University of Southern California Marshall School of Business BUAD 497: MANAGERIAL DECISION MAKING AND PLANNING Spring 2005 Professor Fleming Instructor: Office: Phone: Email: Section: Office Hours: Prerequisites: Quentin Fleming Bridge Hall 300 (310) 459-9570 Voice, FAX, messages. Tuesday / Thursday 4:00 – 5:50 PM Tuesdays 6:00 – 7:00 PM; AND by appointment Successful completion of all core business requirements COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to introduce the concepts, tools, and principles of strategy formulation and competitive analysis. It is concerned with managerial decisions and actions that materially affect the success and survival of business enterprises. The course focuses on the information, analyses, organizational processes, and skills and business judgment managers must use to craft strategies, position their businesses and assets, and define firm boundaries, so as to maximize long-term profits in the face of uncertainty and competition. Managerial Decision Making and Planning (BUAD 497) is an integrative and interdisciplinary course in two important respects. First, it assumes a broad view of the environment that includes buyers/consumers, suppliers, technology, economics, capital markets, competitors, government, and global forces. And it assumes that the external environment is dynamic and characterized by uncertain changes. Second, the course takes a general management perspective. It views the firm as a whole, and examines how policies in each functional area can be integrated into an overall competitive strategy. In studying strategy, this course draws together and builds on all the ideas, concepts, and theories from your functional courses such as Accounting, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Organizational Behavior, and Statistics. This course, however, is much more than a mere integration of the functional specialties within a firm. It has been designed to develop among participants the “general management point of view.” The best vantage point, in fact the only valid vantage point, for making decisions that effect long run business performance is the general manager's point of view. The key strategic business decisions of concern in this course involve determining and shaping organizational purpose to evolving opportunities, creating competitive advantages, choosing competitive strategies, securing and defending sustainable market positions, and allocating critical resources over relatively long periods of time in pursuit of specific goals and objectives. Decisions such as these can only be can only be made effectively by viewing a firm holistically, and over the long term. This course helps students develop skills for formulating strategy. The strategy process demands the mastery of a body of analytical tools and the ability to take an integrative point of view. You will develop these skills through: In-depth analysis of industries and competitors Prediction of competitive behavior Techniques for analyzing how firms can develop and sustain competitive advantages over time NOTE: While BUAD 497 is a universal core course it is taught by several instructors. Policies regarding assignments and grading may be different for each instructor. Be sure to refer ONLY to the syllabus that is provided by your instructor. 1 EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES Theory and Concepts. The central concept of this course is that of competitive strategy. Definitions abound, but they all share some sense of the allocation of critical resources over relatively long periods of time in pursuit of specific goals and objectives. Successful strategies exploit external conditions, entrepreneurial insights, and internal resources, seeking configurations of prices, preferences, technologies, and information that offer opportunities for sustainable competitive advantage. Strategy can be usefully thought of as the comprehensive alignment of an organization with its future environment. Success, however, depends not only on the soundness of the strategy, but also on its effective implementation through appropriate organizational and administrative choices. In the end, unforeseen external factors may cause a well-conceived and executed strategy to fail, in spite of its initial wisdom -but a poor strategy badly executed increases the chances of failure. Opportunities to act strategically occur infrequently. If missed, or mismanaged, they can prove disastrous for any firm. Understanding the concept of competitive strategy formulation is a primary educational objective of this course. This will involve mastering an array of economic, strategic, and organizational concepts and theories, and acquiring an integrative general manager’s point of view. The course will cover theories for in-depth industry and competitor analysis, for anticipating and predicting future industry developments, and for examining the impact of change (in technologies, tastes, government regulations, global competition, and other important environmental forces) on competition and industry evolution. The course will also examine the economic underpinnings of competitive advantages, and the fundamental conditions that allow firms to conceive, develop, and sustain, advantageous strategic positions. While our primary focus will be on mastering strategy formulation at the business unit or competitive level, the course will also examine corporate and global strategy issues such as diversification, vertical integration, economies of scope across related businesses, the transfer of technology and core competencies, and international expansion and growth. Analytical Skills. Theoretical concepts are a great aid to understanding, but by themselves they do not help