DESIGN BRIEF NORTH AREAS: GROH JAN 2009 Government Regional Officers’ Housing (GROH) BRIEF FOR DESIGN OF RENTAL ACCOMMODATION IN NORTH AREAS SINGLE HOUSES & GROUPED DWELLINGS AMENDMENTS DATE NAME CHANGE – GROH – GOVERNMENT REGIONAL OFFICERS’ HOUSING DEC 2006 LOGO CHANGE-LAUNDRY TROUGH SIZE CHANGE TO 70 LITRES ALL DWELLINGS/ HOUSES JAN 2009 GOVERNMENT REGIONAL OFFICERS’ HOUSING STANDARD DESIGN BRIEF – NORTH AREAS CONTENTS Page No. Part Clause 1.0 DESIGN BRIEF 4 Scope Mandatory Constraints Housing for the Disabled 4 4 4 CONTRACT DOCUMENTATION 4 Generally 4 UNIT DESIGN, PLANNING AND ACCOMMODATION 5 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 Scope Generally Calculating Dwelling Area Dwelling Areas 5 5 7 8 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 ACCOMMODATION STANDARDS – 1 Bedroom Units/houses 2 Bedroom Units/houses 3 Bedroom Units/houses 4 Bedroom Units/houses 5 Bedroom Units/houses 9 11 14 17 20 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 SITE PLANNING Scope Generally Density Privacy Sense of Address Service and External Living Areas Maintenance of External Open Space Floor Level/Contour Cut and Fill/Retaining walls Orientation Vegetation Building Line. Car parking and Vehicular Access Pedestrian Access & Patio Areas Fencing Servicing (water, gas, electric, TV, telephone etc) Security Lighting Refuse Disposal Letterboxes Clothes Drying Garden preparation and Reticulation 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 24 25 25 26 27 28 28 28 28 1.01 1.02 1.03 2.0 2.01 3.0 4.0 5.0 GROH NORTH BRIEF UNIT CONSTRUCTION 2 JAN 2009 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 6.0 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 Figure 1 GROH NORTH BRIEF Scope Generally Roofing Walls Floors Air Conditioning 28 29 29 29 30 30 FIXTURES AND FINISHES 31 Scope Generally Fixtures Generally Schedule of Sanitary and Gas Fixtures Schedule of Water Outlets, Taps and Fittings Schedule of Electrical Fixtures Schedule of Cupboards and Miscellaneous items Schedule of Doors Ceramic Wall Tiles Floor Finishes Schedule of Painting 31 31 31 31 32 33 36 37 37 38 38 Construction Policy Areas 3 JAN 2009 1.0 DESIGN BRIEF - NORTH AREAS 1.01 Scope This brief sets out guidelines for the design of GROH rental accommodation and site-works in the North Areas of the State as shown on the attached map. 1.02 Mandatory Constraints a) Generally All designs should comply with all relevant Federal, State, Local Government and service Supply Authority laws, by-laws and regulations and Building Code of Australia in conjunction with the Government Regional Officers’ Housing (GROH) Specification. b) Standards Design should be in accordance with all relevant Australian Standards and, in the absence of an appropriate Australian Standard, comply with the manufacturer's recommendation. c) Australian Materials Except where specified otherwise in this Brief, Australian and New Zealand Materials shall be used. Overseas materials shall not be used unless approved by the Department of Housing and Works, in accordance with the National Preference Agreement. 1.03 Housing for the Disabled GROH when required provides assistance for government employee’s with disabilities. Specific individual requirements for this client group will be supplied to the panel of specialist disability Architects to incorporate these requirements into the design. If the project Architect responsible for the whole site is not providing the design for the specific disability requirements then they will modify floor plan and site layouts as instructed by the Project Manager (Disability). The requirements of units provided for people with disabilities will be individually specified within the Project Brief. 1.04 For designs and / or documentation prepared for the Department of Housing and Works / GROH, the copyright in drawings, specifications and other documents remains the joint property of the Designer and the Department of Housing and Works. The Department of Housing and Works will retain the unrestricted right to use the documents submitted in any manner. 2.0 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 2.01 Generally Unless specified otherwise, the contract documents shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the GROH Specification and Approved Materials List, current Edition at the time of tendering. General Conditions of the Contract shall be Building Works Contract HBC Edition 3 for up to and including 7 Units. The NPWC Edition 3 (1981) contract is to be used for 8 units and above. GROH NORTH BRIEF 4 JAN 2009 3.0 UNIT DESIGN, PLANNING & ACCOMMODATION 3.01 Scope This sub-section sets out guidelines for the design of accommodation. 3.02 Generally (i) The site plan is to show the following information: House type (to be nominated in the outline of the house) Existing ground levels, contours and features (including adjoining property levels at existing boundary’s). Finished floor levels of the house, carport and driveway. Position of septic system. Location of all existing trees / vegetation to be retained or removed. Extent of cut and fill and embankments with finished ground levels. Extent and height of new retaining walls. Extent of new paving including driveway and crossover. Extent and height of existing fencing and whether it is intended to remove it. Extent of new fencing and gates. Location for water meter and consumer pole position. Location of the clothes hoist. North Point and scale. Location and invert level of sewer and any encasements (if available). Fronting road location showing level and surface. Location of reticulation sleeves. (ii) Economics: The unit layout and siting of units within the lot should achieve an effective use of space using the economics of the construction system as much as possible, the use of economic and standardised components minimising cutting and wastage. (iii) Identity/Personalisation: Particular attention should be paid to providing an attractive street elevation for each dwelling with its own identity and some potential for personalisation by the occupant. (iv) Flexibility: The planning of the dwelling should, where possible, allow the development of private external living areas. (v) Natural Lighting: Should be maximised (without direct sunlight) to all rooms so as to allow their use during the daylight hours without artificial lights. (vi) Natural Ventilation: The position and size of window openings should permit crossventilation. Artificial ventilation is to be avoided. (vii) Solar Design: Passive solar design techniques (particularly the shading of walls and especially windows on at least 3 complete sides) should be maximised by verandahs of not less than 2000mm width, where walls are not shaded by carport or outdoor living area. The position and depth of external covered areas and wing walls in relationship to windows and expected orientation should be considered. All designs shall achieve a optimum energy effectiveness through orientation, shading, ventilation and insulation. (viii) Colour Schemes: The Department of Housing and Works standard internal colour schemes are to be used unless the Project Manager approves the use of an alternative scheme. Internal/external colour schemes to be submitted to the Project Manager for approval GROH NORTH BRIEF 5 JAN 2009 (ix) Design Documentation: The internal dimension all rooms, verandahs, patio’s and carports is to be shown. External wall dimensions, corner to corner to be shown (x) GROH NORTH BRIEF Planning: - Living and sleeping areas are to be separated. - Bathroom and W.C should be accessible to the bedrooms without the need to pass through the living areas. - Main Entry: The lounge area should retain privacy from entry. - Maximise size of Dining/Family room, which should have direct access to private outdoor Living Areas. - The Lounge Room is to be separate from the Dining/Family Area to create two living spaces. - Laundry: convenient access from both inside and outside the building. The laundry is to be provided with a door to isolate it from the remainder of the house. - Kitchen work areas should be outside main circulation routes. - Access for the removal and installation of furniture should be provided for all rooms. - Verandahs to three sides (inclusive of the patio area). The minimum width for verandahs is to be 2 metres. The patio width is as required in the accommodation standards. 