The use of higher plants and fungi for bioremediation of sites

Publications by members of COST Action 859 and
related to the activities of the Action (February 2006)
Aarts MGM and Fiers MWEJ (2003) What drives plant stress genes? Trends Plant Sci. 8, 99102.
Abadía J, Tagliavini M, Grasa R, Belkhodja R, Abadía A, Sanz M, Faria EA, Tsipouridis C and
Marangoni B (2000) Using the flower Fe concentration for estimating crop chlorosis status in
fruit tree orchards. A summary report. Journal of Plant Nutrition 23, 2023-2033.
Abadía J, López-Millán AF, Rombolà AD and Abadía A (2002) Organic acids and Fe
deficiency: A review. Plant and Soil 241, 75-86.
Abadía J, Álvarez-Fernández A, Rombolà AD, Sanz M, Tagliavini M and Abadía A (2004)
Technologies for the diagnosis and remediation of Fe deficiency. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition
50, 965-971.
Abdel-Ghany SE, Burkhead JL, Gogolin KA, Andrés-Colás N, Bodecker JR, Puig S, Peñarrubia
L and Pilon M (2005) AtCCS is a functional homolog of the yeast copper chaperone Ccs1/Lys7.
FEBS Lett. 579, 2307-2312.
Abruzzese A, Rivetta A, Lucchini G, Gambale F, Paganetto A, Cocucci M and Sacchi GA
(2001) Chelate-assisted phytoextraction of lead from soil. Minerva Biotecnologica 13, 103-109.
Adams ML, Zhao FJ, McGrath SP, Nicholson FA and Sinclair AH (2001) Trace elements in
UK wheat: from selenium deficiency to heavy metal contamination by cadmium and lead.
Aspects of Applied Biology 64, 209-216.
Adams ML, Lombi E, Zhao FJ and McGrath SP (2002) Evidence of low selenium concentrations
in U.K. breadmaking wheat grain. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 82, 1160-1165.
Adams ML, Chaudri AM, Rousseau I and McGrath SP (2003) A practical evaluation of
microwave and conventional wet digestion techniques for the determination of Cd, Cu and Zn in
wheat grain. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 83, 307-314.
Adams ML, Zhao FJ, McGrath SP, Nicholson FA and Chambers BJ (2004) Predicting
cadmium concentrations in wheat and barley grain using soil properties. Journal of
Environmental Quality 33, 532-541.
Adriaensen K, van der Lelie D, Van Laere A, Vangronsveld J and Colpaert JV (2003) A zincadapted fungus protects pines from zinc stress. New Phytologist 161, 549-555.
Adriaensen K, Vralstad T, Noben JP, Vangronsveld J and Colpaert JV (2005) Copper-adapted
Suillus luteus, a symbiotic solution for pines colonizing Cu mine spoils. Applied and
Environmental Microbiology 71, 7279-7284.
Adriano DC, Wenzel WW, Vangronsveld J and Bolan NS (2004) Role of assisted natural
remediation in environmental cleanup. Geoderma 122, 121-142.
Adriano DC, Bolan NS, Vangronsveld J and Wenzel WW (2005) Heavy metals. In:
Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, edited by D. Hillel. Elsevier Academic Press.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 175-182.
Ager FJ, Ynsa MD, Domínguez-Solís JR, Gotor C, Respaldiza MA and Romero LC (2002)
Cadmium localization and quantification in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana using Micro-PIXE.
Nucl. Instr. and Phys. Res. B. 189, 494-498.
Ager FJ, Ynsa MD, Domínguez-Solís JR, López-Martín MC, Gotor C and Romero LC (2003)
Nuclear microprobe analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana leaves. Nucl. Instr. and Phys. Res.
B 210, 401-406.
Agrimonti C, Visioli G and Marmiroli N (2000) In vitro and in silico analysis of two genes (A21 and G1-1) differentially regulated during dormancy and sprouting in potato tubers. Potato
Research 43, 325-333.
Aina R, Sgorbati S, Santagostino A, Labra M, Ghiani A and Citterio S (2004) Specific
hypomethylation of DNA is induced by heavy metals in white clover and industrial hemp.
