Computer Engineering Technology, Grades 10

Computer Engineering Technology, Grades 10 - 12
Survey Comments
Question #
1. Students should be expected to know how to connect a simple circuit and a
complex ciruit. THey should be able to identify and explain the components
and how they operate. The students are lacking the basic concepts. You need
to know this first Before you go ahead.
2. Will need signification expenditures for labs : hubs, routers , NICs, network
management tools, Windows XP on all PCs, proper lab benches (wriststraps,
soldering stations)
3. I believe that in the title "Computer Technology" would easily confused with
"Computer Studies Courses" by students and that this proposed course should
be either renamed OR an additional course should be offered such as
Electricity and Electronics Technology. The development of this course as it
stands now does not prepare students adequately because the content of
each course is too broad for it to be covered appropriately in one semester.
The workplace courses with their emphasis on IT trades appears to be fairly
reasonable and should help the students with a computer support destination
in mind. However, there are many students who would prefer to pursue a
career path as an Electrical Engineer or as an Electrical Engineering
Technologist. These students have little choice but to choose this computer
focused path if they want to have any exposure to electronics.
4. Why use the code BBT - makes it sound like a business course - why not a T
or CT- for computer tech
5. The proposed version of the workplace courses are good, however the
university/college courses need to be split - moving the virtual electonics
course with a programming focus to the computer studies document, and
leaving the physical electronics course with no programming in this document.
6. The name takes a lot away frn teh program. Engineering has a very attractive
name and is appropriate for the audience and to attract interest. Reducing the
name to just 'technology' will give students a poor view of the program.
7. adssd
8. I believe teachers who currenting hold a technical qualification in computerelectronics should be the ones able to teach these courses.Teachers with
these qualifications have direct training and experience related to this
9. Changing the course wording from Computer Engineering to Computer
Technology may cause students not to take it as one of the prime draws for
Computer Engineering comes from students who see themselves pursuing an
Engineering based career. Computer Technology might suggest the "use of
computers" as opposed to understanding how they work and how to design
1. need for more fundamentals of electricity/electronics.
2. Many more electronics examples should be inserted into the document. The
electronics expectations need to be developed with the end in mind. It
appears that the cart has been put ahead of the horse in the grade 10 and 11
documents because foundational concepts such as analog circuits and
calculations have been bypassed.
3. None at this time
1. - Computer engineering descriptions are too verbose - Grade 10 should be a
prerequisite for grade 11.
2. I would like to see the computer technology courses remain with the
computer programming/science courses in the new computer studies
3. Too much overlap from the 10 to the 11 u/c course. Little or no emphasis on
electrical fundamentals which is essential to the understanding of many of
the principles that follow.
4. Remove binary and digital logic until gr 11
5. Much better detail on what to teach.
6. The number of the expectations and the amount of content are unrealistic
for 110 hours, especially in the senior courses. Our review team concluded
that there were some grave errors made and that the combination of
Computer and Electronics curriculum ultimately watered down the course
content and its effectiveness. Our team of Computer Studies and
Technological Studies department teacher’s unanimously agreed that the
curriculum as it presently stands would be ineffective and needs to be more
clearly reflective of the two separate strands of learning that these
documents attempted to combine. We suggested that TWO courses be
developed from this one: *Computer Engineering Technology (hardware
focus) *Electronics Engineering Technology Students whose destination is
Electrical Engineering/Technologist in nature should be able to focus on this
destination without being confined to a computer hardware course. The
electronics section of the courses has bypassed much of the foundational
electricity concepts that students need in order to fully understand the
digital electronics expectations that are being proposed in the Grade 10 and
Grade 11 curriculum. I suggest that an additional course should be offered
such as Electrical Technology (Grade 10), and Electrical Engineering
Technology (Grades 11 and 12) that has an electricity and electronics focus
separate from the computer hardware curriculum. There should be a clearer
requirement for Group/Team expectations and Time and Project
management. The Environmental and Societal expectations are important,
especially in today’s society. However, there is a disproportional amount of
expectations on this topic and I think that some of these should be either
thinned out or combined with existing expectations. Thank you so much for
your willingness to listen to our suggestions.
7. the 4 emphasis areas are a major improvement.