6 JAN 2009 Method of calculating dwelling area. 3.03 Gross Floor Area (G.F.A.)m² which is made up of: A. Fully Enclosed Covered Area (FECA)m² = 'A' measured to the normal inside face of external wall. Note that FECA does not include the area of the stores under the main roof. B. Covered Enclosed Store Area m² = 'B' C. Building Area (B.A.)m² = 'C' measured to the external face of the external wall of the building D. Unenclosed Covered Area (U.C.A.)m² = 'D' Area under the main roof being porches, carports, verandahs. C D B A Aaaa Aaaa A D D GROH NORTH BRIEF 7 JAN 2009 3.04 Optimum Dwelling Area Each dwelling design should have approximately the optimum " F.E.C.A." listed below. OPTIMUM F.E.C.A. Single Storey Unit One Bedroom Units/houses 60 m2 Two Bedroom Family Units/houses 93 m2 Three Bedroom Family Units/houses 135 m2 Four Bedroom Family Units/houses 150 m2 Five Bedroom Family Units/houses 165 m2 TWO STOREY UNIT Add 6m2 for any two storey dwelling. Upper floor unit should have 9m2 balcony for private use. GROH NORTH BRIEF 8 JAN 2009 3.05 NORTH AREAS ACCOMMODATION STANDARDS - 1 BEDROOM UNITS/HOUSES Area (F.E.C.A) - 60 m2 ROOMS REQUIRED MINIMUM AREA (m²) MINIMUM DIM (m) FURNITURE AND FITTINGS TO BE ACCOMMODATED Front Porch 3.6 1.2 Covered area to access front entrance door Entry To be separate from the living areas Sidelight windows are not to be included Living & Dining 22 2.6 (if dining separate) 3.6 (if included) 4 seater lounge 1 x 0.9m (length) x 0.6m (width) coffee table 1 x 2m (width) x 1.5m (height) x 0.5m (depth) entertainment unit. 1 x 1m (width) x 1.8m (height) x 0.2m depth bookshelf 1 x 1.2m(width) x 600mm depth Computer desk 1 x 0.9m x 0.9m dining table & 4 dining chairs 1 x 2m (width) x 0.45m (depth) sideboard Kitchen 9 2.4 1380mm (min) one and a half bowl inset sink and single drainer with cupboards under 3000mm long bench cupboards X 600mm wide measured along exposed face. Where island bench occurs, bench top is to be 850mm wide to serve as a breakfast bar. 1.2m access space (between bench cupboards) 450mm wide nest of drawers in cupboards. 1200mm o/head china cupboard Corner pantry preferred otherwise 900mm wide x 600mm depth pantry cupboard 900mm wide space for fridge/freezer Elevated electric wall oven with microwave shelf above and pot drawers below 1 x 700mm (width) x 450mm (depth) microwave shelf Gas cook top with 4 plate burners (including wok burner) with range hood over and flume vent through to outside air. Bench cupboard below cook top GROH NORTH BRIEF 9 JAN 2009 3.05 NORTH AREAS ACCOMMODATION STANDARDS – 1 BEDROOM UNITS/HOUSES ROOMS REQUIRED MINIMUM AREA (m²) MINIMUM DIM (m) FURNITURE AND FITTINGS TO BE ACCOMMODATED Bedroom 1 16 3.6 2400mm wide x 600mm deep built in robe with sliding doors (include in design) 1 x 2.0m (length) x 1.5m (width) queen size bed 2 x 0.45m x 0.45m bedside tables 1 x 1.0m x 0.45m dressing table Bathroom/ WC 4.3 1.8 1000mm x 900mm enclosed shower area with a hinged door, a 100mm hob and a soap holder Wash basin in 900mm long vanity cabinet with a child resistant catch to one door Mirror above basin (for full width of vanity - 900mm) 2400mm long towel rail (can be 2 x 1200mm dual offset rails) Dual flush system Toilet paper holder Laundry 4.3 1.7 70 litre stainless steel trough with sud saver & cabinet. The door to the cabinet is to have a child resistant catch 900mm wide washing machine space with taps Space for wall mounted clothes dryer Space for chest freezer Linen Cupboard Broom Cupboard 0.9m wide x 0.45m deep 0.6m wide x 0.45m deep Fixed shelving - 5 off Fixed shelving – 1 at 1.8m External Living Area / Patio Area 10 3 To be a covered area under main roof Sliding Door to Dining Room 1.2 To external doors for full width of openings External landings Store Provide a store room under main roof to each unit with concrete floor ________________________________________________________________________________________ Single Carport 4 2 3m min clear width 6m length Under main roof Internal Passages 1.0 Min width to passages ________________________________________________________________________________________ Side Elevation 450mm x 450mm Reticulation cabinet with a single GPO inside. Unless reticulation handled by a central controller located in a service area Solar Design: Passive solar design techniques (particularly the shading of walls and especially windows on at least 3 complete sides) should be maximised by verandahs of not less than 2000mm width, where walls are not shaded by carport or outdoor living area. 3.06 NORTH AREAS ACCOMMODATION STANDARDS - 2 BEDROOM GROH NORTH BRIEF 10 JAN 2009 UNITS/HOUSES Area (F.E.C.A) - 93 m2 ROOMS REQUIRED MINIMUM AREA (m²) MINIMUM DIM (m) FURNITURE AND FITTINGS TO BE ACCOMMODATED Front Porch 3.6 1.2 Covered area to access front entrance door Entry To be separate from the living areas Sidelight windows are not to be included Living 18 3.6 6 seater lounge 1 x 0.9m (length) x 0.6m (width) coffee table 1 x 2m (width) x 1.5m (height) x 0.5m (depth) entertainment unit. 1 x 1m (width) x 1.8m (height) x 0.2m depth bookshelf 1 x 1.2m(width) x 600mm depth Computer desk Dining 12 3.0 1 x 2m (width) x 0.45m (depth) sideboard 1 x 1.8m (length) x 0.9 (width) dining table 6 dining chairs Kitchen 9 2.4 1380mm (min) one and a half bowl inset sink and single drainer with cupboards under – child resistant catch to be supplied to one door 3600mm long bench cupboards X 600mm wide measured along exposed face. Where island bench occurs, bench top is to be 850mm wide to serve as a breakfast bar. 600mm wide dishwasher recess 450mm wide nest of drawers in cupboards with cutlery tray insert to top draw 1800mm o/head china cupboard Corner pantry preferred otherwise 900mm wide x 600mm depth pantry cupboard 1600mm wide space for fridge/freezer Elevated electric wall oven with microwave shelf above and pot drawer/s below 1 x 700mm (width) x 450mm (depth) microwave shelf Gas cook top with four plate burners (including wok burner) with range hood over and flume vent through to outside air. Bench cupboard below cook top 1.2m access space (between bench cupboards) 3.06 GROH NORTH BRIEF NORTH AREAS ACCOMMODATION STANDARDS – 2 BEDROOM UNITS/HOUSES 11 JAN 2009 ROOMS REQUIRED MINIMUM AREA (m²) MINIMUM DIM (m) FURNITURE AND FITTINGS TO BE ACCOMMODATED Bedroom 1 16 3.6 2400mm wide x 600mm deep built in robe with sliding doors (include in design). 1 x 2.0m (length) x 1.5m (width) queen size bed 2 x 0.45m x 0.45m bedside tables 1 x 1.0m x 0.45m dressing table Other Bedrooms 10 3.0 1.8m wide (min) x 0.6m depth built in robe with sliding doors (include in design). 2 x 2.0m (length) x 1m (width) single size beds 2 x 0.45 x 0.45 bedside tables 1 x 0.9 x 0.45m dressing table Bathroom 4.3 1.8 1500mm pressed steel bath recessed into walls 1000mm x 900mm enclosed shower area with a hinged door, a 100mm hob and a soap holder Wash basin in 900mm long vanity cabinet with a child resistant catch to one door Mirror above basin (for full width of vanity – 900mm) 2400mm long towel rail (can be 2 x 1200mm dual offset rails) Laundry 4.3 1.7 70 litre stainless steel trough with sud saver & cabinet. The door to the cabinet is to have a child resistant catch 900mm wide washing machine space with taps Space for wall mounted clothes dryer Space for chest freezer WC 1.6 0.95 Dual flush system Toilet paper holder The W.C is to be separate from the bathroom Linen Cupboard Broom Cupboard 0.9m wide x 0.45m deep 0.6m wide x 0.45m deep Fixed shelving - 5 off Fixed shelving – 1 at 1.8m __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.06 GROH NORTH BRIEF NORTH AREAS ACCOMMODATION STANDARDS – 2 BEDROOM UNITS/HOUSES 12 JAN 2009 ROOMS REQUIRED MINIMUM AREA (m²) MINIMUM DIM (m) FURNITURE AND FITTINGS TO BE ACCOMMODATED External Living Area / Patio Area 15 3 To be a covered area under main roof Sliding Door to Living/Dining Room External landings 1.2 To external doors for full width of openings Balcony or 9 Ground Floor Porch to Multistorey 2.1 Door to Living/Dining Room Floor only required Private space to include screened from view drying lines Store 2.5 Provide a store room