
School Prospectus
2014/ 2015
At MHS we strive towards excellence and to be at the forefront of day and residential special
education provision.
We want to be a school which offers life enhancing opportunities by supporting each individual in
reaching their own academic, social and personal goals and where outstanding care, guidance,
support, nurture and exceptional relationships underpin everything we do.
 Key Information
 School Policies
 Designated Members of Staff with their Responsibilities
 Ethos & Values of the School
 Admissions Policy
 Parents / Carers visiting the school
 Religion
 Welsh
 The Curriculum
 The School Day
 Keystage 4
 Sex Education
 Careers Guidance
 Work Experience
 Sport
 Sports Fixtures & Extra-Curricular Activities
 Homework
 Assessment, Recording & Reporting
 Annual Reviews
 Safeguarding
 Accessibility
 Data Protection
 Behaviour & School Rules
 Out of Class
 Facilities
 Exclusions
 School Uniform
 Residential Living & Care
 Appendices
Key Information
Mounton House Special School
NP16 6LA
Tel: 01291 635050
Fax: 01291 645709
Headteacher: Mr Paul Absalom
Chair of Governors: Mrs Cynthia Plant
Classification of School: Residential special school catering for boys statemented for
complex, social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. The school offers a full
residential package, day status, mixture of both plus where appropriate an
extended day
Language of the school: English
Religious affiliation: There is no affiliation with any religion and we are open to all
School Policies
Copies of the School Policies for the following are available on request as is our
Staff Handbook which contains further policies and information.
If you require further clarification of any policy please do not hesitate to contact
the Headteacher.
Child Protection / Safeguarding
Complaints Procedure
Equal Opportunities
Exclusion Information
Health & Safety
Special Education Needs
Staff lists
Statement of Purpose
Supporting & Promoting Educational Achievement of Looked After Children
It is our aim to include the above polices on our website by the end of the summer
term 2015.
Designated Members of Staff with their Responsibilities
Safeguarding: Mr P Absalom / Headteacher
Looked After Children: Mr K Dash
Social Worker: Mrs C Rowlands
School Nurse: Mrs L Goodwin
Ethos & Values of the School
At MHS we strive towards excellence and to be at the forefront of day and residential special
education provision.
We want to be a school which offers life enhancing opportunities by supporting each individual in
reaching their own academic, social and personal goals and where outstanding care, guidance,
support, nurture and exceptional relationships underpin everything we do.
We believe as a staff that our values are reflected in the following acronym:
- Perseverance
- Respect
- Independence
- Determination
- Expectation
Developing excellence, preparing to succeed by:
 Pupils develop to their full potential in a safe and secure environment
 Pupils achieve academic and vocational skills that equip them for life
 Pupils develop life and personal skills needed to function independently
 Pupils are prepared and ready to make a positive contribution to society
 Ensure wellbeing of both staff and pupils
Objectives – In Support of the Aims
These aspects will form the basis of our delivery and will support working towards the aims and
overall vision of the School.
 To implement individual learning pathways for pupils.
 To provide a tailored and innovative curriculum.
 To develop social and emotional programmes in order to enhance life skills.
 To ensure an early identification and a proactive response with a targeted intervention
and support programme to cater for individual needs
 To fully utilise Restorative packages
 To continually develop and update the skills and expertise of all staff
 To listen and involve pupils, parents, staff and wider stakeholders in order to facilitate and
meet expectations.
 To develop independence skills in all our pupils.
 To develop and improve self-worth in all our pupils.
 To use a consistent approach across the School
Admissions Policy
Pupil admissions are through a referral to the Local Authority’s monthly
admissions panel. The panel consists of Psychologists, SEN Department,
Headteacher, Social Worker and School Health Representatives. Decisions
are made at this meeting as to what type of placement could be offered to
meet each child’s individual needs.
As part of our Assessment Policy a review is carried out after 3 months and
then annually. Other reviews may be called if difficulties arise outside of
these times.
Parents / Carers visiting the school
Parents and carers are welcome to visit the school at any time – we positively
encourage parents and carers to visit and be part of the school. Close
telephone contact is maintained with parents and carers and visits are easily
arranged. Please ensure that we have up to date contact details at all times.
The religion delivered at Mounton House School is broadly of a Christian
nature. Studies of other religions are undertaken within religious education.
We collectively engage in prayer and reflection within an assembly and
before meals. Any parent / carer can exercise their right to choose for their
child not to participate in religious education by simply informing the school
in writing.
