Intro to IRM Leasing Module Four Know: Your Residents Module Index Module Four – Know Your Residents Topic 4.1 Overview Topic 4.2 Demographics & Psychographics Topic 4.3 Predictive Index – Behavioral Cues Topic 4.4 Summary Module Four – Know: Your Residents Module Index Page 1 Intro to IRM Leasing 4.1 Module Four Know: Your Residents Section 1: Overview Overview Being successful at what you do requires finding out: Who your current and potential customers are What their needs are How you can professionally meet their needs, providing them with a quality experience This module will help you gain a better understanding of your customers, their needs and how you provide them with a referral-worthy experience. Module Four – Know: Your Residents Section 1: Overview Page 2 Intro to IRM Leasing 4.2 Module Four Know: Your Residents Section 4: Summary Demographics & Psychographics REFERENCE Demographics are characteristics within a population segment. Psychographics are characteristics within a population segment that pertain to personality, values, attitudes, or interests. The chart below shows you a sampling of demographics and psychographics. Segmentation Method Demographic Pyschographic Generational or Lifestyle Groups By using demographics and psychographics – within the context of a segment or group— some commonalities can be measured. Description of Characteristics Example Gender, ethnicity, age, family stage, income, occupation Values, lifestyle, interests. Single, professional, women, ages 22-35, with incomes over $48,000 Personality traits as measured by (Predictive Index) Example: Traditionalists Baby Boomers, Generation Jones (Gen Jones) Generation X (Echo), Gen Y (iGen) Affluent Renters Families Professionals Students Pet Parents Example: Shops online, snowboards, daily Starbuck’s habit High A (Assertive) High B (Outgoing/Peopleoriented vs. task oriented) High C (Patient) High D (Detail-oriented) 28 year old male, High A and B, (an assertive, people-person) Low C and D, (wants things done quickly and likes big picture vs a lot of details), pet parent to a dog, works from home, loves urban areas & is wired (texting, iPod, surfing, blogging, etc.) Below you will find a chart that lists various generational and lifestyle groups. This chart can serve as a quick reference aid. Generations Lifestyle Groups Traditionalists Baby Boomers Gen X Echo Boomers Millennials Digital Natives/Digital Immigrants Value-oriented Renters Families Affluent Renters Recently Relocated Students Pet Parents Module Four – Know: Your Residents Section 4: Summary Page 3 Intro to IRM Leasing Module Four Know: Your Residents Section 4: Summary Generations – Introductory Reference Aid No matter which generation you belong to, there are great advantages to knowing more about other generations. You may disagree with certain generational traits [saving every scrap of aluminum (thrifty), versus tossing each used piece of foil away(disposable) or you may find the differences amusing, frustrating or confusing. We study various generations and understand them better by looking not only at the major events that shaped their lives, but influences within the culture, socio-economic factors and finally trends and characteristics that emerged as a result. NOTE: We will explore the various generations and lifestyle groups more thoroughly in your Course 2: IRM Leasing. This information serves as an introduction: Traditionalists - Traditionalist were born Before1945 - Key Characteristics: Patriotism, teamwork, “doing more with less” and a task-orientation very much define this generation. Rules of conduct, respect for authority and following directions are all very important touch points for this generation. - Key Events: Pearl Harbor, The Depression, The Roaring Twenties, World War I, World War II and The Korean War - After watching the video and reading the information above, write down any other impressions you have of the Traditionalist generation: Module Four – Know: Your Residents Section 4: Summary Page 4 Intro to IRM Leasing Module Four Know: Your Residents Section 4: Summary Baby Boomers - - The Baby Boomer Generation was born between 1946 and 1964. - Key Characteristics: Experimental, individualistic, Free spirited, Social cause-oriented, Less optimistic than other generations, distrusts government, and likes simplicity and convenience. Healthier and wealthier than their parents. - Key Events: Assassinations of JFK, Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Political unrest, Cold War, Vietnam, Raging Inflation After watching the video and reading the information above, write down any other impressions you have of the Baby Boomer generation: Module Four – Know: Your Residents Section 4: Summary Page 5 Intro to IRM Leasing Module Four Know: Your Residents Section 4: Summary