Pills, Potions and Plagues Key understanding(s): Cultural interaction impacts on cultures and societies. The way people mange resources has impacts for environmental and social sustainability. KEY COMPETENCIES (to foreground): Thinking, Participating and contributing Lesson 1: Key Words Lesson 3: The World is Flat Lesson 5: Social Organisation Lesson 7: The Plague is Here! Lesson 9: Crazy Cures Lesson 11: Scapegoats: 2 Lesson 13: Impacts of the Plague: 2 Lesson 15: Where did the Plague go? Lesson 17: Impact of the Flu Epidemic Lesson 19: In the future 1: Bird flu Lesson 21: Assignment Lesson 23: Assignment Lesson 2: Timeline: The Middle Ages Lesson 4: Life in the Middle Ages Lesson 6: The Plague is coming! Lesson 8: Punishment From God Lesson 10: Scapegoats: 1 Lesson 12: Impacts of the Plague: 1 Lesson 14: What do I know about the Plague? Lesson 16: 1918 Lesson 18: Other Epidemics Lesson 20: In the future 2: Bird flu Lesson 22: Assignment Lesson 24: Test Key Words LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Understanding some of the key words that we will hear and use in this topic. LITERACY FOCUS: Picture Dictation, Glossary Terms RESOURCES: Word Sheet, Teacher’s Resource, the Normans Conquer Britain Picture Dictation LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Complete the word chart of key words. 2. Copy correct answers into ‘Meaning’ box. 3. Use 1 whole pg. to draw a table of 18 squares (9 rows x 2). Listen to your teacher! Down the left hand side, draw or illustrate the idea you hear read out. You may use numbers, symbols, pictures, one key word but no writing. You can use the names of people and dates. Timeline: The Middle Ages LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Understanding when the Middle Ages were in reference to world history LITERACY FOCUS: Timelines, skim and scan, pre-reading RESOURCES: The Middle Rages, ‘Where the Black Death fits in to History’ handout LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Copy the following into your notes: The period from 1066 to 1485 is called the Middle Ages. It begins when William of Normandy conquered England and ends at the Battle of Bosworth when a new family, the Tudors, defeated the last Saxon king. The Middle Ages is a distinctive period of time in world history. 2. Put the following into chronological order to show where the Middle Ages fit in: Celtic – Pre A.D; Industrial Revolution 1800-1900; Roman 0-500; Middle Ages 1000-1500; Modern Age 1900 - ; Anglo Saxon 700-900; Tudor & Stewart 1500-1700; Dark Ages 500-600. 3. Read the handout ‘The Middle Rages’. 4. Paste in the handout ‘Where the Black Death fits in to History’. 5. Colour code the timeline the following way: Red – exploration and travel, blue – loss of life, green – religion, yellow – fighting, orange – political The World is Flat LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Have knowledge of the areas of the world that were known in the Middle Ages. LITERACY FOCUS: Map reading, scanning RESOURCES: Map, Atlas Epidemics Through Time LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Paste in the map of Europe. Using an Atlas and pg. 10 of Epidemics through time, complete the activity. 2. Complete the following activity and answer the questions: A) These places were also important at the time of the Black Death. Add them to your map. Bordeaux, Bristol, Crimea, Durham, Lyon, Marseilles, Messina, Montpellier, Seville, Siena B) In October 1347 trading ships belonging to Genoa sailed homewards from a port in Crimea where they had a trading post. If the ships sailed directly to Messina, would they have passed Constantinople or Rome? C) Why do you think places such as Genoa, Palermo, Tunis and Marseilles be spreading points for the Black Death? D) The Black Death spread north up a river to Avignon where the Pope lived. On which river would it have travelled? E) In the summer of 1348 the Black Death went from Normandy into southern England. What did it have to cross to get there? F) In the summer of 1348 the Black Death also went north from Italy into Switzerland. What did it have to cross to get there? Life in the Middle Ages LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Understand how people in the Middle Ages lived. LITERACY FOCUS: Skimming and Scanning, Reading historical pictures RESOURCES: Epidemics Through Time, ‘How Society was Organised’ handout, ‘Vile Village Life’ handout LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Look at the pictures on pg. 6-7 of Epidemics Through Time. Make up a caption for each picture. 2. Read the story ‘How Society was Organised’. Copy the following chart into your notes and complete it. Opinion / Fact A Piece of Supporting Evidence From the Text Once an infectious disease got inside a town or village, it spread quickly. If disease killed large numbers of peasants, society would be disorganised. The church was a powerful force in the lives of medieval people 3. Read the handout ‘Vile Village Life’. 4. Read ‘Important Medieval Inventions’ on pg. 5 of Epidemics Through Time. Use this as your heading and sketch each of the five inventions. Social Organisation in the Middle Ages LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Understand how the feudal system worked and the main aspects of it. LITERACY FOCUS: Skimming and scanning, pre-reading. RESOURCES: The Feudal System, The Feudal System handout, Feudal diagram and word search. LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Copy the following into your books: The Feudal System is the name of the way societies were organised in the Middle Ages. It determined how resources were distributed. 