1 - Doctor Jade Main

Digestive System and Metabolism Practice Exam
1. The walls of the GI tract are composed of ______ layers of tissue.
A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
2. All of the following are classified as accessory organs of the digestive system except:
A. tongue
B. mouth
C. liver
D. pancreas
3. Which of the following organs has a mucosa layer composed of stratified squamous
epithelium that resists abrasion?
A. esophagus
B. stomach
C. small intestine
D. large intestine
4. The flap of tissue suspended from the midpoint of the posterior border of the soft
palate is the:
A. fauces
B. frenulum
C. uvula
D. gingiva
5. The type of cell designed for absorption and secretion found throughout much of the
GI tract is:
A. simple columnar epithelium
B. stratified squamous epithelium
C. simple squamous epithelium
D. pseudostratified epithelium
6. After leaving the stomach, food (chyme) enters the:
A. large intestine
B. small intestine
C. esophagus
D. rectum
7. An incision into the wall of the GI tract would cut, in order, from outside to inside:
A. mucosa, submucosa, muscularis, serosa
B. serosa, submucosa, muscularis, mucosa
C. serosa, muscularis, submucosa, mucosa
D. muscularis, submucosa, mucosa, serosa
8. Which of the following organs has a mucosal layer that is composed of columnar
epithelium with a brush border of microvilli to enhance absorption?
A. esophagus
B. large intestine
C. small intestine
D. stomach
9. The more common term for deglutition is:
A. chewing
B. swallowing
C. mechanical digestion
D. vomiting
10. Which of the following salivary glands produces only a mucous type of saliva?
A. sublinguals
B. parotids
C. submandibulars
D. both a and b
11. Which of the following structures controls the opening of the stomach into the small
A. fundus
B. cardiac sphincter
C. pyloric sphincter
D. body
12. In the stomach, hydrochloric acid is secreted by the:
A. chief cells
B. parietal cells
C. lymph nodules
D. both a and b
13. Hydrochloric acid is released from cells in the:
A. stomach
B. pancreas
C. small intestine
D. large intestine
E. all of the above
14. The chief cells in the stomach secrete:
A. gastrin
B. mucus
C. intrinsic factor
D. digestive enzymes
15. Which of the following is not associated with the large intestine?
A. pyloric sphincter
B. cecum
C. appendix
D. transverse colon
16. The longest portion of the small intestine is the:
A. duodenum
B. ileum
C. jejunum
D. colon
17. The contents of the stomach are emptied into the:
A. duodenum
B. ileum
C. jejunum
D. cecum
18. Which of the following is not an anatomical part of the small intestine?
A. duodenum
B. cecum
C. ileum
D. jejunum
19. The part of the colon that lies in the vertical position, on the left side of the abdomen,
extending from a point below the stomach and spleen to the level of the iliac crest is the:
A. ascending colon
B. transverse colon
C. descending colon
D. sigmoid colon
20. The proper anatomical order for the divisions of the colon is:
A. descending, transverse, sigmoid, ascending
B. ascending, transverse, sigmoid, descending
C. sigmoid, ascending, transverse, descending
D. ascending, transverse, descending, sigmoid
21. The brush border of the intestinal mucosa consists of:
A. hair cells
B. villi
C. cilia
D. microvilli
22. Which of the following is not associated with the large intestine?
A. cecum
B. sigmoid colon
C. vermiform appendix
D. pyloric sphincter
23. Phagocytic cells lining liver sinusoids are called:
A. chief cells
B. alpha cells
C. Kupffer cells
D. hepatic cells
24. Bile salts aid in the absorption of:
A. fats
B. proteins
C. carbohydrates
D. calcium, magnesium, and certain other minerals
25. The most essential part of bile is:
A. bile salts
B. bile pigments
C. cholesterol
D. bilirubin
26. Bile is secreted by:
A. parietal cells
B. crypts of Lieberkuhn
C. Kupffer cells
D. hepatic cells
27. Which of the following is not a lobe of the liver?
A. right lobe
B. medial lobe
C. left lobe
D. caudate lobe
E. quadrate lobe
28. Which of the following is not a function of the liver?
A. detoxification
B. secretion of insulin
C. storage of iron and vitamins
D. carbohydrate metabolism
29. Which of the following organs is classified as a dual gland (both exocrine and
A. gallbladder
B. liver
C. pancreas
D. both a and c
30. The function of the digestive system is to alter the chemical and physical composition
of food so that it can be absorbed and used by body cells.
A. True
B. False
31. The alimentary canal has two openings to the exterior of the body.
A. True
B. False
32. The lining of the digestive system consists of three layers.
A. True
B. False
33. The pancreas is an essential organ of the digestive system.
A. True
B. False
34. After food is digested it enters the alimentary canal.
A. True
B. False
35. The walls of the stomach and the small intestine have three layers of muscle tissue.
A. True
B. False
36. The esophagus is anterior to the trachea.
A. True
B. False
37. The lesser curvature is on the upper right border of the stomach.
A. True
B. False
38. The pyloric sphincter is located in the fundus portion of the stomach.
A. True
B. False
39. The parietal cells secrete hydrochloric acid.
A. True
B. False
40. The chief cells, located in the stomach, secrete hydrochloric acid and are also thought
to produce intrinsic factor.
