Earth and Environmental Science

 Australian EES Curriculum document
 Western Australian EES syllabus 2013
 ESWA on-line resources supporting EES
All Case Studies must not only fall under the EES text book chapter headings as
per the TESEP website ( but must also
address at least one learning outcome in a Unit of the Australian EES curriculum.
A Case Study that covers more than one outcome in more than one Unit is quite
acceptable BUT a Case Study that does not address any of the specific learning
outcomes listed cannot be accepted.
Australian EES Curriculum 2013
This text reproduced in part from:
Earth and Environmental Science is a multifaceted field of inquiry that focuses on interactions between the
solid Earth, its water, its air and its living organisms, and on dynamic, interdependent relationships that have
developed between these four components. Earth and environmental scientists consider how these
interrelationships produce environmental change at a variety of timescales. To do this, they integrate
knowledge, concepts, models and methods drawn from geology, biology, physics and chemistry in the study
of Earth’s ancient and modern environments. Earth and environmental scientists strive to understand past
and present processes so that reliable and scientifically-defensible predictions can be made about the future.
Earth and Environmental Science builds on the content in the Biological and Earth and Space Sciences substrands of the Foundation to Year 10 Australian Curriculum: Science. In particular, the subject provides
students with opportunities to explore the theories and evidence that frame our understanding of Earth’s
origins and history; the dynamic and interdependent nature of Earth’s processes, environments and
resources; and the ways in which these processes, environments and resources respond to change across a
range of temporal and spatial scales.
In this subject, the term ‘environment’ encompasses terrestrial, marine and atmospheric settings and
includes Earth’s interior. Environments are described and characterised with a focus on systems thinking and
multidisciplinarity rather than with a particular ecological, biological, physical or chemical focus. This subject
emphasises the way Earth materials and processes generate environments including habitats where
organisms live; the natural processes and human influences which induce changes in physical environments;
and the ways in which organisms respond to those changes.
Studying senior secondary Science provides students with a suite of skills and understandings that are
valuable to a wide range of further study pathways and careers. In this subject, students develop their
investigative, analytical and communication skills and apply these to their understanding of science issues in
order to engage in public debate, solve problems and make evidence-based decisions about contemporary
issues. The knowledge, understanding and skills introduced in this subject will encourage students to
become confident, active citizens who can competently use diverse methods of inquiry, and will provide a
foundation for further studies or employment in Earth and environmental science-related fields.
Earth and Environmental Science aims to develop students’:
 interest in Earth and environmental science and their appreciation of how this multidisciplinary knowledge
can be used to understand contemporary issues
 understanding of Earth as a dynamic planet consisting of four interacting systems: the geosphere,
atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere
 appreciation of the complex interactions, involving multiple parallel processes, that continually change
Earth systems over a range of timescales
 understanding that Earth and environmental science knowledge has developed over time; is used in a
variety of contexts; and influences, and is influenced by, social, economic, cultural and ethical
 ability to conduct a variety of field, research and laboratory investigations involving collection and analysis
of qualitative and quantitative data, and interpretation of evidence
 ability to critically evaluate Earth and environmental science concepts, interpretations, claims and
conclusions with reference to evidence
 ability to communicate Earth and environmental understanding, findings, arguments and conclusions using
appropriate representations, modes and genres.
Unit 1: Introduction to Earth systems
Unit Description
The Earth system involves four interacting systems: the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and
biosphere. A change in any one ‘sphere’ can impact others at a range of temporal and spatial scales. In this
unit, students build on their existing knowledge of Earth by exploring the development of understanding of
Earth's formation and its internal and surface structure. Students study the processes that formed the oceans
and atmosphere. They review the origin and significance of water at Earth’s surface, how water moves
through the hydrological cycle, and the environments influenced by water, in particular the oceans, the
cryosphere and groundwater. Students will examine the formation of soils at Earth’s surface (the
pedosphere) as a process that involves the interaction of all Earth systems.
