RURAL WINGS Deliverable TASK 2.3: SATELLITE SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE DEFINITION TASK 5.1: HIGH LEVEL DEFINITION OF THE END-TO-END SATELLITE SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE TASK 5.3: END-TO-END SYSTEM ADAPTATION End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Project Reference: FP6-IP 516161 Editing: Astrium, Avanti, Eutelsat, Hellassat, ICCS, TTSA Code: D 2.2 / D 5.1 Approved by: <Review Committee> Version & Date: V03, 07/02/2007 Process Owner: Astrium Short Description: This document provides the description of the baseline Rural Wings solution through the definition of generic end-to-end network architectures meeting user requirements. List of Recipients: Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 1 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 1. Summary This document provides the description of the three different satellite systems to be deployed in the Rural Wings pilot sites in terms of technical characteristics, equipment and services. It aims at evaluating the feasibility of integrating the selected applications into the Rural Wings system. Furthermore, for traffic and protocol usage estimation, a first investigation on the user needs and services requirements is proposed. This document intends to define the generic end-to-end network architectures meeting user requirements. This end-to-end satellite system architecture to be deployed at pilot sites in Rural Wings consists of two main segments: - The Satellite Segment: broadband access provided by either Hellassat, Avanti or Eutelsat - The Local Loop Segment: how this satellite broadband access is shared among the users in the pilot site The system provides the latest broadband access technologies suitable to provide ubiquitous coverage over selected rural areas. By using a low-cost consumer orientated interface such as WiFi (IEEE802.11g) and by connecting the local Points-of-Presence by a standardized satellite DAMA network (DVB-RCS) the system provides a suitable solution to address the “Digital Divide” in rural areas using next generation satellites providing dedicated capacity for broadband services. Moreover, to allow the Rural Wings end-to-end solution to provide a fully comprehensive broadband Internet access solution to the pilot sites, added value functionalities and adaptations in terms of traffic management, QoS, security and network performance are suggested. Finally, the document ends by the presentation of the pilot site network design process, essential before any deployment. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 2 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Table of Contents 1. Summary ........................................................................................................... 2 2. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 8 2.1 Purpose and Scope ................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Document Overview .................................................................................................. 8 2.3 Context .................................................................................................................... 8 2.4 Design overview ....................................................................................................... 9 2.5 Design process ....................................................................................................... 10 3. User and Service Requirements ...................................................................... 12 3.1 User profiles ........................................................................................................... 12 3.1.1 User categories identification ............................................................................ 12 3.1.2 User needs analysis ......................................................................................... 12 3.2 Applications requirements ........................................................................................ 13 3.3 Services specifications ............................................................................................. 15 3.4 Services and applications mapping ........................................................................... 18 4. End-to-end System Overview .......................................................................... 20 4.1 Satellite Broadband Access ...................................................................................... 20 4.2 4.1.1 Satellite Broadband Access Solutions in Rural Wings ........................................... 20 4.1.2 Equipment description ...................................................................................... 25 4.1.3 Services description ......................................................................................... 32 4.1.4 Regulatory issues............................................................................................. 37 Local Loop.............................................................................................................. 43 4.2.1 Definition ........................................................................................................ 43 4.2.2 Wireless Topology............................................................................................ 44 4.2.3 Equipment description ...................................................................................... 51 4.2.4 Wireless Equipment in Rural Wings ................................................................... 53 4.2.5 Licensing and regulatory framework for WiFi ...................................................... 56 5. End-to-end System Integration and Adaptation ............................................. 64 5.1 Satellite component ................................................................................................ 64 5.1.1 Bandwidth management, traffic shaping and QoS policy...................................... 64 Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 3 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 5.2 5.1.2 Security .......................................................................................................... 70 5.1.3 Performance enhancements.............................................................................. 74 Local loop .............................................................................................................. 80 5.2.1 Bandwidth management, traffic shaping and QoS policy...................................... 80 5.2.2 Security .......................................................................................................... 84 5.3 End-to-end integration ............................................................................................ 87 6. End-to-end System Validation ......................................................................... 90 7. Preliminary End-to-end System Design for Pilot Sites in Rural Wings .......... 103 7.1 Design procedure.................................................................................................. 103 7.2 Technical Coordinators in Rural Wings .................................................................... 105 7.3 Analysis of user needs and requirements ................................................................ 106 7.4 Preliminary definition of the pilot site network architecture ....................................... 108 7.5 Pre-Site Survey by NC ........................................................................................... 108 7.6 Feasibility analysis of the wireless network deployment ............................................ 110 7.7 Cost estimation ..................................................................................................... 111 7.8 Site Survey ........................................................................................................... 111 7.9 Definition of the final pilot site end-to-end network architecture................................ 112 7.10 Study case – pilot sites in Greece ........................................................................... 112 8. Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 114 9. Reference Documents .................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Abbreviations ................................................................................................ 115 11. ANNEXES ....................................................................................................... 116 11.1 SIT Features......................................................................................................... 116 11.2 Questionnaire for the pilot site National Coordinator ................................................ 120 11.3 Hellassat’s Site Survey Form for pilot sites in Greece and Cyprus............................... 122 11.4 Avanti’s Site Survey Form for pilot sites in United Kingdom ....................................... 128 11.5 Community needs guide interview .......................................................................... 133 11.6 Avanti’s GIS Survey ............................................................................................... 134 Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 4 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation List of Figures Figure 1 : Rural Wings Pilot sites distribution.......................................................................... 9 Figure 2 : Rural Wings generic solution.................................................................................. 9 Figure 3 : System design process diagram ........................................................................... 11 Figure 4 : Typical daily traffic usage observed at Hellas Sat’s Network Monitoring Control ........ 17 Figure 5 : Avanti’s Satellite Architecture ............................................................................... 21 Figure 6 : Intelsat 903 spot 1 footprint ................................................................................ 22 Figure 7 : Eutelsat Satellite Architecture .............................................................................. 23 Figure 8 : ATLANTIC BIRD™ 1 European coverage :: 12.5 ° West ......................................... 23 Figure 9 : Hellas-sat 2 Satellite European coverage............................................................... 24 Figure 10 : AVANTI SIT – ODU and IDU .............................................................................. 26 Figure 11 : Eutelsat D-Star terminal .................................................................................... 27 Figure 12 : Eutelsat D-Star ODU ......................................................................................... 28 Figure 13: DVB-RCS SIT Antenna provided by Hellassat ........................................................ 30 Figure 14 : DVB-RCS SIT Indoor Unit provided by Hellassat .................................................. 30 Figure 15: SIT block diagram .............................................................................................. 31 Figure 16: Skylogic NOC in Turin ......................................................................................... 34 Figure 17 : Point to point wireless link ................................................................................. 45 Figure 18 : Point-to-multipoint wireless connection with directional antennas.......................... 46 Figure 19 : Point-to-multipoint wireless connection with omnidirectional antenna (Outdoor Hotspot) ..................................................................................................................... 47 Figure 20 : Residential wireless outdoor equipment .............................................................. 48 Figure 21 : Indoor wireless hot spots .................................................................................. 49 Figure 22 : Wireless client station adapters .......................................................................... 51 Figure 23 : Indoor (on the left) and Outdoor (on the right) Access Points ............................... 51 Figure 24 : Antennas ......................................................................................................... 52 Figure 25: Avanti's local loop architecture ............................................................................ 53 Figure 26 : Overview of the use of the band 2400-2483.5 MHz .............................................. 57 Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 5 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Figure 27 : Implementation of ERC/REC/70-03 Annex 3A ...................................................... 60 Figure 28 : Implementation of ERC/DEC/(01)07 ................................................................... 60 Figure 29 : QoS on the satellite segment ............................................................................. 66 Figure 30: Dynamic Fair Access Policy (DFAP) Flow Process .................................................. 69 Figure 31 : Weighted Volume as Function of the DFAP .......................................................... 69 Figure 32: Security Architecture for Avanti solution ............................................................... 71 Figure 33: PEP solution ...................................................................................................... 75 Figure 34 : Prefetching integration ...................................................................................... 77 Figure 35: Pipelining integration.......................................................................................... 78 Figure 36: Local Bandwidth Management............................................................................. 83 Figure 37: Global security architecture................................................................................. 84 Figure 38: Authentication Process ....................................................................................... 86 Figure 39: End-to-end satellite system architecture – Avanti Solution ..................................... 87 Figure 40 : End-to-end satellite system architecture – Eutelsat Solution in TWISTER ............... 88 Figure 41 : End-to-end satellite system architecture – Hellassat Solution ................................ 89 Figure 42 : System Design Process in TWISTER ................................................................. 103 Figure 43 : System design process diagram ....................................................................... 105 Figure 44 : Questionnaire for the NC – filled in for Ruhnu Island (Estonia) pilot site .............. 107 Figure 45: Ruhnu (Estonia) pilot site - preliminary architecture – logical diagram .................. 108 Figure 46: Pre-site survey in Hura (Israel) pilot site ............................................................ 109 Figure 47: Final end-to-end network architecture for a TWISTER validation site .................... 112 Figure 48: Avanti SIT Features.......................................................................................... 116 Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 6 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation List of Tables Table 1 : Expected applications and data rate per user category ............................................ 13 Table 2 : Technical characteristics for the Rural Wings application AGROWEB ......................... 14 Table 3 : Wireless module 1 – typical features ..................................................................... 45 Table 4 : Wireless module 2 – typical features ..................................................................... 47 Table 5: Wireless module 2 – typical features ...................................................................... 50 Table 6 : Terrestrial network equipments selected for deployment at pilot sites ...................... 55 Table 7 : Technical characteristics of RLANs in the 2.4 GHz band ........................................... 59 Table 8 : Projected probable worst case interference levels (10% probability) into 2.4 GHz communication systems ............................................................................................... 61 Table 9: Types of Security .................................................................................................. 72 Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 7 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 2. Introduction 2.1 Purpose and Scope The purpose of this document is to provide the description of the baseline Rural Wings solution and all the possibilities in terms of design that allow to cope with the service needs of the different pilot sites. 2.2 Document Overview The document is structured as follows: Section 3 analyses all the user and service requirements the Rural Wings system needs to cope with. Section 4 gives an overview of the Rural Wings system and its main segments: Satellite Segment, Local Loop Segment and User Segment, and provides a detailed description of the network elements participating to each segment, in terms of technology, equipment and functionalities. Section 5 deals with the detailed end to end system design. Section 6 provides a description of the main tests performed to validate the Rural Wings solution. Finally, section7 presents the pilot site network design process. 2.3 Context This project intends to offer broadband satellite access for remote and scarcely populated regions in more than hundred pilot sites spread over the large Europe. To cover this extended region, three Internet satellite access solution providers deliver broadband services: - Avanti provides 16 satellite terminals for the UK pilot sites, - Hellassat deploys 34 pilot sites in Greece and Cyprus, - Eutelsat equips 76 pilot sites in the other selected countries for the Ruralwings project. Furthermore, in 25 pilot sites, the satellite access is shared by several users using WiFi technology. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 8 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation The current distribution of the pilot sites per country is presented hereafter: 17 7 16 Country No of pilot sites Cyprus Estonia France Greece Israel Poland Republic of Armenia Republic of Georgia Romania South Africa Spain Sweden Turkey UK 6 7 8 27 6 10 2 2 10 2 10 17 cancelled 16 10 8 10 10 27 6 Figure 1 : Rural Wings Pilot sites distribution 2.4 Design overview The Ruralwings solution is based on the two-way DVB-RCS satellite system. Three segments, commun to all the proposed systems, have been identified: - the satellite components, - the management and security elements, - the private local network. Satellite component Network management Private local network Satellite terminal (ODU, IDU, POP) QoS Security Outdoor wireless equipments and / or LAN Figure 2 : Rural Wings generic solution Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 9 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 2.5 Design process The main steps, to deploy end-users satellite system with (if defined) wireless network extension, are the following: - The analysis of the user and services requirements reports, - The site survey for atypical pilot site and outdoor wireless networks, - The definition of the validation site specific network architecture. Several questionnaires have been provided to the local users in order to identify their needs, locate the best place to install the satellite terminal and define preliminary network architecture based on the Ruralwings generic network architecture. The installation of the satellite terminal is the first step of the deployment and except for extreme weather conditions it does not require any site survey. For “unusual” pilot site and wireless networks set-up, the feasibility of the preliminary architecture should be confirmed with the results of a pre-site survey carried out by the national coordinator. If necessary, further adaptations can be proposed to meet the specificities of the pilot site. Furthermore, the pre-defined architecture should take into account the local regulatory constraints. The preliminary wireless network design and its costs estimation of the wireless network deployment including equipment price and installation fees provided by the technical coordinator will be used as input for the national coordinator to ask for a quotation of the pre-defined wireless network to local installers. The selected local installer will have to carry out the site survey and provide the final wireless network design that will be reviewed with the technical coordinator for approval as illustrated in the next figure. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 10 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Figure 3 : System design process diagram Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 11 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 3. User and Service Requirements 3.1 User profiles 3.1.1 User categories identification Based on Astrium’s experience in broadband hybrid satellite systems deployment and in particular through the European TWISTER project, the type of users requiring satellite broadband access can be classified according to the following categories: - Institutional users: employees of institutional bodies such as town halls, public libraries, schools, tourism offices, cultural houses, medical centres, etc. - Business users: employees of private SMEs, cooperatives, farmers, health care professionals. - Remote home-worker/teleworker: users needing to be connected to their company through a dedicated connection at home. - Residential users: rural citizens connected either through a public Internet access point (kiosk) installed for instance at their town hall premises, or through a dedicated connection at home. - Guest users: in general, laptop users visiting the validation site in an occasional way, connected through the intermediary of a hotspot access point. 3.1.2 User needs analysis A preliminary analysis of the Rural Wings users’ demand shows that, for all the user categories, common needs are: - fast Internet connection for Web browsing, - emailing, - and file downloading. The first period of 4-months test running, starting during the 2nd quarter 2007, will allow to analyse the usage of the different types of users (task to come in WP7). At this stage of the project, it is indeed not possible to foresee effective bandwidth consumption per user and pilot site. Therefore, based on Astrium’s satellite broadband experience, the following table can be drawn as input for expected applications and data rate per category of users. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 12 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation User Profile Typical Applications Expected Data Rate download/upload SME Web access/browsing E-mail Banking Government (tax, VAT etc) E-commerce Order taking Conferencing (audio/video) Basic offer : 512 / 128 kbps Email Access to learning resources Access to inter-institutional network Web based video and audio conferencing Library : 256 / 64 kbps Institutional users Intermediary offer : 1024 / 256 kbps Advanced offer : 2048 / 512 kbps School : 512 / 128 kbps Town Hall : 512 / 128 kbps Doctor office : 256 / 64 kbps SOHO/Teleworker Residential users Guest users Web access/browsing Large file exchange Remote VPN access Access team website Cooperative working on document or data E-mail Conferencing (audio/video) Basic offer : 256 / 64 kbps Web access/browsing E-mail online gaming chatting Peer-to-peer sharing Basic offer : 128 / 32 kbps Web access/browsing E-mail Typical offer : 128 / 32 kbps Intermediary offer : 512 / 128 kbps Advanced offer : 1024 / 256 kbps Intermediary offer : 256 / 64 kbps Advanced offer : 512 / 128 kbps Table 1 : Expected applications and data rate per user category 3.2 Applications requirements The user need analysis shows the two main applications which will determine the traffic profile - Broadband Internet access, mainly Internet browsing, FTP upload (e.g. Sweden) and video streaming (e.g. Poland). The service is characterised by BOD provision and sharing the bandwidth between terminals. - E-Learning and Tele-Education Applications which are no more clearly specified. They may work on the basis of On line applications like log on to a University Web Site and using shared bandwidth or they may work like Video Conferencing systems using dedicated capacity which is pre-booked and exclusively assigned to specific terminals (CIR). In this case the capacity for the remaining terminals is reduced. Both options are available in the service portfolio provided by TTSA. