Middle Ages Period Name(s) 1a. Where was medieval (middle ages

Middle Ages Period
Name(s) _________________________________
1a. Where was medieval (middle ages) music created?
1b. Why is most medieval music by anonymous sources (why did
composers not put their name on their music)?
1c. Why was the melody of plainsong simple?
2a. Give two more names for minstrel (travelling musician).
2b. How was secular music different from sacred music?
2c. Name three instruments that minstrels used.
3. What did polyphony do for composers?
4. Who developed a new way of writing down music?
Middle Ages Vocabulary
Plainsong ___________________________________________________
Neumes ___________________________________________________
Gregorian Chant
Organum ___________________________________________________
Renaissance Period
Name(s) _________________________________
1a. What did sacred music develop from?
1b. What were composers very interested in?
1c. What did church leaders worry about?
2a. What was the most popular form of secular music?
2b. Where were they usually sung?
3. Who sang chorales?
4a. What were the two most common instruments?
4b. Name three other instruments:
Renaissance Vocabulary
Baroque Period
1. Name(s) _________________________________
2a. What did Baroque melodies usually contain?
2b. What did composers begin to write in their music?
3a. Name four things that opera combines.
3b. Name the two types of opera.
3c. How is the cantata different from opera?
4a. What became as important as vocal (singing) music?
4b. What do you call a form of music for many instruments that
features a soloist?
5. Name 2 Composers:
1st _________________________________________________________
2nd _________________________________________________________
Baroque Vocabulary
Classical Period
Name(s) _________________________________
2a. Name the three types of instrumental music developed in the
Classical period.
2b. What instruments were concertos written for?
2c. What does symphony mean?
3a. How many sections in sonata form?
4a. How do composers make each movement of a symphony different?
4b. Who is the "Father of the Symphony?"
5a. What was the most important type of vocal music in the Classical
period? ____________
5b. Name the two styles of opera.
6. Name 3 Composers
1st __________________________________________________
2nd __________________________________________________
3rd __________________________________________________
Classical Vocabulary
Absolute music
Romantic Period
1. Name(s) _________________________________
2. How is the Romantic symphony different from the Classical
symphony? _________________________________________________
3. How is the tone poem different from a program symphony?
4. What is a concert overture?
5. Name the two most important composers of opera in the Romantic
period. ____________________________________________________
6. What is the function (purpose) of lieder?
7a. What did Nationalism do?
7b. Which country was the leader of the Nationalist movement?
8a Why were miniatures extremely popular?
8b. What instrument were miniatures written for? ________________
9. Name 3 Composers
1st _______________________________________________________
2nd _______________________________________________________
3rd _______________________________________________________
Romantic Vocabulary
Program Music
Chamber Music
The 20th Century
a. What are the only limits on music composition in the 20th century?
b. How are melodies of the 20th century different from before?
c. What do some composers use electronics for?
2a. How is Impressionist music different from Romantic music?
2b. Name two Impressionist composers.
3a. How is Neoclassical music similar to music of the Classical period?
3b. What makes Igor Stravinsky's music interesting?
4a. What does the composer do in chance music?
4b. Why is chance music interesting?
5a. Name two ways of describing atonal music.
5b. What kind of music did composers of the "Second Viennese
School" write?
6. Name 3 Composers
20th Century Vocabulary
Program Music