Immigration Study Guide

Immigration Unit
Introductory Concepts
Immigrants & American Culture:
(A Nation of Immigrants)
Melting Pot Theory
Salad Bowl Theory
Cultural Pluralism
1. Be able to explain whether the Melting Pot Theory or Salad Bowl Theory best describe the US.
2. Be able to identify examples of nativism from thoroughout the unit.
Why people Immigrate:
(Reasons for Immigrating)
Push Factors
Pull Factors
Environmental Perception
1. Know the difference between Immigration & emigration.
2. Be able to identify whether a reason for immigrating is a push factor or a pull factor.
3. Understand the role that environmental perception has on immigration.
American Immigration System:
(Understanding our Immigration System)
Green Card
Understand the difference between a passport, green card, & visa.
Understand the difficulties in obtaining a green card.
Know what groups receive a preference (cut in line) for obtaining a green card.
Understand the difference between having a green card and being a naturalized citizen.
Know the naturalization requirements.
Natural-Born Citizen
Naturalized Citizen
History of Immigration into the United States
(History of Immigration)
Old Immigrants
New Immigrants
National Origins Act
Immigration & Nationality Act of 1965
1. What was the difference between the Old Immigrants & the New Immigrants?
2. What effect did the Industrial Revolution have on immigration to the United States
3. Understand how the National Origins Act and how the Immigration & Nationality Act of 1965 changed
US immigration patterns.
4. Know what periods had the highest & lowest amounts of immigration.
“Old Immigrants”- The Irish
(“Old Immigrants:” The Irish)
Know-Nothing Party
Draft Riots
Why did the Irish come here?
In what ways did they confront nativism & discrimination? (Know specific examples)
How did the Irish respond to this nativism?
What is the song “Kilkelly, Ireland” about? (We listened to it in class)
“New Immigrants” (1880-1924)
(“New Immigrants”: The Industrial Revolution)
(“New Immigrants”: Ellis Island)
(Asian Immigrants: Angel Island)
Ellis Island
Angel Island
Chinese Exclusion Act
National Origins Act
Why did the New Immigrants come to the United States?
Where did these immigrants tend to settle?
Understand the difficulties of life in American cities during this period. (In-class video)
Who was required to pass through Ellis Island & what happened to immigrants on that island?
How did the treatment of Asian immigrants on Angel island differ from that of Europeans that went
through Ellis Island?
6. Understand the difficulties faced by Asian immigrants in California.
7. What was the purpose for passing the National Origins Act in 1924?
The Preference System
(The Immigration & Nationality Act of 1965)
Immigration & Nationality Act of 1965
Brain Drain
1. For what purpose was the Immigration & Nationality Act of 1965 passed?
2. What overall effect did the Immigration & Nationality Act of 1965 have on immigration?
3. Understand the categories of immigrants that were favored by this law.
Current Immigration Issues
Legal/Documented Immigration
(Current Immigration: Legal/Documented Immigration)
1. What benefits are being provided by immigrants coming to the United States?
2. What are the arguments against immigration into the United States?
3. From what parts of the world are the majority of legal immigrants coming?
Undocumented Immigration
(Current Immigration: Laws related to Undocumented Immigration)
(The Dream Act)
(Recent State Laws)
Immigration Reform & Control Act of 1986
Dream Act
Understand basic facts about immigration (In-Class Quiz)
What purpose did the Immigration Reform & Control Act of 1986 serve?
Understand the basic reasons why immigration reform fails (failed legislation in 2007).
Understand the difficulties faced by undocumented families in the united States. (30 Days Episode)
What is meant by the term amnesty?
What is the Dream Act?
What have been the goals of recent State laws (Arizona, Alabama, etc.) regarding immigration?
Immigration Policy Debate
1. Understand the 4 Options in the In-Class Immigration debate & be able to state what you personally think
US Immigration policy should be.
Very important! Keep the following Laws Straight:
Chinese Exclusion Act
National Origins Act of 1924
National Origins Act of 1965
Immigration Reform & Control Act of 1986
Dream Act