resolve real business problems or challenges. Also needed are analytical skills and techniques that can be applied to the data to "fill in" the facts and premises assumed in the theories. A second educational objective is to further increase each student’s inventory of useful analytical skills and tools. Some of the tools are quantitative -- analyzing financial statements, computing comparative buyer costs, and calculating the effects of scale and learning on production costs, for example -- while others are more qualitative. Learning how to apply these techniques, and, more importantly, when to apply them is a key objective of the course. In learning to size-up a business and its problems or opportunities, this course will allow you experience in conducting "full blown" strategic analyses. That is, identifying firms’ strategies and testing them for consistency, recognizing potential entrepreneurial opportunities and strategic challenges/problems, selecting and establishing competitively protected market niches, identifying competitive advantages and shaping defenses to circumvent the advantages of rivals, formulating and implementing internally consistent business strategies, and designing efficient and effective organizations. Rhetorical Skills. The best analysis in the world will have little effect if it cannot be communicated to others. Managers must be able to articulate their views coherently and persuasively, and they must be skilled at understanding and critiquing other points of view. Management is a "verbal sport;" perhaps 90% of a typical manager's day is consumed by oral communication. Time is often scarce. You must learn to make convincing arguments and to make them quickly, or the merits of their ideas are likely to become simply irrelevant. This skill takes practice, and we will place a great deal of emphasis on it in class. 2 Wisdom. Much of the knowledge that successful managers and consultants employ consists of "rules of thumb" about what issues are likely to be important in certain kinds of business situations. These rules of thumb, or heuristics, are often implicit in the thinking of people who have never bothered to articulate them explicitly. A fourth goal of this course is to help you build up your set of useful "stories" and heuristics for your future managerial careers. In this course we are as much interested in developing an appreciation for the art of management as we are in understanding the science of management. Tools alone will not a strategist make. While the ability to master analytical models, frameworks, and tools is essential, ultimate success is more strongly predicated on prescient judgment, entrepreneurial insight, iconoclastic vision, and a willingness to forcefully act with conviction. COURSE FORMAT AND THE CASE DISCUSSION METHOD In order to achieve the objectives of the course, we will devote the majority of our class time to the analysis and discussion of selected management, competitive strategy, and business policy cases. Occasional lectures will be given to elaborate on key theoretical models and frameworks or to reinforce crucial concepts. These lectures, however, will be subordinate to the case analysis. Cases provide a natural "test-bed" for theory and provide vivid examples that aid memory of concepts. While nothing can surpass first hand personal industry and managerial experience as a basis for analysis and decisionmaking, case analysis is an indispensable proxy for the kind of knowledge that can only be gained through years of experience and research. A mix of old and new business cases has been selected on a range of companies from a variety of industry settings. Each case is intended to teach us something specific, yet each can teach many things. We will not attempt to exhaust each case of all its learning experiences, but rather build up a "war chest" of analytical tools, skills and insights, progressively over all the selected cases. There are other reasons for employing the case discussion method of instruction. First, it allows you to develop skills at problem definition in addition to problem solving. Cases typically do not have an obvious set of tasks whose performance will lead to mastery. Rather, they force you to sift through a mass of information, some of it irrelevant or contradictory, in order to identify the important or strategic issues. Second, the case method gives you a chance to deal with ambiguity. Most cases do not have obvious "right" answers. Managers must be able to function in situations where the right answer is not known, without falling into the trap of assuming that any answer is as good as another. Some analyses and proposed strategies are clearly wrong, and some are clearly better than others. A popular phrase in case analysis classes is "There are no right answers, but there are wrong answers." Case discussion techniques provide a chance to learn the meaning of analytical rigor in situations other than open-andshut problems. These rationales are offered because the case method is unfamiliar to most of you and frequently causes initial confusion. There will be many times when we, as your instructors, will not reveal our own opinions about a particular issue, and there will be cases which will not end up neatly packaged with an "answer." You may discover that your preparation "misses" key points of a case, especially at first. This is a normal part of the learning experience. While we will direct class discussions, the quality of your learning experience will be directly determined by: (1) your degree of preparation, active listening, and participation, and (2) your classmates' preparation, listening, and participation. Some will not agree with you, and you may be asked to defend your