8. Too many expectations. There is an increase from the current course. The
current course has the right number of expectations.
9. None
10. Especially for the Grade 10, too much emphasis is being placed on the direct
application without first acquiging a sound theoretical basis. For example,
breadboard circuitry and robotics is great - once you have worked on
Boolean Algebra, understand logic gates and have been exposed to a
programming language. Grade 11 is more appropriate to introduce
breadboard circuitry.
1. Electrical cableing/Fiber Optics Technician
2. How do we get students excited by calling ti workplace. Call it Engineering !
3. No
1. *24 - this is not opening up the course. It is closing is up and limiting
2. None at this time
1. control systems
2. Bring back a large engineering and the related engineering design component
3. Open source and Linux
1. - Engineering descriptions are too verbose - Grade 10 should be a prerequisite
for grade 11 - instead of grade 10, 11, 12, call the courses year 1, 2 and 3.
2. I would like to see the computer technology courses remain with the
computer programming/science courses in the new computer studies
3. Change the title for Gr 11 and 12 U/C back to engineering, and kkep the
workplace as technology.
4. There needs to be a clear requirement for group/team work and time/project
management. There are too many environmental/societal expectations. Some
of these should to be combined.
5. hgfh
6. None
1. Some courses may have more than one emphasis. It would be best if there
was a system where an emphasis could be specific for a school by choosing
various expectations.
2. The following should NOT be considered "areas of emphasis" but should be
taken from the Computer Technology expectations and made into a separate
course to facilitate the need for students who desire to pursue electrical
engineering and electrical engineering technologist pursuits in post secondary
education. *Electrical Technology (Grade 10) *Electronics Engineering
Technology(Grade 11 Analog Electronics) (Grade 12 Digital Electronics)
3. Call the course Conputer and Controls Engineering. Control systems was my
major at university. This naming convention will excite students from all
4. Exploring open source material
5. There are recognised industry certifications that define real areas of computer
knowledge. Any deviations from A+, Server+, CCNA would be purely artificial
1. The expectations listed are very specific and may not apply to all people
teaching the courses with different areas of emphasis. Is it required that all
detailed expectations be addressed in all courses and areas of emphasis?
Some specific expectations are out of date (in grade 12
college/university)Perhaps the grade 12 expectations shoudl be reviewed to
make them more generic.
2. More flexibility in the examples so that a school with limited computer
resources would be able to demonstrate robotic principals with hydraulics
(water and syringes), and circuitry need not be controlled by computer
programs or connected to the CPU output in order to be controlled.
3. Advanced placement may be the way to cover off engineering types.
4. Open source is a excellent area for resources and examples.
1. Grade 10 should be a prerequisite for grade 11 - call the courses Year 1, 2, 3.
2. I would like to see the computer technology courses remain with the
computer programming/science courses in the new computer studies
3. Universities/colleges are experiencing large attrition rates. Through
conference with them, their largest complaint is the fact that students do not
have basic electrical fundamentals and the math required to resolve problems
in this area.
4. In general, good approach, detail review by several teachers to make the
expectations more generic would improve the document.
5. The business Application courses, and both computer courses already in the
tech dept. should be in their own department.
6. Funding concerns for network component, PC configuration component,
proper lab benches, Windows XP on PC, etc.
7. 39. The expectations do not demonstrate a continuum of learning as far as I
see it. There is some overlap; however Grade 10 students need to understand
the fundamental principals of electricity. The digital electronics expectations
are out of place and are of little use to students who do not have more than a
Grade 10 Science background in electricity. 43. The number of
expectations/amount of content is NOT realistic for 110 hour credit courses.
There are TOO many disconnected expectations between electronics and
computer programs and hardware to be any benefit to students and their
future career destinations. As I mentioned on an earlier page of this survey,
there are many students who want to pursue a career in Electrical Engineering
OR Electronics Engineering Technology who are being overlooked by this
proposed course and curriculum. This course should to be re-evaluated and
split into TWO separate courses. *Computer Hardware Engineering
*Electronics Engineering Thank you for your consideration.
8. Placing computer technology out of the domain of computer studies and into
tech does not make sense at all. Although it makes use of technology, it still
is technology related to computers. The concepts taught in the info science
cross over into those taught in comp. engineering and vice versa.