MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF STITHIANS PARISH COUNCIL HELD IN THE STITHIANS CENTRE ON TUESDAY 19th JULY 2011 COMMENCING AT 7pm ATTENDANCE Present were: Cllr P Tisdale (Chair), Cllr G Symmons, Cllr Mrs A Kippax, Cllr N Kippax, Cllr D Nightingale (to point mentioned), Cllr J Biscoe, Cllr Mrs V Kavanagh, Cllr N Potter and the Clerk. Three Members of the Public were present – Capt. & Mrs John Bell and Mrs Joy Thomas - to the point mentioned. Rod Davis was also present to the point mentioned and PCSO Andy Huddlestone was present between the points mentioned. 1. APOLOGIES Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr R Nicholls who was on holiday and Cllr Miss J Tisdale who was ill. Jim Lyle had also sent his apologies. 2. 2.1 URGENT ITEMS The Clerk informed the meeting that the Chairman had agreed that one item could be considered as urgent: A request from the Bowling Club to be considered under item 15.4. 3. 3.1.1 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST ETC. As a close personal friend of the applicant, Cllr D Nightingale declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 12.3(c), a pre-application for the erection of a wind turbine at Pencoose Farm. As a friend of the owner of the property, Cllr G Symmons declared a personal interest in item 12.5 where it referred to Calamankey Farm. As a member of the Church, Cllr Potter declared a personal interest in item 13, a report on the new cemetery. As a neighbour, Cllr Potter declared a personal interest in item 12.3(d), a planning application in respect of Carn Farm and item 12.5 where it referred to Four Acres, Carn. 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.2 No declarations of receipt of gifts were made. 4.2 4.2.1 MINUTES OF THE JUNE 2011 COUNCIL MEETING The Clerk advised that he had not been made aware of any amendments to the draft minutes that he had previously circulated. RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 21st June 2011 as a true record of the proceedings. Proposed by Cllr Mrs Kavanagh, seconded by Cllr Biscoe and carried unanimously by those who voted. As they had not been present at the meeting, Cllrs N Kippax and Potter did not vote. MINUTE 01/07/11 4.2.2 1 The Chairman duly signed the Minutes as a true record of the proceedings. 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 5.1.5 5.1.6 MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES OF THE JUNE COUNCIL MEETING NOT COVERED ELSEWHERE ON THE AGENDA Cllr Biscoe pointed out that the Clerk had attended an SLCC Conference in Plymouth and requested some feedback. The clerk agreed to provide a report for the September meeting. Item 7.1.3: Cllr Biscoe enquired about crime clear-up rates and the Clerk advised that he had asked the Police for details but had had no response. The Clerk agreed to follow up the matter. (It was actually addressed in the Police report later in the agenda) Item 7.1.4: Cllr Biscoe advised that the Mini was still parking at Gribbas Corner. The Clerk agreed to speak to the Police again. (This was subsequently raised with PCSO Huddlestone later in the agenda) Item 14.2.1: Cllr Biscoe advised that the matter of the proliferation of signs had been discussed at the meeting with Andy James held on 18 th July and reported as an additional item under item 14.1. Item 17.3.1: Cllr Biscoe enquired as to the success or otherwise of the Pre-School’s attendance at Stithians show and was advised by Cllr Mrs Kavanagh that it had generated considerable interest, to such an extent that it was thought five new attendees could well materialise. Minute 22/06/11(3): Cllr Biscoe pointed out that it had been agreed that the Clerk, the Chairman and Cllr Miss J Tisdale had been due to attend a meeting with the Leader of Cornwall Council on 11th July and requested information on the meeting. The Clerk advised that in the event, only he had been able to attend. He agreed to provide a report for the September meeting. 6. 6.1 POLICE & NHW Police & NHW Liaison Officer: Cllr Mrs Kavanagh stated that there was nothing new to report. This was duly noted. 6.2 Police Report: The Clerk stated that he had not received a report and advised that he would follow up the matter. (PCSO Huddlestone arrived late for the meeting and presented his report later in the agenda) The Chairman closed the meeting at this point at 19.10 to allow Public Participation. 7. 7.1 7.1.1 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Cornwall Councillor Neil Plummer: Cllr Plummer was not present at the meeting. 