CHELMER VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL STATEMENT ON EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES 1. The school is committed to achieving an education, which provides equality of opportunity and freedom from discrimination for all staff and students, irrespective of sex, race and special needs. 2. The school’s Equal Opportunities Policy is to be seen as compatible with the Aims of the School: To encourage young people to love learning by achieving personal excellence and regarding learning as a life long process To become a centre of excellence for Engineering by promoting an educational culture which is challenging, interesting and innovative To develop students’ skills, talents and abilities to their maximum potential To provide opportunities for personal reflection and to encourage a deeper awareness of spiritual, cultural and social issues To provide a safe and secure environment To develop self-discipline and a sense of responsibility within our students for others and the environment To foster a considerate community based on goodwill and concern for others To promote equal opportunities and to deal with issues of prejudice and discrimination as they arise 3. The Equal Opportunities Policy, originally adopted by Essex County Council in October 1984 and regularly updated by the governing body, recognises and obligation to offer equal consideration in employment, training, career development and promotion to members of minority racial groups, people of either sex and the disabled. The school fully accepts its responsibilities in these matters (ref Point 7). 4. Students have varied educational needs, whether, for example, as girls and boys, as members of ethnic minorities or as a result of learning or other difficulties or disabilities. The school aims to provide equal opportunities for all its students and to develop in them a sense of achievement and personal worth. Bullying is not tolerated whether it be by staff or students. 5. Discrimination can be either overt or covert: i) Overt discrimination can occur in the organisation and discipline of a school, in such things as option choices, careers advice and work experience ii) Covet discrimination relates to the assumptions, beliefs and values, often acquired over a long period of time, which affect peoples’ responses and behaviour. This may manifest itself in the attitudes of staff and students towards themselves and others. The school is committed to develop policies and practices consistent with the Sex Discrimination Act (1975) and the Race Relations Act (1976) to eliminate overt forms of discrimination and to seek, in the first instance, through education and persuasion to eliminate the more covert forms of discrimination, whether on the part of students of staff. 6. The policy will seek to involve all members of the school community – Governors, staff (teaching and non-teaching), students, parents, outside agencies and the neighbouring community. It will also permeate all aspects of the life of the school. The policy seeks to address the issue of equal opportunities through the following: a) All staff have a responsibility to encourage tolerant and positive attitudes on the part of students towards race, creed, culture, gender, social grouping and special needs. b) All students should sense that they are valued as individuals and be encouraged and expected to extend similar consideration to others. c) The school will seek, through such things as public display materials, communications with outside agencies, parents and the community and assemblies to convey a positive view of equal opportunities. d) When rules, codes of conduct and other aspects of school organisation are discussed, consideration will be given to equal opportunities issues. These will include language, religion, diet, culture and the needs of those with disabilities. e) The school will not tolerate – and will, therefore seek to counter – bullying, prejudice, discrimination and racism. 7. f) The school will endeavour to provide equal access to the curriculum for all students and equal opportunities within each course. g) All curricular areas will monitor materials for such tings as racial and gender bias, stereotyping and lack of awareness. The immediate implementation of policy may be conditioned by the availability of reasonable resources at a particular time. NO SMOKING POLICY With effect from 1/1/2000, Governors agreed to impose a complete “No Smoking” policy on all buildings and open areas within the school site. Staff and visitors who wish to smoke are permitted to do so in their cars.