Physiologia Plantarum 121, 472-480.
Ait Ali N, Bernal MP and Ater M (2002) Tolerance and bioaccumulation of copper in
Phragmites australis and Zea mays. Plant and Soil 239, 103-111.
Ait Ali N, Bernal MP and Ater M (2004) Tolerance and bioaccumulation of cadmium by
Phragmites australis grown in the presence of elevated concentrations of cadmium, copper, and
zinc. Aquatic Botany 80, 163-176.
Aktoprakligil D and Memon AR (2001) Use of mRNA differential display technique in plant
biology. Biotechnol. and Biotechnol. Eq. 15, 11-13.
Alcántara E, Barra R, Benlloch M, Ginhas A, Jorrín J, López JA, Lora A, Ojeda MA, Puig M,
Pujadas A, Requejo R, Romera FJ, Ruso J, Sancho ED, Shilev S and Tena M (2001) Phytoremediation of a metal contaminated area in Southern Spain. Minerva Biotecnologica 13, 33-35.
Alcántara E, Barra R, Benlloch M, Ginhas A, Jorrin J, López JA, Lora A, Ojeda MA, Puig M,
Pujadas A, Requejo R, Romera J, Ruso J, Sancho ED, Shilev S and Tena M (2001) EMIR-UCO,
a multidisciplinary approach on a multicomponent toxic spill (Aznalcóllar, Spain). Proc. First
Eur. Biorem. Conf, pp. 485-488.
Alkorta I, Aizpurua A, Riga P, Albizu I, Amézaga I and Garbisu C (2003) Soil enzyme
activities as biological indicators of soil health. Reviews on Environmental Health 18, 65-73.
Alkorta I, Albizu I and Garbisu C (2003) Biodiversity and agroecosystems. Biodiversity and
Conservation 12, 2521-2522.
Alkorta I, Amezaga I, Albizu I, Aizpurua A, Onaindia M, Buchner V and Garbisu C (2003)
Molecular microbial biodiversity assessment: a biological indicator of soil health. Reviews on
Environmental Health 18, 131-151.
Alkorta I, Albizu I, Amezaga I, Onaindia M and Garbisu C (2004) The ladder towards the
understanding of the concept of agroecosystem health. Reviews on Environmental Health 19,
Alkorta I, Becerril JM, Hernández-Allica J, Amezaga I, Albizu I, Onaindia M and Garbisu C
(2004) Chelate-enhanced phytoextraction of soils polluted with heavy metals. Re/Views in
Environmental Science and Bio/Technology 3, 55-70.
Alkorta I, Becerril JM, Hernández-Allica J, Amezaga I, Albizu I and Garbisu C (2004) Recent
findings on the phytoremediation of soils contaminated with environmentally toxic heavy metals
and metalloids such as zinc, cadmium, lead, and arsenic. Re/Views in Environmental Science and
Bio/Technology 3, 71-90.
Alkorta I, Hernández-Allica J and Garbisu C (2004) Plants against the global epidemic of
arsenic poisoning. Environment International 30, 949-951.
Almås ÅR and Singh BR (2001) Plant uptake of Cadmium-109 and Zinc-65 at different
temperature and organic matter levels. J. Environ. Qual. 30, 869-877.
Almås ÅR and Singh BR (2001) Partitioning and reaction kinetics of 109Cd and 65Zn in an alum
shale soil as influenced by organic matter at different temperature. In: Trace Elements in
Bioavailability Flux es and Transfer in soils and Soil Components, Iskander A, Kirkham MB and
Banin A (eds) CRC Press, pp. 199-211.
Almås ÅR, Salbu B and Singh BR (2000) Changes in partitioning of Cadmium-109 and Zinc-65
in soil as affected by organic matter addition and temperature. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64, 19511958.
Al-Najar H, Schulz R and Römheld V (2003) Plant availability of thallium in the rhizosphere of
hyper-accumulator plants: a key factor for assessment of phytoextraction. Plant Soil 249, 97-105.
Álvarez-Fernández A, Paniagua MP, Abadía J and Abadía A (2003) Effects of Fe deficiencychlorosis on yield and fruit quality in peach (Prunus persica L. Batsch). Journal of Agriculture
and Food Chemistry 51, 5738-5744.