A. True
B. False
41. The gastric glands in the small intestine secrete enzymes and hydrochloric acid.
A. True
B. False
42. The presence of villi and microvilli increase the surface area of the large intestine.
A. True
B. False
43. The vermiform appendix is a wormlike projection extending from the cecum.
A. True
B. False
44. Bile is released from the gallbladder into the stomach to aid in the digestive process.
A. True
B. False
45. Cholesterol is a component of bile.
A. True
B. False
46. Glucagon and insulin assist the GI tract in the digestive process.
A. True
B. False
47. Match the following descriptions with the salivary glands.
A. parotid glands
B. submandibular glands
C. sublingual glands
D. more than one of the above glands
_____ largest of the paired salivary glands
____ located in front and below the ears
_____ smallest of the salivary glands
_____ found below the angle of the lower jaw
_____ secretes enzymes but no mucus
_____ produces a mucous type of saliva
_____ produces both enzymes and mucus
48. Match the functions with the appropriate organ of the digestive system.
A. stomach
B. liver
C. gallbladder
D. pancreas
_____ concentrates bile five- to tenfold
_____ secretes intrinsic factor
_____ beta cells secrete insulin
_____ secretes about a pint of bile a day
_____ produces the hormone gastrin
_____ stores bile that enters by way of the hepatic and cystic ducts
_____ acinar units secrete digestive enzymes
_____carries on a limited amount of absorption of some water, alcohol, and
certain drugs
_____ cells in this organ store iron and vitamins A, B12 , and D
_____ cells of this organ detoxify various substances
49. List the tissue layers that make up the alimentary canal, beginning with the interior
50. The pharynx functions in two systems. Name the systems.
51. What two structures are joined by the cardiac sphincter?
52. Where in the GI tract are villi and microvilli located? What purpose do they serve?
53. Ducts from two organs join to form the common bile duct. Name the organs and the
ducts from each.
54. Liver cells detoxify substances. Explain what happens to the substances in the process
of detoxification.
55. What is the function of the gallbladder?
56. The myenteric plexus is found in this layer of the GI wall.
A. mucosa
B. submucosa
C. muscularis
D. serosa
57. Which of the following statements is true?
A. The cystic duct and the pancreatic duct join to form the common bile duct
B. The common bile duct is formed by the cystic duct from the liver and the hepatic duct
from the gallbladder
C. The pancreatic duct and the hepatic duct join to form the common bile duct
D. None of the above are true
58. Which of the following is not a division of the stomach?
A. rugae
B. body
C. pylorus
D. fundus
59. Which of the following is not a function of the liver?
A. detoxification of various substances in the blood
B. the production of glucagon
C. store iron
D. produce plasma proteins
60. Which of the following is not a function of the liver?
A. stores vitamin A
B. carries on numerous steps in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins
C. secretes bile
D. stores bile
61. Which of the following is not a part of the large intestine?
A. transverse mesocolon
B. sigmoid colon
C. ascending colon
D. cecum
62. Which of the following is not a function of the stomach?
A. secretes gastric juices
B. secretes intrinsic factor
C. produces the hormone gastrin
D. begins deglutition
63. Both the chemical composition and the physical state need modification so food can
be absorbed.
A. True
B. False
64. The submucosal plexus is a group of parasympathetic nerves found in the submucosa
A. True
B. False
65. The muscularis layer of the wall of the GI tract consists of a single layer of circular
A. True
B. False
66. One of the functions of the intrinsic factor of the stomach is to protect vitamin A from
A. True
B. False
67. Goblet cells are mucus-secreting cells found in the crypts of the small intestine.
A. True
B. False
68. In the wall of the small intestine the longitudinal muscles are grouped into tape-like
strips called haustra.
A. True
B. False
69. In the wall of the large intestine, the longitudinal muscles are grouped into tape-like
strips called taeniae coli.
A. True
B. False
70. The peritoneum that covers the organs is called the visceral layer.
A. True
B. False
71. Give the complete definition of digestion.
72. Which of the following is not one of the openings that must be blocked when food
moves from the pharynx into the esophagus?
A. oropharynx
B. nasopharynx
C. larynx
D. mouth
73. Which of the processes of mechanical digestion occur in the esophagus?
A. deglutition
B. peristalsis
C. churning
D. both a and b
74. Which step of deglutition is under voluntary control?
A. oral stage
B. pharyngeal stage
C. esophageal stage
75. The purpose of peristalsis is to:
A. break apart chunks of food and mix it in digestive juices
B. propel food forward along the GI tract
C. absorb food
D. enable swallowing
76. Polysaccharides are hydrolyzed to disaccharides by enzymes known as:
A. lipase
B. proteases
C. maltase
D. amylase
77. The final product of carbohydrate digestion is a:
A. disaccharide
B. monosaccharide
C. polysaccharide
D. fatty acid
78. The major final product that results from the digestion of carbohydrates is:
A. glucose
B. sucrose
C. lactose
D. maltose
79. The process of fat emulsification consists of:
A. chemically breaking down fat molecules
B. the secretion of digestive juices for fat digestion
C. absorption of fats
D. breaking fats into small droplets
80. The enzyme pepsin begins the digestion of:
A. carbohydrate
B. protein
C. fat
81. An end product of fat digestion is:
A. glycerol
B. glucose
C. glycogen
D. galactose
82. The hormone that stimulates the release of bicarbonate substance from the pancreas
A. enterogastrone
B. secretin
C. gastrin
D. cholecystokinin
83. The major site for the absorption of the end products of digestion is the:
A. stomach
B. small intestine
C. cecum
D. large intestine
84. The intestinal hormone, cholecystokinin:
A. causes the pancreas to increase exocrine secretions high in enzyme content
B. opposes the influence of gastrin on gastric parietal cells
C. stimulates the contraction of the gallbladder
D. all of the above
85. Bicarbonates are useful in the GI tract to:
A. neutralize hydrochloric acid
B. break down fats
C. activate secretin
D. activate pepsin
86. The hormone that stimulates the gallbladder to release bile is:
A. enterogastrone
B. secretin
C. enterocrinin
D. cholecystokinin-pancreozymin
87. The hormone thought to be a messenger causing release of digestive enzymes from
the intestinal mucosa is:
A. vasoactive intestinal peptide
B. enterogastrone
C. secretin
D. cholecystokinin
88. Chylomicrons are formed for the transport of:
A. amino acids
B. fats
C. glucose
D. vitamins
89. Which blood vessel carries absorbed food from the GI tract to the liver?
A. hepatic artery
B. hepatic vein
C. portal vein
D. renal artery
90. The bolus of food is formed during the pharyngeal stage of deglutition.
A. True
B. False
91. Peristalsis is a back-and-forth action that breaks apart chunks of food and mixes in
digestive juices.