Mounton House School is situated in Chepstow, Monmouthshire and is a
welsh school which complies with the Welsh Assembly Government and
Estyn. Welsh is taught through direct lessons and through focusing on welsh
traditions and the culture of Wales keystage 3.
There are bilingual signs at school and staff use basic incidental welsh as part
of everyday life. Marking also includes some basic welsh phrases and words.
As part of assemblies there are celebrations of key welsh occasions.
The Curriculum
Mounton House School seeks to provide a broad and balanced curriculum, in
line with the requirements of the National Curriculum, to which all pupils are
In line with the National Curriculum the school includes the following
subjects in their curriculum for all pupils:
Design Technology
English (including Drama)
Modern Foreign Language
Music-KS3 Tutorial Coach/Music Service
Personal, Social, Health Education
Physical Education
Relgious Education
Pupils are taught in age-appropriate groups in classes of no more than seven
and follow an Individual Learning Plan. The diversity of need and ability
demonstrated by our pupils means mixed ability teaching is a reality. The
pupil’s difficulties and needs are revisited at their annual reviews and the
school adapts their Individual Curriculum targets.
Pupil progress meetings are held with teachers every half term and it may be
decided that certain interventions may be required for some pupils to enable
them to access the curriculum and enter fully into school life.
Literacy & Numeracy Interventions
Nurture provision
1:1 mentoring
SPLD Interventions
Behavioural Interventions including: emotional literacy, sensory room,
anger management, use of a counsellor, restorative justice
Complete alteration of a pupil’s curriculum
The School Day
The school day consists of 5 lessons and runs as follows:
8.45 Staff Meeting
9.00 Tutor time
9.10 Lesson 1
10.00 Lesson 2
10.50 Break
11.05 Lesson 3
11.55 Lesson 4
12.45 Lunch
13.30 Tutorial
14.00 Lesson 5
15.00 End of school day
Keystage 4
Bespoke packages are put together for all pupils at KS4. Pupil, parents /
carers are the key drivers in choosing the right options. With guidance from
the school pupils choose from various GCSE’s, Entry Levels, BTEC, as well as
Essential Skills. Pupils are well supported at KS4 by Learning Coaches.
Some pupils opt for vocational courses and qualifications can be gained in
the following:
Motor Vehicle Maintenance
Outdoor Pursuits
Painting & Decorating
Performing Arts
Small Animal Care
Sex Education
The mechanics of reproduction are explained in science lessons. The more
sensitive and contentious areas of sexual behaviour and morality are dealt
with in PSHE lessons. However, it is worth being aware that in the residential
setting issues concerning sex, sexual behaviour and sexual morality often
arise and staff endeavour to operate as good parents offering responsible
advice and always sensitive to the delicate nature of such discussions
assisted by the school nurse.
Citizenship is delivered as a separate part of the curriculum to which all boys
have access.
Careers Guidance
The school receives careers guidance from Careers Wales for all welsh pupils
in years 9,10 & 11. Pupils from English authorities receive careers guidance
from Prospects Careers Services. Transition plans are drawn up for all pupils.
Work Experience
All Year 10 pupils complete a two week work experience placement just after
Easter and as part of their package some pupils at KS4 engage in extended
work experience opportunities.
As a school we take great pride in both the range of sporting opportunities
available to the pupils and the standard achieved. All pupils are encouraged
to take part whether through formal P.E lessons or through the numerous
clubs and societies operating during social hours.
Regular opportunities to participate in the following sports available:
Outdoor Pursuits Gymnastics
Hill Walking
Sports Fixtures & Extra-Curricular Activities
The school arranges and takes part in various sports fixtures against other
special schools. Sports day is held annually with a variety of sports to ensure
every pupil takes part.
As many activities as possible are offered to the boys during the evenings
when they are in school. These include football, art, craft, cookery, weight
training, tennis, basketball, cricket, Forest Schools, cycling, walks, chess, pool,
computers, table tennis, archery, gymnastics, and school cinema.
The school also owns several motorbikes which are used for pupils 14+ years
both riding and maintenance. All pupils are encouraged to take part in
activities both sporting and more quiet ones.
Homework is highly individualised. Subject teachers set homework to
underpin the learning in class and/or to support preparation for
The school actively encourages pupils to access relevant educational
websites at home e.g. BBC Bitesize, Mathswise
Assessment, Recording & Reporting
We send out detailed reports to parents / carers at the end of the Autumn
Term and Summer Term. Parents / carers are always invited to all reviews
and a pupil’s work and progress will be discussed as will progress made
towards targets. Regular feedback to parents / carers regarding progress
happens via phonecalls.