Álvarez-Fernández A, García-Laviña P, Fidalgo C, Abadía J and Abadía A (2004) Foliar
fertilization to control iron chlorosis in pear (Pyrus communis L.). Plant and Soil 263, 5-15.
Amtmann A, Fischer M, Marsh EL, Stefanovic A, Sanders D and Schachtman DP (2001) The
wheat cDNA LCT1 generates hypersensitivity to sodium in a salt-sensitive yeast strain. Plant
Physiol. 126, 1061-1071.
Andaluz S, López-Millán AF, Peleato ML, Abadía A and Abadía J (2002) Increases in
phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity: a key response of sugar beet roots to iron deficiency.
Plant and Soil 241, 43-48.
Andrés-Colás N, Sancenón V, Rodríguez-Navarro S, Mayo S, Thiele DJ, Ecker JR, Puig S and
Peñarrubia L (2006) The Arabidopsis heavy metal P-type ATPase HMA5 interacts with
metallochaperones and functions in root copper detoxification. Plant J. 45(2), 225-236.
Andrews CJ, Cummins I, Skipsey M, Grundy NM, Jepson I, Townson J and Edwards R (2004)
Purification and characterisation of a family of glutathione transferases with roles in herbicide
detoxification in soybean (Glycine max l.); selective enhancement by herbicides and herbicide
safeners. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology 82, 205-219.
Aniento F, Helms BJ and Memon AR (2003) How to make vesicles: coat protein-membrane
interaction. Annual Plant Reviews, Blackwell Press, pp. 36-62.
Antonielli M, Pasqualini S, Batini P, Ederli L, Massacci A and Loreto F (2002) Physiological
and anatomical characterisation of Phragmites australis leaves. Aquatic Botany 72, 55-66.
Anza M, Garbisu C and Riga P (2005) Time course of antioxidant responses of Capsicum
annuum L. subjected to a progressive magnesium deficiency. Annals of Applied Biology 146,
Arias CA and Brix H (2003) Humedales artificiales para el tratamiento de aguas residuales.
Revista Ciencia e Ingeniería Neogranadina 13, 17-24 (in Spanish).
Arias CA and Brix H (2005) Initial experience from a compact vertical flow constructed
wetland treating single household wastewater. – In: Natural and Constructed Wetlands:
Nutrients, Metals and Management (Edited by J. Vymazal), Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The
Netherlands, pp. 52-64.
Arias CA and Brix H (2005) Phosphorus removal in constructed wetlands: Can suitable
alternative media be identified? Water Science and Technology 51(9), 267-273.
Arias CA, Del Bubba M and Brix H (2001) Phosphorus removal by sands for use as media in
subsurface flow constructed reed beds. Water Research 35, 1159-1168.
Arias CA, Brix H. and Johansen NH (2003) Phosphorus removal from municipal wastewater in
an experimental two-stage vertical flow constructed wetiand system equipped with a calcite
filter. Water Science and Technology 48(5), 51-58.
Arias CA, Cabello A, Brix H and Johansen NH (2003) Removal of indicator bacteria from
municipal wastewater in an experimental two-stage vertical flow constructed wetland system.
Water Science and Technology 48(5), 35-41.
Arias CA, Brix H and Marti E (2005) Recycling of treated effluents enhances removal of total
nitrogen in vertical flow constructed wetlands. Journal of Environmental Science and Health
Part A -Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering 40 (6-7), 1431-1443.
Arisi ACM, Mocquot B, Lagriffoul A, Mench M, Foyer CH and Jouanin L (2000) Responses to
cadmium in leaves of transformed poplars overexpressing g-glutamylcysteine synthetase.
Physiologia Plantarum 109, 143-149.
Arthur AE, Crews H and Morgan CL (2000) Optimising plant genetic strategies for minimising
environmental contamination in the food chain. Int. J. of Phytoremediation 2, 1-21.
Assunçao AGL, da Costa-Martins P, de Folter S, Vooijs R, Schat H and Aarts MGM (2001)
Elevated expression of metal transporter genes in three accessions of the metal hyperaccumulator
Thlaspi caerulescens. Plant Cell Environ. 24, 217-226.
