A-Z OF SAFETY DOCUMENTS - Miles Coverdale Primary School









All information contained within this handbook is current and accurate. Please refer to the supporting guidance document for details of specific risk assessments referenced within this handbook.

Ensuring Pupil Safety – a Handbook For Staff



Pupil safety is of the utmost importance at Miles Coverdale Primary School. The governing body works with the leadership team to ensure that staff members are aware of how they can work to improve safety and reduce risk whilst continuing to provide an interesting and informative curriculum to the broad range of children that attend the school.

The school has a wealth of knowledge and a large suite of documents relating to safety and risk. It would be unreasonable to expect all staff members to have a clear overview and understanding of the contents of all documents. Therefore this handbook summarises key points relating to improving safety and reducing risk to pupils at the school and provides appropriate hyperlinks to related documents.

This handbook was implemented in January 2012.

This handbook will be reviewed in January 2015.

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Acceptable use of internet

Accidents, reporting of

Administration of Medicines Policy

Administration of Medicines Risk Assessment

After School Clubs Risk Assessment

Allergies Risk Assessment

Anti Bullying

Arrival and Dismissal of Pupils




Breakfast Club Risk Assessment


Caretaking Duties Risk Assessment

Child Protection – see Safeguarding & Child Protection

Club Providers – uncollected children

Computers in Classes Risk Assessment

Contractors, Management of Policy

Control of Infection Guidelines

Critical Incidents Plan


Designated Teacher

Display Screen Equipment


Early Years Play Risk Assessment

Educational Visits

Electrical Equipment

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Emergency Plan – see Critical Incidents Plan

Events Risk Assessment


Fire Plan

First Aid


Hazardous Substances

Health and Safety and Welfare


ICT Risk Assessment

Inspections of site and equipment

Internet Use – see acceptable use of internet


Looked After Children Policy

Lone Working


Maintenance of equipment

Maintenance of school site

Managing Contractors

Managing Medicines

Manual Handling and Lifting


Office Use Risk Assessment


PE Equipment

Physical Restraints Policy

Playground Safety

Premises Risk Assessment

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Risk Assessments and Risk Register


Safeguarding Children

Safer Recruitment

Security Policy

Site Maintenance


Use of Computer Equipment Risk Assessment


Vehicles on Site Risk Assessment



Working at Height Risk Assessment

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Acceptable Use of Internet

Internet use is a necessary tool for pupil development. Parental consent is required for internet use and pupils are aware that such use is monitored. All staff and adult learners are obliged to sign an e-agreement form yearly. Refer to the Acceptable Use of

Internet Policy .


All accidents are to be recorded in the Accident Report Book in the helper’s room. First

Aid to be administered by appropriate personnel (Susan Gallagher/Jackie Stevens). If there are concerns about the severity of the accident and you consider it may be necessary for the pupil to visit the hospital you should liaise with Miss Baig in the first instance. In the event that Miss Baig is not available you should speak with another member of LMT 1 .

Accidents that are considered to be more serious than an average accident at school are reported to the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham Health & Safety Office.

Such reports are done online via Caroline Collins.

Administration of Medicines

See policy . The school will only accept medication that has been prescribed by a GP, dentist or prescriber. The school will not accept medicines removed from original containers. Containers must include the child’s name, dose and frequency. Details about specific long-term illnesses are included in the policy.

Administration of medicines Risk Assessment

Refer to the supporting risk assessments guidance document (page 3).

After School Clubs Risk Assessment

Refer to the supporting risk assessments guidance document (page 34).

Allergies Risk Assessment

Refer to the supporting risk assessments guidance document (page 36).


See Policy . The Anti-Bullying Policy details symptoms of bullying and procedures to follow. Procedures include reporting to class teacher; if this fails report to phase coordinator; if this fails report to assistant Headteacher or SENCO and if this fails report to


Arrival and Dismissal of Pupils

See procedures . Children to be in the school at 8.50 a.m. School starts at 09:00.

Children must not stay in the staff car park area. Parents must provide the school with

1 List of LMT members can be found at the end of this document in the FAQ.

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Ensuring Pupil Safety – a Handbook For Staff the name of the person that will be collecting the child. If this changes the parents are responsible for informing the school. If a child is collected by somebody that the teacher does not recognise the child and collector must go to the school office for security checks. School ends at 3.15 pm.


