SGA Minutes Week 1- Winter Term 13 December 2011 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Roll Call Approval of Minutes a. Wood b. Marion-Burton Treasurer’s Report a. $7892.70 current budget Secretary’s Report Speaker’s Report Habitat for Humanity Contingency a. As we granted Habitat no funds when they previously requested about $9000 for their Spring break trip and Darrin Good covered the cost, we would like to reimburse them the $2875 b. Marion-Burton moves to approve $2875 c. Treichel seconds d. Wood moves to open debate e. Latt seconds f. Wood- This will set a great example for SGA as to how we can cooperate with fellow Augie organizations which provide funds to students g. Treichel- This is great and it will decrease the chance of other groups asking the Senate for funds h. Dahlke- Moves to close debate i. Marion-Burton seconds j. Treichel puts the questions k. White seconds l. Bagnuolo moves for a roll call vote m. Groeper seconds n. 25-0-0 Motion passes SAGA Contingency a. White moves to approve the full amount of b. Bagnuolo seconds c. Onumah to open debate d. Latt Seconds e. Onumah- The most frustrating thing about this body is that we pass a lot of contingencies that don’t seem to truly matter for the Augustana community at large. This, however, is perhaps the first of recent member that is actually important to the Augie community at large. SAGA is an important part of this entire campus as opposed to those contingencies who only benefit 10, etc. f. Latt- do they really need 550 copies? Perhaps they should chose between quality and quantity g. Treichel- I agree with Senator Latt. This is an organization that we should support however 550 copies is a lot. Perhaps we should support them and approve funding for 400 copies. h. Treichel moves to amend that we approve funding for 400 copies i. Latt seconds j. Groeper- We should take into consideration the different factors included in printing as they mentioned. k. Zheng- We should approve the full amount. I work for SAGA and in the Fall there were many cuts in great work based on poor budgets. l. Hilbert- They have provided themselves a cusion as they don’t know how many magazines they can publish with this amount. This is providing students with good oppourtunity so we shouldn’t cut their funds. m. Wood- Something like a literary/art magazine is essential to the Liberal Arts education and this new amount of 400 copies seems arbitrary as we don’t know what the printing cost would end up being as many publishers give cheaper prices for bulk orders. n. Dahlke- SAGA is good and we shouldn’t limit their number of copies, the more the better. They go quickly already and we shouldn’t limit their numbers of copies o. Funke- We should not be taking away money from this, they’ve already decreased their printing quantity and their doing their best to keep costs down and it benefits the entire campus. p. Wickiser- Against reducing this amount, it’s not our place to say how many magazines they’ll need. q. Moves to put to question r. Onumah objects s. Onumah- My issue with the amendment is that we’re punishing SAGA for poor budgetary decisions that we’ve made as a body. This is essential to Augustana as a community. More students benefit from the publishing of SAGA than most of the recent contingencies of approval. t. Triechelu. Bagnuolo moves to put the question v. Wickiser seconds w. Marion-Burton moves for a roll call vote x. Hale seconds y. 1-23-1 amendment fails z. Wood moves to end debate aa. Treichel objects bb. Treichel moves to recommend that the Art department is asked to help SAGA with printing costs cc. Latt seconds dd. Onumah puts the question ee. Dahlke seconds ff. Onumah moves for a voice vote gg. Bagnuolo seconds hh. Division is called ii. Roll Call vote jj. 23-2-0 amendment passed kk. Wood moves to end debate ll. Reinacher seconds mm. Bagnuolo put the question nn. Marion- Burton for rall call oo. Wood seconds pp. Unanimous, motion passes, granting SAGA $2513 VIII. Committees IX. Committee Reports a. Student Activities- SloughAu coming up. Contacting WAUG and OSA. Considering SloughAu shirts for SGA members. Also considering corporate sponsorship b. PR- Nothing to report c. Campus and Community- Tutoring day coming up on Thursday at Presbyterian Church on 7th. Send Devon an email if you’re interested. Cool Beanz event contingency coming up d. Campus Improvements- Discussion on Public Safety with Dean Campbell, Audrey Adamson, Tom Phillis, John Bagnuolo and ____ on Sunday March 18 at 7 PM in Olin Auditorium e. Adminstrative Liaison- Week 2 meeting with Dean Lawrence, Week 3 with Dean Campbell X. Vice President’s Report a. Unity items being ordered XI. President’s Report a. LU and Dance Marathon were supposed to come tonight but didn’t so they’re coming up b. Anime Club requesting about $1500 next week c. Observer also on docket for next week d. Elections- sending out applications via email within the week e. Election committee members are those who can be contacted for Campaign like “stuff” and we need 4, preferably not Executive Board and Seniors. We will pull out of a hat and notify you via email. f. Answer the cell phone number in student directory survery! XII. Announcements XIII. a. Onumah- 2 resolutions to come before the Senate soon Adjournment a. Wood b. Marion-Burton