Students critically examine the scientific evidence for the origin of life, linking this with their understanding of
the evolution of Earth’s hydrosphere and atmosphere. They review evidence from the fossil record that
demonstrates the interrelationships between major changes in Earth’s systems and the evolution and
extinction of organisms. They investigate how the distribution and viability of life on Earth influences, and is
influenced by, Earth systems.
Through the investigation of appropriate contexts, students explore how international collaboration, evidence
from multiple disciplines and individuals and the development of ICT and other technologies have contributed
to developing understanding of Earth systems. They investigate how scientific knowledge is used to offer
valid explanations and reliable predictions, and the ways in which it interacts with social, economic and
cultural factors.
Students use science inquiry skills that mirror the types of inquiry conducted to establish our contemporary
understanding of Earth systems: they engage in a range of investigations that help them develop the field
and research skills used by geoscientists, soil scientists, atmospheric scientists, hydrologists, ecologists and
environmental chemists to interpret geological, historical and real-time scientific information.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this unit, students:
 understand the key features of Earth systems, how they are interrelated, and their collective 4.5
billion year history
 understand scientific models and evidence for the structure and development of the solid Earth, the
hydrosphere, the atmosphere and the biosphere
 understand how theories and models have developed based on evidence from multiple disciplines;
and the uses and limitations of Earth and environmental science knowledge in a range of contexts
 use science inquiry skills to collect, analyse and communicate primary and secondary data on Earth
and environmental phenomena; and use these as analogues to deduce and analyse events that
occurred in the past
 evaluate, with reference to empirical evidence, claims about the structure, interactions and evolution
of Earth systems
 communicate Earth and environmental understanding using qualitative and quantitative
representations in appropriate modes and genres.
It is essential that your Case Study clearly contributes to assisting teachers and students achieve
one or more outcomes in one or more units.
Content Descriptions
Science Inquiry Skills (Earth and Environmental Science Unit 1)
 Identify, research and construct questions for investigation; propose hypotheses; and predict
possible outcomes
 Design investigations including the procedure/s to be followed, the information required and the type
and amount of primary and/or secondary data to be collected; conduct risk assessments; and
consider research ethics
 Conduct investigations, including using map and field location techniques and rock and soil sampling
and identification procedures, safely, competently and methodically for the collection of valid and
reliable data
Represent data in meaningful and useful ways; organise and analyse data to identify trends, patterns
and relationships; qualitatively describe sources of measurement error, and uncertainty and
limitations in data; and select, synthesise and use evidence to make and justify conclusions
Interpret a range of scientific and media texts and evaluate processes, claims and conclusions by
considering the quality of available evidence; use reasoning to construct scientific arguments
Select, construct and use appropriate representations, including maps and cross sections to
describe and analyse spatial relationships, and stratigraphy and isotopic half-life data to infer the age
of rocks and fossils, to communicate conceptual understanding, solve problems and make
Communicate to specific audiences and for specific purposes using appropriate language, genres
and modes, including compilations of field data and research reports
Science as a Human Endeavour (Units 1 & 2)
 Science is a global enterprise that relies on clear communication, international conventions, peer
review and reproducibility
 Development of complex models and/or theories often requires a wide range of evidence from
multiple individuals and across disciplines
 Advances in science understanding in one field can influence other areas of science, technology and
 The use of scientific knowledge is influenced by social, economic, cultural and ethical considerations
 The use of scientific knowledge may have beneficial and/or harmful and/or unintended
 Scientific knowledge can enable scientists to offer valid explanations and make reliable predictions
 Scientific knowledge can be used to develop and evaluate projected economic, social and
environmental impacts and to design action for sustainability
Science Understanding
Development of the geosphere
 Observation of present day processes can be used to infer past events and processes by applying
the Principle of Uniformitarianism
 A relative geological time scale can be constructed using stratigraphic principles including
superposition, cross cutting relationships, inclusions and correlation
 Precise dates can be assigned to points on the relative geological time scale using data derived from
the decay of radioisotopes in rocks and minerals; this establishes an absolute time scale and places
the age of the Earth at 4.5 billion years
 Earth has internally differentiated into a layered structure: a solid metallic inner core, a liquid metallic
