Sinfin Primary School - Osmaston Primary School

Osmaston Primary School
Governor’s School Visit
Record Form
Purpose of visit
Links with School Improvement Plan/Post Ofsted Report (Please refer to
Appendix 1)
Observations and comments
What impressed you?
What do you want to find out more about?
Key issues arising for Governing Body
Action Following Governing Body Meeting
Signed: ……………………………………………
Please return this form to the headteacher before
you leave.
November 2013
Appendix 1
Ofsted Key Issues
Build on the improvements to pupils’ achievement in English and mathematics
in all classes by:
 providing pupils with more opportunities to edit and improve their
writing in lessons
 making sure that teachers and support staff intervene more during
lessons while pupils are writing to help them spell more accurately
and improve their work
 making sure that the quality of pupils’ writing is always of a high
standard across the curriculum
 giving pupils more problem solving tasks, puzzles and
opportunities to think logically to improve their mathematical
Improve the quality of teaching so that lessons offer the right level of
challenge for all pupils by:
 providing tasks that extend pupils’ learning, particularly for those of
higher ability
 giving pupils more opportunities to respond to teachers’ marking
and more time in lessons to reflect on their learning and learn from
their mistakes
Sustain the current improvements to pupils’ achievements and the quality of
teaching by:
 ensuring that senior and middle leaders develop the necessary
skills to be able to measure pupils’ progress in lessons when
monitoring the quality of teaching
 reviewing the school’s curriculum and teachers’ planning to make
sure that programmes of study and the work provided meets the
needs of all pupils, and particularly those of higher ability
 making sure that governors are more involved in monitoring the
school’s actions and get first-hand evidence to be able to hold the
school’s leaders more fully to account
 improving attendance for all pupils to minimise any disruption to
their learning
HMI Action Steps
 reach a whole school agreement on what constitutes good teaching so that
teachers, school leaders and governors are quite clear about what is expected
strengthen the school improvement plan so that it is sharply focused on the
actions necessary to get to good
make it quite clear to senior leaders that it is their responsibility to strengthen
teaching and learning and that they will be held to account for their
complete the external review of governance with urgency so that governors
are better equipped to support and challenge senior leaders on the journey to
gain a better understanding of the reasons for absence and the numbers of
pupils involved so that it is easier to check the impact of the planned
strategies to improve attendance
November 2013