Annual Reviews
Annual Reviews are held once a year for all pupils with a Statement of Special
Needs and we encourage parents / carers to attend. The meeting is held by a
member of the senior leadership team and professionals who work with the
pupil are also invited. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss review
progress against the statemented needs and set future targets. At this
meeting we also discuss transition for older pupils including 14 – 19
curriculum options, mainstream inclusion programmes and college
At Mounton House School the safeguarding of pupils is of paramount
importance. We adhere to the guidance and protocols in the All Wales Child
Protection Procedures and staff are regularly trained in aspects of
safeguarding. Our Child Protection Officer is Paul Absalom, Headteacher.
Any concerns about suspected emotional, physical, sexual abuse or neglect
of a child should be reported immediately and prompt action is taken to
ensure the safety and wellbeing of the child or children. In most
circumstances parental consent would be gained verbally or in writing prior
to a child in need referral being made. However where there is deemed to
be a risk of significant harm a child protection referral may occasionally be
made without parental consent.
Pupils and visitors who come to Mounton House School have a range of
needs. Curriculum materials are modified and adapted to meet most needs
and we seek the advice from relevant external professionals as appropriate.
Classrooms have good ICT facilities which can be used to meet a range of
needs e.g. to deliver literacy programmes and to aid concentration in
youngsters with ADHD or for dyspraxia / dyslexic pupils to type work.
There is an adapted toilet and shower facilities close to the main entrance
which are accessed via a key which is available at reception. Telephones are
issued to all classrooms and offices. A number of staff are trained to
administer medication and we have trained First Aiders on site.
We continue to make adaptations and if you have any suggestions for
improvement please let us know.
Data Protection
We are required to comply with all data protection procedures. That means
that we take steps to store electronic and paper information safely and
securely and seek your consent before sharing this information with others.
Behaviour & School Rules
All pupils who attend Mounton House School have difficulty managing their
behaviour and so targets are set to help pupils improve. We expect all pupils
to behave in an acceptable way and staff challenge behaviour that causes
offence or breaches our anti-bullying policy or equalities policy. Mobile
phones must be handed in each day if the pupil travels daily or the
residential pupils hand their phone into their Unit Manager.
Pupils are responsible for their own property unless it is specifically handed
into staff.
Pupils are not permitted to take photographs on the school premises.
Smoking, smoking materials, alcohol or illegal substances are not permitted
in any County Council building or around the site. Pupils are regularly
reminded of this rule and we work proactively with pupils, parents/carers,
health professionals, social workers, youth offending team and the
community police office to promote healthy lifestyle choices.
Concerns in relation to criminal activity or safeguarding are always reported
to the police and / or social services.
Staff are trained regularly in Team Teach Behaviour Management which is
the approved Monmouthshire LA method to safeguard people and services.
The team teach approach is based on de-escalation skills and staff are trained
to manage challenging behaviour calmly with an emphasis on continuing the
lesson or activity with minimal disruption.
In the event of a very serious incident which could cause injury to others or
damage to property, staff are trained to physically intervene with the aim of
moving the pupil to a place of safety. The Headteacher keeps an up to date
staff list of what level each staff member is trained to under the team teach
Out of Class
The school has a pupil support room manned by specialist staff should pupils
need time-out or there have been issues within the class. Staff all have
telephones and in all classes the pupil support team and other staff can be
contacted by using the green button on their computers which will signify
that help is required.
There is also a quiet room near the school hall that can be used by pupils
under supervision or they may be directed to use the room by a member of
Occasionally a pupil displaying dangerous behaviour, which may cause harm
to himself or others or damage to school property, will bring on the use of
appropriate team teach physical intervention strategies. Staff would then
stay with the pupil to ensure that reassurance and support is given. Events
like this are not common place and parents / carers / social services (if
appropriate) are always notified by a member of the senior team.
Pupil toilets and showers are provided in the main building. Drinking water is
available from various drinking fountains / chillers around the school but the
main one for pupils is in the sports area reception.
All pupils at Mounton House School have difficulties in managing their
behaviour. Staff are experienced at helping to improve their behaviour and
are always available to assist and support. However, as in any school,
violence towards staff or other pupils or behaviour that could place
themselves or others in danger will not be tolerated and may lead to a fixed
term exclusion.
Obviously we hope that this will not happen, however, if an exclusion is
warranted parents / carers / social services will be contacted by phone and a
letter will be sent home giving the reasons and the length of exclusion.
We appreciate that an exclusion from school is a very serious occurrence and
we ask that on return to school the pupil is accompanied by a parent / carer
so that we can meet to discuss the incident, complete a restorative justice
meeting and plan a positive route forward.
