 Online ______________ is easier and faster than driving to the supermarket. 3 Your plan won’t work – it’s totally ___________________. 175 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 176 из 325 4 _________________ technology (IT) makes it easy to store huge amounts of data. 5 In Japan, employees are more ________________ of their bosses than in my country. 6 I work in the Finance department as an ________________. 7 We’re rather ________________ with your performance I’m afraid. 8 I got the job through a ________________ agency. 9 The ______________ of our company set it up twenty years ago. 10 We use a management ______________ firm to help us with difficult decisions. 11 Your assistant always smiles and is very ________________ with visitors. 12 There’s a Sales _______________ on the phone. She wants to sell you some stationary. SECTION 2: LANGUAGE 2 Each sentence has one mistake. Re-write it correctly. 13 I am often work at weekends. __________________________________________________ 14 He go on holiday twice a year. __________________________________________________ 15 Currently they are visit the factory in Kyoto. __________________________________________________ 16 Now people isn’t staying with the same company for life. __________________________________________________ 17 Which department do you running? __________________________________________________ 18 Do you have many data on web users? __________________________________________________ 19 I’d like some informations on trains, please. __________________________________________________ 176 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 177 из 325 20 Do you have a lot work to do? __________________________________________________ 21 How much employees work here? __________________________________________________ 22 Would you’d like a coffee? __________________________________________________ 23 Let’s me carry your bags. __________________________________________________ 24 You can open the door for me, please? __________________________________________________ 25 I could to make a copy for you. __________________________________________________ Section 3: Reading 3 Match these headlines to the newspaper articles below. a CITY SKYROCKETS e PROFITS AT THE CLICK OF A b MOVE OVER GRANDAD BUTTON c NO PRIVACY f A PROBLEM OF SECURITY d WE KNOW WHERE YOU g ARE GOOD MANNERS COST SOMETHING h 66% ARE LATE AND RUDE 26 _____ We enter a site, type in a username and password and then enter private information such as credit card numbers or bank details. But these so-called secure sites may not be the safe places we imagine… 27 _____ Unions today are complaining about the increase in companies using software to monitor employees and their use of internet. This comes a month 177 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 178 из 325 after similar debates over the growing use of video surveillance cameras in the British workplace. 28 _____ Prices on the stock market are going up very fast at the moment due to new confidence and an increase in exports in the last six months… 29 _____ Two out of three of us are bad-mannered at work with colleagues and don’t arrive on time. A new survey of 1,000 workers says the pressure of work causes… 30 _____ New figures show that the typical executives are younger. The average age is now 46. Ten years ago this was 57. The report says this is partly due to more early retirements but also that more companies employ younger people in higher positions… 31 _____ Business etiquette is important for people who often have to build new contacts, but Julian Morris, head of Executive Etiquette, a business consultancy which offers training to management in ‘being polite’, says most of us are not very good at it and need help… 32 _____ The large supermarkets all report a rise this month but not only in their shops. Their online shopping facilities account for a large percentage of the results as more customers want to shop from the comfort of their own home… 33 _____ Cameras that can see through walls? Satellites which recognise objects a metre across? Tracking chips on people? Is this something from James Bond or Science Fiction? It could be the future as engineers are now developing this technology… SECTION 4: CAREER SKILLS 4 Underline the correct word in italics. A: Hello Jane. Can I (34)meet / introduce you to my colleague? (35)It / This is Gianni. B: Sorry, I didn’t (36)catch / check your name. C: Gianni. My name’s Gianni. 178 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 179 из 325 B: (37)Please / Pleased to meet you Gianni. (38)Who / What do you work for? C: Altex. We provide web design services. B: Did you (39)say / mean Altex? C: Yes. That’s right. Do you know my company? B: Yes, I do. What do you (40)do / make there? C: My main role is to meet clients and discuss new projects. A: (41)Do / Would you like (42) to join / joining Gianni and me for lunch Jane? B: (43)It / That would be very nice. Thank you. SECTION 5: WRITING 5 Complete the email below with these phrases. we also believe / I’m writing to tell / we look forward we would like to / please consider / we would also like / we think Dear George (44)________________________ you that (45)______________________ offer you the job of Export Manager to Mexico. (46)___________________ you are the right person for this job because you already have experience as Export Manager to North America. (47)_______________________ your success in the US and Canada can be continued in Mexico. Finally, (48)_____________________ you to take intensive language training in Spanish. (49)___________________ our offer and write back to us by the end of the week. (50)___________________ to hearing from you. Best regards Section 6: Listening Track 2 6 Listen to Bob presenting some information and complete the notes below. Listen twice. Speaker: Bob 179 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 180 из 325 Weekly Statistics Report for (51)_________________ Number of (52)______________: 4,542 That’s a lot more than (53)______________________________________ Average (54) __________ per session: 1.5 minutes Average number of (55)___________ per person: 2.7 Both these figures are (56)_____________________________ (57)____________ page: 2,430 (58)____________ page: 1,395 Traffic by (59)______________________: North Americans: 57% (60)_____________: 31% SECTION 7: SPEAKING (61-70) 7 Explain your job to your teacher. Include these five areas: – introduce yourself – say your job title and company name – describe your company – explain your responsibilities – explain your main role Your teacher will mark your explanation using the scorecard below. The teacher circles 1 mark if a student includes the area and circles 2 marks for communicating it accurately and effectively. There is a maximum of ten marks. The student: - introduced him/herself 1 2 - said his/her job title and his/her company name 1 2 - described the company 1 2 - explained his/her responsibilities 1 2 180 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений - explained his/her main role 1 Лист 181 из 325 2 Progress Test 1 (Units 1-3) Answer Key Vocabulary 1 Manager / 2 shopping / 3 impractical / 4 Information / 5 respectful / 6 accountant / 7 dissatisfied / 8 recruitment / 9 founder / 10 consultancy / 11 friendly / 12 Representative Language 13 I often work at weekends. / 14 He goes on holiday twice a year. / 15 Currently they are visiting the factory in Kyoto. / 16 Now, people aren’t staying with the same company for life. / 17 Which department do you run? (or) Which department are you running? / 18 Do you have much data on web users? / 19 I’d like some information on trains, please. / 20 Do you have a lot of work to do? / 21 How many employees work here? / 22 Would you like a coffee? / 23 Let me carry your bags. / 24 Can you open the door for me, please? / 25 I could make a copy for you. (or) Could I make a copy for you? Reading 26 f / 27 c / 28 a / 29 h / 30 b / 31 g / 32 e / 33 d Career Skills 34 introduce / 35 This / 36 catch / 37 Pleased / 38 Who / 39 say / 40 do / 41 Would / 42 to join / 43 That Writing 44 I’m writing to tell / 45 we would like to / 46 we think / 47 We also believe / 48 we would also like / 49 please consider / 50 we look forward Listening 51 website / 52 hits / 53 we usually have / 54 time / 55 pages / 56 normal (or) not unusual / 57 Products / 58 Offers / 59 continent / 60 Europe Speaking 181 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 182 из 325 61-70 Circle 1 mark if the student includes the area and circle 2 marks for accurate and effective communication. There is a maximum of ten marks. The student: - introduced him/herself 1 2 - said his/her job title and his/her company name 1 2 - described the company 1 2 - explained his/her responsibilities 1 2 - explained his/her main role 1 2 Progress Test 2 (Units 4-6) Complete all seven sections. There are seventy marks in total. SECTION 1: VOCABULARY 1 Write in the words below in sentences 1-7. image / investment / house / campaign / budget / market / labels 1 We need to define our target ___________________ 2 Brand ____________ is the opinion people have about a brand. 3 Their new advertising ______________ uses a famous actor. 4 Haute couture is the fashion _______________’s loss leader. 5 I only wear designer _______________ from Italy. 6 What do you think the return on our ________________ will be? 7 We’re on a very tight _______________ so don’t spend too much. 2 Match the two halves of the sentences. Write your answers here: 8____ 9____ 10____ 11____ 12____ 13____ 14____ 15____ 8 He set a its second satellite to Venus last 9 The European Space Agency night. launched b money to start a new business. 182 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 183 из 325 10 I’d like to borrow c raise the money somehow. 11 We’ll have to d me the money. 12 We didn’t make e up the company in 1981. 13 You always take f the competition. 14 The bank won’t lend g a profit for the second month in a 15 I think this new product can beat row. h risks in business. SECTION 2: LANGUAGE 3 Change the word in brackets (if necessary) to complete the sentences. 16 The most _______________ (success) brand in the world is Coca-cola. 17 Paris has the ______________ (big) number of talented designers. 18 It’s ______________ (easy) to use the lift than the stairs. 19 Flying is _______________ (cheap) than it was twenty years ago. 20 Money isn’t as ______________ (important) as happiness. 21 After having moved to Los Angeles, I ______________ (rent) an apartment in the centre. 22 In 2003 she ____________ (sell) over three thousand units. 23 The warehouse said they ______________ (not, have) any in stock. 24 When _____________ (you, arrive) in Barcelona? Was it yesterday or the day before? 25 Ted Foster hopes that he might ________________ (be) the first person to send tourists to the moon. 26 Most people ______________ (not, will) be interested because it’s too expensive. SECTION 3: READING 4 These sentences are missing from these tips for new businesses. Decide where they best fit. 183 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 184 из 325 a And not just for one day b Don’t give up – learn from them. c Try your local bank, for example. d Use their expertise. e It can’t only be about profit. f But most of all have fun g Who are they? A good idea A good business begins with a good idea. (27)_________________________. When you wake up the next morning, it must still be a great idea! Investment If you don’t have the money to start up your great idea or you don’t want to sell your house, there are a number of places to start. (28)________________________. Contacts See anything and anyone as an opportunity. Talk to friends and family about your idea. Talk to your potential suppliers. (29)__________________________. The competition (30)______________________ What do they do well? What can you do differently? Find out everything about them. Problems All businesses have problems and they don’t disappear as you get bigger. (31)_____________________ Find out why they happened and deal with them better next time. Passion For a successful business you need (32)_____________________. 184 to care about the idea. Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 185 из 325 As one entrepreneur says. ‘Feel passionate about what you’re doing. (33)____________________.’ SECTION 4: CAREER SKILLS 5 Someone at work is talking about a new office desk. Complete their description with the phrases in the box. After checking / To begin / lots of / my opinion / Then see / ideal for / made of / use it In (34)_______________________ (35)_____________________ (36)___________________ (37)_________________ it’s good this for quality office your quite because PC or stylish because it’s wood. And it’s it’s small. You can and it’s got laptop (38)___________________ space for books and papers. You assemble it yourself. (39)_______________ with, read the instructions. (40)__________________ if you have all the parts. (41)___________________, you can put it up. SECTION 5: WRITING 6 Write a memo to the senior management of VW about this car: - Project name: K2 - Large, stylish executive car. - For business people and also for families. - Excellent technology with lots of electronic devices - Price range: 60,000-105,000 euros - Target age group: People over forty 7 Recommend this product for development and say why. Complete the memo below. (42) To: Senior___________________________________ (43) Subject: ________________________________________________________ (44) We think that 185 this car Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 186 из 325 _________________________________________________. (45) Firstly, it is suitable for ________________________________________________. (46) Secondly, it’s also ideal for _____________________________________________. (47) It looks ___________________________________________________________ __ (48) and contains _________________________________________________________. (49) We think it will sell for ________________________________________________. (50) It may also be attractive to people________________________________________. SECTION 6: LISTENING Track 3 8 Alan Martin is talking about how to set up a business. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)? Listen twice. 51 Alan tells people it’s a good idea to start a new business. ( ) 52 Only 20% of new businesses succeed. ( ) 53 Businesses fail because people don’t work hard enough. ( ) 54 It’s a good idea to find out more about what the market wants. ( ) 55 Find out if people want your product or service and also if other companies also offer it. ( ) 56 A business plan helps to get money for the new business. ( ) 57 The plan will include your adverts. ( ) 58 The plan also needs to show you know how to manage the company. ( ) 186 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 187 из 325 59 The most important thing is to have lots of different customers. ( ) 60 A successful business will have customers who always buy from you. ( ) SECTION 7: SPEAKING (61-70) 9 Prepare a description about a company you are familiar with. Describe the following areas: – what it produces/provides – where it is based – the company history – its strengths and weaknesses – its future prospects Your teacher will mark your description using this scorecard. The teacher circles 1 mark if a student includes the area and circles 2 marks for communicating it accurately and effectively. There is a maximum of ten marks. The student described: what the company produces/provides 1 2 where it is based 1 2 the company history 1 2 its strengths and weaknesses 1 2 its future prospects 1 2 Progress Test 2 (Units 4-6) Answer Key Vocabulary 1 market / 2 image / 3 campaign / 4 house / 5 labels / 6 investment / 7 budget 8 e / 9 a / 10 b / 11 c / 12 g / 13 h / 14 d / 15 f Language 16 successful / 17 biggest / 18 easier / 19 cheaper / 20 important / 21 rented / 22 187 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 188 из 325 sold / 23 didn’t have / 24 did you arrive / 25 be / 26 won’t Reading 27 a / 28 c / 29 d / 30 g / 31 b / 32 e / 33 f Career Skills 34 my opinion / 35 made of / 36 ideal for / 37 use it / 38 lots of / 39 To begin / 40 Then see / 41 After checking Writing Probable answers: 42 Management / 43 New product development / K2 / 44 is the best for development. / 45 business people / 46 families / 47 large and stylish / 48 lots of electronic devices / 49 between 60,000-105,000 euros / 50 over forty Listening 51 F / 52 T / 53 F / 54 T / 55 T / 56 T / 57 F / 58 T / 59 F / 60 T Speaking 61-70 Circle 1 mark if a student includes the area and circle 2 marks for accurate and effective communication. There is a maximum of ten marks. The student described: what the company produces/provides 1 2 where it is based 1 2 the company history 1 2 its strengths and weaknesses 1 2 its future prospects 1 2 Progress Test 3 (Units 7-9) Complete all seven sections. There are seventy marks in total. SECTION 1: VOCABULARY 1 Underline the correct word in brackets. 188 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 189 из 325 1 They set (out / down / up) a new division to deal with overseas trade. 2 I went to the shop but it’s sold (off / out / in) of coffee. 3 Your children are really growing (out / off / up), aren’t they? 4 I’m sorry but the water has run (out / off / along) in this machine. 5 His father built (on / over / up) the company from nothing. 6 Human Resources say we need to take (on / off / up) ten new staff. 7 She’s looking (up / for / out) a new position. 8 It could take five years to pay (into / off / by) this personal loan. 2 Tick the correct word from a, b or c. 9 The road ____________ into Dubai are excellent. a) building b) links c) works 10 I live in an apartment ____________. a) flat b) office c) block 11 The country enjoys a strong _____________. a) economy b) inflation c) infrastructure 12 Our main problem is low ______________. a) taxation b) unemployment c) wages 13 My son is on a work ________________ in the USA for three weeks. a) placement b) apprenticeship c) scheme 14 We could ____________ the job ad on the Internet. a) search b) post c) supply 15 The new strategy is to ______________ consumers over sixty. a) worth b) target c) aim 16 High-______________ executives might be interested in this type of luxury product. a) consuming b) outgoing c) earning SECTION 2: LANGUAGE 189 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 190 из 325 3 There is an extra word in each sentence. Cross it out and then write it at the end. 17 I’m busy at the moment so I’ll try going to call her back this afternoon. ________ 18 They are going to opening the new hotel later today. ________ 19 We’re will leaving at nine tomorrow morning. ________ 20 The company is going to being expand operations into South America. ________ 21 To check that your application form is filled in correctly before you send it. ________ 22 Pass to me that book please. ________ 23 If anyone isn’t sure, just you ask for help. ________ 24 Do not don’t enter. SECTION 3: READING 4 Read this extract from an article on business travel. The art of travelling light There are so many limits to travel now such as your luggage must not be over a certain weight or you’re only allowed to carry one carry-on. But it’s strange that any of us need any luggage at all these days. The other week I learned just how little I had to carry when I visited New York on business but the airline sent my bag to Atlanta. My first reaction was ‘Disaster!’ How will I manage? I have to have a change of clothes. What will I do without my file of papers for a meeting? Well, my hotel provided soap, toothbrush, towels and shampoo. I had to use the hotel’s overnight cleaning service but it meant I didn’t need to bring a change of clothes. And all my papers were on my laptop. So apart from the advice that you should take your laptop – or preferred piece of technology – on board here’s my complete list of what you shouldn’t bother with on your next trip… 5 According to the article are these statements are true (T) or false (F)? 25 Airlines say your luggage doesn’t have to be over the weight limit. ( ) 190 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 191 из 325 26 You must carry one bag onto the plane. ( ) 27 The writer thinks we don’t need to take luggage. ( ) 28 He was allowed to use the hotel cleaning service. ( ) 29 It isn’t necessary to have a change of clothes. ( ) 30 It’s a good idea to take your laptop on the plane. ( ) SECTION 4: CAREER SKILLS 6 Three people are discussing job applications for the post of Sales Representative. Complete each missing phrases with the pairs of words. See the example. not + about / don’t + when / think + first / remember + check how + interviewing / like + idea / essential + choose / perhaps + could could + difficult / may + better / idea + have / need + make A: OK. We have six applicants for the job. I _think_ the _first_ thing to say is that it’s (31)_____________ we ___________ someone who is enthusiastic. The last person wasn’t very outgoing and we (32)___________ to _________ sure that the new Sales Rep is completely the opposite. B: You’re right but I’m (33)____________ sure __________ the candidates we have at the moment. We also need someone who’s punctual. It’s a good (34)___________ to __________ someone creative but sometimes people like that are also difficult to work with. (35)___________ forget ___________ Barry worked for us! A: Barry! Yes, we don’t want someone like that again. So we need to (36)____________ to ____________ all that at the interviews. C: (37)_____________ about ____________ the candidates all together? A: I (38)____________ that ____________. You mean all six in the same room. C: Yes, (39)___________ we ____________ give them a problem to solve together. B: Brilliant! Then we can see if they have good communication skills. 191 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 192 из 325 A: It (40)___________ be _____________ to see with six of them at the same time. Why not have two groups of three? B: That’s a good idea. And it (41)____________ be ____________ to have individual interviews afterwards. Then we’ll get a really good overall picture of them… SECTION 5: WRITING 7 Write an email to your colleague at Head Office and explain the plan for a visit to Germany. Use the notes below and complete the email that follows. Monday 5th - Arrive at Dresden factory, 9.30am - Meet head of production, 10.30 - Lunch with Managing Director, 12.30 - Stay at Metropole Hotel Tuesday 6th - Meeting with Sales Representative, Leipzig Offices, 10am - Taxi to airport, flight at 15.55 Dear Eva 42 I’m writing to tell ___________________________________________________ 43 On Monday ________________________________________________________ 44 at the Dresden Factory _______________________________________________. 45 After meeting the Head of ____________________________________________, 46 I’m ________________________________________________________at 12.30 192 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. 47 In Лист 193 из 325 the evening I_____________________________________________________. 48 The next day, there’s ___________________________________________at 10am. 49 We’ll finish at lunch so _____________________________________to the airport. 50 My flight ____________________________________________________ at 15.55. See you on Wednesday! SECTION 6: LISTENING Track 4 Listen to a property agent talking at a seminar. Complete the notes on his talk below. Listen twice. The (51)______________ key elements for locating an office: - Infrastructure: Do you have good (52)______________________________________communications? Are you near to an (53)___________________________________________________? - Living Environment: The location needs to be an (54)____________________________________ place to live and not too (55)____________________________________________________. - Business Environment: Choose a place with (56)________________________________________ Which town did Whiterose choose? Exeter: 193 a growing Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 194 из 325 - Attractive environment - Poor communications and transport Swindon: - Excellent (57)______________________________________ and near to Heathrow - Business environment is mainly (58)________________________ not service sector Luton: - Growing economy - Not as attractive but (59)_____________________________________ to London - Good communications with the (60)______________________ and internationally SECTION 7: SPEAKING (61-70) Arrange an appointment with your teacher on the telephone. – Explain the reason for calling. – Suggest a day next week – Suggest a different day (because your teacher is busy) – Suggest a time – End the call. Your teacher will mark your description using this scorecard. The teacher circles 1 mark if a student includes the area and circles 2 marks for communicating it accurately and effectively. There is a maximum of ten marks. The student: explained the reason for calling. 1 2 suggested a day next week. 1 2 suggested a different day. 1 2 194 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 195 из 325 suggested a time. 1 2 ended the call appropriately. 1 2 Progress Test 3 (Units 7-9) Answer Key Vocabulary 1 up / 2 out / 3 up / 4 out / 5 up / 6 on / 7 for / 8 off 9 b / 10 c / 11 a / 12 c / 13 a / 14 b / 15 b / 16 c Language 17 going / 18 opening / 19 will / 20 being / 21 To / 22 to / 23 you / 24 don’t Reading 25 F / 26 T / 27 T / 28 F / 29 T / 30 T Career Skills 31 essential + choose / 32 need + make / 33 not + about / 34 idea + have / 35 don’t + when / 36 remember + check / 37 how + interviewing / 38 like + idea / 39 perhaps + could / 40 could + difficult / 41 may + better Writing Possible answers: 42 I’m writing to tell you about the plan for my visit to Germany. 43 On Monday I arrive (I’m arriving) 44 at the Dresden Factory at 9.30am. 45 After meeting the Head of Production at 10.30, 46 I’m having lunch with the Managing Director at 12.30 47 In the evening I’m staying at the Metropole Hotel. 48 The next day, there’s a meeting with Sales Representative (at the Leipzig Offices) at 10am. 49 We’ll finish at lunch so I’ll take a taxi to the airport. 50 My flight leaves at 15.55. 195 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 196 из 325 Listening 51 three / 52 road and rail / 53 international airport / 54 attractive / 55 expensive / 56 economy (with other successful businesses in the area) / 57 communications / 58 manufacturing / 59 close / 60 the rest of Britain Speaking 61-70 Mark the description using this scorecard. Circle 1 mark if a student includes the area and circle 2 marks for accurate and effective communication. There is a maximum of ten marks. The student: explained the reason for calling. 