argument or change your mind. So long as criticism is directed at arguments and not at individuals, is relevant to the issues at hand and coherently argued, it is very much welcomed. Case Preparation Because this course relies heavily on case material, extensive before class preparation and in class participation are required to ensure the class' success. (1) Preparation for a case discussion should begin with a rapid reading of the assigned case and other materials. (2) Then, it 3 is worthwhile to review the discussion questions provided for clues as to what issues require special attention. (3) The next step is normally to re-read the case carefully, taking notes which sort information, facts, and observations under a number of relevant headings. Try to formulate theories or hypotheses about what is going on as you read ("the company loses money on small orders"), modifying or rejecting them as new information surfaces ("Table 2 shows that shipping costs per unit are higher for small orders, but only for long-distance shipments"). Push yourself to reach definitive conclusions before you come to class. (4) You should perform quantitative analyses, “crunching” whatever numbers are available. It is also very important to provide quantitative support wherever possible, particularly when exploring various hypotheses as to the nature and importance of certain phenomena. (If the requisite data are not available in the case, a precise description of what data are missing often triggers ideas for making creative use of the information that is available.) It is usually worthwhile to identify trends in the firm or industry, preferably with a quantitative measurement. Some of these trends, often very important ones, will not be flagged in the text of the case. (5) Finally, preparation will include notes that can be used to guide your interventions in class discussions. You will probably want to, and are strongly encouraged to, form study groups that will meet regularly to share insights and ideas about the assigned cases. While this is, of course, voluntary, past experience has shown that satisfactory performance in this course, and a good grade, depend on it. WARNING! There is a good chance that you will feel a bit confused or overwhelmed during the first module, or two, of the course. This is a byproduct of the peculiar structure of the strategy course that does not build up linearly by successively adding components of knowledge week by week. Rather, every case in a sense contains all the material in the entire course. Furthermore, the early theoretical concepts probably won't have much meaning for you until you've worked through a few cases. As a result, there is no logical way to start off except by immersion, i.e. throwing you in the deep end of the pool and letting you struggle to stay afloat. The good news is that the number of new ideas for you to learn drops off quickly after the first three modules, and old ideas continue to be relevant. This way you will get multiple chances to master the basic concepts of the course. So remember: SOME CONFUSION IS NORMAL AT FIRST. To have made it this far in your business program, simply put, you must be good. You have tackled numerous challenges, demonstrated a high level of competence, and mastered many very difficult courses and business concepts. So as this course attempts to overwhelm you, don't ever forget that you are good! Keep in mind that this capstone course has been expressly designed to make you even better. It will constantly push you and "help" you discover areas of weakness in need of improvement. We will test you with fire, in a cost-free environment. For some, this course will be "finishing school," for others, unfortunately, it will be like "boot camp." This is the course that makes you wish you had never sold those old textbooks -- because we will be using all the "stuff" in them, again. Whether you have aspirations for top management positions or not, this course will make you better in your own chosen business specialty. COURSE EVALUATION Course grades will be determined by students’ relative performance on the following course components: Course Contribution (Participation and Group Presentation) Group Presentation Individual Assignments (3 SA and 2 QA) Announced Quizzes (best 5 of 6) Case Competition Presentation Final Exam 4 25% -25 15 10 25 100% In order to successfully pass this course, a passing grade (> 50%) must be achieved in each individual course component. Plus and minus grades will be assigned to those immediately above or below grade cutoff points. The distribution of grades will closely follow the guidelines of the Marshall School of Business (an average class GPA of 3.0). Attendance Policy. Woody Allen once said: “90% of success is just showing up.” Woody was right – class attendance is absolutely essential in the case study method. All missed classes will be noted. The policy on missed classes is to allow each student three (3) absences, no questions asked, no penalty. All further absences over the limit will reduce the student's participation grade, no questions asked, no excuses of any kind accepted. Students with an excessive number of absences are at risk to fail the course. Only Official University engagements, such as scheduled debating events, sports events, are excepted. Job interviews, etc., are not excused, so choose your absences carefully. Habitual lateness (and leaving class early), for whatever reason, will be noted as evidence of low course commitment and penalized. Class Contribution / Participation. Your overall commitment and attitude toward this course, and your daily active verbal participation in case discussions, will be closely monitored. In grading class participation, we will