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 13 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation The different applications provided in the Rural Wings project are the following: - MEDSKY via Satellite Services, provided by TELEMEDICINE - AgroTeleDiagnosis Platform, provided by Forthnet - Rural School Teacher Training (ZEUS), provided by EA - Scientific Observations of the Sky from a Remote Rural Location (EUDOXOS), provided by EA - A Rural E-shop Run by Students (AGROWEB), provided by EA - ExperiNet Platform - e-Learning Science Laboratory, provided by FOURIER - SME e-Learning Platform (Swedish Pilot sites), provided by INSEAD - Rural Community Change Master (RCCM), provided by INSEAD - Rural Wings Web TV Application, provided by DBC - Rural Wings Health Emergency Training (RW-HET), provided by FORTH - Music Education Through New Technologies, provided by EA For all the listed applications, technical characteristics as illustrated in the next table are needed to evaluate the resource needs such as bandwidth consumption and to assess the necessary adaptations in order to integrate those applications to the Rural Wings system. Application Name A Rural Eshop Run by Students (AGROWEB) Category e-shopping Description Service Application requirements (resource needs) Web browsing Fast Internet connection required 512 kbps up to 2Mbps Necessary network equipments e-shop platform installed on a web-server Table 2 : Technical characteristics for the Rural Wings application AGROWEB Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 14 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 3.3 Services specifications Following the user needs and the applications requirements, the likely service and traffic profiles that the Rural Wings satellite system will support has been identified. Internet connection speed The three satellite Internet solutions deployed in the Rural Wings project offer different services that are further explained in details in the section 4 of this document. The next table gives an overview of the Internet connection speed in downlink and uplink. Satellite Internet Service TTSA’s satellite Internet Solution Avanti’s satellite Internet Solution Hellassat’s satellite Internet Solution Max Download / Upload Speeds The maximum bandwidth allocated for standard services is 1Mbps outbound and 1 Mbps inbound. HOME 512 / 128 500: kbps HELLAS SAT net! 512 / 256 HOME 1024 256 1000: kbps HELLAS SAT net! 1024 / 256 2000: HELLAS SAT net! 1000+: 1024 / 512 kbps / HOME 2048 / 512 kbps HELLAS SAT net! 2048 / 512 kbps 500: kbps 1000: kbps 2000: In the frame of RURAL WINGS project, HELLAS SAT will offer the HELLAS SAT net! 1000+ package while for Wifi pilot sites AVANTI will suggest according to users’ group dimension one of the following standard shared internet access service: HOME 500, 1000, or 2000. All those three Satellite Internet Service Providers offer the following services with for some of them a few restrictions as explained in this section: - Web browsing, - email transfer, - file transfer, - web based video and audio conferencing - access to learning resources - access to inter-institutional network Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/09/2007 Page 15 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Restricted Access Policy To offer better bandwidth availability to end-users but also to ensure the security of the network, Satellite Internet Service Providers apply some specific QoS & Security policies. Rules based on restricted ports or protocols for unneeded services and unused ports may help limiting excessive traffic and prevent from port scanning attacks. Furthermore, the system may be limited by some specific parameters such a maximum number of connections or others parameters that would have prevent from traffic saturation at the hub but could generate locally traffic congestion. Hereafter is presented the policy of the three Satellite ISP involved in the project. Hellas Sat‘s access policy Hellas Sat through its security policy that is implemented on its equipment used performs all the necessary blocking of the known virus/Trojan ports. In terms of application restriction, it is performed a scheduled policy from 08:00-20:00 for specific applications that have been acknowledged by our shaping systems and they are belonging in the category of the P2P applications (ie BitTorrent, emule, Napster, Kazaa etc). The specific policy is restricting the bandwidth usage for these applications to 512 kbps from 08:00 to 20:00 and then it is allowed to reach up to 2Mbps. The only limitation that is currently applied on Hellas Sat network is an activation of a blocking procedure of a specific IP that is trying to perform 20 concurrent connections per second in order to avoid situations like SYN attacks, port scans etc. Avanti’s access policy All general P2P is restricted (not blocked), i.e. Gnutella, Kazah and other known protocols. Certain ICMP (trace route, ping, etc) traffic is blocked for end users as protection against DOS attacks. TTSA’s access Policy TTSA only authorized the following protocols: FTP, HTTP (s), POP3/SMTP, IMAP and DNS on UDP. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 16 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Typical Daily Traffic Another critical parameter for satellite broadband Internet connection is the daily traffic usage. At some certain moments of the day, the contention between active terminals is higher and the bandwidth availability per terminal decreases. Therefore, satellite Internet service providers should analyse the daily traffic usage of their network to better adapt their QoS policy according to the time of the day. However the network traffic usage is specific to each satellite ISP and depends on the number of deployed satellite terminals and the corresponding selected Internet connection speed. The analysis of the daily traffic usage would allow the technical coordinators of the project to give recommendations to the rural Wings end-users concerning the use of the satellite Internet connection. This analysis will thus need to be performed by each satellite Internet service provider once the test period will have started. As an example of daily traffic usage, Hellas Sat bandwidth monitoring systems shows that the rush hours appear to be from 08:00-17:00 where the bandwidth utilization is 90% of the total (upstream and downstream) usage, then there is an increase from 18:00-22:00 where the bandwidth utilization is 70% of the total (upstream and downstream) usage and it is minimized from 22:00-:07:00 next day in the 40% of the total (upstream and downstream) usage. A daily graph is appeared in the following picture. Figure 4 : Typical daily traffic usage observed at Hellas Sat’s Network Monitoring Control Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 17 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 3.4 Services and applications mapping One major concern, for satellite Internet service providers, is the network performance. To improve network capacity the use of a bandwidth manager that shapes the traffic is strongly recommended. According to the specificities of the end-users’ applications, satellite Internet service providers need to address particular QoS rules in order to cope with excessive bandwidth consumption. Hereafter is a list of bandwidth consuming protocols given by Hellas Sat. Bandwidth Consuming Applications According to Hellas Sat’s traffic analysis the most bandwidth consuming protocols are the following: Traffic Analysis In Uplink In Downlink Most bandwidth consuming protocols P2P HTTP HTTP P2P SMTP Streaming The bandwidth usage per day for the above protocols is about 70% of the overall bandwidth used for the customers upstream The bandwidth usage per day for the above protocols is about 85% of the overall bandwidth used for the customers downstream downloads Here it should be noted that some applications are more relevant than others and thus need to be prioritized. Moreover real-time applications such as voice and video require QoS guarantees to minimize packet loss. Satellite system adaptation to the Rural Wings applications requirements The three satellite systems proposed in the project are part of commercial development and can thus not be used for experimental purposes. The defined parameters for each DVB-RCS platform composed of the hub and the terminals have been set to adapt to the commercial end-user demand and cannot be changed. Therefore the most common applications such as web browsing, email transfer, file transfer, etc are supported by default. However, if specific Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 18 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation requirements should be met to adapt some Rural Wings applications, this could be done by either creating new QoS rules on the traffic shaper located at the hub or adding advanced features such as cache memory device at the pilot site to improve the network performance. For more information please refer to the section 5 of this document. Rural Wings applications adaptation to the existing satellite systems On the contrary, it might be easier to adapt the configuration of some applications that would show bad quality because of the satellite delay. The results of the tests that consist in analysing the performance of each application over the three DVB-RCS systems offered in the Rural Wings project should provide a list of parameters that could be reconfigured in regards to the satellite connection. User need analysis versus requirements of other commercial users. Based on Eutelsat’s experience, it is possible to compare the user needs with the requirements of the other commercial distributors for D Star services. Two items are particularly interesting: 1. The User requirements at Rural Wings are in general quite unspecific regarding required bandwidth and file size. It is to assume that the users will go through a learning curve during the project and the user profile may significantly change due to experience gained in the project. 2. VoIP is currently one main driver for satellite based IT applications, this requirement is completely missing in the user requirements. Later implementation may significantly change the user profile as VoIP requires quasi dedicated bandwidth. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 19 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 4. End-to-end System Overview The end-to-end satellite system architecture to be deployed at pilot sites in Rural Wings consists of two main segments: - The Satellite Segment: broadband access provided by either Avanti, Hellassat or Eutelsat - The Local Loop Segment: how this satellite broadband access is shared among the users in the pilot site The system provides the latest broadband access technologies suitable to provide ubiquitous coverage over selected rural areas. By using a low-cost consumer orientated interface such as WiFi (IEEE802.11g) and by connecting the local Points-of-Presence by a standardized satellite DAMA network (DVB-RCS) the system provides a suitable solution to address the “Digital Divide” in rural areas using next generation satellites providing dedicated capacity for broadband services. This section provides a detailed description of the network elements participating to each segment, in terms of technology, equipment and functionalities. 4.1 Satellite Broadband Access The Satellite Broadband Access equipment and service providers in Rural Wings are: - Avanti, providing satellite broadband access for 16 pilot sites in UK; - Hellassat, providing satellite broadband access for 33 pilot sites in Greece and Cyprus; - Eutelsat, providing satellite broadband access for 76 pilot sites in several other countries in Europe. The following paragraphs describe the satellite terminal components provided for Rural Wings pilot sites, including the technology choice and the equipment characteristics, and the broadband services, including their main characteristics, QoS and security policies as well as their added value functionalities. 4.1.1 Satellite Broadband Access Solutions in Rural Wings Avanti Solution The system used for the Rural Wings project is based on Avanti’s INSPIRE system architecture and comprises: Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 20 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation - The hub infrastructure, owned and operated by Avanti, which comprises DVB-RCS equipment and operations systems, ISP servers, value-added applications servers, outdoor and indoor units (SITs); - The Service Center, situated at the Avanti Offices in London, where it will be the focus for customer service and for remote management of the Hub; - The uplink infrastructure, owned and operated by a Teleport Operator and rented by Avanti, which comprises an uplink antenna, power systems, Internet backbone connections and operator support; - The Satellite bandwidth, purchased from Intelsat by Avanti; and - The User Segment, composed by the WiPOP and CPE Figure 5 : Avanti’s Satellite Architecture The Avanti service uses the Ku-band Intelsat 903 satellite positioned at 34.5 degrees West. The satellite footprint covers Western Europe, and some of Eastern Europe, as illustrated in the figure below: Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 21 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Figure 6 : Intelsat 903 spot 1 footprint The system has been in operation commercially since February 2006. Avanti uses the latest Newtec equipment, which is a modular, Linux-based solution that includes PEP functionality. The terminal has an assigned public IP address and a variety of end user configurations are possible. The system will be upgraded with Avanti-specific features, that are designed to provide enhance end-to-end control, including QoS, bandwidth shaping and traffic marking. The system currently utilises one satellite transponder (~40 Mbps of bandwidth), which can be expanded if necessary, and each terminal can handle 8 Mbps of throughput. Eutelsat Solution The fixed bidirectional Eutelsat IP satellite services in Ku band deployed in the frame of Rural Wings are dedicated to the professional market and are offered via the D-STAR system. The solution is deployed via the intermediation of Telemedicine Technologies SA (TTSA), certified service distributor, having signed a distribution agreement with Skylogic, the satellite hub operator (Turin) and D-Star terminals provider. The service provided by TTSA is called MEDSKY via Satellite, based on the Eutelsat IP Connect service. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 22 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation connect service configuration Figure 7 :IPEutelsat Satellite Architecture The satellite network is based on the Eutelsat/Skylogic D Star network facilities located in Turin and using the Satellite Atlantic BirdTM 1 on the geostationary position of 12.5° West providing European Ku-band coverage. Its footprint covers all pilot sites foreseen in the project and its receive sensitivity and transmit power allows the utilisation of 0.96 m antennas in most places to a maximum of 1.2 m antenna diameter for the remote terminals. Figure 8 : ATLANTIC BIRD™ 1 European coverage :: 12.5 ° West Hellassat Solution HELLAS SAT IP broadband access services will be provided within the frame of Rural Wings through the deployment of several DVB-RCS terminals that will communicate with the DVB-RCS HUB located at the Hellas SAT premises. These services use the Ku-band HELLAS-SAT 2 Satellite, the footprint of which is represented here below: Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 23 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Figure 9 : Hellas-sat 2 Satellite European coverage Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 24 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 4.1.2 Equipment description The Rural Wings project in will deploy a hybrid satellite/terrestrial communications solution to provide broadband services to pilot sites in rural areas. Rural Wings employs hub and terminal equipment conforming to the DVB-RCS standard for satellite communications and wireless access points and customer premises equipment satisfying the 802.11b/g wireless standards. DVB-RCS equipment will provide a link from the terrestrial Internet to central locations in rural towns and villages. A wireless access point is then used to carry the communications service to local users equipped with a wireless transceiver. Avanti SIT The Newtec 2Way-Sat SIT (Satellite Interactive Terminal) consists of: - 2-Watt Outdoor Unit (“ODU”) - Antenna (75cm, 90cm or 120cm) - Indoor Unit (“IDU”): providing the DVB-RCS satellite modem functionalities, including an integrated POP Router, delivering value added services (e.g. NAT, DHCP, SMTP relay, Web Caching, TCP acceleration, HTTP pre-fetching, optional VPN capabilities, …). The IDU comprises a Intel based Micro ITX D865GVxxl PC with a Celeron 2.26Ghz processor, 256MB Ram and 40 GB hard disk. The DVB-RCS Indoor Unit and POP router is a flexible unit designed for use in IP broadband satellite access networks. The highly integrated design supports IP over DVB on the Forward Link and IP over ATM on the Return Link and is fully compliant with the DVB-RCS standard. It combines medium access (MAC) layer functions, networking, smart application hosting and management. The fully integrated transceiver module combines BUC, OMT, transmit-reject-filter and LNB into one housing resulting in low weight and low cost. The transmitter part using state-of-the-art MMIC design provides a frequency translation from an IF range of 950 to 1450 MHz to a RF output range of 14.0 to 14.5 GHz. The 13.05GHz local oscillator is slaved to an external 10MHz reference multiplexed on the IFL cable. The receiver part uses very low noise input devices to guarantee best possible input noise temperature specifications. All versions feature –30dB X-pol in -1dB contour due to carefully optimised antenna technology. The earth station design is highly integrated and reliable. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 25 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation RF: TX 14.00 to 14.50 GHz , RX 10.70 to 12.75 GHz Independent Tx & Rx frequencies over full band Good phase noise Low noise temperature LNB Dual band LNB Very low spurious response AVANTI SIT main features Highly integrated and reliable MMIC design Low cost Ease of installation Fine elevation and azimuth adjustments 0.75 m & 0.90 m reflectors using EMIT-feed technology for improved cost/performance ratio Very low X-pol on all antennae More information on these features can be found in Annex 10.1. - Figure 10 : AVANTI SIT – ODU and IDU Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 26 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Terminal Satellite Antenna The supplier for the satellite antenna for the interactive terminals is Visiosat ( A typical unit contains a: - Satellite Antenna : 75cm, 90cm, 120cm; - Feed and Feed-arm; Terminal Transceiver The transceiver (integrated block up converter, OMT, and LNB) is manufactured by Skyware (now owned by Andrew Antenna see although it is supplied by Newtec with the IDU. DVB-RCS Indoor Unit (IDU) The Satellite Router procured is the Newtec ( NTC2107. Every IDU comes with power cables. Each IDU features L-Band DVB-RCS interfaces for each, the TX and the RX channel. The connection to the local network equipment is via an Ethernet interface. Eutelsat D-Star terminal One DSTAR terminal is composed of two main parts, the outdoor unit (ODU) and the indoor unit (IDU). The diagram below shows the various parts of a terminal and illustrates the interconnection with a PC, the simplest Customer Equipment. Feed Block UpConvertor (BUC) Tx Satellite Modem Rx Ortho Mode = INDOOR UNIT (IDU) Low Noise Block Convertor (LNB) Tx Rx IF-link (IFL) Antenna & Tx/Rx Electronics = OUTDOOR UNIT (ODU) Satellite Modem = INDOOR UNIT (IDU) User Equipment OUTDOOR EQUIMENT INDOOR EQUIMENT Figure 11 : Eutelsat D-Star terminal Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 27 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation There are several ODU models and manufacturers. BUC power (2W / 4W) and Antenna size (90, 120, 180 and 240 cm) depend on the geographical location of the site. In the first phase at the different pilot sites terminals with the following antenna diameters will be installed: France 3 x 0.9 m antenna Switzerland 1x 0.9 m antenna Estonia 2 x 1.2 m antenna Sweden 4x 1.8 m antenna and 1x 0.9 m antenna Poland 2x 0.9 m antenna and 1x 1.8 m antenna Romania 2 x 1.2 m antenna Israel 3 x 1.8 m antenna with 4W BUC With the exception of Israel the nominal power of the BUC is 2W. Operational Tx Frequency Band: 13.75 – 14.5 GHz D-Star ODU common parameters Operational Rx Frequency Band: 10.70 – 12.75 GHz Polarisation: linear orthogonal Antenna cross polarisation > 30 dB in the 1° Contour More information on the antenna technical specifications can be found in Annex 10.1. Figure 12 : Eutelsat D-Star ODU Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 28 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Hellassat SIT The Satellite Interactive Terminal (SIT) positioned at the user sites will be a standard, fully validated DVB-RCS terminal, manufactured by Advantech1. The consortium via Attisat S.A. will conduct the installation of the equipment in the user premises. The SIT consists typically of 2 elements: - The outdoor part (ODU) - The indoor part (IDU) The ODU consists of an antenna (Ku frequency band). Typically, a 75 cm antenna is considered, since this is easily accepted by the authorities and it allows sufficient broadband access. In those contours, where reception and transmission is not very good, larger antennas would be used (e.g. 90cm). In reception, an LNB is used (Ku frequency band). The L-band interface is connected to the Indoor Unit via a coax cable. In transmission, a High Power Block Up Converter to Ku frequency band is used. Typically, a 2-Watt is used for Ku SITs. The transmitter should allow the IDU to read back the output power and continuously adjust the IF level so as the transmitted power is maintained at a fixed and stable level. An S-band interface cable from the Indoor Unit allows an easy implementation. The ODU will be placed outdoor and will communicate directly with the Hellas SAT 2 satellite on both the forward and return paths. The IDU consists of the SIT Indoor Unit and the SIT-POP Router. It is the interface between the satellite dish and the user LAN. The Indoor Unit (IDU) contains a DVB_S demodulator, a DVB_RCS Burst Modulator, a MAC processor and optionally an IPsec processor. The POP-Router Box contains the PEP functions, Caching functions and possible NAT and DHCP functions for the LAN. The interface with the user network will be typically through a 10/100BaseT or 10/100BaseMb Ethernet UTP connection. 1 Hellas Sat is operating a DVB RCS platform provided by Advantech (formerly EMS technologies) since June of 2005. Satlabs Group of European Space Agency (ESA) has certified Advantech Satellite Networks terminals to be DVB-RCS compliant and interoperable in October 2005. As a pioneer and world leader of DVB-RCS equipment, Advantech Satellite Networks continues to participate in ongoing Satlabs activities. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 29 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Figure 13: DVB-RCS SIT Antenna provided by Hellassat Figure 14 : DVB-RCS SIT Indoor Unit provided by Hellassat Operational Tx Frequency Band: 14 to 14.5 GHz HELLASSAT ODU main features Operational Rx Frequency Band: 10.95 to 12.75 GHz Data support at Ethernet Interface: - up to 2Mbps from user (Return Link) - up to 45Mbps to user (Forward Link) SITs operate in conjunction with gateway elements covering several aspects of security. They comprise access protection for both SIT and host and protection of data privacy Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 30 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Figure 15: SIT block diagram Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 31 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 4.1.3 Services description Avanti HOME Services Avanti’s services reflect the existing penetration/availability of downstream speeds across the UK. These services are HOME 500, HOME 1000, and HOME 2000, which respectively offer 512/128 kbps, 1024/250 kbps, and 2048/512 kbps connection rates in the forward and return channels. The services will be shaped in terms of download volumes; the packages will respectively have 1, 5 and 10 GB allowance. Once the user exceeds this allowance they will be more severely shaped (even capped at time very high congestion) until the next month. If the user regularly exceeds the allowance then to alleviate the heavy shaping they can either subscribe to higher level of service or buy additional download capacity in 1 GB tranches. The packages are summarised as follows: HOME 500 - download speed 512 kbps upload speed 128 kbps typical monthly usage: 1 GB HOME 1000 - download speed 1024 kbps upload speed 256 kbps typical monthly usage: 5 GB HOME 2000 - download speed 1024 kbps upload speed 256 kbps typical monthly usage: 10 GB With these connectivity services, users will be generally able to: - Browse the internet. The service will enable a user to display and interact with HTML documents hosted by web servers (“Web browsing”) which are connected and form the Internet. This interaction is effected through user agents known as Browsers. The service will support the most popular browsers, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, Opera, and Safari (for Apple users). Users will be able to read news, shop online, find their hobbies, look for jobs, research subjects for work and school, see weather forecasts, access message boards and chat rooms and all other activities associated with browsing, also known as surfing the internet. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 32 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation - VPN. The service will offer the capability for users to get secure access to their employer’s or their own company’s local network via a Virtual Private Networks (“VPN”) connection. VPN services over satellite are structured differently then terrestrial VPN services. Initially a simple VPN pass-through will be used that allows the VPN traffic to pass over the satellite without acceleration. The user will be instructed not to use the remote gateway for the advanced TCP/IP setting (in Windows XP) to ensure Internet traffic still uses the Avanti gateway and can benefit from the acceleration. - Download applications to: o Use Instant Messaging services. An instant messenger is a software application which allows instant text communication between two or more people through on the Internet. The instant messenger can provide video via a webcam. Users will be able to use all Popular instant messaging services on the public Internet including MSN Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, .NET Messenger Service, Jabber and ICQ. o Use News aggregators. A news aggregator is a software application, webpage or service that collects syndicated content from disparate sources and provides a consolidated view. Such applications are also referred to as feed readers, feed aggregators or simply aggregators. Aggregators substantially improve upon the time and effort needed to regularly check websites of interest for updates. Users will be able to use all popular News Aggregators, like Newsdesk, Newsgator, Newsmonster, Awasu and other mainstream news aggregators. TTSA IPConnect Services The fixed bidirectional Eutelsat IP satellite services in Ku band deployed in the frame of Rural Wings are dedicated to the professional market and are offered via the D-STAR system, which has the following principal characteristics: - Star network topology with a Hub and user terminals (known as Return Channel Satellite Terminal or RCST) - Asymmetric Full Duplex transmission - TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) in the forward channel - TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) in the return channel - Dynamic bandwidth provisioning (Bandwidth-on-Demand) - Possibility to use a TCP Accelerator, which improves the throughput of the TCP connection without the need to modify the IP stack of the server and of the client. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 33 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation The Hub Skylogic provides to Telemedicine Technology a so-called "IP Connect" service with the following general features: - Exclusive bandwidth assigned to the satellite network - Connection from the HUB to the Internet backbone - Option to place own equipment at hub location - Configurable features per terminal for the Forward Link and the Return Link - Range of static public IP addresses for terminals & customer equipment - Basic Monitoring System for terminal status and traffic - 2nd level support from SKYLOGIC’s NOC in Turin Figure 16: Skylogic NOC in Turin The following network features can be configured for individual needs: - Terminal to Terminal connection - IP Multicast - CIR and BOD configuration The MEDSKY Server platform Located in the neighbourhood of Paris, the MEDSKY Server platform is fully owned by Telemedicine Technologies. It implements all necessary features to ensure security & confidentiality, as well as reliability and availability of the service. It is connected to VERIZON's European internet backbone. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 34 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation The server platform includes a series of load balanced servers to host dedicated applications and databases, as well as all complementary facilities, such as firewalls, email server, DNS, WEB servers, specific tele-administration features. The key applications interfaced and integrated in the MEDSKY Service are: - easymeeting™, the software based, IP videoconference solution provided by the Feedback Italia s.p.a. (Turin, Italy) - DICOM imagery co-working system provided by Visioscopie (Cannes, France) - MEDSKY Server, an application developed by Telemedicine Technologies that implements all control and administration features and interfaces with the other software applications. MEDSKY Server also automatically controls the QoS devices implemented at the level of the HUB, and includes a variety of additional services such as shared electronic multimedia medical record, access rights management, SMS & email alert systems, videoconference sessions scheduling and control, video databases, push services etc … Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 35 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Hellassat IP Services Satellite connectivity is based on the fixed bidirectional DVB RCS satellite services in Ku-band which are offered via the Advantech DVB RCS RLSS2.0 platform and which main features are the following: Star topology with a Hub and user terminals (known as Return Channel Satellite Terminals – RCST) based on DVB RCS protocol - Asymmetric Full Duplex transmission - TDM (Time Division Multiplexing) in the direction Hub to RCST (Outbound, Downstream or Forward Channel). - TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) in the direction RCST to Hub (Inbound, Upstream or Return Channel). - Shared bandwidth provisioning - TCP Accelerator, which improves the throughput of the TCP connection without the need to modify the IP stack of the server and client. The TCP accelerator server is hosted on the DVB RCS platform and the client is embedded software in the satellite terminal. The SIT protocol stack includes IP, ATM, MPEG-TS, DVB-S, 802.3, 10/100 Base T, TCP-UDP. Furthermore SITs operate in conjunction with gateway elements covering several aspects of security. They comprise access protection for both SIT and host and protection of data privacy. As value added services, Hellas Sat provides the following: - Internet access via satellite (remote & mobile sites) - Email Accounts (the type of the email can be either or based on hosts company name: email aliases, email forwarding, POP3, webmail. - Web Hosting: the type of the url hosted can be or , the volume of the web pages hosted can be 1GB - VoIP based on telephone numbers assigned to Hellas Sat in the telephone number sequence 0030600xxxxx - VPN tunnelling termination Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 36 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 4.1.4 Regulatory issues This section provides a review of the regulatory constraints related to satellite services deployment in the different countries with Rural Wings pilot sites. About deregulation2 Universal access is now not so much an engineering or supply-side problem but rather a regulatory and policy challenge, according to the ITU. Individual nations are increasingly interested in adopting policies in common with other nations. The European Community for example encourages and imposes harmonised approaches through a number of agencies. The telecommunication services industry has traditionally been heavily regulated. Most European countries have now completed the process of deregulating their telecommunications market and are on the path to a “free” market. Regulation is imposed on the market during its traditional period to ensure that the incumbent telecom operator in each national market does not abuse its dominant market position. In the future, the deregulation of the communication services market seems set to continue, with the regulators aiming for increased competition, bringing better value to the customer. The European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT) is responsible for co-operation on commercial, operational, regulatory and technical standardisation issues between post and telecommunications service providers. The CEPT created the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), which took over CEPT's telecommunication standardisation activities and the European Committee for Telecommunications Regulatory Affairs (ECTRA) which deals with regulatory affairs. In 1994 CEPT/ECTRA established the European Telecommunications Office (ETO) in order to provide expertise for ECTRA members and to contribute to the European Union's telecommunications policy on licensing and numbering. In 2001, ETO was replaced by the European Radiocommunications Office (ERO), who became the representative office of the Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) that had replaced the ECTRA. Further evolution VSAT technology development has been characterised by ever cheaper terminals (prices under 1,000 euro) and more sophisticated technology and applications such as Internet access via satellite. F/TDMA and CDMA technologies as well as standards such as the DVB-S and DVB-RCS are now enabling flexible and affordable solutions for bandwidth on demand requirements with end users. While the overall per day traffic typically generated by these types of VSATs is very low (short bursts of traffic), the bandwidth of these traffic bursts can be considerably high (sometimes more than 2 MHz). 2 Information about the status in the different countries derived from the ESA support Web site. Source: Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 37 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation This typical transmit pattern puts this type of terminal in an odd situation because the traditional rules for licensing did not foresee such use of bandwidth. To overcome this problem, ETSI and the EC have formulated the harmonised standard (EN 301 428) on Ku-Band VSATs. This standard refers to a maximum antenna size of 3.8 m diameter (1.8 m for Ka-Band), but not to a maximum bandwidth or bit rate. In its directive ERC/DEC(00) 05 the CEPT has consequently imposed the following restrictions on the exemption from individual licensing of Ku-Band VSATs to its members: - Operation in the satellite exclusive bands 12.5 - 12.75 GHz (space-to-Earth) and 14.0 14.25 (Earth-to-space), - Transmitter power max 2 Watts - Maximum EIRP of 50 dBW - Used beyond 500 m from the boundary of an airport. Regulatory constraints in the different countries Greece HELLAS SAT has obtained a general authorisation for the provision of two-way satellite broadband communication services in Cyprus and in Greece. The regulatory framework concerning satellite communications in the country is said to be in relation to the allocation of a satellite frequency for a VSAT network or a ground station (HUB), or a dependent one (to the HUB). Although there is not an explicit legislative framework for the provision of DVB-RCS technology, in the satellite sector, a temporary regulatory ground can be invoked in the decision No. 210/2 (National Gazette No. 285/19-4-2001) of the Greek NRA (National Posts and Telecommunication Commission - which provides for the allocation of independent radiofrequencies or categories of radiofrequencies under a special license regime for the provision of public telecommunications services. The regulatory framework in Greece is changing to include the Low Emitting Satellite Terminals and may exclude them from the licensing procedure. In Greece it is not necessary to apply for a license to add a VSAT station to a licensed network as long as the station meets the following requirements: - Transmitter power is 2W max - Radiated power is 50 dBW max - The terminal is not used within 500 metres of an airport boundary - Transmitting frequency is within the frequency band 14.0 - 14.25 GHz Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 38 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation The station must also fulfil the other requirements given in the ERC/DEC/(00)05. For this type of VSAT station no fee is charged. Cyprus According to the Regulation of Electronic Communications and Postal Services Law of 2004, the provision of electronic communications networks and services is not restricted, subject to the terms set by the provisions of this Law. Any undertaking may provide electronic communications networks and/or services in Cyprus subject to a general authorization and, in specific circumstances, to an individual right of use relating to the use of radio frequencies or numbers, irrespective of whether they are of a commercial or non-commercial nature and irrespective of whether or not they are provided for profit. The new licensing regime foresees only the issue of general authorizations. As a result, during the year 2004, interested persons, legal and natural, applied for and were granted general authorizations and individual licenses from the Office of the Commissioner of telecommunications and Portal Regulations, OCECPR, up to the 30th of April 2004 and only general authorizations from the 1st of May 2004 up to the end of the year. In order to obtain a general authorization for offering telecommunication services, broadband services over satellite, it is necessary to apply to the OCECPR, giving them all the details of the infrastructure and network you are about to develop and explaining to them the way the services will be offered to the customers. A yearly fee must be paid to the OCECPR by each service provider, depending on the annual revenue of the provider regarding this service. Cyprus adopted the ERC/DEC/(00)05 Directive. An individual license for VSATs operating in the frequency bands 12,5-12,75 Ghz and 14,0-14,25 Ghz is not required providing they meet the following criteria: - Total radiated power does not exceed 50dBW (E.I.R.P.) - Transmitter power does not exceed 2W - The terminal is not used within 500 metres of an airport boundary - Antenna diameter does not exceed 3.8m United Kingdom Following is the list of relevant areas of regulations necessary for the deployment of satellite terminals and Wi-Fi terminals in United Kingdom: National regulations regarding: a. Health and safety (for installers and customers). Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 39 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation b. Restrictions on emitted RF radiation. c. Cabling. d. Planning (national). e. Building (national). f. Electrical (national). g. Site Clearances and Licensing based on local implementation of ERC/ECC decisions. Satellite Clearance Result: The clearance process is performed with the OFCOM (UK Regulatory Agency - tools available to Avanti. The clearance process generates a receipt which is copied by the planning engineer and pasted into this report as shown in Figure below. Spain Spain has adopted the CEPT Decision ERC/DEC/(00)05, and individual VSAT terminals are exempt from license, but the VSAT network operator has to apply for a frequency license for the VSAT network itself. Individual VSAT stations have to be registered by way of the form available on the website of Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio, Secretaria de Estado de Telecomunicaciones y para la Sociedad de la Información, Subdirección General de Planificación y Gestión del Espectro Radioeléctrico. At all times updates must be checked for with the Ministerio de Industria ( Estonia Estonia adopted ERC/DEC/(00)05. An individual license for VSATs operating in the frequency bands 12,5-12,75 Ghz and 14,0-14,25 Ghz is not required providing they meet the following criteria: - Total radiated power does not exceed 50dBW (E.I.R.P.) Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 40 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation - Transmitter power does not exceed 2W - The terminal is not used within 500 metres of an airport boundary - Antenna diameter does not exceed 3.8m Since there is no need for an individual license there are no costs involved. The Estonian regulatory authority is the SIDEAMET Estonian National Communications Board ( Sweden Sweden exempts VSATs from individual licensing through the 'National Post and Telecommunications Regulations on exemptions for the licensing obligation for certain radio transmitters; PTSFS 2004:8'. VSAT stations compliant to the following criteria are thus exempt: - Transmitter power is 2W max - Radiated power is 50 dBW max - The terminal is not used within 500 metres of an airport boundary - Transmitting frequency is within the frequency band 14.0 - 14.5 GHz - They fulfil also the other requirements given in the ERC/DEC/(00) 05 There are no costs involved in VSAT licensing. The Swedish regulatory authority is the Post och Telestyrelsen National Post and Telecom ( Poland The body responsible in this field is the Office of Telecommunications and Post Regulations (URTiP) which is the result of a recent merger between the National Radio Communications Agency (PAR) and State Telecommunications and Postal Inspection ( In order to obtain a license (named VSAT Permit as and from 1 January 2001) the applicant must have legal representation in Poland. The application form only exists in Polish although an English translation is expected to become available shortly. It is expected that in the near future VSAT licensing will no longer be necessary under the criteria of the ERC/DEC/(00)05 Directive. Until then, licensing is required and a small fee is charged for the license and for the frequency use: for non commercial use the license fee costs 76PLN (or ~19 Euros), for commercial use the license is 1900PLN (or ~475 Euros). The frequency usage costs maximum 120PLN (or ~30 Euros) per year. Switzerland Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 41 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Switzerland exempts VSATs from individual licensing through the 'Verordnung vom 14. Juni 2002 über Fernmeldeanlagen (FAV)'. To be exempt VSATs need to be compliant to the following criteria: - Transmitter power is 2W max - Radiated power is 50 dBW max - The terminal is not used within 500 metres of an airport boundary - Transmitting frequency is within the frequency band 14.0 - 14.25 GHz - They fulfil also the other requirements given in the ERC/DEC/(00) 05 There are no costs involved in VSAT licensing. The Swiss regulatory authority is the Federal Office for Communications ( France A license is required in France for a VSAT terminal. This authorisation will be granted after submission of the document "Declaration de Station Fixe" to: Agence Nationale des Fréquences Centre de Gestion des Radiocommunications BP 61 F-94371 Sucy en Brie CEDEX There are no costs for individual licenses. Please note that Eutelsat has a VSAT operators license for France, consequently all terminals installed for the Rural Wings project in France are covered by the Eutelsat license. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 42 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 4.2 Local Loop 4.2.1 Definition In order to extend the geographical coverage around the DVB-RCS terminal access points and share the broadband Internet access provided through these terminals, a terrestrial network will be deployed at each pilot site. Different local loop configurations: - Use of wireless technologies. - Use of local existing LAN networks or creation of new LAN networks. - Use of other last-mile technologies. On top of the local loop architecture, additional network equipments such as bandwidth management equipments could provide added value to the generic architecture. The Terrestrial Network Equipment providers for the Local Loop segment in the Rural Wings pilot sites are the following: - ICCS, providing wireless equipments for 3 pilot sites in Greece. - UoA, providing wireless equipments for 1 pilot site in Greece. - EA, providing wireless equipments for 1 pilot site in Greece. - UoB, providing wireless equipments for 2 pilot sites in Spain. - SU-IIE, providing wireless equipments for 2 pilot sites in Sweden. - Astrium, providing wireless equipments for 2 pilot sites in France. - UPB, providing wireless equipments for 1 pilot site in Romania. - Hellassat, providing wireless equipments for 1 pilot site in Cyprus. - A&O, providing wireless equipments for 2 pilot sites in Estonia. - PBF, providing wireless equipments for 2 pilot sites in Poland. - Avanti, providing wireless equipments for 8 pilot sites in UK. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 43 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 4.2.2 Wireless Topology With its cost advantages and its ability for rapid deployment, wireless networks are fast becoming the preferred infrastructure solution for sparsely populated areas where fixed-line communications have been found to be costly to deploy. The most developed standard for Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) is the standard IEEE 802.11b commonly called WiFi for “Wireless Fidelity” and its pending enhancement the IEEE 802.11g standard. In a converged satellite-WiFi deployment, the satellite is used as a backhaul link to the Internet and WiFi system as last mile technology providing IP connectivity to several end-users. This section provides information on the different types of wireless network modules, describing their key functionalities and performance parameters. - Module 1 - Point to point wireless link The point to point topology consists of two buildings connected directly through a pointto-point communications link. - Module 2 - Point to multipoint wireless link The point to multipoint topology allows multiple remote buildings to share a connection back to a single, central building (base station). As new buildings are added to the network, no additional equipment or modifications are required at the base station. - o With directional antennas, allowing the interconnection of remote buildings spread over a maximum angle of coverage of typically 60° from the base station. o With omnidirectional antennas, allowing the interconnection of multiple remote buildings all around the base station. Module 3 - Indoor wireless hot spot The indoor wireless access point allows to provide a wireless indoor LAN environment. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 44 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Module 1 – Point to point wireless link This module allows to interconnect two buildings through a point-to-point communications link. A point-to-point link consists of two radio equipments in direct communication with each other over a dedicated bandwidth. The typical solution is 802.11b standard-compliant and operates in the 2.4 GHz unlicensed band, at air interface speeds of up to 11 Mbit/s (5,5 Mbit/s useful speed for data transmission). Configuration The following figure illustrates the configuration of a point to point inter-building wireless link. Figure 17 : Point to point wireless link Characteristics The following table summarizes the characteristics of the wireless equipments necessary to implement module 1. Characteristics Technology 802.11b Maximum throughput [Mbps] 11 Mbps Radio / 5,5 Mbps Data Maximum range [kms] < 2 kms @ 11 Mbps / ~5,5 Mbps Data 3 kms @ 5.5 Mbps / ~2 Mbps Data 4 kms @ 2 Mbps / ~1 Mbps Data 5 to 6 kms @ 1 Mbps / ~400 Kbps Mbps Data Table 3 : Wireless module 1 – typical features Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 45 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Module 2 – Point to multipoint wireless link This module allows to interconnect multiple remote buildings to a single, central building, through a point-to-multipoint radio communications link. A point-to-multipoint radio link consists of a base station or a radio access point at a central or hub site which communicates with multiple client or subscriber radios at remote sites. Point-to-multipoint networks are connected in a star topology and bandwidth is shared among the remote subscribers. The two following configurations are available: Point-to-multipoint connection with directional antennas: one Access Point and two Remote Bridges allow the interconnection of wired LANs in different buildings at speeds approaching those of wired Ethernet. Point-to-multipoint connection with omnidirectional antenna: one Access Point with a deported omnidirectional antenna and multiple Remote Bridges allow the interconnection of wired LANs in multiple distant buildings at speeds approaching those of wired Ethernet. These solutions are 802.11b standard-compliant and operate in the 2.4 GHz unlicensed band, at air interface speeds of up to 11 Mbit/s (5,5 Mbit/s useful speed for data transmission). Configuration The following figures illustrate directional configuration for a point to multipoint inter-building wireless link, as well as how the range of the infrastructure can be extended. Figure 18 : Point-to-multipoint wireless connection with directional antennas Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 46 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Source: Air-Net Wireless Ltd Figure 19 : Point-to-multipoint wireless connection with omnidirectional antenna (Outdoor Hotspot) Characteristics The following table summarizes the characteristics of the wireless equipments necessary to implement module 2. Characteristics Technology 802.11b Maximum throughput [Mbps] 11 Mbps Radio / 5.5 Mbps Data For multi-user remote stations: 1,5 kms @ 11 Mbps / 5,5 Mbps Data ~2 kms @ 5.5 Mbps / 2 Mbps Data ~3 kms @ 2 Mbps / 1 Mbps Data ~4 kms @ 1 Mbps / 400 kbps Data For outdoor Hotspot: ~500 m to 1 km Directional configuration: up to 120° Omnidirectional configuration: 360° Maximum range [kms] Angle of coverage Table 4 : Wireless module 2 – typical features Individual single user remote station Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 47 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation In the case where the remote building has only a single residential user (or very few residential users) to be connected to the Rural Wings wireless network, installing a dedicated Outdoor Wireless Bridge at its premises would be a quite expensive solution. Instead, the solution will be based on low cost wireless equipment with an indoor modem and an outdoor antenna. The residential user will thus have a patch antenna, pointing to the Access Point, installed on the roof as shown in the following figure. Figure 20 : Residential wireless outdoor equipment Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 48 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Module 3 – Indoor wireless hot spot This module allows to provide an indoor wireless LAN environment within a particular building. The key elements composing this module are the following: Hotspot indoor access point (AP): The AP connects users to other users within the network and can also serve as point of interconnection between the wireless LAN and a wired network. Thus, client devices will be able to connect and access the wired network (for example, the Rural Wings broadband satellite access network) to which the AP is connected. End-user client devices: The wireless LAN client adapters, such as PCI and PCMCIA cards, enable PC/laptop users to have network access anywhere within a building that is equipped with a wireless network infrastructure. Ethernet client devices: This kind of device acts as a wireless client of the wireless LAN and then interfaces with the wired network. The wireless LAN workgroup bridge provided within this module will connect up to 4 Ethernet-enabled devices to the wireless LAN, providing the link from these devices to the AP. This solution is 802.11b standard-compliant and operates in the 2.4 GHz unlicensed band, at air interface speeds of up to 11 Mbit/s (5,5 Mbit/s useful speed for data transmission). Configuration The following figure illustrates the typical configuration of an indoor wireless hotspot. Figure 21 : Indoor wireless hot spots Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 49 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Characteristics The following table summarizes the characteristics of the wireless equipments necessary to implement module 3. Characteristics Technology 802.11b Maximum throughput [Mbps] 11 Mbps Radio / 5,5 Mbps Data Maximum range [kms] 40 m @ 11 Mbps / 5,5 Mbps Data 70 m @ 5,5 Mbps / 2 Mbps Data 90 m @ 2 Mbps / 1 Mbps Data 100 m @ 1 Mbps / 400 kbps Data Maximum number of users 180 Table 5: Wireless module 2 – typical features Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 50 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 4.2.3 Equipment description The basic configuration of a wireless network includes three devices known as a station, an access point and an antenna to extend the range of the coverage area. These wireless equipments are presented in this section. An association called Wifi Alliance was formed in 1999 to certify interoperability of Wireless Local Area Network products based on the IEEE 802.11 specification. This certification is required when selecting a wireless product. Stations The standard 802.11 defines a station as any device that contains an IEEE 802.11 conformant MAC and PHY interface to the wireless medium (WM). Figure 22 : Wireless client station adapters The three devices above are wireless client station adapters. They connect a computer or other devices to a wireless network using different types of port connectivity. On the left, the network interface card (NIC) is a PCMCIA card. In the middle, the wireless client adapter is connected to a USB port on the PC. Finally, on the right, the most common way to connect the computer to the wireless network is a PCI card. Access Points An AP can be defined as a device that connects users to other users within the network and also can serve as the point of interconnection between the WLAN and a wired network. Figure 23 : Indoor (on the left) and Outdoor (on the right) Access Points Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 51 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Antennas Wireless cards all have built-in antennas, but these antennas are, at best, minimally adequate. To cover an important area, the use of external antennas is necessary. Figure 24 : Antennas There are different types of antennas but they can be grouped into two categories: omnidirectional and directional antennas. The figure above shows from the left to the right a microstrip patch omni-directional antenna and a directional yagi antenna. The strength of antennas is measured in dBi gain. Different types of antennas are used for different purposes: - omni-directional antennas are effective for irradiating areas where the location of other wireless stations varies with time like an office with many laptops; - directional antennas are useful for fixed location installations such as a radio connection between two buildings. Avanti’s local loop architecture The system deployed in pilot sites in UK by Avanti is based on Avanti’s INSPIRE system architecture, where the User Segment is composed by the WiPOP and the CPE, along with the end user equipment. - The Customer Premises Equipment is installed at the end-users premises. The CPE consists of a 2.4 or 5.8 GHz wireless interface and a router unit connected either to a single PC (via Ethernet) or a Local Area Network. The interface with customer PC is the RJ45 Ethernet connector, the wireless CPE is installed and managed by Avanti. - A series of Wireless Internet Points of Presence (WiPoP), one of which is installed at each rural community (business park, village hall, pub etc). The WiPoP comprises a DVB-RCS terminal linked to a 2.4/5.8 GHz Wireless Access Point to provide connectivity to local buildings and residents; Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 52 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Figure 25: Avanti's local loop architecture The supplier for both WAP and CPE is Repeatit ( Each WAP/CPE is supplied with network cable (RJ45 Jack) and a power cable. These equipments are powered using PoE (Power over Ethernet). A special adaptor is used to transmit the power via the included outdoor Ethernet cable. An external antenna to the WAP is utilized for spreading the wireless signal at the location of the WiPoPs. There are various different suppliers for the antenna equipment depending on type (omni or sectorial) and frequency band. These components are generic products readily available via specialist distributors on relatively short leadtimes. The CPE features an internal antenna with a gain of 16 dBi. 4.2.4 Wireless Equipment in Rural Wings The following table summarizes the main characteristics of terrestrial network equipments selected for deployment at pilot sites. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 53 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Equipment Category (LAN, wireless, ...) Reference Manufacturer Outdoor Rugged Access Points/Bridges 802.11b/g Aironet 1300 series Cisco Indoor Rugged Access Point 802.11a/b/g Aironet 1230AP series Cisco Indoor Rugged Access Point 802.11a/b/g Aironet 1240AP series Cisco Router LAN 831 Cisco Switch LAN Catalyst 2940 series Cisco Outdoor wireless access point IEEE 802.11b HR standard compliant BreezeNet BU-DS 11 Alvarion Outdoor wireless bridge IEEE 802.11b HR standard compliant BreezeNet RB-DS.11 Alvarion Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/09/2007 Page 54 of 140 Technical characteristics (technology, throughput, range, ...) 802.11b/g, 30mW (max power level with 6dbi antenna gain),10 km (as route bridge depending on the antenna gain) 802.11a, b/g , 30mW (max power level with 6dbi antenna gain), 4-5 km (as route bridge depending on the antenna gain 802.11a, b/g , 30mW (max power level with 6dbi antenna gain), 4-5 km (as route bridge depending on the antenna gain wide range of integrated security services and advanced quality of service (QoS) features for high-quality data, voice, and video applications managed switch with 8 Fast Ethernet ports and a single integrated Fast Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet uplink - Optimized for outdoor building-to-building point-to-point, point-to-multipoint applications - Very high sensitivity: -85 dBm at 11 Mbps - RC4 40-bit key WEP encryption - Up to 10 km distance in ETSI at 11 Mbps - Optimized for outdoor building-to-building point-to-point, point-to-multipoint applications - Very high sensitivity: -85 dBm at 11 Mbps - RC4 40-bit key WEP encryption - Up to 10 km distance in ETSI at 11 Mbps Wireless Network Module Module 1, 2, 3 Module 1, 2, 3 Module 1, 2, 3 N/A N/A Module 1, 2, 3 Module 1, 2 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Category (LAN, wireless, ...) Equipment Reference Manufacturer WiFi Procurve Wireless Access Point 420 HP Router LAN Prosafe Gigabit VPN Firewall 25 with 4 Gigabit LAN and Dual WAN Port Switch Netgear Base Station IEEE 802.11b/g/a HR standard compliant 5430-series Repeatit CPE IEEE 802.11b/g/a HR standard compliant 5430-series Repeatit Hotspot indoor access point Technical characteristics (technology, throughput, range, ...) - IEEE 802.11g Further Higher Data Rate ; - IEEE 802.1Q VLANs ; - IEEE 802.1X Network Login ; - support for new IEEE 802.11i standard; - provides advance encryption support. Firewall protection, DMZ port, auto-sensing per device, DHCP support, NAT support, VPN, load balancing, auto-uplink, Stateful Packet Inspection (SPI), DoS attack prevention, VPN passthrough - Dual Radio 802.11a/b/g (supports 2.4Ghz and 5.8Ghz) - Outdoor Rated Enclosure - Power over Ethernet - Centralised management via RS/3 Software - Dual Radio 802.11a/b/g (supports 2.4Ghz and 5.8Ghz) - Outdoor Rated Enclosure - Power over Ethernet - Centralised management via RS/3 Software Table 6 : Terrestrial network equipments selected for deployment at pilot sites Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 55 of 140 Wireless Network Module Module 3 N/A Module 1, 2, 3 Module 1, 2 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 4.2.5 Licensing and regulatory framework for WiFi WLANs operate in the frequency bands 2.4 and 5 GHz. Both are licence-exempt and thus do not require licence assignment in most of European countries. However, to avoid harmful interference in those bands, regulatory authorities have fixed some emission power limits, that are detailed further in this section, for the use of those wireless devices. As a consequence of the growing interest for Wireless LANs, there has been recently a generally favourable treatment for WLANs regulation rules in many European countries. The objectives of opening the way for more WLAN and BWA spectrum are: - to aid transparency on licence-exemption regulation through a consolidated Statutory Instrument; - to provide a stimulus for innovative radio technologies; - to increase competition and consumer choice in the radio local area network marketplace; - to provide spectrum for new, higher data-rate, more spectrally efficient RLAN services. To actually deploy a wireless network, the rules defined by the national telecommunications regulatory authority have to be respected. Both the manufacturers and the users of wireless networking technology thus rely on regulators to provide sufficient spectrum and to set usage rules that allow for technology innovations. This section outlines the recent history of regulatory issues with regard to WiFi technologies in 2.4 GHz frequency bands as well as the current state of spectrum availability and the changes coming out of the 2003 World Radio conference. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/09/2007 Page 56 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation The use of the 2.4GHz frequency Band for WLAN Background The frequency band 2400-2483.5 MHz has for some time been designated and used for Short Range Devices (SRD). In accordance with ERC Recommendation 70-03, the band 2400-2483.5 MHz or part of the band is designated for the following different applications: - Non-specific Short Range Devices, - Radio Local Area Networks, - Automatic Vehicle Identification for Railways, - Movement detection and Alert, - Radio Frequency Identification applications. Other services and applications are using the band 2400-2483.5 MHz such as the Fixed Service, SAP/SAB and military services. It should be noted that the frequency band 2400-2483.5 MHz is also designated for Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) applications in accordance with RR footnote 5.150. Radio communication services operating within this band must accept harmful interference, which may be caused by ISM applications. The figure below displays an overview of the current use of the band and designation of frequencies. Figure 26 : Overview of the use of the band 2400-2483.5 MHz Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 57 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation The Increasing Popularity of the 2.4GHz Band The growing interest in the 2.4 GHz band is partially due to its licence exempt status and its global availability. The rapid expansion of RLANs and the development of applications such as Bluetooth and HomeRF systems have also influence market growth within the band. Moreover, the other services such as traditional telemetry and telecommand as well as alarm systems are expected to develop dramatically over the coming years. Due to this anticipated rapid growth of the above applications there may be potential for congestion to occur in the 2.4 GHz band in high-density areas. Therefore, the use of certain interference mitigation techniques became inevitable to allow all the services and applications to co-exist within the band. The next subsection describes the regulation and management of the band for the RLANs applications. Regulation of WLAN in the 2.4 GHz bands For European Countries RLANs are Wide Band Data Communication Systems that are subject to the CEPT Recommendation 70-03, the Decision ERC/DEC(01)07 and the ETSI EN 300 328 standard for wide-band data transmission systems. CEPT/ERC Recommendation Rec 70-03 describes the spectrum management arrangements for ‘Short Range Devices’ relating to allocated frequency bands, maximum power levels, channel spacing and duty cycle. For short range devices, individual licences for users are not normally required. However, for particular applications individual licences may be required in some countries. The recommendation specifies that WLAN devices operated in the 2.4 GHz band should meet the requirements of ETSI standard EN 300 328 and the decision ERC/DEC(01)07. The status of implementation in accordance with the national restrictions informed by administrations is indicated in the next figures. EN 300 328 sets out specifications and test procedures for low power spread spectrum devices in the 2.4 GHz band. IEEE 802.11 and 802.11b equipment must be configured to comply with the maximum radiated power requirements set out in EN 300 328:200016. The ETSI standard makes informative references to devices meeting the IEEE 802.11 standard as well as another American industry standard Home RF. Furthermore, to meet the growing demand for higher transmission rates, new types of modulation are being introduced as the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulation from the IEEE 802.11g standard. In order to take this development into account, the European standardisation body for telecommunications has revised the EN 300 328 harmonised standard in 2003, thereby allowing the inclusion of any new form of modulation. Systems using these other forms of modulation shall be considered equivalent to DSSS systems and shall be tested according to the requirements for DSSS modulation. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 58 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation In Europe, the technical and regulatory conditions applicable for WLAN in the 2400-2483.5 MHz band are harmonized and contained in the ERC Decision (01)07 (“ERC Decision of 12 March 2001 on harmonised frequencies, technical characteristics and exemption from individual licensing of Short Range Devices used for Radio Local Area Networks (RLANs) operating in the frequency band 2400 - 2483.5 MHz”). ERC/REC 01-07, adopted in 1995 and revised in 2004, listed harmonised criteria for the Administrations to decide whether an exemption from individual licence should be applied. The aim of this Decision is also to exempt RLANs from individual licensing as they fulfil the criteria for exemption listed in ERC/REC 01-07. Until now 30 CEPT administrations have implemented this decision in their countries as illustrated in the following figures. Almost all administrations allow the use of the frequency band by WLAN, but some administrations limit the use only to indoor or private use. Some still require an individual licensing regime. Table 7 summarizes the technical constraints for the usage of the 2.4 GHz band applicable to WLAN devices in Europe. The deployment of Wireless LAN is enabled in indoor and outdoor environment. But because of the free from charge use of the 2.4 GHz band with low-priced outdoor RLAN equipment, there might be an assumed risk of misuse due to the need for pointto-point applications with directional antenna. The subsection 4.5 presents interference mitigation for outdoor RLAN systems in this band. Table 7 : Technical characteristics of RLANs in the 2.4 GHz band Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 59 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Current Situation in CEPT Countries Figure 27 : Implementation of ERC/REC/70-03 Annex 3A Figure 28 : Implementation of ERC/DEC/(01)07 Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 60 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation ORLAN Discussions Outdoor RLANs form an alternative to the use of leased lines, licensed point-to-point wireless links or the installation of capital-intensive fibre or cable links. They are mainly used to provide point-to-point links to bridge the gap between two networks, but point-to-multipoint links are also being installed, enabling more complex networks to be established. Outdoor systems are likely to have a disproportionate effect on cumulative interference levels because of the lack of building attenuation. They are thus expected to present interference potential in environments outside of rural and suburban The practical effect of the interference levels presented in Table 8 (extract from the study Aegis study) is the diminution of the RLANs working range. Table 8 : Projected probable worst case interference levels (10% probability) into 2.4 GHz communication systems In 2000, ETSI asked the CEPT ERC to change the current regulation to allow e.i.r.p. levels up to 500 mW with directional antenna using the same 100 mW transmitter power. However, ERC did not agree to allow 500 mW e.i.r.p. and concluded that increased e.i.r.p. limit for RLANs would lead to a further congestion in the 2.4 GHz band. The introduction of a 500 mW EIRP limit for RLANs would, if widely adopted, have led to a 7 dB increase in the interference levels cited for RLAN interferers in table 3. Such an increase would in the case of outdoor systems have a significant effect upon the viability of RFA systems unless Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 61 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation these systems were also permitted to adopt the higher power level. Since the current 100 mW limit is generally accepted as sufficient to provide effective indoor coverage at ranges up to 100 metres, there appears to be little merit in the proposal to increase the power, other than to make unlicensed RLANs more attractive for long range outdoor applications. Conclusions of WLAN in the 2.4 GHz Band The recent proliferation of Short Range Device applications and the growing demand for public access and private use of WLAN technologies are increasing the use of the 2.4 GHz band. As a consequence, the level of interference is likely to increase with potential impact on the Quality of Service. In the longer term, it may be expected that the major WLAN operators will strive to avoid the use of the 2.4 GHz band for public access services, since this band will not allow them to provide sufficient Quality of Service to their customers. An adequate amount of spectrum, among other factors, is a necessary condition to facilitate satisfactory performance in the presence of other uncoordinated users and it is one of the key conditions for market acceptance for these kinds of systems. ETSI, ITU-R and CEPT have calculated that the additional spectrum available in the 5 GHz bands is required for WLANs to fulfil the expected future traffic demands. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 62 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Current situation in the selected RuralWings Countries with wireless networks deployment Country Greece Current regulatory situation for the 2.4 GHz band 2.4 GHz is available for use in Greece. Spain According to the note UN-85, the WLAN can be used in indoor and outdoor environment, if the following recommendations and specifications are applied CEPT/ERC 70-03, ETSI ETS 300 328 and ETS 300 440. Sweden Specific measures adopted. No mandatory antenna requirements. See statement in minutes of the 30th ERC meeting, March 2001. Implemented by regulation PTSFS 2002:3 . France The recommendation CEPT/ERC 70-03 should be applied but outdoor use is limited to 10 mW e.i.r.p. within the band 2454-2483.5 MHz. Cyprus Adopted 13.02.04 by a Ministerial Order (PI 76/2004). Transmitting stations are subject to a general authorisation/licence. Estonia Implemented by the Estonian Frequency Allocation Plan and the "List of radio transmission equipment belonging to a specified class and conforming with the requirements for the installation or use of which no technical authorisation is required" adopted by the decree of Minister of Transport and Communications no 102 of 23.11.2000 Poland Measures partly implementing the Decision. Order of the Minister responsible for telecommunications. Technical characteristics as described in Rec 70-03 UK 2.4 GHz is available for use in United Kingdom. Romania Implemented by the Decision no.62/2005 of the President of the Inspectorate General for Communications and Information Technology, published in Official Journal of Romania, Part I no.138/15.02.2005, modified and completed by Decision no.345/2006 published in Official Journal of Romania, Part I no.332/13.04.2006 Israel Importation and Operation of Bluetooth and WiFi Products Approved in the 2.4 GHz Band, Starting from October 1st 2003 on a Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 63 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 5. End-to-end System Integration and Adaptation The overall architecture of the Rural Wings system has been presented in section 4, where the different components of both satellite segment and local loop segment have been described in terms of technology, technical characteristics and functionalities. The present section aims at describing the added value functionalities and adaptations in terms of traffic management, QoS, security and performances that allow the Rural Wings system to provide a fully comprehensive broadband Internet access solution to the pilot sites. 