1 2 suggested a day next week. 1 2 suggested a different day. 1 2 suggested a time. 1 2 ended the call appropriately. 1 2 Progress Test 4 (Units 10-12) Complete all seven sections. There are seventy marks in total. SECTION 1: VOCABULARY 1 Underline the correct verb in italics. 1 When you set / pay the price, it’s important to have a strategy. 2 A lower price may increase sales but it will also reduce / slow the profit margin 3 The company may have to cut / borrow its costs to survive this recession. 4 When people tell / stretch the truth they may commit insurance fraud. 5 The government’s policy has pushed up / risen the cost of living. 6 We’ve decided to go up / put up our prices. 7 I’d like to make / say a complaint about one of your staff. 8 Sorry, but can you handle / deal with this claim? 196 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 197 из 325 9 Let’s offer / pay back them a refund. 10 Your insurance policy only covers / receives you for theft. 11 British companies don’t spend / pay much on service. SECTION 2: LANGUAGE 2 Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. 12 You won’t believe it! My car______________ (steal). 13 __________ the cost of living __________ (drop) recently? 14 If you require further information, one of our telephone operators ______________ (be) happy to assist you. 15 In recent years, we ____________ (cut) the workforce by two hundred. 16 When ___________ you ___________ (leave) your last job? 17 Inflation ___________ (rise) by 0.3% again last month. 18 There’s an additional charge, if you _____________ (fail) to pay by the due date. 19 If we ______________ (not, go) out tonight, I’ll give you a ring. 20 Did you hear that the Managing Director _______________ (fire)? 21 Over twelve days a year _____________ (take) off for sickness last year. 22 Your application _____________ (consider) and we will contact you in the next few weeks. 23 If you pay within 5 days, you _____________ (receive) a discount. 24 Last year, we ____________ (lose) our best manager. 25 Motorists ____________ (benefit) from cheaper petrol prices in the last six months. SECTION 3: READING 3 Read parts of a website offering different financial services. Write the missing words (below) in the titles. Motor / Home / Pension / Travel / Financial / Commercial / Life 26 ________________ insurance. 197 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 198 из 325 To protect business owners from losses, including injured employees and damage to property. 27 ________________ insurance This can include delays or cancellations, loss of luggage and medical cover worth up to $1,000,000. 28 ________________ advisory service We are pleased to introduce a new service for customers. Our online advisers will respond to your enquiries within 24 hours and offer independent advice on investments and planning. 29 ________________ insurance Are you covered in the event of a death? Will your family have the money they need? 30 ________________ insurance Click here to protect yourself against fire and theft and accidental collision. 31 ________________ services Do you want to retire early? Or perhaps you’d like to live as comfortably in the future as you do now. Find out more about how to start investing for later life. 32 _______________ insurance This covers fire, weather-related damage and other losses. The policy also covers labour costs, materials and services for repairs. SECTION 4: CAREER SKILLS 4 Match the two halves of the phrases and sentences below. Write your answers here: 33___ 34___ 35___ 36___ 37___ 38___ 39___ 40___ 198 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 199 из 325 33 There are two possibilities. You can… 34 If you sell now… 35 It’s better… 36 The fact is more people are buying… 37 My view is we should wait… 38 On the one hand we’ll make more if we wait… 39 I understand your point… 40 You have to consider… a) so the price is rising. b) it will mean you might not benefit later. c) the possibility that the price may fall. d) if you buy low and sell high. e) but on the other we need money now. f) but we need to remember that the price will rise. g) either sell now or wait and see if the market improves. h) because I think the price will still rise. SECTION 5: WRITING 5 You are a manager for a supermarket chain. Recently you have received this feedback from different customers. ‘Your staff gave me the wrong information.’ ‘I don’t think your staff know anything about the products.’ ‘I asked someone but he wasn’t interested.’ ‘She was very impolite when I complained about the product.’ ‘I had to wait while two members of your staff were busy talking.’ 6 Complete the report below for your Directors. Describe the feedback. Suggest two options to help and suggest the best solution. To: The Directors From: The manager 199 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 200 из 325 Subject: Improving customer service. 41 I have recently received _______________________________________________. 42 One customer said that staff ____________________________________________. 43 Another customer also thought that staff knew _____________________________. 44 In one case a member of staff wasn’t _____________________________________. 45 When someone complained about a product the staff member _________________. 46 And finally, a customer complained because_______________________________. 47 I think the problem is that ______________________________________________. 48 We could either ______________________________________________________ 49 or we could _________________________________________________________. 50 I think the best solution is to____________________________________________. SECTION 6: LISTENING Track 5 7 Listen and complete these guidelines for Customer Service Staff. Listen twice. The Ten Rules of Customer Service 51 Always be _______________ and helpful at all times. 52 Try to _____________ things from the customer’s point of view. 53 Even if the customer is angry, __________ calm 200 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 201 из 325 54 Even if you didn’t make the mistake, still try to ___________ the problem. 55 When the customer explains, ____________ carefully and check you’ve understood. 56 If the customer doesn’t demand action, then ___________ a solution. 57 If you can’t do what the customer would like, __________ what you can do. 58 Don’t say ‘I might’. Say ‘___________’ 59 Remember that you won’t always __________ a solution. 60 Do your ____________. SECTION 7: SPEAKING (61-70) 8 Give descriptions of the five graphs on page 91 (Unit 10) of the student’s book. In each description remember to – say what each graph shows. – describe the graph Your teacher will mark your description using this scorecard. The teacher circles 1 mark if a student says what the graph shows and circles 2 marks for describing the trend. There is a maximum of ten marks. The student: said what graph A shows and described the trend 1 2 said what graph B shows and described the trend 1 2 said what graph C shows and described the trend 1 2 said what graph D shows and described the trend 1 2 said what graph E shows and described the trend 1 2 201 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 202 из 325 Progress Test 4 (Units 10-12) Answer Key Vocabulary 1 set / 2 reduce / 3 cut / 4 stretch / 5 pushed up / 6 put up / 7 make / 8 deal / 9 offer / 10 covers / 11 spend Language 12 has been stolen / was stolen / 13 Has / dropped / 14 will be / 15 have cut / 16 did / leave / 17 rose / 18 fail / 19 don’t go / 20 has been fired / was fired / 21 are taken / 22 is being considered / 23 ‘ll receive / will receive / 24 lost / 25 have benefited Reading 26 Commercial / 27 Travel / 28 Financial / 29 Life / 30 Motor / 31 Pension / 32 Home Career Skills 33 g / 34 b / 35 d / 36 a / 37 h / 38 e / 39 f / 40 c Writing Possible answers: 41 I have recently received feedback from different customers. / 42 One customer said that staff gave the wrong information. / 43 Another customer also thought that staff knew nothing about the products. / 44 In one case a member of staff wasn’t interested. / 45 When someone complained about a product the staff member was impolite. / 46 And finally, a customer complained because he had to wait while two members of staff were busy talking. / 47 I think the problem is that we will lose customers. / 48 We could either improve staff training / 49 or we could offer higher pay to sales staff. / 50 I think the best solution is to provide better training. Listening 51 polite / 52 see / 53 stay / 54 solve / 55 listen / 56 suggest / 57 say / 58 I will / 59 find / 60 best Speaking 202 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 203 из 325 61-70 Mark the description using this scorecard. Circle 1 if a student says what the graph shows and circle 2 marks for a description of the trend. There is a maximum of ten marks. The student: said what graph A shows and described the trend 1 2 said what graph B shows and described the trend 1 2 said what graph C shows and described the trend 1 2 said what graph D shows and described the trend 1 2 said what graph E shows and described the trend 1 2 Progress Test 5 (Units 13-15) Complete all seven sections. There are seventy marks in total. SECTION 1: VOCABULARY 1 Write in the missing preposition. 1 There’s been a delay ______ the delivery of the components. 2 The shortage ______ staff at work is really causing pressure. 3 Our new just-______-time production has made things quicker. 4 We must finish this meeting ______ eleven at the latest. 5 Sorry, but we’re running ______ of time. 6 We look forward _____ hearing from you. 7 Our department has just taken _____ 30 new staff. 2 Read the extract from a report on improving a business. Change the form of the word in brackets to complete it. We would like to propose a number of (8)________________ (recommend) to improve the (9)________________ (efficient) of your company. With regard to office space, you could reduce the space needed for your 203 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 204 из 325 (10)_________________ (administrate) staff with a system of open plan offices. This would then provide space for your sales staff. In the factory, (11)______________ (product) could be increased through a better system of supply and storage. The (12)______________ (deliver) company should bring components to the factory several times a day and these can be taken to the (13)_______________ (assemble)-line at the moment they are needed. Supplies should be ordered (14)________________ (electronic) by computer rather than having an (15)_______________ (employ) enter an order manually. SECTION 2: LANGUAGE 3 Decide if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). Correct the incorrect sentences. 16 Orders quickly are sent out to customers. ( ) 17 Models are frequently updated. ( ) 18 I usually get up at six for work. ( ) 19 It’s been a very successfully project. ( ) 20 What would you do if you have to take a pay cut? ( ) 21 If you did my job, you’d see things differently. ( ) 22 If you do exercise every day, you’ll were much more creative. ( ) 23 We’d be able to invest more if we would had more money. ( ) 24 In the old days, people worked longer hours. ( ) 25 He has been here yesterday. ( ) 26 They’ve been with the company for over twenty five years. ( ) 27 Jack Welsh has taken over as CEO of GE in 1981. ( ) SECTION 3: READING 4 Read a worker describing his working practices Are you an efficient worker? ‘I usually work between nine and five and I try not to work longer hours. I 204 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 205 из 325 think if you work efficiently you can do your job in your normal working hours. Sometimes I might work on Saturday morning but only if there’s a problem or something. I soon discovered that at work you should prioritise. So I make a list and do jobs that my boss wants done straight away or if I know someone is waiting for me. The most boring part of my job is reading reports. I read each one in detail and it’s really frustrating when you read a report which isn’t relevant or has lots of unnecessary information. A lot of my work is with other people and we regularly have team meetings to discuss plans and make suggestions. I like an organised desk where I can find things. On Friday I make sure that I clear up so that on Monday I can start again. I’ve been working for my company for twenty years and this way of doing things has always worked well.’ 5 Sentences 28-33 are from a checklist entitled ‘Do you work efficiently?’ Decide if the worker in the article answers ‘Yes’ (Y) or ‘No’ (N) to the sentences. 28 I usually work a certain number of hours a day. Y / N 29 I deal with important tasks immediately. Y / N 30 I skim read texts before I decide to read them in detail. Y / N 31 I share useful ideas with colleagues. Y / N 32 My work place is always tidy. Y / N 33 I regularly review my way of working. Y / N SECTION 4: CAREER SKILLS 6 Three people are discussing a problem. Write in the missing phrases. We don’t have / That could be / What we really / Could we quickly / Can I ask / What if we / Would it help / What exactly has / What else could / No, 205 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 206 из 325 that wouldn’t / If we did A: OK. (34)_________________________ much time. (35)_________________________ talk about the problem with the brochures? (36)_________________________ happened? B: We printed two million copies but there’s a mistake on the telephone number. So customers will ring the wrong number. (37)_________________________ want to do is reprint them all. A: (38)_________________________ work. My boss would never agree. (39)_________________________ we do? C: (40)_________________________ if we sacked the person responsible? A: Not really. B: (41)_______________________ print labels with the correct number on? A: (42)_______________________ a solution. C: We need to be quick. The brochures have to be sent out by the end of next week at the latest. B: (43)______________________ that, we’d need to print them and have time to stick them on. A: That’s the best idea. Let’s do that. OK. It’s time to finish. (44)_________________ you two to organise that? SECTION 5: WRITING 7 Rewrite two sentences as one sentence using the phrase in brackets. 45 The meeting will have to start late. They’re late (because) _________________________________________________________________ ______ 46 I’m working late. I have to finish this report. (because of) _________________________________________________________________ _______ 47 We’re opening late. Customers can shop after work. (so that) 206 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 207 из 325 _________________________________________________________________ _______ 48 She’s leaving the company. She wants to set up her own business. (in order to) _________________________________________________________________ _______ 49 It’s too expensive. We won’t have open plan offices. (which means) _________________________________________________________________ _______ 50 They won’t recruit internally. They will recruit externally. (decided not to…but to…) _________________________________________________________________ _______ SECTION 6: LISTENING Track 6 PART 1 8 Listen to the first person talking about motivation and answer the questions. Listen twice. 51 What two things motivate some people? 52 What two things are others motivated by? 53 What are most people motivated by? 54 What must a manager do to get the best from staff? 55 If people feel they can do a job well, what do they get? PART 2 9 Listen to another person talking about motivation. Are these statements True (T) or False (F)? Listen twice. 56 There are four Cs. ( ) 57 To feel connected, a person needs to understand their role. ( ) 58 A satisfied worker needs to enjoy the job. ( ) 207 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 208 из 325 59 Computer systems have made workers demotivated. ( ) 60 Management and staff work well together in a warm climate. ( ) SECTION 7: SPEAKING (61-70) 10 Prepare a short talk for your teacher about your job. In your talk describe: – your main responsibilities – what personal qualities you need for your job – what you do to be efficient in your job – what motivates you in your job – one thing that would make your job easier Your teacher will mark your description using this scorecard. The teacher circles 1 mark if a student includes the area and circles 2 marks for communicating it accurately and effectively. There is a maximum of ten marks. The student described: his/her main responsibilities 1 2 the personal qualities needed for the job 1 2 how to be efficient in the job 1 2 what motivates him/her 1 2 one thing that would make the job easier 1 2 Progress Test 5 (Units 13-15) Answer Key Vocabulary 1 in / 2 of / 3 in / 4 by / 5 out / 6 to / 7 on 8 recommendations / 9 efficiency / 10 administrative / 11 productivity / 12 delivery / 13 assembly / 14 electronically / 15 employee Language 208 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 209 из 325 16 (I) Orders are quickly sent out to customers. (or) Orders are sent out quickly to customers. / 17 (C) / 18 (C) / 19 (I) It’s been a very successful project. / 20 (I) What would you do if you had to take a pay cut? (or) What will you do if you have to take a pay cut? / 21 (C) / 22 (I) If you do exercise every day, you’ll be much more creative. / 23 (I) We’d be able to invest more if we had more money. / 24 (C) / 25 (I) He was here yesterday. / 26 (C) / 27 (I) Jack Welsh took over as CEO of GE in 1981. Reading 28 Y / 29 Y / 30 N / 31 Y / 32 Y / 33 N Career Skills 34 We don’t have / 35 Could we quickly / 36 What exactly has / 37 What we really / 38 No, that wouldn’t / 39 What else could / 40 Would it help / 41 What if we / 42 That could be / 43 If we did / 44 Can I ask / Writing / 45 The meeting will have to start late because they’re late / 46 I’m working late because of this report. / 47 We’re opening late so that customers can shop after work. / 48 She’s leaving the company in order to set up her own business. / 49 It’s too expensive which means we won’t have open plan offices. / 50 They decided not to recruit internally, but to recruit externally. Listening 51 money and competition / 52 a friendly environment and fun / 53 making a useful contribution / 54 stimulate and encourage them / 55 satisfaction 56 T / 57 T / 58 T / 59 F / 60 F Speaking 61-70 Mark the description using this scorecard. Circle 1 mark if a student includes the area and circle 2 marks for communicating it accurately and effectively. There is a maximum of ten marks. The student described: 209 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 210 из 325 his/her main responsibilities 1 2 the personal qualities needed for the job 1 2 how to be efficient in the job 1 2 what motivates him/her 1 2 one thing that would make the job easier 1 2 Итоговый тест Exit Test Complete all seven sections. There are one hundred marks in total. SECTION 1: VOCABULARY Complete this table. VERB NOUN JOB TITLE finance finance financial analyst (1)__________________ product (2)____________ manager _ economise (3)____________________ economist (4)__________________ sales (5)_________representativ _ e manage (6)____________________ (7)_____________ _ director (8)__________________ design designer _ Choose the correct answer from a, b or c. 9 All sales staff get a __________ at Christmas and it doesn’t matter how much they sell. a) loyal b) bonus c) pay 10 ___________ people are self-employed. a) A lot of b) A bit of c) Substantial 210 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 211 из 325 11 The organisational ____________ in our company is like a pyramid. a) status b) subordinate c) hierarchy 12 If the phone rings, we’ll ____________ it. a) avoid b) admit c) ignore 13 I like ___________ meetings where everyone is relaxed. a) unformal b) informal c) disformal 14 Our market ____________ has fallen by 3% this year. a) place b) share c) leader 15 I’ll meet you __________ Monday 1st. a) on b) at c) in 16 You need to cut your spending. We’re on a really ___________ budget. a) finance b) tight c) borrow 17 Local companies need a _____________ attitude to doing business abroad. a) stable b) positive c) strong 18 I got my first job with the company on their graduate trainee ___________. a) placement b) location c) scheme 19 You’ll need to _____________ an interview after you apply. a) invite b) attend c) wait 20 After university I had to pay off my ____________. a) debts b) accounts c) discounts 21 Many online banks are trying to protect customers from __________ and theft. a) premiums b) claims c) fraud 22 I’ve asked three times for my money back but they still refuse to give me a ___________. a) return b) satisfaction c) refund 23 The Just-in-time consultants say we need to reduce the ____________ in our warehouses. a) stocks b) resources c) shares 211 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 212 из 325 SECTION 2: LANGUAGE Write the word in brackets in the correct form. 24 He still ___________ (work) for a company based in Chile. 25 It’s arranged. We ___________ (fly) to Beijing next Tuesday at three. 26 I’m sorry but I really ___________ (must) go now. I have a meeting. 27 The new model is slightly ___________ (cheap) than its main competitors. 28 She works ____________ (efficient) and deserves a pay rise. 29 Norway has some of the ___________ (great) reserves of energy in Europe. 30 Aisha ___________ (leave) the company in 1978 to start her own business. 31 They __________ definitely __________ (finish) this by tomorrow. 32 How nice to see you! How long ___________ you ___________ (stay)? 33 Please __________ (turn) off the lights when you leave. 34 Recently, there ______________ (be) a drop in unemployment figures. 35 All the textiles we sell _____________ (manufacture) in Vietnam and Cambodia now. 36 If I’m not in the office when you call, my colleague __________(take) a message. 37 They ____________ (use) the products, if they didn’t work here. SECTION 3: READING Sentences a to l are taken from four different articles. Group the sentences together in the correct order under the headline below. We know where Modern office The new target Pay less for more you are. workers are rude market or more for less? 38___ 41___ 44___ 47___ 39___ 42___ 45___ 48___ 40___ 43___ 46___ 49___ a) They’re currently worth £13 billion and no company should ignore them. 212 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 213 из 325 b) Examples of their rudeness include ignoring colleagues and answering phones during meetings. c) We read a lot about companies watching employees use of internet and private email. d) Advances in production and distribution have caused this. e) But did you also know that when you turn on your mobile phone, a phone company can monitor your calls? f) No, they aren’t grey consumers or the rich executives. They’re students. g) Prices have fallen in the food business for the last ten years. h) A new survey claims that employees in the twenty first century are more badmannered than workers in the last century. i) But the question is now, how far can the industry continue down this road and are consumers prepared to start paying more? j) They can even discover your location. k) Now some organisations are training their staff to be polite. l) And as one marketer points out, ‘they may be poor now but they are the highearners of the future.’ SECTION 4: CAREER SKILLS Complete the phrases with the words below. Would /Are / What / How / Does / Can Let’s / Why / Who / Did / Is / Don’t 50 ____________ you like to join us for lunch? 51 ____________ do you do in your job? 52 ____________ you repeat that? 53 ____________ you say thirty or thirteen? 54 ____________ it OK to smoke in here? 55 ____________ can use your product? 56 ___________ about putting an advert on the website? 213 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 214 из 325 57 ____________ you free for dinner next week? 58 ____________ say ten o’clock? 59 ____________ not invite the press to the launch? 60 ____________ you think we should ask him? 61 ____________ anyone have an opinion on that? Section 5: Writing Read this email. Each line (62-68) has one extra word. Delete the word. Dear Mr Folds __________________________________________________ (62) Thanks you very much for the website text. (63) Unfortunately, it is rather long at present so that I am (64) writing to ask if you can cut it down to the 100 words. (65) In my experience, users are not very so happy to read (66) anything over this length. I’d would be grateful if (67) you could send for me the new text by Friday. (68) Let me to know if this is a problem. Best regards Takeshi. SECTION 6: LISTENING PART 1 Track 7 Shane receives a phone call. Complete his notes below. Listen twice. Date: 5th May Time: 2.15 (69)____________ Zawadski from Fortuna called. Her company ordered (70)________________________. We sent (71)_________________ and (72)________________. 214 charged them in the ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 215 из 325 They’ve paid us by (73)________________________ She wants us to (74)____________________________ I promised I’ll ask the (75)___________________ to collect (76)__________________. PART 2 Track 8 Listen to someone describing a problem. Tick the best answers. Listen twice. 77 The company decided to… a) recruit more staff. b) make a difficult decision. c) give training. 