A. True
B. False
92. Pepsin is inactive in the presence of hydrochloric acid.
A. True
B. False
93. Amino acids are the end products of protein digestion.
A. True
B. False
94. Bile catalyzes the breakdown of fats.
A. True
B. False
95. The stimulation of gastric juice secretion occurs in five phases controlled by reflex
and chemical mechanisms.
A. True
B. False
96. Secretin causes the production of pancreatic fluid high in enzyme content but low in
A. True
B. False
97. The enterogastric reflex stimulates gastric motility as food enters the duodenum.
A. True
B. False
98. Salivary glands are stimulated only by olfactory and visual stimuli.
A. True
B. False
99. The only food that can be digested by gastric juice is protein.
A. True
B. False
100. One of the functions of cholecystokinin is to enhance the influence of gastrin on
gastric parietal cells.
A. True
B. False
101. Chylomicrons are composed mainly of neutral fats and some cholesterol covered by
a delicate protein envelope.
A. Tru
B. False
102. Vitamins A, D, E, and K depend on bile salts for their absorption.
A. True
B. False
103. Match the primary mechanisms of the digestive system with their correct definitions.
A. motility
B. ingestion
C. elimination
D. secretion
E. digestion
F. absorption
_____release of digestive juices; release of endocrine hormones that
regulate digestion or metabolism of nutrients
_____excretion of the residues of the digestive process (feces) from the rectum,
through the anus; defecation
_____movement by the muscular components of the digestive tube,
including processes of mechanical digestion; examples include peristalsis and
_____movement of digested nutrients through the GI mucosa and into the
internal environment
_____a group of processes that break complex nutrients into simpler ones,
thus facilitating their absorption (includes both mechanical and chemical processes)
______food into the mouth, starting it on its journey through
the digestive tract
104. Match the phases of gastric secretion with the correct statement or definition.
A. cephalic phase
B. gastric phase
C. intestinal phase
_____phase of gastric secretion that responds to taste, smell, thoughts of food,
and sensations of chewing and swallowing
_____phase of gastric secretions that is controlled by the entrance of acidic
chyme into the duodenum
_____phase of gastric secretion that is initiated by the presence of food in
the stomach
105. Match the digestive juices and enzymes with the descriptions.
A. amylase
B. bile
C. lactase
D. maltase
E. pepsin
F. peptidase
G. sucrase
H. trypsin
_____ enzyme that works on starch
_____ converts maltose to glucose
_____ enzyme found in the mouth
_____ major enzyme in stomach associated with protein breakdown
_____ enzyme that works on milk sugars
_____ enzyme that works on cane sugars
_____ hydrochloric acid activates this enzyme
_____ pancreatic enzyme that works on proteins
_____enzyme from lining of small intestine that produces the end products of
amino acids
____ enzyme that works on malt sugars
_____ stimulates secretion of gastric juice rich in pepsin and hydrochloric acid
106. Match the digestive hormones with their actions.
A. secretin
B. cholecystokinin-pancreozymin (CCK)
C. gastrin
D. gastric inhibitory peptide (GIP)
_____inhibits gastric secretion; stimulates secretion of pancreatic juice low in enzymes
and high in alkalinity; stimulates ejection of bile by the gallbladder
_____stimulates ejection of bile from the gallbladder and secretion of pancreatic
juice high in enzymes; opposes the action of gastrin, reducing the pH of gastric juice
_____ inhibits gastric secretion and motility
107. What are the three purposes of mechanical digestion?
108. What happens in the chemical process of hydrolysis?
109. What suffix is frequently used to denote an enzyme?
110. List the six kinds of chemical substances that we eat.
111. What three substances that we ingest have to be chemically digested?
112. The following structures all are involved in peristalsis except the
A. esophagus
B. small intestine
C. pharynx
D. stomach
113. The enzyme amylase functions best in
A. an acid pH
B. a base pH
C. a neutral pH
D. both A and B
114. The process of emulsification is important in the digestion of
A. proteins
B. fats
C. polysaccharides
D. disaccharides
115. Saliva contains all of the following substances except
A. amylase
B. lipase
C. intrinsic factor
D. mucus
116. Pancreatic juice contains all the following substances except
A. amylase
B. trypsinogen
C. enterokinase
D. lypase
117. Bile contains all the following substances except
A. bile salts
B. lecithin
C. amylase
D. bilirubin
118. Pancreatic juice contains all the following substances except
A. chymotrypsin
B. nucleases
C. amylase
D. pepsinogen
119. The primary function of the digestive system is to bring essential nutrients into the
internal environment so that they are available to the cells of the body.
A. True
B. False
120. Mastication is another word for chewing.
A. True
B. False
121. In deglutition, the tongue closes off the nasopharynx.
A. True
B. False
122. In deglutition, food is denied entry to the larynx by muscle action that causes the
epiglottis to block this opening
A. True
B. False
123. The involuntary part of swallowing is regulated by the deglutition center of the
A. True
B. False
124. The stomach releases gastric inhibitory peptide to slow down peristalsis in the
A. True
B. False
125. Intestinal motility includes both peristaltic contractions and segmentation.
A. True
B. False
127. The reason that enzymes are pH sensitive is that differences in the hydrogen ion
concentration can effect the shape of the protein molecule.