5.1 Satellite component 5.1.1 Bandwidth management, traffic shaping and QoS policy A very important aspect of the system is the intelligent traffic shaping and bandwidth management within the network to prevent local bottle-necks occurring and to mitigate overall network load and congestion at peak times. With the use of WLAN distribution, it is also vitally important to manage the traffic and provision network resources right down to the “last mile” i.e. the wireless link to the user. The local bandwidth management will be described in section 5.2. DVB-RCS QoS In order to provide the necessary physical resource for critical applications such as VoIP and Video Conferencing that rely on RTP (Real Time Protocol) sessions it is necessary for the hub and terminals to be able to allocate the suitable capacity assignments to minimise jitter and latency. This mechanism is being defined in SatLabs and Newtec are actively involved in this process. The basic idea is to use DiffServ (through DSCP) to mark packets and to allocate the correct capacity assignment to several different categories of traffic. This mechanism will be implemented as soon as it is available As contingency, a local bandwidth management and traffic shaping solution will be employed. In addition a proprietary partitioning method will be implemented by Avanti that allows the creation of up to 20 shaping rules for traffic, based on parameters such as source/destination IP address and port number. Traffic within these partitions will be marked according to its corresponding DSCP level. As a specific development for Avanti’s system, Newtec will undertake a specific development to dynamically link the priority class of traffic to RTP sessions based on the SIP invitation message. This means that even at times of high congestion the VoIP and Video Conferencing will still have a guaranteed performance over the satellite network. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 64 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation QoS Policy HELLAS SAT implements IP QoS on the forward and return links. In the forward direction Hellas Sat uses the PacketShaper ISP6500 device to shape the forward traffic and establish QoS rules. In the return link, HELLAS SAT has high and low priority queues in the terminal to set QoS levels. The PacketShaper, manufactured by the Packeteer Corporation is a device that monitors and controls user activity. This permits operators to graphically monitor activity and enforce user policies including priority allocations, all of which enhance network efficiency. Specifically the PacketShaper: - Adapt bandwidth allocation policies - Set priorities of bandwidth allocations (98-levels) - Partition applications into classes with the same properties - Guarantee bandwidth for critical applications - Enforce traffic-exclusion decisions - Implements TCP and IP rate control - Detects traffic from unauthorized servers It should be noted that the PacketShaper is essential to proper operation of VoIP in mixed networks by controlling the traffic flows and ensuring that adequate bandwidth is available for voice calls when needed. Two PacketShaper devices are provided for redundancy. Also included with the PacketShaper devices are two smaller routers used to redirect the return link traffic through the IP QoS device. This ensures the accounting information derived from the PacketShaper for the CFE accounting system includes all traffic flows. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 65 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation A small Router is included in the IP LAN to provide return link and forward link accounting from the QoS Management Device3. In the RiverStone IP Router, all traffic coming from the ISP Router to the terminals is forwarded to the next hop Router 2, and the Router 2 forward this traffic to the IP-DVB. All traffic coming from the RLSS to the RiverStone IP Router is forwarded to the third interface of the router 2, and then forwarded to the RiverStone IP Router. If it is terminal-to-terminal communication, then this traffic is sent back to the Router 2 and then to the IP-DVB. If the destination is outside, then it is forwarded to the ISP router. The following figure presents the solution with the PacketShaper. Figure 29 : QoS on the satellite segment Dynamic traffic management Any shared resource, and in particular a satellite network, is a scarce commodity that needs to be used wisely. Every byte transmitted over the network has a value and must be accounted for. In a simple world it would be possible to bill customers by usage which could be modulated to reflect peak times (network congestion); just like voice networks do today. However, for Internet Access, the market has evolved so that only flat rate billing per month is acceptable to both residential and business users. Without this inherent restriction on consumption there is no self regulation by the users. This means that is very important that the network operator monitors individual usage to prevent a minority of users from abusing the network to the detriment of the majority. Although even terrestrial operators are trying to introduce volume “caps” to regulate behaviour, this development is still strongly resisted by the market. 3 The QoS Management Device of HELLASSAT provides an extensive suite of capabilities, including the monitoring and gathering of network utilization statistics. The QoS Management Device offers performance statistics, threshold monitoring, high-level problem indicators, and performance graphs. Current and historical performance data can be seen in intuitive tables and graphs, in a MIB (Management Information Base), via an XML API, or as raw data (CSV file). The event facility can alert you by emails, SNMP traps, and/or Syslog message, when conditions of interest occur. The QoS Management device doesn’t simply collect data. It organized findings, synthesizes conclusions, and flags problems early to help you manage performance more effectively. 'The traffic measurement allows differentiation of the traffic with regard to the network layer (IP, ICMP, IPSec or other), transport layer (TCP or UDP) and application layer (SNMP, HTTP, FTP). The accounting is based on the IP address and network address of each terminal or a group of terminals. The QoS Management Device is a GUI web application and it uses the HTTPS protocol. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 66 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation The limited bandwidth would require a responsible attitude of the users to a fair access policy to allow all users to enjoy high speed Internet access. In particular the following rules are recommended to apply: - No Peer to Peer traffic - Streaming applications like IP Radio and IP TV only for test and for a short period - Large FTP Uploads only during periods of low traffic - Updated Anti Virus & Firewall software on each end-user computer If a fair access policy is not applicable due to user behaviour, then it is advisable to apply the following traffic management measures: - Application control using additional devices like Allot NetEnforcer or Packeteer PacketShaper at the NOC. - Volume control to ensure a fair access policy using a traffic shaper behind each terminal (local bandwidth management) The DFAP (Dynamic Fair Access Policy) is employed by Avanti at the shaping system of the Hub. On the forward link will be achieved by addressing the following parameters: - Configured Peak BW per Endpoint; - Configured Weighted Bandwidth per Endpoint. On the return link the maximum and minimum bandwidth per RCS-Terminal in the Return is configured in relation to the number of endpoints and their associated SLA4 (return) served by that Terminal. Note that the weighted bandwidth hands-out bandwidth weighted relatively to the network load & current request of the endpoint. The only way to proceed is to reward users for “good” behaviour and restrict heavy users at peak times. Although the exact type of algorithm will need to be determined from practical experience there are certain requirements that can be established a priori: 1. Individual usage in bytes (Bfwd & Brtn) must be logged over an integration period (P, say 5 minutes) for at least one month (after that history can be compressed to days, then weeks and months). 4 Each grade of service has an associated “Service Level Agreement” (SLA) which defines exactly what the users are paying for, this forms part of their service contract. Typically (as for DSL services) the SLA indicates maximum allowable speeds in both directions, an indication of the contention ratio as well as other possible limits such as volume caps. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 67 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 2. Network congestion must be monitored and logged over the same integration period P, e.g. by the average bit rate of the forward link. This congestion index is then used to generate a real time Weighting Factor (WF) 3. Usage is then weighted by the level of congestion (B x WF) over each period P and a cumulative total recorded. 4. At times of increasing congestion (higher values of WF) users with higher levels of usage will be restricted first within the lowest grade of service. As network congestion increase ultimately all users will be restricted, but those with the lowest usage the least. This approach means that heavier users can be encouraged to use the network more when lightly loaded (this info can be automatically conveyed to them) and light users always see a good grade of service. Any restriction in throughput is dynamic and temporary, as soon as the network is uncongested all users see good performance no matter their usage. In this way no “hard” caps will be explicitly stated, simply the service contract contains a responsible use clause and the right of the operator to degrade the service in the case of excessive use and at peak times. The process flow for a possible DFAP mechanism is shown in Figure 30. Basically this algorithm follows these considerations: - It is based on cumulative weighted volume per endpoint (on per month basis); - It is checked on periodic times (daily) with proportional Thresholds; - Two thresholds are configured: o Warning (threshold 1): results in reduction of WB for FW and RT for that endpoint (e.g. 1/2) o Critical (threshold 2): results in reduction of PB (by 1/2) & WB (by 1/4) for FW&RT. Setting disappears when the average usage falls again below threshold. The actual weighted bandwidth shifts according to the policies applied between the minimum and maximum threshold. This principle is shown in Figure 31. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 68 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Dynamic Fair Access Policy (DFAP) Flow Process Data Logged by USER Data Logged by NETWORK Definitions Volume Logging Network Status Log User Bytes (real) over integration period: Bfwd/P & B rtn/P Monitor network congestion e.g. measure total forward link data rate per integration period User Bytes per period P in forward link = B fwd/P User Bytes per period P In return link = B rtn/P If Fwd Link max rate = 40 Mbps Weight Bytes Total User Bytes weighted over integration period: BWfwd/P = WF x Bfwd/P BWrtn/P = WF x Brtn/P Weight Factor Example Fwd Rate Generate weight factor per period Light: Medium: Heavy: Congested: Weight Factor <10 Mbps 10 to 25 Mbps 25 to 35 Mbps > 35 Mbps 0 1 3 10 User Profile Generate typical user profile based on historic usage Classify users (e.g. Light, Medium, Heavy) Log BWfwd/P Log BWrtn/P Network Status Is WF < 3 Yes ALARMS Based on variance with historical profile of user, i.e. auto-identify ToS, Virius, spamming etc. NO DFAP No Policy 1 Network Status Is WF < 10 Yes Impose Policy 1 Restrict Heavy users in lowest grade of service Restrict all users in lowest grade of service by a % based on individual usage Restrict heavy users in medium grade of service No Policy 2 Network Status Is WF = 10 Impose Policy 2 Repeat per period Other policies depending on: No. of periods (length of congestion) Network loading increasing Network loading decreasing Cumulatif Monthly weighted volume Figure 30: Dynamic Fair Access Policy (DFAP) Flow Process 1800.0 Wieghted Volume 1600.0 1400.0 Lineair (Mbyte) Policy 2 1200.0 Threshold 1 1000.0 Policy 1 800.0 Threshold 2 600.0 400.0 Policy 1 Actual Cumulatif Weighted Policy 1 200.0 28 25 22 19 16 13 10 7 4 1 0.0 Days Figure 31 : Weighted Volume as Function of the DFAP Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 69 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 5.1.2 Security Two separate networks can be distinguished in the Rural Wings system: the private network supported on each pilot site and the satellite segment that gives access to the public Internet. Thus, the security of the Rural Wings system must be studied from two different points of view: 1. Protection of the Rural Wings pilot site from the public Internet: the objective is to protect the network from viruses and other Internet attacks. The possible solutions, described in this section, include NAT and port forwarding for intrusion detection and prevention, firewalls, Web filtering, as well as IPSec tunnels from one satellite access point to another. 2. Protection from potential attacks on the pilot site itself: since the validation site is based on wireless technology, the protection must focus on the security solutions for wireless networks, in order to avoid risks such as insertion attacks, interception and monitoring of wireless traffic, jamming, client-to-client attacks or attacks against encryption. This issue will be studied in section 5.2. Protection of the Rural Wings pilot site from the public Internet Large-scale network deployment introduces the need for scalable and reliable connectivity solutions for the customers. As other Broadband-like providers our system faces the challenge of “always-on” connectivity which exposes the entire network at all times to the outside world. Security must be considered within the context of the entire network infrastructure. The Security continuum is applied throughout. Specifically in the IP Core, the DVB-RCS Hub, the Satellite Spectrum, the Base Station, the terrestrial wireless network, and all forms of compatible Customer Premises Equipment. Security is mainly defined by: - The access methods of users to the network. - Protection of the internal communication links of the network. - Protection of the network from the outside world. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 70 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Layered Security Architecture The overall security architecture can follow the structure below: Figure 32: Security Architecture for Avanti solution The main elements of the security architecture are as follows: - Personal Firewall running on the client PC. Although we do not supply firewall software to customers freeware firewall solutions such as Agnitum’s Outpost Firewall ad Zone Alarm are recommended to the users. - Wireless security in the user segment, local security with encrypted wireless connection with for instance WPA2. - HUB and DVB security in the space segment, scrambled connections between the terminals and the HUB. - Access Control with Radius server. The Radius protocol will be the foundation of the access control to the hub network management system. - A content filter usually running on the firewall prevents email-spamming. Application level proxies allow an additional level of security for example for relaying of email or very secure access to the Internet. This is an optional feature, depending on user feedback and security analysis of the running network. - DMZ Firewall providing a secure gateway to the Internet including access control and packet filters - High level security above IP layer inside the HUB and towards the Internet, trusted, encrypted connections HTTPS, IPSEC/VPN. These connections are supported but not implied and depend therefore on the client’s requirements. This levelled architecture provides a scalable security framework where as much security and protection can be applied as needed. Not all these options have to be deployed simultaneously. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 71 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Type of Security Description Access control Unauthorized users are kept out. Authentication Assurance of identity of person or originator of data. Availability Legitimate users have access when they need it. Confidentiality Protection from disclosure to unauthorized persons. Integrity Maintaining data consistency. Non-repudiation Originator of communications can’t deny it later Table 9: Types of Security Security on Satellite Segment An IPSec Server can be installed at the Gateway, and an IPSec client can be used from the satellite terminal to provide a secure and encrypted tunnel over satellite. The main functions of the IPSec/VPN sub-system are the following: - To provide end users security over the satellite link: IPSec will be implemented on forward and return links for the unicast user traffic data. - IPSec tunnel is established after the Terminal validation with the RLSS. IPSec tunnel is established between the IPSec Server at the Gateway and the IPSec client at the SIT. The following protocols would be supported: - IP Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP) as per RFC 2406. - IP Authentication Header as per RFC 2402. - Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol (ISAKMP) as per RFC 2408. - Internet Key Exchange (IKE) as per RFC 2409. Security at IDU level SIT Security SITs operating in conjunction with Gateway elements cover several aspects of Security. They comprise access protection for both SIT and Host, and protection of data privacy. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 72 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation SIT Physical Access (HTTP) Secure HTTP (https) is supported by the Hellassat SIT. Also, HTTP access to the SIT is controlled by several passwords. There are 3 types of passwords, each of which grants access to a different IDU Web page, giving the opportunity to split responsibilities between three levels of users. SIT Access to the Network When a Hellassat SIT wants to access the Network, it transmits a first burst containing the SIT MAC Address (48 bits). In order to complete the Network acquisition process, the MAC address must be accepted by the Gateway. The SIT MAC Address is unique for each SIT. Authentication Once logged in the Network, the Hellassat SIT is authenticated by the Gateway using the RADIUS protocol. Once the authentication process is successfully completed, the SIT will be authorized to transmit user traffic. It is possible to bypass the RADIUS authentication process. IPSec User information privacy is supported by the IPSEC protocol. The IPSEC tunnel begins in the IDU and terminates in the Gateway’s IPSEC server. All traffic coming from the host is encrypted with DES. It is possible to bypass the encryption process. NAT/DHCP Hellassat SIT offering includes NAT, DHCP and RIP as an option. The benefits of this capability are explained as follows. In a scenario where only one or a limited number of IP addresses are available to connect to the ISP then a NAT is necessary for a local private network of hosts located behind the SIT user interface to communicate with the ISP and the Internet. The implementation of a source NAT (Network Address Translation) or a PAT (Port Address Translation) will allow the outgoing IP packets source address to be translated to the public address of the SIT. The replies of these will be re-translated back to their original address by the NAT therefore allowing communication between a host on the local private network and a host on the public network. A DHCP server (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is designed to supply clients with the configuration parameters (mainly the IP address) needed to connect to the Internet without manual intervention. Therefore, the implementation of a DHCP server in a SIT allows hosts located behind its Ethernet interface to get an IP address automatically when requested. A host on a private local network with multiple gateways located behind a SIT user interface needs to know the routing information in order to communicate with a host on that same private network but in another segment (on the other side of a gateway). The implementation of a RIP (Routing Information Protocol) server in a SIT would benefit by maintaining the routing information and distributing it to the hosts on its local network. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 73 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Not all the above security measures will be required but allow to scale the level of security according to demand. 5.1.3 Performance enhancements Although commercially available DVB-RCS hubs today can provide an embedded Performance Enhancement Proxy (PEP) they are all proprietary. This means that it would not be possible to use certain features with a terminal from another vendor. Work is already under way in the SatLabs group to find a common approach to PEP functionality so that there can be interoperability between terminals from different manufacturers – the so called “I-PEP”. The definition of such a common PEP solution is specified in two parts: a) System requirements (SatLabs document SatLabs I-PEP System Requirements, issue 1 revision 1 - 18 March 2004): These requirements state the top level functionality of a Common PEP. b) Interchangeable PEP definition [I-PEP]: that defines the basic procedures and protocol messages that need to be exchanged over the air interface between satellite terminal and hub station. Avanti intends to follow the SatLabs standardization process for the I-PEP development and will adopt this concept as soon as it becomes available for the proposed Hub solution. In the meanwhile a proprietary PEP solution is used by the different satellite broadband Internet access providers. TCP Acceleration (proprietary PEP) Many common applications and services used across IP networks require reliable service to ensure data is delivered correctly. For this purpose the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is most often used, for example for email, Web browsing and file transfers among other things. TCP does, however, have well known and researched issues in any GEO satellite environment. Specifically, the long propagation delays slow all of TCP’s closed loop control mechanisms. Also, the combination of long delay and broadband capacity requires the use of large buffers if high performance and reliability are not to be mutually exclusive. Bit errors and terrestrial congestion (even when very minimal) often degrade TCP performance by orders of magnitude in a GEO environment. Finally, using bandwidth on demand mechanisms for bandwidth efficiency purposes presents an environment that TCP is not well suited to. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 74 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Within the context of residential users, it is essential that the system employs the most advanced PEP to mitigate the disadvantages of the satellite latency. TCP acceleration is done initially using a proprietary performance enhancement proxy (PEP). This device firstly applies well-known extensions of the TCP-protocol, such as RFC1323 (Large TCP Window) enhance TCP for high-delay links. Performance Enhancement Proxies are well known in satellite networks to mitigate the impact of the latency associated with use of geo-stationary satellite (approx 250 ms to and from the satellite on one path). They work by breaking the end-to-end nature of the TCP/IP connection and using protocols which are less dependent on acknowledgements and therefore round trip time, e.g. UDP thus significantly improving throughput and speed and avoiding the slow start algorithms of TCP. Propietary Tellicast PEP for Avanti The following features are implemented by the proprietary Tellicast PEP, included into the Hub. Tellicast provides additionally methods fro HTTP pre-fetching and pipelining. Principle any acceleration relies on two endpoints to function, logically both endpoints form the PEP. However physically the end points are divided into PEP client and PEP server. One or many PEP clients connect to a PEP server using different types of protocols, such as UDLR. This is shown in the figure below: Figure 33: PEP solution Speed enhancement is basically reached using two a combination of different methods: Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 75 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Firstly TCP sessions are enhanced over virtual tunnels by generation of local ACK preventing the segregation of TCP’s window algorithms. Secondly the client completely packages TCP into UDP. Since UDP is working connectionless no acknowledgement for the sent data is required. Transmission control is handled by an upper layer protocol. The server component de-packages the UDP packet, retrieves the TCP content and mangos the connection to the TCP receiver. Principally the acceleration client can be situated at the end user PC or at the local WiPoP running as a deamon. TCP acceleration software requires client software that is operating system dependent. Therefore applying this principle a customized software component would have to be provided for the various OS platforms available. Thus a solution running on the WiPoP is more flexible. Propietary Advantech PEP for Hellassat Advantech, the provider of the platform, has spent time to research and develop a high performance solution to the problems of TCP performance and is the only manufacturer of DVBRCS equipment to have this solution available in a truly embedded (single box) IDU platform. This offers optimum performance, reduced hardware costs and automatic configuration at the IDU when compared to competing solutions. This solution is uniquely designed for DVB-RCS and any combination of return channel capacity types, providing consistent performance even at high data rates with pure VBDC. HTTP Prefetching A prefetching mechanism accelerates the download of HTM pages containing multiple objects. This mechanism enhances significantly the browsing performance experienced by end users. When a user is browsing, the browser tool, such as FireFox or Intenet Explorer, sends request for objects contained in html pages to web servers that store those objects. These requests are usually sent within four simultaneous sessions. Due to the latency of the satellite link, each quadruple of requests are received with a delay of 600 ms. This results in a slow build up of the web site. The prefetching mechanism intercepts incoming HTTP to a certain page and groups them for being sent all at once. As a result the overall time for displaying the page is reduced to a fraction of the time without the prefetching because the objects are sent in parallel. The prefetching mechanism does only prefetch objects on a single page but does not prefetch objects from other servers. The principle of prefetching is shown in the figure below. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 76 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Figure 34 : Prefetching integration The figure shows client sided pre-fetching since the pre-fetching module resides on the client side of the satellite network. Alternatively server sided pre-fetching is also possible, running the pre-fetching server on the hub side of the satellite network. HTTP Pipelining Delays in browsing can be further decreased by limiting the number of packets sent over the satellite link. For HTTP this means again an enhancement in browsing performance to be seen by the end user. HTTP pipelining works by inserting multiple HTTP requests into a single TCP segment. Usually HTTP requests are inserted in multiple TCP packets. Thus every segment has to be acknowledged separately. Multiple waiting times occur when the TCP sender and TCP receiver acknowledge the segments. When inserted into one segment, only a single acknowledgement has to be awaited. Pipelining is enabled by the HTTP 1.1 standard that allows the sending of multiple HTTP requests without waiting for the corresponding responses. The figure below demonstrates this technique: Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 77 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Figure 35: Pipelining integration Local Cache and Local Web Proxy In order to support several of the innovative features proposed, the system relies on local storage in the DVB-RCST and, ideally, operating on an open platform to allow future developments. One key feature that requires local storage is Caching. By having a local cache any frequently requested web pages can be stored locally and help to minimise satellite traffic. It will also be possible to run a standard Web Proxy (Linux based freeware) on the Terminal to provide increased levels of privacy. The following caching features will be implemented in the Avanti SIT: - Email relay, local emails are cached locally. This has the advantage that a sent confirmation can be passed back to the customer immediately; - DNS cache, caching of DNS information increases answer times when requesting websites over the satellite link. The timeout for a standard DNS request is 1000ms. Since this threshold can be easily reached when the satellite link is involved the local DNS server timeout will also be set to non-standard 2000ms or even more; - Website cache, recently viewed websites are held in a web cache, only dynamic items of the sites have to be reloaded over the high-latency satellite link; - Website hot lists, websites that are requested very often are transferred into the local web cache without any further user interaction. The list of those websites is continuously updated following the usage pattern and statistics of the users; Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 78 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation - Alarm cache; though not directly connected to performance enhancement issues the caching of alarms ensures that they don’t get lost through arbitrary packet loss on the satellite link. Every Alarm, Trap is passed within a transaction. - Configuration requests, caching of configuration requests ensures that the configuration processor in the Hub NMS actually receives those requests and they don’t get lost through arbitrary packet loss on the satellite link. Every configuration request is passed within a transaction. The components listed above are embedded into the WiPoP and the Hub. The components are integral part of the Newtec offer and are already fully integrated with the mentioned components. Support for Virtual Private Networks (VPN) The Avanti system can use a pass through for VPN traffic. In this case pure TCP acceleration will not apply to the session, because the original TCP/IP header will be encapsulated and encrypted. However traffic marking will be employed to specially mark VPN traffic at the SIT to be transferred with a higher priority than normal traffic. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 79 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 5.2 Local loop 5.2.1 Bandwidth management, traffic shaping and QoS policy As indicated in the previous section, with the use of WLAN distribution, it is also vitally important to manage the traffic and provision network resources right down to the “last mile” i.e. the wireless link to the user. This can be achieved by either using a dedicated traffic shaper locally behind the satellite terminal or using bandwidth management features provided by the wireless access point equipments. To improve the QoS of the Rural Wings pilot site networks, it is strongly recommended to the National Coordinators to install a traffic shaper. Among the equipments that have been suggested, the most advanced one is the Allot’s Netenforcer device, which enables to monitor, categorize and optimize network traffic by assigning Quality of Service (QoS) to specified classes of traffic. QoS policy consists of a set of conditions (a rule) and a set of actions that apply when the conditions are satisfied. Classification is made easier with the use of Pipes and Virtual Channels. A Pipe and a Virtual Channel are defined by one or more rules and a set of actions. A Pipe includes one or more Virtual Channels. Thus, the policy consists in a hierarchy of classification. Furthermore, the monitoring tool helps analyze the traffic flowing through the Network and aids in determining the optimum configuration for the system. It provides real-time data in intervals of one to 10 minutes for the previous 24 hours, enabling to monitor applications, protocols, users and servers and to enforce the most suitable QoS policy. The long-term monitoring tool enables to monitor the network's activity over a much longer period of time of two years. Traffic shaping methodology used by Avanti The system provides an optimized solution to bandwidth management controlling packet transmissions and smoothing-out the overall flow of traffic. Instead of allowing traffic to accumulate at key access points, the system prioritizes the traffic and produces an orderly flow of applications from the end stations. The end result is the smooth flow of end-to-end traffic and the best utilization of the satellite link. Traffic shaping is done on two levels. The first level is at end user on IP basis. A policy that is linked to the individual SLA of the end user is enforced and network traffic partitioned accordingly. For this level Newtec’s Tellishaper is used. The second level of shaping is on network level for the overall network traffic based on traffic types. Policies for individual types of traffic, identified by protocol types (port numbers), will be enforced. For this level the Allot’s Netenforcer traffic shaper will be used. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 80 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation A traffic shaper is built around a number of key concepts that are used to define the QoS policies, including Pipes, Virtual Channels, Rules, Actions, Templates and Per-flow Queuing. Newtec Tellishaper offers intelligent, comprehensive, policy-based approach to traffic prioritising, load-balancing and accounting. These devices provide a number of key functions to the operator: - Monitor. Monitor in real-time the traffic flowing through the network in order to determine flow patterns and identify peaks, bursts and bottlenecks. - Classify. Define a policy to improve network performance by defining Pipes, Virtual Channels, Rules and Actions to meet the service needs. - Enforce. Activate a policy. - Report. Generate reports and graphs to verify that the operation of the network under the policy meets the expected performance. Tellishaper enables the system to offer differentiated services as follows: - a base service of contended, tiered Internet access. Each SLA (HOME500, HOME1000, HOME2000) will provide varying levels of function and performance: - each tier will be set up as a template; - each subscriber will be set up as a pipe or virtual channel using the appropriate template; - maximum data rates , according to SLA; - maximum contention ratios, according to SLA; - minimum committed bit rates, according to SLA; - identification of users within Tellishaper will be done by individual public IP address Netenforcer enables the system to differentiate types of traffic. It supports a wide range of Protocols over its network; each is given a priority. This ensures that protocols such as peer-topeer will not divert bandwidth, required to provide QoS to real-time traffic such as VoIP. Netenforcer provides the following features: - the ability to provision high speed bursts when spare capacity is available; - the provision of guaranteed bandwidth to certain real-time protocol types; - the prioritising of protocols; - the limiting of the utilized bandwidth of certain protocol types, such as P2P. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 81 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Local Bandwidth Management The WLAN Access point will have basic MAC-level bandwidth management features that assist in the first level management of the traffic at its point of origination. This feature can be remotely configured via the RCS server. The bandwidth management feature will be static and configured by communication end-point which is identified via MAC address. This communication end-point from the WPA point of view will be the CPE, since it is performing MAC masquerading. The allocation is a simple maximum rate limit any CPE can facilitate for its traffic. This margin will be set in accordance with the SLA provided to the end user and therefore coexists with the other elements of the bandwidth management framework. The WAP keeps a table with all MAC addresses associated and performs bandwidth control based on that table. This method gives the network some immediate local protection that individual users can flood the WLAN cell (opening multiple TCP/IP sessions, virus attacks etc.) with traffic requests and deny service to their neighbours sharing the WLAN. For example, should a zombie be present on an end-user device, it will be limited in the amount of traffic it can generate should it attempt a Distributed Denial of Service attack. The attack is not removed, but contained. The traffic behaviour can be detected by network operations staff and resolved. The bandwidth limitation is achieved by limiting the amount of traffic assigned to a given MAC address i.e. that of the wireless customer premises equipment by the wireless access point. Note, however, that this technique can not protect from a rogue transmitter operating at WiFi frequencies at high power, though this is unlikely to happen. This also prevents lower priority traffic (marked BE) from some users starving the higher priority traffic (marked AF) of other users. In addition, if the application is marking traffic then the higher priority traffic will be transported first within the WLAN see. Bandwidth management on the Avanti WiPoP in the return link is done according to: - Configured Peak Bandwidth per end point (policing) - Configured Weighted bandwidth per end point This bandwidth management process is tied in with the shaping in the Hub. This is the most immediate (local) prevention of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. Local BW management below shows how the bandwidth control unit (BCU) in the WAP interacts with static settings in the Terminal. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 82 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation DYNAMIC TRAFFIC SHAPING HUB Data Log Bytes per user Network status Density of Traffic Weighted usage “Resource consumption” Satellite DVB-RCST BANDWIDTH MANAGEMNT Terminal B DVB-RCST A DVB-RCST B Forwardmax 2048 kbps Returnmax 1024 kbps WIPoP B BANDWIDTH MANAGEMENT AT PoP User B 1 GRADE OF SERVICE Residential User B 1 Professsional User B 2 Residential User B n User B 2 User B n Forwardmax 512 kbps Forwardmax 1024 kbps Forwardmax 512 kbps Returnmax 128 kbps Returnmax 256 kbps Returnmax 128 kbps Figure 36: Local Bandwidth Management Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 83 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 5.2.2 Security To secure the local wireless network, several possibilities at different levels can be considered. Typical WiFi equipment offers security features like MAC address filtering, disable SSID broadcast or 64-bit WEP. More recent developments concerning the 802.11i standard offer stronger security mechanisms with the implementation of the 802.1x standard including the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) and the more secure encryption technology Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). However since those last security features are not commonly implemented on WiFi devices and the first mentioned security level is not sufficient for user’s privacy, it is recommended to add VPN functionalities to enforce privacy protection. To secure network against illegal users, Authentication Authorization and Accounting (AAA) system based on local or remote RADIUS server should be implemented. With the AAA system, users are redirected to a portal webpage where they enter their login and password to be identified. Global security architecture from the user point of view The following figure shows the implementation of security protocols within the network at both client side and HUB side. Figure 37: Global security architecture Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 84 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation The network components and their role are described below: 1. Client PC: PC used by the user to connect to the service. The PC has to be configured to use DHCP for IP address allocation. The client PC is connected to the network with an Ethernet cable providing an “always-on” connection. From the security point of view the PC is in the trusted domain behind the CPE. 2. Wireless router: The Wireless Bridge is a seamless networking device that forwards and bridges an Ethernet connection wirelessly. This bridge provides basic connectivity to the central wireless access point. It can obtain its own management IP address from a dedicated management DHCP server. 3. Wireless Access Point (WAP): Access point is the device for controlling the wireless network. This is the termination point for the local wireless connections on a dedicated channel. It applies advanced encryption (WAP/WAP2) onto the wireless network and enforces client authentication via MAC address using 801.1x (EAP) with a Radius server. For MAC authentication the MAC addresses of the CPE is used. The WAP will also employ 802.11i encryption methods. The WAP is integrated in the WiPoP. The WAP also allocates a static maximum bandwidth to each MAC endpoint. This method ensures that no end point in the wireless cell can flood the network. 4. WiPoP User Database: This database stores the user information about the valid wireless users that access the network from a particular WiPoP. The database stores username, password and MAC address of the user’s CPE. 5. Terminal Router: Satellite modem and client side router. The Terminal is integrated with the WIPOP. The baseline design includes full security on the forward link based on Newtec’s release 4 using Tellicrypt for UDP traffic. In the event of delay to Release 4, note all TCP traffic on the forward link is already encrypted through the Tellinet software compression algorithm in the current release. On the return link the possibility of eavesdropping is very much reduced given the inherent physical nature of the MF-TDMA mode employed by DVB-RCS which would require a very large antenna and very sophisticated burst demodulators capable of following the dynamic burst time plan to recover user traffic. For this reason the return link, unlike the forward link, is not considered vulnerable to casual attack. 6. Central User Database: This database stores not only the end user login credentials but also the login credentials of administrators, sales people and installers. Access to the configuration and content of this database is protected with username and password control. 7. Application Servers: All servers in the applications network such as FTP, web hosting email, news, NTP etc. Access to private content on these servers is always password protected. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 85 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 8. Application Proxy: Optional components of the network that allow controlled access of users to services such as HTTP, FTP and EMAIL. These proxies add another authentication stage to the process but decrease the level of misuse considerably. They disallow use of the network even in case of a valid authentication with username and password at the stage of network access for example in case of high jacking of a user PC by a worm or virus. 9. Gateway: This is the connection point of the network to the outside world. This component is coupled with a firewall and an intrusion detection system to provide best possible security. Additionally content filters can provide an extra measure as value added service. The zone behind the gateway is the trusted zone of the network. Standard Authentication Procedure The following table shows the authentication procedure from the client point of view. CPE is linked to configured with wireless credentials In-house pre-provisioning CPE is linked to end user public IP CPE is installed y MAC OK? WAP imposes Bandwidth limits, Firewall rules to CPE WPA2 Authentication, Key Exchange CPE Associates with WAP WPA2 Credentials OK? n CPE Network Access Granted y n User retrieves DHCP configuration User starts PC DHCP lease Available ? User Connection Granted y n If required User connects to Application / Proxy Username & Password OK? y Access to Services Granted n No Connection / Error Message Figure 38: Authentication Process Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 86 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 5.3 End-to-end integration Three global solutions are addressed here: - the Avanti-based solution, which is going to be adapted and deployed in 16 pilot sites in UK; - the Hellassat-based solution, which is going to be adapted and deployed in 37 pilot sites in Greece and Cyprus; and - the Eutelsat-based solution, which is going to be adapted and deployed in 72 pilot sites in several other countries in Europe. The Satellite component of the solution interfaces with the Local loop segment and this one with the End-user segment. A variety of generic end-to-end solutions and architectures can be issued from the combination of different elements within these segments. Figure 39: End-to-end satellite system architecture – Avanti Solution Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 87 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Figure 40 : End-to-end satellite system architecture – Eutelsat Solution in TWISTER Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 88 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Figure 41 : End-to-end satellite system architecture – Hellassat Solution Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 89 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 6. End-to-end System Validation This section provides the definition and results of test activities that have been performed for the validation of the end-to-end network design for Rural Wings. Test Title: TTSA’s IP Connect Solution performance Status: On-going Test type: Performances Date / Duration: October, 2006 / 5 days to be repeated several times Participants: Astrium Objectives: Evaluate the satellite performances of the IP Connect TTSA solution on the Astrium’s Broadband Test Bed Test Description: Necessary equipments: The antenna is pointed toward AB1 satellite. SNMPc from Castle Rock Computing Necessary software: PRTG (recommended) if not other software such as Netmedic, TrafMeter, Speedometer or similar software in order to control the speed of the connection. Filezilla Server as FTP server. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 90 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Set-up: The Traffic Shaper will act as a network monitoring tool to obtain real time graphs of the activity registered during the tests, not as a bandwidth manager itself and the router must be configured in NAT mode. Step 1: Internet Access Objective: check the Internet access via the TTSA terminal. Results: 1. Ping results from the Supervision PC to the LinkStar. Status Delay time (ms) Ping 1 Ok 706 Ping 2 Ok 708 Ping 3 Ok 710 Ping 4 Ok 713 Average 709 2. Long Ping results from the Supervision PC to the LinkStar. Packets Delay Test Steps and Results: Sent 1496 Min 640 ms Received 1496 Max 5782 ms Lost 0 (0%) Average 742 ms 3. Ping results from the internal PC to the LinkStar terminal (internal network) Status Delay time (ms) Ping 1 Ok <1 Ping 2 Ok <1 Ping 3 Ok <1 Ping 4 Ok <1 Average <1 4. Ping results from the internal PC to Status Delay time (ms) Ping1 Ok 672 Ping 2 Ok 668 Ping 3 Ok 670 Ping 4 Ok 668 Average 669 5. Long Ping results from the internal PC to Packets Delay Sent 247 Min 624 ms Received 246 Max 3640 ms Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Lost 1 (0.4 %) Average 739 ms Page 91 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 6. Internet access availability: The Internet Explorer Browser opens on without any problem. 