78 As a result, staff… a) work every week. b) have one or two days off. c) know what’s happening in the shop. 79 All staff received… a) more money b) a bonus c) money for staying 80 The company has more a) staff b) customer service c) regular customers SECTION 7: SPEAKING (81-100) Prepare a presentation for your teacher about your job and company. Include the following: – introduce yourself – describe your career – explain your current job – describe your company – talk about your company’s history – describe your company’s products or services – describe a graph showing figures for your company – make predictions for your company 215 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 216 из 325 – answer two questions from your teacher about your job or your company Your teacher will mark your talk using the scorecard below. The teacher circles 1 mark if a student includes the area and circles 2 marks for communicating it accurately and effectively. There is a maximum of twenty marks. The student: introduce him/herself appropriately 1 2 described his/her career 1 2 explained his/her current job 1 2 described his/her company 1 2 talked about his/her company’s history 1 2 described his/her company’s products or services 1 2 described a graph showing figures for his/her company 1 2 made a prediction for the company 1 2 answered a question about his/her job or company 1 2 answered a second question about his/her job or company 1 2 Exit Test Answer Key Vocabulary 1 produce / 2 production / 3 economy / 4 sell / 5 Sales / 6 manager / 7 managing / 8 design 9 b / 10 a / 11 c / 12 c / 13 b / 14 b / 15 a / 16 b / 17 b / 18 c / 19 b / 20 a / 21 c / 22 c / 23 a Language 24 works / 25 ‘re flying / 26 must / 27 cheaper / 28 efficiently / 29 greatest / 30 left / 31 will / finish / 32 are / staying / 33 turn / 34 ‘s been / 35 are manufactured / 36 will take / 37 wouldn’t use 216 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 217 из 325 Reading 38 c / 39 e / 40 j / 41 h / 42 b / 43 k / 44 a / 45 f / 46 l / 47 g / 48 d / 49 i Career Skills 50 Would / 51 What / 52 Can / 53 Did / 54 Is / 55 Who / 56 How / 57 Are / 58 Let’s / 59 Why / 60 Don’t / 61 Does Writing 62 Thanks you very much for the website text. / 63 Unfortunately, it is rather long at present so that I am / 64 writing to ask if you can cut it down to the 100 words. / 65 In my experience, users are not very so happy to read / 66 anything over this length. I’d would be grateful if / 67 you could send for me the new text by Friday. / 68 Let me to know if this is a problem. Listening 69 Magda / 70 some components / 71 fifty / 72 invoice / 73 automatic payment / 74 refund the money / 75 distributor / 76 the extra units Part 2 77 c / 78 c / 79 a / 80 c Speaking 81-100 Mark the talk using this scorecard. Circle 1 mark if a student includes the area and circle 2 marks for accurate and effective communication. There is a maximum of twenty marks. The student: introduce him/herself appropriately 1 2 described his/her career 1 2 explained his/her current job 1 2 described his/her company 1 2 talked about his/her company’s history 1 2 217 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 218 из 325 described his/her company’s products or services 1 2 described a graph showing figures for his/her company 1 2 made a prediction for the company 1 2 answered a question about his/her job or company 1 2 answered a second question about his/her job or company 1 2 ТРЕТИЙ СЕМЕСТР Поурочные тесты с ключами Unit Test 1 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Complete these sentences with the present simple or continuous. Use the verbs in brackets. 1 I _________________ (like) to arrive at work before anyone else. 2 Currently, we _________________ (bring) all our activities into one large company. 3 We usually _________________ (employ) freelance staff to deal with it. 4 While demand is low at the moment, we _________________ (outsource) on a regular basis. 5 The shareholders _________________ (meet) twice a year. 6 I _________________ (need) a few more days to finish this. 7 They _________________ (not/plan) any changes to the current structure at present. 8 My job _________________ (entail) liaising with other companies. 9 Entrepreneurs are people who _________________ (will) to take risks. 10 _________________ (the meeting/take place) next month or not? 11 I _________________ (not/think) the hierarchy will change while he’s in charge. 12 _________________ (it/mean) you won’t be available to help? 218 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 219 из 325 13 If it’s a long day, I _________________ (not/start) work until ten the next morning. VOCABULARY 2 Complete each sentence with one word for Group A and one from Group B. Group A: flattened / online / family / stock / standardised / public / tangible / trade Group B: products / union / hierarchy / assets / market / limited / business / company 14 Our company’s ______________________ ______________________ means we are less bureaucratic and we have many more middle managers than senior managers. 15 We’re an ______________________ ______________________ that sells its products over the internet. 16 Reports are coming in of a huge crash on the London ______________________ ______________________ . 17 The last few years have seen us move away from manufacturing ______________________ ______________________ to ones that are customised. 18 Not many of our employees are members of a ______________________ ______________________ anymore. 19 Dotcoms don’t really need to have any ______________________ ______________________ like buildings or machinery. 20 They began as a partnership but became a ______________________ ______________________ company three years ago. 21 We’re a ______________________ ______________________ with my father as Managing Director and myself and my brother managing the day-to-day running of the factory. USEFUL PHRASES 3 Underline the correct word in italics. 219 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 220 из 325 22 I’m ultimately responsible for / under / of 15,000 employees worldwide. 23 He’s in charge for / to / of the Eastern Division. 24 They report for / to / of me on a daily basis. 25 As head of finance, I have ten accountants working to / under / of me. 26 My job entails dealing for / over / with external auditors. 27 My boss likes to be involved for / in / with every decision. 28 I don’t work under / under / for that company anymore. 29 The company was set up / in / under five years ago. 30 She oversees every aspect for / with / of company policy. Unit Test 1 Answer Key Language 1 like / 2 ‘re bringing / 3 employ / 4 ‘re outsourcing / 5 meet / 6 need / 7 aren’t planning / 8 entails / 9 are willing / 10 Is the meeting taking place / 11 don’t think / 12 Does it mean / 13 don’t start Vocabulary 14 flattened hierarchy / 15 online company / 16 stock market / 17 standardised products / 18 trade union / 19 tangible assets / 20 public limited / 21 family business Useful Phrases 22 for / 23 of / 24 to / 25 under / 26 with / 27 in / 28 for / 29 up / 30 of Unit Test 2 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Are these articles in these sentences correct? Write (C) correct or (I) incorrect and correct the incorrect sentences. For example: a He’s an good manager ( I ) 220 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 221 из 325 1 This is the best job I’ve had. ( _____ ) 2 The turnover was the higher than last year. ( _____ ) 3 The company made a huge losses last year. ( _____ ) 4 Our headquarters are based in the centre of the city. ( _____ ) 5 I gave him a same report that you gave me. ( _____ ) 6 Can you give me a example of what you mean? ( _____ ) 7 She works in the finance. ( _____ ) 8 She works in the Finance department. ( _____ ) 9 The unemployment rate is falling for the third year in the row. ( _____ ) VOCABULARY 2 Change the form of the word in brackets and complete these sentences. For example: He manages one of the biggest football clubs in the country. (manage) The new manager improved moral in the department. (manage) 10 Increasing salaries is only one way to increase ____________________. (motivate) 11 Fear of ____________________ is another way to inspire staff. (fail) 12 Many managers believe ____________________ cannot be trusted. (employ) 13 I have ____________________ with my six subordinates today. (appraise) 14 Did you hear about the basketball ____________________who strangled a subordinate? (coach) 15 We’re in danger of setting our ____________________too high. (expect) 16 The board of ____________________ meets four times a year. (direct) 17 We like every member of staff to have their own ____________________and independence. (responsible) 3 Complete the sentences with these verbs: do / make / meet / take / set / have / lose 18 Managers inspire workers when they ________________ a good example. 221 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 222 из 325 19 We can’t ________________ the deadline. It’s unrealistic. 20 I think we’ll ________________ a profit this year. 21 Most managers ________________ their tempers when their team loses. 22 Sorry, but I don’t ________________ time to help. 23 It’s too risky. We can’t ________________ a chance like this. 24 Would you ________________ me a favour? USEFUL PHRASES 4 Match the two halves of the sentences. 25________ 26________ 27________ 28________ 29________ 30________ 25 Is there any… 26 I was wondering if you could… 27 I don’t suppose you… 28 Would you mind… 29 I was wondering whether… 30 Do you mind not a work late this evening b wasting your time on that? c way you can finish it early? d could give him a ring for me could you? e you‘d have time tomorrow. f working late this evening? Unit Test 2 Answer Key Language 1 (C) 2 The turnover was the higher than last year. (I) 3 The company made a huge losses last year. (I) 4 (C) the 222 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 223 из 325 5 I gave him a same report that you gave me. (I) an 6 Can you give me a example of what you mean? (I) 7 She works in the finance. (I) 8 (C) a 9 The unemployment rate is falling for the third year in the row. (I) Vocabulary 10 motivation / 11 failure / 12 employees / 13 appraisals / 14 coach / 15 expectations / 16 directors / 17 responsibilities 18 set / 19 meet / 20 make / 21 lose / 22 have / 23 take / 24 do Useful Phrases 25 c / 26 a / 27 d / 28 f / 29 e / 30 b Unit Test 3 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Underline the correct verb forms in italics in this introduction to a presentation. Good morning everyone and thank you for coming. I know your taxis (1) leave / will leave for the airport at three so I (2) keep / ’ll keep my presentation brief. Over the next fifteen minutes, I’m (3) talking / going to talk about our marketing plans for the next twelve months. Firstly, we’ll look at how we (4) launch / ’re launching a new sales campaign in the autumn. And secondly, I’ll outline how it (5) will succeed / is succeeding when others haven’t. Finally, if you (6) have / ‘re going to have any questions, I (7) ‘m being / ’ll be happy to answer them at the end. VOCABULARY 2 Complete these sentences with a), b) or c). 8 Nike was ___________ in the seventies. 223 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. a) designed b) founded Лист 224 из 325 c) branded 9 We’re still profitable but have a hierarchical structure which is a ___________ in this century. a) weakness b) weapon c) strongpoint 10 The expansion of markets in Asia offer incredible _________________ for everyone. a) performances b) ranks c) opportunities 11 Our production ____________ are from twelve to eighteen months. a) cycles b) workers c) lines 12 Our women-only store will be a completely new __________ for our customers. a) weapon b) concept c) trend 13 The _____________ group makes all our clothes and shoes. a) marketing b) sponsor c) apparel 14 The biggest ____________ we face is global change. a) threat b) delay c) aspect 15 The danger from competitors __________________ us into finding a solution. a) made b) impressed c) galvanised 16 The problem is to keep up with _________________ trends which are constantly changing. a) shift b) fashion c) creator 3 Write in the missing vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in these sentences. 17 My s__n__ _r manager is very __ct__v__. 18 The IT r__v__l__t__ _n never stops! 19 We had __ct__v__sts outside the company and received lots of bad p__bl__c__ty. 20 I don’t know where these d__s__gn__rs get their __nsp__r__t__ _n from! 21 C__st__m__rs choose us for our r__p__t__t__ __n. 22 We need to re-__n__rg__s__ our entire br__nd. 224 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 225 из 325 23 R__t__ __l__rs are reporting m__s__r__bl__ sales results this year. USEFUL PHRASES 4 Complete the phrases from presentations with these verbs. Change the verb form if necessary. bring / hope / give / like / ask / see / discuss 24 I’d ________________ to start by telling you about my company. 25 Do you mind ________________ that question at the end? 26 This ________________ me to my next point. 27 This chart ________________ an idea of the problem. 28 I’ll ________________ each point and then make a recommendation. 29 On this slide you can ________________ our results. 30 I ________________ you have found my comments useful. Unit Test 3 Answer Key Language 1 leave / 2 ’ll keep / 3 going to talk / 4 ’re launching / 5 will succeed / 6 have / 7 ’ll be Vocabulary 8 b / 9 a / 10 c / 11 a / 12 b / 13 c / 14 a / 15 c / 16 b 17 senior / active / 18 revolution / 19 activists / publicity / 20 designers / inspiration / 21 Customers / reputation / 22 energise / brand / 23 Retailers / miserable Useful phrases 24 like / 25 asking / 26 brings / 27 gives / 28 discuss / 29 see / 30 hope Unit Test 4 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 225 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 226 из 325 1 Complete this conversation about a project. Write in the present perfect or past simple tense. A: (1) ____________________(you/have) time to start work on the Tramper Dam project? B: Yes, I (2) ____________________(read) the brief last week but I (3) ____________________ (not/contact) anyone yet. A: I need you to sort this thing out. They (4) ____________________(have) all sorts of problems and the last manager (5) ____________________(walk out) after an argument. B: Yes, he (6) ____________________(be) the second manager in six months, (7) ____________________(not/be) he? A: I’m afraid so. But the problems (8) ____________________(begin) before that. It (9) ____________________(be) over budget ever since the initial plans. They (10) ____________________(set) unrealistic deadlines. I (11) ____________________(tell) the client that right from the start. Anyway, we (12) ____________________(have) a meeting last week and now we (13) ____________________(extend) the deadlines. B: What about finance? A: They (14) ____________________(release) another half a million yesterday so that’s what they (15) ____________________(give) you to work with. B: That should be enough. A: I hope so! Vocabulary 2 Each sentence has three options in italics. Two options are possible. One is incorrect. Underline the incorrect option. 16 The change in public resources / mood / opinion will mean that the ‘fat cats’ might have to take a pay cut. 226 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 227 из 325 17 The pay is lower than in my last job but I’ll receive a higher remuneration / pension / retirement package when I’m sixty. 18 I don’t want to be the person who has to answer the shareholder’s disapproval / apology / criticism when they read this in the newspaper. 19 The report recommends / advises / rejects that we shouldn’t increase the CEO’s pay. It says we can’t justify it. 20 The trade unions won’t accept / will reject / will disapprove our proposals for a wage cut. 21 I lost my court case / golden hello / legal action / against the employer for sacking me. 22 If you meet your targets we’ll give you a one-off payment / a bonus / compensation. 3 Match a word in Group A with a word in Group B to make a multi-part verb. Then complete sentences 23-30 with a verb in the correct tense. Group A: point / set / step / call / buy / get / go / break Group B: up / down / out / down / ahead / off / up / under 23 As I ____________________ in my presentation, we need to act quickly. 24 He’s ____________________ from the job after twenty seven years. 25 They’re ____________________ small companies all over the industry! 26 Negotiations ____________________ without any compromise in sight. 27 She’s ____________________ a new company to compete with us. 28 Another year of losses on this scale and we’ll ____________________ . 29 Two people can’t come so let’s ____________________ the meeting. 30 If you work hard and talk to the right people you’ll ____________________ in this company. 227 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 228 из 325 Unit Test 4 Answer Key Language 1 Have you had / 2 read / 3 haven’t contacted / 4 ‘ve had / 5 walked out / 6 was / 7 wasn’t / 8 began / 9 has been / 10 set / 11 told / 12 had / 13 ‘ve extended / 14 released / 15 ‘ve given Vocabulary 16 resources / 17 remuneration / 18 apology / 19 rejects / 20 will disapprove / 21 golden hello / 22 compensation 23 pointed out / 24 stepped down / stepping down / 25 buying up / 26 broke down / 27 setting up / set up / 28 go under / 29 call off / 30 get ahead Unit Test 5 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Complete these sentences with answer a), b) or c). 1 They __________ be really happy with us if they’re offering more work. a) must b) might c) could 2 With only a few more decades before fossil fuels run out, we _________ have to find new sources of renewable energy. a) must b) should c) are going to 3 We believe that this strategy _______________ generate in the region of a thousand new jobs. a) ought b) should c) mustn’t 4 Twenty years ago no-one ______________ imagine the threat their actions were having on the environment faces now. a) could b) can c) may 5 Everyone says it’s a problem of climate change but I don’t agree. The outcome _______________ be as bad as everyone thinks. 228 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. a) might not b) might Лист 229 из 325 c) would 6 I’ve spoken to some of you before and know that you ____________ be familiar with my ideas on this subject. a) cannot b) would c) will 7 But I’m certain that any delay to this plan ____________ cost us a fortune in the long term. a) would b) may c) must 8 It’s possible that they __________ change their minds when they see the costs involved. a) must b) may c) can 9 Higher interest rates _____________ to slow down public borrowing. a) should b) must c) ought 10 It ______________ be a great help if you could work late tonight. a) would b) can c) must VOCABULARY 2 Complete these newspaper headlines with words from the box. Choose the correct form of the word in each case. concern – concerned / award – awarded / economic – economically / import – importer / negotiations – negotiator / construct – construction / environment – environmentalists / loans – loaned / fuel – fuels / pollute – pollution 11 _______________________ make final attempt to stop pipeline project 12 Principal _______________________ is environment says world leaders 13 Billion dollar contract _______________________ to foreign consortium 14 Industrial plant accused of water _______________________ 15 Protestors attack _______________________ project in jungle 16 More aid for less _______________________ developed countries 229 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 230 из 325 17 _______________________ criticise new tax on shipments from overseas 18 Government call off _______________________ with green peace over rainforest 19 More protests _______________________ support for president’s resignation 20 US cancels interest on all _______________________ to Africa 3 Match the two halves of these sentences 21 Banning cars from city centres will lead 22 The fall in demand is due 23 Sea levels are rising as a result 24 The fact that governments have ignored warnings has resulted 25 The reduction in vehicles on the road has been caused a to the rise in oil prices. b to a better quality of life for the inhabitants. c in climate change. d by a change in attitudes. e of global warming. USEFUL PHRASES 4 Each phrase contains one extra (incorrect) word. Delete it. 26 This will cause by serious problems for everyone. 27 It may to have a disastrous effect on the area. 28 I think we’d be greatly benefit from your expertise. 29 The increase will mean that more job losses. 30 I don’t think it could lead to in a recession. Unit Test 5 Answer key Language 1 a / 2 c / 3 b / 4 a / 5 a / 6 c / 7 a / 8 b / 9 c / 10 a 230 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 231 из 325 Vocabulary 11 Environmentalists / 12 Concern / 13 Awarded / 14 Pollution / 15 Construction / 16 Economically / 17 Importers / 18 Negotiations / 19 Fuel / 20 Loans 21 b / 22 a / 23 e / 24 c / 25 d Useful phrases 26 This will cause by serious problems for everyone. 27 It may to have a disastrous effect on the area. 28 I think we’d be greatly benefit from your expertise. 29 The increase will mean that more job losses. 30 I don’t think it could lead to in a recession. Unit Test 6 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Complete a discussion about some photographs for a marketing campaign with the words in brackets. Write the words in their adjective, adverb, comparative or superlative form. A: I like this picture of the couple on the boat. It’s a (1)__________________(good) image because it shows the lifestyle of our customers. B: Yes, but I think the people in it need to be (2)__________________(young). If we’re going target a (3)__________________(wide) market we need something (4)__________________(exciting). How about this picture? It’s much (5)__________________(hard). A: Yes, but the car is a bit male for me! B: What do you mean? A: Even the (6)__________________(cynical) female customer in the world would see that this is about men. B: Women drive cars too! 231 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 232 из 325 A: But not ones as (7)__________________(large) as that. No, I think the brand image should be (8)__________________(soft). Something that women will respond more (9)__________________(positive) to. B: The third picture gives the (10)__________________(easy) understood image because it actually shows the product. B: I know but how many adverts feature the product anymore? VOCABULARY 2 Read the definitions and write in the missing consonants to make the word. 11 _ a _ _ e _ i _ _ _ i _: Product, price, promotion and place are this. 12 _ _ a _ _: The name of a product or group of products. 13 a _ _ i _ a _ _io _ _: The hopes and wishes of consumers. 14 _ o _ _ u _ e _ _: The people who buy or use the products. 15 _ i _ _ _: What sales reps or adverts do when they sell a product. 16 _ o _ o: The symbol of a company found on its products. 17 _ a _ _ e _ e _ _: The people who market the products. 18 a _ _ e _ _ i _ e: To promote the product. 19 _ o _ _ e _ i _ o _ _: Other companies selling the same products. 3 Tick the correct spelling of these words. 20 powerful ( _____ ) powerfull (_____ ) 21 inovative ( _____ ) innovative ( _____ ) 22 originality ( _____ ) originallity ( _____ ) 23 corupt ( _____ ) corrupt ( _____ ) 24 efective ( _____ ) effective ( _____ ) USEFUL PHRASES 4 Underline the correct word in italics. 25 It’s a bit / few more expensive than the others. 26 It’s simply lot / way too expensive for my clients. 27 This is by / a far the better alternative. 232 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 233 из 325 28 I don’t think there’s much / slightly difference to be honest. 29 There are a few / little changes on the newer model. 30 It’ll cost bit / slightly more but it’s worth it. Unit Test 6 Answer Key Language 1 good / 2 younger / 3 wider / 4 more exciting / 5 harder / 6 least cynical / 7 large / 8 softer / 9 positively / 10 most easily Vocabulary 11 marketing mix / 12 brand / 13 aspirations / 14 consumers / 15 pitch / 16 logo / 17 marketers / 18 advertise / 19 competitors 20 powerful / 21 innovative / 22 originality / 23 corrupt / 24 effective Useful phrases 25 bit / 26 way / 27 by / 28 much / 29 few / 30 slightly Unit Test 7 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Use the verb in brackets and write missing verb forms. 233 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 234 из 325 1 If my company asked me to work abroad for six months, I ___________________(say) ‘yes’. 2 If I ___________________(get) promoted at the end of this year, I’ll stay another year. 3 I’d leave if I ___________________(find out) I was being paid less that my colleagues. 4 If I’m still doing the same job this time next year, I ___________________(leave). 5 I ___________________(not/be) happy if a colleague criticised the quality of my work. 6 If the company moves headquarters, I ___________________(not/move). 7 If she ___________________ (know) about the changes, why wouldn’t she say anything? 8 ___________________(he/go) if they ask him to? 9 If we finished work early today, ___________________(you/go) to the park with me? 10 If they realised he couldn’t do the job, why ___________________(they/not /sack) him? VOCABULARY 2 You often read two of the words below with the MAIN WORD. Delete the incorrect word. For example: 234 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 235 из 325 BRAND name, management, symbol 11 JOB creation, losses, backlash 12 layoff, stock, foreign, MARKET 13 LABOUR force, costs, jobs 14 COMPUTER software, internet, applications 15 city, call, office CENTRE 16 ECONOMIC credit, growth, development 17 insurance, outsource, interest PAYMENTS 3. Complete the sentences: a check / b layoff / c develop / d improve / e reduce / f exploit / g demand 18 My job is to ________________ individual’s credit records. 19 At the end of the last century many companies were accused of moving production overseas to _____________ cheap labour. 20 When we introduce the new computer system, it’ll really ______________ efficiency. 21 If we moved, we’d have to ____________ over two hundred employees. 22 They need to __________ a better system to deal with all these enquiries. 23 I’d _______________ an explanation, if I were you. 24 If we move our operation offshore, it will _____________ our overheads. USEFUL PHRASES 4 Re-write these sentences for making and responding to suggestions. 25 How about meeting at three? 235 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 236 из 325 __________________________________________________________________. Why don’t_____________________________________________________________ ______? 26 Couldn’t you talk to your boss about it? If I were you______________________________________________________________ ____. 27 I suggest you take the job. I think you______________________________________________________________ _____. 28 It might be better to wait a few days. What about____________________________________________________________ ______? 29 It’s a good idea but I can’t. You’re _________________________________________________________________ _____. 