outer core and a silicate mantle and crust; the study of seismic waves and meteorites provides
evidence for this structure
 Rocks are composed of characteristic assemblages of mineral crystals or grains that are formed
through igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic processes, as part of the rock cycle
 Soil formation requires interaction between atmospheric, geologic, hydrologic and biotic processes;
soil is composed of rock and mineral particles, organic material, water, gases and living organisms
Development of the atmosphere and hydrosphere
 The atmosphere was derived from volcanic outgassing during cooling and differentiation of Earth and
its composition has been significantly modified by the actions of photosynthesising organisms
 The modern atmosphere has a layered structure characterised by changes in temperature: the
troposphere, mesosphere, stratosphere and thermosphere
 Water is present on the surface of Earth as a result of volcanic outgassing and impact by icy bodies
from space; water occurs in three phases (solid, liquid, gas) on Earth’s surface
 Water’s unique properties, including its boiling point, density in solid and liquid phase, surface
tension and its ability to act a solvent, and its abundance at the surface of Earth make it an important
component of Earth system processes (for example, precipitation, ice sheet formation,
evapotranspiration, solution of salts)
Development of the biosphere
 Fossil evidence indicates that life first appeared on Earth approximately 4 billion years ago
 Laboratory experimentation has informed theories that life emerged under anoxic atmospheric
conditions in an aqueous mixture of inorganic compounds, either in a shallow water setting as a
result of lightning strike or in an ocean floor setting due to hydrothermal activity
In any one location, the characteristics (for example, temperature, surface water, substrate,
organisms, available light) and interactions of the atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere and
biosphere give rise to unique and dynamic communities
The characteristics of past environments and communities (for example, presence of water, nature of
the substrate, organism assemblages) can be inferred from the sequence and internal textures of
sedimentary rocks and enclosed fossils The diversification and proliferation of living organisms over
time (for example, increases in marine animals in the Cambrian), and the catastrophic collapse of
ecosystems (for example, the mass extinction event at the end of the Cretaceous) can be inferred
from the fossil record
Unit 2: Earth processes – energy transfers and transformations
Unit Description
Earth system processes require energy. In this unit, students explore how the transfer and transformation of
energy from the sun and Earth’s interior enable and control processes within and between the geosphere,
atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere. Students examine how the transfer and transformation of heat and
gravitational energy in Earth's interior drive movements of Earth’s tectonic plates. They analyse how the
transfer of solar energy to Earth is influenced by the structure of the atmosphere; how air masses and ocean
water move as a result of solar energy transfer and transformation to cause global weather patterns; and
how changes in these atmospheric and oceanic processes can result in anomalous weather patterns.
Students use their knowledge of the photosynthetic process to understand the transformation of sunlight into
other energy forms that are useful for living things. They study how energy transfer and transformation in
ecosystems are modelled and they review how biogeochemical cycling of matter in environmental systems
involves energy use and energy storage.
Through the investigation of appropriate contexts, students explore how international collaboration, evidence
from multiple disciplines and individuals and the development of ICT and other technologies have contributed
to developing understanding of the energy transfers and transformations within and between Earth systems.
They investigate how scientific knowledge is used to offer valid explanations and reliable predictions, and the
ways in which it interacts with social, economic and cultural factors, including the design of action for
Students use inquiry skills to collect, analyse and interpret data relating to energy transfers and
transformations and cycling of matter and make inferences about the factors causing changes to movements
of energy and matter in Earth systems.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this unit, students:
understand how energy is transferred and transformed in Earth systems, the factors that influence
these processes, and the dynamics of energy loss and gain
understand how energy transfers and transformations influence oceanic, atmospheric and
biogeochemical cycling
understand how theories and models have developed based on evidence from multiple disciplines;
and the uses and limitations of Earth and environmental science knowledge in a range of contexts
use science inquiry skills to collect, analyse and communicate primary and secondary data on
energy transfers and transformations between and within Earth systems
evaluate, with reference to empirical evidence, claims about energy transfers and transformations
between and within Earth systems
communicate Earth and environmental understanding using qualitative and quantitative
representations in appropriate modes and genres.