See Asbestos Survey Report which provides a summary of all asbestos-containing materials found in the school. Where any building works are carried out contractors will be provided with a copy of the report or will conduct their own survey. Refer to the supporting risk assessments guidance document (page 5).


See Attendance Policy . Children are expected to attend school regularly. If a child is absent and the parent has not contacted the school the office will telephone the parents/carers of the child. School attendance team meet weekly to monitor the attendance figures and strategies are in place to reduce absence figures and work with families whose child(ren) is/are persistently absent 2 .

Breakfast Club

Refer to the supporting risk assessments guidance document (page 32). The breakfast club is in place to facilitate working parents and it runs from 08:00. It is managed by two qualified play-workers. The fee is £2.00 per day.

Caretaking Duties

Refer to the supporting risk assessments guidance document (page 6).


Child Protection

Refer to Safeguarding section.

Club Providers – uncollected children

See Club Providers Policy . Where a child is late being collected the after school club provider will wait with the child. If the child has not been collected ten minutes after the club finishes a member of staff will be contacted and will wait with the child. A child must not be allowed to leave with an unauthorised person.

Computers in classes

Refer to the supporting risk assessments guidance document (pages 10, 38 and 40).

Staff to monitor computer useage.

Contractors in School

2 Persistent absence is deemed as being 85% or more

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All works carried out at Miles Coverdale Primary School are done through a reputable company. Where contractors attend site they are required to provide proof of identity at the main office. Although most contractors are accompanied there will be occasions when the contractors need to be alone to complete the work. In this instance staff are reminded that pupils should not engage in conversation with the contractors and, where possible, pupils should refrain from the area in which the contractor(s) is/are working.

Refer to the Contractors Policy . Refer to the supporting risk assessments guidance document (page 12).

Control of Infection Guidelines

The Control of Infection Guidelines lists potential infectious diseases and identifies procedures that are to be followed in the event of exposure to infectious diseases. All staff and pupils should ensure that they adhere to basic hygiene to limit infection risk.

Critical Incidents Plan

A critical incident may be a physical incident or psychological trauma which has severe impact on pupils, staff, parents, governors. This includes, but is not limited to, the death of a member of staff, pupil, family member; abduction; natural disaster; major fire or flood; building collapse. The Leadership & Management Team of Miles Coverdale

Primary School is committed to ensuring business continuity in the event that a major incident occurs. A Critical Incidents Plan outlines the procedures that will take place in the event of a critical incident occurring. This plan is currently being written and will be accessible to all staff on the shared network following completion and approval.

Designated Teacher

The designated teacher is the identified teacher responsible for safeguarding within the school. The designated teacher at Miles Coverdale Primary School is Anna Nou. It is imperative that in the event of a safeguarding concern being reported to Anna Nou it should also be reported to the Headteacher.

Display Screen Equipment

Computers and equipment can be associated with neck, back, shoulder or arm pain as well as fatigue and eye strain. Regulations are in place to protect workers and online guidance stipulates specific precautions. The guidance is available at http://www.hse.gov.uk/msd/dse/ Refer to the supporting risk assessments guidance document (page 10).

Early Years Play Risk Assessment

Refer to the supporting risk assessments guidance document (page 16).

Educational Visits

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Refer to school policy . Off-site activities are as important to pupil development as those carried out in school. Staff should ensure that sufficient off-site activities take place in consultation with the Headteacher. Before any off-site activities take place the class teacher/visit leader is responsible for ensuring that a risk assessment is conducted. It is important that staff adhere to the model Educational Visits Risk Assessment and supporting guidance .

Electrical Equipment

All organisations, including schools, are statutorily responsible for ensuring that electrical equipment is safe for use. Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) is carried out annually on all electrical equipment. Miles Coverdale Primary School uses a reputable company and testing takes place in August every year. Refer to the supporting risk assessments guidance document (page 19).

Emergency Plan

Refer to Critical Incidents .

Events at School

Compliance with health and safety needs to be followed during events in school. Refer to the supporting risk assessments guidance document (page 21).

