PERALTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS College: Districtwide Date Submitted for CIPD Approval: 5/3/04 COURSE ADDITIONS DATE SUBMITTED FOR BOARD APPROVAL: ADD: EFF: JUSTIFICATION: Approved, as corrected, by CIPD 5/3/04: LIS 85, Introduction to Information Resources [Online course] 1699.00 S05 Addition of an existing course in an online format. Note: Proposed UCN addition for Alameda, Laney, Merritt, and Vista. Addition agreed to by LIS discipline faculty. 2 units, 2 hours lecture Recommended preparation: Engl 1A 201A or appropriate placement through multiple-measures assessment process, and CIS 1 or 200 or 205 or Bus 219 Introduction to the basic concepts and tools used in information research: Emphasis on how to develop a research topic, find, locate, evaluate and use information; search strategies for print and online resources including reference books, catalogs, indexes, specialized databases and the Internet. 1 PERALTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS College: Districtwide Date Submitted for CIPD Approval: 5/3/04 COURSE CHANGES DATE SUBMITTED FOR BOARD APPROVAL: CHANGE FROM: CHANGE TO: JUSTIFICATION: CHEM 1A, General Chemistry Approved by CIPD 5/3/04: CHEM 1A, General Chemistry The new description more accurately describes course content. Note: UCN course offered by Alameda, Laney, Merritt, and Vista. Change agreed to by Chemistry discipline faculty. Atomic theory, chemical bonding, states of matter, dispersed systems; may include thermodynamics and organic chemistry. General principles of chemistry: Measurements, atomic theory, chemical nomenclature, chemical composition, stoichiometry, reactions in aqueous solution, thermochemistry, electron configurations, periodic properties, chemical bonding, gases, liquids, solids, and solutions. S05 CHEM 1B, General Chemistry Approved by CIPD 5/3/04: CHEM 1B, General Chemistry Electrochemistry, kinetics, equilibrium, thermochemistry, acid base theory, systematic survey of chemistry of metals and non-metals; may include organic and nuclear chemistry. Laboratory may include qualitative analysis of selected cations and anions. General principles of chemistry: Kinetics, equilibrium, acid-base equilibria, buffers, solubility equilibria, entropy and free energy, electrochemistry, nuclear chemistry, coordination chemistry, and an introduction to organic chemistry. S05 CHEM 12A, Organic Chemistry Approved by CIPD 5/3/04: CHEM 12A, Organic Chemistry Introduction to structures, properties, and reactions of carbon compounds: Hydrocarbons, monofunctional and polyfunctional compounds; emphasis on structures and mechanisms; spectroscopy and other analytical techniques to structures. Laboratory work: Reactions, purification-methods, measurements, multistep syntheses, qualitative analysis, use of instrumentation. Introduction to structures, nomenclature, properties, and reactions of carbon compounds: Hydrocarbons, monofunctional and polyfunctional compounds, emphasis on structures and mechanisms, spectroscopy and other analytical techniques. Laboratory work: Reactions, purification techniques, measurements, qualitative analysis, use of instrumentation. S05 2 The new description more accurately describes course content. Note: UCN course offered by Alameda, Laney, Merritt, and Vista. Change agreed to by Chemistry discipline faculty. The new description more accurately describes course content. Note: UCN course offered by Laney and Merritt. Change agreed to by Chemistry discipline faculty. PERALTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS College: Districtwide Date Submitted for CIPD Approval: 5/3/04 COURSE CHANGES DATE SUBMITTED FOR BOARD APPROVAL: CHANGE FROM: CHANGE TO: JUSTIFICATION: CHEM 30A, Introductory Inorganic Chemistry Approved by CIPD 5/3/04: CHEM 30A, Introductory Inorganic Chemistry Principles of inorganic chemistry: Concepts of atomic structure as a basis for understanding valence, formulas, equations, and chemical reactions; states of matter; important elements and their compounds; solutions; ionization; nuclear energy; organic introduction. Fundamental principles of inorganic chemistry: Metric measurements, matter and energy, atomic structure, chemical nomenclature, chemical bonding, chemical reactions, stoichiometry, gas laws, nuclear chemistry, properties of liquids, solids, solutions, acids and bases. S05 The new description more accurately describes course content. Note: UCN course offered by Alameda, Laney, Merritt, and Vista. Change agreed to by Chemistry discipline faculty. CHEM 30B, Introductory Organic and Biochemistry Approved by CIPD 5/3/04: CHEM 30B, Introductory Organic and Biochemistry Introduction to elementary organic chemistry: Hydrocarbons, functional organic groups, polymers, carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, and reference to biochemical processes. CIS 3, Computer-Related Mathematics and Applications Presents mathematical concepts in the context of computer applications: Algorithms and analysis of algorithms, logic and mathematical proofs (contradiction and induction), sets, relations and functions, combinatorics, graph theory, Boolean algebra, and discrete probability. Introduction to basic organic chemistry and biochemistry: Hydrocarbons; organic functional groups, nomenclature, and reactions; polymers, carbohydrates, proteins, enzymes, lipids, nucleic acids, protein synthesis, and metabolic pathways. S05 Approved by CIPD 5/3/04: CIS 3, Computer-Related Mathematics and Applications Mathematical concepts in the context of computer applications: Algorithms and analysis of algorithms, numbering systems, logic and mathematical proofs (contradiction and induction), sets, relations and functions, combinatorics, graph theory, Boolean algebra, and discrete probability. S05 3 The new course description more accurately describes course content. Note: UCN course offered by Alameda, Laney, Merritt, and Vista. Change agreed to by Chemistry discipline faculty. Change in course description agreed to by CIS discipline to more accurately reflect course content. Note: UCN course offered by Laney, Merritt, and Vista. PERALTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS College: Districtwide Date Submitted for CIPD Approval: 5/3/04 COURSE CHANGES DATE SUBMITTED FOR BOARD APPROVAL: CHANGE FROM: CHANGE TO: JUSTIFICATION: LIS 85, Introduction to Library Resources Approved, as corrected, by CIPD 5/3/04: LIS 85, Introduction to Information Resources The revised course title and description more accurately describe the course and are reflective of similar courses at other two- and four-year colleges. This course is taught in a computer lab and the majority of the resources, activities, and homework require the use of a computer, hence the addition of basic computer skills as recommended preparation. Note: UCN course offered by Alameda, Laney, Merritt, and Vista. Change agreed to by LIS discipline faculty. Recommended preparation: Engl 1A Recommended preparation: Engl 1A 201A or appropriate placement through multiple-measures assessment process, and CIS 1 or 200 or 205 or Bus 219 Exploration of the variety of resources available in libraries: Emphasis on forms of general and subject resource materials (encyclopedias, dictionaries, indexes, abstracting services, handbooks, bibliographies); and understanding of the online catalog and other online resources. Introduction to the basic concepts and tools used in information research: Emphasis on how to develop a research topic, find, locate, evaluate, and use information; search strategies for print and online resources including reference books, catalogs, indexes, specialized databases and the Internet. S05 Cipdactions.d050304.doc Jh 4/22/04, rev. 5/17/04 4