Assunção AGL, Schat H and Aarts MGM (2003) Thlaspi caerulescens, an attractive model
species to study heavy metal hyperaccumulation in plants. New Phytol 159, 351-360.
Assunção AGL, Ten Bookum WM, Nelissen HJM, Vooijs R, Schat H and Ernst WHO (2003) A
cosegregation analysis of zinc (Zn) accumulation and Zn tolerance in the Zn hyperaccumulator
Thlaspi caerulescens. New Phytol 159, 383-390.
Assunção AGL, Ten Bookum WM, Nelissen HJM, Vooijs R, Schat H and Ernst WHO (2003)
Differential metal-specific tolerance and accumulation patterns among Thlaspi caerulescens
populations originating from different soil types. New Phytol 159, 411-419.
Atkinson D (2000) Root characteristics: why and what to measure. In: Root Methods, A
Handbook. A.L. Smit et al (Eds), Springer-Verlag Berlin, pp 1-32.
Atkinson D and Dawson LA (2000) Root growth: methods of measurement. In Soils and
Environmental Analysis, Physical Methods, second edition, revised and expanded. Marcel
Dekker, Inc. New York.
Atkinson D and Watson CA (2000) The beneficial rhizosphere: A dynamic entity. Applied Soil
Ecology 15, 99-104.
Atkinson D, Hooker JE and Hendrick R (2000) The measurement and analysis of fine root
longevity. In: Root Methods A Handbook, A.L. Smit et al (Eds), Springer-Verlag Berlin, pp. 273304.
Aubert S and Schwitzguébel JP (2002) Separation of sulphonated anthraquinones in various
matrices by capillary electrophoresis. Chromatographia 56, 693-697.
Aubert S and Schwitzguébel JP (2004) Screening of plant species for the phytotreatment of
wastewater containing sulphonated anthraquinones. Water Research 38, 3569-3575.
Awad F and Römheld V (2000) Mobilization of heavy metals from contaminated calcareous
soils by plant born, microbial and synthetic chelators and their uptake by wheat plants. J. Plant
Nutr. 23, 1847-1855.
Azaizeh HA, Salhani N, Sebesvari Z and Emons H (2003) The potential of rhizosphere microbes
isolated from a constructed wetland to biomethylate selenium. J. of Environmental Quality 32,
Baciocchi E, Gerini MF, Harvey PJ, Lanzalunga O and Mancinelli S (2000) Oxidation of
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Baciocchi E, Gerini MF, Harvey PJ, Lanzalunga O and Prosperi A (2001) Kinetic deuterium
isotope effect in the oxidation of veratryl alcohol promoted by lignin peroxidase and chemical
oxidants. J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans. 2, 1512-1515.
Bacon J and Dinev N (2005) Isotopic characterisation of lead in contaminated soils from the
vicinity of a non-ferrous metal smelter near Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Environmental Pollution 134,
Badawy SH, Helal MID, Chaudri AM, Lawlor K and McGrath SP (2002) Soil solid-phase
controls lead activity in soil solution. Journal of Environmental Quality 31, 162-167.
Baize D, Mench M, Sappin-Didier V, Mocquot B, Gomez A, Proix N and Sterckeman T (2003)
Phytodisponibilité des éléments traces métalliques dans les grains de blé. Les Dossiers de
l'Environnement de l'INRA 25, 45-62.
Baker AJM, van der Lelie D, Vangronsveld J and Zhao FJ (Eds.) (2002) Advances in
phytoremediation. Plant and Soil 249 (1) (Special Issue), 236 p.
Bálint AF, Kovács G, Erdei L and Sutka J (2001) Comparison of the Cu, Zn, Fe, Ca and Mg
contents of the grains of wild, ancient and cultivated wheat species. Cereal Res. Comm. 29, 375382.
Bankó L, Ördög M and Erdei L (2002) The role of rhizome system in the distribution of
cadmium load among ramets of Phragmites australis. Acta Biol. Szeged 46(3-4), 81-82.