7. Speedometer information: Test 1 (kbps) 707 Test 2 (kbps) 700 Test 3 (kbps) 644 Test 4 (kbps) 819 Average (kbps) 717 Step 2: Browsing Activity Objective: generate web activity and get average access times for several sites Description: The 10 sites that have been used for this test are,,,,,,,, and Every 15 minutes, the test PC accesses each of these sites, registers the access time and empties the cache. The test lasts 48 hours. Results: This test actually lasted 52 hours. As we can see below, loading times depend on the size of the page to load. For example, Google page is very light and it takes about 3 seconds to load, whereas the page, which is very heavy, takes about 56 seconds to load. The average loading time for all the pages is 31 seconds. Test Steps and Results 60 Average access time (sec) 50 40 30 20 10 0 Download Eads France2 Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Google LeMonde Lequipe Microsoft NHL SNCF Times Page 92 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Step 3: Long Download test Objective: Test the downloading of files from a web page. Description: Activate PRTG software to observe the traffic rate. Wait until the end of the download. Browse the website, download Netscape 8.1.2 of 18.3 MB file for instance. Results: 1. Observed results The download has been done with an average transfer rate of 797.6 kbps. 2. PRTG information Test Steps and Results As we can see above, download speed is quite stable with a few slowdowns. This test was done several times and we obtained the same results. Step 4: Network activity simulation Test Steps and Results Objective: Testing the possibility of performing several activities in parallel behind the satellite connection (the objective is not to measure the bandwidth): FTP download speedometer Web browsing activity Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 93 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Description: A router is connected to the LinkStar terminal with the directly following public address ( 2 PCs are configured on the LAN with private IP addresses: and (.1 is the gateway). Activate PRTG software to observe the traffic rate. Start different browsing activities and evaluate delay times: 1. Start a Google search / Navigate a news portal 2. Proceed to a FTP transfer 3. Download files from 4. Speed tests Results: 2 PCs have been connected to the LAN. And different activities have been launched on each of them: 1 & 2. Browsing while FTP transfer is proceeded: PC1 is used for browsing while PC2 is operating a FTP transfer (download then upload) PC1 results : Google search Browsing on website During download Slow Geo Slow FTP During FTP upload Normal Slow PC2 results : FTP Download Speed (during Google 108.36 kBps search) Speed (during “heavy” 105.50 kBps browsing) FTP Upload 76.22 kBps 91.85 kBps As we can see above, HTTP browsing has no influence upon FTP transfer (download and upload speeds don’t seem to be correlated to HTTP activity Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 94 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation since they would be less important if that was the case). On the contrary, we experienced slower HTTP browsing when FTP transfer was proceeded. Only loading light pages during a FTP upload was not slow. The more pages present content, the longer it takes to load them. 3. HTTP long download results : Step 1: Both downloads are started at the same time Time Speed PC 1 5’00” 62.5 kBps PC 2 5’43” 54.6 kBps Step 2: Second download is started when the first one reaches 50% Time Speed PC 1 (launched first) 3’28” 90.1 kBps PC 2 4’27” 70.2 kBps As we can see above, both users don’t get the same amount of bandwidth. Especially for shifted downloads, where the second users got less bandwith than the other that was already donwloading. Furthermore we also observed that the TTSA connection does not seem to deal very well the bandwidth sharing. With already four users connected, the fifth one observed bad performance for browsing heavy web page. 4. Speed tests : Speed (simultaneous test 1) Speed (simultaneous test 2) Speed (simultaneous test 3) Speed ( shifted tests 1) Speed ( shifted tests 2) Speed ( shifted tests 3) Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 PC 1 90 733 106 778 first) 113 610 first) PC 2 737 88 706 (launched 381 731 (launched first) (launched 84 Page 95 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation We can notice that for simultaneous tests, the bandwidth distribution is not equal. On of the users gets 90% of the bandwidth and the other 10%. For shifted speed tests we can see that as for shifted download tests the first user to be active is widely advantaged, since he gets here about 80% of the bandwidth. Main Conclusions: These tests show that it is an efficient connection, especially for FTP transfer, with extremely rare failures. Web browsing is less comfortable than with a terrestrial link (and it often timed out), but is still acceptable. To improve web browsing performance, adding on site cache functionality could be a solution. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 96 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Test Title: AVANTI’s satellite solution : single user performance (no VPN, external servers) Status: On-going Test type: Performances Date / Duration: 03/10/06 Participants: Avanti Objectives: To evaluate the end-to-end performance of the AVANTI network for a single user with exclusive access Test Description: Necessary equipments: Server hardware and software platforms, installed and commissioned. Laptop (or other appropriate PC) connected to a CPE, with any necessary software installed in order to access the servers. Step 1: Web Content Server Objective: check the average data throughput for Web page access from external servers Results: Verified that the network equipment (CPE, RCST) connect to the network, and the user can browse the internet. Test Steps and Results: “wget” from works as expected, with an average data throughput of about 40 KB/sec (corresponding to the users configured SLA of Home-500) Step 2: FTP Server Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 97 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Objective: check the average data throughput of FTP file download (file sizes 10 kbytes, 100 kbytes, 1 Mbyte and 10 Mbytes) from external servers. Results: FTP transfer speeds are also as per SLA, of about 170 kbps for small files, and about 300 kbps for large files. It is important to note that congestion on the main internet link also contributes to reduced end to end speeds. Main Conclusions: Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 98 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Test Title: AVANTI’s satellite solution : Shared WiPoP Performance (No VPN, External Servers) Status: On-going Test type: Performances Date / Duration: 03/10/06 Participants: Avanti Objectives: To evaluate the end-to-end performance of the AVANTI network for a single user with exclusive access when accessing external servers directly (i.e. without a VPN). Test Description: Necessary equipments: Server hardware and software platforms, installed and commissioned. Two laptops (or other appropriate PCs) connected to CPEs associated with different WiPoPs, with any necessary software installed in order to access the servers. Web Content Server & FTP Server simulatenously Objective: This test was run using “wget” and “ftp” from two clients simultaneously. Wget from Because both clients connect via the same SIT, the web caching on the SIT means that many pages are actually delivered locally, rather than being fetched again over the satellite link. Test Steps and Results: Observation: It is important to note that the shared contention as tested here is not very likely to occur in real world scenario, and therefore the actual speeds seen by end customers show a better profile than these. Results: The wget logs show that some pages were fetched fairly slowly (because they were not cached), but others are fetched fairly fast (due to being cached on the SIT) Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 99 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Ftp logs also show similar results. Main Conclusions: Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 100 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Test Title: DVB-RCS terminal and WiFi equipment tests Status: Closed Test type: Configuration Date / Duration: 8 months Participants: ICCS in the area of Attica in Greece & Performances - to install and test WiFi equipment (to find a robust solution for the installation) Objectives: - to develop and test DVB-RCS communications provided to sites where WiFi will be considered as a last mile solution (remote areas) - to test VoIP and video services through the implemented network Test Description: Necessary equipments: DVB-RCS terminal, WiFi equipment (APs Cisco 1230 and Cisco 1300 with the adequate antennas: dipole for the local coverage around the APs and parabolic antennas for the links between the APs), Cisco router, Polycom 7000s (just used – not necessary needed) Necessary software: Skype, Asterisk, Quick Timer Set-up: Test Steps: Step 1: Installation and setting of DVB-RCS terminal. A 1Mbps/512Kbps (down- Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 101 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation link/up-link) was used. Expected results for Step 1: Due to the use of Hellas-Sat2 satellite, the good coverage was guaranteed. Tests were oriented to experiment with the equipment for use of Internet services and teleconferences (In this context Polycom equipment has been use). Step 2: Installation and setting of WiFi equipment. The “father” root bridge AP was connected to local network of the Lab, while the 2 children (left and right in the related picture) were connected through the WiFi link with the same network. Expected results for Step 2: The level of the received signal at 0.9 km on one hand and at 8.5km on the other has been tested. Voice and video services have been then implemented and tested. Step 3: Connection of the WiFi equipment, “father” root bridge, to the DVB-RCS terminal (modem). Expected results for Step 3: Same voice and video services tests, as in step 2, have been done. Step 1 Results: Teleconferences with a good quality of service result have been achieved with other sites supported by Hellas-Sat satellite. Test Results: Step 2 Results: VoIP services and video streaming have been achieved using the described equipment and software. Step 3 Results: QoS close to the one achieved in step 2, previously described, - DVB-RCS technology has been tested Main Conclusions: - WiFi technology (equipment) has been tested - DVB-RCS and WiFi architecture has been tested Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 102 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 7. Preliminary End-to-end System Design for Pilot Sites in Rural Wings 7.1 Design procedure The main steps to be pointed out in the design process are the following: - The analysis of the pilot site user and service requirements report - The site survey - The definition of the pilot site specific network architecture The above steps have been followed for the design phase of the validation sites deployed within the frame of the TWISTER project. Figure 42 : System Design Process in TWISTER Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 103 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Following the analysis of the validation site user and service requirements report, a baseline network architecture targeting the users needs has been defined, taking as a starting point the TWISTER generic network architecture. This architecture has been further adapted to meet the specificities of the validation site (preliminary validation site specific network architecture) taking into account the results of the site survey to identify, for the validation site, the existing equipment and specific constraints. The proposed validation site architecture has then been reviewed with the site coordinator against his original user and service requirements before giving approval for on-site installation. This review results in the final validation site specific network architecture. At every moment, the proposed design needed to be tested and validated at the test bed facilities in EADS Astrium, before authorisation was given for deployment at end user premises. Following the experience brought by TWISTER, for the design phase of Rural Wings, the following steps have been defined as illustrated in the next figure: - Step 1: Analysis of user needs and requirements - Step 2: Preliminary definition of the pilot site network architecture - Step 3: Pre-site survey by NC - Step 4: Feasibility analysis of the wireless network deployment - Step 5: Cost estimation - Step 6: Identification of local installers - Step 7: Site Survey - Step 8: Definition of the final pilot site end-to-end network architecture Once an agreement has been reached on the network architecture design, the installation process for the pilot site is activated. In a first phase the satellite broadband access equipment and service provider will install the satellite terminal and will activate the broadband services. In a second phase, the local installer for terrestrial network will install the wireless and networking equipment. Following the finalisation of the installation activities, the National Coordinator and both satellite and terrestrial equipment providers should jointly organise and carry out a network acceptance test review to verify correct operation of the network and formally start the Trial Period. The above steps are illustrated in the following paragraphs. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 104 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Figure 43 : System design process diagram 7.2 Technical Coordinators in Rural Wings Country No of pilot sites National Coordinator Technical Coordinator Greece Spain Sweden France Romania Cyprus Estonia Poland UK Israel 27 10 17 8 10 6 7 10 16 6 UoA, EA UoB SU-IIE, INSEAD INSEAD UPB Hellassat A&O PBF Avanti BGU ICCS, Astrium Astrium Astrium, SU-IIE Astrium Astrium, UPB Astrium, Hellassat Astrium, A&O Astrium, PBF Astrium, Avanti Astrium, BGU Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 105 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 7.3 Analysis of user needs and requirements The first step of the design phase in Rural Wings has consisted in sending to the National Coordinators, in charge of the pilot sites selection and first interlocutor with the local users, a questionnaire aiming to compile the user needs and requirements for each pilot site to be deployed. The different models of questionnaire that have been used by the satellite service providers and technical coordinators are attached to this document in Annex 10.2 to 10.4. The pilot site user and service requirements questionnaires cover the following information: - Geographical and economic environment: overall localisation of the pilot site, that is, in which region or country it is located, what are the particularities of the region or the economic environment. - Pilot site topology: map of buildings or sites for which a connection to the network is needed, detailed indications on the site environment (rural, urban, suburban, presence of trees or lakes, etc.), such as the existence of prominent landscape features or buildings located at high places that could potentially be used to place the antennas: church tower, water tower, TV tower, hospital building… - Detailed site description: detailed description of the buildings to be interconnected (type of building, exact address…), required permission/certificate/authorisations for installation of material in certain buildings, such as historical buildings or public places. - User communities: targeted local users community, identified user profiles (business, public organisation, residentials…). A short description of the current communications infrastructure in terms of connectivity, interactivity, availability, security and economics for each targeted user can help to better adapt the Rural Wings network architecture to the needs of the user. - Regulatory matters: information about the regulations and procedures to be followed for the installation of wireless equipments and satellite equipments in the pilot site’s country. - Applications, services and usages: detailed description of the foreseen application project that will use the Rural Wings infrastructure, the set of services that will be experimented during the Rural Wings trial period and the possible different scenarios of usages. - Network architecture: requirements on the network architecture to be taken into account during the network design phase, concerning for instance the IP network configuration or specific required security measures. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 106 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Figure 44 : Questionnaire for the NC – filled in for Ruhnu Island (Estonia) pilot site Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 107 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 7.4 Preliminary definition of the pilot site network architecture The pilot site specific network design covers the following tasks: - Definition of pilot site network architecture through adaptation of the generic network architectures to the specificities of the selected pilot site. - Consolidation of the list of equipments and elements to be procured for the pilot site. - Validation of the specific design in the Rural Wings test bed at EADS Astrium premises. - Pilot site architecture review with the pilot site National Coordinator. The feasibility of this architecture should be then confirmed thanks to the results of the pre-site survey Figure 45: Ruhnu (Estonia) pilot site - preliminary architecture – logical diagram 7.5 Pre-Site Survey by NC In order to determine if the wireless network can be deployed in the way foreseen within the preliminary architecture, the National Coordinator should perform an on-site survey. This will allow to provide detailed indications on the site environment (rural, urban, suburban, presence of trees or lakes, etc.), such as the existence of prominent landscape features or buildings located at high places that could potentially be used to place the antennas: church tower, water tower, TV tower, hospital building, etc. Moreover, the NC can take some photographs of the pilot Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 108 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation site giving an overview of important buildings or major obstacles, along with an idea of the environment (how the buildings are grouped, etc.) Before going on-site for a Site Survey, Avanti carries out a GIS survey. The output of this activity is a GIS Survey Report which is described in detail in Annex 10.7. The following guidelines have been addressed to the NC for the pre-site survey: a) Check the LOS (line-of-sight) between all the points that should be interconnected. (Take pictures of the buildings to be interconnected from the location where the antenna of the wifi equipment will be installed, for instance you will have to take pictures from the roof of the school). b) Identify the highest point (tower, church, water tower,...) of the site and ask for the authorization to access it and install an equipment on it. Note that a technical small building where to store the indoor unit at the bottom of the high point will be required. Pictures from the top of the high point towards the buildings to be interconnected should be taken. (It can be needed for better coverage to install the access point at the highest point of the pilot site). c) For all the points to be interconnected including the high point, note down the GPS coordinates. Figure 46: Pre-site survey in Hura (Israel) pilot site Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 109 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 7.6 Feasibility analysis of the wireless network deployment Based on the results obtained from the pre-site survey, the technical coordinator will be able to estimate if the deployment of the pilot site is feasible. Furthermore, the national regulatory and licensing regime will be studied to complete this information. The following feasibility analysis is performed by Avanti during the design phase of their pilot sites: Determine feasibility to provide a service The purpose of the process is determining the feasibility of providing a service, based on feasibility analysis and customer feedback to a site questionnaire. First feasibility/coverage check This activity is responsible for determining: - If a specific area is currently covered by the Avanti network, or - If it is feasible to extend the coverage provided by the Avanti network to include a specific area. Two methods are employed by this activity: - Postcode check made against an list of postcodes (maintained by Avanti) covered by the Avanti network, and - Geographical Information System (GIS) used to determine whether it is possible to provide service coverage within an area. On completion of these checks a feasibility coverage response signal is sent to the sales process. 2nd feasibility analysis This activity is responsible for performing a 2nd level of feasibility analysis that addresses the following issues: - Perform an ‘OFCOM satellite clear’ to validate able to use the System operating frequencies both terminal and WiPoP. - Check that ADSL is currently not available in the area. - Check that ADSL will not be available in the area for the foreseeable future. - Check the GIS coverage for the location using an ordnance survey map as a reference. - Check the GIS coverage for possible future neighborhood expansion prospects. The output of the analysis is a conclusion as to whether it is technically possible to extend the Avanti network into the specified area. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 110 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 7.7 Cost estimation The preliminary pilot site network architecture allows to estimate the costs of the network deployment including equipment prices and installation fees. With this estimation the National Coordinator is able to determine if the pilot site is feasible from the budget point of view. If not, some modifications will have to be considered. Otherwise, this cost estimation will constitute the input for asking for a quotation of the pre-defined network to several local installers. 7.8 Site Survey Once the National Coordinator has identified the local installers and selected the most competitive one, the selected local installer will have to go on site for a Site Survey. The Site Survey must cover the following tasks: - Validation of selected location for the installation of satellite equipment. - For each building to be connected in the pilot site, identification of existing equipment: o Available communications infrastructure including: Access equipment (ADSL, cable, leased lines, wireless, etc.) Local networking equipment (router, LAN, IP server, etc.) o Available end-user equipment such as PCs, laptops, etc. o Available applications/software - Identification of geographical and environmental constraints to be taken into account for the choice of terrestrial technologies to be used and for the definition of the most appropriate network architecture. - Identification of prerequisites (technical and logistics) necessary to be fulfilled at the pilot site before the installation. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 111 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 7.9 Definition of the final pilot site end-to-end network architecture The results of the Site Survey will allow the technical coordinator jointly with the local installer to update the preliminary pilot site architecture in order to define the final pilot site end-to-end network architecture. Figure 47: Final end-to-end network architecture for a TWISTER validation site 7.10 Study case – pilot sites in Greece Due to the particular geographical morphology, Greece has a wide number of potential users of broadband satellite. There are many rural remote areas. So, the Greek sites have been selected first with this criterion and second more importance has been given to the educational community. Due to that fact mainly schools are involved in Rural Wings project and e-learning scenarios are encouraged. Based on the users’ needs analysis and discussions with the responsible people of the identified sites (with on-site visits and by phone), the system architecture of each site in terms of hardware was decided by ICCS in collaboration with Hellas-Sat as the local satellite provider. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 112 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation For the Greek pilot sites a questionnaire concerning the installation of the equipment has been issued, sent to the sites and is already filled in by the local contact persons. In addition, HellasSat has also required the completion of a more detailed questionnaire concerning the installation parameters of each site. Concerning the applications, based on the existing applications provided by different partners to the Rural Wings Integrated Environment and the users’ profile of the initial 8 sites proposed, as presented in the related table in section 3.2, related applications have been selected. However, there are clearly pointed out the type of applications that can be addressed to the users of the selected sites. Therefore, during the integration process, other related applications could be also included if available. Broadband satellite communications infrastructure is a solution adopted mainly in the cases where the terrestrial broadband is not available. That fact usually means that people in the related area is not very familiar with new technologies such as fast internet and teleapplications. Moreover, in the rural remote areas it is not so easy to find a qualified person in order to propose and decide concerning the system architecture to be adopted. Therefore, the preliminary architecture was decided for the Greek sites after on site visits of specialized people involved in Rural Wings project. Those were hardware and educational specialists for the hardware infrastructure and the software infrastructure (applications) respectively, from ICCS and Elinogermaniki Agogi (EA). However, there are at all sites now contact persons identified, specialized in informatics and new technologies, responsible for the supervision and maintenance of the equipment. In the same time the local contact points were also responsible for the installation questionnaire and give feedback for any technical matter arisen. Thus, at the time being, the preliminary architecture is already decided for all 8 initial pilot sites. Just to mention here that the architecture is very similar in all sites. It consists in fact mainly of a PC or a number of PCs connected to a DVB-RCS terminal which brings fast internet connection and tele-applications to the users through broadband satellite communication technology. There is only one different architecture, as it will be described analytically later on (see Annex), where the use of WiFi systems is also adopted as the last mile solution, in order to extend the broadband network to a small village to a line of sight of 2km. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 113 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 8. Conclusion The coming user traffic profiles consolidation, resulting from the evaluation of the first 4-months test period, will allow to analyse the network performance and the satisfaction of the deployed end-to-end solution. Furthermore, the deployed satellite Internet access systems have been commercially defined for common end-users needs such as web browsing or email consulting, and the additional applications proposed in Rural Wings will enlarge the offered services. Therefore, with the completion of the Rural Wings applications and their use during this test period, the analysis of their performance over those satellite systems should provide information on the necessary future technical improvements. The integration of the satellite system with the terrestrial network extension will need future work to enhance the Rural Wings generic end-to-end solution to overcome possible network reliability and performance issues that might be revealed during the test period. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 114 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 9. Abbreviations ACRONYM DFS DSL DVB-RCS EWC HF IEEE LAN MAC OFDM PLC QoS SOHO TPC UHF VHF WEP WiFi WLAN WPA MEANING Dynamic Frequency Selection Digital Subscriber Line Digital Video Broadcasting - Return Channel Satellite Enhanced Wireless Consortium High Frequency Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Local Area Network Medium Access Protocol Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing Power Line Communications Quality of Service Small Office Home Office Transmit Power Control Ultra High Frequency Very High Frequency Wired Equivalent Privacy Wireless Fidelity Wireless Local Area Network Wi-Fi Protected Access Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 115 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 10. ANNEXES 10.1 SIT Features Avanti SIT Features Figure 48: Avanti SIT Features Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 116 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Eutelsat D-Star antenna features Common parameters - Operating frequency: TX 13.75 – 14.5 GHz, RX 10.70 – 12.75 GHz - Polarisation: Linear orthogonal - Antenna cross polarisation > 30 dB in the 1° Contour Antenna diameter 0.9 m 1.2 m 1.8 m Gain TX 40.0 dBi 43.3 dBi 47.0 dBi Gain RX 38.8 dBi 41.8 dBi 45.5 dBi 3 dB Beamwidth TX 1.6° 1.2° 0.8° 3 dB Beamwidth RX 1.9° 1.5° 1.0° G/T EIRP with 2W BUC Technical characteristics of 2 W BUC : Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 117 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Non penetrating mounts 1.8 m antenna mount 1.2 m antenna mount Each terminal antenna is equipped with a non penetrating mount as shown above for the following reasons: 1. Minimum impact to the existing infrastructure at the pilot sites minimum effort for civil works, no holes to drill for antenna fixation, only about 4 to 8 m2 of a stable flat and levelled ground necessary for installation. 2. Difficult to fix an 1.8 m antenna on a wall so ground fixation is the preferential solution 3. Minimum information about infrastructure for pilot sites required. 4. Minimum impact after removal of antenna after the project. 5. Standardised solution for mount makes logistics easier. Important Some pilot sites exceed seriously the maximum environmental conditions and will require additional measures as wind breaking walls in order to keep the terminals operational. The Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 118 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Eutelsat System Integration team will decide this on a case by case basis after an on site inspection on the sites concerned. This are mainly sites in Sweden, Estonia and one Polish site in Spitzbergen. Due toe its very low elevation angle of about 3 ° the 1.8 m antenna foreseen for the Spitzbergen site need to be specially adapted. For the operation at that low elevation short interruptions caused by scintillation effects are to be expected. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 119 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 10.2 Questionnaire for the pilot site National Coordinator Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 120 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 121 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 10.3 Hellassat’s Site Survey Form for pilot sites in Greece and Cyprus For the preparation of installation process a satellite installation site survey form was provided by Hellas-Sat by mid July 2006 (1st installation questionnaire below). In order to simplify and help local contact points (which do not have deep technical knowledge) to select the minimum required information, ICCS based on HELLASSAT’s questionnaire prepared a new more simplified questionnaire (in Greek) which has been distributed to the sites (see the translated form below as 2nd installation questionnaire). This questionnaire has finally been filled by the sites with the help of the ICCS and the rest of the Greek partners and was then forwarded to HELLASSAT which had agreed with the procedure. This whole procedure as it was applied was successful and the installation has already started based on the information already provided by the simplified questionnaires. 1ST INSTALLATION QUESTIONNAIRE: SATELLITE INSTALLATION SITE SURVEY FORM Customer:________________________________ Date: ____________________ Address: ___________________________ City:___________ Zip Code:_______ 1. Is there a direct, unobstructed view to the horizon from the roof area where the satellite antenna is to be located? Yes No Yes No (If No please state if there are any obstacles around, e.g high Buildings, trees or other potential hazards) _______________________________________________ 2. If applicable, do you have written approval from your Landlord and from all local authorities to install a one meter satellite antenna on a non-penetrating roof mount on the Not applicable roof of your building? (This could include a roof penetration for Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 122 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation the cable) 3. Is the site susceptible to either Flooding or Subsidence 4. Is there any possibility of future construction in the vicinity of the site which may result in the obstruction of the Yes No Yes No antenna ? 5. Is the roof area flat? What kind of antenna mount is more suitable based on your building construction? Wall Mount Pole Mount Non Mount penetrating Other special Construction 6. Approximate height of your building? How many floors does your building have? Is there access allowing equipment to be brought to the roof? Is there an existing Point of Entry for the cable to enter the building from the antenna location? 7. On what floor will the satellite interactive terminal to be installed? 8. How long will be the distance between the antenna and the satellite terminal (approximately)? 9. Is there a common area in your building to route the cable from the roof to the room where the satellite terminal will Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 _______ m _______ Floors Yes No Yes No _______ Floor Less than 30m Between 100 m Yes 30 and No Page 123 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation be located ? 10. Will cable need to be fished through walls? If so, how many? 11. _______ Is there a pre-existing route for the cable? Yes Will any core drilling be required? If so, how many? _______ Is there sufficient reliable power or do you need to install No Yes No Yes No generators ? 12. Is there sufficient grounding provided? 13. Up to your knowledge, is there any potential interference from other telecommunication installations operating near by? (Please tick any box that is applicable) Terrestrial Microwave links operating at same TX frequencies Radar operation High voltage Power Lines 14. Is there a phone line available in the room that houses the Yes No satellite terminal? 15. Tick in the box (or boxes) which best describes (describe) the Meteorological conditions of your area? Strong Wind Severe rainfall Ice and snow accumulation Temperature and humidity variations Abnormal salinity (near marine environments) Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 124 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 16. Could you please provide the version of internet Explorer installed in your PC ? 17. Which apparatus is going to be directly connected to the satellite terminal? PC Router 2ND INSTALLATION QUESTIONNAIRE: INSTALLATION QUESTIONNAIRE School: School location: Please read the following text carefully before answering to the questions below. The following questionnaire serve the purpose of gathering information for the place of installation and should be filled by the school administration or any other local contact point that would be responsible for authorizing the installation. The authorized installer prior to its visit to the installation place needs specific information for the preparation of the installation and the usage of special tools (due to the distance of the rural area from the installer’s base). More specifically accurate information is needed regarding the possible installation places for the satellite system antenna and other more general information that is listed below. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 125 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Please respond to the following questionnaire with accuracy and giving as many details as possible. 1. How many floors do the installation building has and what is its accurate height? 2. The school has a flat roof (cement) or a slopping (tiled) one? 3. The south east (SE) side of the installation building has a direct line of sight with the horizon or there are certain obstacles in between (e.g.: another tall building, tall trees etc.)? Please give as accurate description as possible 4. Is there an ability to access the roof top of the installation building (please give a description for the access means, e.g. external or internal ladder etc.)? 5. What is the estimated distance between the installation point of the antenna and the place of the installation of the satellite terminal and the PC? Is this less or more than 30 meters? 6. The cables that will connect the satellite antenna with the place where the satellite terminal will be installed will have to go through which kind of walls or other materials (cement, wooden construction-please provide an accurate description)? 7. Can you please describe any extreme weather conditions that can possibly appear at the installation area? Are there very strong winds in the area? Can you give a rough estimation of their intensity (over 120 Km/h over 160Km/h)? Is strong rainfall possible, heavy snow or ice? Other instructions/information: Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 126 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 1. Please include a photo/s that could help the above described (for example photo of the roof top, photo of the SE view of the installation building, photo of the view from the installation building towards the SE horizon etc.) 2. Estimation of the ability to access the installation point of the satellite antenna For example If there is cement flat roof top is there a direct access to it? If there is a slopping (tiled) roof, then, is the SE wall accessible to the height of the installation place or there will be a need for an external ladder? Please answer and comment on the above, including any other information that may seem relevant for you and would facilitate the installation process as this has been described to you by the above questions. Thank you for your cooperation and your help Authorized person to respond to this questionnaire: Contact details (mobile phone, PSTN line, e-mail.): Date: Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 127 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 10.4 Avanti’s Site Survey Form for pilot sites in United Kingdom Site Survey Activities Avanti has created a Site Survey Form for its installation in United Kingdom The Survey Form is divided into the following sections: - Introduction Page; includes information about the location and the site host; - Service/Application type; includes all the information about the pilot site implementation and application identified - Site Details; this section includes information about the location, regulation and permissions; - WLAN Details; here any other WLANs in the area noticed during the site survey are listed; - Positioning Details; specifies the precise GPS coordinates of the WiPoP location; - Building Details; includes type of building, roof and walls and assessment of mounting options in general; - Installation Details; specific information about indoor equipment, cabling, Power sockets; - Additional Comments; any specific requirements for the site; - Photographs; Photographs of the proposed locations for the equipment mounts and the surrounding area. Introduction Page The introduction page is leading every site survey report and gives specific details about: - The survey date; - The contact of the base station host; - The contact phone number; - The address of the base station host; - The name of the engineer attending; - The Job number, allocated from SAP. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 128 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Service/Application type Site X Details Yes No Comments Service profile Antenna mounting Application Additional Equipment Site Details Site details are general details about the site location that are influenced by permission and regulation issues. Every site must meet the national regulations for satellite and WiFi equipment. The details are filled out to the best knowledge and later completed in the review of the site survey. A formal clearance for the site from OFCOM for use of both wireless and satellite equipment is obtained during the preparation of the installation. Site Details Yes No Comments Is Landlords permission required? Is property within 10 Km of an Airport? Is property within 10 Km of M.O.D? Is property in conservation area? Is there clear line of sight Are there any access restrictions WLAN Details It is crucial for network operations to know what wireless networks are running on site in order to adapt the configuration of Avanti’s equipment and taking this knowledge into account for potential future fault escalation. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 129 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation The table is filled out by the field engineer after measuring on the WiPoP location with his laptop computer. Are other WLANS present Yes No Frequency Signal Strength Positioning Details Positioning details are obtained during the site survey to provide highest accuracy when provisioning the equipment in the office. The coordinates are measured with a GPS receiver carried by the engineer. Positioning Details Longitude Latitude Elevation Building Details Building details must be assessed for health and safety reasons. The structural integrity of the walls where mounts are fixed must be guaranteed. Thus the table below is filled by the installer to his best knowledge on the day of the site survey. Listed buildings require more attention and consideration therefore this information is captured as well. Building Details Yes No Comments Is the building listed What is approximate height of building What material does the building use? Is a wall mounted installation possible Is there an accessible outside wall Is roof access required Type of roof access Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 130 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Where should satellite dish be mounted? Could dish be seen from a public footpath Is the fixing area structurally sound What type and construction is in the area At what height is dish to be installed (above ground) Could position be prone to high winds At what height can the WiFi antenna be installed (above ground)? Installation Details Installation details refer to the specific items of the Avanti kit that have to be installed at the site. Important information regarding the cable runs, power sockets, earth etc is captured for later use. Installation Details Yes No Comments Where can indoor equipment be located Is there a secure room available What is the cable run from dish to IDU? (should be less than 50 m) Can an internal cabinet be fitted Are 3x240v power sockets available Can a RJ45 connector reach the equipment Is an unobtrusive cable route available Is trunking/conduit required, what type Can a good earth be provided for install Is a 3m exclusion zone possible round dish Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 131 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Additional Comments This section is the most important section for the installation planning. Any additional requirements for hardware are noted here. Also some sites may impose additional constraints onto the installer, such as the non-availability of parking, extra permissions required, limited availability of the landlord etc. All these issues must be logged here. Photographs This section concludes the findings showing photos of the proposed equipment locations, especially the dish and the indoor unit. Furthermore an overview over the site is given, i.e. a 360 degree snapshot is obtained to show the line of site from the WiPoP host site. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 132 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 10.5 Community needs guide interview The Rural Wings project Interview Guide – Community needs Use the questions relevant for your case, add necessary extra information you deem to be of use for the project. Site Data Please fill in the following. Pilot site: Country: Site contact person: Adress: Zip code: Phone: Email: Rural Wings project contact person: Questions Local Area Network and Peripherals Are the computers at your institute connected to a Local area network (LAN)? - yes - no - don’t know If LANs are used, specify the type of LANs, its speed and the number of current clients. Type Speed Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Clients Page 133 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation 10.6 Avanti’s GIS Survey The “GIS Survey Report” contains the following principal sections: - - A header that specifies: o The date when survey was requested; o The name of the Location; o The postcodes surveyed, depending on the town size multiple post codes may be located in one town; o No of households/users; the number of users in that postcode area for which interest was registered. o Further Details and Information. Registered Interest, a list with all interested users in that area with: o A contact phone number; o A post code; o An address; o An email. - A Broadband Summary this section contains the availability of standard broadband and speed (BT) and Satellite Broadband (Avanti) which is the result of the survey. - An overview of the location on the country map, a local map view and an aerial view of the location. - A snapshot of the process of searching for the best coverage area; this section shows the coverage area needed, which is the aggregation of the postcodes in the “registered interest list”. It then shows the achieved coverage after the planning highlighting the number of WiPoPs required. - A terrain coverage view; this is a 3d snapshot of the coverage as an overlay of topographical and mapping data. This snapshot demonstrates the locality and resulting limitations of the possible installation, for instance the location in a valley or on a mountain. - The satellite clearance result; this is the result of the pre-clearance request with OFCOM which marks a site suitable for a WiPoP installation. The Pre-clearance is obtained for the favoured location of the WiPoP. - The 5.8GHz clearance; this is the clearance result from OFCOM, obtained for all end users of the site. If no such clearance can be achieved this is marked with additional details on the form. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 134 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation - Signature and comments A more detailed GIS planning process is performed after prospective customers have been signed up and a site must be surveyed for installation. Again the output of this activity is a “GIS Planning Report” but this time it includes more details. The following sections explain all the elements of the “GIS Survey Reports”. Header Information Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 135 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Broadband Summary Area Snapshot Search for optimal WiPoP Location Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 136 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Figure below shows the coverage area with a single WiPoP of a planned site. The coloured area marks the area of coverage whilst the colour itself marks the expected signal strength. Blue stands for a very good and red/orange for very bad signal strength. The process of finding the best WiPoP location with the GIS tool is basically trying to enclose all users in the green and blue coverage area placing the location of the WiPoP (one or many) at each one of the prospective customers from the contact list. Coverage Area Initial View Since the coverage was not acceptable with one WiPoP a second one must be added. This is displayed in figure below. As to be seen the coverage area now encloses the whole town which means that all prospective customers can be served with potential for more. Coverage with two WiPoPs Terrain Coverage View To give a better understanding of the topographical properties of the location a 3d terrain view is generated. An example for this view is displayed figure below. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 137 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation For further clarification this view has an overlay from a map as well which allows following exactly where the roads and buildings are situated. This is in particular helpful for the field engineer that performs the site visit. Satellite Clearance Result The clearance process is performed with the OFCOM tools available to Avanti. 5.8 GHz Clearance Result Advanced Location View This location view includes: o The clutter data of the area, i.e. natural obstacles above a certain height; o The Coverage Area, which is a postcode area; Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 138 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation o The coverage Area with the expected strongest coverage locations; o The coverage of certain locations (f applicable); Individual Coverage View This view is the individual coverage for end users or WiPoPs with directional antennas. CPE are per default directional, whilst WiPoPs usually facilitate omni-directional antennas. In figure below four individual coverage areas are shown. The areas can be taken into account when selecting the location for the WiPoP as for the quality of the wireless segment not only the received signal strength at the CPE but also the emitted signal strength from the CPE to the WiPoP is crucial. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 139 of 140 End-to-end Satellite System Architecture: High level definition and adaptation Height Evaluation The evaluation of the height of the installation in respect to the overall topographic view of the area is also important for planning how high for example a pole mount must be at each side to obtain an acceptable signal. For this reason a view is created that shows the topographical height of the area in respect to the signal strength. This view is always produced in a point-topoint manner, i.e. a WiPoP and a CPE. In figure below the topographical profile of the area is shown with small lines displaying the modeled signal strength at each height. With this figure the installer and planner can accurately predict the gain of signal strength when a certain pole is used. Additionally in this view a small section of the map is displayed defining the locations between which the link is measured. Final Version F_PMG-04 Version of document & Date of issuance V03, 07/02/2007 Page 140 of 140