30 OK, let’s do that. That sounds Unit Test 7 Answer Key Language 1 ‘d say / 2 get / 3 found out / 4 ‘ll leave / 5 wouldn’t be / 6 won’t move / 7 knew / 8 Will he go / 9 would you go / 10 wouldn’t they Vocabulary 11 backlash / 12 layoff / 13 jobs / 14 internet / 15 office / 16 credit / 17 outsource 236 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 237 из 325 18 a / 19 f / 20 d / 21 b / 22 c / 23 g / 24 e Useful phrases 25 we meet at three 26 I’d talk to your/my boss about it. 27 should take the job. 28 waiting (for) a few days. 29 right but I can’t 30 good (to me). Unit Test 8 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Complete the trend words in these newspaper headlines. There is one space per letter. 1 SHARE PRICES P_ _ _ _ _ _ IN MARKET CRASH 2 ECONOMIC GROWTH CONTINUES TO S_ _ _ _ DOWNWARDS. 3 OPEC PREDICTS F_ _ _ IN SUPPLIES. 4 EMPLOYMENT D_ _ _ _ TO TEN YEAR LOW 5 CONSUMER SPENDING S_ _ _ _ WITH SUPERMARKETS REPORTING RECORD SALES 6 A J_ _ _ IN INFLATION WORRIES ANALYSTS 7 SIX MONTH D_ _ NO CAUSE FOR CONCERN SAYS CEO. 8 LANSDOWN SHARE PRICE P_ _ _ _ AT TWO HUNDRED AND ENDS THE DAY AT ONE EIGHTY. 2 Read part of a presentation. Write the words in brackets as an adjective or adverb. This pie chart shows the differences between the three sectors are (9)_________________(strike). Our Europe markets fell (10)_________________(dramatic) compared with last year. Though this market is 237 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 238 из 325 still (11) _________________(clear) much bigger for us than Latin America and North America, the fall has remained (12)_________________(steady) now for the last three years. This next graph shows you that Latin American markets fluctuated (13)_________________(slight) but the general trend is (14)_________________(slow) upwards. North America on the other hand, after suffering some (15)_________________(poor) months, came back (16)_________________(strong) in the second half of the year. VOCABULARY 3 Terms in 17-24 refer to money in or money out on a Profit and Loss statement. Match the terms to the two categories and write their number below. MONEY IN: ______ ______ ______ ______ MONEY OUT: ______ ______ ______ ______ 17 Sales revenue 18 Overheads 19 Interest receivable 20 Interest payable 21 Turnover 22 Gains on fixed assets 23 Salaries 24 Dividend USEFUL PHRASES 4 Re-order these words to make phrases for referring to visuals in a presentation. 25 you from this graph as can see… _________________________________________________________________ __________... 26 on it’s this obvious slide… 238 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 239 из 325 _________________________________________________________________ __________... 27 this here to the see figures led you. _________________________________________________________________ ___________. 28 notice table from you’ll this … _________________________________________________________________ __________... 29 shows what chart clearly this I mean _________________________________________________________________ ___________. 30 a this flow look at take chart. _________________________________________________________________ ___________. Unit Test 8 Answer Key Language 1 plummet / 2 slide / 3 fall / 4 drops / 5 soars / 6 jump / 7 dip / 8 peaks 9 striking / 10 dramatically / 11 clearly / 12 steady / 13 slightly / 14 slowly / 15 poor / 16 strongly Vocabulary MONEY IN: 17, / 19, / 21, / 22 MONEY OUT: 18, / 20, / 23, / 24 Useful phrases 25 As you can see from this graph… 26 It’s obvious on this slide…/ On this slide it’s obvious… 27 This led to the figures you see here. 28 You’ll notice from this table… 29 This chart clearly shows what I mean. 239 Разработал: Федько Л.А. 30 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 240 из 325 Take a look at this flow chart. Unit Test 9 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Sentences 1-7 each contain one mistake with relative pronouns or commas. Add, change or delete relative pronouns and commas where necessary. 1 The process what we set up for testing quality simply isn’t working properly. 2 Mike is the Human Resources Manager whose hired you. 3 Enron, which is an American company was one of the biggest financial scandals in history. 4 It’s reading all the CVs, that takes up all the time. 5 The people that who qualified haven’t accepted our offer. 6 All the interviews which incidentally took all day and all evening, were a complete waste of time. 7 We didn’t even bother to read those who CVs didn’t include the minimum requirements. VOCABULARY 2 Complete these sentences with the word in brackets. Change the form if necessary; e.g. apply – application – applicant 240 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 241 из 325 8 Usually we begin by putting an ________________________ in the newspaper. (advertise) 9 Then we spend a week or so studying each of the ________________________ . (apply) 10 Without the right ________________________ the CV is thrown away immediately. (qualify) 11 We make ________________________ with each of the successful candidates for an initial telephone interview. (appoint) 12 We can ________________________ someone’s basic communication skills this way. (evaluate) 13 The best ________________________ are then invited for a face-to-face meeting. (interview) 14 We speed up the whole process by creating ________________________ files on the computer. (person) 15 The whole ________________________ procedure takes just over three weeks. (select) 3. Match the verbs and nouns. 16_______17_______18_______19_______20_______21_______ 16 fix 17 attend 18 take 19 make 20 evaluate 21 complete a a formal request b a form c a test d performance 241 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 242 из 325 e a deadline f a conference USEFUL PHRASES 4 Read this conversation between two colleagues in a bar after work. Underline the correct response for B in italics. A: You wouldn’t believe what happened at work today. B: (22) Really? / No! A: You know we had all those interviews for the Bellagio project. B: (23) Right. / So what did you do? A: Well, we’re only supposed to interview a maximum of ten per day. B: (24) Wow! / Sure. A: Well someone made a mistake with the dates and twenty people turned up. B: (25) How could you do a thing like that? / You’re kidding! A: They all had the letter with today’s date on. And some even had the same time! B: (26) So what did you do? / What do you mean by that? A: We had to ask half of them to come back tomorrow. B: (27) And what did they say? / That wasn’t very helpful, was it? A: Well, those that really wanted the job were OK about it but some of them demanded an interview! B: (28) Wow! / Sure. A: My manager apologised but said it wasn’t possible. B: (29) So what happened? / What did you say? A: They all went except one person so we interviewed him. Anyway, I’d better be off. B: Yes. (30) I don’t want to keep you any longer. / See you tomorrow. 242 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 243 из 325 Unit Test 9 Answer Key Language 1 The process which (or that) we set up for testing quality simply isn’t working properly. 2 Mike is the Human Resources Manager who hired you. 3 Enron, which is an American company, was one of the biggest financial scandals in history. (add second comma) 4 It’s reading all the CVs that takes up all the time. (delete comma) 5 The people who qualified haven’t accepted our offer. (delete ‘that’ or ‘who’) 6 All the interviews, which incidentally took all day and all evening, were a complete waste of time. (add first comma) 7 We didn’t even bother to read those whose CVs didn’t include the minimum requirements. Vocabulary 8 advertisement / 9 applications / 10 qualifications / 11 appointments / 12 evaluate / 13 interviewees / 14 personnel / 15 selection 16 e / 17 f / 18 c / 19 a / 20 d / 21 b Useful phrases 22 Really / 23 Right. / 24 Sure / 25 You’re kidding! / 26 So what did you do? / 27 And what did they say? / 28 Wow! / 29 So what happened? / 30 See you tomorrow. Unit Test 10 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Match the two halves of these conditional sentences. 1_______ 2_______ 3_______ 4_______ 5_______ 6_______ 7_______ 1 If I’d had enough money… 2 If I had enough money… 243 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 244 из 325 3 If I receive a pay rise… 4 If she paid me a little more each week… 5 If he’d offered me a little more… 6 If I get paid tonight… 7 If I hadn’t known it was fake… a I’d work longer hours for her. b I’ll go out with you. c I’d have bought a real Rolex. d I would have sold him the car. e I’ll buy a new car. f I’d buy a new car. g I would have bought it. 2 Join the two sentences to make sentences in the second or third conditional. 8 They counterfeit CDs. Legitimate business loses sales. If they didn’t counterfeit_______________________________________________________. 9 I didn’t have time last week. I didn’t finish the report. If I had______________________________________________________________ ________. 10 We aren’t able to track our products. We don’t fitted anti-counterfeiting features. We would have________________________________________________________________. 11 I couldn’t call you back. I was busy yesterday. I would _________________________________________________________________ ____. 244 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 245 из 325 12 We now manufacture overseas. We have pirate copies flooding the market. If we hadn’t____________________________________________________________ ______. 13 Fashionable clothes are so expensive. I buy copies. If fashionable clothes___________________________________________________________. VOCABULARY 3 Replace the underlined italicised words in sentences 14-22 with words a-i. 14______ 15______ 16______ 17______ 18______ 19______ 20______ 21______ 22_________ a churn out b vulnerable c sweatshops d perpetrators e genuine f can’t be identified g court case h unlawful i imitations 14 Once copies flood the market, the brand value is reduced. 15 Demand means that the counterfeiters mass produce millions of CDs very cheaply. 16 It’s very difficult for companies to win any kind of legal action. 17 Consumers often can’t tell the difference between the copies and the real thing. 18 New technology has made software particularly easy to attack. 19 Employees of CD companies are bribed by the criminals to provide the master disks. 245 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 246 из 325 20 Many fakes are indistinguishable from the originals. 21 Small factories with bad conditions typically produce the illegal products. 22 Illegitimate versions are costing the industry millions. USEFUL PHRASES Choose answer a, b or c to complete these sentences. 23 The reason for reducing prices ________ increase sales. a) because b) is to c) in order to 24 _______ he hasn’t arrived yet, let’s look at point four of the agenda instead. a) As b) So that c) Due to 25 _______ the number of fakes, we need to introduce a better system of tracking. a) Since b) Given c) As 26 Our policy on counterfeiting _________ to more copies not less! a) results b) is c) leads 27 I’ll have another glass ______ it’s Friday. a) so that b) because of c) since 28 We introduced this policy __________ the employees asked for it. a) because b) given c) caused by 29 The music industry introduced legal downloading ________ beat the pirates. a) since b) due to c) in order to 30 The mistakes of the past were __________ an emphasis on short-term profit. a) results in b) due to c) in order to Unit Test 10 Answer Key Language 1c/2f/3e/4a/5d/6b/7g 8 CDs, legitimate business wouldn’t lose sales. 9 had time last week, I would have finished the report. 10 been able to track our products, if we’d fitted anti-counterfeiting features. 11 have called you back if I hadn’t been busy yesterday. 246 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 247 из 325 12 manufactured overseas, we wouldn’t have pirate copies flooding the market. 13 weren’t so expensive, I wouldn’t buy copies. Vocabulary 14 i / 15 a / 16 g / 17 e / 18 b / 19 d / 20 f / 21 c / 22 h Useful Phrases 23 b / 24 a / 25 b / 26 c / 27 c / 28 a / 29 c / 30 b Unit Test 11 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Write the words in brackets in the gerund or infinitive form. 1 I’d like to apologize for ____________ (arrive) late. 2 ___________ (trade) on the stock market closed at a record high today. 3 Would you like ___________ (play) golf this afternoon? 4 I don’t enjoy _____________ (work) at weekends. 5 Inflation is making it more difficult __________ (keep) costs down. 6 They really wanted ___________ (get) that project. 7 By _____________ (appraise) each other, our staff work as a team. 8 We’ve recruited an extra ten staff ___________ (make) sure it’s finished on time. 9 She’s just finished ____________ (do) her Masters in Business Administration. 10 The company aims ___________ (launch) its new range by March of next year. 11 It’s five in the morning in the USA. There’s no point ___________ (phone) him now. 12 Can you ask him ___________ (call) me back? VOCABULARY 2 Write the nine items below with the types of markets in 13-17. 247 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 248 из 325 cleaner / the unemployed / offices / coffee / gold / toothpaste / people / shares / apartments 13 commodities market: __________, ___________ 14 real estate: __________, ___________ 15 stock market: stocks, _________ 16 consumer goods: __________, ___________ 17 labour market: __________, ___________ 3. Write the missing vowels: 18 eBay is an _ _ct_ _n s_t_ now worth a fortune. 19 Let’s carry out some m_rk_t _ r_s_ _rch to see what people think. 20 I think _nl_n_b_s_n_ss is the future for buying and selling. 21 Our website needs a d_sc_ss_ _n b_ _rd to get customer feedback. 22 It’s a good idea for any new retailer to write a m_rch_nd_s_ng pl_n. USEFUL PHRASES 4 Write phrases a-h in the conversation below. a I think b How about c I don’t know d Would you be interested? e Why don’t you f Let’s g I’m afraid h That’s fine. A: We’re doing some special offers on printers this month. (23) _______________ B: I might be. (24) _____________ we discuss the price first? A: Well we normally sell them at $80, but (25) __________ we can begin by giving you ten per cent discount on anything. B: (26) ___________ say I wanted twenty. Would there be any more discount? 248 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 249 из 325 A: (27) ___________ about that. (28) ___________ we don’t normally give extra discount. I’d have to check with my boss. B: (29) ___________ do that now and call me back? A: OK. (30) ___________. I’ll call you back in five minutes. Unit Test 11 Answer Key Language 1 arriving / 2 Trading / 3 to play / 4 working / 5 to keep / 6 to get / 7 appraising / 8 to make / 9 doing / 10 to launch / 11 phoning / 12 to call Vocabulary 13 coffee, gold / 14 offices, apartments / 15 shares / 16 cleaner, toothpaste / 17 the unemployed, people 18 auction site / 19 market research / 20 online business / 21 discussion board / 22 merchandising plan Useful phrases 23 d / 24 b / 25 a / 26 f / 27 c / 28 g / 29 e / 30 h Unit Test 12 Answer all thirty questions. There is one mark per question. LANGUAGE 1 Underline the correct verb in italics. 1 My boss said I don’t have to / mustn’t work late because he can always ask someone else. 2 You mustn’t / don’t have to drive faster than the speed limit of 85 kilometres per hour. 3 If take my advice you have to / ought to change your job. 4 I’m sorry but I really must / needn’t be going now. I have a meeting in half an hour. 5 Governments should / shouldn’t work together to solve the debt problem. 249 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 250 из 325 6 Sorry but I need / must to make a call. 7 The low taxes for high-earners are unfair. We really mustn’t / have to increase what they pay. VOCABULARY 2 Write these words next to definitions 8-17. tariffs / aid / protectionism / imports / quotas / barriers / petition / duties / debt relief / subsidies 8 ____________: bought goods coming in to a country 9 ____________: when a country helps it own industries by putting tax on foreign goods 10 ____________: government money to reduce cost or product or service 11 ____________: when one country doesn’t have to pay back money to another 12 ____________: to give help to another country 13 ____________: government tax on goods entering or leaving the country 14 ____________: tax paid on goods (including those brought in from other countries) 15 ____________: government limit on production 16 ____________: a document with signatures of people protesting 17 ____________: way of preventing something; e.g. trade 3 Complete sentences 18-24 with the pairs of phrases a-f. a firstly + let’s say b in order to + and c for example + because d as + also e you see + so f finally + what’s more 18 This campaign is _________ make a difference ________ make big business listen 250 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 251 из 325 19 ________ some people can campaign here, _________ about fifty. 20 One way to get attention ____________ is to use violent tactics ___________ television stations will broadcast that. 21 _________ the police will stop the march here, we ________ need some people to go here. 22 _________ we can gather activists over the internet and ____________ we get everyone to email the authorities. 23 _________, the only way to bring about change __________ that they’ll listen is through protest. USEFUL PHRASES 4 Put these verbs in these phrases. Change the form if necessary. consider / be / see / must / have / know / agree 24 It _______ obvious that we can’t ask them to do that. 25 We all ________ that we made a loss last year. 26 Have you ___________ the consequences of this? 27 I’m sure you __________ agree with that. 28 You __________ to remember that it didn’t work last time. 29 Wouldn’t you __________ with me? 30 Surely you can _________ my point. Unit Test 12 Answer Key Language 1 don’t have to / 2 mustn’t / 3 ought to / 4 must / 5 should / 6 need / 7 have to Vocabulary 8 imports / 9 protectionism / 10 subsidies / 11 debt relief / 12 aid / 13 tariffs / 14 duties / 15 quotas / 16 petition / 17 barriers 18 b / 19 a / 20 c / 21d / 22 f / 23 e Useful phrases 24 is / 25 know / 26 considered / 27 must / 28 have / 29 agree / 30 see 251 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 252 из 325 Тесты для промежуточного контроля Progress Test 1 (Units 1-6) SECTION 1. VOCABULARY Choose answer a, b or to complete these sentences. 1 ______________ hierarchies are more common in companies these days than pyramid structures. a Flattened b Round c Medium-sized 2 The strange thing about online companies is that they have fewer __________ assets such as buildings or machinery. a net b factory c tangible 3 No one has ____________ employment anymore. We all change our job and company throughout our career. a lifetime b part-time c flexitime 4 Sorry, I ________ a mistake when I added the figures. a set b made c took 5 The board of __________ meets every quarter. a executives b directors c employees 6 Let’s __________ a risk and invest! a take b have c make 7 He ________ the players at half-time with his speech and they went on to win the match. a upset b talked c inspired 8 He was one of the original ________ so it was sad when the company was taken over. a activists b sponsors c founders 9 We need to reach a larger market without affecting the brand’s _______ qualities. 252 Разработал: Федько Л.А. a core ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений b centre Лист 253 из 325 c logo 10 This new idea could ___________ us into action. a surprise b galvanise c put Complete sentences 1-10 with the words below. Where necessary, change the word by adding a prefix or changing it to a verb, adjective or noun. retire / fuel / contract / compensate / consume / approval / loan / compete / recommend / aspire 11 We’ve made a _________________ to the board that there are no pay rises this year. 12 Don’t worry about her. She’s negotiated a decent _______________ package. 13 He received over a hundred thousand in ________________ for his unfair dismissal. 14 There was ______________ from shareholders who didn’t agree with giving the CEO a bonus. 15 The decision to make more people redundant simply ______________ calls for his resignation. 16 We _______________ out more and more of the work these days to other companies. 17 ______________ are now bombarded with choices when it comes to brands. 18 Since we first began, the market has become highly ________________. We have to constantly think of different ways to attract new customers and keep old customers. 19 Our brand represents the __________________ and desires of any young single man in the twenty first century. 20 Need a new car? Call us now to receive a personal _____________. SECTION 2: LANGUAGE Write the sentences in full. Change the verb into the present simple, present continuous or future form and add or miss out an article. 253 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 254 из 325 For example: Dramatic changes (take place) in / company at present Dramatic changes are taking pace in the company at present. 21 We usually (sell) to / highest bidder. _________________________________________________ 22 he (meet) / visitors at three? _________________________________________________ 23 I (think) we need / new manager. _________________________________________________ 24 It (become) more profitable to / outsource these days. _________________________________________________ 25 It (seem) like / recipe for disaster! _________________________________________________ 26 They (launch) / new campaign next spring. _________________________________________________ 27 / train for Lyon (leave) this afternoon. ________________________________________________ 28 I (call) you back in / five minutes. ________________________________________________ 29 We (go) target / new type of customer. ________________________________________________ 30 / board of this company has no doubt that we (succeed). _______________________________________________ Delete the extra word in each sentence. 31 We really feel you should step down from because of the mess things are in. 32 The company has found itself at the sharp end of the recession last year. 33 Recently we’ve have finished a number of interesting projects. 34 I’ve decided to call it off today’s meeting. No one can come. 254 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 255 из 325 35 These plans are going to be mean cheaper fuels for local people. 36 The terminals would to endanger a nature reserve. 37 We’re not sure but it may will be that over 20 per cent has already been destroyed. 38 This model is the more powerful than anything else I know on the market at present. 39 It’s as harder than we thought. 40 The new promotion isn’t as more good as the one last year. SECTION 3: READING Match these headlines to the extracts from news reports in 21-30. Write your answers here: 41___ 42___ 43___ 44___ 45___ 46___ 47___ 48___ 49___ 50___ a MORE JOB LOSSES TO INDIA f DOING IT DIFFERENTLY b STOCK MARKET CRASHES g THROWING OUT THE BOSSES c ACCOUNTING SCANDAL h FOOTWEAR TAKES TWO ROCKS ITALY STEPS AT A TIME d MORE CUTS TO WORKFORCE i UNSTEADY START FOR e TERRORISM MAY WORK MARKETS j FINANCIAL WORLD STILL FEELS EFFECTS 51 Nike continues to buck the trend of current economic decline with repeated growth. Market observers say that the company’s continued ability to change and maintain its name for originality had kept it ahead… 52 The government has finally stepped in with an investigation at all levels. Company executives as well as senior partners will be ‘invited’ to give evidence over the next three months… 255 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 256 из 325 53 A new study reveals that talking and listening to employees may show fewer results when it comes to motivation than simply shouting at them! 54 The last of its call centres was closed this week with another two hundred redundancies in the area. Callers to the company are now more likely to be speaking to someone in Mumbai as they are in Manchester. 55 More and more companies are taking the lead of organisations like Tech Target but life without managers may come as a shock to many workers… 56 The years of recession may still not be over according to one study. Though all indicators suggest steady growth, many boardrooms remain reluctant to take risks… 57 Geox reported excellent figures this quarter with yet another rise… 58 In a dramatic collapse, market analysts were calling for governments to… 59 In a slow but upward trend, the early part of the day’s trading suggested investors were feeling a little more positive this morning… 60 There was no improvement to events surrounding the midlands car factory with yet another fifty employees being laid off. Management said the redundancies were crucial if the company was to compete globally and threatened more to come… Parts (a) to (j) in this article are in the wrong order. Re-order them and write your answers here: 61__ 62___ 63___ 64___ 65___ 66__ 67___ 68___ 69___ 70___ Fat Cats set to lose weight? After the Prime Minister turned down a pay rise last month and decided to survive on £140,000 for another year it now seems that everyone’s at it. a) In the past most Chief Executives would have put up with angry-faced shareholders before taking considerable ‘fat cat’ handouts but nowadays… 256 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 257 из 325 b) Suddenly, leaders of industry and business are following his example and turning down the offer of money. Take for example… c) …it still remains the most effective way to encourage them to go quickly and without a legal fight. d) It’s unlikely that the delay in receiving this amount will affect the bank balance of a man who already earns a reported half-a-million a year but it does indicate a change in attitude. e) …more and more are thinking twice in an economic climate where the value of most large companies has fallen considerably. f) …After all, a five per cent pay rise won’t receive media attention in the same way that a million-pound bonus will. But the effect in the long term remains the same.’ g) …the recent case of the rail chief boss who was due for his one million pound bonus and deferred it for another 12 months. h) Of course, this change in attitude doesn’t mean the Fat Cats are getting slimmer. i) As one analyst put it, ‘Just because you don’t take the bonus, you can still demand increased pensions, benefits and a higher salary… j) So though this may mean an end to stories of exorbitant payments no one expects a real change. And it may not mean the total end to bonuses. For companies with underperforming bosses… SECTION 4: CAREER SKILLS Write these words in the phrases. favour / help / comments / point / chart / charge / questions / time / address / hand / 71 I’m in ___________ of three hundred people. 