Traders Huddle

Traders Huddles
Updated: 24 October, 2009
(a) Daytime Huddles will be operated
during lunch breaks on
Saturday and Sunday
(at lunch tables and around the upstairs foyer area).
(b) They will run on an ad hoc and informal basis.
Summary List
1 Elliott, Gann, etc. .................................................................................... 3
1.1.1 Elliot Wave ...............................................................................................3
1.1.2 Gann .........................................................................................................3
1.1.3 Financial Astrology ....................................................................................3
2 Mechanical Trading systems ................................................................ 3
3 Software .................................................................................................. 3
3.1.1 Charting software ......................................................................................3
3.1.2 Trading platform software ..........................................................................3
4 Trading Styles, Plans, Strategies ......................................................... 4
5 Psychology and emotions of trading ................................................... 4
6 Various financial instruments: .............................................................. 4
7 Trading strategies .................................................................................. 5
8 Indicators ............................................................................................... 5
9 YOUR CHOICE ........................................................................................ 5
10 YOUR CHOICE ...................................................................................... 5
Robert Brain
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Printed: 9 March 2016
ATAA Conference 2009
DAYTIME Traders Huddles
Possible discussion points
Daytime Huddles will be operated during lunch breaks on Saturday and
Sunday (at lunch tables and around the upstairs foyer area).
Elliott, Gann, etc.
1.1.1 Elliot Wave
1.1.2 Gann
1.1.3 Financial Astrology
Mechanical Trading systems
(a) Mechanical Trading Systems - Ideas that work
(b) Software options:(c) Strategies
3.1.1 Charting software
(a) Insight Trading
(b) AmiBroker software for beginners
(c) AmiBroker advanced and programming
(d) Newest developments in software
(e) MetaStock
(f) BullCharts
(g) ProTrader (Frank Watkins' software, and not ComSec's platform)
(h) other?...
3.1.2 Trading platform software
(a) Useful software platforms, e.g. NinjaTrader, eSignal, SierraCharts, ButtonTrader
(b) Others?
(c) Key features
(d) Problems or issues with each?
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Printed: 9 March 2016
ATAA Conference 2009
DAYTIME Traders Huddles
Possible discussion points
Trading Styles, Plans, Strategies
(a) Introduction — The complete process of trading (from start to finish)
(b) Good elements of a trading Plan / Strategy
(c) Trading Plan ideas
(d) Trading Plans — especially how to stick to them
(e) How the different time frames affect decision-making.
(f) Find best trading system ideas
(g) Set ups & money management
(h) Stop loss Techniques
(i) Should Stop-losses move with their index?
(j) An idea of how other traders trade eg methodology
(k) Pre-buy check lists, trading plans
(l) How to take the next step
(m)What is your trading routine? How much time per week?
(n) Do you have Daily tasks, and Weekly tasks? and Monthly tasks?
(o) Does this change depending on whether you are an intra-day trader versus EOD
versus End-Of-Week trader?
Psychology and emotions of trading
(a) Psychology — List (and describe) the most common psychological challenges
traders face
(aim to list ten).
(b) How do people deal with these challenges successfully?
(c) The Traders Mindset — describe it.
(d) Micro feedback techniques. i.e. modifying short term trade behaviour based on
immediately prior trade actions & results.
Various financial instruments:
(a) Options Trading & strategies
(b) CFD trading. Good and bad points
(c) The pitfalls in CFDs & how to avoid them.
(d) The highest rates payable by brokers on long AUDJPY?
(e) Shares — trading Australian shares & the impact of capital raisings on these
(f) Shares (equities) trading
(g) Metals commodities / futures
(h) US mortgage resets over the next 2 years
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Printed: 9 March 2016
ATAA Conference 2009
DAYTIME Traders Huddles
Possible discussion points
Trading strategies
(a) Trading the Penny Dreadfuls.
(b) Talk about transition from part time to full time trader.
(c) Hedging AUD/USD via CFD. Entry/exit/stops ideas
(d) Any new technical trading techniques people are using
(e) Sector analysis - does it add anything?
(f) Index trading
(g) Stock selection
(h) Day Trading
(i) Intraday Trading Strategies and practical details of intraday trading.
(j) Swing trading versus day-trading.
(k) Short term traders
(l) Full time traders
(m)Techniques to trade side-ways market (using end of day data)
(n) Trading Systems and Strategies
(o) Trading System Development
(p) entry signals
(q) exit signals
(r) Selection strategies for potential tradeable stocks
(s) Using conditional orders (effectively)
(t) Breakout Searches
(u) Pattern Analysis
(a) What are the most useful indicators?
(b) What are the optimum parameter values for specific indicators?
(eg. 28-period Momentum, 14-period RSI, 30-week Moving Average, etc.).
(c) What is the best way (strategies/indicators etc) to determine a trend?
(d) What are the best indicators for identifying impulse moves?
(a) Write your own topic on the Huddle Sign
(a) Write your own topic on the Huddle Sign
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Printed: 9 March 2016
ATAA Conference 2009
DAYTIME Traders Huddles
Possible discussion points
Other topics To-Be-filed:
(a) Any differences between private and institutional traders
(b) During the GFC did you follow your trading plan?
(c) Did you make any emotional decisions during the GFC that you later regretted?
(d) The effect of computerised high-frequency trading on retail investors/traders using
technical analysis
Portfolio management
(a) What records to keep? and Why?
(a) Futures Trading — eMini, EuroSTOXX50, DAX, SPI, K200, others? etc
(b) Should beginner traders consider futures trading?
(c) SPI Futures;
(d) Gold Futures
(e) Soy beans and other soft commodities
(f) Options approach for Futures (eMini, EuroSTOXX50, DAX, SPI, K200 etc)
(g) The basics of trading eMinis and S&P500, software, strategy, etc.
(h) Best brokers for eMinis (futures contracts), S&P500, forex
(a) General FX strategies
(b) Advanced Trading Strategies
(c) Forex trading — entry and exit
(d) Part Time Forex systems that work.
(e) Analysis techniques suited to short term FX trading
Technical analysis — misc
(a) Which types of charts? Bar, candlestick P&F?
(b) Elliot Wave (options for incorporating in any strategy)
(c) Gann
(d) Financial Astrology
(e) Pattern Analysis
(f) The most useful candlestick pattern(s)
(g) Techniques to recognise possible end of bubble/bull run.
Money and Risk Management
(a) Risk management — specify the different approaches, and things to consider
(b) Money management — specify the different approaches, and things to consider
(c) Portfolio management — specify the different approaches, and things to consider
(d) Position sizing — specify the different approaches, and things to consider
(e) Professional Money Management Strategies
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Printed: 9 March 2016
ATAA Conference 2009
DAYTIME Traders Huddles
Possible discussion points
Trade Management
(a) How to manage your trades?
(b) How to keep a Traders Journal and why. What things should you record in the
(c) Is a Traders Diary useful?
(d) Exiting long trades (using end of day data) ie when to sell, what techniques, when
not to sell, taking profits, parabolic trendlines, preserving capital, ATR stops,
kangaroo tails, etc.
(e) Explore the options, methods, software to track trade statistics:simple Excel spreadsheet vs "complicated" software. eg JBL risk manager.
Is it worth the effort?
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Printed: 9 March 2016