Fire Plan

Staff should be familiar with the fire emergency plan to ensure that evacuation happens

quickly and smoothly. Staff should follow fire routes to KS2 playground and all classroom teachers are responsible for taking a roll call and reporting to the

Headteacher and/or School Business Manager. All staff should use the ticking in register on the front office desk when they arrive and leave so that emergency services are not asked to look for missing staff.

First Aid

A list of qualified first-aid staff is available in the front office. Most support staff are qualified. In the event of an accident a first-aid qualified member of staff should be sought immediately. A decision will be made based on initial assessment of the pupil and relevant first-aid administered in the Helpers Room. In the event of a serious injury or head injury the first-aider should make a decision about whether an ambulance is required and, if so, the emergency services must be contacted and the parent/carer contacted immediately.

If the first-aider believes the pupil should be sent home the Headteacher should be contacted to assess if the decision is appropriate. In the event that the Headteacher is absent another member of the Leadership & Management Team (should be referred to.

Hazardous Substances

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The Site Manager has responsibility for cleaning and maintenance products that may be hazardous to health are assessed before use. The Hazardous Substances section of the

Health & Safety Policy gives details about storage and use.

Health and Safety and Welfare

All staff at Miles Coverdale Primary School are responsible for ensuring pupils, staff and visitors remain safe whilst on site. In the case of pupils all staff remain responsible for their health and safety during off-site activities. If any member of staff has concerns about any aspect of health and safety or welfare within Miles Coverdale Primary School it must be reported to Phil Rampling, Caroline Collins or Tara Baig.

ICT Risk Assessment

Refer to the supporting risk assessments guidance document (pages10, 38 and 40).

Inspections of Site and Equipment

Phil Rampling and Caroline Collins inspect the school site termly as a method for identifying any hazards. Electrical equipment is tested annually and wiring is tested five yearly. PE and outdoor equipment is also tested by an external organisation annually and is tested termly by Phil Rampling. All staff are responsible for informing Phil

Rampling about any concerns they have in terms of equipment or site hazards.

Internet Use

See Acceptable Use of Internet .

Looked After Children Policy

The designated teacher at Miles Coverdale Primary School is Anna Nou. Anna is an advocate for looked after children (LAC) and complies with the Policy on LAC . Guidance on working with LAC is available in the policy. All staff are responsible for familiarising themselves with the policy and for liaising with Anna Nou about any matters relating to


Lone Working

Lone workers are identified as anyone working by themselves without close or direct supervision. This applies to teachers and other members of staff who work after school or during holidays. The Health & Safety Policy contains information for staff on procedures relating to lone working and includes instructions that any member of staff working alone must inform the Headteacher and Site Manager of their location and intended time of departure.

Maintenance of Equipment

See Inspections for information on equipment maintenance.

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Maintenance of School Site

The site is inspected termly by Phil Rampling and Caroline Collins. In consultation with

Tara Baig areas of the school requiring maintenance and/or refurbishment/redecoration are identified. It is the intention of the School Business Manager to, wherever possible, plan maintenance/refurbishment one financial year in advance. Any member of staff that has a concern or request in terms of site maintenance/improvements should see

Caroline Collins or Tara Baig in the first instance.

Managing Contractors

See Contractors .

Managing Medicines

See Administration of Medicines .

Manual Handling and Lifting

No member of staff should attempt to lift or move any heavy items and should seek assistance from the site manager. Where any significant manual handling tasks need to take place a risk assessment will be carried out. Please see the Health & Safety Policy for more information.

Office Use Risk Assessment

Refer to the supporting risk assessments guidance document (page 24). All staff members should familiarise themselves with the Risk Assessment prior to using equipment.

P.E Equipment

Equipment is inspected regularly and findings reported to Site Manager, School Business

Manager and Headteacher. Refer to the Inspections section for details of when

inspections take place.

Physical Restraints Policy

Section 550a of the Education Act 1996 establishes the responsibility of teachers and other staff who have lawful charge of pupils with regard to the application of reasonable force. There is no legal definition for the term reasonable force and at Miles Coverdale

Primary School the use of force is regarded as reasonable only if the circumstances warrant it. Staff must familiarise themselves with the Physical Restraints Policy which gives clear guidance on staff’s responsibilities and how to report an incident.