Barabás NK, Omarov RT, Erdei L and Lips SH (2000) Distribution of the Mo-enzymes
aldehyde oxidase, xanthine dehydrogenase and nitrate reductase in maize (Zea mays L.) nodal
roots as affected by nitrogen and salinity. Plant Sci. 155, 49-58.
Barac T, Borremans B, Provoost A, Oeyen L, Colpaert JV, Vangronsveld J, Taghavi S and van
der Lelie D (2004) Engineered endophytic bacteria improve phytoremediation of water-soluble
volatile organic pollutants. Nature Biotechnology 22, 583-588.
Barajas-Aceves M, Vera-Aguilar E and Bernal MP (2002) Carbon and nitrogen mineralization
in soil amended with phenanthrene, anthracene and irradiated sewage sludge. Bioresource
Technology 85, 217-223.
Barančíková G, Madaras M and Rybár R (2002) Categorization of agricultural soils from
a viewpoint of risk of categorization of plant production. Chemical Letters 96, 293-294.
Barancikova G, Madaras M and Rybar O (2004) Crop contamination by selected trace
elements – Categorization of agricultural soils from the viewpoint of risk assessment. Journal of
Soils and Sediments 4, 37-42.
Barazani O, Dudai N and Golan-Goldhirsh A (2003) Comparison of Mediterranean Pistacia
lentiscus genotypes by random amplified polymorphic DNA, chemical and morphological
analyses. J. Chem. Ecol. 29, 1939-1952.
Barazani O, Sathiyamoorthy P, Manandhar U, Vulkan R and Golan-Goldhirsh A (2004) Heavy
metal accumulation by Nicotiana glauca Graham in a solid waste disposal site. Chemosphere 54,
Barbafieri M (2000) The importance of nickel phytoavailable chemical species characterization
in soil for phytoremediation applicability. International Journal of Phytoremediation 2, 105-115.
Barceló J and Poschenrieder C (2002) Fast root growth responses, root exudates, and internal
detoxification as clues to the mechanisms of aluminium resistance and tolerance: a review.
Environ. Experimental Botany 48, 75-92.
Barceló J and Poschenrieder C (2003) Phytoremediation: principles and perspectives.
Contributions to Science 2(3), 333-344.
Barceló J and Poschenrieder C (2004) Structural and ultrastructural effects. Chap. 9 In: Heavy
Metal Stress in Plants (2nd ed.) MNV Prasad ed. Springer Verlag, Berlin. ISBN 3-540-40131-8,
pp. 223-248.
Bastos FSC, Castro PML and Ferreira Jorge RM (2003) Biological treatment of a contaminated
gaseous emission from a paint and varnish industry – from laboratory studies to pilot-scale
operation. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 78(11), 1201-1207.
Bastos FSC, Rangel AOSS, Castro PML and Ferreira Jorge RM (2003) Biological treatment of
a contaminated gaseous emission containing monochlorobenzene. Environ Technol. 24, 15371544.
Batard Y, Hehn A, Nedelkina S, Schalk M, Pallett K, Schaller H and Werck-Reichhart D
(2000) Increasing expression of P450 and P450-reductase proteins from monocots in
heterologous systems. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 379, 161-169.
Baum C, Weih M, Verwijst T and Makeschin F (2002) The effects of nitrogen fertilization and
soil properties on mycorrhizal formation of Salix viminalis. Forest Ecology and Management
160, 35-43.
Becana M, Dalton DA, Moran JF, Iturbe-Ormaetxe I, Matamoros MA and Rubio MC (2000)
Reactive oxygen species and antioxidants in legume nodules. Physiol Plant 109, 372-381.
Bech J, Poschenrieder C, Barceló J and Lansac A (2002) Plants from mine spoils in the South
American Area as a potential source of germplasm for phytoremediation technologies. Acta
Biotechnologica 22, 5-11.
Benkova M, Raytchev T, Dinev D, Hajnos M and Jozefaciuk G (2005) Alfalfa growth and heavy
metal uptake after addition of lime, peat and ferriferous material to acid soil. In: Physicochemical
management of acid soils polluted with heavy metals. Ed. by T.Raytchev et al., Center of
Excelence AGROPHYSICS (QLAM-2001-00428- 5th FP-EU), ISBN 83-89969-00-9, pp. 59-73.
