
EDLD 5311 Fundamentals of Leadership
Week 1 Assignment
This week’s lecture stressed the need for leaders to constantly reflect on their own behaviors,
beliefs, attitudes, ethics, and morals. While the Greek phrase “know thyself” represents an
unattainable ideal, knowing our own habits, morals, temperament, ability to control anger, and
other aspects of our behavior is key in knowing our own attributes as a leader, as well as
understanding the behaviors and attitudes of others, and developing trusting relationships with
those around us.
This week’s assignment builds on that concept. You will complete eight self-assessments this
week. These assessments will measure your knowledge of the attributes of leadership, your
temperament, your beliefs regarding motivation and conflict resolution, your concern for tasks
and people, your ethical orientation, and other aspects of leadership.
Following the completion of these self-assessments, you will compose a Personal Assessment
Paper that summarizes the results of each assessment, and provides you with an opportunity to
reflect on those results. A sample Personal Assessment Paper is located in your Resources
folder. You do not have to follow its structure and format, but you should use it to guide your
work on this assignment.
Your final requirement this week is to take a sample version of the Texas Examination of
Educator Standards, commonly referred to as the TExES exam.
While the self-assessments, the Personal Assessment Paper, and the sample TExES exam are
your three required assignments for this week, you should also be taking steps to prepare for
future assignments in this course, and your internship plan. This week, you should:
 Select a school site supervisor;
 Set appointments to interview two respected educational leaders at your campus or district
(this will be one of your Week 2 assignments); and
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EDLD 5311 Fundamentals of Leadership
Use the following Rubric to guide your work on the Week 1 Assignment.
Needs Improvement
The evidence suggests
that this work is a “Habit of
Mind.” The educator is
ready to mentor others in
this area.
The evidence suggests
that performance on this
work matches that of a
strong educator.
The evidence does not yet
make the case for the
educator being proficient at
this task.
Student completes all parts
of each of the eight selfassessments required in
the assignment, and
thoroughly documents
results as required.
Student completes seven
of the eight selfassessments required in
the assignment, and
documents results.
Student completes less
than seven of the selfassessments required in
the assignment, and/or
does not document results.
Personal Assessment
Paper is well written,
includes reflection on each
of the eight selfassessments, and follows
all requirements outlined in
assignment directions.
Paper is adequately
written, covers the majority
of the self-assessments,
and follows most directions
outlined in the assignment
Paper includes inadequate
reflection on selfassessments, and/or does
not follow directions
outlined in the assignment
Sample TExES Exam
Student completes sample
exam and documents
Student completes sample
exam and documents
Exam not completed
and/or results not
Assignment Mechanics
Few errors in grammar,
spelling, or punctuation.
Numerous errors in
grammar, spelling, or
Responses lack clarity and
depth and/or include
multiple errors in grammar,
spelling, and punctuation,
including APA errors.
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EDLD 5311 Fundamentals of Leadership
Week 1 Assignment, Part 1: Personal Assessments
Using the Week 1 Personal Assessment document found in the Resource section of
Blackboard, complete the 8 assessments. ***Note*** You will use your textbook as a
resource for completing the assessments. You do not have to complete
assessments referred to in your textbook if they are not on the Week 1 Personal
Assessment document in the BB Resource Section.
Week 1 Assignment, Part 2: Personal Assessment Paper
You have now completed eight personal assessments designed to provide you with insight into
your own leadership style, personal attributes, and knowledge of state and national leadership
standards. The assessments have revealed areas of strength and areas where additional
knowledge or skills are needed, and have shown various deep-seated beliefs, values, and
attitudes which impact your leadership thought and behavior. Results from these assessments
will now be summarized in a Personal Assessment Paper that will be used to help guide the
development of your Intern Plan.
A sample Personal Assessment Paper is included in the Resources. You are required to follow
the sample exactly and to summarize your findings. The sample does provide one good way to
complete the paper, and demonstrates an adequate depth and breadth of the summary. For
maximum understanding and use of the assessments, be as honest as possible; do not try to
guess at a correct response, but answer as you believe and act. Responses are not “right” or
“wrong.” This paper is designed to help you better understand yourself as a leader.
In the space below, write your Personal Assessment Paper.