Playground Safety

Playground equipment is inspected termly by Phil Rampling and annually by external contractors. Pupils are to remain in the playground during playtimes and the relevant staff members on duty are responsible for overseeing health and safety at those times.

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Premises Risk Assessment

Refer to the supporting risk assessments guidance document (page 26). Staff members are responsible for familiarising themselves with such hazards and for reporting any hazards to the Site Manager.

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Risk Assessments & Risk Register

Risk assessments for Miles Coverdale Primary School along with the risk register are available in supporting risk assessments guidance document . Off-site activities risk assessment is available from within the trips outings folder of the shared network drive.

Safeguarding Children

Miles Coverdale is committed to providing its pupils with a safe environment. The

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy stipulates that every member of staff has responsibility for reporting suspected abuse and for ensuring the safety and well-being of pupils in the school. The designated teacher at Miles Coverdale Primary School is

Anna Nou. Other policies in the school that incorporate elements of safeguarding are

Safeguarding Legal Framework ; Acceptable Use of Internet ; Anti-Bullying ; Arrival &

Dismissal of Pupils ; Attendance ; Club Providers – Uncollected Children ; Fire Plan ; Looked

After Children ; Physical Restraint ; Safeguarding, Every Child Matters ; Safeguarding,

Ofsted Inspector Guidance ; Safer Recruitment ; Security ; Health & Safety ; Administration of Medicines .

Safer Recruitment

School leaders have a statutory obligation to ensure that the staff they employ will not put the pupils at risk. At least one member of the recruitment panel should be trained in safer recruitment. Any staff member employed will immediately be checked against the List 99 which identifies anybody prohibited from working with children. All new members of staff will be required to undertake an enhanced CRB check and will undertake an induction programme which will include safeguarding policies and procedures. See the Safer Recruitment Policy .

Security Policy

All staff are responsible for contributing to ensuring that the school site remains safe and secure. The door combination code shall not be shared with anybody not

employed to work at the school (this includes pupils and parents). In the event that this combination becomes known to any other persons the code shall be changed immediately. All visitors are required to sign in and wear a visitor badge during their time in the school. School staff should remain vigilant and challenge any unknown person(s) in the school with no visitor badge.

The school gate shall remain locked during school time and the Headteacher must be made aware of any concerns that staff members have about site security.

Site Maintenance

Security of the school site is the responsibility of the Site Manager. In the event that an intruder becomes aggressive assistance should be sought. Key pad numbers are changed regularly. More information is available in the Health & Safety Policy .

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Use of Computer Equipment Risk Assessment

Refer to the supporting risk assessments guidance document (pages 10, 38 and 40).

Vehicles on Site Risk Assessment

Staff must not enter or exit the school car park during peak pedestrian times (between

8.30-9.15 and 3.00-3.45). The car park can be a hazardous area and staff are asked to show extreme caution when using the car park. Refer to the supporting risk assessments guidance document (page 28).


Visitors to the school are required to complete the visitors book and wear a visitors

badge at all times. Please refer to the Security section .

Working at Height

Where staff members wish to hang displays or decorations at a height they must use a step stool or ladder. Standing on desks, chairs or other furniture is not permitted. The

Site Manager is responsible for purchasing ladders and all ladders comply with BS/EN standards. Refer to the Working at Height section of the Health & Safety Policy .

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Frequently Asked Questions

If I have concerns about health and safety at school what should I do?

In the first instance you should liaise with Phil Rampling, Caroline Collins or Tara Baig. If you wish to report an item that needs repair or inspection please inform Phil Rampling.

How does the governing body monitor health & safety?

There is a Premises Committee and reports on health & safety are provided to the committee which in turn informs the governing body. Gary Sampson is the Health &

Safety governor.

How can I be sure I am complying with all the requirements?

Keep this useful guide with you and use the shared network to access relevant documents. If you are in doubt see Tara Baig or Caroline Collins.

If I have concerns about an individual pupil’s safety what do I do?

Speak to Anna Nou or Tara Baig.

If a pupil has an accident what do I do?

Take the child to the Helpers Room on the ground floor and send for help from a qualified first-aider. Most support staff are qualified but if in doubt speak to Jackie

Stevens or Susan Gallagher.