72 Would you mind giving me a ____________? 257 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 258 из 325 73 Can you do me a ____________? 74 It’d be a great ___________. 75 I wouldn’t waste your __________ on that. 76 Is there any way you can mail it to my work _____________? 77 This brings me to my next _____________. 78 This _________ gives an interesting overview. 79 I hope you have found my _____________ useful. 80 If you have ___________, I’ll be happy to answer them now. Underline the correct word in brackets. 81 We’ve come ( in / on / to ) under budget. 82 They fell behind schedule but have managed to catch ( on / by / up ) this week. 83 But this is likely to lead ( from / to / by ) dissatisfied employees. 84 The question resulted ( of / to / in ) a total rethink of the project. 85 As a result ( in / of / from ) the new investment, we’re able to take on new people. 86 This fall was caused ( of / by / with ) a number of factors including the events in September. 87 I think you’ll find a ( little / few / slightly ) differences to the new prototype. 88 We have a ( bit / few / little ) of extra time so let’s use it to discuss the other matter. 89 This would only cost ( bit / slightly / much ) more but it would be worth it. 90 Your suggestion is by ( lot / way / far ) the best I’ve heard all day. SECTION 5: WRITING Write the missing words in this email. (91)D________ Mr Morand (92)T__________ (93)y_______ for your last email outlining the problems. 258 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 259 из 325 I’m (94)w____________ to tell you about our final decision on the safety problems. We recommend that all technical staff are sent on ‘safety awareness’ courses. The course is very expensive but has a good reputation. We should announce plans at the next press conference. We hope to improve safety conditions by next year. (95)P__________ (96)f________ a copy of our full report attached. I (97)l_________ (98)f_____________ to receiving your comments. (99)Y_________ (100)s____________ Brian Butler Write the phrases in brackets in full to complete this memo. There are 2 marks per phrase. MEMO Date 10th October To All staff From Frank Spelling, Managing Director Subject Feedback on plans (I / delight / inform / that…) ________________________________________________ The initial plans for the new factory now been prepared. They are currently on display in the conference room. (I / like / have / comments…) _______________________________________________ on these plans. Note that these are only the initial plans and 259 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 260 из 325 (we / it / best )___________________________ at this stage to receive feedback from as many people as possible. (Would / send / comments…) __________________________________ by email by the 31st October at the latest. (I / forward / hearing / )________________________________ you all. F.S. SECTION 6: LISTENING Track 2 Bruce and Naomi are talking on the phone. Bruce takes notes on the conversation. Complete his notes below with a word or phrase. Listen twice. Conference in (111)__________________. - Can’t use the Yangtze Garden because it isn’t (112)____________________________. - The centre needs to hold over (113)_____________ people. - Naomi thinks the Mandarin Palace Center (114)_________________________. She’s meeting (115)______________________ tomorrow to confirm. - The (116)_______________________ will be $50 more. Changes to schedule: - Alasdair Ross’s plane doesn’t (117)______________________ so him and Jimmy Tan will (118)____________________. - Milan (119)_______________ are sending Carla Marisco instead. But the talk (120) __________________________. Track 3 6 Listen twice and decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the speaker. Write T or F in the bracket. 260 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений 121 Лист 261 из 325 Brand strategy pushes a business forward. ( _____ ) 122 Good brands are even more important than things like land, buildings or machinery. ( _____ ) 123 Lots of people make the mistake of thinking the brand is the product. 124 ( _____ ) Your symbol has to be different from everyone else’s brand. 125 ( _____ ) To be different and memorable, use lots of colour and clever images. ( _____ ) It’s important 126 to be able to translate the brand name into the language of each country.( _____ ) 127 A brand must relate to the product and the interests of the buyer. 128 ( _____ ) Never change the brand unless you need to change the packaging. 129 ( _____ ) Chanel No. 5 is a best-selling brand because of the perfume’s name. 130 ( _____ ) Seeing famous people with your product will encourage people to buy it. ( _____ ) SECTION 7: SPEAKING Give a short presentation to your teacher about your job. Include these five areas: – a self introduction – an introduction to your company or business – your duties and responsibilities – a description of the people you work with (e.g. colleagues and clients) – a description of a current project 261 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 262 из 325 Your teacher will mark the presentation using this scorecard. The teacher circles 1 mark if a student includes the area and circles 2 marks for communicating it accurately and effectively. There is a maximum of ten marks. The student: - introduced him/herself 1 2 - introduced his/her company or business 1 2 - described his/her duties 1 2 - described who he/she works with (other colleagues/clients) 1 2 - described a current project 1 2 Give a short presentation to your teacher about your company or a company you know about. Include information about: – the company (area of business, size etc) – the company’s history – its most recent activities – its main competitor (and compare the two companies) – the company’s future plans and likely future trends affecting the company. Your teacher will mark the presentation using this scorecard. The teacher circles 1 mark if a student includes the area and circles 2 marks for communicating it accurately and effectively. There is a maximum of ten marks. The student described: - the company 1 2 - its history 1 2 - its most recent activities 1 2 - its main competitor 1 2 - any future plans and trends affecting the company in the future 1 2 262 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 263 из 325 Progress Test 1 (Units 1-6) Answer Key Section 1: Vocabulary 1 a / 2 c / 3 a / 4 b / 5 b / 6 a / 7 c / 8 c / 9 a / 10 b 11 recommendation /12 retirement / 13 compensation/ 14 disapproval / 15 fuelled / 16 contract / 17 Consumers / 18 competitive / 19 aspirations / 20 loan Section 2: Language 21 We usually sell to the highest bidder. 22 Is he meeting the visitors at three? 23 I think we need a new manager. 24 It is becoming more profitable to outsource these days. 25 It seems like a recipe for disaster! 26 They are launching a new campaign next spring. 27 The train for Lyon leaves this afternoon. 28 I’ll call you back in five minutes. 29 We’re going to target a new type of customer. 30 The board of this company has no doubt that we will succeed. 31 from / 32 has / 33 ‘ve (or) have / 34 it / 35 be / 36 to / 37 will / 38 the / 39 as / 40 more Section 3: Reading 41 f / 42 c / 43 e / 44 a / 45 g / 46 j / 47 h / 48 b / 49 i / 50 d 61 b / 62 g / 63 d / 64 a / 65 e / 66 h / 67 i / 68 f / 69 j / 70 c Section 4: Career Skills 71 charge / 72 hand / 73 favour / 74 help / 75 time / 76 address / 77 point / 78 chart / 79 comments / 80 questions 91 in / 92 up / 93 to / 94 in / 95 of / 96 by / 97 few / 98 bit / 99 slightly / 100 far Section 5: Writing 101 Dear / 102 Thank / 103 you / 104 writing / 105 Please / 106 find / 107 look / 108 forward / 109 Yours / 110 sincerely 263 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 264 из 325 I am delight to inform you that I’d like to have your comments we feel it is best Would you send me comments I look forward to hearing from Section 6: Listening (In questions 51-60 allow some variation in answers as long as the student maintains the same sense.) 111 Shanghai /112 big enough / 113 600 / 114 will be free / 115 the conference manager / 116 registration fee / 117 land until 9:30 / 118 switch slots / 119 University / 120 will be the same 121 T / 122 T / 123 F / 124 T / 125 F / 126 F / 127 T / 128 F / 129 F / 130 T Section 7: Speaking Mark the speaking out of ten. Use this scorecard. Circle 1 mark if a student includes the area and circle 2 marks for accurate and effective communication. The student: - introduced him/herself 1 2 - introduced his/her company or business 1 2 - described his/her duties 1 2 - described who he/she works with (other colleagues/clients) 1 2 - described a current project 1 2 Use this scorecard to mark a presentation. Circle 1 mark if a student includes the area and circle 2 marks if the student communicates it accurately and effectively. There is a maximum of ten marks. The student described: - the company 1 264 2 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 265 из 325 - its history 1 2 - its most recent activities 1 2 - its main competitor 1 2 - any future plans and trends affecting the company in the future 1 2 265 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 266 из 325 МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «Дальневосточный федеральный университет» (ДВФУ) ШКОЛА ЭКОНОМИКИ И МЕНЕДЖМЕНТА ГЛОССАРИЙ Иностранный язык Специальность 080505.65 – «Управление персоналом» специализация «Кадровый консалтинг и аудит» Форма подготовки – очная/заочная г. Владивосток 2012 266 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 267 из 325 Первый семестр Unit 1 Contacts 1. business card n [C] a small card with your name, job title, company, address, phone, email, etc. on it: [визитка] My business card has my email address on it. 2. contact n [C] a person that you meet because of your work: [контакт] I make a lot of contacts at conferences. – contact v 3. greet v to welcome someone by saying, for example, Hello or Good morning: [приветствовать] My job is to greet people when they arrive at my company’s offices. – greeting n [C] [приветствие] 4. introduce v to tell people each other’s names: [представлять] Let me introduce Karl, from Germany. Karl, this is Fran. – introduction n [C] [представление] 5. job title n [C] the name of a job: [должность] Her job title is ‘sales manager’. 6. legal adj [C] connected to the law: [юридический] I see my lawyer for legal advice. – law n the system of rules for a country [закон] 7. name n [C] what people call you: [имя] My first name is John and my family name, or surname, is Smith. 8. nationality n [C] the right to belong to a country: [гражданство] I have Australian nationality. 9. qualification n [C] something to show you passed an examination at school, university or work, for which youoften receive a certificate or diploma: [квалификация] He has a good qualification in engineering. – qualify v [обладать квалификацией] 267 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 268 из 325 10.software n [U] a program that a computer uses to do different jobs: [программное обеспечение] I have some new accounting software on my computer. Unit 2 Teams 1. colleague n [C] a person that you work with: [коллега] This is my colleague, Juan. 2. communication n [U] when people give information to each other: [коммуникация] Good communication is important in business. – communicate v [осуществлять коммуникацию] 3. consultant n [C] a person who gives a company advice about something: [консультант] We employ a consultant to organise our computer system. 4. degree n [C] a qualification, usually a BA (Bachelor of Arts) or BSc (Bachelor of Science), from a university: [уровень образования] I have a degree from Cambridge University. 5. group n [C] a number of people or things that belong together: [группа] I work in a group of four scientists. 6. opinion n [C] what someone thinks about a subject: [мнение] What’s your opinion of the new production plan? 7. PhD n [C] the highest university degree: [доктор] Please call her Doctor Oliveira because she has a PhD. 8. team n [C] a group of people who work or play sports together: [команда] It’s a great team because everyone wants to help everyone else. 9. team leader n [C] the person in charge of a team: [лидер команды] The new team leader is popular and a good manager. 10.team member n [C] a person in a team: [член команды] All the team members like working together. 268 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 269 из 325 11.teamwork n [U] the ability of a group of people to work well together: [работа в команде] Teamwork is very important for this project. 12.technology n [U] the development of techniques, machines and equipment in science and industry: [технология] We are leaders in computer technology. 13.traditional adj ideas and ways of working that have existed for a long time: [традиционный] We like our traditional ways of working and we don’t want to change. – tradition n [C] [традиция] Unit 3 Сompanies 1. base v to use somewhere as your main place of business: [база] Our company is based in Switzerland. 2. company n [C] a group who make or sell things: [компания] I work for a food company. 3. employee n [C] someone who works for a company: [сотрудник] My company has 200 employees. – employ v give someone a job: [принимать на работу] My company employs 200 people. – employer n someone who employs workers [работодатель] 4. factory n [C] a place where workers make things: [завод, фабрика] He works in a car factory. 5. headquarters n [plural] the most important place of work of a company: [штаб-квартира] I often have to go to meetings at my company’s headquarters. 6. manufacture v to make products using machines: [производить] They manufacture mobile phones in their German factory. – manufacturing n [U] making things in factories [производство] – manufacturer n [C] a person or company that does manufacturing [производитель] 269 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 270 из 325 7. profit n [U] when you get more money from a product or service than it costs you to make or do it: [прибыль] Our profits increase every year. – profitable adj [прибыльный] 8. retail n [U] sales to customers in shops: [розничная продажа] We sell our products in retail outlets in most European countries. – retail outlet (= SHOP) n [C] [торговая точка] – retail v sell to customers in shops: We retail this product at $3.50. – retailer n [C] [розничный торговец] 9. sector n [C] part of an economic system: [сектор] We are in the food manufacturing sector. 10.service industry n [C] companies that sell services (= HELP) instead of products: [сфера обслуживания] Architects and consultants sell services. 11. specialise v to do only one activity: [специализироваться] They specialise in computer software. – specialist n [C] a person who knows a lot about something: [специалист] We have three computer software specialists in our company. Unit 4 Offices 1. analysis n [C] a careful examination of something: [анализ] We make an analysis of all our products before we sell them. 2. desk n [C] a table where you work: [рабочий стол] I spend a lot of time at my desk every day. 3. equipment n [U] things you use to do a job: [оборудование] We use special equipment to fight fires. 4. file n [C] a group of papers with information about something or someone: [папка] Do you have Mr Roberts’ file? 5. furniture n [U] things in homes and offices such as tables and chairs: [мебель] How often do you buy new furniture for your office? 270 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 271 из 325 6. office n [C] a room where people work, usually at desks: [офис] We have an open-plan office instead of individual offices. 7. organised adj when you have a system for something: [организованный] My desk isn’t very well organised. – organisation n [C] [организация] – organise v to put things in a system [организовывать] 8. share v to use something with other people: [делить, использовать совместно] Everyone has their own computer but we share a printer. 9. stationery n [U] things used for writing such as envelopes, paper and pens: [канцелярские принадлежности] We keep all our stationery in a large cupboard. 10.tidy adj when everything is in the correct place: [аккуратный] I’m not a very tidy person. – tidy v Tidy your desk. Unit 5 Events 1. client n [C] a customer, often one that buys a service: [клиент] We need more clients. 2. corporate event n [C] something organised by a company to entertain clients: [корпоративное мероприятие] We often have corporate events and take our best clients to international football matches. 3. entertain v to take clients to films, shows, restaurants, etc.: [развлекать] We often entertain foreign clients in our large company restaurant. – entertainment n [C] [развлечение] We spend about $10,000 a year on entertainment for clients. 4. event n [C] something you organise such as a party or conference: [мероприятие] My job is to organize events for important visitors. 5. guest n [C] someone you invite to an event or to visit your home: [гость] We plan to have a big party with more than a hundred guests. 271 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 272 из 325 6. health and safety n [U] laws and systems related to stopping accidents and illness at work: [охрана труда] Who is in charge of health and safety in the factory? 7. order v to ask for something such as food in a restaurant: [заказывать] I’d like to order steak and chips. 8. presentation n [C] when someone explains an idea to a group: [презентация] He gave a presentation about the new marketing plan. – present v to give a presentation [представлять] 9. reception n [C] a formal party: [прием] We sometimes go to a reception at a top London hotel. 10.socialise v to go out with people to have fun: [общаться] I often socialise with my colleagues. 11.special occasion n [C] an important event or ceremony: [особый случай] People often have parties for special occasions like birthdays. 12.waiter n [C] (male), waitress n [C] (female) a person who brings you food and drinks in a restaurant: [официант] Waiter – can I have the bill, please? Unit 6 Money 1. account n [C] if you have an account with a bank, you can leave money there: [счет] He pays £500 into his bank account every month. 2. cost of living n the amount of money people need in order to buy the things they need: [стоимость жизни] The cost of living is increasing all the time. 3. currency n [C] the money that a country uses: [валюта] The currency in France is the euro. 4. discount n [C] a lower price than usual: [скидка] There is a 10% discount on all our products 272 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 273 из 325 this week. 5. exchange rate n [C] the value of the money of one country when you change it for the money of another country: [курс обмена] The exchange rate today is two dollars to the pound. 6. goods n [plural] things that are made for people to buy: [товар] Our company produces electrical goods. 7. invoice n [C] a document that a supplier gives to a customer, with information about what the customer is buying and how much it costs: [счет] Can you pay last month’s invoices, please? 8. money n [U] coins and notes that you use to buy things: [деньги] I never have enough money at the end of the month. 9. pay v to give money for something that you buy: [платить] Can I pay in euros? – pay n [U] the money you get for working: I get my pay at the end of the month. 10. price n [C] how much money something costs: [цена] What’s the price of this laptop? 13.supplier n [C] a company that sells goods to shops and businesses: [поставщик] They work for an office equipment supplier. – supply v to sell to a company: [поставлять] They supply our paper and pens. Unit 7 Projects 1. aim n [C] something that you want to do or get: [цель] My aim is to work for a big company. – aim v to want to do something: We aim to increase sales. 273 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 274 из 325 2. budget n [C] an amount of money that is available: [бюджет] My team has a budget of one million dollars. – budget v to organise how to spend money: We budget about €50,000 for advertising every year. 3. deadline n [C] a date or time when you must finish something: [срок исполнения] The deadline for completing the project is 1 May. 4. labour n [U] the total number of workers: [труд] The cost of labour is not high at the moment. 5. materials n [U] the things you use in order to make something: [материалы] Chairs are made of materials like plastic or wood. 6. project n [C] planned work that is done over a period of time: [проект] The new project starts in June and finishes in September. 7. project manager n [C] someone who is in charge of a project: [руководитель проекта] Rafael is the project manager. 8. research n [U] the activity of finding information about a subject: [исследование] Steve did a lot of research into the new car design. 9. schedule n [C] a list of things to do and when to do them: [график] The project is behind schedule so we need to work faster. – schedule v to plan when you do things 10.stage n [C] part of a process: [этап] We started stage four of the project last week. Unit 8 Solutions 1. agriculture n [U] growing plants for food and keeping animals to produce food: [сельское хозяйство] There is a lot of agriculture in my country, mainly fruit and sheep. 2. complain v to say you are not happy with goods or services: [жаловаться] I complained to the waiter about my food. – complaint n [C] [жалоба] 274 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 275 из 325 3. create v to make something new: [создавать] We need to create more jobs in this industry. – creative adj good at thinking of new ideas: [креативный] Most designers are creative. 4. electricity n [U] the power that we use for lights and computers: [электричество] Many machines that use electricity need a battery. – electric, electrical adj [электрический] 5. emergency n [C] a dangerous situation that happens suddenly: [критическая ситуация] Telephone 911 if there is an emergency. 6. energy n [U] power from oil, coal, etc. that makes machines work: [энергия] Solar energy can heat homes. 7. fix v to repair something: [устранять неисправность] A mechanic fixed my car. 8. invent v to think of or make something completely new: [изобретать] Leonardo da Vinci invented the helicopter. – invention n [C] [изобретение] 9. power n [U] energy used to make a machine work: [мощность] Wind power is cheap and it’s good for the environment. 10.solution n [C] the answer to a problem: [решение] We found a solution to our financial problems. – solve v [решать] 11.work v to not be broken: [работать] Is your computer working now? Unit 9 Products 1. describe n [C] to say or write what something is like: [описывать] Can you describe the mobile phone that you lost? – description n [C] [описание] 275 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 276 из 325 2. feature n [C] something that is different about a product: [характеристика] This mobile phone has many special features, like a camera and an MP3 player. 3. packaging n [U] the box or bag that you sell a product in: [упаковка] We need to reduce plastic packaging. package n [C] [упаковка] We sent three packages to you in the post. 4. product n something that is made or sold by a company: [продукт] We sell about 200 different food products. 5. product description n [C] information about the size, shape and material of a product: [описание продукта] The product description says that it’s made of wood and is one metre long. – production n [U] the process of making things: [производство] Production costs were high and we didn’t make a profit. – produce v [производить] 6. shape n [C] the shape of something is whether it is a circle or a square, etc.: [форма] What shape is the table? 7. size n [C] how big or small something is: [размер] His garden is the size of a football field. 8. useful adj helping you do or get what you want: [полезный] My car is very useful for getting to work. 9. weight n [C] how heavy something is: [вес] The weight of this product is 1kg. – weigh v [весить] This product weighs 1kg. Unit 10 Competitors 276 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 277 из 325 1. architect n [C] a person who design buildings: [архитектор] A famous German architect designed our new factory. 2. competitor n [C] a company that sells products or services in the same market as your company: [конкурент] There are too many competitors in this market. – compete v to try to be more successful than another company: [конкурировать] We compete in many different markets. – competition n [U] a situation where businesses try to be more successful than other companies: [конкуренция] We have a lot of competition in the African market. – competitive adj [конкурентный] 3. marketing n [U] finding the best way to make customers buy products: [маркетинг] We need to spend more on marketing so people know about our products. – market v to make customers interested in what your company sells: [рынок] We use TV and radio advertisements to market our products. 4. opportunity n [C] the chance to do something: [возможность] I had the opportunity to work in New York, but I couldn’t go. 5. range n [C] all the products a company sells: [линека продуктов] We have nearly 1,000 products in our range. 6. strength n [C] what you are good at doing: [сильная сторона] My strength is in sales. – strong adj [сильный] 7. threat n [C] something that can have a bad effect: [угроза] The new product is a threat to us in the Asian market. 8. weakness n [C] what you are not good at doing: [слабая сторона] Their big weakness is their marketing. – weak adj [слабый] Unit 11 Location 1. abroad adv in a foreign country: [за рубежом] He often travels abroad. 2. average adj usual: [средний] My average lunch break is 45 minutes. 277 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 278 из 325 3. climate n [C] the typical weather conditions in an area: [климат] The climate in Egypt is hot and sunny. 4. culture n [U] what people believe, do and how people think, in a particular country: [культура] I learned about Spanish culture before I went to live in Spain. 5. emigrate v to go to another country to live and work: [эмигрировать] Many people emigrated to America in the 1900s. – emigration n [U] [эмиграция] 6. healthcare n [U] using doctors, nurses, hospitals and medicine: [здравоохранение] Some healthcare is free in the UK. 7. location n [C] the place where something is: [расположение] What’s the location of your factory? – locate v to put something somewhere: [располагать] They located their new factory in South America. 