It is essential that your Case Study clearly contributes to assisting teachers and students achieve
one or more outcomes in one or more units.
Content Descriptions
Science Inquiry Skills (Earth and Environmental Science Unit 2)
Identify, research and construct questions for investigation; propose hypotheses; and predict
possible outcomes
Design investigations including the procedure/s to be followed, the information required and the type
and amount of primary and/or secondary data to be collected; conduct risk assessments; and
consider research ethics
Conduct investigations, including using map and field location techniques and environmental
sampling procedures, safely, competently and methodically for the collection of valid and reliable
Represent data in meaningful and useful ways; organise and analyse data to identify trends, patterns
and relationships; qualitatively describe sources of measurement error, and uncertainty and
limitations in data; and select, synthesise and use evidence to make and justify conclusions
Interpret a range of scientific and media texts and evaluate processes, claims and conclusions by
considering the quality of available evidence; use reasoning to construct scientific arguments
Select, construct and use appropriate representations, including maps and other spatial
representations, diagrams and flow charts, to communicate conceptual understanding, solve
problems and make predictions
Communicate to specific audiences and for specific purposes using appropriate language, genres
and modes, including compilations of field data and research reports
Science as a Human Endeavour (Units 1 & 2)
Science is a global enterprise that relies on clear communication, international conventions, peer
review and reproducibility
Development of complex models and/or theories often requires a wide range of evidence from
multiple individuals and across disciplines
Advances in science understanding in one field can influence other areas of science, technology and
The use of scientific knowledge is influenced by social, economic, cultural and ethical considerations
The use of scientific knowledge may have beneficial and/or harmful and/or unintended
Scientific knowledge can enable scientists to offer valid explanations and make reliable predictions
Scientific knowledge can be used to develop and evaluate projected economic, social and
environmental impacts and to design action for sustainability
Science Understanding
Energy for Earth processes
Energy is neither created nor destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to another (for
example, kinetic, gravitational, thermal, light) and transferred between objects
Processes within and between Earth systems require energy that originates either from the sun or
the interior of Earth
Thermal and light energy from the Sun drives important Earth processes including evaporation and
Transfers and transformations of heat and gravitational energy in Earth's interior drives the
movement of tectonic plates through processes including mantle convection, plume formation and
slab sinking
Energy for atmospheric and hydrologic processes
The net transfer of solar energy to Earth’s surface is influenced by its passage through the
atmosphere, including impeded transfer of ultraviolet radiation to Earth’s surface due to its interaction
with atmospheric ozone, and by the physical characteristics of Earth’s surface, including albedo
Most of the thermal radiation emitted from Earth’s surface passes back out into space but some is
reflected or scattered by greenhouse gases back toward Earth; this additional surface warming
produces a phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect
The movement of atmospheric air masses due to heating and cooling, and Earth’s rotation and
revolution, cause systematic atmospheric circulation; this is the dominant mechanism for the transfer
of thermal energy around Earth’s surface
The behaviour of the global oceans as a heat sink, and Earth’s rotation and revolution, cause
systematic ocean currents; these are described by the global ocean conveyer model
The interaction between Earth’s atmosphere and oceans changes over time and can result in
anomalous global weather patterns, including El Nino and La Nina
Energy for biogeochemical processes
Photosynthesis is the principal mechanism for the transformation of energy from the sun into energy
forms that are useful for living things; net primary production is a description of the rate at which new
biomass is generated, mainly through photosynthesis
The availability of energy and matter are one of the main determinants of ecosystem carrying
capacity; that is, the number of organisms that can be supported in an ecosystem
Biogeochemical cycling of matter, including nitrogen and phosphorus, involves the transfer and
transformation of energy between the biosphere, geosphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere
Energy is stored, transferred and transformed in the carbon cycle; biological elements, including
living and dead organisms, store energy over relatively short timescales, and geological elements
(for example, hydrocarbons, coal and kerogens) store energy for extended periods
Unit 3: Living on Earth - extracting, using and managing Earth
Unit Description
Earth resources are required to sustain life and provide infrastructure for living (for example, food, shelter,
medicines, transport, and communication), driving ongoing demand for biotic, mineral and energy resources.