7.2 Parish Plans & the Local Development Plan – Andy England, Assistant Head of Planning & Regeneration, Cornwall Council: Mr England outlined the concept of Neighbourhood Development Plans within the forthcoming Localism Bill which was anticipated to come into force early next year. It was felt, however, that it was unlikely that there 7.2.1 2 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 7.2.5 7.2.6 7.2.7 would be any amendments to the Bill as regards Neighbourhood Development Plans and so matters were progressing in advance of the Bill becoming law. He advised that only local councils could prepare Neighbourhood Development Plans and that the Government would grant £20,000 to Councils to prepare a plan. It was, he said, an easy bidding process which Cornwall Council would do on behalf of Parish Councils. He gave examples of bids submitted by four Councils in Cornwall and alluded to ten others which had not been submitted as they had no clear reason for wanting a Neighbourhood Development Plan. He advised that the Government expected the community to identify needs and issues and the Parish Council to lead in preparing the plan and addressing those issues. Mr England was of the opinion that the Stithians Parish Plan Questionnaire was a good basis for establishing the needs of the community in order to prepare a Neighbourhood Development Plan. Once the Plan was prepared it must be subject to a referendum, which Cornwall Council would organise and finance. The Plan must be supported by at least 50% of the electorate who vote. It must also be independently assessed, again financed by Cornwall Council, by testing it against national and local (CC) objectives. Once a Neighbourhood Development Plan is adopted, planning applications are judged against it so in effect, the PC is influencing planning policy and the principal council has a duty to support it. The plan would decide landscape designations, local nature reserves etc. Mr England advised that training sessions on localism would be held later in the year by both CALC and Cornwall Council with input from parishes with experience,, localism Managers and Planning Officers. Templates and various information and records would be made available to assist parishes in the development of a Neighbourhood Development Plan and project management assistance would be available from Cornwall Council. Various questions were asked with the following information provided by Mr England: The Cornwall Council understanding of the term ‘development’ relates principally to building houses, factories and infrastructure. There is no definite lifespan for a Neighbourhood Development Plan but it was thought that it should be reviewed after five years. The cost of any legal challenge would be met by Cornwall Council. Can’t include areas in an adjacent parish that affect ours but may be able to co-operate with that parish to achieve objective satisfactory to both. The Government grant is fixed at £20,000 but there are other funding streams. If a bid is turned down, it can be resubmitted. Referendum only applies to the Neighbourhood Development Plan and the Parish Plan is a sound basis for the NDP. Members can vote in a referendum on the plan. The independent assessment would be based on the new 3 National Planning Policy which now amounted to only 55 pages and the Cornwall planning Strategy which was only 5 or 6 pages. The PC should use the Parish Plan, once prepared, as a guide to identifying the needs of the parish and then prepare a Neighbourhood Development Plan to outline how those needs can be addressed. The Chairman thanked Mr England for his attendance and the useful information he had provided whereupon Mr England left the meeting at 19.55. PCSO Andy Huddlestone entered the meeting during consideration of the above item at 19.30. 6.2 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 6.2.6 Devon & Cornwall Police: PCSO Andy Huddlestone stated that, whilst he had announced at the previous meeting that Police would not attend Parish Council meetings, this did not mean that they would never attend. PCSO Huddlestone presented his report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. Regarding clear-up rates, he informed the meeting that, as Stithians was a rural area, isolated crime was often difficult to detect. He reported that 15 crimes out of the 58 recorded in the Parish for the past year had been detected. In response to a question, he replied that detection means that a person has been identified as responsible and that whatever follow up action that was possible had been taken; this might range from a caution to prosecution. He asked Members to respond to the consultation on the Special Constabulary via the link contained in his report. Cllr Biscoe pointed out that the Mini was still parking at Gribbas Corner and PCSO Huddlestone agreed to investigate further. The Chairman thanked PCSO Huddlestone for his contribution to the meeting whereupon he left at 20.10.. 