If a child needs to leave the school due to sickness or an accident, what do I do?

You must firstly ensure Tara Baig knows or, in Tara’s absence, another member of LMT.

Who and what is LMT?

LMT is the Leadership & Management Team and it comprises:

 Tara Baig

 Nettie Peakes

 Barbara Graham

 Anna Nou

 Caroline Collins

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The purpose of this Plan is:

To ensure that people occupying Miles Coverdale Primary School know what to do in the event of a fire

To ensure that all people within Miles Coverdale Primary School, including members of the public, temporary staff and visitors are safely evacuated in the event of a fire

To form a basis for the training of staff

The School Business Manager will review the Plan at least annually or sooner if the need arises.

The Plan will be made available to employees and their representatives.


Fire Notices are prominently displayed at key point’s throughout Miles Coverdale Primary School.

These detail the action to be taken by person(s) who discover a fire. The procedure is as follows:

Raise the alarm by alerting those near by and by operating the nearest red fire call point/break glass

Leave the building by the nearest exit

Report to the assembly point(s) located in KS2 playground

Do not stop to collect personal belongings

Do not re-enter the building until you are told it is safe to do so


Manual call points are positioned around the building and are appropriately signed.

The alarm is a siren which is easily recognisable from playtime bell and intruder alarm.

The main alarm panel is located XXXXX and is linked to a remote call centre (where applicable).

The alarm will be tested by the Site Manager every week.

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The alarm will be initiated from different call points each week to ensure their correct functioning.

An appropriate record of the tests will be kept.


The premises fire alarm system is connected to a remote call service. If smoke or heat detectors are activated or if a break glass call point is activated, the fire service will automatically be summoned. ( Only use where applicable )

In all circumstances when the fire alarm system is actuated the School Business Manager will be responsible for calling the fire brigade.


On hearing the evacuation signal, all staff, pupils and visitors will evacuate the premises calmly and in an orderly manner. All teachers in control of a class will:

Commence the evacuation of children in an orderly way

Lead children from the premises by the nearest safe route

Proceed to the assembly point

Carry out the roll call procedure

Notify the School Business Managerof any persons unaccounted for

Ensure children remain at the assembly point

Await further instruction from:

On hearing the evacuation signal:

School Registers will be collected by: Jackie Stevens

School visitors book will be collected by: Caroline Collins

 Children’s medications will be collected by: Jackie Stevens

The nominated first aid person is: Jackie Stevens

On hearing the evacuation signal, the following staff will shut-down plant or equipment detailed:

Plant or Equipment Name





On hearing the evacuation signal, all other staff and visitors will:

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Proceed to the assembly point

Notify Caroline Collins of any persons unaccounted for

Await further instruction from:

All visitors to the premises will be briefed on the evacuation procedures and will be required to sign in when attending the establishment.

Any individual with mobility difficulties will be identified and an appropriate ‘Personal

Emergency Evacuation Plan’ will be developed.









3) 3) 3)


All key escape routes are identified by use of appropriate signage, through induction training and undertaking of fire drills.

All escape routes are kept clear of obstruction and are inspected on a regular basis to ensure that they remain clear and to ensure that signage is in good condition.


All staff are instructed that they should not attempt to use fire extinguishers unless they are specifically trained and it is safe to use extinguishers.


Assembly points are located as highlighted on the attached plan


The roll call procedures are that each teacher shall call the register for his/her class.

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The person responsible for liaising with the fire service will be Caroline Collins.

Details of the premises and any hazardous substances are kept in the Site Manager’s office. These will be collected by Phil Rampling and given to the fire service.


Staff in charge of breakfast clubs will take the following action:

Follow the above procedure


Staff in charge of extended services will take the following action:

Follow the above procedure


The manager/Head Teacher will ensure that the contents of this emergency plan are communicated as part of the staff induction, which is held on the arrival of new or temporary members of staff.

At induction employees and temporary staff will tour the building and be shown the location of fire fighting equipment, alarm call points and emergency exits. It should be made clear to them that emergency escape routes and doors are not no be blocked or inhibited in any way. They should be clearly informed of, and where required practised in any other specific responsibilities they may have in relation to the fire arrangements.

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