San Mateo Union High School District District Library Plan 2005-2006 Vision San Mateo Union High School District Library Media Centers (LMCs) are an essential force in shaping students to be successful users of information and ideas. Information literate students apply higher order thinking skills in evaluating, selecting and using information. Classroom and library media teachers collaborate to develop curriculum and deliver instruction. Students use technology and resources to pursue learning. There is a full-time library media teacher and necessary support staff in each LMC to manage a state of the art information center. Strong, well-supported Library Media Centers are essential in creating avid and capable readers who will become life-long learners. All Library Media Centers maintain high quality, current collections in a wide range of print and non-print formats. Students and staff find LMCs welcoming, comfortable, and free of physical and intellectual barriers. Teachers, parents, community members and administrative teams support the Library Media Centers’ programs and personnel. New and modernized Library Media Centers, as described in “ Library Media Center Guidelines” (Appendix B) are created and maintained as a realization of this vision. Mission “The mission of the library media program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information. This mission is accomplished: By providing intellectual and physical access to materials in all formats By providing instruction to foster competence and stimulate interest in reading, viewing and using information and ideas By working with other educators to design learning strategies to meet the needs of individual students.” Information Power: Building Partnerships for Learning. American Library Association (1998) p.6 Information Literacy—Goal #1 The library media center program assists all students in learning information literacy, so that students can access information efficiently and effectively, evaluate information critically, and use information accurately and creatively. Library Media Teachers (LMTs) share responsibility with classroom teachers in teaching information literacy skills based on the California School Library Association (CSLA), “Standards and Guidelines for Strong School Libraries” 2004. (See Appendix A) Objectives 1.1 Library Media Teachers (LMTs) teach students information literacy concepts and strategies to access, use, and evaluate print and electronic resources. 1.2 LMTs work with teachers in curricular areas using state and district content standards, school and district ESLRs and CSLA Standards and Guidelines for Strong School Libraries 2004. (Appendix A) 1.3 LMTs collaborate with teachers to foster reading and appreciation for a variety literature. 1.4 LMTs communicate information literacy and research strategies to school stakeholders. Actions 1.1 Library Media Teachers (LMTs) teach students to Identify concepts and create keywords for searching Select resources appropriate in format and content to information needs Use data to support ideas, decision-making and problem solving. Act responsibly and ethically in use of information. Recognize a variety of perspectives 1.2 LMTs In collaboration with classroom teachers, create and present lessons to students based on standards for content and for information literacy. Teach information literacy using a research process. Collaborate with teachers to teach technology skills related to information literacy. 1.3 LMTs Introduce students to literature through book talks and help with individual selection. Participate in Reading is Fundamental (RIF) Federal Program to distribute books to students in support of literacy. Pursue professional development related to young adult literature and literacy. Affirm the joy of reading through book displays, promotions, student book clubs and more. 1.4 LMTs * Introduce information literacy concepts through presentations to parent groups. * Offer updates and library information through newsletter articles. * Create a library web pages accessible to all 24hrs. 7 days. * Plan and deliver staff development on information literacy. Staffing – Goal #2 To have a successful Library Media Center (LMC), it is desirable to have a full-time Library Media Teacher (LMT), a full-time clerical assistant and on-site technical personnel. Only when supported by capable clerical and technical staff who assist in essential daily LMC operations, can the Library Media Teacher fulfill the roles of instructional partner, information specialist, and program administrator. Recent research has shown that school libraries staffed with a full time library media teacher and support staffing contribute to higher student achievement. References: 1) California School Library Association. Standards and Guidelines for Strong School Libraries. Sacramento, 2004. 16-17. 2) Smith. Texas School Libraries: Standards, Resources, and Student Performance. 2001. Objectives 2.1 A full-time Library Media Teacher is at each district comprehensive high school with a Library Coordinator at Peninsula High School. San Mateo Union High School District supports, retains, and recruits quality Library Media Teachers as stated in the District Strategic Plan for staffing. Actions 2.1 LMTs Manage the Library Media Center, plan the program, collaborate with teachers and Library Coordinator at Peninsula HS, and instruct students. Continue to pursue full department head status as department and program managers. 2.2 One full-time or equivalent, library clerk/aide support staff will be at each LMC as stated in the District Technology Plan. 2.2 LMTs Advocate for restoration of full time clerical staffing in all libraries in order to keep the library open during the school day and enable the LMT to concentrate on teaching and collaboration. 2.3 Technical expertise is available to maintain and support technology in the LMC. 2.3 LMTs Work with site technicians and District technology staff to meet technical needs in LMCs. Collaboration - Goal #3 Collaboration between classroom teachers and LMTs brings together specialized knowledge in information resources, curricular design, technology-based resources, content and standards. Partnerships and networks within our schools, District, and community make it possible to share knowledge and resources that enhance students’ learning experiences. Objectives: 3.1 At the site level classroom teachers and LMTs plan instructional units, learning strategies and activities that enable students to master subject content as well as information literacy skills. LMTs collaborate as teachers of staff and teachers, sharing powerful resources that align content with standards that have the potential to transform learning. Actions: 3.1 LMTs Meet with teachers, plan and teach instructional units based on state content standards, Information Literacy Standards, and Expected School-wide Learning Results (ESLRs). Information literacy instruction should be imbedded in curriculum design. Collaborate with Department Heads, Site Councils, and Site Technology teams. Mentor new teachers and participate in school-wide staff development. 