Benkova M, Raytchev T, Dinev N, Sokolowska Z, Hajnos M and Jozefaciuk G (2005) Alfalfa
yield and copper uptake after treatment of heavy metal polluted soil with lime, coal powder and
ferric oxide. In: Physicochemical management of acid soils polluted with heavy metals. Ed. by
T.Raytchev et al., Center of Excelence AGROPHYSICS (QLAM-2001-00428- 5th FP-EU), ISBN
83-89969-00-9, pp. 74-85.
Beresford NA, Broadley MR, Howard BJ, Barnett CL and White PJ (2004) Estimating
radionuclide transfer to wild species - data requirements and availability for terrestrial
ecosystems. Journal of Radiological Protection 24, A89-A103.
Berglund AH, Quartacci MF, Calucci L, Navari-Izzo F, Pinzino C and Lilijemberg C (2002)
Alteration of wheat plasma membrane lipid composition induced by copper result in changed
physicochemical properties of plasma membrane lipid vescicles. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1564,
Bernacchia G and Furini A (2004) Biochemical and molecular responses to water stress in
resurrection plants. Physiol. Plant. 121, 175-181.
Bernal MP, Roig A, Walker DJ and Clemente R (2003) Seguimiento y fitorremediación de los
suelos afectados por el vertido de las minas de Aznalcóllar: I. Efectos de los enmendantes orgánicos
y el pH en la biodisponibilidad de metales. In: Ciencia y Restauración del Río Guadiamar.
PICOVER 1998-2002. Eds. C. Montes, F. Borja, J.M. Arenas, F.R., Martínez-Faraco, A. Mora.
Consejería de Medio Ambiente. Junta de Andalucía. Sevilla, pp. 267-271. ISBN 84-95785-35-8.
Bernard C, Roosens N, Czernic P, Lebrun M and Verbruggen N (2004) A novel CPx-ATPase
from the cadmium hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens. FEBS Letters 569 (1-3), 140-148.
Bert V, Macnair MR, Saumitou-Laprade P, De Laguerie P and Petit D (2000) Zinc tolerance
and accumulation in metallicolous and non-metallicolous populations of Arabidopsis halleri
(Brassicaceae). New Phytologist 146, 225-233.
Bert V, Bonnin I, Saumitou-Laprade P, De Laguerie P and Petit D (2002) Do Arabidopsis
halleri from nonmetallicolous populations accumulate zinc and cadmium more effectively than
those from metallicolous populations? New Phytologist 155, 47-57.
Bert V, Meerts P, Saumitou-Laprade P, Salis P, Gruber W and Verbruggen N (2003) Genetic
basis of Cd tolerance and hyperaccumulation in Arabidopsis halleri. Plant and Soil 249, 9-18.
Bicakci E and Memon AR (2005) An efficient and rapid in vitro regeneration system for metal
resistant cotton. Biologia Plantarum 49, 415-417.
Bierkens MF, Finke PA and de Willigen P (2000) Upscaling and Downscaling Methods for
Environmental Research. Kluwer Academic publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 190 pp.
Biesiada M, Gzyl J and Gzyl G (2003) Introduction to human health risk assessment. In: Prokop
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of the 1st IMAGE-TRAIN Advanced study course: "Innovative Groundwater Management
Technologies", Tubinger Geowissenschaftliche Arbeiten (TGA), C68, pp. 6-18.
Biro B (2003) Soil- and rhizobiological tools for the sustainable agriculture and environmental
protection. Acta Agronom. Hung. 50, 77-85.
Biro B, Köves-Péchy K, Vörös I, Takacs T, Eggenberg P and Strasser RJ (2000) Interrelation
between Azospirillum and Rhizobium nitrogen-fixers and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the
rhizosphere of alfalfa at sterile, AMF-free or normal soil conditions. J. Appl. Soil Ecol. 15, 159168.
Biro B, Morvai B and Anton A (2002) Limits of sewage sludge depositions of Hungarian soils,
functioning of endosymbionts and phytoremediation possibilities. Acta Microbiol. Immunol. Hu.
