Syllabus - Kbryan321


EDLD 5345 Human Resource Management Kristin Bryan

Week 2 Assignment


Your Week 2 assignment allows you the opportunity to explore the policies and procedures in place in your school and district relating to human resources, personnel management, staff recruitment and hiring, teacher contracts, and teacher mentoring programs.

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EDLD 5345 Human Resource Management Kristin Bryan


Use this rubric to guide your work on the Week 2 Assignment.



No errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation.


Few errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation.

Needs Improvement

Responses lack clarity and depth and/or multiple errors in grammar, spelling or punctuation.

Part 1

Texas Code of


Web site Review

The student completed all aspects of the assignment and demonstrated knowledge and skills as indicated in the performance outcomes.

(3 points)

The student completed the assignment, but did not demonstrate complete responses to each aspect of the assignment.

(2 points)

The student attempted to complete the assignment, but failed to meet minimum requirements in all aspects of the assignment.

(1 point)

Part 2

Code of Ethics

Mind Walk

Through Public



The student completed all aspects of the assignment and demonstrated knowledge and skills as indicated in the performance outcomes.

(3 points)

The student completed the assignment, but did not demonstrate complete responses to each aspect of the assignment.

(2 points)

The student attempted to complete the assignment, but failed to meet minimum requirements in all aspects of the assignment.

(1 point)

Part 3

School District

Policies and


The student completed all aspects of the assignment and demonstrated knowledge and skills as indicated in the performance outcomes.

(3 points)

The student completed the assignment, but did not demonstrate complete responses to each aspect of the assignment.

(2 points)

The student attempted to complete the assignment, but failed to meet minimum requirements in all aspects of the assignment.

(1 point)


No Response submitted.

The student did not submit the assignment, content is incomplete, failed to meet minimum requirements in all aspects of the assignment.

(0 points)

The student did not submit the assignment, content is incomplete, failed to meet minimum requirements in all aspects of the assignment.

(0 points)

The student did not submit the assignment, content is incomplete, failed to meet minimum requirements in all aspects of the assignment.

(0 points)

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EDLD 5345 Human Resource Management Kristin Bryan

The student did not submit the assignment, content is incomplete, failed to meet minimum requirements in all aspects of the assignment.

(0 points)

The student did not submit the assignment, content is incomplete, failed to meet minimum requirements in all aspects of the assignment.

(0 points)

The student did not submit the assignment, content is incomplete, failed to meet minimum requirements in all aspects of the assignment.

(0 points)

The student did not submit the assignment, content is incomplete, failed to meet minimum requirements in all aspects of the assignment.

(0 points)

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EDLD 5345 Human Resource Management Kristin Bryan

Part 8

Article Critique

No. 2

Part 9



The student completed all aspects of the assignment and demonstrated knowledge and skills as indicated in the performance outcomes.

(3 points)

The student completed the assignment, but did not demonstrate complete responses to each aspect of the assignment.

(2 points)

The student attempted to complete the assignment, but failed to meet minimum requirements in all aspects of the assignment.

(1 point)

The student completed all aspects of the assignment and demonstrated knowledge and skills as indicated in the performance outcomes.

(3 points)

The student completed the assignment, but did not demonstrate complete responses to each aspect of the assignment.

(2 points)

The student attempted to complete the assignment, but failed to meet minimum requirements in all aspects of the assignment.

(1 point)

The student did not submit the assignment, content is incomplete, failed to meet minimum requirements in all aspects of the assignment.

(0 points)

The student did not submit the assignment, content is incomplete, failed to meet minimum requirements in all aspects of the assignment.

(0 points)

2011 Lamar University 4 of 15

EDLD 5345 Human Resource Management Kristin Bryan

Week 2 Assignment, Part 1: Texas Code of Ethics/SBEC Web site Review

The first part of your Week 2 assignment requires you to review Chapter 247 of the Texas

Administrative Code. Chapter 247, titled “Educators’ Code of Ethics,” is included in your

Resources section. Next, go to the State Board for Educator Certification website to find out how ethical complaints are filed. You will then conduct observations and/or interviews in your school, and will use the results of those observations/interviews to fill out the “Code of Ethics

Mindwalk” included below.