School Uniform
Mounton House School has a uniform consisting of black trousers, blue polo
shirt (with school logo), blue fleece (with school logo) and a maroon
sweatshirt (with school logo). Footwear is left to parents / carers. Jewellery
is not allowed apart from a single stud earing (gold/silver).
Transport is provided by all local authorities. The school does not control the
transport arrangements and so please liaise with your own local authority if
you have any queries. High standards of behaviour are expected on taxis and
school transport for safety reasons and to avoid internal school sanctions.
Residential Living & Care
The care provision focuses on creating, developing and maintaining
opportunities to enhance the quality of life for all our pupils. The 24 hour
curriculum demonstrates our efforts to meet and provide opportunities to
achieve our vision. The staff provide a nurturing environment where trust
and respect allow for physical, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, social and
cultural needs to be met. The school’s good practice has been widely
acknowledged in recent CSSIW inspections. Respects for rights, individuality
and interdependence are all values that provide a framework for the
integrity, good conduct and development of real self-esteem amongst the
pupils in our care.
Mounton House School has 3 small care units with a variety of rooms. All
units are modern, well equipped with emphasis on homely and modern.
The school operates a Behaviour Management system which seeks to
identify areas of behavioural concern both during the day and evenings.
Individual Behaviour Plans and Care Plans highlight areas of concern and
target poor behaviour.
Each pupil at Mounton House School has a Key Worker who is a staff
member who is committed to all aspects of the boys life. Waking night staff
are on-duty in the residential care units and are supported by sleep-in staff
and senior staff on-call.
Contact is discussed on entry, but on the whole, nightly contact is
encouraged with care staff / teachers also contributing to the contact over
positive and negative issues.
Parent - School agreement
2013 – 2014 annual attendance figures
Leavers destinations 2013 – 2014
How to complaint – A Guide for Pupils
Term dates 2014 -2015
Staff structure and areas of responsibilities
List of Governors
Parent – School Agreement
This agreement outlines the requirements for a positive relationship between
parents and school and to commit both parties to the common aim of providing a
better education and a happier future for the young people concerned
The school will:1. Arrange a visit by a staff member to the parents’ home prior to admission, to
share information, alleviate concerns and collate relevant details and
2. Offer parents and the immediate family an interview at school and allow
parents escorted access to all areas within school
3. On admission, give parents a copy of the individuals timetable along with the
names of class teacher and key workers involved with their child’s education
4. Within 3 months of admission, assess the child educationally and
behaviourally. Parents will be asked to this meeting, in which, short, medium
and long term objectives for their child will be discussed and agreed by all
5. Hold an annual review for each child to which, parents will be invited and
expected to attend. Parents will also be encouraged to contribute towards
this review both in writing and in person
6. Give parents a copy of a School Brochure and details on any policies they
may require
7. Reassure the parents that the children will not be allowed to hurt
themselves, any other person or damage property and as a result it may be
necessary to hold a child. In order to facilitate this. Staff have been trained
and are experienced in handling children safely. Loss of self-control will be
managed in a controlled and safe environment
8. Actively encourage visits by parents (by prior arrangement) and involvement
in social events run at the school as well as participation in the Schools
Governing body
9. Will offer each child full access to the National Curriculum, providing suitable
attention to educational and behavioural needs
10.Keep parents / carers well informed through reviews, telephone
conversations, newsletters and the school website
Parents will:1. Give due consideration to their child’s placement at the school and be fully
supportive of the school in management of their child
2. Ensure that the child attends school regularly and notify the school in the
event of any unavoidable absences
3. Communicate regularly with the school if there are problems at home or at