under main roof to each unit 6 Store rooms to have adequate permanent ceiling ventilation through roof. Single Carport 3m min clear width 6m length Under main roof Internal Passages 1.0 Min width to passages __________________________________________________________________________________________ Side Elevation 450mm x 450mm Reticulation cabinet with a single GPO inside. Unless reticulation handled by a central controller located in a service area __________________________________________________________________________________________ Solar Design: Passive solar design techniques (particularly the shading of walls and especially windows on at least 3 complete sides) should be maximised by verandahs of not less than 2000mm width, where walls are not shaded by carport or outdoor living area. GROH NORTH BRIEF 13 JAN 2009 3.07 NORTH AREAS ACCOMMODATION STANDARDS - 3 BEDROOM UNITS/HOUSES Area (F.E.C.A.) - 135m2 ROOMS REQUIRED MINIMUM AREA (m²) MINIMUM DIM (m) FURNITURE AND FITTINGS TO BE ACCOMMODATED Front Porch 3.6 1.2 Covered area to access front entrance door ________________________________________________________________________________________ Entry To be separate from the living areas Sidelight windows are not to be included Lounge 18 3.6 To be a separate room removed from the family/dining/kitchen area 8 seater lounge 1 x 0.9m (length) x 0.6m (width) coffee table1 x 1m (width) x 1.8m (height) x 0.2m depth bookshelf 1 x 2m (width) x 1.5m (height) x 0.5m (depth) entertainment unit ________________________________________________________________________________________ Family 18 3.6 8 seater lounge 1 x 0.9m (length) x 0.6m (width) coffee table 1 x 1m (width) x 1.8m (height) x 0.2m depth bookshelf 1 x 2m (width) x 1.5m (height) x 0.5m (depth) entertainment unit 1 x 1.2m x 600 (depth) computer desk ________________________________________________________________________________________ Dining 12 3.0 GROH NORTH BRIEF 1 x 2m (width) x 0.45m (depth) sideboard 1 x 1.8m (length) x 0.9 (width) dining table 8 dining chairs 14 JAN 2009 3.07 NORTH AREAS ACCOMMODATION STANDARDS –3 BEDROOM UNITS/HOUSES ROOMS MINIMUM MINIMUM FURNITURE AND FITTINGS TO BE REQUIRED AREA (m²) DIM (m) ACCOMMODATED ________________________________________________________________________________________ Kitchen 9 2.4 1380mm (min) one and a half bowl inset sink and single drainer with cupboards under – child resistant catch to be supplied to one door 3600mm long bench cupboards X 600mm wide measured along exposed face. 450mm wide nest of drawers in cupboards Where island bench occurs, bench top is to be 850mm wide to act as a breakfast bar 1800mm o/head china cupboard Corner pantry preferred otherwise 900mm wide x 600mm depth pantry cupboard 1600mm wide space for fridge/freezer Elevated electric wall oven with microwave shelf above and pot drawer/s below 1 x 700mm (width) x 450mm (depth) microwave shelf Gas cook top with four plate burners (including wok burner) with range hood over and flume vent through to outside air. Bench cupboard below cook top 600mm wide dishwasher recess. 1.2m access space (between bench cupboards) Bedroom 1 16 3.6 2400mm wide x 600mm deep built in robe with sliding doors (include in design) 1 x 2.0m (length) x 1.5m (width) queen size bed 2 x 0.45m x 0.45m bedside tables 1 x 1.0m x 0.45m dressing table __________________________________________________________________________________________ Ensuite Bathroom 4 1.8 Bathroom 4.3 1.8 1000mm x 900mm enclosed shower area with a hinged door, a 100mm hob and a soap holder Wash basin in 900mm long vanity cabinet with a child resistant catch to one door Mirror only above basin (for full width of vanity 900mm) 2400mm long towel rail (can be 2 x 1200mm dual offset rails) 1 x dual flush toilet __________________________________________________________________________________________ Other Bedrooms 10 3 1.8m wide (min) x 0.6m depth built in robe with sliding doors (include in design). 2 x 2.0m (length) x 1m (width) single size beds 2 x 0.45 x 0.45 bedside tables 1 x 0.9 x 0.45m dressing table GROH NORTH BRIEF 1500mm pressed steel bath recessed into walls 1000mm x 900mm enclosed shower area with a hinged door, a 100mm hob and a soap holder Wash basin in 900mm long vanity cabinet with child resistant catch to door Mirror only above basin (for full width of vanity 900mm) 2400mm long towel rail (can be 2 x 1200mm dual offset rails) 15 JAN 2009 3.07 NORTH AREAS ACCOMM0DATION STANDARDS – 3 BEDROOM UNITS/HOUSES ROOMS REQUIRED MINIMUM AREA (m²) MINIMUM DIM (m) FURNITURE AND FITTINGS TO BE ACCOMMODATED Laundry 4.3 1.7 70 litre stainless steel trough with sud saver & cabinet. The door to the cabinet to have a child resistant catch 900mm wide washing machine space with taps Space for wall mounted clothes dryer Space for chest freezer WC’s (2 required) 1.6 0.95 Dual flush system Toilet paper holder The W.C is to be separate from the family bathroom however one can be located in the ensuite bathroom Linen Cupboard Broom Cupboard 1.2m wide x 0.45m deep 0.6m wide x 0.45m deep Fixed shelving - 5 off Fixed shelving – 1 at 1.8m ___________________________________________________________________________________________ External Living Area / Patio Area 25 4 To be a located under the main roof Concrete floor Sliding Door to Living/Dining Room 1.2 To external doors for full width of brick openings 3m Provide a store room under main roof to each unit Storerooms to have adequate ventilation. Double Carport 5.9 min clear width 6m length To be located under the main roof Concrete floor Side Elevation 0.45 x 0.45 Reticulation cabinet with a single GPO inside Internal Passages 1.0 Minimum width to passages External landings Storeroom 9 Solar Design: Passive solar design techniques (particularly the shading of walls and especially windows on at least 3 complete sides) should be maximised by verandahs of not less than 2000mm width, where walls are not shaded by carport or outdoor living area. GROH NORTH BRIEF 16 JAN 2009 3.08 NORTH AREAS ACCOMMODATION STANDARDS - 4 BEDROOM UNITS/HOUSES Area (F.E.C.A.) -150 m2 ROOMS REQUIRED MINIMUM AREA (m²) MINIMUM DIM (m) FURNITURE AND FITTINGS TO BE ACCOMMODATED Front Porch 3.6 1.2 Access to front entrance door Entry To be separate from the living areas Sidelight windows are not to be included Lounge 18 3.6 To be a separate room removed from the family/dining/kitchen area 8 seater lounge 1 x 0.9m (length) x 0.6m (width) coffee table 1 x 1m (width) x 1.8m (height) x 0.2m depth bookshelf 1 x 2m (width) x 1.5m (height) x 0.5m (depth) entertainment unit __________________________________________________________________________________________ Family 20 3.6 8 seater lounge 1 x 0.9m (length) x 0.6m (width) coffee table 1 x 1m (width) x 1.8m (height) x 0.2m depth bookshelf 1x 2m (width) x 1.5m (height) x 0.5m (depth) entertainment unit 1 x 1.2m x 600mm computer desk Dining 12 3.0 1 x 2m (width) x 0.45m (depth) sideboard 1 x 1.8m (length) x 0.9 (width) dining table 8 dining chairs GROH NORTH BRIEF 17 JAN 2009 3.08 NORTH AREAS ACCOMMODATION STANDARDS - 4 BEDROOM UNITS/HOUSES ROOMS REQUIRED MINIMUM AREA (m²) MINIMUM DIM (m) FURNITURE AND FITTINGS TO BE ACCOMMODATED Kitchen 9 2.4 1380mm(min) one and a half bowl inset sink and single drainer with cupboards under – child resistant catch to be supplied to one door 3600mm long bench cupboards X 600mm wide measured along exposed face. 450mm wide nest of drawers in cupboards Where island bench occurs, bench top is to be 850mm wide to act as a breakfast bar 1800mm o/head china cupboard Corner pantry preferred otherwise 900mm wide x 600mm depth pantry cupboard 1600mm wide space for fridge/freezer Elevated electric wall oven with microwave shelf above and pot drawer/s below 1 x 700mm (width) x 450mm (depth) microwave shelf Gas cook top with four plate burners (including wok burner) with range hood over and flume vent through to outside air. Bench cupboard below cook top 600mm wide dishwasher recess. 