In this unit, students explore renewable and non-renewable resources and analyse the effects that resource
extraction, use and consumption and associated waste removal have on Earth systems and human
Students examine the occurrence of non-renewable mineral and energy resources and review how an
understanding of Earth and environmental science processes guides resource exploration and extraction.
They investigate how the rate of extraction and other environmental factors impact on the quality and
availability of renewable resources, including water, energy resources and biota, and the importance of
monitoring and modelling to manage these resources at local, regional and global scales. Students learn
about ecosystem services and how natural and human-mediated changes of the biosphere, hydrosphere,
atmosphere and geosphere, including the pedosphere, influence resource availability and sustainable
Through the investigation of appropriate contexts, students explore the ways in which models and theories
related to resource extraction, use and management have developed over time and through interactions with
social, economic, cultural and ethical considerations. They investigate the ways in which science contributes
to contemporary debate regarding local, regional and international resource use, evaluation of risk and action
for sustainability, and recognise the limitations of science in providing definitive answers in different contexts.
Students use science inquiry skills to collect, analyse and interpret data relating to the extraction, use,
consumption and waste management of renewable and non-renewable resources. They critically analyse the
range of factors that determine management of renewable and non-renewable resources.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this unit, students:
understand the difference between renewable and non-renewable Earth resources and how their
extraction, use, consumption and disposal impact Earth systems
understand how renewable resources can be sustainably extracted, used and consumed at local,
regional and global scales
understand how models and theories have developed over time; and the ways in which Earth and
environmental science knowledge interacts with social, economic, cultural and ethical considerations
in a range of contexts
use science inquiry skills to collect, analyse and communicate primary and secondary data on
resource extraction and related impacts on Earth systems
evaluate, with reference to empirical evidence, claims about resource extraction and related impacts
on Earth systems and justify evaluations
communicate Earth and environmental understanding using qualitative and quantitative
representations in appropriate modes and genres.
It is essential that your Case Study clearly contributes to assisting teachers and students achieve
one or more outcomes in one or more units.
Content Descriptions
Science Inquiry Skills (Earth and Environmental Science Unit 3)
Identify, research and construct questions for investigation; propose hypotheses; and predict
possible outcomes
Design investigations including the procedure/s to be followed, the information required and the type
and amount of primary and/or secondary data to be collected; conduct risk assessments; and
consider research ethics
Conduct investigations, including using spatial analysis to complement map and field location
techniques and environmental sampling procedures, safely, competently and methodically for the
collection of valid and reliable data
Represent data in meaningful and useful ways; organise and analyse data to identify trends, patterns
and relationships; discuss the ways in which measurement error and instrumental accuracy and the
nature of the procedure and sample size may influence uncertainty and limitations in data; and
select, synthesise and use evidence to make and justify conclusions
Interpret a range of scientific and media texts and evaluate processes, claims and conclusions by
considering the quality of available evidence, including interpreting confidence intervals in secondary
data; use reasoning to construct scientific arguments
Select, construct and use appropriate representations, including maps and other spatial
representations, to communicate conceptual understanding, solve problems and make predictions
Communicate to specific audiences and for specific purposes using appropriate language, genres
and modes, including compilations of field data and research reports
Science as a Human Endeavour (Units 3 & 4)
ICT and other technologies have dramatically increased the size, accuracy and geographic and
temporal scope of data sets with which scientists work
Models and theories are contested and refined or replaced when new evidence challenges them, or
when a new model or theory has greater explanatory power
The acceptance of scientific knowledge can be influenced by the social, economic and cultural
context in which it is considered
