Text Homework Class: Year 3 Date Task 25.04.14 How many words can you make out of ‘BALANCED DIET’? 02.05.14 Draw the view from your bedroom window. 09.05.14 Write a list of words that describe a haunted house. 16.05.14 Count different objects in your home. Times them by 3 and 4. 23.05.14 Look at the view from your bedroom window. Draw what it may have looked like 100 years ago. 06.06.14 Write a list of objects in your home that are primary colours. 13.06.14 Draw an object and its shadow. 20.06.14 Write a list of all the different buildings you pass on your way home from school. 27.06.14 Look out of your bedroom window. Draw what the view will look like in 100 years’ time. 04.07.14 Look at the food packaging in your kitchen cupboards. Write down how much they all weigh. 11.07.14 Write a list of adverbs. 18.07.14 Draw your favourite book character and describe them.