look at both the quantity and quality of your class contributions/interventions (with quality being much, much more important). Class participation is obviously a function of preparation, skills, attitude, and a willingness to actively commit yourself in front of your instructor and colleagues. A classroom is a cost-free environment for experimenting and learning to "play the game." Make use of it. Shyness is no excuse. With regard to quality, the dimensions that we look for include: Relevance -- does the comment bear on the subject at hand? Comments that do not link up with what the discussion is focusing on can actually detract from the learning experience. Causal Linkage -- are the logical antecedents or consequences of a particular argument traced out? Comments that push the implications of a fact or idea as far as possible are generally superior. Responsiveness -- does the comment react in an important way to what someone else has said? Analysis -- is the reasoning employed consistent and logical? Evidence -- have data from the case, from personal experience, from general knowledge been employed to support the assertions made? Importance -- does the contribution further our understanding of the issues at hand? Is a connection made with other cases we have analyzed? Clarity -- is the comment succinct and understandable? Does it stick to the subject or does it wander? It is expected that you will make brief notes or outlines -- identify critical problems, "crank-allthe-numbers," do the financials, generate alternative recommended courses of action, and generate ideas about how to implement them. You should rely on these notes when contributing to the class discussion. All students will be formally called on, at random, to take the lead in various aspects of class discussions at least once or twice during the semester. If the student called upon is not present, is late, or is not sufficiently prepared to make a substantial contribution to the class discussion, he/she will lose points for class contribution. If the student makes helpful comments, he/she will accumulate points for class contribution. Since it is unlikely that there will be enough opportunities to call on each student more than once or twice, be warned that failure to be thoroughly prepared, on all occasions, can be devastating to your overall grade. Each student will receive a score for participation at the end of each case discussion session. The simple recitation of facts from the case will receive some credit toward the student’s class contribution score. Comments that do more than simply recite case facts, however, will receive substantially more credit. For instance, comments that provide synthesis or raise counterintuitive points, will add much more to a student’s class contribution score. Students who make no contributions will receive no credit. Comments that contain factual misstatements, demonstrate lack of adequate preparation, or are 5 distracting because they come too late in the discussion, will be penalized. Attempts to dominate class discussion rarely result in consistent and significant contributions. Unannounced Quizzes Short unannounced quizzes may be given at any time during the course to test the level of student preparation for case discussions. Multiple choice and short answer questions may be given at the beginning of classes where a case is assigned for class discussion. No make-up opportunities will be given to students who are absent or late. Student performance on these pop-quizzes will be used to determine a student’s participation grade. Participation Cards At the end of each case discussion, students who actively participated in the discussion should turn in a Participation Card. These cards should list your name, the date, the case discussed that day, and a synopsis of your contributions during that day’s discussion. The Participation Cards will be used in combination with the instructor’s own daily evaluations to determine your participation grade for the day. For this purpose, please purchase a package of 3x5 index cards and bring them to each class. Group Presentation You will be required to participate in one brief presentation to the class as part of a group. The presentation will be graded on a group basis and will count towards your class participation score. You will make your group presentations using an overhead projector or computer, and use your business communication skills to explain and defend your conclusions to the class. Presentations should take about 10 minutes. Presentations must be made in groups of 4-5 members. You are advised to request a date for a presentation in advance and to talk with your instructor ahead of time about your presentation. Groups that do not volunteer for presentations will have them assigned to them. No written write-up is required when a group presentation is made, however, groups should provide their instructor with a copy of their presentation slides and a full list of all members of the presenting group prior to your presentation. Announced Quizzes. A short quiz will be given at the beginning of several sessions (see the course schedule below for the dates of these quizzes). The quizzes will consist of objective (usually multiple choice) questions from the assigned readings in the course text, and/or short answer questions on key concepts covered in the most recent lecture and subsequent class sessions. Missed quizzes cannot be made up. The best 5 of 6 quizzes will count. Short Assignment. You are required to complete three (3) Short Assignments [SA]. If you wish, you may submit two SAs in a section (see below for SA sections A – C) and only the best one will count towards your final grade. The short assignments are of different