1.2m access space (between bench cupboards) Bedroom 1 16 3.6 2400mm wide x 600mm deep built in robe with sliding doors (include in design) 1 x 2.0m (length) x 1.5m (width) queen size bed 2 x 0.45m x 0.45m bedside tables 1 x 1.0m x 0.45m dressing table _________________________________________________________________________________________ Ensuite Bathroom 4 1.8 1000mm x 900mm enclosed shower area with a hinged door, a 100mm hob and a soap holder Wash basin in 900mm long vanity cabinet with a child resistant catch to one door Mirror only above basin (for full width of vanity 900mm) 2400mm long towel rail (can be 2 x 1200mm dual offset rails) 1 x dual flush toilet Other Bedrooms 10 3 1.8m wide (min) x 0.6m depth built in robe with sliding doors (include in design). 2 x 2.0m (length) x 1m (width) single size beds 2 x 0.45m x 0.45m bedside tables 1 x 0.9m x 0.45m dressing table GROH NORTH BRIEF 18 JAN 2009 3.08 NORTH AREAS ACCOMMODATION STANDARDS – 4 BEDROOM UNITS/HOUSES ROOMS REQUIRED MINIMUM AREA (m²) MINIMUM DIM (m) FURNITURE AND FITTINGS TO BE ACCOMMODATED Bathroom 4.3 1.8 1500mm pressed steel bath recessed into walls 1000mm x 900mm enclosed shower area with a hinged door, a 100mm hob and a soap holder Wash basin in 900mm long vanity cabinet with child resistant catch to door Mirror only above basin (for full width of vanity 900mm) 2400mm long towel rail (can be 2 x 1200mm dual offset rails) Laundry 4.3 1.7 70 litre stainless steel trough with sud saver & cabinet. The door to the cabinet to have a child resistant catch 900mm wide washing machine space with taps Space for wall mounted clothes dryer Space for chest freezer WC’s (2 required) 1.6 0.95 Dual flush system Toilet paper holder The W.C is to be separate from the family bathroom however one can be located in the ensuite bathroom Linen Cupboard Broom Cupboard 1.2m wide x 0.45m deep 0.6m wide x 0.45m deep Fixed shelving - 5 off Fixed shelving – 1 at 1.8m External Living Area / Patio Area 25 4 To be a located under the main roof Concrete floor Sliding Door to Living/Dining Room 1.2 To external doors for full width of brick openings 3m Provide a store room under main roof to each unit Storerooms to have adequate ventilation. Double Carport 5.9 min clear width 6m length To be located under the main roof Side Elevation 0.45 x 0.45 Reticulation cabinet with a single GPO inside Internal Passages 1.0 Minimum width to passages External landings Storeroom 9 Solar Design: Passive solar design techniques (particularly the shading of walls and especially windows on at least 3 complete sides) should be maximised by verandahs of not less than 2000mm width, where walls are not shaded by carport or outdoor living area. GROH NORTH BRIEF 19 JAN 2009 3.09 NORTH AREAS ACCOMMODATION STANDARDS - 5 BEDROOM FAMILY UNITS/HOUSES Area (F.E.C.A.) - 165m2 ROOMS REQUIRED MINIMUM AREA (m²) MINIMUM DIM (m) FURNITURE AND FITTINGS TO BE ACCOMMODATED Front Porch 3.6 1.2 Access to front entrance door _________________________________________________________________________________________ To be separate from living areas Entry Sidelight windows are not to be included __________________________________________________________________________________________ Lounge 20 3.6 To be a separate room removed from the family/dining/kitchen area 10 seater lounge 1 x 0.9m (length) x 0.6m (width) coffee table 1 x 1m (width) x 1.8m (height) x 0.2m depth bookshelf 1 x 2m (width) x 1.5m (height) x 0.5m (depth) entertainment unit ________________________________________________________________________________________ Family 22 3.6 10 seater lounge 1 x 0.9m (length) x 0.6m (width) coffee table 1 x 1m (width) x 1.8m (height) x 0.2m depth bookshelf 1 x 2m (width) x 1.5m (height) x 0.5m (depth) entertainment unit 1 x 1.2m x 600mm computer desk ________________________________________________________________________________________ Dining 12 3.0 GROH NORTH BRIEF 1 x 2m (width) x 0.45m (depth) sideboard 1 x 2.1m (length) x 0.9 (width) dining table 10 dining chairs 20 JAN 2009 3.09 NORTH AREAS ACCOMMODATION STANDARDS – 5 BEDROOM UNITS/HOUSES ROOMS MINIMUM MINIMUM FURNITURE AND FITTINGS TO BE REQUIRED AREA (m²) DIM (m) ACCOMMODATED ________________________________________________________________________________________ Kitchen 9 2.4 1380mm (min) one and a half bowl inset sink and single drainer with cupboards under – child resistant catch to be supplied to one door 3600mm long bench cupboards X 600mm wide measured along exposed face. 450mm wide nest of drawers in cupboards Where island bench occurs, bench top is to be 850mm wide to act as a breakfast bar 1800mm o/head china cupboard Corner pantry preferred otherwise 900mm wide x 600mm depth pantry cupboard 1600mm wide space for fridge/freezer Elevated electric wall oven with microwave shelf above and pot drawer/s below 1 x 700mm (width) x 450mm (depth) microwave shelf Gas cook top with 4 plate burners (including wok burner) with range hood over and flume vent through to outside air Bench cupboard adjoining cook top 600mm wide dishwasher recess. 1.2m access space (between bench cupboards) Bedroom 1 16 3.6 2400mm wide x 600mm deep built in robe with sliding doors (include in design). 1 x 2.0m (length) x 1.5m (width) queen size bed 2 x 0.45m x 0.45m bedside tables 1 x 1.0m x 0.45m dressing table _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Ensuite Bathroom 4 1.8 1000mm x 900mm enclosed shower area with a hinged door, a 100mm hob and a soap holder Wash basin in 900mm long vanity cabinet with a child resistant catch to one door Mirror only above basin (for full width of vanity – 900mm) 2400mm long towel rail (can be 2 x 1200mm dual offset rails) _________________________________________________________________________________________ Other Bedrooms 10 3 1.8m wide (min) x 0.6m depth built in robe with sliding doors (include in design). 2 x 2.0m (length) x 1m (width) single size bed 2 x 0.45 x 0.45 bedside tables 1 x 0.9 x 0.45m dressing table Bathroom GROH NORTH BRIEF 4.3 1.8 1500mm pressed steel bath recessed into walls 1000mm x 900mm enclosed shower area with a hinged door, a 100mm hob and a soap holder Wash basin in 900mm long vanity cabinet with child resistant catch to door Mirror only above basin (for full width of vanity – 900mm) 2400mm long towel rail (can be 2 x 1200mm dual offset rails) 21 JAN 2009 3.09 NORTH AREAS ACCOMMODATION STANDARDS – 5 BEDROOM UNITS/HOUSES ROOMS REQUIRED MINIMUM AREA (m²) MINIMUM DIM (m) FURNITURE AND FITTINGS TO BE ACCOMMODATED Laundry 4.3 1.7 70 litre stainless steel trough with sud saver & cabinet. The door to the cabinet to have a child resistant catch 900mm wide washing machine space with taps Space for wall mounted clothes dryer Space for chest freezer WC’s (2 required) 1.6 0.95 Dual flush system Toilet paper holder The W.C is to be separate from the family bathroom however one can be located in the ensuite bathroom Linen Cupboard Broom Cupboard 1.2m wide x 0.45m deep 0.6m wide x 0.45m deep Fixed shelving - 5 off Fixed shelving – 1 at 1.8m External Living Area / Patio Area 25 4 To be a located under the main roof Concrete floor Sliding Door to Living/Dining Room 1.2 To external doors for full width of brick openings 3m Provide a store room under main roof to each unit Storerooms to have adequate ventilation. Double Carport 5.9 min clear width 6m length To be located under the main roof Concrete floor Side Elevation 0.45 x 0.45 Reticulation cabinet with a single GPO inside Internal Passages 1.0 Minimum width to passages External landings Storeroom 9 Solar Design: Passive solar design techniques (particularly the shading of walls and especially windows on at least 3 complete sides) should be maximised by verandahs of not less than 2000mm width, where walls are not shaded by carport or outdoor living area. GROH NORTH BRIEF 22 JAN 2009 4.0 SITE PLANNING 4.01 Scope This sub-section sets out guideline for the design of siteworks. 4.02 Generally Site planning shall comply with the requirements of the Local Authority. Particular attention should be given to the visual quality of the development from the street, so as to achieve a continuity of form and style without monotony, yet still retaining identity of each dwelling. 4.03 Density Design to maximise the density on site, including density bonus for one bedroom units if applicable, or as directed by the project brief. 4.04 Privacy The positioning of a dwelling on a site whether as a single unit or as a group of units should ensure privacy from over looking of outdoor living areas, from adjacent units windows. 