Generation X - - Generation X was born between 1965 and 1976. - Key Characteristics: Lead highly connected lives, work hard but puts family/friends first, goal-oriented and pragmatic. Very distrustful of bureaucracy, attracted to urban areas and will pay for small luxuries. - Key Events: The fall of the Berlin Wall, End of the Cold War, Persian Gulf War, mothers in workplace After watching the video and reading the information above, write down any other impressions you have of Generation X: Module Four – Know: Your Residents Section 4: Summary Page 6 Intro to IRM Leasing Module Four Know: Your Residents Section 4: Summary Echo Boomers - - The Echo Boomer Generation was born between 1977 and 1994. - Key Characteristics: Live life online and plugged in, love buzz and hot trends, family & friends are very important, easily bored and impatient. Dislike not knowing, very savvy shoppers and will pay small premiums. - Key Events: Internet, PC’s, 9-11, cultural diversity After watching the video and reading the information above, write down any other impressions you have of the Echo Boomer generation: Millenials Module Four – Know: Your Residents Section 4: Summary Page 7 Intro to IRM Leasing Module Four Know: Your Residents Section 4: Summary An emerging group, “Millennials”, born beginning 1995 to present is notes. For the purposes of studying influences related to “renting” and “decision-making” we will simply introduce them for this group has only just hit their teen years. It should be noted; however, that this group will prove to be a very dynamic force within just a few short years. - After watching the video and reading the information above, write down any other impressions you have of the emerging Millennial generation: Digital Natives & Digital Immigrants (Fill-in-the-blanks) Typically, Digital Natives are those who are _____ and under who were raised with technological advances. Digital immigrants, (those typically over ____) have a tendency to view technological advances with wonder and may have a slightly longer and different learning curve. Why is it important to know whether or not your customer is comfortable with various technological conveniences your community offers? (PDF’s, interactive furniture placement and floor plans, etc.). Write your answer below: Lifestyle Groups & Behavioral Cues Module Four – Know: Your Residents Section 4: Summary Page 8 Intro to IRM Leasing Module Four Know: Your Residents Section 4: Summary Lifestyle groups can relate to common characteristics that people may share that are different than generational groups. For instance, pet parents (pet owners) may be of any generation but will share common behaviors that serve as cues (“think of their pet as their child, spend disposable income on the pet’s treats and toys, loyal to quality pet service-providers, etc.). Behavioral cues will help you how to respond to various customers. An example: A pet parent would truly appreciate you asking questions about their pet (name, how old the pet is, favorite tricks, etc.). Other examples of lifestyle groups might include: online shoppers, own second homes, renters by choice, snowbirds (seniors who vacation in warmer climates during winter), coffee drinkers, athletes, etc. Action Required ! Log in to MRI and pull the Demographic Report. After reviewing the report see what types of information you can glean: In what age range do your residents primarily fall? □ □ □ □ □ □ 66+ 56-65 46-55 36-45 26-35 18-25 Your residents primarily fall into which generational or lifestyle groups? (Check all that apply) □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Traditionalist Baby Boomer Generation X Millennials Pet Owners Digital Natives Digital Immigrants Singles Married Roommates Is there any other interesting information you gleaned from the report? Module Four – Know: Your Residents Section 4: Summary Page 9 Intro to IRM Leasing 4.3 Module Four Know: Your Residents Section 4: Summary Summary – Useful Reference Key Points to remember from this module, Know: Your Residents are: Being successful at what you do requires finding out: * Who your current and potential customers are * What their needs are * How you can professionally meet their needs, providing them with a quality experience. Demographics are characteristics in a population. Psychographics are distinctions in a population that pertains to personality, values, attitude, interests and/or lifestyle. Typically Digital Natives are those who are 35 and under who were born and raised with technological advances that integrate everyday life. Digital Immigrants (those typically over 35) have a tendency to view each of the technological wonders with a bit more wonder and there is a slightly longer and different learning curve. Module Four – Know: Your Residents Section 4: Summary Page 10