Viking Society sale

Viking Society sale
Additional books.
Andersson, Theodore M. The legend of Brynhild. Islandica xliii, Cornell, 1980.
Arrow-Odd: a medieval novel. Trans. Paul Edwards and Hermann Pálsson. 1970.
Bergman, Gösta. A Short History of the Swedish language. Trans. 1973.
Binns, A.L. the Viking Century in East Yorkshire. East Yorkshire Local History Society,
Binns, A.L. East Yorkshire in the Sagas. East Yorkshire Local History Society, 1966.
Björkman, Erik. Nordische Personennamen in England. Halle 1910.
Branston, Brian. Gods of the North. London/NY. 1955.
Cameron, Kenneth. Scandinavian settlement in the Territory of the Five Boroughs: the
Place-Name Evidence. Univ. Notts Lecture 1965.
The Confederates and Hen-Thorir. Trans Hermann Pálsson. New Saga Library 1975.
Craigie, William. The romantic poetry of Iceland. Glasgow 1950.
Davidson, H.E. Gods and Myths of Northern Europe. Penguin. 1968 rep.
Dorothea Coke Memorial Lectures. UCL. 10 lectures, sep. bound.
Dronke, Ursula. The Poetic Edda. Volume One. Heroic Poems. Oxford 1969.
Dufferin, Lord. Letters from High Latitudes. 1910 OUP reprint.
Eirik the R ed and other Icelandic sagas. Trans. Gwyn Jones.1961.
Eldjárn, Kristján. Stöng í Þjórsárdal: Leiðarvísir. Reykjavík 1971.
Eyrbyggja saga. Trans. Hermann Pálsson and Paul Edwards. Penguin.
Eyrbyggja saga. Trans. Hermann Pálsson and Paul Edwards. New Saga Library 1973.
Faraday, Winifred. The Edda II. The Heroic mythology of the north. David Nutt, 1902.
The Faroese Saga. Freely trans. G.V.C Young and Cynthia R. Clewer. Belfast 1973.
First International Saga Conference Papers. Edinburgh 1971.
Folklore. Most volumes 1973-1999.
Garmonsway, G.N. An Early Norse Reader. Cambridge 1928.
Gautreks saga and other medieval tales. Trans Hermann Pálsson and Paul Edwards.
Grettis saga. ÍF edition. Hardback.
Gunnlaugs saga Ormstungu. Notes etc. Peter Foote and Randolph Quirk. Viking Society
Hall, R.A. The Viking Kingdom of York. Yorkshire Museum, 1976.
Hallberg, Peter. The Icelandic saga. Trans. Paul Schach. 1962.
Halldór Hermansson.ed. The Hólar Cato: An Icelandic Schoolbook of the Seventeenth
century. Cornell 1958.
Hervarar saga ok Heiðreks. Notes G. Turville-Petre, int. C.Tolkien. Viking Society 1956.
Holland, Hjalmar R. The Kensington Stone. 1932.
Hollander, Lee M. The Skalds. A selection... Michigan 1968.
Hrafnkels saga and other stories. Trans Herman Pálsson. Penguin.
Hrolf Gautreksson. Trans Hermann Pálsson and Paul Edwards. New Saga Library 1972.
Icelandic Miscellany. Exhibition catalogue, National Library of Scotland 1957.
Ingstad, Helge. Land under the Pole Star. 1959.
Jónas Kristjánsson. Icelandic Sagas and manuscripts. 1980.
Jones, Gwyn. A History of the Vikings. Oxford 1968.
Jones, Gwyn. The Legendary History of Olaf Tryggvason. W.P Ker Memorial Lecture,
King Haralds saga. Trans Magnus Magnusson and Hermann Pálsson. Penguin.
Klindt-Jensen, Ole. The Vikings in England. Copenhagen 1948.
Laxdæla saga. Muriel Press trans. 1935 reprint.
The Life of Gudmund the Good, Bishop of Hólar Trans. G. Turville-Petre and E.S.
Olszewska. Viking Society 1942.
Lowry, David E. Norsemen and Danes of Strangford Lough. 1925-6.