4.05 4.06 Sense of Address - Multi Unit Developments (i) Visual: Each dwelling should have a "sense of address" to the street or access way, with the unit’s principal entry readily identifiable. (ii) Numeric: Each dwelling, letterbox, and letterbox group, should be clearly identified by a 50mm high metal unit and/or street number visible from the street or access way. (iii) The Superintendent is to obtain the correct identifying street number from the Local Government Authority. Service and External Living Areas Siting should create separate service and external living areas. Each area should have a direct link with their corresponding internal spaces (i.e. living/dining rooms to external living areas and laundry to service court). The layout of the private yard shall be such as to maximise the unobstructed areas available for playing and should include the patio area. 4.07 Maintenance of External Open Space In grouped housing developments open space should be designed to provide each unit/tenant with a clearly identifiable area of garden space, which the tenant can be responsible to maintain. The allocation of garden space to tenants should be maximised so as to reduce GROH’s maintenance costs. Particular attention should be given to the clear demarcation of unfenced private ground space and adjacent communal open space. 4.08 Floor Level/Contour The relationship between a dwelling, neighbouring buildings and ground contour should be carefully considered. In general the floor level should be kept as low as possible while still maintaining a sense of continuity with adjoining dwellings. Floor levels are to be 150mm minimum above finished ground level and conform to Local Authority requirements. GROH NORTH BRIEF 23 JAN 2009 4.09 Cut and Fill/Retaining Walls Where units are to be built onto sand pads the compacted surface area of the pad shall extend beyond the building external walls for a minimum distance of two metres and graded away from the footing / wall at 1:10 maximum slope. Provide retaining walls at boundaries where there is a difference or greater than 150mm between finished ground level within the site and existing adjacent ground levels of the neighbouring lot. Where retaining walls are required on a boundary the fencing is to be erected on the high side of the retaining wall. The whole of the site shall be cleared of surplus soil or debris (except for suitable trees), which must be removed from the lot. Filling Material: Clean sand free of clay and debris is to be used to bring the lot to a suitable finished ground level. 4.10 4.11 Orientation (i) Sun: (of primary importance): The main axis of the dwelling should be, where possible, within the 15o of the east-west axis. Windows of habitable rooms preferably should not be placed on the western and eastern elevations unless fully shaded. (ii) Wind: (of secondary importance): Windows and door openings should, where possible, be orientated to maximise the cross ventilation of rooms by prevailing breezes. (iii) View: (of secondary importance): Windows of habitable rooms should, where possible, be orientated to exploit views. (iv) All designs should have the best orientation to achieve the lowest energy use. Vegetation Avoid the removal of any existing trees which are likely to have a long life and which will not interfere with the building structure or services. Access to gates is to be clear of trees. 4.12 Building Line The dwelling should be sited by, utilising set backs to within the scope of the R codes to provide variation in streetscape. 4.13 Car parking & Vehicular Access (i) Provide each unit with a carport and driveway, with additional parking bays per unit (as required for unit developments), either in tandem with 1st bay or in communal car parks, to comply with the requirements of the relevant Planning Scheme. (ii) Design vehicular access and circulation in accordance with the relevant authorities requirements to permit easy and safe access to units for ambulance, emergency vehicles, furniture removal trucks etc, as well as cars. (iii) For single detached housing provide vehicular access to rear yards via double gates (2 x 1350mm or 1 x 900 & 1 x 1800mm) where site layout permits. Gates should not be located were they will endanger septic tanks and leach drains. (iv) A minimum three (3) metre width crossover to the Local Authority standard and approval A minimum three (3) metre width driveway, 100mm thickness concrete reinforced. (v) GROH NORTH BRIEF 24 JAN 2009 (vi) 4.14 4.15 GROH NORTH BRIEF A carport as designated in the design requirement 100mm thickness reinforced Pedestrian Paved Access (i) Where pedestrian access intersects vehicular access, provide kerb cuts designed and constructed, to allow easy wheeled access. (ii) Provide handrails adjacent to embankments, ramps, stairs or in places which could become slippery. (iii) Provide 1200mm wide concrete/brick paved landing to each external door for at least the full width of the opening between brick jambs. (iv) Provide concrete paved patio area from the dining/family room in accordance with the accommodation standards. (v) Provide access to rear and front opening side of letterboxes of mail delivered. (vi) Provide letterboxes for units where there is a postal delivery in the town. (vii) 900mm wide single gate with concrete paving under. (viii) 1000mm wide concrete footpath from carport to the front door. (ix) 1000mm wide concrete footpath from carport to the patio/rear door. (x) 1000mm wide concrete footpath from laundry access to the clothesline. (xi) 1000mm wide concrete footpath from carport to the store. (xii) Where gas bottles are required provide a 1000mm wide concrete footpath to facilitate changeover of bottles. Gas bottles are to have concrete paving under. A minimum width of 1000mm is to be maintained around bottles for pedestrian access. (xiii) Concrete landings, footpaths, and patios shall be 75mm thick with a non slip finish and suitable joints. (xiv) Floor wastes discharging onto paving shall have sumps with a grate. Fencing (i) Type: Fencing should complement fencing adjacent to the site with the aim to standardise on the following:Post and rail double sided colorbond steel. Fences on sloping sites shall be stepped or raked to maintain an 1800mm privacy height in the rear yards from adjacent properties. (ii) Extent of Fencing: From the front boundary to the house is to be 900mm high fencing. Wing fencing and fencing from the house around the rear yard perimeter is to be 1800mm high. The height of fencing is measured from the adjoining property. All fencing to include 1 x single pedestrian gate and one set of double gates for vehicular entry to the rear yard. (iii) Gates: 1 x 900mm pedestrian and if possible 1 x 2700mm wide colorbond metal clad panel gates in two leaves enabling access to rear yard (2 x 1350mm or a 1 x 900mm wide 1x 1800mm wide). 25 JAN 2009 4.16 Servicing (i) Water: Connect each unit to a metered water service in accordance with the Water Corporation requirements. Water Corporation to provide individual water meters at boundary and a minimum of 1.5 metres from driveways. If development includes common garden area, one metered water service is required for garden reticulation. All water meters to be kept as far as practical from vehicle areas. Water meters are to be concealed from public view preferably by building into the masonry elements of the front letterboxes, electrical meter structures, front fences and or other brick structural elements. If the above is not possible, water meters are to be concealed by locating in the landscaping for the project with approved concrete box with steel lid at ground level. Water descaling device (turbo flow or similar) on the inlet pipe of the cold water supply. Provide a separate cut in for future reticulation within 2 metres of the mains water meter with a 25mm tested gate valve fitted with an approved backflow prevention device. Reticulation meter required. Stormwater: All stormwater disposal is to be in accordance with Local Authority requirements. The order of preference for stormwater disposal is 1) council drainage, 2) soakwells, 3) spoondrains to the base of each downpipe (to be installed to minimise the