8. quality of life n [U] how well people live: [качество жизни] We moved out of the city to get a better quality of life. 9. temperature n [U] how hot something is: [температура] The temperature is 12°C today. Unit 12 Careers 1. apply v to ask for something in writing: [подавать заявку] You can apply for this job online. – application form n a printed piece of paper on which you write answers to questions: [бланк заявки] You have to complete an application form to get a visa. 2. career n [C] a job or profession that you do for a long time: [карьера] You have to study for a long time if you want a good career in law. 3. conditions n [plural] the situation in which you work: [условия] The pay is low but the working conditions are very good. 278 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 279 из 325 4. curriculum vitae (CV) n [C] a document that gives information about a person’s education and previous jobs: [резюме] To apply for this job, please send a letter and your CV. 5. employment agency n [C] an organisation that helps people find a job: [кадровое агентство] I found my new job by using an employment agency. 6. MBA (Masters in Business Administration) n [C] a postgraduate degree in business for people who have work experience: [магистр делового администрирования] Jean has an MBA from a French business school. 7. pa (per annum) adv every year: [ежегодно] She earns $50,000 pa. 8. pension n [C] money a company or government pays to people after they stop working because they are too old or ill: [пенсия] Most people get a pension when they retire. 9. promotion n [C] a better job in the same company: [продвижение] He really deserves promotion. – promote v [повышать по службе] 10.retired adj stop working because of your age, usually after many years: [пенсионер] He was an accountant, but he’s retired now. – retire v [выходить на пенсию] Most people retire at 65 in my country. 11.salary n [C] money that you get for working: [зарплата] I want a job with a higher salary. Unit 13 Ideas 1. advice n [U] when you say what you think someone should do: [совет] Can I give you some advice? 2. brainstorm v to think of ideas in a creative way: [участвовать в мозговом штурме] Let’s brainstorm some ideas for a new design. 3. creative thinking n [U] a way to use your imagination to find ideas: [креативное мышление] We need some creative thinking to find a solution. 279 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 280 из 325 4. discuss v to talk to someone about something: [обсуждать] We had a long meeting to discuss the project. – discussion n [C] [обсуждение] 5. exchange v to give something for another thing: [обмениваться] Let’s exchange business cards. 6. idea n [C] a plan, thought or suggestion: [идея] He never has good ideas. 7. imagination n [C] the ability to think of new ideas: [воображение] You should use your imagination when you brainstorm. – imagine v to think what something would be like: [воображать] Can you imagine being rich? 8. logo n [C] a design that is the official sign of a company, used on products or in advertising: [логотип] It’s a very successful company and everyone knows its logo. 9. suggestion n [C] an idea to help someone: [предложение] Does anyone have any suggestions for increasing profits? – suggest v [предлагать] Unit 14 Travel 1. arrangement n [C] something you have agreed or organised: [соглашение] Have you made your travel arrangements yet? – arrange v [организовывать] 2. arrival n [C] when you arrive at a place: [прибытие] My arrival time is 10 o’clock. – arrive v [прибывать] 3. book v to arrange something: [бронировать] Can I book a table for tonight, please? – booking n [C] [бронирование] The travel agent can make the booking for you. 4. business trip n [C] travelling because of your work: [командировка] I’m going on a business trip to South Africa next month. 5. career break n [C] when you stop your job for a period to do something different: [перерыв в профессиональной деятельности] I took a career break to travel around the USA. 280 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 281 из 325 6. departure n [C] when you leave a place: [отправление] I was sad about his departure from the company. – depart v [отправляться] 7. destination n [C] the place you are going to: [место назначения] What’s the destination of this train? 8. itinerary n [C] a list of places to visit: [маршрут] The next place on the itinerary is the factory. 9. pleasure n [C] 1 something nice: [удовольствие] It’s a pleasure to meet you. 2 something you do because you want to: I write reports for work but I write stories for pleasure. 10.reservation n [C] an arrangement to have a seat on a plane or train or in a hotel or restaurant: [бронирование] I’d like to make a reservation for eight o’clock tonight, please. – reserve v [бронировать] 11.sightseeing n [U] seeing the most famous places during a visit: [осмотр достопримечательностей] We saw Big Ben when we went sightseeing in London. 12.travel v to go somewhere, usually a long distance: [путешествовать] I often travel to Japan on business. – travel n [U] Travel helps us to learn about other people. 13.travel agent n [C] a person whose job is to make travel arrangements: [турагент] I booked my plane tickets with an internet travel agent. Unit 15 Trends 1. bar chart n [C] a diagram using rectangles of different sizes to show information: [столбчатая диаграмма] The bar chart showed that more people drink coffee in the morning than tea or fruit juice. 2. bionic adj part human and part machine: [бионический] In the film I saw last night the police were bionic! 281 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 282 из 325 3. decrease v to become less: [уменьшать] I think mobile phone sales in Europe will decrease next year. – decrease n 4. full-surround adj from every direction: [объемный] I like to listen to music in full-surround sound. 5. graph n [C] a diagram using lines to show increases and decreases during a period of time: [диаграмма] You can see on this graph that profits increased between May and September. 6. increase v to become more: [увеличивать] I’m happy that our sales in China are increasing. – increase n [C] 7. nuclear adj using energy from atoms: [ядреный] What do you think of nuclear power? 8. pie chart n [C] a diagram using sections of a circle to show information: [секторная диаграмма] This pie chart shows we have 72% market share. 9. prediction n [C] something you think will happen in the future: [предсказание] My prediction is that the price of oil will increase next year. – predict v [предсказывать] Do you predict that profits will remain steady? 10.trend n [C] changes and developments in a situation during a period of time: [тенденция] The trend is for mobile phones to become smaller and to have more features. Второй семестр Unit 1 Activities 1. activity n [C] something that you do, or something that a company does: [деятельность] The companyhas different activities, for example making computer games and videos. Collocations work activities,business activities 282 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 283 из 325 2. diversify v [I] increase the range of goods or services a company produces: [диверсифицировать] Our company is diversifying into cosmetics – diversification n [C, U] [диверсификация] 3. employment n [U] work that you do to earn money: [работа] After leaving university, I’m going to look for employment. – employ v [T] to pay someone to work for you: [держать на работе] The company employs 2,000 people worldwide. – employer n [C] [работодатель] a person or company that employs others – employee n [C] [работник] someone who works for another person or company 4. goods n [plural] things that a company produces for sale or for use: [товары] Supermarkets buy goods and sell them to their customers. 5. industry 1 n [U] the production of goods or services to sell: [промышленность] Industry has become more competitive. 2 [C] a particular type of industry or service: [отрасль промышленности] The carindustry is producing too many cars. – industrial adj [промышленный] 6. manufacture v [T] produce large quantities of goods for sale using machinery: [производить] Nike manufactures sports shoes. – manufacturer n [C] [производитель] 7. responsibility n [U] something that you are in charge of in a particular job: [ответственность] The manager has responsibility for her department. – be responsible for something [отвечать за что-то] I’m responsible for telephone sales. 8. retailer n [C] a business that sells goods to the general public and not to shops: [розничный торговец] Dixons is a retailer of electronic goods. 9. sector n [C] all the organisations or companies in a particular area of industry: [сектор] The number of jobs in the service sector is increasing. 283 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 284 из 325 10.service n [C] usually plural] a business that sells help, advice, consultancy, etc., not manufacturing: [услуги] A lot of companies offer financial services now. 11.team n [C] a group of people who work together to do a particular job: [команда] We have an excellent sales team. Unit 2 Data 1. browse v [T] look for information on the internet: [просматривать] About five hundred people browse our company website each day. Collocation browsing habits 2. data n [U, plural] information or facts about a particular subject that someone has collected: [данные] We don’t have a lot of data on customers’ buying habits. 3. database n [C] an organised collection of information that is stored on a computer: [база данных] We are currently updating our customer files on the database. 4. file n [C] a collection of information stored under a particular name on a computer, or in a box or paper cover: [файл] Please check that the customer files are up-to-date. – file v [записывать в файл] [T] – filing adj [файловый] Collocations computer files, filing system 5. information technology abbreviation IT n [U] the study or use of electronic processes for storing information and making it available [информационные технологии, ИТ] 6. record n [C] a piece of information that is written down or stored on computer so that it can be looked at in the future: [запись] The sales team keeps a record of all customer enquiries. 284 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 285 из 325 7. research n [C] serious study to find out new things about a subject: [научное исследование] Before we develop any new products, we need to do more research. Collocations conduct research, market research – research v [T] [исследовать] – researcher n [C] [исследователь] 8. security n [U] feeling safe and free from worry about what might happen: [безопасность] Cameras in the streets help to increase security. – secure adj [безопасный] Collocations security cameras, security staff, security systems 9. store 1 v [T] to keep things in a special place until you need them: [хранить] You could store the paper in the photocopier room. 2 v [T] to keep information on a computer or disk: [хранить] We store all our customers’ addresses on the sales database. 10.website n [C] a program on a computer that is connected to the internet, showing information about a particular organisation, company or subject: [веб-сайт] You can find details of all our products on the company website. Unit 3 Etiquette 1. contact n [C] a person you know who may be able to help or advise you because of the work they do: [контакт] He has a lot of contacts in the film industry. 2. etiquette n [U] the formal rules for polite behaviour in a group of people: [этикет] When you do business in a new country, it is important to be familiar with the etiquette. 3. hierarchy n [C] a structure in which the staff are organised in levels and people at one level have authority over those below them: [иерархия] The company president is at the top of the organisational hierarchy. – hierarchical adj [иерархический] 4. organisation n [C] a company, business, group, etc. that has been formed for a particular purpose: [организация] ANSI is an organisation in the US that 285 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. fixes rules on the design of products. – Лист 286 из 325 organisational adj [организационный] – organise v [T] [организо(вы)вать] 5. punctual adj arriving at exactly the time that has been arranged: [пунктуальный (-ая, -ое)] She’s always very punctual for appointments. – punctuality n [U] [пунктуальность] 6. relationship n [C] the way in which people or groups work together: [отношения] We have a good relationship with our partners in the US. Collocations build a relationship, business relationship, develop a relationship, personal relationship, working relationship 7. rule n [C] an official instruction that says how you should do things or what is allowed: [правило] The phone companies are working under new rules now. 8. status n [U] social or professional position in relation to other people: [статус] Lawyers have high status in our society. Collocations high status, low status 9. subordinate n [C] someone who has a lower position than someone else in an organisation: [подчиненный] I am responsible for six subordinates. 10.working environment n [C] the general conditions in a workplace, including physical conditions (heat, light, noise, etc.) and relationships between people: [рабочее окружение] We have a very good working environment in our office. Unit 4 Image 1. advertising n [U] telling people publicly about a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it: [реклама] The cost of TV advertising is very high. Collocation advertising campaign – advertise v [T] [рекламировать] advertisement n [C] [рекламное объявление] abbreviation advert, ad a 286 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 287 из 325 piece of film, a picture or writing used in advertising: [рекламное объявление] I saw the advertisement in the newspaper yesterday. 2. brand n [C] a name that a company gives to a product so that people can recognise it easily: [бренд] We built the Veuve Cliquot brand slowly over seven years. Collocations brand name, brand image – branding n [U] [присвоение бренда] 3. image n [C] the general opinion that most people have of a person, organisation or product: [имидж] Good advertising helps to promote a company’s image. 4. logo n [C] a design or way of writing the name that a company or organisation uses as an official sign on its products and advertising: [логотип] Nike uses a tick as its logo. 5. loss leader n [C] a product that is sold at a loss to encourage people to buy other more profitable products: [убыточный лидер] Supermarkets sometimes sell bread as a loss leader to bring customers into the store. 6. luxury n [C] something that is expensive and not really necessary, but pleasing and enjoyable: [предмет роскоши] The store sells luxury goods such as perfume. 7. promote v [T] to try hard to improve sales of a product by advertising it, reducing its price, etc.: [продвигать] They are promoting her new film heavily. – promotion n [C] [продвижение] a special activity intended to sell a product or service 8. publicity n [U] the attention that a person or company gets from newspapers, television, etc.: [паблисити, освещение в прессе ] The show received good publicity in the media. 9. target market n [C] a group of people that a product is aimed at; advertising of the product is designed to make the product appeal to this group: [целевой рынок] You can’t sell a product if you don’t know the target market. 287 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 288 из 325 10.value n [C, U] the amount of money something is worth [стоимость] – value for money of good quality, considering the price: [соотношение цены и качества] These jeans are good value for money at only $15. Unit 5 Success 1. bankrupt adj not having enough money to pay your debts and so not allowed to continue any business activities: [обанкротивш(ий)ся, (-ая, -ее)] A lot of people will lose their jobs if the company goes bankrupt. 2. business plan n [C] a document produced by a new company giving details of expected sales and costs, how the company can be financed and why it can expect to make money: [бизнес-план] The bank needs to see a business plan before it will provide money for the start-up. 3. company n [C] an organisation that makes or sells goods or services in order to make money: [компания] He works for a software company. 4. competition n [U] a situation in which businesses are trying to be more successful than others by selling more goods and services and making more profit: [конкуренция] There is strong competition between the two companies. – compete v [I] [конкурировать] – competitor n [C] [конкурент] – competitive adj [конкурентоспособный (-ая, -ое)] 5. demand n [U] the total amount of a type of goods or services that people or companies want to buy: [спрос] There was strong demand for jeans last month. 6. distribution n [U] the activities of making goods available to customers after they have been produced, for example, moving, storing and selling goods: [распределение] The company plans to use computers to improve distribution. 288 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 289 из 325 7. entrepreneur n [C] someone who starts a company, arranges business deals and takes risks in order to make a profit: [предприниматель] She’s a successful entrepreneur who has started several profitable companies. 8. finance n [U] money provided or lent (for example by a bank) for investment in a business: [финансы] We need finance to start manufacturing our new product. – finance v [T] [финансировать] Collocations get finance, provide finance, raise finance 9. loss n [U] when a business spends more money than it receives, or loses money on a particular deal or problem: [убыток] We had a loss of $20 million last year. Collocations make a loss, suffer a loss – lose v [T] [терпеть убытки] 10.market share n [C, U] the percentage of sales that a company or product has in a market: [доля на рынке] The company hopes to increase its market share by 5 per cent next year. 11.profit n [C, U] money that you make from selling something or doing business in a particular period, after taking away costs: [прибыль] Coca-Cola reported strong profits last year. Collocations make a profit, earn a profit 12.start-up n [C] a new company that has started to do business recently: [вновь созданная компания] This bank specialises in providing finance for startups. Unit 6 : Future 1. budget n [C] a detailed plan prepared by an organisation of how much money it will receive, how much it intends to spend and how it will spend the money: [бюджет] The department has a budget of $4 million to spend on research. Collocation a tight budget – budget v [I, T] [составлять бюджет] 2. capital n [singular, U] money used to start a business: [капитал] You’ll need more capital if you want the business to succeed. 289 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 290 из 325 3. funding n [U] money which organisations, for example banks, lend to people and businesses for specific projects: [финансирование] [+ for] [+ для] Jane Hunter got funding for her business from venture capitalists. Collocations get funding, provide funding, raise funding 4. funds n [plural] money that a person or organisation has available for a particular purpose: [фонды] Peter Jones is an entrepreneur with funds to invest in new business ideas. 5. Investment n [C] money that people or organisations put into a business in the hope of making a profit: [инвестиция] [+ in] [+ в] Several rich people have made large investments in the space project. Collocation make an investment – investor n [C] [инвестор] – invest v [I, T] [инвестировать] [+ in] [+ в] 6. joint venture n [C] a business activity in which two or more companies have invested together: [совместное предприятие] Ford and VW agreed a joint venture to build the Galaxy and Sharon models. 7. launch v [T] to make a new product available for sale for the first time: [выпускать товар на рынок] The company will launch a new model next month. 8. payback period n [C] the period of time needed to get back the cost of an investment: [срок окупаемости капиталовложения] The payback period for space projects is very long. 9. potential n [U] the possibility of future success of a product or venture: [потенциальный] No one wanted to invest in the project because they didn’t think it had much potential. 10.return on investment abbreviation ROI n [singular, U] the amount of profit on an investment in relation to the amount of money invested: [доходность капиталовложений] The project is risky and there may not be a good return on investment. 290 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 291 из 325 11.technology n [U] knowledge dealing with scientific or industrial methods and the use of these methods in industry: [технология] New technology gives us the possibility to explore space. – technologies [plural] [технологии] different types of technology: The company is making use of different technologies to develop the new machine. 12.venture n [C] a new business activity or project that involves taking risks: [рискованное предприятие] The company is starting on a new venture to build small private aircraft. 13.venture capitalist n [C] someone who invests money in new businesses: [вкладчик в рискованное предприятие] Venture capitalists invested over $300 million in computer-related start-ups last year. Unit 7 : Location 1. development 1 n [U] the growth or improvement of a business, industry or economy: [развитие] The government is providing funding for regional development. 2 [U] planning and making new products or services: [разработка______________] The company is investing a lot of money in product development. Collocation research and development 2. economy n [C] the system by which a country’s goods and services are produced and used: [экономика] Europe’s economy is expected to grow faster than the US. Collocations a strong economy, a weak economy 3. employment n [U] the number of people in an area or country who have jobs, the types of jobs they have, etc.: [занятость] High employment is a key factor in a strong economy. 4. growth n [U] an increase in the value of goods and services provided in a country or area: [экономический рост] Analysts are predicting strong economic growth next year. – grow v [I] [расти] The market grew slowly last year. 291 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 292 из 325 5. inflation n [U] a continuing increase in the prices of goods and services: [инфляция] The rate of inflation was 4 per cent last year. 6. infrastructure n [C, U] the basic systems and structures that a country needs to make economic activity possible, for example, roads, communications, electricity: [инфраструктура] The government invested a250 million in infrastructure. 7. location n [C] the place where something is, especially a building or a business: [месторасположение] All the company’s offices are in good locations. 8. multi-national n [C] a large company that has offices, factories and business activities in many different countries: [транснациональный (-ая, -ое)] It is difficult for small local companies to compete with the multi-nationals. 9. region n [C] a large area of a country or of the world: [регион] The northeast region is developing more rapidly than the south. – regional adj [региональный] Collocation regional office 10.unemployment n [U] the number of people in an area or country who don’t have a job: [безработица] Since the factory closed, there has been high unemployment in the area. – unemployed adj [безработный] Unit 8 Job-seeking 1. application n [C] a formal, written request for something [заявление] – job application a formal request to be considered for a job: [заявление о приеме на работу] We are considering your application for the job of marketing manager. – apply v [+ for]: [подавать заявление] He applied for the job of sales assistant. – job applicant n [C] [претендент на рабочее место] someone who is applying for a job 2. candidate n [C] someone that a company is considering for a job: [кандидат] We are interviewing the candidates on Friday. 292 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 293 из 325 3. career n [C] a profession or job you have trained for and intend to do for your working life, and which offers the chance to improve your status and salary: [карьера] I’m hoping to have a career in law. Collocations careers advisor, careers advisory service, change careers 4. curriculum vitae abbreviation CV n [C] a document that gives details of a person’s experience and qualifications: [резюме] It is important to prepare your CV in the right way. Synonym resume AmE 5. experience n [U] knowledge or skill that you have from doing a particular job: [опыт работы] He has years of experience in selling. 6. headhunting n [U] finding a manager with the right skills and experience to do a particular job, often by persuading a suitable person to leave their present job: [подбор высококвалифицированных кадров] We could ask a headhunting firm to find a new production director. – headhunter n [C] [охотник за талантами] 7. human resources abbreviation HR n [plural] the department in a company that deals with recruitment, training and helping employees: [отдел кадров] He works in human resources. 8. interview n [C] a formal meeting where someone is asked questions to find out if they are suitable for a job: [собеседование] I have an interview for a job at Microsoft next week. – interview v [T] [проводить собеседование] 9. job n [C] the regular paid work that you do for an employer: [работа] What’s your job? I’m applying for a new job. 10.qualification n [C] an examination that you passed at school, university or in your profession: [квалификационный экзамен] Candidates must have a university qualification. – qualify v [I] [приобрести квалификацию] – qualified adj [квалифицированный] 293 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 294 из 325 11.recruit v [T] to find new people to work for an organisation or company: [нанимать на работу] We’re recruiting 20 new graduates this year. – recruitment n [U] [найм на работу] 12.salary n [C, U] money that you receive as payment for your work, usually every month: [заработная плата] The company offers good salaries. Collocation to earn a salary 13.staff n [plural] the employees of an organisation: [персонал] A new manager is going to join the staff next month. Synonyms employees, workers. Unit 9 Selling 1. consumer n [C] a person who buys goods, products or services for their own use, not for business or to re-sell: [потребитель] Consumers are demanding more choice and variety. 