7.3 Members of the Public: John Bell referred to the information presented by Andrew England. He was of the opinion that before funding could be applied for, the data needed to be analysed to indentify any issues. He was hopeful that this would be done within three months, after which time the Working Group would be in a position to discuss the matter further and present its report to Parish Council for consideration. There being no other matters raised under public participation, the Chairman reopened the meeting at this point at 20.15, at which time the members of the public left. 8. 8.1 8.1.1 TRANSPORT Transport Representative’s Report: Rod Davis, the Council’s Transport Representative, informed the meeting that he was still in communication with David Edwards, the Chief 4 8.1.2 8.1.3 Executive of the Integrated Passenger Transport Executive over the duplication of services and other matters, although matters were not progressing to any great extent. He outlined how it was now possible to get to Stithians from Truro on the last bus to Helston at 22.55 by getting a taxi from Rame Cross. He pointed out, however, that this bus service was request-only beyond Carnon Downs to Helston. He was pleased to report an increase in easy-access buses serving Stithians although he pointed out that the mid-morning one was never easy-access. The Chairman thanked Mr Davis for his ever helpful and informed contribution to the meeting whereupon he left at 20.25. 9. 9.1 9.1.1 TREES Parish Tree Warden’s Report: Jim Lyle, the Parish Tree Warden, had tendered his apologies for the meeting. 10. 10.1 PARISH PLAN Cllr Mrs Kavanagh presented her report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. There was some discussion over answers to questions that could lead to misleading data but it was acknowledged that this was a matter to be addressed by the group at the next meeting. Cllr Biscoe asked what monies were available if needed to complete the analysis of the questionnaires. The Clerk advised that nothing had been budgeted for the present financial year but £287.15 had been unspent in 2010/11. He advised that £24.48 had been spent on postage (agreed under Minute 23/06/11) and therefore £262.67 could legitimately be taken from Reserves should it be necessary. RESOLVED to note the report and accept its content. Proposed by Cllr Mrs Kavanagh, seconded by Cllr Biscoe and carried unanimously. MINUTE 02/07/11 10.2 10.3 10.4 11. 11.1 11.1.1 11.2 CLERK’S REPORTS Council’s Current Financial Position: The Clerk presented his report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. RESOLVED to note the Council’s financial position as indicated in the report. Proposed by Cllr Biscoe, seconded by Cllr Potter and carried unanimously. MINUTE 03/07/11 Clerk’s Annual Leave: The Clerk presented his report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. RESOLVED to agree to the Clerk taking annual leave from 22nd August to 2nd September inclusive. Proposed by Cllr Biscoe, seconded by Cllr Potter and carried 5 unanimously. MINUTE 04/07/11 12 12.1 12.1.1 12.1.2 12.1.3 12.2 12.2.1 12.3 12.3(a) 12.3(a).1 12.3(a).2 12.3(b) 12.3(b).1 12.3(b).2 12.3(c) 12.3(c).1 12.3(c).2 PLANNING Notification of Planning Decisions Received: The Clerk referred to the table of outstanding planning applications, a copy of which is appended to these minutes and advised of a planning decision made in respect of PA11/03777, an agricultural building at Pencoose Farm. A Member queried why planning permission was required for an agricultural building at Pencoose farm whereas an application for one at West Trevales had appeared in a recent Decision List as not needing permission. This information was duly noted. The Clerk agreed to contact Cornwall Council to ascertain why planning permission was required for an agricultural building at Pencoose Farm but not at West Trevales. Notification of Planning Decisions received after publication of the agenda: The Clerk advised that he had not been notified of any planning decisions since the agenda had been published. This information was duly noted. Planning