Magnus Magnusson. Viking expansion westwards. Bodley Head, 1973.
Magnus Magnusson. Vikings! BBC, 1980.
Nerman, Birger. Vilka konungar ligga i Uppsala Högar? Uppsala, 1913.
Nerman, Birger. Svärges älsata konungalängder uppsal, 1914.
Nerman, Birger. The Poetic Edda in the light of archaeology. Viking Society 1931.
Njals saga. Trans Magnus Magnusson and Hermann Pálsson. Penguin.
Nordal, Sigurður. Hrafnkels saga Freysgoða: A Study... Trans. R. George Thomas.
Cardiff 1958.
The Norse Discoverers of America: the Wineland saga. Trans G.M. Gathorne-Hardy,
intro. Gwyn Jones. Oxford 1970.
Ólafur Halldórsson. Danish kings and the Jomsvikings in the Greatest Saga of Ólafur
Tryggvason. Viking society 2000.
Orkney Miscellany: King Håkon commemorative Number vol. 5 1973.
The Orkneyinga saga. Trans. Joseph Anderson. 1973 reprint.
O’Walshe, M.C. Introduction to the Scandinavian Languages. 1965.
Oxenstierna, Eric. The World of the Norsemen. 1957.
Page, R.I. The Icelandic rune-Poem. Viking Society 1999.
Páls saga biskups . Einar Ólafur Sveinsson bjó til prentunar. Reykjavik 1954
The Poetic Edda. Trans. Lee M. Hollander. 1969.
The Saga of Gísli. Trans George Johnston, notes Peter Foote. 1963.
Saga-book. Most volumes 1972-2003.
The Saga of Gunnlaug serpent-Tongue. Ed. Peter Foote, trans R. Quirk. 1957.
The Saga of Tristram and Ísönd. Trans Paul Schach.1973.
Seven Viking romances. Trans Hermann Pálsson and Paul Edwards.
Smyth, Alfred. Scandinavian York and Dublin. 2 volumes, 1975, 1979. Paperback.
Snorri Sturluson. Heimskringla part two: Sagas of the Norse Kings. Trans Samuel Laing.
Revised Peter Foote. Everyman 1961.
Snorri Sturluson. The Prose Edda. Trans Jean Young. Univ. Califiornia Press 1971.
The Story of Grettir the Strong. Trans. Eiríkr Magnússon and William Morris. New ed.
The Saga of Grettir the Strong. Trans G.A. Hight. Notes Peter Foote. Everyman 1965.
The story of Raud and his sons. Trans G. Turville-Petre. Viking Society 1947.
G.S. Streatfield Lincolnshire and the Danes. London 1884.
Strömback, Dag. The Conversion of Iceland. Viking Society 1975.
Tornöe, J. Kr. Norsemen before Columbus. London 1965.
Turville-Petre. G. Origins of Icelandic literature. Oxford. 1967 rep.
Turville-Petre. G. The Heroic age of Scandinavia 1951.
Valla-Ljóts saga. Benedikt Sveinsson bjó til prentunar. Islendinga sögur. 1924 (one of a
series of cheap popular prints.)
De Vries, Jan. The problem of Loki. FF communications 110. 1933.
The Viking Age in the Isle of Man. Ninth Viking Congress papers. Viking society 1983.
Víga-Styrs saga ok Heiðarvíga Islendinga sögur. 1925 (one of a series of cheap popular
The Vinland Sagas. Trans Magnus Magnusson and Hermann Pálsson. Penguin.
Völsunga saga Trans William Morris, intro. . Robert W. Gutman . Paperback 1962.
Wallace-Hadrill, J.M.. The Vikings in Francia. 1974.
Wilson, David. The Viking Age in the Isle of Man: the archaeological evidence. Lecture
Year-book of the Viking Club. Vols 1-3 bound as one. London 1909.
Zoëga, G.T. A Concise Dictionary of Old Icelandic. 1972 rep.
Þorfinns saga karlsefnis. Benedikt Sveinsson bjó til prentunar. Islendinga sögur. 1928
(one of a series of cheap popular prints.)
Þorgils saga ok Hafliða. Ed. Ursula Brown. OUP 1952.