Name: Sarah Shiver
Date: March 2, 2013
Course Number and Title: EDLD 5311 Fundamentals of Leadership
Lamar University
The Self Assessment Profile provides a summarization of results from eight (8) specific selfassessments that I recently completed. Those eight (8) self-assessments are: Training and
Educational Leader Self Assessment otherwise referred to as the TELSA, the Keirsey
Temperament Sorter, Motivation Beliefs, Task vs. People Profile, Ethical Orientation, the
Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium otherwise referred to as ISLLC, Conflict Style
and State and National Standards Assessment
Personal Self-Assessments
This personal assessment displays the results of the assessments as well as a brief summary of
the results. The assessments are: Training and Educational Leader Self Assessment otherwise
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referred to as the TELSA, the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, Motivation Beliefs, Task vs. People
Profile, Ethical Orientation, Conflict Style, and the Interstate School Leaders Licensure
Consortium otherwise referred to as ISLLC, State and National Standards Assessment
Training and Educational Leader Self Assessment, or TELSA
Given there are several tasks on the TELSA that I am not currently responsible for completing, I
felt as though I may need to review this self-assessment tool with my immediate campus
administrator. Through her guidance I was able to better identify “difficulty” and “frequency”
more accurately. Since I am a College and Career Specialist on my campus, I was not surprised
to see that I scored in the “Low Priority” in the areas of “Communicate/Use Communication
Technology” because I am continually discussing news, score reports, advertising events and
advising students, parents and others. However, I have so little dealings with budget issues that I
scored “High Priority” in the “Perform Budgetary and Other Administrative Duties” as well as
“Staff Related Administrative Duites”. My campus administrator and I are going to be sharing
more of these budget issues with each other and how the budget impacts both the students and
teachers. Over all, I have learned that I require additional studying, observing and professional
development so that I may improve in these areas.
Keirsey Temperament Sorter
My Temperament is Idealist, Teacher (ENFJ)
The results of the Keirsey Temperament assessment describe my temperament as that of Idealist,
Teacher (ENFJ). And after reviewing the descriptors, I have to agree. My grandmother once
told me that I had the gift of meekness even though I often viewed that temperament as
weakness. As an adult, I now have a better understanding that she was speaking to my helpful
nature. As the Keirsey sorter points out that an Idealist “is gifted in helping others find their way
in life”, I do feel as though the guidance I provide my students does aid in their life long journey
and I am happy to be able to discuss with them the pros and cons of possible life altering
decisions. The Idealist is also one who strives for “friendly cooperation” and I believe that about
myself whole heartedly. I think that not only would the workplace morale improve, but also the
morale with our students if teachers and students could find a friendly common ground and a
peaceful way to communicate with each other. However, I am not one who is quick to anger so I
have to disagree that I put up angry barriers between people when confrontations happen. I do,
however, search for solutions and very much like to “talk it out” as quickly as possible.
Motivation Beliefs
I am a firm believer that people have unique responses to situations based on their motivator. I
also believe that determining motivators for students, teachers and staff, although challenging,
could make for an effective learning environment.
When I began teaching I was amazed at the amount of money teachers spent in the classroom on
gifts for students as a means of positive reinforcement for their students’ good behavior. I think I
was so surprised because I can remember back to when I was a student and the expectations my
parents set for me. Good behavior was an expectation not a means for a reward. However, the
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students on my elementary campus were so hungry for gifts as rewards, that these gifts became a
their self actualization. I believed that these students actually thought, and I am sure that some
still think, the more gifts they receive from teachers, the better student they are. It was my intent
to change that. I tried very hard to instill Maslow’s Theory of needs into my students in hopes
that they would change their view of monetary gifts from a reward to more of an enticement. It
wasn’t long before my students were taking pride in their good behavior and good grades and
using those feelings as motivators rather than using a gift.
Now that I am at a high school, I discovered that students can be motivated to engage in positive
behavior and work harder for the scores they are striving to achieve for college acceptance. The
Goal Theory of Motivation (Ames and Maehr and Midgley) probably best describes the method I
used as a teacher and now as an advisor. By presenting a task or score as highly valuable or
much sought after by universities, the students typically strive for those higher scores and are
willing to test again or apply to alternate colleges. But, I had to provide students with viable
options that set them up for success based on their current level of abilities or test scores. As a
result, I am now hearing students discuss college entrance requirements as “the college requires”
rather than “Mrs. Shiver requires”. It’s great to see them learning more and striving for more for
their betterment rather than a reward.
As a teacher and counselor I have always desired feedback from my leaders. This is something
that I long for and then am able to use the feedback to better teach or advise my students. The
Achievement Motivation Theory (McClelland) appears to be most effective me. Just last week,
my principal was kind enough to give me some time to discuss an important topic with the
teachers during staff development. His introduction of myself and my office to the staff was
absolutely phenomenal. As a new member to a team of previously established teachers, that is
the feedback I so needed to be sure that not only does my leader support my effort at the campus
level, he is making public that support and encouraging the teachers to use my office as a
valuable resource for our students. In my opinion, a little bit of praise
Task versus People Assessment
Concern for Task - 16; Concern for People – 11
The Task versus People Assessment shows that I have a more task oriented personality which is
quite surprising. Although I strive to quickly and correctly to complete any assigned task, I feel
as though I am less task oriented and have a genuine concern for people. Perhaps this is due to
the numerous tasks that this new position has required of me this year. I may have become more
focused on the task rather than the student. I am somewhat bothered that I have a slightly higher
task oriented personality rather than a concern for people because I have always labeled myself
as a helper. I enjoy helping people and my students and watching the excitement spread across
their faces when they get accepted or realize they have been granted assured admission into a
four year school. It’s a great feeling to be able to express to students that their hard work has
paid off. I take great joy in that. In addition, since I am a helper, I thoroughly enjoy exploring
other opportunities for those students who do not meet assured admission requirements.
