Syllabus MGT 103 - Small Business Management Fall 2010 – Online Class 3 credits INSTRUCTOR: Judy Emerson OFFICE: Small Business Development Center 723 Railroad Street Elko – By Appointment PHONE: 775-753-2245 FAX: 775-753-2242 E-MAIL: TEXT: Small Business Management, 15th Edition, Longenecker, Moore, Petty – ISBN 0-32482783-0 Suggested Additional Readings: The Wall Street Journal; Inc. Magazine; Entrepreneur Useful Web Sites:;;;;;;;;;; Description: Environment and management of the small business enterprise, problems in initiating the business, financial and administrative control, marketing programs, and policies, management of business operations, legal and governmental relationships. Objectives: 1. To provide students with an introduction to small business management and its basic fundamentals. 2. To give students an opportunity to acquire skills in identifying and analyzing business problems in marketing, management and finance. Outcomes: Students will demonstrate and apply this gained knowledge through the use of exams, the analysis and discussion of case studies, and the development of a business plan. Attendance: This course is being offered “online”. It is not a self-paced course. It is important to keep up with the scheduled assignments. If you are not going to be participating in the class for any length of time (vacation, travel for work, family problems, etc) please let me know in advance. Anyone not in communication with me for any two week period (without prior approval) will be dropped from the class and an F grade will be recorded, unless you have officially dropped the class through Admissions and Records. Assignments: There are 10 assigned cases that correspond with the specific chapter for the day. You are required to read the case and answer the case end questions by the due date shown on the Schedule. You are also required to respond and comment on at least one other student’s case (let’s keep it cordial, please!) by the date following the due date of the case (i.e.: if the case is due February 3 your response would be posted by February 4). It doesn’t need to be lengthy, but let’s be constructive with the comments. Your case answers will be posted to the Discussion Board section of Web Campus. The Discussion Board provides a good opportunity to ask any questions you may have regarding the cases, as well. Each case is worth 10 points – 5 points for your case answers and 5 points for comments/discussion. Business Plan: You will be asked to write a business plan for this class. You may use a business with which you are already involved, one that you hope to start some day, or just a business idea you are interested in. It is important to remember that there is not one right way to write a business plan. You just need to have the relevant information covered. You may use a purchased business plan program if you like, such as BusinessPlanPro, but remember to use it only as a guide (and for the great graphs!), so your plan doesn’t sound “canned”. You will find business plan outlines on the NSBDC, SBA, SCORE, and Microsoft websites, and also in the textbook. In an effort to keep you from waiting until the last minute to start your plan, I am requiring you to turn in drafts of various sections of the plan at different times during the semester (refer to the syllabus). This gives me an opportunity to make sure you are on track and for you to get questions answered as you go along, rather than trying to write the entire plan all at one time. It does take some time to do research, and by preparing the plan in sections, it is not SO overwhelming! Exams: There will be three exams. The final exam will not be comprehensive. Each exam will have a number of true/false, multiple-choice, and short answer questions covering the material from the preceding chapters. Grading: 3 Exams (100 points each) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Business Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cases/Bulletin Board discussion . . . . . . . . . . . Total 300 Points 200 Points 100 Points 600 Points Final grades will be: A, B, C, D, F or W The grade W will only be given for officially withdrawing from the class by the 13th week. It is your responsibility to withdraw from a course. Remaining grades will be assigned on the following point scale: A 600-540 Points B 539-480 Points C 479-420 Points D 419-360 Points F 359-0 Points Any student needing assistance outside of class should consult with the instructor for an appropriate time. Schedule: Date Due August 31 September 3 September 7 September 10 Introduction and Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Assignment Due Turn In Assignment Firewire Surfboards; Pg. 628 Business Plan Topic Discussions Assignments September 14 September 17 September 21 September 24 September 28 October 1 Oct 8, midnight October 12 October 15 October 19 October 22 October 26 November 2 November 5 Nov 12, midnight November 16 November 19 November 23 November 30 December 3 December 7 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 TEST 1 – Chapters 1-10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 TEST 2 – Chapters 11-17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 December 7 Dec 14, midnight BUSINESS PLANS DUE TEST 3 – Chapters 18-23 W.S. Darley & Co; Pg. 632 Business Description Section Benjapon’s; Pg. 634 Discussions Assignments Discussions Le Travel Store; Pg. 641 Marketing Plan Section Management/Personnel My Own Money; Pg. 649 Discussions Assignments Assessments Assignments Discussions Operational Plan Section Country Supply; Pg. 656 Assignments Discussions Glidden Point Oyster; Pg. 660 Start-up Cost Estimate Diamond Wipes; Pg. 664 Financial Projections Salary Envy; Pg. 666 Discussions Assessments Assignments Discussions Assignments Discussions Pearson Air; Pg. 669 Discussions Assignments Assessments This schedule is also included in the Web Campus calendar, so take a look at that from time to time. The instructor reserves the right to modify the course requirements, assignments, grading procedures, and other related policies as circumstances may dictate. I have included addresses to several web sites on this syllabus. Especially good is the site that accompanies the Longenecker textbook. It includes links to a variety of sites that correspond with each of the chapters, so I suggest you access that site often.