2. Read the handout ‘The Feudal System’. 3. Copy the ‘Feudal System’ OH into your books. 4. Paste ‘Feudal System’ diagram into notes. 5. Complete the ‘Feudal Word Search’ The Plague is Coming! LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Have knowledge of how the plague/Black Death made its way to Europe. LITERACY FOCUS: Skimming and scanning RESOURCES: Epidemics through Time, ‘Rat and Flea Combination’ handout, Rat, ‘The Port of Death’ handout. LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Read pg. 11 of Epidemics Through Time. 2. Read the handout ‘The Rat and Flea Combination’. 3. Complete the activity from the OH. 4. Read the handout ‘The Port of Death’. The Plague is Here! LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Understand how the Black Death affected medieval life. LITERACY FOCUS: Skimming and scanning, graphic organizing. RESOURCES: Power Point Presentation ‘The Black Death’, Worksheet, Storyboard LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Watch the Power Point ‘The Black Death’. Fill in the worksheet as you go. Paste into your books. 2. Complete ‘The Black Death Storyboard’. Paste into your books. A Punishment from God LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Have knowledge of how medieval people explained the Black Death LITERACY FOCUS: Mindmapping, skimming and scanning RESOURCES: ‘The Unscientific State of Medicine in 1347’ handout, ‘Causes’ handout, ‘Kim’s Speech’ handout LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Copy the following into your notes: Very little was known about the plague in the Middle Ages. People thought that it must be a punishment from god. 2. Read the handout ‘The Unscientific State of Medicine in 1347’. 3. Create a star diagram of what people in 1347 thought caused the Black Death. Use the handout to cut out the answers. 4. Read the article ‘Kim’s Speech on the Black Death’. Carry out the activity. Crazy Cures LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Understand the ways in which people tried to cure themselves of the Black Death. LITERACY FOCUS: Pre-reading, Skimming and Scanning, Inferences. RESOURCES: ‘King Charles II’s Plague Medicine’ handout, Epidemics Through Time LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Copy the following into your notes: People in the Middle Ages did not know about bacteria or the antibiotics needed to control them. Therefore, many of the ways people attempted to cure themselves of the Plague seem very strange to us! 2. Read pg. 16 of Epidemics through time. 3. Identify methods of dealing with the plague that might be contradictory. Write these in your notes. 4. Find methods that could come under the heading of Purification of the Air. Write these in your books. 5. Answer questions 3 & 4 on pg. 17 of Epidemics Through Time. 6. Read about ‘The Flagellants’ on pg. 17. 7. Complete the activity ‘King Charles II’s Plague Medicine’. Scapegoats: 1 LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Understand what groups of people were targeted and blamed for the plague. LITERACY FOCUS: Pre-reading, skimming, inferences Resources: Epidemics Through Time LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Copy the following into your books: A scapegoat is a person or group that is blamed for something. In the Middle Ages, people believed God was punishing them by sending the Black Death. But they could not attack God. So they looked around for somebody else they could blame and attack. The Jews were an obvious target because they were different in many ways to Christians. 2. Read pg. 20 of Epidemics through time. 3. Draw a Star of David in the middle of your page. For each point of the star, choose one reason why Jews were different from Christians from pg. 21 of Epidemics through time. Write the reason at the point of your star. 4. Write a paragraph that answers the following question: Q. Why did Pope Clement VI believe the Jews were not responsible for the plague? Scapegoats: 2 LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Understand what groups of people were targeted and blamed for the plague. LITERACY FOCUS: Pre-reading, Skimming, Inferences RESOURCES: Witches Power Point, Blackadder Video LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Watch the Witches Power Point. Complete the worksheet as you go. 2. Watch the video showing a witch trial. Impacts of the Plague: 1 LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Understand the impact the Black Plague had on Medieval society. LITERACY FOCUS: Drawing inferences, prediction RESOURCES: Epidemics Through Time LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Copy the following into your notes: The Black Death caused a lot of disruption to Feudal Life. Effect on the Church Large numbers of priests died after administering ‘last rites’. Many monasteries were completely wiped out. The power of the church was weakened. Effect on Jews Society blamed Jews for the Plague and demanded a blood sacrifice. Pogroms (massacres) took place throughout Europe. 