Advanced Placement Environmental Science (A.P.E.S.) Mrs. Rice Email: Website: Phone Number (school): 410-313-2867 Planning: Periods 1 and 6 in B201 Course Description: This course is designed to be the equivalent of a college-level semester course in Environmental Science. Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary field of study, and the goal in this class is to integrate what you know about Biology, Chemistry, Math, History, Sociology, etc., to come to an understanding of the natural world and the forces that affect it. It will follow the curriculum recommended by the College Board. Independent work in an expectation of this course and you will be required to master much content material on your own so that we have more time for laboratory and fieldwork. Course Goal: The goal of the AP Environmental Science course is to provide you with the scientific principles, concepts and methodologies required to understand the interrelationships of the natural world, to identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, to evaluate the relative risks associated with these problems, and to examine alternative solutions for resolving and/or preventing them. Grading: A variety of factors and a number of assessment strategies determine the level of student achievement in this class. Below is a list of each type of assessment device along with the overall percentages for each type. Exams: 60% Laboratory reports: 20% Classwork/Projects: 10% Homework: 10% The grading percentages are as follows: 89.5-100 = A 79.5-89.4 = B 69.5-79.4 = C 59.5-69.4 = D <59.4 = E Recommended Materials for Class: Binder to use for taking notes and storing handouts Writing instrument daily – pen or pencil Access to the Internet for computer assignments Other supplies may be required throughout the course in order to complete major projects and assignments. PRIDE Pact: Every class will participate in creating a PRIDE Pact outlining the agreed classroom expectations and behaviors. Students and teachers will sign the PRIDE Pact to signify ownership in their classroom community. Attendance: Due to the nature of this course, attendance and participation are crucial. If you are going to be absent from class, it is your responsibility to determine the work missed. If you are legally absent, you will have one day for every day missed to complete the work. Late Work: If an assignment is not in on the due date, your grade for that assignment will be a zero. Late work is not accepted. Help: Help is available after school. To ensure that help will be available, make arrangements with me prior to staying after school. Please use email to reach me anytime during the day. I will do my best to respond as soon as possible. Welcome to APES! I look forward to embarking on this new adventure together. This course should significantly shape your understanding and perhaps even your opinion of the environment and your planet! When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world. - John Muir Course Syllabus This course is divided into units. Exams are based on units or a combination of units as compared to individual chapters. This means that the exams will be less in number, but will be longer in length and will cover more materials than usual. Text: Environmental Science: A Global Concern (Cunningham, et. al., 2005) Unit I: Introduction/Environmental History & Ethics Chapter 1: Understanding Our Environment Chapter 2: Environmental Philosophy, Ethics and Science Unit II: Ecology Chapter 3: Matter, Energy, and Life Chapter 4: Biological Communities and Species Interactions Chapter 5: Biomes: Global Patterns of Life Chapter 11: Biodiversity Chapter 13: Preserving and Restoring Nature Unit III: Populations Chapter 6: Population Biology Chapter 7: Human Population Unit IV: Water Use and Water Pollution Chapter 17: Water use and management Chapter 18: Water Pollution Unit V: Climate and Air Pollution Chapter 15: Air, Weather, and Climate Chapter 16: Air Pollution Unit VI: The Solid Earth and Land Use Chapter 14: Geology and Earth Resources Chapter 12: Land Use: Forests and Grasslands Chapter 22: Urbanization and Sustainable Cities Chapter 9: Food and Agriculture Chapter 10: Pest Control VII: Energy Resources and Solid Waste Chapter 19: Conventional Energy Chapter 20: Sustainable Energy Chapter 21: Solid, Toxic, and Hazardous Waste Study Contract I, ____________________________ agree to the following conditions for studying each chapter/unit covered in the textbook. Some of the methods I have a choice in using for preparation for an exam are the following: Answering chapter questions and definitions Outlining the chapter Taking chapter notes Use of note cards or flash cards Concept web or concept map construction Using online materials (e.g. study guides, chapter outlines) One item that I am required to complete for my study contract are the online chapter quizzes found on our online textbook at: I understand that I will only be assessed based upon completing the chapter quizzes, not the actual grade. The chapter quizzes make up the majority of the study contract points. Class notes are not considered a part of the study contract in that they are a requirement of the course in general. On the day of each assessment I agree to outline in writing the details of my exam preparation to fulfill the terms of the study contract. I realize that I must hand in my work when I take each assessment. I realize that I must email Mrs. Rice with the results of my chapter quizzes associated with each exam. I know that if I am prepared adequately and I complete my chapter quizzes, I will receive full credit for my study contract. However, if my preparation does not meet this contract’s requirements, then I will not receive full credit. Exam corrections may be assigned or allowed by Mrs. Rice for partial credit and to improve understanding of the content in preparation for the AP exam. If my study contract is incomplete, late, or not up to the course standards, I will not be permitted to complete the assessment corrections for partial credit. If I am consistently doing poorly (a grade lower than a C), I must also seek additional help by scheduling an appointment with Mrs. Rice. If I choose not to do a quiz/exam preparation assignment I will receive zero points on that assignment. Student Signature: ______________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________________ Date: __________________