A. Purpose
The purpose of the specifications is to establish a minimum standard
of quality for radar units to be used for this departments traffic speed
enforcement program.
B. Scope
These specifications cover a Doppler radar designed to measure,
compute and display the speed of a vehicle in the directional
stationary mode of targets only approaching, only receding, or both
approaching and receding, and both the target vehicle and patrol
vehicle speeds in the moving mode opposite direction and same
C. Regulatory Approval
All radar units bid shall have type acceptance approval pursuant to
Part 90 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Rules
and Regulations.
The unit shall conform to the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration (NHTSA) “Model Minimum Performance Specifications
for Police Traffic Radar Devices”, and shall be on the latest published
Consumer Products List (CPL) of the International Association of the
Chiefs of Police (IACP). Copies of the FCC and CPL approvals shall
be included with the bid. The unit shall operate within a frequency
range of 33.4 to 36.0 Ghz, (Ka-Band)
D. Sample and Demonstration
If requested, the bidder shall furnish a complete sample unit for
examination and testing.
E. Radar Bid Requirements
1. Production Model
The radar device shall have been in full commercial production. No
“brand new” or prototype models will be considered for purchase.
2. Performance Testing and Product Evaluation
The radar may be field-tested and laboratory tested to verify its
acceptance level of performance and conformity to specifications.
Emphasis will be placed on the radar unit’s ability to maintain a stable
target reading without displaying false readings while subject to
induced interferences from the following sources:
High-powered television stations
UHF, VHF, and HF transmitters
Automobile alternator, ignition and electrical systems
Automobile heater and air conditioner fan motor
High voltage power lines, traffic signals, neon signs, etc.
Laptop computers in the police car, including when the
computer is communicating via wireless transmitter
This agency also reserves the right to have radar units examined by
any other qualified agency for acceptable design, construction,
fabrication, and assembly methods.
3. Certification
All radar units furnished under any resulting contract shall be factory
certified as to accuracy with test procedures and equipment that
conform to the National Bureau of Standards and Technology.
F. System Description
1. The radar set shall consist of the following items:
a. Two (2) Antennas
b. Antenna cable with a minimum length of 8 feet, and antenna
cable with a minimum length of 16 feet
c. Two (2) Antenna mounting brackets including required
hardware to fasten the antenna securely to the bracket.
d. Counting unit with cigarette-style power plug
e. Remote display
f. Remote display cable with a minimum length of 8 feet
g. Cordless hand-held remote control with power source
h. Two tuning forks with a soft protective cover included
i. Operators manual
G. Performance Requirements
1. The radar shall operate within a frequency range of 33.4 to 36.0
Ghz. (Ka-Band)
2. The system shall operate from the unfiltered power supply
available in a standard automotive vehicle. Current drain on the
vehicles electrical system shall not exceed 1.5 amps.
3. The radar shall be accurate through it range within plus or minus 1
MPH stationary, and plus or minus 2 MPH moving. The radar shall
truncate (round down) the display MPH to a whole number.
4. The radar shall be able to obtain a target speed of oncoming or
receding traffic in most divided highway configurations.
5. The radar shall operate normally over the complete range of the
factory specified temperatures as established by the manufacturer
and generally accepted as an industry standard.
6.The radar shall have stationary directional capability of clocking
only approaching, only receding, or both approaching and receding
7. The radar shall have the capability of connecting to the speed
pulse wire on the patrol car. The radar shall automatically recognize
the speed pulses from a moving patrol vehicle, and not require any
synchronization or calibration. When the radar is powered on, and
the speed pulse wire is connected, the radar shall automatically go
into the stationary mode when the patrol vehicle comes to a stop.
1. The antenna beam width shall not exceed 13 Degrees, nor be less
than 11 Degrees.
2. The antenna cable shall have a removable locking connector at
both ends for ease of repair and installation. The connector at the
antenna shall be designed to easily accept the antenna cable without
placing undue stress or causing damage to the electrical pins.
3. The antenna shall be the smallest size Ka-Band type available
from the vendor.
4. The antenna bracket shall be a dash-mount, visor mount or
window mount at the discretion of the purchasing agency.
5. Under no circumstances shall the radar unit transmit an RF
microwave radiation power level in excess of 50 mW, with output of
10 to 12 mW typical preferred.
1. The radar shall have five (5) speed display windows: one for the
Patrol Speed indication (located on the right side), one each for front
and rear antenna for the Target Speed indication (located on the left
side), and a Lock Window for front and rear antenna (located in the
center) to display the locked target speed while allowing the unit to
continue to track the target.
2. The radar shall have an operator adjustable range (sensitivity)
3. The remote display shall be the smallest size available from the
4. The counting unit shall include an operator adjustable audio circuit
that amplifies the Doppler signal so an audio tone indication of the
target vehicles speed may be heard. The audio signal shall be
present at all times while the target vehicle is within the radar beam.