3.2 LMTs collaborate at District, community college, community, and state level in order to present a program and instruction that is current and effective. . 3.2 LMTs Maintain local partnerships with middle school, public, and community college librarians. Participate in SMCOE meetings and workshops for librarians. Collaborate with Curricular Councils, Instruction Council, and District Technology teams. Collaborate with librarians at the state level through active membership in California School Library Association, attendance at annual conference, regional meetings and workshops. 3.3 LMTs collaborate with the learning community to foster a positive school climate. 3.3 LMTs Attend on and off site meetings where school climate is discussed. Purchase and display library materials that encourage positive school climate. Prepare booklists, give booktalks and visit school clubs. Consult with School Safety Advocate/School psychologist/ School counselors on media to promote same. Resources - Goal #4 School Library Media Centers are information portals for the school community. The resources of the library media program are developed and evaluated collaboratively to support the school’s curriculum, state standards and to meet the diverse learning needs of students. Learning improves when students have a wide range of resources available through school Library Media Centers. The LMTs thank the District for funding electronic resource subscriptions for the libraries in all the schools this year. Objectives Actions 4.1 LMC resources support standards and curriculum, are 4.1 LMTs selected in response to students’ characteristics and needs, Review curriculum content and standards; assess print, on-line and reflect the full range of formats and topic areas. subscription databases and other non-print materials to support standards. Select materials appropriate for reading levels, curriculum, and recreational reading needs to support development of literacy. Maintain statistics supporting use of and need for print, on-line databases, and other non-print resources. 4.2 Establish a collection development and evaluation 4.2 LMTs process that focuses on regular, collaborative assessment of Use and communicate recently updated district and school resources that support teaching and diverse learning needs. policies and procedures for selection of materials, deselection, and challenged resources. Establish collection development priorities based on need and funding 4.3 Maintain and use a variety of appropriate, up-to-date 4.3 LMTs tools and techniques to locate and select materials. Identify tools and practices used in selection of materials Participate in workshops/conferences to learn about new resources. 4.4 Promote the use of LMC resources. 4.4 LMTs Develop strategies for students, teachers, and administrators to preview new materials and evaluate existing resources. Solicit teacher and student evaluations of resources on a regular basis. Highlight resources and collections in support of curricular topics and projects. Create library webpage to offer access 24 hours 7 days. 4.5 Secure necessary funding for development and support 4.5 LMTs of LMC resources and collections. Seek funding sources to support needed resources. Report information on funding sources. Library Management - Goal #5 Library Media Teachers manage collections, personnel, Library Media Center spaces, and technology resources in an efficient and effective manner. They continue to grow professionally as Library Media Teachers. Objectives 5.1 LMCs use district-wide library circulation and cataloging software to manage library collections. 5.2 LMTs schedule, train, and evaluate personnel, including paraprofessionals, students, and volunteers. Actions 5.1 LMTs Manage automated cataloging and circulation software. Work with on-site technicians to maintain electronic equipment and networks. Support district policies regarding appropriate use of technology resources. 5.2 LMTs Train and evaluate the work of any available staff. Recruit, schedule, and train parent and community volunteers and student aides to help with LMC operations. 5.3 LMTs manage the Library Media Center to create a safe environment that is conducive to learning. 5.2 LMTs Collaborate with plant manager on maintenance and safety issues. Create scheduling system that allows optimal use of LMC for teachers, classes, individual students and others. Consult with building project staff to ensure safety to ensure safety while LMC renovations are being completed. 5.4 LMTs seek and attend professional development opportunities. 5.4 LMTs Network with peers to be aware of available professional development opportunities related to library management. Use district and site resources to attend these opportunities. Facilities - Goal #6 School Library Media Centers are activity-orientated environments that serve all students by providing space, furniture, equipment, up-to-date technology and resources. In order to continue to support the educational goals of our district during a period of renovation and transition into new facilities require special considerations to meet the standards for space utilization and organization as outlined in the Library Center Facility Guidelines (See Appendix B). Objectives Actions 6.1 The LMC is centrally located and is an integral part of 6.1 LMTs the school. Make LMC accessible at Capuchino HS during reconstruction. 6.2 The LMCs provide equitable access to all students. 6.2 LMTs Provide a barrier free environment. 6.3 The LMC’s furnishings, equipment, and physical spaces support student learning, accommodate networked resources and maintain security. 6.3 LMTs Plan with architects and library furnishings’ vendors for optimum use of space to best accommodate students, resources, and personnel. Use existing or transition facilities for best possible accommodation of specific LMC needs. Identify furniture, fixture and equipment needs in remodeled LMC 6.4 Completed LMC facilities are prepared for use. 6.4 LMTs Plan and supervise move-in operations with building project staff and site administrators. Assess problems and unfinished work and communicate these to building project staff and site administrators.