school including health issues
4. Attend meetings within the school at mutually agreed times
5. Attend the 3 month review and subsequent Annual Reviews and respond in
6. Support mutually agreed objectives for the child
7. Communicate their concerns directly and promptly to the school
8. Assist the school in the provision and maintenance of school uniform
9. Help the child at home by reading to him regularly, or hearing him read and
with all work provided
10.Maintain contact with their child whilst in school by regular letter writing and
the telephone
11.Support the school’s policies and guidelines on behaviour and in particular
support the need to complete any work which is not done in class
Pupil’s will:1. Attend school regularly and on time
2. Bring all the equipment required each day
3. Wear school uniform and be tidy in appearance
4. Do all class work and homework
5. Be polite and helpful to others
6. Keep the school free from litter and graffiti
Signed: _________________________________________
Signed: __________________________________________
2013 / 14 Attendance Figures
Year 7 6.0
Year 8 3.7
Year 9 10.9
Leavers Destinations 2013 /14
Paul Bell
Dan Edwards
Dan Gunter
Carl Harris
Hayden Langdon
George Pritchard
Jake Roberts
Jake Smith
Harry Webb
Post 16 Project work based training with Mon Youth Service
Post 16 Project work based training with Mon Youth Service
Plumbing Course
Pontypool College – Access Programme
Farming/ Agriculture
Careers Wales Gwent
Post 16 Project work based training with Mon Youth Service
Construction/Painting and Decorating
Careers Wales Gwent
Term Dates
Autumn Term 2014
Inset Day
Pupils return
Inset Day
Term ends
Monday 1st September
Tuesday 2nd September
Monday 27th October - Friday 31st October
Monday 3rd November
Friday 19th December
Spring Term 2015
Term begins
Inset Day
Terms ends
Monday 5th January
Friday 13th February
Monday 16th February - Friday 20th February
Friday 27th March
Summer Term 2015
Term Begins
May Day Bank Holiday
Inset Day
Terms ends
Disaggregated Inset Day
Monday 13th April
Monday 4th May
Friday 22nd May
Monday 25th May - Friday 29th May
Friday 17th July
Monday 17th July
Staff Structure
Senior Management Team
Mr Paul Absalom
Mr Mark McCormick
Mr Kelvin Webb
Mr Kieran Dash
Mr Steve Hughes
Deputy Headteacher
Care Manager
Assistant Headteacher / Science
Business Manager
Mr Lloyd Davies
Mr James Standerwick
Mr David Stones
Mr Joseph Stone
Behaviour Co-ordinator / PE & Welsh
Assessment Co-ordinator / ICT
SEN / Maths
LNF Co-ordinator / Geog, Hist, Citizenship, PSHE
Mr Matthew Duffield
Mr Gareth Jones
Mr Usman Rahim
Mr David Swain
DT, Art, Cooking
Exams Officer / PE
Professional Support
Mrs Louise Goodwin
Mrs Caroline Rowlands
Carol Ann Young
Miss Brenda Rees
Mr Stjohn Diston
School Nurse
School Social Worker
Counsellor (Mon & Fri)
SPLD Teacher
Music (Thurs)
Residential Child Care Officers (RCCOs)
Mrs Bev Allcock
Mrs Kelly Aston
Mr Steve Griffin
Medical / Transport (Senior RCCO)
Mr Christopher Hole
Fire Officer
Mrs Rona Latchem
Night Care Assistant
Mr Mark Reeks
Mr Hayden Sayers
Medical / Forest School co-ordinator
Mr Terence Smith
Outdoor Education
Mrs Diane Webb
Mr Phillip Whistance
Teaching & Classroom Support
Mr Ian Birbeck
Mr Adam Brake
Mr Robert Blatchford
Miss Kate Davies
Ms Christine Gould
Miss Rebecca James
Ms Sally Jenkins
Miss Lydia Kelley
Mr John Lenahan
Mr Brett Mahoney
Miss Sarah Parker
Miss Laura Saysell
Mrs Joanne Shakeshaft
Mrs Tracey Sobey
Ms Jessica Sparkes
Mrs Carrie Williams
KS4 Alternative Pathways
AP / cover supervisor / Pupil Support
Cover Supervisor / Pupil support
TA / 1:1 Literacy Support & SPLD
KS4 Alternative Pathways
TA / 1: 1 Literacy support
TA / 1: 1 Literacy support
1:1 support / Alternative Pathways
TA / Eco Schools & Charities
Interventions Co-ordinator / Pupil Support
TA / Numeracy Intervention
TA / Emotional Literacy Support (ELSA)
HLTA & Nurture Group
Network Manager
Mr Kierran Blayney
School Support
Mrs Sue Clowry
Mrs Nicola Foulkes
Miss Liz Newth
Finance Officer
School Secretary
ST admin / Exams / Technical admin
Lab Technician
Mrs Diana Snow
Mr Peter Pope
Cleaning & Laundry
Miss Linda Melvin
Mrs Barbara Nicholson
Mrs Ruth Packer
Miss Annmarie Smith
Ms Michelle Duke
Mrs Tracy Johnson
Ms Carol Mutlow
Assistant Cook
Kitchen Assistant
Community Governors
Mrs Lynn Thomas
Mr Gareth Jones
Head teacher
Mr Paul Absalom
Local Authority Representatives
Mrs Carol Jones
Parent Representatives
Mrs Cynthia Plant
Mr Nick Davey
Ms Sian Fuller
Teaching Staff Representative
Mr David Stones
Non-Teaching Staff Representative
Ms Sarah Parker