Applications Received: PA11/04727 – Mr M Wiltshire – Erection of Wind Turbine on 15m monopole tubular tower – Stithians Boarding Kennels The Chairman presented his report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. RESOLVED to support the application. Proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Mrs Kavanagh and carried. Cllrs Biscoe and Mrs A Kippax voted against the proposal. MINUTE 05/07/11 PA11/04627 – Mr & Mrs Heap – Construction of two storey rear extension – Little Trebost. The Chairman presented his report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. RESOLVED to SUPPORT the application with the proviso that the only access and egress for the property should be via Trebost Lane as the access from Tubbin Hill is unsuitable. Proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Biscoe and carried unanimously. MINUTE 06/07/11 Pre Application – Savills for Mr S Gluyas – erection of Wind turbine with maximum tip height of 61m and ancillary works – Pencoose Farm. The Chairman presented his report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. RESOLVED to inform Savills that the PC has very serious concerns about the proximity of this proposal to the residences at Higher Trewithen and the consequent adverse effect it might have on them 6 and to inform Savills that this comment is in no way indicative of any decision the PC might reach at such time as an application is submitted for planning approval and that the PC reserves the right to reconsider the matter in the light of information that might be received at such time. Proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Mrs Kavanagh and carried. Cllr Biscoe voted against the proposal. MINUTE 07/07/11 Cllr Nightingale apologised as he was called away from the meeting at this point at 20.555. 12.3(d) 12.3(d).1 12.3(d).2 12.3(e) 12.3(e).1 12.3(e).2 12.3(f) 12.3(f).1 12.3(f).2 12.3(g) 12.3(g).1 PA11/03662 – Messers Symons & Thomas – Conversion of barn to form two dwellings – Carn Farm, Carn Cllr Mrs Kavanagh presented her report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. RESOLVED to support the application with the proviso that the footpath (FP13) which passes through the farmyard not be obstructed in any way and that it be suitably signposted and waymarked. Proposed by Cllr Mrs Kavanagh, seconded by the Chairman and carried unanimously. MINUTE 08/07/11 PA11/05148 – Mr B French – First floor extension to dwelling – Bluebell Cottage, Crellow Lane. Cllr Mrs Kavanagh presented her report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. RESOLVED to support the application. Proposed by Cllr Mrs Kavanagh, seconded by Cllr Biscoe and carried unanimously. MINUTE 09/07/11 PA11/03520 – Mr J Popplewell - Change of use to single storey dwelling and construction of rear and front extensions - The Old Telephone Exchange Trebyhan Parc. Cllr Mrs Kavanagh presented her report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. RESOLVED to support the application and to point out that It was noted that there was a septic tank within the curtilage of the property and if it is not already connected to the main sewer, then it is recommended that a condition be applied whereby it is connected. Proposed by Cllr Mrs Kavanagh, seconded by Cllr Biscoe and carried unanimously. MINUTE 10/07/11 PA11/01263 – Mr A Bostock – Erection of wind turbine = Polkanuggo Farm. The Clerk pointed out that additional information had been provided with regard to this planning application. 7 12.3(g).2 RESOLVED to make no further comment on the application as there was nothing in the additional information to affect the previous decision not to support the application. Proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Mrs Kavanagh and carried unanimously. MINUTE 11/07/11 12.4 12.4.1 Planning Applications received after publication of the agenda: The Clerk advised that two planning applications had been received after publication of the agenda. He advised that applications PA11/05280 for the construction of a replacement single storey extension at Little Trebarveth, Foundry and PA11/05413 for a Certificate of Existing Lawful Use of the property as a dwelling at Glen Crellow, New Road had been received too late to be considered at this meeting and would therefore be subject to the procedure to be considered under agenda item 12.7 12.4.2 12.5 12.5.1 12.5.2 12.5.3 12.6 12.6.1 Planning Enforcement: The Clerk presented his report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. He advised of the following additional