2. customer n [C] a person or organisation that buys goods or services from a shop or company: [покупатель] A customer telephoned this morning to ask about prices. 3. direct mail n [U] advertisements that are sent in the post, often to people who are specially chosen because they might be interested in the product: [прямая почтовая рассылка] Over three billion items of direct mail were sent in the post last year. 4. discount n [C] a reduction in the cost of a product or service, usually to encourage people to buy something: [скидка] We’re offering a ten per cent discount on all furniture this week. – discount v [T] [сделать скидку] 5. flyer n [C] a small sheet of paper advertising something. Flyers are usually handed to people or delivered to people’s houses: [рекламная листовка] Let’s use flyers to advertise the opening of our new store. 294 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 295 из 325 6. marketing n [U] activities to design and sell a product or service by considering what buyers want or need: [маркетинг] We’ll have to spend a lot on marketing to get customers back. 7. sales n [plural] the value of goods and services that a company sells during a period of time: [продажи] Sales increased following our successful advertising campaign last year. 8. sales pitch n [C] what a salesperson says about a product to persuade people to buy it: [торговый призыв] The rep gave a ten-minute sales pitch about the new model. 9. sales representative abbreviation rep n [C] a person who sells a company’s products or services by speaking to customers on the phone or travelling to meet them: [торговый представитель] He travelled all over the US as a sales representative. 10.special offer n [C] a reduction in the price of something for a short time, to encourage people to buy it: [специальное предложение] The company is running a special offer – a new phone for only £20. 11.sponsor v [T] to give money to pay for a television programme, or sports or arts event, in exchange for advertising or to get public attention: [спонсировать] Mastercard is sponsoring the World Cup. – sponsor n [C] [спонсор] a person or company that sponsors something – sponsorship n [U] [спонсорство] Unit 10 Price 1. cost 1 n [C, U] the amount of money that you have to pay to buy or produce something: [стоимость______________] The cost of land in the city centre is very high. 2 costs [plural] the money that a business must regularly spend in order to continue its activities: [издержки] Our profits are falling because of increasing costs. Synonym expenses n [plural] [расходы] Collocations labour costs, manufacturing costs 295 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 296 из 325 2. deal n [C] an agreement or arrangement, especially one that involves the sale of something to get a good deal get an agreement to buy or sell a product at a good price: [сделка] [заключить выгодную сделку] We got a good deal when we bought this office as demand was low at the time. 3. graph n [C] a drawing that uses a line or lines to show the relationship between two sets of figures: [график] This graph shows sales figures for the year 2005. 4. price n [C, U] the amount of money for which something is bought, sold or offered: [цена] The price of this picture is £6,000. 5. pricing n [U] the prices of a company’s products in relation to each other and in relation to the prices of competitors; also the activity of setting prices: [назначение цены] We need to discuss our pricing if we want to boost sales. 6. profit margin n [C] the difference between the price a product or service is sold for and the cost of producing it: [чистая прибыль] We can increase our profit margin by cutting the cost of production. 7. share n [C] the ownership of a company is divided into shares, which can be made available for sale as a way to increase capital. Investors buy and sell shares in the hope of making a profit: [акция] He made a lot of money by investing in IBM shares. 8. spending n [U] the amount of money an organisation or a person spends: [расходы] [+ on] [+ на] We need to increase spending on research and development. 9. strategy n [C] a plan for achieving a goal; the best way for a company to develop in the future: [стратегия] We need to develop a strategy for exporting the company’s products. Collocations pricing strategy, develop a strategy – strategic adj [стратегический, (-ая, -ое)] 10.trend n [C] the general way in which a particular situation is changing or developing: [тренд, тенденция] Economists study the trends in spending. 296 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 297 из 325 11.workforce n [C] all the people who work in a particular country, industry or workplace: [рабочая сила] We are increasing our workforce from 1,200 to 1,400. Unit 11 Insurance 1. claim n [C] request for payment for damage, injury, theft, etc. for which you are insured: [иск] If you want to make an insurance claim, you must fill out this form. – claim v [T] [выдвигать иск] [+ on] [+ по] He claimed for the damage on his car insurance. 2. cover v [T] when an insurance policy covers someone or something, the insurance company will pay out if the person is injured; or if something is damaged, stolen, etc.: [обеспечивать страховое покрытие] The policy doesn’t cover accidents that happen abroad. – cover n [U] [страховое покрытие] The policy provides cover for loss, damage and theft. 3. damage n [U] physical harm caused to something: [ущерб] The fire caused $100,000 of damage. – damage v [T] [нанести ущерб] The car was badly damaged in the accident. 4. fraud n [U] a method of getting money illegally from a person or organisation often in a clever way: [мошенничество] Online banks need special software to protect against fraud. – fraudulent adj [мошеннический] 5. insurance n [U] an arrangement in which a company collects money regularly in premiums from a person or organisation, and in return agrees to pay them a sum of money if they are involved in an accident, have something stolen, etc.: [страхование] Travel companies recommend that their customers take out insurance. Collocations insurance claim, insurance company, insurance cover –insure v [T] [+ against] [страховать от] We are insured against fire and theft. 297 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 298 из 325 6. insurance policy n [C] an insurance contract covering a particular risk, and the document that gives details of this: [страховой полис] In the policy, it says that we can claim up to £1 million for medical expenses. 7. premium n [C] the amount paid for insurance during a particular period of time: [страховая премия] If you haven’t paid your premiums, you will no longer be covered. 8. risk n [C] the possibility of a particular type of damage against which you are covered: [риск] Check in detail the risks that are covered by your policy. 9. term n [C] one of the conditions of an agreement, contract or legal document: [условие] According to the terms of the agreement, the company will pay within 10 days of accepting the claim. Unit 12 Service 1. apology n [C] something that you say or write to show you are sorry for doing something wrong: [извинение] The company sent an apology to their customers for their poor service. apologise v [извиняться] [+ for + -ing] [+ за] We apologise for the inconvenience we have caused you. 2. complaint n [C] a written or spoken statement by someone saying that they are unhappy about something: [жалоба] Our sales assistants are trained to deal with customer complaints in a friendly manner. – complain v [жаловаться] [+ about] [+ на] Many customers have complained about late delivery. 3. customer satisfaction n [U] when customers who have paid for a product or service feel happy with it: [удовлетворение клиента] Our main goal is to achieve customer satisfaction at all times. – satisfied, dissatisfied adj [удовлетворенный, неудовлетворенный] [+ with] We are very dissatisfied with the service at your hotel. 298 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 299 из 325 4. customer service n [U] when an organisation helps customers by answering questions, listening to complaints, giving product advice, etc.: [обслуживание клиента] The company says that it offers good customer service. – customer services [plural] [отдел обслуживания клиентов] the department in a company that deals with customer service 5. feedback n [U] advice or criticism about products, services or ideas [отзыв]. Companies may seek customer feedback by providing questionnaires asking if customers are satisfied or not: We conducted a survey to get feedback on customers’ opinions about our products. 6. guarantee n [C] a formal written promise to repair or replace a product if it has a fault within a period of time after you buy it: [гарантия] The company offers a two-year guarantee on all electrical goods. – guarantee v [T] [гарантировать] This product is guaranteed for two years. 7. payment n [C] an amount of money that must be paid, or has been paid, or the act of paying it: [платеж] Payment must be made within 30 days. – pay v [+for] [платить] [+ за] Shoppers are willing to pay more for famous brands. 8. quality n [U] used to talk about how good or bad something is: [качество] Several customers complained about the poor quality of the service. 9. refund v [T] to give someone their money back, for example, because they are not satisfied with the goods or services they have paid for: [возвращать деньги] We guarantee to refund your money if you are not fully satisfied. – refund n [C] [возврат денег] 10.training n [U] the process of teaching someone the skills and knowledge needed for a particular job: [профессиональное обучение] The company is sending 30 workers to the US for training. – train v [T] [обучать] – trainer n [C] [наставник] – trainee n [C] [ученик] Unit 13 Productivity 299 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 300 из 325 1. assembly n [U] the process of putting the parts of a product together in manufacturing: [сборка] Parts are manufactured in Japan and assembly is done in Turkey. – assemble v [T] [собирать______________] – assembly line n [C] [сборочная линия] method of making goods, especially cars, in a factory. The product moves along a line of machines or workers, each adding a different part or doing a different job. 2. capacity n [U] the amount of something that a factory can produce: [производительность] Our production capacity has increased with the new technology. 3. component n [U] one part used in making a machine, vehicle, etc.: [деталь] The company supplies electrical components to the car industry. Synonym part n [C] [запчасть] 4. delivery n [C, U] the act or process of bringing goods to the place or person who has ordered them: [доставка] We have arranged delivery of your order on Monday. Collocations just-in-time delivery, delivery date, delivery terms 5. efficiency 1 n [C] how well an industrial process, factory or business works so that it produces as much as possible from the time, money and resources that are put into it: [эффективность] We need to improve our efficiency if we want to become more profitable. 2 how well and quickly a person works: [продуктивность] – efficient adj [эффективный] – efficiently adv [эффективно] 6. just-in-time written abbreviation JIT adj if goods are produced or bought using a just-in-time system, they are delivered just before they are needed, which reduces the cost to the company of keeping goods for long periods of time [точно в срок] Collocations just-in-time delivery, just-in-time manufacturing 7. production n [U] the process of making or growing things to be sold as products, usually in large quantities: [производство] Toshiba is increasing 300 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 301 из 325 production of its popular laptop computers. – producer n [C] [производитель] – produce v [T] [производить] – product n [C] [продукт] 8. productivity n [U] the relationship between the amount of goods that a factory produces and the resources needed to produce them: [производительность] New technology has helped us to improve productivity. – productive adj [производительный] 9. resource n [C] [usually plural] this can include the money, buildings, machinery, materials, skills and workforce that a company has available: [ресурсы] The company doesn’t have the resources to compete in a completely new market. Collocations human resources, financial resources 10.stock, stocks n [C, U] a supply of raw materials or parts that have been produced and are kept to be used when needed in manufacturing, or a supply of finished goods that are kept before being sold: [складские запасы] It is expensive to store large quantities of stocks. 11.supply v [T] to provide goods or services to customers, especially regularly over a long period of time: [поставлять] The company supplies products to the car industry. – supplier n [C] [поставщик] – supply n [запасы] [C] [plural] supplies an amount of something that is available to be used: We have a good supply of components in stock. 12.waste v [T] to use more of something, especially time or money, than you need to, or to use it in a way that is not economical: [неэффективное использование] We waste too much time repairing old equipment. Collocations waste time, waste money, waste resources – waste n [U] [отходы] Unit 14 Creativity 1. brainstorming n [U] a way of developing new ideas and solving problems by having a meeting where everyone makes suggestions and these are discussed: 301 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 302 из 325 [метод мозговой атаки] The team held a brainstorming meeting to get ideas for selling the new product. 2. challenge n [C] something difficult that you feel determined to solve or achieve: [сложная задача] The challenge for the company is how to pay its $3 billion debt. 3. creative adj producing or using new and interesting ideas: [креативный] We need to find a creative solution to the problem of falling sales. – creativity n [U] [креативность] 4. discovery n [C] something you learn or find out that was hidden or not known about before: [открытие] Researchers have made some interesting discoveries about human thinking. – discover v [T] [открывать] 5. innovation n [U] the introduction of new ideas or methods: [инновация] The company encourages creativity and innovation. – innovative adj [инновационный] 6. radical adj a radical solution involves looking at the original source of the problem and making big, important changes [радикальный (-ая, -ое)] 7. solution n [C] a way of dealing with a problem or difficult situation: [решение] There are no simple solutions to the problem of unemployment. Collocation find a solution [+ for] – solve v [T] [решать] 8. tradition n [C] a way of doing something that has existed for a long time [традиция] – traditional adj:[традиционный] We need to move away from the traditional way of thinking. Unit 15 Motivation 1. bonus n [C] an extra amount of money added to an employee’s salary for doing difficult or good work: [бонус] The sales staff get excellent bonuses when they reach their sales targets. 302 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 303 из 325 2. initiative n [U] the ability to make decisions and take action without waiting for someone to tell you what to do: [инициатива] Employees in our company are encouraged to use their initiative. 3. job satisfaction n [U] a feeling of happiness or pleasure in doing your job or achieving something in your job: [удовлетворение от работы] Job satisfaction is just as important to workers as a bonus. 4. loyal adj loyal employees stay with that company and don’t seek jobs in other companies: [преданный] Martin has given 15 years of loyal service. – loyalty n [преданность] [U] 5. motivation n [U] willingness and enthusiasm to do something without being told to do it: [мотивация] Many of our workers have little or no motivation. – motivate v [мотивировать] [T] [somebody to do something] 6. pay n [U] the money someone receives for the job they do: [платить] The workers have asked for a pay increase. 7. performance n [U] the way that someone does their job and how well they do it: [эффективность] Some people criticised his performance as a manager. – perform v [T] [выполнять] 8. power n [U] the ability or right to control people: [полномочия] We shouldn’t give too much power to one man. – powerful adj [полномочный] 9. promote v [T] to give someone a better paid, more responsible job in a company or organisation: [продвигать по службе] The company has promoted him to the post of managing director. – promotion n [C] [продвижение по службе] 10.reward v [T] to give payment for excellent work, high performance or special service: [вознаграждать] We like to reward our staff when they reach their production targets. – reward n [C, U] [вознаграждение] 303 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 304 из 325 11.senior adj having a high position in an organisation or company: [старший (ая, -ее)] Senior managers have their own office and drive a company car. – seniority n [U] [старшинство] Третий семестр Unit 1 Companies 1. asset n [C] something belonging to an individual or business that has value or the power to earn money: [актив] The company has recently sold some of its assets to an Australian investor Collocations tangible assets, intangible assets, fixed assets, liquid assets 2. company n [C] a legally registered business [компания] There are many different types of companies: 3. holding company (holds the share capital of one or more other companies) [холдинг] 4. joint stock company (registered company or limited company) [акционерное общество] 5. public limited or listed company (company whose shares are traded on the stock exchange) subsidiary [дочернее предприятие] (company owned by a parent company) [компания-учредитель] 6. corporation n [C] AmE [корпорация] 7. concern n [C] [фирма] 8. business n [C] [предприятие] 9. competition n [U] rivalry between businesses that are operating in the same market: [конкуренция] The competition is getting tougher every year – compete v [I] [конкурировать] – competitor n [C] [конкурент] – competitive adj [конкурентный] – competitiveness [конкурентоспособность] Collocations competitive advantage 304 n [U] Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 305 из 325 10.entrepreneur n [C] someone who starts a company, arranges business deals and takes risks: [предприниматель] Entrepreneurs have always played a key role in the economy – entrepreneurial adj [предпринимательский] – entrepreneurship n [U] [предпринимательство] 11.freelance n [C] someone who works for different companies and is not employed by one Freelancers usually receive fixed payments and not a salary: [внештатный работник] We’re going to use a freelance designer for the company website – freelancer n [C] [внештатник] – freelance adj [внештатный] 12.hierarchy n [C] system of authority within an organisation: [иерархия] Many Swedish firms have very flat hierarchies – hierarchical adj [иерархический] Collocations flat hierarchy, steep hierarchy, traditional hierarchy 13.merger n [C] the creation of a new company by joining two separate companies: [слияние] The merger will have to be approved by the authorities – merge v [I,T] [сливать] 14.share n [C] a unit of the capital of a company. Shares in listed companies can be bought and sold on the stock market: [акция] Investors are having to pay a higher price for the company’s shares – shareholder n [C] [акционер] stockholder n [C] US [акционер] – shareholding n [C] [владение акциями] Synonym stock n [C] AmE [акция] Collocations share capital, share certificate, share dealing, share issue, share price 15.trade union n [C] an organisation that exists to protect the rights of employees in a company: [профсоюз] The trade union is in pay negotiations with the employer Synonym labor union n [C] AmE [профсоюз] Unit 2 Leadership 305 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 306 из 325 1. appraise v (T) to assess the value of something. Staff are regularly appraised to see if they have met the objectives that they are given: [аттестовать] The department manager will appraise each employee individually – appraisal n [C] [аттестация] – appraisee n [C] [аттестуемый] – appraisor n [C] [аттестующий] Collocations annual appraisal, performance appraisal 2. authority 1 n [U] the power to impose decisions: [полномочия] The managers in our company have a great deal of authority – authorise v (T) [уполномочивать] – authorisation n [U] [наделение полномочиями] – authoritative adj [авторитетный] – authoritarian adj [авторитарный] Collocations lines of authority 2 n [C] a public institution which is in charge of enforcing regulations or administering a government service: The public health authority. 3. autonomy n [U] [автономия] the freedom to make your own decisions without having to request authorisation: I’ve always believed that it’s best to give staff as much autonomy as possible – autonomous adj [автономный] 4. coach 1 n [C] [тренер] person who is responsible for training a team or an individual: He’s a very successful football coach 2 v [T] to train people to help them to acquire particular skills: [тренировка] I’m responsible for coaching two new people in the department. 5. delegate v [T] to give responsibility to someone at a lower level in the hierarchy to enable them to take decisions: [делегировать] Managers need to delegate more routine tasks to junior members of staff – delegation n [U] [делегирование] 6. motivate v [T] make someone willing to work harder: [мотивировать] He’s very good at motivating his sales team – motivation n [U] [мотивация] – motivational adj [мотивационный] – motivated adj [мотивируемый ] Synonym encourage v [T] [стимулировать] Collocations highly-motivated, motivational skills, motivation techniques 306 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 307 из 325 7. objective n [C] a goal that has been fixed for people to achieve: [цель] I have a meeting with my line manager to fix my objectives every six months Synonyms goal n [C] [цель] aim n [C] [цель] target n [C] [задача] Collocations set / fix / establish / achieve / meet objectives 8. staff 1 n [plural] the employees of an organisation: [штат] The new manager will be joining the staff in November 2 v [I] to provide workers for an organisation: [укомплектовывать] Each of our centres is staffed by expert personnel Synonyms personnel n [U] [персонал] employees n [C] [сотрудники] workers n [C] [работники] Collocations staff morale, staff turnover 9. subordinate n [C] [подчиненный] a person who works under a more senior member of staff: I have six subordinates that report to me – subordinate v [T] [подчинять] 10.supervise v [T] to control the work of other people in order to make sure that it is properly done: [контролировать] We need to supervise the trainees very closely – supervision n [U] [контроль] – supervisory adj [контрольный] Synonym manage v [T] [управлять] 11.task n [C] a piece of work that has to be done [задача] Tasks are generally assigned to employees at the start of the week Synonym duty n [C] [обязанность] Collocations assign / delegate a task, task-based, task-driven, task force Unit 3 Strategy 1. analysis n [C] the work of studying data and information: [анализ] Detailed analysis of our results shows that productivity has increased only marginally – analyse v [T] [анализировать] – analyst n [C] [аналитик] Collocations financial analysis 307 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 308 из 325 2. campaign n [C] a planned operation which aims to achieve a particular result: [кампания] A new campaign by activists has forced the company to reconsider some of its policies – campaign v [I] [вести кампанию] [+ for/against] – campaigner n [C] [участник кампании] Collocations advertising campaign, marketing campaign, political campaign 3. growth n [U] an increase in the size or quantity of something: [рост] Research suggests that there will be significant growth in the market for women’s products – grow v [I] [расти] Collocations growth rate 4. industry n [C] the production of goods using capital and labour: [промышленность] The automobile industry is facing increased competition – industrial adj [промышленный] – industrialise v [T] [индустриализовать] – industrialisation n [C] [индустриализация] Collocations manufacturing industry, service industry, industrial relations 5. market share n [U] the proportion of the total market that is supplied by a particular company: [доля на рынке] Our objective is to increase our European market share by five per cent this year – marketsharing n [U] [раздел рынка] Collocations increase / lose / take / win market share 6. opportunity n [C] a situation with future potential: [возможность] Japan represents a great opportunity forour new brand Collocations lose / sieze / take an opportunity 7. resources n [C] this includes the capital, personnel and knowledge that an organisation has at its disposal: [ресурсы] A key element of the new strategy is the more effective use of our resources Collocations human resources, financial resources 8. sales 1 n [plural] the value of the goods and services sold during a period: [продажи] The company reported sales of $42 million during the first quarter 2 the department responsible for the activity of selling goods and services to customers: I’ll put you through to our sales department – salesman/woman n 308 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 309 из 325 [C] – salesclerk n [C] AmE [продавец] Collocations sales agent, sales call, sales conference, sales department, sales drive, sales figures, sales forecast, sales manager, sales outlet, sales pitch, sales promotion, sales representative, sales talk 9. strategy n [C] a plan of action to enable a firm to compete: [стратегия] As part of our new strategy we are developing closer links with our suppliers – strategic adj [стратегический] – strategically adv [стратегически] Collocations develop / revise a strategy, strategic alliance, strategic management, strategic planning, strategic business unit (SBU) 10.supply n [U] the amount of goods or services available on a market at a certain time: [предложение] Improved production techniques will increase the supply of raw materials – supply v [T] [поставлять] – supplier n [C] [поставщик] – supplies n [C] [запасы] Collocations order supplies, supply and demand, supply chain management, supply side, oversupply 11.threat n [C] a potential danger to the interests of a company: [угроза] Deregulation of the market is a real threat to established telecom operators – threaten v [T] [угрожать] – threatening adj [угрожающий] – threateningly adv [угрожающе] Unit 4 Pay 1. board n [C] the group of directors elected by the shareholders to manage a company: [совет] The board has approved the director’s salary Collocations board of directors, board meeting, boardroom 2. budget n [C] an account of probable future income and expenditure during a fixed period: [бюджет] We are currently preparing the budget for next year – budget v [I] [составлять бюджет] – budgetary adj [бюджетный] 309 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 310 из 325 Collocations be on / over / under budget, budget deficit, budget surplus, meet a budget 3. compensation n [U] payment, including salary and other incentives like stock options: [выплаты] The best paid executives received more than $10 million in compensation last year – compensate v [T] [выплачивать] Collocations compensation deal, compensation package 4. contract n [C] a document setting out an agreement between two or more parties: [контракт] Under the new contract the company becomes the exclusive distributor for North America – contractor n [C] [подрядчик] – sub-contractor n [C] [субподрядчик] Collocations agree a contract, be under contract, breach a contract, negotiate a contract, review a contract, sign a contract, terminate a contract 5. damages n [plural] an amount of money paid to a person who has suffered an injustice: [компенсация] The company paid damages to staff who were unfairly dismissed. 