A. True
B. False
128. One important role of the salivary glands is the production of mucus, because they
are the only glands that produce it.
A. True
B. False
129. Hydrochloric acid converts pepsinogen into pepsin.
A. True
B. False
130. Enterokinase converts trypsin into tyrpsinogen.
A. True
B. False
131. Enterokinase is converted to trypsinogen by trypsin.
A. True
B. False
132. The hormones GIP, secretin, and CCK are secreted by the exocrine glands of the
A. True
B. False
133. Chylomicrons are formed in the epithelial cells lining the small intestine.
A. True
B. False
134. Chylomicrons are absorbed by the blood vessels in the villi of the small intestine.
A. True
B. False
135. The nutrients absorbed by the lacteals enter the blood by being dumped into the
subclavian veins.
A. True
B. False
136. The only voluntary activity of the GI tract is swallowing.
A. True
B. False
137. Which of the following is true of metabolism?
A. It involves both a physical and a chemical breakdown of foods.
B. It occurs both inside and outside of cells.
C. It involves synthesis and decomposition.
D. Energy is released from the process of anabolism and catabolism
138. Which of the following is not true of ATP?
A. It is a high energy substance.
B. It is formed by the synthesis of ADP and phosphate.
C. It releases energy when spilt.
D. It cannot be recycled after it is broken down.
139. Which of the following is true of catabolism?
A. It is a synthesis process involving the release of energy.
B. It is a decomposition process involving the release of energy.
C. It is a synthesis process involving the use of energy.
D. It is a decomposition process involving the use of energy.
140. Which of the following is true of energy released by the breakdown of food
A. It is used to synthesize ATP.
B. It is used to decompose ATP.
C. It is changed to heat energy and used for cell functioning.
D. It is used directly for cell functioning.
141. The preferred energy fuel of the body is:
A. fructose
B. glucose
C. amino acids
D. fatty acids
142. The process of splitting glycogen is called:
A. glycogenesis
B. glycogenolysis
C. gluconeogenesis
143. Which of the following is not true of glycolysis?
A. It occurs in the mitochondria.
B. Glucose is split into two pyruvic acid molecules.
C. It is an anaerobic process.
D. A specific enzyme catalyzes each step of the reaction.
144. The Krebs cycle takes place in the:
A. ribosome
B. cytoplasm
C. mitochondria
D. Golgi apparatus
145. Which of the following names is not a term used for the aerobic breakdown of food
A. citric acid cycle
B. pyruvic acid cycle
C. Krebs cycle
D. tricarboxylic acid cycle
146. An increased blood sugar level stimulates which of the following to occur?
A. glycogenolysis
B. glycogenesis
C. gluconeogenesis
D. glycolysis
147. The process of gluconeogenesis occurs in the:
A. live
B. skeletal muscle
C. brain
D. all of the above
148. The conversion of proteins to glucose is an example of:
A. glycogenesis
B. gluconeogenesis
C. glycogenolysis
D. glycolysis
149. Deamination, the splitting off of an amino group from an amino acid molecule to
form a molecule of ammonia and one of keto acid, is the first step in:
A. protein catabolism
B. protein anabolism
C. protein metabolism
150. A hormone that stimulates the conversion of proteins to glucose is:
B. growth hormone
C. thyroid hormone
151. Which of the following hormones is not hyperglycemic?
A. glucagon
B. glucocorticoids
C. insulin
D. epinephrine
152. Excess glucose and amino acids are converted to:
A. fatty acids
B. glycerol
C. triglycerides
D. phospholipids
153. The most common lipids in the diet are:
A. phospholipids
B. cholesterol
C. triglycerides
D. prostaglandins
154. All of the following hormones control lipid metabolism except:
B. glucocorticoids
C. epinephrine
D. insulin
155. Which of the following stimulates protein synthesis?
A. testosterone
B. estrogen
C. glucagon
156. Metabolism requires the use of enzymes to catalyze chemical reactions.
A. True
B. False
157. Oxidation phosphorylation refers to the breakdown of ATP into ADP, phosphate,
and energy in the presence of oxygen.
A. True
B. False
158. Oxidative phosphorylation refers to the joining of a phosphate group to ADP to form
A. True
B. False
159. All cells have the ability to store glycogen.
A. True
B. False
160. In the electron transport system, electrons moving down the carrier chain release
bursts of energy used to pump neutrons into the compartment between the inner and outer
membranes of the mitochondrion.
A. True
B. False
161. The conversion of proteins to glucose is an example of gluconeogenesis.
A. True
B. False
162. Whereas insulin tends to decrease the blood glucose level, glucagon tends to
increase it.