effect of erosion. Where downpipes discharge into a soakwell there must be a gully at the end of the downpipe. (ii) Gas: Allow for all units to be connected to reticulated natural gas in accordance with Alinta Gas requirements and to be separately metered, or where reticulated gas is not available bottled gas shall be used. When bottled gas is required two (2) full gas bottles are to be supplied to each dwelling with the contractor paying all associated costs. (iii) Sewerage: Allow for all units to be connected to sewer in accordance with Water Corporation requirements. If reticulated sewer is not available then provide and effluent disposal system appropriate for the site conditions. The siting and choice of installation should permit easy access and maintenance. System to be in accordance with Local Authority requirements. (iv) Electricity: Single or Three phase (depending on the airconditioning system used) Main switchboard cabinet to be aluminium, on a concrete plinth or built into fence, with G.P.O. connected to common services meter. The common services meter is to be a “SMARTPOWER” meter where security lighting, reticulation controller, television amplifier, pumps and any other common equipment collectively totals 200 Watts or more. Metering and Load Centre: Metering shall be Multiple Master Metering, with one meter for each unit plus one meter for common Services. Provide internal load centre with circuit breakers to each dwelling. GROH NORTH BRIEF 26 JAN 2009 (v) Television Reception: Each unit to be connected to television reception 200mm above floor. MATV system required for 3 or more units. All in accordance with Australian Standard 1367 & specification. (vi) Telephone Outlet / Internet Connection: Provide one operational telephone outlet assembly to each dwelling and one internet connection. Telephone outlet assembly shall be in the kitchen adjacent to the Dining room and the internet connection is to be located in the living area for 1 & 2 bedroom units and the family room for houses with three (3) or more bedrooms. A double GPO is to be located in close proximity to the telephone outlet and the internet connection. Telstra Cable Installation. Designer to contact Telstra for method of installation. (vii) Services Cabinets Design site layout to incorporate locations of cabinets for electrical main switchboard, remote multiple master meter switchboard, separate aluminium television amplifier/s cabinet, and separate aluminium water reticulation cabinet. Each cabinet shall be in communal space. Main switchboard to LHS and to RHS reticulation cabinet positioned above and the MATV Cabinet below. Each service cabinet to have two separate keys for each cabinet. Should all be keyed alike to a Standard Homeswest key. Provide a 900mm minimum width path from the closest other paving to each services cabinet. 4.17 Security Lighting Provide security lights necessary to sufficiently illuminate grouped car parking bays and shared access paths. (i) Car Parking Security Lights generally shall be horizontal post mounted type unless otherwise agreed by GROH. Horizontal post mounted security lights shall be to Department of Housing and Works detail Q4. Car parking lamps shall not be directly visible from windows of project dwellings; this may be achieved by shields in lamp cover. (ii) Pedestrian Path Security Lights generally shall be Bollard type, with 13 watt compact fluorescent lamp, at 10 metre average, 12 metre maximum spacing along path length. Bollard security light lamp cover shall be approved type. Provide wall mounted security lights at driveway and pedestrian path locations enclosed by walls greater than 2 metres height. (iii) GROH NORTH BRIEF Sensor lights with isolation switch to front and rear patio external doors. 27 JAN 2009 4.18 Refuse Disposal The Local Authority may require a provision of a bin store when the development is not completely parallel with a gazetted street but is mostly sited on a internal access way. A bin store should be provided in accordance with the Local Authority requirements at or near the boundaries. 4.19 Letterboxes The designer is required to check with Australia Post for locality as some areas particularly country areas, do not have a postal service. Where required provide letterboxes to all units. When the development is not parallel with a gazetted street but sited on an internal access way and where individual unit delivery is not permitted by Australia Post, a group of letterboxes at the boundary should be provided, with 900mm wide paving on both delivery slot and opening side. 4.20 Clothes Drying Each unit shall be provided area for clothes drying. This shall be to private external area with a wall or post mounted fold down rectangular frame clothes line. Provide concrete/brick paved area externally 900mm in front of open line and under clothes line, with 900mmwide path between the laundry door and the paved area. Multi storey units to have drying lines on private balcony screened from public view. One & two bedroom accommodation is to be supplied with a fold down clothesline with 23 metres of line space. Required height 1800mm. Three, four and five bedroom accommodation is to be supplied with a rotary clothesline with 37 metres of line space. 4.21 Garden Preparation, Reticulation & Landscaping (i) Site preparation of 100mm of topsoil is to be supplied (clean fill) over the whole lot that is not built on or paved. This is to be supplied at the end of the construction period but prior to hand over of the dwelling/s. (ii) Include a 450mm x 450mm lockable (Department of Housing and Works D key) reticulation cabinet with a single weatherproof GPO inside. To be fitted to the side elevation in an accessible position. (iii) Include 90mm sleeves for the reticulation under paths, paving and driveways. (iv) Separate cut in for reticulation. 5.0 UNIT CONSTRUCTION 5.01 Scope This sub-section sets out the guidelines and minimum requirements for the construction of dwelling units in the Northern Areas. GROH NORTH BRIEF 28 JAN 2009 5.02 5.03 Generally: (i) Construction Types: Reinforced concrete slab and footing in ground construction steel framed, or masonry veneer walls, metal deck roof sheeting, on steel or timber manufactured trusses or site fabricated roof framing. Wind region C&D to be engineer designed. (ii) Maintenance: All elements of the design should be selected with the aim of minimising maintenance costs and facilitating easy cyclical maintenance. Roofing (i) Roof Pitch and Design: Between 18 and 26 degrees. The number of hips, valley plus the detailing to gables is to be kept to an aesthetic minimum. Eaves are to be lined. Vented roof gables are NOT to be included. (ii) Roof Cladding: Metal sheeting. (iii) Structure Steel : Roof trusses designed in accordance with relevant structural framing codes. Detail the provision of structural steel to roof where necessary. Steel Roof Structure to be Engineer designed and fabricated from zincalume steel components in accordance with the Australian Standards (iv) Guttering: (Not required in tropical areas) Provide full slotted Longline guttering standard metal fascia and 100 x 50 standard downpipes of maximum 6m centres. Provide spouts for window hoods, except when window hood is an extension of the main roof then downpipes are required. Timber fascias & non standard gutter and fascia profiles are not to be used without the written approval of the Project Manager. (v) Fireproof Blanket: In Multiple unit developments, fill the gap between the party wall, separating dwelling units and roof covering, with an APPROVED 160mm wide x 100mm high compressible fireproof blanket.