6. legal action n [C,U] using the law to defend one’s rights: [судебный иск] The consumer association said it will consider legal action Synonyms litigation n [U] [судебное дело] law suit n [C] [судебный процесс] Collocations take legal action, win a legal action 7. pay 1 n [U] money earned by an employee as a salary or wage: [зарплата] Some employees are complaining that their pay has not increased in line with inflation – payment n [C] [жалованье] Collocations pay as you earn (PAYE), pay freeze, pay rise, payroll, pay-slip, pay talks 2 to give money to someone in exchange for items or services: [платить] We’re paying more than the market rate. 8. pension n [C] a regular payment made to a person after they have retired from active work: [пенсия] Some businesses have decided to ask their staff to 310 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 311 из 325 contribute another one per cent towards their pensions Collocations pension fund, pension contribution 9. reward v [T] to give a payment for services performed or for excellent work or behaviour: [вознаграждать] We like to reward our staff when they reach the objectives – reward n [C,U] [вознаграждение] – rewarding adj [наградной] 10.salary n [C,U] an amount of money paid every month to an employee in exchange for their services: Salaries are always paid in the local currency [оклад] – salaried adj [находящийся на окладе] Collocations be on a salary of, earn a salary, negotiate a salary, salary scale 11.severance deal / pay n [C,U] money paid by an employer when an employee’s services are terminated: [выходное пособие] Severance pay for top executives has increased significantly in recent years. 12.stock option n [C] an option given to executive employees allowing them to buy shares in the company at a favourable price: [фондовый опцион] Microsoft has announced that it plans to end stock options for employees. Unit 5 Development 1. consortium n [C] an association between two or more companies to work together on a specific project (usually a major construction or engineering project): [консорциум] SK Gas has formed a consortium with automakers to produce gas-powered vehicles. 2. cost 1 n [C] the price paid for something: [стоимость] The total cost for the new equipment will be $50,000 2 the money that is required to produce or sell something: [затраты] It looks like production and labour costs will be higher than we expected – cost v [I] [стоить] Synonym overheads n [C] [накладные 311 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 312 из 325 расходы] Collocations fixed costs, variable costs, cost-cutting, cost control, cost-effective, occur a cost 3. development 1 n [C] the growth and expansion of a business, industry or economy: [развитие] The OECD provides advice and assistance on all aspects of development 2 research to produce new, improved products: [разработка] Our company is actively pursuing the development of new biotechnology solutions 3 a change or alteration: [изменение] Another recent development has been the arrival of Asian companies on the market – developer n [C] [разработчик] – developing adj [развивающийся] Collocations research and development (R&D), developing countries 4. loan n [C] money lent to an individual or organisation: [ссуда] The World Bank has agreed to a five-year loan of $125m – loan v [T] [ссужать] Collocations apply for a loan, bank loan, interest on a loan, take out a loan 5. negotiation n [C] the process of negotiating a business deal: [переговоры] The success of the negotiations will depend on the financial terms of the deal – negotiate v [I,T] [договариваться] – negotiator n [C] [участник переговоров] Synonyms talks n [plural] [переговоры] Collocations negotiate an agreement / a deal, negotiation skills 6. prosperity n [U] a state of being rich, having economic success: [процветание] The nation’s future prosperity will depend on developing a highly-skilled workforce – prosper v [I] [процветать] – prosperous adj [процветающий] 7. reserve 1 n [C] the amount of something kept for future use: [резерв] Shell has revised its estimate of available oil reserves 2 an amount of money set aside from profits: [резервный фонд] Ten per cent of earnings have been transferred to reserves – reserve v [T] [резервировать] Synonym resources n [U] [ресурсы] Collocations hold in reserve, use up reserves 312 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 313 из 325 8. revenue n [C] money received especially from selling goods and services: [доход] Revenues have increased by six per cent to £183m 9. wealth n [U] the amount of money or possessions owned by an individual, organisation or country: [богатство] Accumulating wealth is the key to financial independence – wealthy adj [богатый] Collocations acquire / accumulate wealth Unit 6 Marketing 1. barrier to entry n [C] any factor which prevents new competition from entering a market: [барьер для доступа] A strong brand can become a barrier to entry in some markets, while a simple product cannot 2. benefit n [C] an advantage or an improvement: [польза] One benefit of the new design is that it can be installed easily – benefit [+ from] v [получить пользу] – beneficial adj [полезный] 3. brand n [C] the identity of a product or service: [брэнд] Eastman Kodak is a premier brand in traditional and digital imaging – brand v [T] [маркировать] Collocations brand image, brand leader, brand loyalty, brand manager, brand management, brand name, brand-stretching, cross-branding, own brand, premium brand 4. consumer n [C] a person who buys products and/or services: [потребитель] Nokia is committed to providing consumers with the information they need – consume v [T] [потреблять] – consumption n [U] [потребление] Collocations consumer goods, consumer research, consumer survey 5. logo n [C] a sign or symbol used as a trademark to represent a company or a brand: [логотип] The Nike ‘swoosh’ is an instantly recognisable logo. 6. marketing mix n [U] the four different components of marketing: [составляющие маркетинга] 313 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 314 из 325 7. place n [C] the distribution and delivery of goods to market [место] 8. price n [C] the amount of money for which something can be sold [цена] – price v [T] [назначать цену] Collocations cost price, cut price, fixed price, list price, retail price , purchase price, recommended price, wholesale price, price-list, price-tag, price war 9. product n [C] normally a manufactured item but also refers to everything that surrounds the product: the brand, the packaging, the product’s features and performance characteristics [продукция] 10.promotion n [C] activities that help sell a product [продвижение] 11.premium n [C] a price that is higher than the standard price, usually due to higher quality: [наценка] Organically grown foods are sold at a premium Collocations premium rate 12.promotion n [C] a method of communicating and publicising a product: [продвижение] America Online plans to launch a promotion on Thursday that will let its members download full-feature films – promote v [T] [продвигать] – promotional adj [для продвижения] Collocations seasonal promotion, promotional campaign, promotional price 13.point of sale abbreviation POS n [C] the place where a consumer can buy a product or service: [кассовый терминал] New electronic systems can approve credit for customers at the point of sale. Unit 7 Outsourcing 1. back office n [C] the departments of a financial company where routine administrative tasks are done without direct contact with customers: Efficient management of the back office can reduce costs 2. business process n [C] any activity that is essential for a firm to conduct its business: [бизнес-процесс] Organisations that have complete control over 314 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 315 из 325 their business processes are the most productive. Collocations business process re-engineering 3. database n [C] an organised set of information stored in a computer: [база данных] We’re currently updating all our customer files in the database. 4. downsize v [I] to reduce the number of employees in an organisation: [сокращать] European companies are continuing to downsize their manufacturing operations – downsize v [T] [сокращать] Synonyms lay off v [T] [увольнять] 5. knowledge work n [U] work that involves developing or using knowledge: [интеллектуальная работа] The profitability of most business today depends more on knowledge work than on manual work – knowledge worker n [C] [работник интеллектуального труда] 6. offshoring n [U] transferring work to an outside supplier based in another country: [перевод в офшор] Offshoring is only suitable for tasks that have been clearly defined and can be managed at a distance – offshore adj – offshore n [U] [офшор] Synonyms outsource v [T] 7. outsource v [T] transferring work to an outside supplier: [производить аутсорсинг] We are planning to outsource all of our IT operations to an Indian supplier – outsourcing n [U] [аутсорсинг] Synonyms subcontract v [T] [заключать субподряд] 8. overhead n [C] a cost that does not vary with output (e.g rent, salaries): [накладные расходы] The pressure on corporate mangement to reduce overheads is increasing Synonyms fixed cost n [C] [фиксированные расходы] 9. pilot project n [C] a trial project to test performance: [опытный проект] The pilot project will start operating in June. 315 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 316 из 325 10.productivity n [U] The relationship between the output of goods and the resources needed to produce them: [производительность] Productivity has continued to grow strongly. 11.saving n [C] money and materials saved by economical working: [сбережение] New construction techniques resulted in a saving of 25 per cent of operation and maintenance costs – savings [plural] [сбережения] Synonym economy n [U] [экономия] Collocations cost saving, make savings 12.service provider n [C] a company that provides services for users especially in computer networks: 13.[поставщик услуг] There are several issues to consider when selecting a service provider. 14.shortage n [C] a lack or scarcity of something: [нехватка] Silicon Valley is facing a shortage of skilled Unit 8 Finance 1. balance sheet n [C] a statement showing the wealth of a business or organisation at a particular date The balance sheet has two parts showing assets and liabilities: [баланс] Buildings and machinery are assets that should be listed on the balance sheet Synonyms statement of financial position n [C] AmE [баланс] 2. bankrupt adj unable to pay your debts: [обанкротившийся] The company is almost bankrupt and will need to secure a loan to survive – bankrupt v, n [C] [обанкротиться, банкрот] – bankruptcy n [U] [банкротство] Synonyms insolvent adj AmE [неплатежеспособный] 3. bottom line n [C] the last line on a financial document which shows the final result (total profit once all costs have been deducted): [итоговая строка] Falling sales are going to have a negative impact on the bottom line. 4. expense 1 n [C] money spent: [затраты] We have significantly reduced our expenses over the last five years – expenditure n [C] Synonyms spending n [U] 2 316 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 317 из 325 n [C] money spent by an employee that can be claimed back: [расходы] I put the restaurant bill on expenses Collocations expense account, expenses claim form, claim expenses 5. financial statement n [C] a document showing the state of the finances of an organisation or business: [финансовый отчет] Financial statements must be completed by the end of August. 6. forecast n [C] an estimate of a future situation: [прогноз] According to forecasts, prices will rise more slowly next year – forecast v [T] [прогнозировать] Synonyms projection n [C] [прогноз] 7. income statement n [C] AmE a financial statement showing revenue, expenditure and profit from operations during a given period: [отчет о прибыли] Enron’s income statement did not accurately reflect its losses Synonyms profit and loss account n [C] BrE [отчет о доходах и расходах] statement of earnings n [C] AmE [отчет о доходах] 8. mismanagement n [U] poor quality management: [неправильное руководство] Lack of cashflow is often due to mismanagement – mismanage v [T] [неправильно руководить] 9. profit and loss account n [C] BrE a financial statement showing revenue, expenditure and profit from operations during a given period: [отчет о доходах и расходах] Ahold’s profit and loss account did not show all its losses Synonyms income statement n [C] [отчет о прибыли] AmE statement of earnings n [C] AmE [отчет о доходах и расходах] 10.regulator n [C] a government agency responsible for overseeing a profession or an activity: [регулятор] Stock market regulators are in charge of protecting investors – regulation n [C] [регулирование] Synonyms controller n [C] [ревизор] 317 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 318 из 325 11.Securities Exchange Commission abbreviation SEC n the US agency responsible for stock market regulation: [Комиссия по ценным бумагам] The SEC is currently investigating ten cases of fraud. Unit 9 Recruitment 1. accountable adj responsible for the effects of your actions: [ответственный] Managers are accountable for the performance of their employees Synonyms responsibile [+ for] adj [ответственный] 2. applicant n [C] a person who is applying for a position: [претендент] All applicants are asked to provide a letter of reference – apply [+ for] v [I] [претендовать] – application n [C] [заявка] Synonyms candidate n [C] [кандидат] 3. assign v [T] give someone a particular task to do: [поручать] Employees are assigned duties that correspond to their skills and training – assignment n [C] [задание] 4. cover letter n [C] a letter written to an employer in response to a job advertisement: [сопроводительное письмо] Candidates should send a cover letter with a copy of their CV 5. curriculum vitae abbreviation CV n [C] a document that gives details of a person’s experience and qualifications: [автобиография] Her CV is fairly typical for a business graduate Synonyms resumé n [C] AmE [резюме] 6. deadline n [C] the date by which something has to be completed: [крайний срок] The deadline for applications has been extended until the 25 May Collocations fix a deadline, meet a deadline, miss a deadline, set a deadline 7. empower v [T] give someone the power or ability to do something: [предоставлять возможность] Staff are empowered to shape their career development – empowerment n [U] [предоставление возможности] 318 ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Разработал: Федько Л.А. Лист 319 из 325 8. hire v [T] employ someone: [нанимать] Businesses are hiring as job growth booms – hire n [C] [найм] Synonyms recruit v [T] [нанимать] employ v [T] [трудоустраивать] Collocations hiring and firing, hiring manager 9. payroll n [U] 1 a list of the employees in an organisation [список сотрудников] 2 the administration of employee pay: [платежная ведомость] Salaries are calculated according to the number of days that employees are on the payroll Collocations payroll management, cut/reduce the payroll 10.qualification n [C] an examination passed at school or university: [квалификационный экзамен] Candidates must have qualifications in accounting – qualify v [I] [квалифицировать] – qualified adj [квалифицированный] 11.resumé n [C] AmE a document that gives details of a candidate’s experience and qualifications: [резюме] Preparing a good resumé should be the starting point for all job seekers Synonyms Curriculum Vitae BrE [автобиография] 12.screen v [T] to examine or test people: [проверять] Each candidate is screened for education, experience, expertise and salary. 13.train v [T] to teach someone the skills of a particular job or activity: [обучать] Staff are trained to watch for situations where they may be required to help – training n [U] [обучение] – trainee n [C] [обучаемый] – trainer n [C] [обучающий] Unit 10 Counterfeiting 1. copycat n [C] the term for someone who copies the work of another person: [плагиатор] The Australian government has announced that it is cracking down on copycats. 2. copyright n [U] the legal right that belongs to the person who has created a new artistic work or piece of software: [авторское право] All of the graphics and editorial content on this site are protected under US copyright. 319 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 320 из 325 3. currency n [C] the type of money that is used by a particular country or trading bloc: [валюта] The euro is the currency of most member states of the European Union Synonyms money n [U] [деньги] Collocations foreign currency, hard currency, currency dealer, currency exchange rate, currency trading 4. defraud v [T] to cheat another person by taking something that they own: [мошенничать] He admitted defrauding his employer of more than £2m. 5. enforce v [T| to make people obey a law or rule: [принуждать] Enforcing a patent can be a long and expensive process – enforcement n [U] [принуждение] – enforceable adj [допускающий принуждение] 6. fake n [C] a copy or imitation of a genuine article: [подделка] Experts have identified the components as fakes – fake v [T] [подделывать] Synonyms copy v [C] [копировать] – copy n [C] [копия] 7. file-swapping n [U] exchanging files between computers on a network: [обмен файлами] Record companies tried to close down the illegal file-swapping website. 8. infringement n [U] a breach of the law or of another person’s rights: [нарушение] The company is being sued over infringements of copyright technology 9. intellectual property n [U] something that a person or business has invented and which is protected by patent: [интеллектуальная собственность] All international businesses are having to spend more on protecting their intellectual property. 10.patent n [C] a special right given to the inventor of a machine or process: [патент] Some governments do not recognise patents on software – patent v [T] [патентовать] – patented adj [патентованный] Synonyms copyright n [C,U] [авторское право] Collocations patent pending, patent office 11.piracy n [U] infringement of copyrights: [пиратство] The association has launched a campaign to fight software piracy. 320 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 321 из 325 12.profitability n [U] the ability of a business to earn profits: [прибыльность] Increased labour costs have reduced our profitability – profit n [C] [прибыль] – profit v [I] [получать прибыль] – profitable adj [выгодный] 13.trademark n [C] a special, registered picture or symbol that is associated with a particular brand or product: [торговый знак] Our trademark is now well-known in most countries in the region. Unit 11 Markets 1. bid n [C] an offer to buy something at a stated price: [предложение цены] All bids must be submitted in writing – bid v [I,T] [предлагать цену] – bidder n [C] - bidding n [U] Synonyms offer n [C] [предложение] Collocations make/accept/reject a bid, takeover bid 2. business to business abbreviation B2B adj refers to any business or correspondence between two companies: [предприятие-предприятие] The B2B sector will be the biggest growth area in internet traffic. 3. dealer n [C] a person who specialises in trading a particular type of goods: [торговый агент] The company only uses authorised dealers who are fully trained – deal n [C] [сделка]– deal v [I,T] [торговать] Collocations foreign exchange dealer, broker-dealer, dealership, make/reach/conclude a deal, raw deal 4. demand n [C,U] the quantity required to supply orders: [спрос] Total petroleum demand has increased by one per cent Collocations supply and demand 5. e-business n [U] business to business relationships conducted using internet technology: [электронный бизнес] IBM is one of the leading suppliers of ebusiness solutions. 6. e-commerce n [U] selling activities that are conducted using internet technology: [электронная торговля] Some consumers still lack confidence in ecommerce. 321 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 322 из 325 7. glitch n [C] a minor fault with a computer program or machine: [сбой] A glitch in the computer system has led to the cancellation of several flights Synonyms malfunction n [C] [неполадка] bug n [C] [неполадка] 8. gross v [T] to calculate revenue before tax and other charges have been deducted: [исчислять валовой доход] The film grossed $8.5m in the first two weeks – gross adj [валовой] Collocations gross profit, gross margins, gross national product, gross domestic product (GDP) 9. inventory n [C] a list of the stocks held by a business: [реестр] New software has made it possible to control inventory more accurately Synonyms stock n [C] [запас] 10. market research n [U] the work of finding out what kind of goods consumers want: [исследования рынка] Conducting online surveys is a new and promising approach to market research. 11. mass market n [U] the market for standardised consumer products: [массовый рынок] Licensing is one way for small businesses to enter the mass market – mass-market adj 12. merchandising n [U] toys, clothes and other products based on a popular film, TV show, etc and sold to make additional profits: [тематический товар] Star Wars merchandising made far more profit than the films. 13. price setting n [U] fixing the prices at which goods and services will be sold: [установление цены] In price setting you try to estimate how much customers will be prepared to pay for an item 14. real estate n [U] property in the form of land or houses: [недвижимое имущество] Investing in real estate is not as risk free as some people think Synonyms property n [U] BrE realty n [U] AmE [недвижимость] Collocations estate agent BrE 322 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 323 из 325 15. tender n [C] a written offer by a supplier to provide goods or services at a certain price: [коммерческое предложение] Your tender has been accepted at the agreed price – tender v [I,T] [выдвигать коммерческое предложение] Unit 12 Lobbies 1. aid n [U] assistance given to a country or organisation in difficulty: [помощь] The World Bank is repeating its call for rich countries to increase the amount of aid given to the poorest nations – aid v [T] [помогать] 2. boycott n [C] a protest where people refuse to buy or use a product or service: [бойкотировать] The consumer group is calling for the boycott of all tobacco products – boycott v [T] [бойкот] 3. charity n [C] a non profit-making organisation that collects goods and money in order to provide assistance: [благотворительное общество] The charity managed to raise £3m for homeless people in the UK. 4. debt relief n [U] the cancellation or reduction of a debt: [аннулирование долга] The government is firmly committed to a programme of debt relief. 5. demonstration n [C] a march to publicly protest about something: [демонстрация] The demonstration will take place at G7 summit on 10 June. 6. fair trade n [U] a movement which promotes fairer trading conditions for developing countries: [взаимовыгодная торговля] Fair trade gives consumers an opportunity to help change the world. 7. grant n [C] a sum of money given to a person or organisation to help them to pay for something: [грант] The Central Development Fund has awarded a grant of $7.5m – grant v [T] [выделять грант] 8. income n [C,U] money received by a person, family or organisation: [доход] In some parts of the country incomes have fallen by as much as 25 per cent Synonyms revenue n [C] [доход] Collocations income tax, gross income, net income 323 Разработал: Федько Л.А. ДАЛЬНЕВОСТОЧНЫЙ ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины «Иностранный язык» Идентификационный номер: Контрольный экземпляр находится на УМКД. 4 (1) - 080505.65 – ГСЭ.Ф.4 кафедре английского языка для 2012 экономических направлений Лист 324 из 325 9. litigation n [U] legal action against an individual or organisation: [судебное дело] Litigation has increased significantly over the years – litigate v [U] [вести тяжбу] – litigator n [C] [сторона] 10.lobby v [T] to try to persuade a government or organisation to change a policy or situation: [лоббировать] Big companies are lobbying the president to open up marine reserves for oil drilling – lobby n [U] [лобби] lobbyist n [U] [лоббист] 11.petition n [C] a document signed by many people asking someone in authority to change something: [петиция] So far, five thousand people have signed the petition – petition [+ against/for] v [I,T] [подавать петицию] 12.pressure group n [C] a group that tries to influence the opinions of other people: [группа воздействия] The pressure group is cordinating the protests. 13.protectionism n [U] protecting a country’s trade by taxing foreign goods: [протекционизм] Protectionism usually increases the prices of basic goods to the consumer. 14.quota n [C] an official limit on the amount of something: [квота] Quotas have been imposed on 25 categories of imported clothing. – subsidy n [C] money given by a government to certain producers to help them to produce without losing money: [субсидия] World Bank economists are urging rich countries to cut subsidies to certain industries subsidise v [T] 15.taxpayer n [C] any person or organisation that is liable to pay tax: [налогоплательщик] Taxpayers will pay more to subsidise the development of alternative energy sources. 324