A. True
B. False
163. Both epinephrine and glucagon accelerate liver and muscle glycogenolysis.
A. True
B. False
164. Hormones that cause the blood level of glucose to rise are called hypoglycemic.
A. True
B. False
165. Glucagon accelerates glycogenolysis in both liver and muscle cells.
A. True
B. False
166. Insulin comes from the beta cells of the pancreas.
A. True
B. False
167. Both epinephrine and glucagon accelerate liver and muscle glycogenolysis.
A. True
B. False
168. Lipoproteins are primarily produced in the liver.
A. True
B. False
169. Fatty acids are converted to ketone bodies in the liver.
A. True
B. False
170. Lipids are transported in blood as chylomicrons, lipoproteins, and free fatty acids.
A. True
B. False
171. Deamination, a process that occurs in the liver, is the first step in the catabolism of
A. True
B. False
172. Body weight increases when energy input is less than energy output.
A. True
B. False
173. It is correct to say that ATP functions as the universal biological currency.
A. True
B. False
174. There are three high energy phosphate bonds in adenosine triphosphate.
A. True
B. False
175. Match the following hormones with their effect on the blood glucose level.
A. lower blood glucose level
B. raise blood glucose level
C. lower or raise blood glucose level
_____ glucagon
_____ ACTH, glucocorticoids
____ insulin
_____ growth hormone
____ TSH, thyroid hormone
____ epinephrine
176. Match these terms with the correct statement or definition.
A. anabolism
B. catabolism
C. metabolism
D. nutrition
_____energy-requiring processes by which small molecules are joined to form
larger molecules
_____energy-releasing process by which large molecules are broken down
into smaller molecules
_____ anabolism and catabolism combined
_____ process in which ATPs and heat are produced
_____the use the body makes of foods after they have been digested, absorbed,
and circulated to cells
_____ evaluation of food and drink (nutrient) requirements for normal body functions
177. Explain why the mitochondria are referred to as power plants.
178. Explain what is meant by oxidative phosphorylation.
179. Explain how the lack of oxygen would inhibit the Krebs cycle.
180. Show in an equation form the end products of glucose catabolism. Use one molecule
of glucose and six molecules of oxygen to begin the equation.
181. The following mineral is important in bone formation, blood clotting and nerve
A. phosphorus
B. iron
C. calcium
D. cobalt
182. There are only two high energy phosphate bonds in adenosine diphosphate.
A. True
B. False
183. Polysaccharides, disaccharides and monosaccharides need digestion before they can
be absorbed into the internal environment.
A. True
B. False
184. ATP is useful for the long-term storage of chemical energy derived from nutrients.
A. True
B. False
185. Both NAD and FAD can be used by the cell to transfer energy.
A. True
B. False
186. Oxygen is required for the last step of glycolysis.
A. True
B. False
187. An end product of the anaerobic pathway of glucose is lactic acid.
A. True
B. False
188. One function of lactic acid is to convert NADH back to NAD.
A. True
B. False
189. Glycogenesis is an example of carbohydrate anabolism.
A. True
B. False
190. Because red blood cells contain no mitochondria, they must get all of their energy
through oxidative phosphorylation .
A. True
B. False
191. Fatty acids are broken down by a process of beta oxidation.
A. True
B. False
192. The body has an almost equal ability to store fats and carbohydrates.
A. True
B. False
193. Just as there are essential amino acids, there are essential fatty acids.
A. True
B. False
Which of the following is not one of the openings that must be blocked when food
moves from the pharynx into the esophagus?
A. oropharynx
B. nasopharynx
C. larynx
D. mouth
2. The process of swallowing is known as:
A. mastication
B. deglutition
C. peristalsis
D. segmentation
3. Which of the following is a true statement?
A. the oral stage of swallowing is involuntary and under the control of the cerebral
B. the pharyngeal stage of deglutition is voluntary
C. the esophageal stage of swallowing is involuntary
D. both b and c
4. Which of the processes of mechanical digestion occur in the esophagus?
A. deglutition
B. peristalsis
C. churning
D. both a and b
5. The enterogastric reflex causes:
A. secretion of digestive enzymes in the small intestine
B. secretion of digestive enzymes in the stomach
C. inhibition of gastric peristalsis
D. acceleration of gastric peristalsis
6. Which of the following is not true of enzymes?
A. They accelerate chemical reactions.
B. They change chemically and are in the end products of the reaction.
C. They are vital to chemical reactions.
D. Many contain vitamins in their structure.
7. Which step of deglutition is under voluntary control?
A. oral stage
B. pharyngeal stage
C. esophageal stage
8. The purpose of peristalsis is to:
A. break apart chunks of food and mix it in digestive juices
B. propel food forward along the GI tract
C. absorb food
D. enable swallowing
9. The hormone that inhibits gastric muscle, slowing passage of food into the duodenum,
is called:
A. gastric inhibitory peptide
B. enterogastrone
C. chyme
D. cholecystokinin-pancreozymin
10. Structurally enzymes are:
A. lipids
B. carbohydrates
C. proteins
D. inorganic compounds
11. When classified according to the kind of chemical reactions catalyzed, digestive
enzymes are:
A. oxidation-reduction enzymes
B. hydrolyzing enzymes
C. phosphorylating enzymes
D. hydrase enzymes
12. The group of enzymes that add water to a molecule without splitting it are called:
A. hydrolases
B. hydrases
C. hydrogenases
D. isomerases
13. Polysaccharides are hydrolyzed to disaccharides by enzymes known as:
A. lipase
B. proteases
C. maltase
D. amylase
14. Which of the following is not a property of enzymes?
A. most enzymes catalyze a chemical reaction in only one direction
B. enzymes function optimally at a specific pH
C. many enzymes are synthesized as inactive proenzymes or zymogens
D. enzyme action can be inhibited or inactivated by various physical and chemical
agents that change the shape of enzyme molecules
15. The final product of carbohydrate digestion is a:
A. disaccharide
B. monosaccharide
C. polysaccharide
D. fatty acid
16. Which of the following is a disaccharide?
A. glucose
B. starch
C. sucrose
D. glycogen
17. The major final product that results from the digestion of carbohydrates is:
A. glucose
B. sucrose
C. lactose
D. maltose
18. The process of fat emulsification consists of:
A. chemically breaking down fat molecules
B. the secretion of digestive juices for fat digestion
C. absorption of fats
D. breaking fats into small droplets
19. Proteins are broken down into proteoses and peptides by proteases in:
A. gastric juices
B. pancreatic juices
C. intestinal secretions
D. both a and b
20. The enzyme pepsin begins the digestion of:
A. carbohydrate
B. protein
C. fat
21. An end product of fat digestion is:
A. glycerol
B. glucose
C. glycogen
D. galactose
22. Cellulose is a residue of digestion that comes from:
A. carbohydrates
B. meat proteins
C. undigested fats
D. undigested connective tissue
23. The hormone that stimulates the release of bicarbonate substance from the pancreas
A. enterogastrone
B. secretin
C. gastrin
D. cholecystokinin-pancreozymin
24. The hormone that stimulates the gallbladder to release bile is:
A. enterogastrone
B. insulin
C. gastrin
D. cholecystokinin-pancreozymin
25. Which phase(s) of gastric secretion would be stimulated by the sight, taste, and smell
of food?
A. intestinal phase
B. cephalic phase
C. gastric phase
D. all of the above
26. The major site for the absorption of the end products of digestion is the:
A. stomach
B. small intestine
C. cecum
D. large intestine
27. The sodium cotransport or coupled transport:
A. transports sodium ions and glucose molecules passively out of the GI lumen
B. transports sodium ions and glucose molecules passively into the GI lumen
C. transports sodium ions and glucose molecules actively out of the GI lumen
D. transports sodium ions and glucose molecules actively into the GI lumen
28. The intestinal hormone, cholecystokinin-pancreozymin:
A. causes the pancreas to increase exocrine secretions high in enzyme content
B. opposes the influence of gastrin on gastric parietal cells
C. stimulates the contraction of the gallbladder
D. all of the above
29. Bicarbonates are useful in the GI tract to:
A. neutralize hydrochloric acid
B. break down fats
C. activate secretin
D. activate pepsin
30. The hormone that stimulates the gallbladder to release bile is:
A. enterogastrone
B. secretin
C. enterocrinin
D. cholecystokinin-pancreozymin
31. The hormone thought to be a messenger causing release of digestive enzymes from
the intestinal mucosa is:
A. vasoactive intestinal peptide
B. enterogastrone
C. secretin
D. cholecystokinin-pancreozymin
32. Chylomicrons are formed for the transport of:
A. amino acids
B. fats
C. glucose
D. vitamins
33. Glucose moves from the GI tract into the circulatory system by the process of:
A. diffusion
B. cotransport
C. facilitated diffusion
D. filtration
34. Which blood vessel carries absorbed food from the GI tract to the liver?
A. hepatic artery
B. hepatic vein
C. portal vein
D. renal artery
35. Bacterial toxins may damage the water-reabsorption mechanism of the intestinal
mucosa, resulting in:
A. constipation
B. diarrhea
C. cholera
36. The substances absorbed into the lymph capillaries are:
A. glycerol and fatty acids
B. glucose and glycerol
C. amino acids and fatty acids
D. glucose and amino acids
37. The blood vessel that carries absorbed food substances from the GI tract to the liver
is the:
A. renal artery
B. hepatic artery
C. hepatic vein
D. hepatic portal vein
38. The bolus of food is formed during the pharyngeal stage of deglutition.
A. True
B. False
39. Respiration is inhibited for the one to three seconds required for food to clear the
pharynx during each swallowing.
A. True
B. False
40. To propel food from the pharynx into the esophagus, three openings must be
A. True
B. False
41. Peristalsis is a back-and-forth action that breaks apart chunks of food and mixes in
digestive juices.
A. True
B. False
42. The process of emptying the stomach takes about 12 hours after a meal.
A. True
B. False
43. After leaving the stomach, it normally takes about five hours for chyme to pass all
the way through the small intestine.
A. True
B. False
44. Enzymes are unique in that they can function optimally within a wide range of pHs.
A. True
B. False
45. Enzymes are usually defined as "inorganic catalysts."
A. True
B. False
46. Pepsin is inactive in the presence of hydrochloric acid.
A. True
B. False
47. Amylases are found in saliva and in pancreatic juice.
A. True
B. False
48. Sucrose is an example of a disaccharide.
A. True
B. False
49. Most enzymes are able to work on more than one substance.
A. True
B. False
50. Large amounts of water work best to replace fluids quickly during exercise.
A. True
B. False
51. Amino acids are the end products of protein digestion.
A. True
B. False
52. Bile catalyzes the breakdown of fats.
A. True
B. False
53. The main glucose digesting enzyme is glucase.
A. True
B. False
54. Large amounts of cool, dilute, or isotonic fluids are best for replacing fluids quickly
during exercise.
A. True
B. False
55. Peptides are broken down into proteoses by intestinal peptidases.
A. True
B. False
56. Cellulose, a carbohydrate, is broken down into maltose by enzymes in the pancreatic
A. True
B. False
57. The stimulation of gastric juice secretion occurs in five phases controlled by reflex
and chemical mechanisms.
A. True
B. False
58. Sucrase hydrolyzes sucrose into dextrose and levulose.
A. True
B. False
59. Secretin causes the production of pancreatic fluid high in enzyme content but low in
A. True
B. False
60. The enterogastric reflex stimulates gastric motility as food enters the duodenum.
A. True
B. False
61. Salivary glands are stimulated only by olfactory and visual stimuli.
A. True
B. False
62. Bicarbonates are useful in the GI tract to neutralize hydrochloric acid.
A. True
B. False
63. Vasoactive intestinal peptide inhibits the production of intestinal juice.
A. True
B. False
64. The only food that can be digested by gastric juice is protein.
A. True
B. False
65. One of the functions of cholecystokinin-pancreozymin is to enhance the influence of
gastrin on gastric parietal cells.
