1 PERSONAL INFORMATION Name FERNÁNDEZ-CASTAÑÓN, Javier Address Telephone E-mail Identity number Nationality Date of birth Spanish 28/02/1990 EDUCATION -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• Dates (from – to) September 2014 – present (finished by August 2015) • Name and type of organization Condensed Matter – Master (CDT) – providing education and training University of Bristol and University of Bath (UK) Marks: A+ (present moment, final marks issued November 2015) Specialization in novel electronic materials. Molecular Optoelectronics, Self-Assembled systems. Materials chemistry and synthesis. Theoretical modeling and simulation. STM, STS, SEM, Raman, AFM • Dates (from – to) • Name and type of organization providing education and training October 2008 - June 2013 Licentiate in Physics (BAC + 5 years) University of Oviedo and University of Salamanca (Spain) Marks: 2.671(+1.0) = 3.671 / 4 with honors Specialization in Fields Quantum Theory, Condensed Matter, Quantum Chemistry, Optoelectronics, Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics. High level in C++ programming. ROOT (CERN’s Software), McStas Neutrons Ray Tracing package, Gauss, Materials Studio, nMoldyn MATLAB, WEB DESIGN, MATHEMATICA, DATASTUDIO, LINUX PROG. (SSH) - Master Python course diploma achieved in Abingdon (Oxfordshire-UK) from the Science and Technology Facility Council-STFC from UK government, with the collaboration of the University of Toronto, University of Pisa and University of Oxford (July 2012) 2 WORK EXPERIENCE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Dates • Name and address of employer • Occupation or position held • Main activities and responsibilities 18th May - 15th June 2013 / 9th September 2013 – 28th February 2014 Institute Laue Langevin (ILL), 6 Rue Jules Horowitz, Grenoble, France http://www.ill.eu Student Research Collaboration Project Three-Axis Spectrometer Group. Project entitled “Neutron Vibrational Spectroscopy on Lagrange and DFT calculations on complex systems”. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• Dates • Name and address of employer • Occupation or position held • Main activities and responsibilities October 2012- June 2013 CERN – LHC – CMS, Route de Meyrin 385, 1217 Meyrin, Switzerland http://www.hep.uniovi.es/main/ http://public.web.cern.ch/public/en/lhc/cms-en.html Student Research Collaboration Project In the last recent years, the research study of the elemental particles in the domain of the highest energies we have ever achieved is being developed at LHC (CERN), where protons around 4 TeV are being collided reproducing all the processes predicted by the Standard Model of Particle Physics. Among those processes, the production of dibosons: WW, WZ and ZZ, and pairs of topantitop quarks. The experimental basis, common to all of them, and most easily accessible in this accelerator, consists on the presence of two leptons and missing transverse energy (MET). Setting precisely the production cross sections of these processes in the final states mentioned before is the main goal of this project. These studies allow to contrast and corroborate for the first time the Standard Model. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• Dates • Name and address of employer • Occupation or position held • Main activities and responsibilities 1st July 2012- 31th August 2012 ISIS Group, RAL Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, [Science & Technology Facilities Council], Harwell Oxford, OX11 0QX – Didcot, OXFORDSHIRE, United Kingdom http://www.isis.stfc.ac.uk/science/science.html Student Collaboration Develop the characteristics for the future guide of neutrons for TOSCA instrument based on inverse geometry for molecular spectroscopy tasks. International publication and Technical Report available: “Monte-Carlo simulations for the development of TOSCA’s guide at ISIS”. Conference-Symposium given to professionals from VISION (SNS-USA), LAGRANGE (ILL- France), J-SNS (JPARC-Japan) and ESS (Sweden). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• Dates • Name and address of employer • Occupation or position held • Main activities and responsibilities PUBLICATIONS 17th July 2011- 9th September 2011 DESY Deutsches Elektronen-Synchroton, [Helmholtz Association], Platanenalle 6 D15738 Zeuthen- BERLIN, Germany http://zms.desy.de Summer Research Fellow Write a report based on the results from PITZ (Photo Injector Test Facility at DESY, Zeuthen). Expose several conferences about my job at DESY. Responsible for delivering lectures in Secondary School. 