People can use scientific knowledge to inform the monitoring, assessment and evaluation of risk
Science can be limited in its ability to provide definitive answers to public debate; there may be
insufficient reliable data available, or interpretation of the data may be open to question
International collaboration is often required when investing in large-scale science projects or
addressing issues for the Asia-Pacific region
Scientific knowledge can be used to develop and evaluate projected economic, social and
environmental impacts and to design action for sustainability
Science Understanding
Use of non-renewable Earth resources
Non-renewable mineral and energy resources are formed over geological time scales so are not
readily replenished
The location of non-renewable mineral and energy resources, including fossil fuels, iron ore and
gold, is related to their geological setting (for example, sedimentary basins, igneous terrains)
Mineral and energy resources are discovered using a variety of remote sensing techniques (for
example, satellite images, aerial photographs and geophysical datasets) and direct sampling
techniques (for example, drilling, core sampling, soil and rock sampling) to identify the spatial extent
of the deposit and quality of the resource
The type, volume and location of mineral and energy resources influences the methods of extraction
(for example, underground, open pit, onshore and offshore drilling and completion)
Extraction of mineral and energy resources influences interactions between the abiotic and biotic
components of ecosystems, including hydrologic systems
Use of renewable Earth resources
Renewable resources are those that are typically replenished at time scales of years to decades and
include harvestable resources (for example, water, biota and some energy resources) and services
(for example, ecosystem services)
Ecosystems provide a range of renewable resources, including provisioning services (for example,
food, water, pharmaceuticals), regulating services (for example, carbon sequestration, climate
control), supporting services (for example, soil formation, nutrient and water cycling, air and water
purification) and cultural services (for example, aesthetics, knowledge systems)
The abundance of a renewable resource and how readily it can be replenished influence the rate at
which it can be sustainably used at local, regional and global scales
The cost-effective use of renewable energy resources is constrained by the efficiency of available
technologies to collect, store and transfer the energy
The availability and quality of fresh water can be influenced by human activities (for example,
urbanisation, over-extraction, pollution) and natural processes (for example, siltation, drought, algal
blooms) at local and regional scales
Any human activities that affect ecosystems (for example, species removal, habitat destruction, pest
introduction, dryland salinity) can directly or indirectly reduce populations to beneath the threshold of
population viability at local, regional and global scales and impact ecosystem services
Overharvesting can directly reduce populations of biota to beneath the threshold of population
viability; the concept of maximum sustainable yield aims to enable sustainable harvesting
Producing, harvesting, transporting and processing of resources for consumption, and assimilating
the associated wastes, involves the use of resources; the concept of an ‘ecological footprint’ is used
to measure the magnitude of this demand
Unit 4: The changing Earth - the cause and impact of Earth hazards
Unit Description
Earth hazards occur over a range of time scales and have significant impacts on Earth systems across a
wide range of spatial scales. Investigation of naturally occurring and human-influenced Earth hazards
enables prediction of their impacts, and the development of management and mitigation strategies. In this
unit, students examine the cause and effects of naturally occurring Earth hazards including volcanic
eruptions, earthquakes and tsunami. They examine ways in which human activities can contribute to the
frequency, magnitude and intensity of Earth hazards such as fire and drought. This unit focuses on the
timescales at which the effects of natural and human-induced change are apparent and the ways in which
scientific data are used to provide strategic direction for the mitigation of Earth hazards and environmental
management decisions.
Students review the scientific evidence for climate change models, including the examination of evidence
from the geological record, and explore the tensions associated with differing interpretations of the same
evidence. They consider the reliability of these models for predicting climate change, and the implications of
future climate change events, including changing weather patterns, globally and in Australia (for example,
changes in flooding patterns or aridity, and changes to vegetation distribution, river structure and
groundwater recharge).