(Show these walls on drawings) Place blanket centrally over the width of the wall. The separating wall must not be crossed by timber or other combustible building materials (see DHW Detail N1). (vi) Ceilings: Flush jointed approved lining for paint finish complete with 600mm x 400mm manhole and 75mm cornice. Ceiling height min 2700mm. Provide ceiling vents as required by Gas Regulations and to storerooms (vii) Insulation: Refer Specification, For ceilings and walls. Bulk insulation not loose 5.04 Walls (i) Masonry Veneer a) Masonry Leaf (external): - (b) GROH NORTH BRIEF Clay standard brick or approved concrete block. Joints metal rolled in coloured mortar. Framing: galvanised steel 29 JAN 2009 (ii) (c) Internal Wall Linings: Flush jointed approved linings. (d) Insulation: As specified. Steel Frame (iii) a) Framing galvanised steel: b) Internal wall linings: Flush jointed approved linings Internal Wall Height To suit 2700mm minimum ceiling height (iv) Skirtings Provide satin finish pre primed HMR MDF skirting of minimum size 67mm high x 18mm deep to all rooms except wet areas. (v) Windows Aluminium frame with horizontal opening sliding sashes (only). Finish should be a standard range powder coat colour finish. Cyclone screens to wind region C&D. Refer Specification. (vi) Door Frames Externally: to suit 870mm wide doors. Aluminium Sliding glass doors min 2170 width to door off family living. Refer Specification for wind region C&D glazing to sliding door. Internally: to suit 820 wide doors. 5.05 5.06 Floors (i) Concrete - Slab On Ground - Internal and carport floors shall be 100mm thick. 2 brick course stepdown. Gas or water lines are not to run under concrete slabs. (ii) Suspended: May be used where ground slope is excessive and suspended floor is more economical. (iii) Engineering Considerations: Structured engineers floor / footing design certificate is required. (iv) Handrails: Provide handrails and balustrades to all external porches landings and steps in accordance with the Building Code. Air-conditioning Air conditioning requirements will be as listed in the Government Air Conditioning Policy which can be obtained from the GROH website - and Specification. GROH NORTH BRIEF 30 JAN 2009 6.0 FIXTURES AND FINISHES 6.01 Scope This sub-section sets out the minimum requirements for family dwelling unit Fixtures and Finishes. 6.02 6.03 Generally (i) Continuity of Standards: There should be a continuity of standards in the fixtures and finishes throughout a dwelling. (ii) Economics: Fixtures and finishes should have a low capital and installation cost. (iii) Maintenance: Fixtures and finishes should be resistant to continual heavy domestic use and/or weather exposure, and permit easy repair, or replacement. Fixtures Generally Provide fixtures to each room as nominated in this section under "Accommodation Standards" and with the following schedules:- 6.04 1. Sanitary and Gas Fittings. 2. Water Outlets, Taps and Fittings. 3. Electrical Fixtures. 4. Cupboards and other Miscellaneous Items. 5. Schedule of Door Hardware. Schedule of Sanitary and Gas Fixtures (i) Family & Dining Rooms: Provide an approved flued gas heater to the family/ dining area in each house. To Nominated Towns of Yalgoo, Cue, Mt Magnet, Sandstone, Leonora, Menzies, Laverton, Central Reserves, Eucla, Wiluna & Meektharra A power point is to be installed for the electric ignition room heater within 200mm of the floor level and within 600mm of the horizontal fixing position of the room heater. Bottled gas shall be used when reticulated natural gas is unavailable. GROH NORTH BRIEF (ii) Kitchen: One and a half bowl sink and single drainer of size nominated in accommodation standards. Approved electric wall oven and gas cook top. (iii) Laundry: Single bowl suds saver trough of size nominated in accommodation standards and with white baked enamel finished metal cabinet under. Fit approved child resistant catch to cabinet door. Homeswest Detail L12. (iv) Bathroom - Bath of size nominated in accommodation standards. - Bath is to be recessed into walls. 31 JAN 2009 - Wash basin in vanity cabinet. - 1000mm x 900mm shower area with 100mm high tiled hob. Provide an approved safety glass shower screen and Pivotal door to finished height of 2000 above floor. (v) Ensuite - Wash basin in vanity cabinet. - 1000mm x 900mm shower area with 100mm high tiled hob. Provide an approved safety glass shower screen and Pivotal door to finished height of 2000 above floor. - Pedestal pan with seat and flap. - Mid or low level dual flush cistern. (vi) W.C. - (vii) Pedestal pan with seat and flap. Mid or low level dual flush cistern. Gas Bottle Location: To be located as close as practicable to appliances with a concrete slab base and paved access for bottle change over. Bottled gas shall be used when reticulated natural gas is unavailable. (viii) 6.05 GROH NORTH BRIEF Solar Water Heater: As per specification & policy guidelines for location/area. Schedule of Water Outlets, Taps and Fittings (i) Hot Water Piping: Lagged and run in roof space of building. Hot water piping shall not be run outside the external walls. (ii) Cold Water Piping – To be clip fastened to structural members at 900mm centres. (iii) Kitchen: One and a half bowl sink and single drainer: Provide combined concealed assembly with approved ceramic disk mixer tap. (iv) Dishwasher Recess – Provide one hosecock (cold) near dishwasher recess for connection to a dishwasher. (v) Laundry: Single Bowl Suds Saver Trough: provide combined concealed assembly with two stop cocks (hot & cold) and a 150mm long swivel outlet (vi) Washing Machine Position: Provide two washing machine taps (hot and cold) set 1200mm above floor. (vii) Vanity Basin: Provide a combined concealed assembly with two stopcocks (hot and cold) and fixed outlet with aerator. (viii) Bath Provide a combined concealed assembly with two stop cocks (hot and cold) and a 150mm long fixed outlet. To each cock of bath outlet fit a “Galvin’s safety tap” spring loaded valve assembly or similar approved. (ix) Shower Recess: Provide a combined concealed assembly with two stop cocks (hot and cold) and a 300mm long all directional shower arm and rose fixed 1800mm above floor level with a 100mm swivel anti splash shower rose. Stop cocks to be offset to the shower rose. Also provide floor waste in shower recess. 32 JAN 2009 6.06 (x) Water heater: Provide stop cock (xi) External Taps: Provide two stop cocks to house, one to front and rear yards but not in trafficable areas. Hose cocks to have a threaded connection to pipe (not welded). Provide hose cocks with back-flow prevention device being hose connection vacuum breaker complying with AS3500. Avoid placing external taps on the walls of the dwelling were possible. (xii) Floor Waste: Floor wastes discharging in paving shall have sumps. Schedule of Electrical Fixtures (i) Generally as per requirements of Western Power and GROH Specification (a) Combined gas and electrical meter boxes (approved lockable Western Power meter box with viewing window) where applicable on one of the side walls away from the front entrance door. (b) Electrical Load Centre to be located internally Refer Specification for details Conceal cables and conduits. Cables and conduits in walls shall run vertically not horizontally. Load Centre with main switch and automatic type circuit breakers in Living/Dining area on an external wall. Load centre to have a latched or self closing hinged circuit breaker cover, removable face plate and fixed surround: Load centre shall have a neutral colour. (c) All smoke alarms must comply with the AS3786-1993 and Building Code of Australia The primary power supply to alarms shall be a permanent connected 240 volt mains supply. The alarm must have an internal and sealed rechargeable battery unit standby DC supply. Minimum number of fire alarm requirements as follows: For 3 bedroom house 1 4 bedroom house 1 may be 2 depends on design layout. 5 bedroom house 2 may be 3 depends on design layout. It is the designer’s responsibility to provide the number of fire alarms and the locations depends on the house design layout as per the BCA. Connect all alarms within an individual residence to a lighting circuit. Interconnect all alarms within an individual residence. Alarms shall be tested at handover. (ii) (iii) Lounge Area (a) General Purpose Outlets: Two double GPO's set 200mm above floor. (b) Light Fitting: Two ceiling mounted incandescent light points. (c) Television Outlet set 200mm above floor. (d) Ceiling fan 1400mm dia. Controller 1200mm off floor Dining/Family Area (a) GROH NORTH BRIEF General Purposed Outlets: Three double GPO’s set 200mm above floor. 