Access the SBEC website at:

In the space below, identify the way that ethical complaints are filed with the State Board for

Educator Certification.

All complaints must be filed in writing and signed following the school boards formal complait policies and procedures and it is encouraged to file the complaint with the most local authority first, that is the school administration. If the person filing is not satisfied with the decision then it can be taken to the supertendant level followed by the districts board of trustees then the commissioner of education.

All educators reporting misconduct to TEA must include a full incident report in detail with documentation of who it was reported to, witness statements along with their names and contact information, ccorrespondences between school officials or other entities and reasons to believe that the conduct violated school law.

Who can file an ethical complaint with the SBEC?

A complaint may be filed by any person, group of individuals or organization.

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EDLD 5345 Human Resource Management Kristin Bryan

Week 2 Assignment, Part 2: Code of Ethics Mind Walk Through Public Schools,


Brainstorm a typical day or week in the life of a public school professional working at any grade level – dealing with students, other staff, parents, and community members. Using your experiences, including interviews and expertise, think of your entire daily or weekly encounters with ethical conflicts; see the TAC Chapter 24 7 Educators’ Code of Ethics resource. Then do the following:

Review each of the ethical standards under each of the three main areas of Chapter 247 of the

TAC, and identify at least one ethical conflict in each of the three areas of the Code:

Overall professional ethical conduct, practices and performance that may result in a complaint:

In a typical day or week in the life of a public school professional ethical misconduct may arise from the inappropriate use of school equipment and supplies such as computers and printers for personal use. This is a common occurrence that is thought little about but it can be subject to a complaint being filed. Along with possibly the misuse of paid time it also uses monetary resources that are allotted for paper and printer ink.

Unethical conduct toward professional colleagues:

A complaint may result from a teacher gossiping and making false statements about a colleague. Teachers often squabble and verbally fight resulting in harsh feelings and resentful attitudes. Feeling such as these may lead to a teacher making false statements about the other teacher to a third party. Behavior such as this is unethical and can lead to a complaint being filed by the offended party.

Unethical conduct toward students:

Teachers on a daily basis may knowingly treat a student in a manner that adversely affects the students learning by sending him/her into the hall way during instruction as a disciplinary action. This action may avoid confrontation with the student but is denying the student instruction time and may result in a complaint being filed.

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EDLD 5345 Human Resource Management Kristin Bryan

Describe the possible consequences of personnel engaging in any of the above ethical conflicts.

If unethical conflicts such as these occur the educator may be subject to restrictions, reprimand, suspension or probated suspension for a set term, revoke or cancelation of a certificate with the opportunity for reapplication for a set length of time or permanently or other restriction imposed upon a certificate as deemed necessary the SBEC.

Using one of the above conflicts as an example, describe how you would respond to the conflict as a campus principal.

As campus principal it would be my job to inforce all ethical codes set forth by Chapter 247. If I found out that a teacher was using her school issued computer during school hours to perform personal business and using the school printer to print out information for her own personal gain I would first conference with her about her rights and useage of school property. I would allow her to make a statement of clarification on her own behalf. I would then let her know this is unethical and give her a warning that if it continues to happen then a formal complaint would be filed at the district level.

Alert: Please look in the Resource Section and locate the Mediation Report Form. In Week 5, you will be asked to report on a mediation based on some type of conflict you may have identified in this activity.

Week 2 Assignment, Part 3: School District Policies and Procedures

The next portion of your assignment requires you to access the policies and procedures in place in your district related to human resources and personnel management. During your Week 2 lecture, you reviewed wording from an online personnel policies website from the Beaumont

Independent School District. Learning to access this information is a critical skill for all practicing campus and district leaders. You will write a brief reflection describing what you learned from this policy review.

In the space below, enter the web address where your district’s human resources and personnel policies are located.

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EDLD 5345 Human Resource Management Kristin Bryan

Briefly reflect on what you learned in reviewing these policies and procedures.