3 1. Stewart F Parker, Felix Fernandez-Alonso, Anibal J Ramirez-Cuesta, John Tomkinson, Svemir Rudic, Roberto S Pinna, Giuseppe Gorini, Javier Fernández-Castañon (2014) “Recent and future developments on TOSCA at ISIS”. Journal of Physics Conference Series 11/2014; 554(1):012003 CONFERENCES 1. “Characterization of a new beta polymorph of coronene induced by magnetic field growth” University of Bristol, CDT-CMP Annual Conference, 18th September 2015 INVITED LECTURES AND TALKS 1. “School on Particle Physics and Astronomy” – University of Makerere, Kampala, Uganda (May 2014) 2. “Estructuras Cristalinas de nanotubos de carbono y oportunidades para los estudiantes españoles en el siglo XXI” / “Crystalline Structures based on Carbon Nanotubes and opportunities for Spanish students in the century XXI” – Ciclo de Conferencias educativas en Química / Conference Sessions in Chemistry at the University of Oviedo, Spain (March 2014) 3. “Between the low and high energy Physics. Neutrons and protons” – Tribhuvan University of Kathmandu, Nepal, (July 2013) 4. “Discovery of Higgs Bosson and new perspectives for the LHC at CERN” – CPAN, Madrid, Spain (March 2013) POSTERS 1. “Montecarlo Simulations for the development of a neutron guide for TOSCA at ISIS” presented in the "Advances and Frontiers in Chemical Spectroscopy with Neutrons Symposium" organized by ISIS group in Abingdon (Oxfordshire), UK (Nov. 2012) TECHNICAL REPORTS PUBLISHED 1. “ Monte-Carlo simulations for the development of TOSCA’s guide at ISIS” (2013) RAL Technical Reports RAL-TR-2013-002 http://epubs.cclrc.ac.uk/work-details?w=65395 REPORTS - Physics Reports: 1. “Simulations of beam emission measurements at PITZ (DESY)” (2011) - Noteworthy reports composed in different areas of knowledge 2. “Significance of the Religion in the Science development throughout the History. Interaction between humans and God” (2008) 3. “Philosophical History of the Light. Optics advances” (2010) 4. “Philosophical tasks of Relativity and Quantum Theory of Fields” (2012) 5. “ Probably the answer was not asking why” (2013) – Philosophical essay about Religion and Science behind the discovery of Higgs Bosson and Quantum Information advances. SCIENTIFIC SCHOOLS 1. DESY – Zeuthen / Hamburg (Germany) - 17th July 2011- 9th September 2011 2. Rutherford Appleton Laboratory – ISIS (UK) - 1st July 2012- 31th August 2012 3. Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) – Grenoble (France) – 14th May 2013 – 14th June 2013 and HONORS and AWARDS 2014 EU Leonardo da Vinci fellowship 4 2013 Degree End Prize, “Premio Fin de Carrera” – Special award to the most outstanding marks in Physics (2008-2013) issued by the University of Oviedo 2013 Extraordinary Bachelor Prize– Final Project in the Science Faculty of the University of Oviedo (Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science), issued by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science 2008-2013 Education grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education (Personal Mark: 91 / 100 - National Spanish average: 63/100) PERSONAL SKILLS AND COMPETENCES LANGUAGES Reading Spanish English Italian French Dutch & Flamish Excellent Excellent Excellent Basic Skills Writing Verbal First language Excellent Excellent Very good Excellent Very Good Very Good Basic Basic Level C1 C1 B2 A1 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION [2014 – present] International Coordinator “East Africa Sports and Tourism” Uganda http://easportstourism.org/ [2009] - Van der Valk Hotel (****sp. Category), Krommeweg 1 2988 CB Ridderkerk- ROTTERDAM, The Netherlands www.valk.com ridderkerk@valk.com [2008] - Iberdrola (Full Energic, S.L.U) , Calle Balmes 268 3º Pta. 2º-BARCELONA, Spain www.iberdrola.es Publicity Manager [2008] - Disneyland Resort Paris , Marne-la-Vallée/Chessy - Parcs Disney,- PARIS, France www.disneylandparis.com Children entertainment. - Volunteering period in Bwindi (Uganda) [March-May 2014] Science and Maths teacher in Primary and Secondary Schools. Organizing sessions to improve teachers’ skills. Founder of the “Rubuguri Athletics Club”, current champion in the Regionals of the Kisoro District in Ugandan South-West. - Volunteering period in Nepal (Kirtipur – Kathmandu) [July-August 2013] Science teacher in NGO School and in Bhudist Monastery. Proceeding seminars at Physics Department, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu. - Athletics trainer for children in École School (6, 7 and 8 years old) [2005 – 2012] FAA ( Federación Asturiana de Atletismo ) and RFEA (Real Federación Española de Atletismo). www.fasatle.com www.rfea.es ARTISTIC SKILLS AND COMPETENCES Perfect knowledge of playing and composition for clarinet and flute. Also playing classic and acoustic guitar and ukelele. Little 5 knowledg e of SPORTS playing saxo. ATHLETICS: 4th best Junior U-21 national (Spanish) record in 1500m. 4’ 02’’ 05 (23-03-2008)