Ethical Orientation
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Economic – 0; Organizational – 1; Socially Aware – 4; Idealistic – 3
Results of the Ethical Orientation self-assessment reveal that my orientation is more prevalent in
the Socially Aware and Idealistic categories. I am truly not surprised at this outcome, especially
since I have previously been labeled as Idealistic in the Kiersey Temperament Sorter. I have
always been cognizant of others feelings and worried for our country’s social state. I deeply
desire for war to disappear. I personally do not understand why some people can be outright
hateful to each other. The same is true for the teaching environment. I truly want for all of my
students to get along with each other and want them to feel the awesomeness of college
acceptance. Educational leaders should be willing to recognize and accept the diverse student
population that surrounds them and learn from that diverse environment to better prepare our
students for the diverse workforce they will soon enter. As for Organization, that is of no
surprise. I have often referred to my office as organizational chaos due to the amount of papers,
books, college pamphlets, available scholarships packages and the like that students are free to
browse on any given day. I am also not surprised that the Economic category is so low. While I
realize that I need money to provide for my family, I have never really sought after high profile
or high paying jobs or careers. Yes, I would greatly enjoy a pay raise, but I feel rewarded every
day when I am able to help my students,
Assessment of ISLLC Disposition
This assessment, I felt, focused on my inclination to not only lead others in my building but also
the community as a whole. Given that I am new to this building, my campus supervisor did the
best she could to complete this survey. She stated that since she has been able to watch me
interact with students and has witnessed the relationship that I have formed with them, she agrees
that I am more than capable of making an ethical informed decision and discussing difficult
topics with students and parents. She and I also agree that education is the key to success for
most of our students and that without an education, our students will not be able to make
informed decisions and will have difficulty surviving in the workforce. I do look forward to
working more closely with her and hope that at the complete of this internship, she and I have a
better working relationship.
Conflict Styles
Forcing – 1; Harmonizing – 3; Negotiating – 5; Integrating – 5; Avoiding – 6
The Conflict Style self-assessment reveals that “Avoiding” holds my highest score.
“Negotiating” and “Integrating” scored evenly as my second highest scores. I agree these results
are consistent with how I personally view my conflict style. It is true that I avoid conflict. I
certainly do not seek it out. I have been told that I am overly sensitive, however, I view that
sensitivity as my desire for peace and a conscious choice to choose to negotiate and problem
solve rather than concentrate on what may be best for my office. I agree that I need to work
more at integrating and less at avoiding. Leadership styles certainly vary from person to person,
however, it would be quite difficult to lead if I am continue to avoid a problem.
State and National Standards Assessment
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I still have not decided whether or not I am at an advantage or a disadvantage due the gross
campus changes this year. More than half of the administration team is new, including myself,
my principal, my DI, numerous AP positions, lead counselor and teachers. In summary, my
campus has had a complete overhaul which included the implementation of a new department,
mine, the College and Career Center. It seems as though every item on these lists is of utmost
importance to our new team. Right now, we are focusing on teacher morale, and student success.
We are also doing our best to form a better vertical alignment to ensure our students are
successful in respect to the new TSI. Teachers, staff and students have had to be so flexible this
year with the many changes that have taken place and we are hopeful that our scores, morale and
community involvement will improve.
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Week 1 Assignment, Part 3: Sample TExES Exam
The State of Texas requires school administration candidates to pass the Texas Examination of
Educator Standards (TExES) for licensure to work as a school administrator. Following the
completion of your graduate program at Lamar and all requirements being met, you will receive
authorization to take the TExES exam.
After completing your Personal Assessment Paper, you are required to take the TExES Practice
Test located in the Resource document “Principal Preparation Manual.” Results of the practice
test will not be factored into your grade for this course, are will not included in the Personal
Assessment Paper, but should be used to guide the development of your Intern Plan.
The 49-item practice exam is on pages 33- 71 of the Principal Preparation Manual, located in
the Resource Section. You may write your responses to each item on a sheet of paper or a
Word document. At the bottom of each page containing an exam item, the SBEC competency
with which the item corresponds is provided.
The answer key to the practice exam is located on page 72. When you finish the exam, check
your answers against the answer key and enter your score in the space provided below. Again,
this is a practice exam for which you will not be graded; there is no reason to check the
answer key prior to completing the exam. The goal is for you to take the test and then
assess your score and identify the competencies most frequently missed, so you may
work on gaining a better understanding of the identified competency as you prepare your
intern plan. You will take a more in-depth live practice exam, the Lamar Comprehensive Exam
(LCE) at the end of your program. These practice exams are extremely important in helping
prepare you for success on the state exam.
Correct Items
Divide By
Multiply By
% Correct
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