The district cannot refuse to hire or discharge anyone from employment on the basis of race, color or national origin, sex, religion, age or disability. The district may not print or publish any notice or advertisement relating to employment that indicates any preference of the same state basis. The district has a duty to maintain a work environment free of harassment and readily accessible to individuals with disabilities. The district may refuse to assign an individual to a job involving food handling if the person has an infectious or communicable disease that could be spread in that manner.

The district shall not deny employment, reemployment or retention to those serving in the armed forces.

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EDLD 5345 Human Resource Management Kristin Bryan

Week 2 Assignment, Part 4: Personnel Interviews

You are serving as the chair of your school’s teacher interview committee. In the space below, list seven questions that you should ask the prospective teacher.


How many years of experience teaching do you have?


What types of teaching certificates do you hold?


What is your personal style of classroom management?


If you had a student that was not performing at an acceptable level what would you do to help that student be successful?


How do you make sure your lessons are aliegned with the TEKS for your subject and grade level?


How do you differenciate assignments to meet the needs of individual students that may be in your class?


What type of actions do you implement to insure that your students know that you care about them in a respectful and personal way?

In the space below, list 3-5 questions that you cannot ask the prospective teacher.


What are your religious beliefs?


Are you married and do you plan on starting a family soon?


What political party do you favor?


Do you have any physical disabilities?

Week 2 Assignment, Part 5: Teacher Contracts

In the space below, identify the types of contracts issued to Texas public school teachers, and describe their similarities and differences.

Chapter 21 requires school districts to employ each classroom teacher, principal, librarian, nurse or counselor who is new to teaching or new to the district under a probationary contract.

This contract is for one school year and may be renewed 2 more times for a total of three years or an additional year if extended by the board of trusties for a total of 4 years. After a successful probationary contract the district must offer a term or continuing contract. The difference between the two is the length and process of renewal, nonrenewal or termination. Term contracts may last one to five years where a continuing contract automatically renews every year without board action. Today very few school districts use continuing contracts since they provide little opportunity to end the contract when necessary.

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EDLD 5345 Human Resource Management Kristin Bryan

Week 2 Assignment, Part 6: Teacher Recruitment and Retention

For this portion of the assignment, you will conduct an interview with an administrator at your school regarding strategies for recruiting and retaining high-quality teachers and administrators.

In the space below, describe what you learned in your interview regarding the recruitment and retention of quality staff at your school.

I interviewed Scott Crowe, my campus principal regarding strategies that he used in recruiting and retaining high-quality teachers and administrators. I learned in this interview that the Klein school district participates in job fairs at universities to attract newly-graduated teachers. They also host an in-district job fair to find qualified candidates that are already employed by the district. The district website provides job postings as well as allows potential candidates to apply online. Once candidates are found who match the positions available, Mr. Crowe says the homework then begins. He checks the background, former employers and reference of each candidate to ensure they are highly qualified for the position. Next an interview is done to identify any unique qualities that a candidate may have that helps them stand out from the rest.

He says he strives to find the best of the best by assessing the passion for teaching in ones personality.

Mr. Crowe says to retain highly-qualified teachers and administrators is a combination of good and fair compensation and meeting the needs of the employee both professional as well as personally. It is important to keep employees happy and satisfied with their jobs. Induction programs along with mentoring helps make the transition of a new teacher much smoother and less stressful. Employees are recognized for their years of service as well as other programs that encourage longevity.

As a prospective principal, what did you find out about recruiting high-quality teachers that might impact your recruitment activities?

Through this interview I found out that in most cases it is not hard to find more than a few highlyqualified candidate but it is then that the hard work comes into play during the interview process.

I must be able to know my own school and staff well enough to know the needs and desired qualities that will mesh together with the existing staff. I want to build a team that can work together well to promote the vision of the school and exemplify the culture.

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EDLD 5345 Human Resource Management Kristin Bryan

Week 2 Assignment, Part 7: Article Critique No. 1

Your assigned readings for this week included an issue of the American Association of School

Personnel Administrators’ Best Practices in School Personnel titled “Teacher Recruitment and

Retention.” Critique one article from the journal using the questions provided below.