The counting unit shall contain a squelch switch, which will inhibit the
squelch action to keep the receiver open, so that the operator may
determine any ambient interference conditions. The audio produced
under normal conditions shall be within the normal audio range (200
to 3,000 Hertz) The audio shall not increase in volume as the target
vehicle gets closer to the radar.
5. The counting unit power cable shall be a minimum of 4 feet long,
and shall have a heavy-duty male connector plug compatible with a
conventional cigarette-lighter receptacle of a vehicle. The plug shall
be internally fused with a quick-change 12 volt, 2 amp SLO-BLO
standard glass fuse.
6. The counting unit or remote display shall have an identification
label that gives the following minimum information:
a. Manufacturers name and address
b. Radar unit serial number
c. Manufacturers model number and/or part number
7. The counting unit shall be equipped with a low voltage warning
indicator. If the power falls below 10.8 VDC, the counting unit shall
visually indicate a low voltage condition and not permit any speed
readings to be displayed.
8. The counting unit shall have a manual internal calibration check
function. This includes a visual display of this function that clearly
indicates a pass or fail of this check.
9. The counting unit shall be equipped with a visual indicator that
shows when the unit is in the “RF Hold” mode. (Not transmitting a
10. The counting unit shall be equipped with a visual indicator that
shows when a self-test has been initiated. Should this test fail, the
unit shall illuminate the crystal error indicator.
11. The counting unit shall be equipped with a visual indicator that
shows when excessive extraneous radio frequency fields are present,
and no speeds shall be displayed or locked while this condition
12. The counting unit shall have reverse polarity protection so that no
damage will result due to reversal of power supply.
13. The counting unit shall automatically clear all speed displays with
any mode of operation change.
14. The radar shall have a speed range in the moving mode opposite
direction from 15 mph to at least 80 mph for the patrol speed, and a
combined patrol and target speed from 15 mph to 199 mph or more.
The radar shall have a speed range in the moving mode same
direction from 10 mph to at least 70 mph, and a combined patrol and
target speed from 15 mph to at least 199 mph or more. The same
direction function shall be capable of processing target speeds that
are within a minimum of 6 mph different from the patrol speed.
15. The counting unit shall be equipped with a visual indicator that
shows when the unit is in the directional mode, and clocking only
approaching, only receding, or both approaching and receding
1. The radar shall be equipped with a cordless hand-held remote
control capable of instantaneously controlling the following functions:
a. RF Hold by turning off and reactivating the radar transmitter in
order to avoid detection by radar-detecting devices. This shall
be accomplished without turning off the entire system. Utilizing
the antenna switch if the radar is dual-antenna equipped may
also activate the RF Hold.
b. Antenna selection. The remote control shall contain switches to
select either the front or rear antenna.
c. Lock and Release to alternately lock and release the vehicle
speed reading(s) on the display upon successive activations of
the switch.
d. Directional stationary mode selection switch.
2. The remote control shall be designed to fit in the palm of the hand.
3. The remote control shall come equipped with a power source.
4. The remote control shall have an operator selectable backlighting
1. The radar shall come with two (2) tuning forks. These forks shall
be of the manufacturer suggested speed inputs so as to make the
radar process and display known speeds in both the stationary and
moving modes. The tuning forks shall have a factory specified
accuracy of plus or minus 1 mph.
2. The tuning forks shall come with a soft protective cover for each
3. The tuning forks shall be stamped with the type of fork (Ka-Band),
the serial number, and the speed.
4. The tuning fork test shall be able to be conducted by striking and
holding both forks in a stationary manner in front of the antenna. It
shall not be necessary to move either fork towards or away from the
antenna, especially during the same direction tuning fork test.
1. Three (3) complete set of operating instructions including case law
history in the use of traffic radar speed devices, theory and operation,
and trouble shooting information shall be furnished by the vendor with
each radar device.
2. The vendor shall provide technical expertise and documentation
including, but not limited to, the engineering principles, scientific
theory and reliability, and the overall accuracy of the radar speed
device for court purposes.
3. For every five (5) radar sets ordered, the vendor shall furnish one
(1) additional remote control unit. This is for the purpose of keeping
the radar in operation in the field when a remote control does break
1. Provide warranty information for all parts, assemblies, and
components of the radar speed device. Written proof of the warranty
by the manufacturer must be furnished by the bidder and attached to
the bid. The warranty shall include a full guarantee from the
manufacturer that each radar speed device shall be free from defects
in materials and workmanship from a period commencing with the
date the radar device is placed into service by the agency, and
ending after a period of three (3) years has elapsed. The
manufacturer shall provide any and all software changes developed
and implemented during the warranty period at no expense to the
agency. All shipping charges (both ways) shall be at the expense of
the manufacturer for the first 90 days after the placed into service
date. Thereafter, shipping charges shall be at the expense of the
agency. Return shipping charges from the manufacturer to the
agency shall be at the sole expense of the manufacturer during the
warranty period.