BTEC Assignment Brief

Directorate of Health & Care
BTEC Assignment Brief
Unit number and title
BTEC Nationals Level 3 Health & Care
Unit 5 – Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology for Health and
Social Care
Start date
Assessor name
Matt Hopton
Assignment title
Energy Metabolism
The purpose of this assignment is to:
2 Understand the functioning of the body systems associated with energy metabolism
Energy: forms, eg chemical, heat, sound, electrical, light
Energy laws: conservation of energy; transformation of energy
Energy metabolism: role of energy in the body; anabolism and catabolism; activities involved in
energy to the cells of the body– roles of cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems
Cardiovascular system: heart – structure, cardiac cycle, heart rate, stroke volume, blood pressure,
vessels– arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins; pulmonary and systemic circulation;
structure and
function of the blood
Respiratory system: role of air passages in nose; structure and functions of trachea, bronchi, lungs
tree, alveoli; role of ciliated epithelial tissue; respiratory muscles– intercostal muscles,
diaphragm; ventilation, gaseous exchange, diffusion
Digestive system: alimentary canal – oesophagus, stomach, duodenum, ileum, colon; liver,
salivary glands; role of digestive system in breakdown and absorption of food materials, ingestion,
peristalsis, digestion, absorption, egestion
Role of enzymes in digestion: amylases, proteases, lipases; sites of secretion; role in digestion
Major products of digestion: peptides and amino acids, sugars, glycerol and fatty acids; roles in the
storage of excess fats and carbohydrates; deamination of excess proteins and the fate of end
role of the liver; role of the kidneys
Absorption of food: into blood; into lacteals; role of villi and microvilli
Task 4
4.1 List the seven major dietary components and briefly explain how the human body uses them.
4.2 Describe the role of the digestive organs in relation to; ingestion, mechanical and chemical
digestion, absorption assimilation and egestion of dietary components and the role of the
system in cellular homeostasis). P4
Directorate of Health & Care
4.3 Discuss the body’s energy requirements and relate this to cellular respiration and the role of the
respiratory system.
Use information you have learned on BMR and body shape, diet and
exercise. P4
4.4 Briefly explain how the body regulates glucose (include the role of insulin, glucagon, adrenaline
and glucocorticoids). Case study Marathon Runner & Hormones.P4
4.5 Discuss Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and calorific requirements of individuals with diverse
energy requirements. (I.e. Athletic, Pregnant, obese, elderly.) M1
4.6 Analyse how the respiratory system interrelates with both the digestive and circulatory systems
to allow cellular respiration during a period of aerobic exercise.
P4: - explain the physiology of two named body systems in relation to energy
metabolism in the body
[CT4; RL6; SM2; SM5]
M1: - discuss the role of energy in the body
D1 analyse how two body systems interrelate to perform a named function/functions
Sources of information
Online booklet
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A&P booklet updated September 09.doc (8.955 Mb)
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Health & Social Care Book 1, Beryl Stretch, Heinemann Education
Blackboard, Course Materials, Unit 5, Cells & Tissues folder.
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