A. True
B. False
66. Vasoactive intestinal peptide inhibits the production of intestinal juice.
A. True
B. False
67. The sodium cotransport, which carries both sodium ions and glucose molecules, is an
active transport mechanism.
A. True
B. False
68. Chylomicrons are composed mainly of neutral fats and some cholesterol covered by
a delicate protein envelope.
A. True
B. False
69. Vitamins A, D, E, and K depend on bile salts for their absorption.
A. True
B. False
70. Both simple sugars and amino acids are absorbed into the blood in the intestinal
A. True
B. False
71. Diarrhea occurs when the contents of the lower colon and rectum move at a rate that
is slower than normal.
A. True
B. False
72. The formation of feces is the primary function of the rectum.
A. True
B. False
73. Micelles, formed from bile salts, carry fatty acids from emulsified droplets to the
plasma membrane of absorptive cells.
A. True
B. False
74. The process of elimination is simply the expulsion of the residues of digestion from
the digestive tract.
A. True
B. False
75. Diarrhea is one of the leading causes of infant mortality in developing countries.
A. True
B. False
76. Bacterial toxins may damage the water-reabsorption mechanisms of the intestinal
mucosa resulting in diarrhea.
A. True
B. False
77. _____release of digestive juices; release of endocrine hormones that
regulate digestion or metabolism of nutrients
The suggested answer is D
78. _____excretion of the residues of the digestive process (feces) from the rectum,
through the anus; defecation
The suggested answer is C
79. _____movement by the muscular components of the digestive tube,
including processes of mechanical digestion; examples include peristalsis and
The suggested answer is A
80. _____movement of digested nutrients through the GI mucosa and into the
internal environment
The suggested answer is F
81. _____a group of processes that break complex nutrients into simpler ones,
thus facilitating their absorption (includes both mechanical and chemical processes)
The suggested answer is E
82. _____process of taking food into the mouth, starting it on its journey through
the digestive tract
The suggested answer is B
83. _____phase of gastric secretion that responds to taste, smell, thoughts of food,
and sensations of chewing and swallowing
The suggested answer is A
84. _____phase of gastric secretions that is controlled by the entrance of acidic
chyme into the duodenum
The suggested answer is C
85. _____phase of gastric secretion that is initiated by the presence of food in
the stomach
The suggested answer is B
86. _____ enzyme that works on starch
The suggested answer is A
87. _____ converts maltose to glucose
The suggested answer is D
88. _____ enzyme found in the mouth
The suggested answer is A
89. _____ major enzyme in stomach associated with protein breakdown
The suggested answer is E
90. _____ enzyme that works on milk sugars
The suggested answer is C
91. _____ enzyme that works on cane sugars
The suggested answer is G
92. _____ hydrochloric acid activates this enzyme
The suggested answer is E
93. _____ pancreatic enzyme that works on proteins
The suggested answer is H
94. _____enzyme from lining of small intestine that produces the end products of
amino acids
The suggested answer is F
95. _____ enzyme that works on malt sugars
The suggested answer is D
96. _____ stimulates secretion of gastric juice rich in pepsin and hydrochloric acid
The suggested answer is C
97. _____inhibits gastric secretion; stimulates secretion of pancreatic juice low in
enzymes and high in alkalinity; stimulates ejection of bile by the gallbladder
The suggested answer is A
98. _____stimulates ejection of bile from the gallbladder and secretion of pancreatic
juice high in enzymes; opposes the action of gastrin, reducing the pH of gastric juice
The suggested answer is B
99. _____ inhibits gastric secretion and motility
The suggested answer is D
100. _____ inflammation of the liver
The suggested answer is C
101. _____ failure of the small intestine to absorb nutrients properly
The suggested answer is B
102. _____inflammation of abnormal saclike outpouchings of the intestinal wall
called diverticula
The suggested answer is D
103. _____an open sore or wound in an area of the digestive system that is acted on
by acid gastric juice; generally occurs in the duodenum
The suggested answer is F
104. _____ inflammation of the pancreas
The suggested answer is E
105. _____an inflammatory condition of the large intestine, with symptoms of diarrhea
and abdominal cramps or constipation
The suggested answer is A
106. What are the three purposes of mechanical digestion?
The suggested answer is
107. Explain the physiological basis for diarrhea and constipation.
The suggested answer is
108. What happens in the chemical process of hydrolysis?
The suggested answer is
109. What suffix is frequently used to denote an enzyme?
The suggested answer is
110. Most enzymes catalyze a chemical reaction in both directions. Explain what is
meant by this statement.
The suggested answer is
111. List the six kinds of chemical substances that we eat.
The suggested answer is
112. What three substances that we ingest have to be chemically digested?
The suggested answer is
113. Describe the relationship between exercise and fluid uptake.
The suggested answer is
114. What is a fecal fat test? How is it performed? When is it useful?
The suggested answer is
115. Jeff was a successful country music star, but he worked too hard and was under
great stress. His doctor cautioned him that if he did not alter his life style, he would be
subject to hyperacidity. What could be the resulting condition of hyperacidity?
The suggested answer is
116. Allen was an alcoholic. He had a condition known as alcoholic hepatitis. This
condition causes inflammation of the liver and resulted in the reduction in the production
and secretion of bile. What digestive complications did this produce?
The suggested answer is
117. Donna has Crohn's disease, which results in inflammation and ulceration of the
small intestine. Her physician recommended surgery to help in the management of this
autoimmune disease. Could her entire small intestine be removed? Why or why not?