Identify your article and source using APA citation format (for example, West, G. (2007).

Holding higher education accountable for new teachers. The School Administrator, 65 (3), 46-


Koenigsknecht, J. (2003) Screening and Interviewing New Teachers. . American Association

Of School Personnel Administrators: AASPA Best Practices in School Personnel, May/June/

July. 22-24.

Why did you select this article?

I selected this article because I thought it was very interesting. I have never been on the other side of an interview. If I were to become an administrator and was responsible for hiring I would need to know how to conduct efficient interviews. This sounds like a good method for selecting the best candidate for the position.

Briefly summarize key points from the reading.

In today’s high technology world, resumes and applications are all becoming high quality and do not give a measure as to the quality of the applicant. Koenigsknecht suggests that a quick screen interview is a way of narrowing a large pool of applicants down to a smaller more highly qualified group of applicant. Along with a core questions a few tailored questions are asked which best fit the position. After which the candidate can go through a sequential interview process where the candidate interviews with a panel except for each panel member is asking a small set of questions on an individual basis. This process helps move the number of applicants through the process quickly. You have the opportunity to interview 40 – 45 candidates instead of

5 – 6. The quick screen interview along with the sequential interview process allows the administrator to identify and select the best possible candidate for the position.

Identify the principal competencies and supporting standards involved or implicated in the reading, (e.g., Competency 5 and Competency 6, , including the following standard: Analyze the

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EDLD 5345 Human Resource Management Kristin Bryan implications of various factors (e.g., staffing patterns, class scheduling formats, school organizational structures, student discipline practices) for teaching and learning, (Competency

5); Implement effective, appropriate, and legal strategies for the recruitment, screening, selection, assignment, induction, development, evaluation, promotion, discipline and dismissal of campus staff, (Competency 6).

This article applies to competency 6 -The principal knows how to implement a staff evaluation and development system to improve the performance of all staff members, select and implement appropriate models for supervision and staff development, and apply the legal requirements for personnel management. With supporting standard 3 - allocate appropriate time, funding, and other needed resources to ensure the effective implementation of professional development plans.

It also applies to competency 7 -The principal knows how to apply organizational, decisionmaking, and problem-solving skills to ensure an effective learning environment. With supporting standard 4 - use strategies for promoting collaborative decision making and problem solving, facilitating team building and developing consensus.

How might you apply what you learned from this reading in your role as an administrator or educational leader?

This information will really help me if I become an administrator. I gives me the information that I would need to conduct a comprehensive search for the best fit to the position that I need to fill. I have never had to do an interview before and this article gave good information about some good techniques that I could use to get through a lot of candidate in a short amount of time.

Additional comments/recommendations.

I look forward to using techniques such as this in my future career as an administrator.

2011 Lamar University 12 of 15

EDLD 5345 Human Resource Management Kristin Bryan

Week 2 Assignment, Part 8: Article Critique No. 2

Your assigned readings for this week included an issue of the American Association of School

Personnel Administrators’ Best Practices in School Personnel titled “New Teacher Induction

Programs.” Critique one article from the journal using the questions provided below.

Identify your article and source using APA citation format (for example, West, G. (2007).

Holding higher education accountable for new teachers. The School Administrator, 65 (3), 46-


Addison, A.l (2006). Great Beginnings: New Teacher Induction Programs. American Association

Of School Personnel Administrators: AASPA Best Practices in School Personnel, May/June/

July. 6-8.

Why did you select this article?

I selected this article because I thought it was incredible that a school district spent so much time and effort to prepare their teacher. I wish that I had this much support when I started teaching. I remember going to a new teacher training but when it got right down to it I was not really prepared when I stepped into the classroom and once school started I felt like I was totally on my own.

Briefly summarize key points from the reading.