2. Read the Primary Evidence on pgs. 18-19 of Epidemics Through Time. 3. Use the Primary Evidence to write a sentence on the following aspects of life in the Middle Ages. Effect on Families Effect on Society Effect on the Economy 4. Write a journal entry on what life would be like if you were living in the Middle Ages during the Plague or Draw a picture of life during the Middle Ages when the plague had hit. Impacts of the Plague: 2 LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Understand how the Black Death changed people’s lives through picture dictation. LITERACY FOCUS: Picture dictation, drawing inferences. RESOURCES: Epidemics Through Time, Peasants Revolt Picture Dictation LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Use 1 whole pg. to draw a table of 12 squares. Listen to your teacher! Draw or illustrate the idea you hear read out. You may use numbers, symbols, pictures, one key word but no writing. You can use the names of people and dates. When you have finished, go back and use your picture to write a statement. 2. Read pgs. 22-23 of Epidemics Through Time. 3. Answer questions 1-10 on pg. 23 of Epidemics Through Time. What do I know about the Plague? LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate knowledge of the Black Death. LITERACY FOCUS: Drawing inferences, skimming and scanning. RESOURCES: The Black Death – Common Sense or Silly Superstition OH, Multi Choice questions, Plague crossword LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Draw two columns in your book. Head one up Common Sense, the other Silly Superstition. Common Sense Silly Superstition 2. From the OH, copy each box into the correct column. 3. Answer the Multi-choice questions on the Black Death. 4. Complete the Plague Crossword. Where did the Plague Go? LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Understand the different ways in which the plague still exists. LITERACY FOCUS: Skimming and scanning, drawing inferences, Pre-reading, predicting. RESOURCES: Epidemics Through Time, Plague in India handout. LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Read pg. 24 of Epidemics Through Time. 2. Complete the activity on pg. 24 3. Read pg. 25 of Epidemics Through Time. 4. Read the handout ‘Plague in India’. Complete the activity. 1918! LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Understand how the 1918 Pandemic affected New Zealand LITERACY FOCUS: Skimming and scanning, cartoon interpretation RESOURCES: Epidemics Through Time, ‘New Zealand’s Natural Disasters’ handout, Influenza Power Point Presentation and worksheet. LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Read pg. 27 of Epidemics Through Time 2. Carry out the activity on ‘New Zealand’s Natural Disasters’ handout. 3. Watch the ‘Influenza’ Power Point. Fill in the worksheet as you go. Impact of the 1918 Flu Epidemic LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Understand how the 1918 Pandemic affected New Zealand. LITERACY FOCUS: Building computer literacy, skimming and scanning RESOURCES: Epidemics Through Time, Laptops, Research sheet, Events handout. LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Read pg. 29 of Epidemics Through Time. 2. Carry out an Internet Search. Read the instructions on your sheet and fill in the required information. 3. EXTENSION: Attempt to put the events of the Influenza Epidemic in New Zealand into their correct order. Other Epidemics LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Understand knowledge of other epidemics around the world. LITERACY FOCUS: Skimming and scanning, drawing inferences. RESOURCES: Epidemics Through Time LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Read pg. 31 of Epidemics Through Time 2. Find the words in the Ebola story on pg. 31 that mean: a) brought in illegally b) people with magical powers c) place for dead people d) chemical to destroy bacteria e) stopping of communications f) among countries g) time before disease appears h) puts in or takes out body fluids 3. Read pg. 30 of Epidemics Through Time 4. Complete the activity at the bottom of pg. 30 In the Future: Bird flu? LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Demonstrate understanding of Bird-flu. LITERACY OBJECTIVE: Drawing inferences, pre reading, predicting. RESOURCES: A3 sheets, ‘NZ Connection in British bird-flu’ handout, ‘World Health Organization’ handout LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Read the handout ‘NZ Connection in British bird-flu’. 2. In groups of 3, come up with your own 5Ws and H to find out more about the bird flu: Who What Where When Why How 3. Write your questions on the correct A3 sheet eg. write your why question on the sheet headed WHY? 4. In your groups take one of the A3 sheets. Read through the articles provided and see if you can find the answers to the questions. 5. Report your findings back to the class. In the future: Bird flu 2 LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Understand how New Zealand could be affected by a Birdflu. LITERACY OBJECTIVE: Pre-reading, prediction, drawing inferences. RESOURCES: ‘Bird flu no threat’ handout, Key Dates OH, ‘How to prepare…’ handout LEARNING ACTIVITIES: 1. Read the ‘Bird flu no threat’ handout. 2. Put the ‘Key dates in the spread of bird flu’ into a timeline. 3. Read the handout ‘How to prepare..’ 4. In your books, draw a Survival kit of 10 items you would choose from the list. 5. Write a paragraph on why you selected these particular items over others.