types. Some require the application of particular analytical tools or models to a case. Others require you to provide recommendations to the company featured in a particular case. SAs will typically consist of your key recommendations to the managers in a case, along with the supporting logic for those recommendations. They should be presented in memo format (bullet points are acceptable if the points are explained sufficiently). You should identify the strategic problems facing the managers, state your position as what the managers in the case should do, and support that position using strategic logic. You should not use precious space rehashing facts from the case. Instead, key facts should be used (sparingly) to help justify particular recommendations. That is, do not simply restate what the case writer has said in other words. Try to go beyond the facts provided by the case writer by doing some new analysis of the situation facing the managers. Then develop recommendations based on the analysis. Also, when making recommendations, do not dwell on things that the company is already doing. Instead focus on things it is not yet doing, but probably should, according to your analysis. You must do at least one SA from each of the following groups: Section A Coke vs. Pepsi Apple Computer Section B Nintendo Intel: 1968-1997 6 Section C P&G: Vizir Euro-Disney Saturn Progressive Insurance De Beers BIC Pen Vivendi Choice Hotels Lincoln Electric The Body Shop Quantitative Assignments Of the five (5) assignments you are required to turn in this semester, two (2) of them must be Quantitative Assignments [QA]. If you wish, you may submit two QAs in a section (see below for QA sections A & B) and only the best one will count towards your final grade. Quantitative assignments usually involve numerical and/or graphical analysis of data from the cases we will discuss. Details about the specific quantitative assignments are provided in the “Case Discussion and Assignment Outline” document posted to the BUAD497 class folder on Outlook (see below for details). You must do at least one QA from each of the following groups: Section A Wal*Mart Chain Saw RTE Breakfast Cereal Section B Barnes & Noble Adolph Coors Nucleon Policies for SA and QA assignments: 1. Late SA and QA assignments will not be accepted. No excuses, no exceptions. * 2. SA assignments must be no longer than one side of one page. 3. The written portion of QA assignments must be no longer than one side of one page. 4. SA and QA assignments must be typed in 12-point font with one-inch margins around the page. *Note: I use a slightly different variation called the “no problem” policy for SAs/QAs handed in late. (This policy is: I have no problem accepting assignments late – so long as you have no problem with the fact that I will grade it just like those papers received on time, but I will then automatically deduct 20% of the total value [e.g., a paper that would have been 10 will be 8; one that would have been 8.5 will be 6.5, etc.]. This is fair to those students that did the work on time while not being overly draconian.) Returned paperwork, unclaimed by a student, will be discarded after 4 weeks and hence, will not be available should a grade appeal be pursued by a student following receipt of his/her course grade. Case Competition Presentation You will be required to participate in a second brief presentation to the class as part of a group. The presentation will also be graded on a group basis. You will be given a case in late March. You will be asked to analyze the case using the concepts learned so far in class. All teams shall submit a copy of their PowerPoint slides to the instructor at the beginning of the first scheduled day of case presentations. A random selection will determine the order of presentation. All groups will present their solutions over two days of class in November. Final Exam A final exam is scheduled for this course. It will be given during the exam time specified by the University. The exam may consist of multiple choice, short answer and short essay questions. The final exam will focus on a case that will be handed out a week before the exam AND on the cases we have read throughout the semester. 7 COURSE MATERIAL Case Package: The assigned cases for this course are available from the University Book Store. When necessary, your instructor may place additional materials in the bookstore for you to purchase. Text: Hitt, Michael A., R. Duane Ireland, and Robert E. Hoskisson [H.I.H]. Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization - Concepts, Cincinnati, OH: Southwestern College Publishing, 6th edition, 2004 (Note: this is a softbound book). This is an excellent text. It provides students with definitions of key terms, detailed descriptions of conceptual frameworks, and very useful guidelines for undertaking various aspects of strategic analysis. Refer to it constantly. You should use this book to help you fill in gaps in your understanding, add to your strategic analysis tools and "bag of tricks", and reinforce your skills. It is not, however, a precise template for how we want you to analyze cases. COURSE COMMUNICATION: OUTLOOK E-MAIL SYSTEM An “Electronic Folder” has been created for this course in the Outlook e-mail system. You should begin the habit of checking the course folder on a very regular basis. The course syllabus, case discussion and assignment information have been posted to the 497 folder. Additional course lecture notes/materials, further details on quantitative assignments and position outlines (where appropriate), and general course announcements, will be posted to the folder throughout the semester. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY The following information on academic integrity, dishonesty, and the grading standard are placed here at the recommendation of the School of Business Administration Faculty and are taken from the Faculty Handbook. Additional statements about academic integrity may be found in SCampus handbook available at the Topping Student Center and online at Further information may be obtained from the Office of Student Judicial Affairs and Community Standards at “The University, as an instrument of learning, is predicated on the existence of an environment of integrity. As members of the academic community, faculty, students, and administrative officials share the responsibility for maintaining this environment. Faculty have the primary responsibility for establishing and maintaining an atmosphere and attitude of academic integrity such that the enterprise may flourish in an open and honest way. Students share this responsibility for maintaining standards of academic performance and classroom behavior conducive to the learning process. Administrative officials are responsible for the establishment and maintenance of procedures to support and enforce those academic standards. Thus, the entire University community bears the responsibility for maintaining an environment of integrity and for taking appropriate action to sanction individuals involved in any violation. When there is a clear indication that such individuals are unwilling or unable to support these standards, they should not be allowed to remain in the University.” (Faculty Handbook, 1994: 20) Academic dishonesty includes: (Faculty Handbook, 1994: 21-22) 1. Examination behavior - any use of external assistance during an examination shall be considered academically dishonest unless expressly permitted by the teacher. 8 2. Fabrication - any intentional falsification or invention of data or citation in an academic exercise will be considered a violation of academic integrity. 3. Plagiarism - the appropriation and subsequent passing off of another’s ideas or words as one’s own. If the words or ideas of another are used, acknowledgment of the original source must be made through recognized referencing practices. 4. Other Types of Academic Dishonesty - submitting a paper written by or obtained from another, using a paper or essay in more than one class without the teacher’s express permission, obtaining a copy of an examination in advance without the knowledge and consent of the teacher, changing academic records outside of normal procedures and/or petitions, using another person to complete homework assignments or take-home exams without the knowledge or consent of the teacher. The use of unauthorized material, communication with fellow students during an examination, attempting to benefit from the work of another student, and similar behavior that defeats the intent of an examination or other class work is unacceptable to the University. It is often difficult to distinguish between a culpable act and inadvertent behavior resulting from the nervous tensions accompanying examinations. Where a clear violation has occurred, however, the instructor may disqualify the student’s work as unacceptable and assign a failing mark on the paper. STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Any student requesting academic accommodations based on a disability is required to register with Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for approved accommodations can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure the letter is delivered to me as early in the semester as possible. DSP is located in STU 301 and is open 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The phone number for DSP is (213) 740-0776. 9 COURSE SCHEDULE Session 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 CP HIH QA SA Date T 1/11 Th 1/13 T 1/18 Th 1/20 Course Introduction and Overview Lecture/Discussion: What is Strategy? (CP: What Is Strategy?) Lecture/Discussion: Strategic Thinking (HIH 1, 12) Wal*Mart Stores, Inc INDUSTRY ANALYSIS T 1/25 Lecture/Discussion: External Analysis & the Business Landscape (HIH: 2) Th 1/27 Chain Saw Industry in 1974 T 2/1 Coca Cola vs. Pepsi-Cola and the Soft Drink Industry Th 2/3 Apple Computer in 1992 CREATING AND SUSTAINING A COMPETITIVE POSITION T 2/8 Lecture/Discussion: The Internal Environment (HIH: 3, 4) Th 2/10 Saturn: A Different Kind of Car Company T 2/15 Progressive Insurance Th 2/17 The Ready to Eat Breakfast Cereal Industry T 2/22 DeBeers Consolidated Mines Th 2/24 Lecture/Discussion: Anticipating Competition and Cooperative Dynamics (HIH: 5, 9) T 3/1 Barnes and Noble versus Th 3/3 Nintendo (CP: The Right Game – HBR article) T 3/8 Adolph Coors Co. CORPORATE STRATEGY Th 3/10 Lecture/Discussion: Rivalry Issues (HIH: 6,7) Intel Corporation: 1968-1997 3/15-17 Spring Break. Have fun and stay out of jail. T 3/22 BIC Pen Th 3/24 Vivendi T 3/29 Case Competition Day 1 Th 3/31 Case Competition Day 2 T 4/5 Choice Hotels GETTING INSIDE THE FIRM: MANAGING SUBSIDIARIES AND PEOPLE Th 4/7 Lecture/Discussion on multi-site firms (HIH 8, 10) T 4/12 Nucleon Th 4/14 Procter & Gamble: Vizir Launch Note: Mini lecture on Clans/Markets/Bureaucracies T 4/19 Euro-Disney Th 4/21 Lincoln Electric Company (HIH: 13) T 4/26 The Body Shop Th 4/28 Course Review T 5/3 Final Examination (4:00 – 6:00 PM) denotes a reading that is available in the Course Reader / Case Package denotes reading that is in Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, Strategic Management textbook denotes that a Quantitative Assignment [QA] is due at the beginning of this class period. denotes that a Short Assignment [SA] is due at the beginning of this class period. 10 QA Quiz QA SA SA Quiz SA SA QA * SA * Quiz QA SA QA Quiz SA SA SA SA * Quiz QA SA SA Quiz, SA SA