information received: Higher Nanpean: No further progress as the officer involved had been on sick leave but was expected to return on 25th July. Kennall Mill: Glen Reed currently waiting to discuss the matter with Conservation. In the meantime he will be writing to the owner to advise that urgent works are necessary to prevent further deterioration. Struthal Farm Caravans: File now opened – EN11/01669. Crane garage: Andy James (CC Neighbourhood Services Manager) to investigate. Caravans at Calamankey Farm: The matter had been reported but no response received. One further enforcement matter was discussed. RESOLVED: 1. To note the report and to approve the content thereof along with the update given. 2. That the Clerk report to Cornwall Council the matter of various buildings etc in a field near Stithians Boarding Kennels with a view to possible enforcement action. Proposed by Cllr Biscoe, seconded by Cllr N Kippax and carried unanimously. Cllr Symmons declared a personal interest in matters relating to Calamankey Farm MINUTE 12/07/11 Licensing: The Clerk presented his report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. This was duly noted. Showground: The Clerk presented his report, a copy of which is appended to these 8 12.7 12.7.1 13 13.1 13.1.1 14 14.1 14.1.1 14.1.2 minutes. He advised that, as instructed at the last meeting, he had requested a schedule of events, an update as regards the Hiring Agreement and information on the number of times FP 25 has been closed. He further advised that he still awaited a response. RESOLVED to note the report and to approve the content thereof along with the update given. Proposed by Cllr Biscoe, seconded by Cllr Symmons and carried unanimously. MINUTE 13/07/11 Dealing with Planning Applications received in August: The Clerk presented his report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. RESOLVED: 1. That powers be delegated to the Planning Portfolio Holder and one or other of the Assistant Portfolio Holders to prepare a suitable response to Cornwall Council to any noncontentious planning applications received between 19thJuly and 16th August. 2. That any proposed response be circulated to Members for comment before being submitted to Cornwall Council by the Clerk. 3. That, if an application is considered contentious, Cornwall Council be requested to accept a response immediately after the Parish Council meeting to be held on 20th September 2011. 4. That any decisions made in accordance with the above be reported to the September meeting for ratification. Proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Biscoe and carried unanimously. MINUTE 14/07/11 NEW CEMETERY The Clerk presented his report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. RESOLVED to note the report and to approve the content thereof. Proposed by Cllr Symmons, seconded by Cllr Mrs Kavanagh and carried unanimously by those who voted. Having declared a personal interest, Cllr Potter did not vote. MINUTE 15/07/11 FOOTPATHS, HIGHWAYS & ENVIRONMENT Report of the Portfolio Holder: Cllr Biscoe, the Portfolio Holder for Footpaths, Highways and the Environment, presented his report and an addendum, copies of which are appended to these minutes. RESOLVED: 1. To note the report and the addendum and to approve the content thereof. 2. To commence consultations and evidence gathering for the two footpath modification orders for Footpath 25 as soon as 9 possible. 3. To thank Cllr Denis Nightingale and his wife for organising the litter pick on Sunday 10th July, which, thanks to the large number of volunteers that came forward, covered a large area of the Parish including the route from the Show Ground to Pelean Cross in preparation for the Show. 4. That the Clerk write to Tony Stevens at Brook Villa asking that he trim his trees to improve sight lines on the road. 5. That the Clerk contact VOSA about a white lorry parking in such a way as to obstruct the traffic management scheme at Foundry with a view to approaching the owner to ensure that it is parked elsewhere. 6. That the Clerk write to the Agricultural Association and Cornwall Council asking for the rationale for closing FP25 for a whole week for a one day show and asking that henceforth it only be closed for the actual day of the Show. 7. To accept the quotation of £10 from Tyrone Martin for fixing a litter bin to Foundry Bus Shelter. 