Bittsánszky A, Komives T, Gullner G, Gyulai G, Kiss J, Heszky L, Radimszky L and
Rennenberg H (2005) Ability of transgenic poplars with elevated glutathione content to tolerate
zinc(2+) stress. Environ. Int. 31, 251-254.
Błaszczyk A, Liszewska F, Brodzik R and Sirko A (2000) Modification of sulfur metabolism in
plants by overexpression of bacterial cysE and cysK genes. In Use of Agriculturally Important
Genes in Biotechnology, Hrazdina G. (Ed.), IOS Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 19-25.
Błaszczyk A, Sirko L, Hawkesford M and Sirko A (2002) Biochemical analysis of transgenic
tobacco lines producing bacterial serine acetyltransferase. Plant Sci. 162, 589-597.
Blaudez D, Kohler A, Martin F, Sanders D and Chalot M (2003) Poplar metal tolerance protein
1 (MTP1) confers zinc tolerance and is an oligomeric vacuolar zinc transporter with an essential
leucine zipper motif. Plant Cell 15, 2911-2928.
Bleeker PM, Assuncao AG, Teiga PM, de Koe T and Verkleij JAC (2002) Revegetation of the
acidic, As contaminated Jales mine spoil tips using a combination of spoil amendments and
tolerant grasses. Sci Total Environ. 300(1-3), 1-13.
Bleeker PM, Schat H, Vooijs R, Verkleij JAC and Ernst WHO (2003) Mechanisms of arsenate
tolerance in Cytisus striatus. New Phytol 157, 33-38.
Bleeker PM, Teiga-Santos MH, de Koe T and Verkleij JAC (2003) Ameliorating effects of
industrial sugar residue on the Jales gold mine spoil (NE Portugal) using Holcus lanatus and
Phaseolus vulgaris as indicators. Environmental Pollution 125, 237-244.
Bloss T, Clemens S and Nies DH (2002) Characterization of the ZAT1p zinc transporter from
Arabidopsis thaliana in microbial model organisms and reconstituted proteoliposomes. Planta
214, 783-791.
Boldt TS, Sørensen J, Karlson U, Molin S and Ramos C (2004) Combined use of different Gfp
reporters for monitoring single cell activities of a genetically modified PCB degrader in the
rhizosphere of alfalfa. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 48(2), 139-148. Online 27 February 2004:
Bonke M, Thitamadee S, Mähönen AP, Hauser MT and Helariutta Y (2003) APL regulates
vascular tissue identity in Arabidopsis. Nature 426, 181-186.
Bontidean I, Mortari A, Leth S, Brown NL, Karlson U, Larsen MM, Vangronsveld J, Corbisier
P and Csöregi E (2004) Biosensors for detection of mercury in contaminated soils. Environ. Poll.
131(2), 255-262.
Bourgis F, Botha FC, Mani S, Hiten DJ, Rigden DJ and Verbruggen N (2005) Characterisation
and functional investigation of an Arabidopsis cDNA encoding a homolog to the d-PGMase
superfalimy. Journal of Experimental Botany 56 (414), 1129-1142.
Bouwman L and Vangronsveld J (2004) Rehabilitation of the nematode fauna in a
phytostabilized heavily zinc contaminated sandy. Journal of Soils and Sediments 4 (1), 17-23.
Bouwman LA, Bloem J, Roemkens PFAM, Boon GT and Vangronsveld J (2001) Beneficial
effects of the growth of metal tolerant grass on biological and chemical parameters in copperand zinc contaminated sandy soils. Minerva Biotecnologica 13, 19-26.
Bovet L, Kammer PM, Suter M and Brunold C (2000) Effect of osmotic and cold stresses on
Lemna minor (L.) protein phosphorylation. J. Plant Physiol. 157, 375-382.
Bovet L, Müller MO and Siegenthaler PA (2001) Three distinct lipid kinase activities are present
in spinach chloroplast envelope membranes: Phosphatidylinositol phosphorylation is sensitive to
wortmannin and not dependent on chloroplast ATP. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 289, 269275.
Bovet L, Eggmann T, Meylan-Bettex M, Polier J, Kammer PM, Marin E, Feller U and Martinoia
E (2003) Transcript levels of AtMRPs after cadmium treatment: induction of AtMRP3. Plant Cell
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