33 JAN 2009 (iv) (b) Light Fitting: Two ceiling mounted incandescent light points. (c) Television Outlet set 200mm above floor. (d) Internet phone point 200mm above floor near GPO to suit computer desk. (e) Ceiling fan 1400mm dia. Controller 1200mm off floor Kitchen (a) General Purpose Outlets: - - (v) Light fitting: One ceiling mounted 40W fluorescent light fitting complete with diffuser. (c) Range hood above cook top and flume vent through to outside air. One single GPO required. (d) Ceiling fan 900mm dia. Controller 1200mm off floor (e) Corner Pantry Cupboard: one ceiling mounted incandescent light fitting which activates when the door is opened. Laundry (a) (b) (vii) GROH NORTH BRIEF One single GPO in cupboard near to dishwasher recess for tenants’ dishwasher. (b) - (vi) Two double GPO's set 150mm above bench top (one in close proximity to the telephone point). One single GPO in location to suit Microwave. One double safety shuttered GPO set 1500mm above floor in fridge freezer space. General Purpose Outlets: One double GPO set 1500mm above floor to suit washing machine and clothes dryer. One single GPO 1500mm above floor for a possible freezer. Light Fitting: One ceiling mounted incandescent light point located centrally in room. Bathroom / Ensuite (a) General Purpose Outlets: One double GPO set 1500mm above floor adjacent to mirror. (b) Light Fitting: One ceiling mounted incandescent light point located centrally in room. (b) Exhaust fan located over shower recess and flume vent through to outside air. W.C. (a) Light Fitting: One ceiling mounted incandescent light point generally located centrally in room but to avoid door swing. (b) Exhaust fan located over and flume vent through to outside air. 34 JAN 2009 (viii) (ix) (x) Main Bedroom (a) General Purpose Outlets: Two double GPO set 200mm above floor and located to suit preferred bed position. (b) Light Fitting: 2 GLS incandescent recessed fully enclosed downlight luminaire’s with white ceiling trim. Lights to be positioned far enough from the ceiling fan to prevent strobing. (c) Ceiling fan 1400mm diameter. Controller 1200mm off floor. Centrally located. Other Bedrooms (a) General Purpose Outlets: One double GPO set 200mm above floor and located to suit preferred bed position. (b) Light Fitting: 2 GLS incandescent recessed fully enclosed downlight luminaire’s with white ceiling trim. Lights to be positioned far enough from the ceiling fan to prevent strobing. (c) Ceiling fan 1400mm diameter. Controller 1200mm off floor. Central location. Passages Light Fitting: One ceiling mounted incandescent light point located in best position to fully light passage. Two way switch if necessary for long passage. (xi) External Covered Areas Including Carports (a) - General Purpose Outlets: One double weatherproof GPO set at 1350mm above floor in the carport. One double weatherproof GPO set at 1350mm above floor in the patio. One single weatherproof GPO in the reticulation cabinet. (b) - Lighting Vandal resistant (weatherproof) incandescent light fittings 235mm diameter, ceiling mounted (preferred) or wall mounted adjacent to all external doors, with weatherproof switch. Carport light and front porch light to be on a common circuit with a two way switch, one inside front door and one external weatherproof switch in the carport. Sensor lights with isolation switch to all front and rear patio external doors. - (xii) Store Rooms Light fitting. One ceiling mounted incandescent light point centrally located. (xiii) Exhaust Fans Diameter: Refer Specification. Exhaust fans shall be operated by wall switches incorporated with GPO and shall have plug in power connection in ceiling. Wall mounted exhaust fans shall have a shaft to outside air. Vent ceiling mounted exhaust fans to outside air by flume vents. GROH NORTH BRIEF 35 JAN 2009 (xiv) External Living/Patio Area Ceiling fan in location to suit outdoor furniture 6.07 Schedule of Cupboards and Miscellaneous Items (Items marked *: Refer to Accommodation Table for length) (i) Kitchen * (a) Wall oven/microwave cupboard to GROH detail L35 (b) Cupboards Generally to Homeswest Detail L2: - Provide hinged doors and backs to all cupboards. - Design layout on 600mm module. Provide full height piano hinge to join door opening together (or corner application in kitchens), elsewhere fit 1800 minimum opening angle hinges. (b) Sink Cupboards: * - Provide for full length and depth of sink. - Provide a secure one door wide, poisons compartment with approved child resistant catch. Department of Housing and Works Detail L 12. (c) Bench Cupboards: * - Cupboards against wall to be 600mm deep while island bench cupboards top have an extra 250mm overhang on dining side. Provide a nest of four drawers. - Provide cutlery divisions to top drawer. (d) China Cupboards: * to Homeswest detail L 2 - Set china cupboards 455mm above bench top. (e) Pantry Cupboards: * A corner pantry is preferred to GROH detail L36. With first shelf 600mm above floor. Five (5) intermediate shelves. (ii) (f) Linen Cupboard: * To Homeswest Details L3 & L4a (g) Built in wardrobes to GROH detail’s L33 or L34. (h) Microwave cupboard is preferred to GROH detail L35. Bathroom Vanity Cabinet to Homeswest Detail L1 Location: On wall in accessible location, set 800mm approximately above floor. GROH NORTH BRIEF 36 JAN 2009 To include three doors, one with a child resistant catch, to closed compartment. Homeswest Detail L 12 (iii) (iv) (v) Bathroom Mirror (a) Description: To width of vanity cabinet or 900mm minimum and finish to height of 1800mm above floor level. Mirror to be framed with powder coated aluminium to match shower screen colour. (b) Location: On wall over wash basin Towel Rail (a) Description: Minimum 2400mm length (b) Location: On wall adjacent to wash basin set 1100mm above floor. Where insufficient space for 2400mm long rail, then provide two (dual offset) 1200mm long rails with bottom rail set 900mm above floor and top rail set 300mm above bottom rail. When offset rails are supplied the top rail is to be 150mm off wall to clear bottom rail. Shower Screen Door Pivotal Hinged shower screen door with clear swing path. (vi) W.C. Toilet Paper Holder (a) Location: On wall adjacent pedestal pan and set 800mm above floor. (b) Not to be located under towel rails Flume Vent: Bathrooms to be flume vented over shower through to outside air. 6.08 Schedule of Doors (i) Doors Generally Main entry door and store door: 870mm minimum width external hinged solid core flush timber door. Sidelight windows are not to be provided. Sliding glass doors min 2170mm width for door to the patio area (safety motif to be displayed). Other flush timber doors: 820mm width hinged preferred to sliding. (ii) Security Screen Doors Provide a security screen door to each external entry door. Refer Specification for wind region C&D. (Glazing) 6.09 Ceramic Wall Tiles Provide ceramic wall tiles as wall finish of the following areas:a. GROH NORTH BRIEF Above Sink and Bench Tops: to 400mm minimum height including return walls. 37 JAN 2009 b. Stove Position: For full width of stove position including return walls from floor to top of tiling to adjacent cupboards. c. Above wash trough, wash basin, bath and vanity cabinet: to 400mm minimum height. Bath is to be chased into the wall and wall tiles to cover lip. d. Faces of bath riser, shower hob & base of vanity. e. Shower enclosure walls: to a height of 2000mm above main floor level. f. Window reveals occurring in above areas when internal masonry walls. g. Skirting Tiles: One row to walls of Bathroom, WC, Laundry, Ensuite. h. Bath hob Wall Tiles: APPROVED glazed ceramic to EN159/BS6431 (European/British Standards). Wall Tiles Thickness: 5.5mm minimum. Provide a glazed ceramic soap holder to each shower enclosure and bath. 6.10 Floor Finishes (i) Exterior Concrete - non slip Monolithic or Granolithic. (ii) Entry – Tiles Refer Specification. (iii) Interior Items Bedrooms & Lounge Room Passages/ Dining/Family Area Kitchen/ Cupboard Recesses Laundry/ Bathroom/WC 6.11 - 300mm x 300mm Ceramic floor tiles 300mm x 300mm Ceramic floor tiles 300mm x 300mm Ceramic floor tiles Ceramic floor tiles approved slip resistant colour matched grout. SCHEDULE OF PAINTING (refer Specification) Items Not to be Painted - GROH NORTH BRIEF Face masonry work. Stainless steel items. Glazed ceramic tiles. Previously finished items (e.g. chrome plated, baked enamel or finished plastic items). 38 JAN 2009