DESIGN SEMINAR CIS 495 Fall 2003 T Th, 12:10-1:30 pm, 213 Instructor: Kiumi Akingbehin, Ph.D Phone: 313-436-9144(Office) Home: 248-443-0829 E-mail: Office: 2221 EC Office Hours: Tuesday 1:30-2:30 pm, Thursdays 1:30-2:30 pm, Additional hours M-F, by appointment Catalog Description Students participate in the design and implementation of a major software project. Seminar topics discussed include computing ethics, professional practice, and contemporary societal issues in computing. Course Objectives This is a capstone course in which students utilize several of the skills acquired in previous CIS courses, especially software engineering skills. Emphasis is placed on software analysis and design, team work, and communication skills. Students work in teams on real-life software projects form conception to delivery. Required Text: 1. Shellenberg, k. Editor), “Computers in Society”, 8th Edition, Dushkin/McgrawHill, 2000. 2. Pressman, S.R., “Classical and Object Oriented Software Engineering”, 4th Edition McGraw-Hill, 2001. Recommended/Optional Text: 1. Schach, S.R., “Classical and Object-Oriented Software Engineering”, 4th Edition McGraw-Hill, 1999. Weekly Course Syllabus Week Discussion Topics, Assignment Reports 9/6 Overview of course Project Selection and Team Formation 9/11 Project Selection and Team Formation (cont’d) Group Meetings 9/18 Team Formation Group Meetings 9/25 Preliminary Project Management Plan (prePMP) due Selected Topics 10/2 Group Meetings Selected Topics 10/9 10/16 10/23 10/30 11/6 11/13 11/20 Requirements Document and Presentation due Selected Topics Group Meetings Selected Topics Project Management Plan (PMP) and Presentation due Selected Topics Group Meetings Selected Topics Group Meetings Selected Topics Design Document and Presentation due Selected Topics Group Meetings Selected Topics Thanksgiving Holiday – Thursday 11/22/01 to Sunday 11/25/01 (No classes) 11/27 SQA/Test plans and Presentation due Selected Topics 12/4 Group Meetings Selected Topics 12/11 Project Demonstrations/Presentations Final Reports due Team Evaluations Last class is on Tuesday 12/11/01. Final exam is scheduled for Tuesday 12/18/01, 8-11am. Since there is no final examination, this time slot will be used for additional project demonstrations and presentations. Grading Selected Topics-------------------------------15 Written Reports and Presentations---------40 Project Demo/Presentation------------------25 Final Project Report--------------------------20 Total-------------100 A 90-100 B 80-90 C 70-80 D 60-70 E 0-60 This scale may be relaxed but will not be raised. Important Notes about the Class 1. Selected Topics from the Schulenburg text and additional references are to be selected by two-person teams and scheduled for discussion in consultation with the instructor. The members of the two-person team will lead the discussion. The procedure is for the discussion leaders to give an overview of the topic and then pose challenging questions to the reminder of the class to promote discussion. Scheduling will be on a first-come first-served basic, and every member of the class is expected to lead a discussion. 2. Project teams: Students are expected to work in teams of three or four. Other team sizes may be approved in exceptional cases. The composition of each team 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. is to be submitted as part of the preliminary PMP during the week of September 25, 2001. Team composition can be changed anytime during the semester. Group Meetings: A certain portion of class time is allocated for team meetings. It is however excepted that additional time, outside of class time, will also be used for team activities. Individual and Team Grades: Individual grades will not necessarily be the same as the grade given to the team as a whole. Every member of a team is required to be active and to perform his/her duties as assigned within the team. There will be team evaluations at the end of the semester. Each team member will be required to evaluate all team members. Report Due Dates: Written reports are due as indicated and should be turned in during class. Late reports can be turned in to the CIS secretary in 114 ELB. Such reports must be initialed by the secretary and the date and time when received must be written on the report by the secretary. If this is not done, instructor will use the date when picked up by the instructor. Since instructor does not pick up mail everyday, this date may be several days after the report is turned in. Penalty for a late report is –5% per weekly (-50%max). Computer Access: Dial-up access to the campus computing facilities is available through Merit/Michnet. Direct-wired access and several workstations and PC’s are available at various labs on campus. Students may do their projects on any computer of their choice if not otherwise with the instructor. E-mail: Students are encouraged to use electronic mail to communicate with the instructor. Cheating Policy: The work submitted must be that of the team or individual student. The minimum penalty for cheating will be a zero for the plagiarized work. Attendance Policy: You are responsible for all activities that transpire in all classes. This includes discussions, announcements, and so on. If you miss a class, you should obtain notes from a classmate.