Great Beginnings: New Teacher Induction Program was a program started by the Olathe School

District for their newly hired teachers. It started with a 3 day new teacher orientation that trained the teachers on procedures, routines and climate of the district. During the 3 days they reviewed the curriculum guided by master teachers. Instructional Resource Teachers (TRI) were assigned to each teacher as a district mentor for the 1 st year. The 4 th day of the program allowed the teacher to spend time in the classroom preparing for school. A collegial mentor was also assigned to the teacher as an on-site mentor to help with day-to-day teaching. Ongoing professional development also helped to support the new teachers as well as an after school induction series twice a month that addressed topics of know needs like grading and parent communication. A standard-based evaluation and reflections is used to provide teachers with feedback to help them grow and develop. Teachers were also encouraged to reflect on their own teaching through the same standards. One more source of growth and development that was provided was an on- site masters degree program. Significant time, money and resources were used to support the induction program but it reduced attrition, improved teacher quality and raised student achievement which made it all worth it.

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EDLD 5345 Human Resource Management Kristin Bryan

Identify the principal competencies and supporting standards involved or implicated in the reading, (e.g., Competency 5 and Competency 6, , including the following standard: Analyze the implications of various factors (e.g., staffing patterns, class scheduling formats, school organizational structures, student discipline practices) for teaching and learning, (Competency

5); Implement effective, appropriate, and legal strategies for the recruitment, screening, selection, assignment, induction, development, evaluation, promotion, discipline and dismissal of campus staff, (Competency 6).

This article applies to principal competency 8 – Budgeting, Resource allocation, financial management and technology as it applies to supporting standard 2 – use effective planning, time management and organization of personnel to maximize attainment of district and compus goals.

How might you apply what you learned from this reading in your role as an administrator or educational leader?

As an administratior I would make sure that I had a well organized program in place to help orient and support my new teachers. I would not only assign a mentor to my new teachers but I would also make sure the mentors knew what they were suppose to be providing for the new teachers and I would hold monthly meeting that included both the new teachers and the mentors so that we were all on the same page.

Additional comments/recommendations.

I did attent a new teacher orientation but I’m not sure I got much out of it. I never had a mentor, I just had to seek out help on my own when I needed it. Sometimes I could find someone who was willing to help but other times I felt like I was all on my own.

2011 Lamar University 14 of 15

EDLD 5345 Human Resource Management Kristin Bryan

Week 2 Assignment, Part 9: Mentoring Programs

The next portion of your assignment requires you to access the policies and procedures in place in your district related to teacher mentoring programs. Once again, you may access this information from your district’s web page, or contact someone from Human Resources or from your campus regarding the district and campus mentoring initiative. You will write a brief reflection describing what you learned from this policy review.

Briefly reflect on what you learned in reviewing these policies and procedures.

My district policy says that the district may assign a mentor teacher to each classroom teacher who has less than two years of teaching experience in the subject or grade level to which the teacher is assigned. A teacher assigned as a mentor teach at the same school and the same subject and same grade level.

E-portfolio assignment:

Complete “Domain I, Competency 3” Course-Embedded Internship Activity Log 2.

Continue to complete and post the portion of this assignment that deals with the review of

Chapter 247 of the Texas Administrative Code, observations and interviews in your school, and the results of those observations and interviews to complete the Code of Ethics Mind Walk, in the e-portfolio. All course-embedded and campus-supervised logs must be completed by your

11th course in the program prior to the EDLD 5398 Internship course.

E-portfolio assignment:

Complete “Domain II, Competency 6” Course-Embedded Internship Activity Log 2.

Continue to complete and post the portion of this assignment that deals with your interview of a school administrator regarding strategies for recruiting and retaining high-quality teachers and administrators in the e-portfolio. All course-embedded and campus-supervised logs must be completed by your 11th course in the program prior to the EDLD 5398 Internship course.

E-portfolio assignment:

Complete “Domain II, Competency 6” Course-Embedded Internship Activity Log 3.

Continue to complete and post Part 9 of this assignment in the e-portfolio. All courseembedded and campus-supervised logs must be completed by your 11th course in the program prior to the EDLD 5398 Internship course.

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