The suggested answer is
118. The following structures all are involved in peristalsis except the
A. esophagus
B. small intestine
C. pharynx
D. stomach
119. The enzyme amylase functions best in
A. an acid pH
B. a base pH
C. a neutral pH
D. both A and B
120. "Contact digestion" occurs in this location in the digestive system
A. mouth
B. esophagus
C. stomach
D. small intestine
121. The disaccharide maltose is made up of these two saccharide units
A. glucose and glucose
B. glucose and fructose
C. glucose and galactose
D. none of the above
122. The disaccharide lactose is made up of these two saccharide units
A. glucose and glucose
B. glucose and fructose
C. glucose and galactose
D. none of the above
123. The disaccharide sucrose is made up of these two saccharide units
A. glucose and glucose
B. glucose and fructose
C. glucose and galactose
D. none of the above
124. The process of emulsification is important in the digestion of
A. proteins
B. fats
C. polysaccharides
D. disaccharides
125. Saliva contains all of the following substances except
A. amylase
B. lypase
C. intrinsic factor
D. mucus
126. Gastric juice contains all the following substances except
A. intrinsic factor
B. enterokinase
C. hydrochloric acid
D. pepsin
127. Pancreatic juice contains all the following substances except
A. amylase
B. trypsinogen
C. enterokinase
D. lypase
128. Bile contains all the following substances except
A. bile salts
B. lecithin
C. amylase
D. bilirubin
129. Pancreatic juice contains all the following substances except
A. chymotrypsin
B. nucleases
C. amylase
D. pepsinogen
130. The primary function of the digestive system is to bring essential nutrients into the
internal environment so that they are available to the cells of the body.
A. True
B. False
131. Mastication is another word for chewing.
A. True
B. False
132. In deglutition, the mouth is closed off by the soft palate and the uvula.
A. True
B. False
133. In deglutition, the tongue closes off the nasopharynx.
A. True
B. False
134. In deglutition, food is denied entry to the larynx by muscle action that causes the
epiglottis to block this opening
A. True
B. False
135. The involuntary part of swallowing is regulated by the deglutition center of the
A. True
B. False
136. Segmentation is described as a wavelike muscle contraction in a hollow organ
which moves food through the digestive system.
A. True
B. False
137. The stomach releases gastric inhibitory peptide to slow down peristalsis in the
A. True
B. False
138. Intestinal motility includes both peristaltic contractions and segmentation.
A. True
B. False
139. Most cells involved in the digestive system are intracellular enzymes.
A. True
B. False
140. Lipase can be called a hydrolase.
A. True
B. False
141. Most enzymes in the body are intracellular.
A. True
B. False
142. The specificity of enzyme function can be explained by their "key-in-a-lock" mode
of action.
A. True
B. False
143. The reason that enzymes are pH sensitive is that differences in the hydrogen ion
concentration can effect the shape of the protein molecule.
A. True
B. False
144. Because trypsin works in the small intestine, its optimal pH must be less than
pepsin which works in the stomach.
A. True
B. False
145. Since enzymes are not changed by the chemical reactions they catalyze, digestive
enzymes rarely need to be made.
A. True
B. False
146. Substances that activate proenzymes are often called kinases.
A. True
B. False
147. The process of emulsification actually is not an example of chemical digestion
because no chemical change occurs in the substrate.
A. True
B. False
148. The hydrophilic portion of lecithin is attracted to the interior fat of the micelle.
A. True
B. False
149. The hydrophilic portion of lecithin is attracted to the exterior water of the micelle.
A. True
B. False
150. The process of emulsification is important because it adds a greater contact area for
the digestion of fat
A. True
B. False
151. Lysophosphatide is a possible end product of fat digestion.
A. True
B. False
152. Colipase is a substance made by the small intestine and functions as a coenzyme in
fat digestion.
A. True
B. False
153. When fat combines with magnesium it becomes undigestable.
A. True
B. False
154. One important role of the salivary glands is the production of mucus, because they
are the only glands that produce it.
A. True
B. False
155. Since acid would be harmful to enzymes, the salivary glands produce bicarbonate
ions to lower the pH of saliva.
A. True
B. False
156. Hydrochloric acid converts pepsinogen into pepsin.
A. True
B. False
157. Enterokinase converts trypsin into tyrpsinogen.
A. True
B. False
158. Enterokinase is converted to trypsinogen by trypsin.
A. True
B. False
159. Lecithin is secreted by the liver.
A. True
B. False
160. Bilirubin is found in bile and assists in micelle formation, which assists in the
digestion of fats.
A. True
B. False
161. In the pancreas, base is secreted into the GI lumen and acid is secreted into the
blood. This is the reverse of what happens in the stomach.
A. True
B. False
162. Elimination of gray-colored feces is an indication of abnormal bile secretion.
A. True
B. False
163. Gastric secretions are inhibited when chyme containing fats, carbohydrates and a
high pH are present in the duodenum.
A. True
B. False
164. The hormones GIP, secretin, and CCK are secreted by the exocrine glands of the
A. True
B. False
165. Micelles are formed in the GI lumen.
A. True
B. False
166. Chylomicrons are formed in the epithelial cells lining the small intestine.
A. True
B. False
167. Chylomicrons are absorbed by the blood vessels in the villi of the small intestine.
A. True
B. False
168. The nutrients absorbed by the lacteals enter the blood by being dumped into the
subclavian veins.
A. True
B. False
169. About 20% of ingested alcohol is absorbed by the stomach.
A. True
B. False
170. The only voluntary activity of the GI tract is swallowing.
A. True
B. False
171. Some drugs can not be taken orally even if they are well absorbed by the small
intestine because they are completely broken down by the liver. Explain why these drugs
would never reach the general circulation.
The suggested answer is
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