8. That the Clerk advertise the tender for the maintenance of fingerposts and milestones ASAP. Proposed by Cllr Biscoe, seconded by Cllr Potter and carried unanimously. MINUTE 16/07/11 14.2 14.2.1 15 15.1 15.1.1 15.2 15.2.1 Longdowns Notice Board: The Chairman presented his report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes and advised that work to the notice board was complete. RESOLVED to accept the report and to note the content thereof. Proposed by the Chairman, seconded by Cllr Biscoe and carried unanimously. MINUTE 17/07/11 PLAYING FIELD Playing Field Meeting: The Clerk presented his report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. RESOLVED: 1. To note and approve the content of the Report on the Playing Field meeting and Appendix 1, particularly noting and agreeing the financial implications contained therein. 2. To instruct Tyrone Martin to reinstall the litter bin in the Skateboard Park. Proposed by Cllr Potter, seconded by Cllr Biscoe and carried unanimously. MINUTE 18/07/11 Rugby Club: The Clerk presented his report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. RESOLVED to accept the quotation from Tyrone Martin in the sum of £68.59 for repairs to the entrance door to the pavilion. 10 Proposed by Cllr Potter, seconded by Cllr Biscoe and carried unanimously. MINUTE 19/07/11 15.3 Youth Shelter: The Clerk reminded Members of the information provided by Andy Huddlestone earlier in the meeting. This was duly noted. 15.4 Bowling Club: The Clerk referred to the fact that the Chairman had agreed to consider a request from the Bowling Club as an urgent item at this point on the agenda. He advised that the Secretary of the Bowling Club had been in contact with him to request that the remainder of the monies (£810) currently held in Reserves for the Bowling Club be released for use as match funding for the building of new toilets. RESOLVED to advise the Bowling Club of the Parish Council’s intention to release the sum of £810 at such time as it is needed. Proposed by Cllr Biscoe, seconded by Cllr Mrs Kavanagh and carried unanimously. MINUTE 20/07/11 16 16.1 CONSULTATION Cornwall Council - Green Paper on Active Lifestyles: Cllr Biscoe presented his report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. RESOLVED that the Clerk prepare a response to Cornwall Council’s Green Paper on Active Lifestyles based upon the content of Cllr Biscoe’s report. Proposed by Cllr Biscoe, seconded by Cllr Symmons and carried unanimously. MINUTE 21/07/11 16.1.1 17 PUBLIC RELATIONS The Public Relations Officer was not present at this point in the meeting. 18 18.1 REPORTS OF COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES ON OUTSIDE BODIES Stithians School Governing Body: It was noted that re-roofing of part of the school had commenced and that there was thought to be asbestos present. 18.2 Village Hall Management Committee: Cllr Mrs Kavanagh presented her report, a copy of which is appended to these minutes.. RESOLVED to accept the report and to note the content thereof. Proposed by Cllr Mrs Kavanagh, seconded by Cllr Symmons and carried unanimously. MINUTE 22/07/11 18.2.1 11 18.3 Mining Villages Regeneration Group: Nothing to report. 18.4 Historic Churchyards Group: Nothing to report. 19 19.1 CORNWALL COUNCIL Community Network Area Meeting: Nothing to report. Active Partnering and Town & Parish Council Agreements: Covered under item 19.1. 19.2 20 CORRESPONDENCE The Clerk advised that he had no correspondence to report. 22 URGENT ITEMS There were no urgent items for consideration at this point on the agenda. 23 23.1 AUTHORISING OF PAYMENTS The Clerk presented a list of payments to be made, a copy of which is appended to these minutes. He also presented his additional report detailing further payments that had arisen since publication of the agenda, a copy of which is also attached to these minutes. He advised that the payment of £8.99 to SWW in the additional report had been included in error. RESOLVED to approve payment of the sums shown in the main report totalling £7,688.31 and £20.00 in the additional report bearing in mind that the payments to HMRC would not be made until October. Proposed by Cllr Biscoe, seconded by Cllr Mrs Kavanagh and carried unanimously. MINUTE 23/07/11 23.2 24 ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Quality Council – Clerk to report on what is needed in order to achieve Quality Council status. 24 DATE OF NEXT MEETINGS It was agreed that the next Council Meeting would take place on Tuesday 20th September 2011 at 7pm in the Stithians Centre. The meeting closed at 22.25. Signed as a true and accurate record of the proceedings. …………………………………………………. Chairman Date:………………………………………… 12