Through the investigation of appropriate contexts, students explore the ways in which models and theories
related to monitoring and managing Earth hazards and climate change have developed over time and
through interactions with social, economic, cultural, and ethical considerations. They investigate the ways in
which science contributes to contemporary debate regarding local, regional and international management of
Earth hazards, evaluation of risk and action for sustainability, and recognise the limitations of science in
providing definitive answers in different contexts.
Students use inquiry skills to collect, analyse and interpret data relating to the cause and impact of Earth
hazards. They critically analyse the range of factors that influence the magnitude, frequency, intensity and
management of Earth hazards at local, regional and global levels.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this unit, students:
understand the causes of Earth hazards and the ways in which they impact, and are impacted by,
Earth systems
understand how environmental change is modelled, and how the reliability of these models
influences predictions of future events and changes
understand how models and theories have developed over time; and the ways in which Earth and
environmental science knowledge interacts with social, economic, cultural and ethical considerations
in a range of contexts
use science inquiry skills to collect, analyse and communicate primary and secondary data on Earth
hazards and related impacts on Earth systems
evaluate, with reference to empirical evidence, claims about Earth hazards and related impacts on
Earth systems and justify evaluations
communicate Earth and environmental understanding using qualitative and quantitative
representations in appropriate modes and genres.
It is essential that your Case Study clearly contributes to assisting teachers and students achieve
one or more outcomes in one or more units.
Content Descriptions
Science Inquiry Skills (Earth and Environmental Science Unit 4)
Identify, research and construct questions for investigation, propose hypotheses and predict possible
Design investigations including the procedure/s to be followed, the information required and the type
and amount of primary and/or secondary data to be collected; conduct risk assessments; and
consider research ethics
Conduct investigations, including using spatial analysis to complement map and field location
techniques, environmental sampling procedures and field metering equipment, safely, competently
and methodically for the collection of valid and reliable data
Represent data in meaningful and useful ways; organise and analyse data to identify trends, patterns
and relationships; discuss the ways in which measurement error and instrumental accuracy, the
nature of the procedure and sample size may influence uncertainty and limitations in data; and
select, synthesise and use evidence to make and justify conclusions
Interpret a range of scientific and media texts and evaluate processes, claims and conclusions by
considering the quality of available evidence, including interpreting confidence intervals in secondary
data; use reasoning to construct scientific arguments
Select, construct and use appropriate representations, including maps and other spatial
representations, to communicate conceptual understanding, make predictions and solve problems
Communicate to specific audiences and for specific purposes using appropriate language, genres
and modes, including compilations of field data and research reports
Science as a Human Endeavour (Units 3 & 4)
ICT and other technologies have dramatically increased the size, accuracy and geographic and
temporal scope of data sets with which scientists work
Models and theories are contested and refined or replaced when new evidence challenges them, or
when a new model or theory has greater explanatory power
The acceptance of scientific knowledge can be influenced by the social, economic and cultural
context in which it is considered
People can use scientific knowledge to inform the monitoring, assessment and evaluation of risk
Science can be limited in its ability to provide definitive answers to public debate; there may be
insufficient reliable data available, or interpretation of the data may be open to question
International collaboration is often required when investing in large scale science projects or
addressing issues for the Asia-Pacific region
Scientific knowledge can be used to develop and evaluate projected economic, social and
environmental impacts and to design action for sustainability
Science Understanding
The cause and impact of Earth hazards
Earth hazards result from the interactions of Earth systems and can threaten life, health, property, or
the environment; their occurrence may not be prevented but their effect can be mitigated
Plate tectonic processes generate earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis; the occurrence of
these events affects other Earth processes and interactions (for example, ash clouds influence
global weather)
Monitoring and analysis of data, including earthquake location and frequency data and ground
motion monitoring, allows the mapping of potentially hazardous zones, and contributes to the future
prediction of the location and probability of repeat occurrences of hazardous Earth events, including
volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis
Major weather systems generate cyclones, flood events and droughts; the occurrence of these
events affects other Earth processes and interactions (for example, habitat destruction, ecosystem
Human activities, including land clearing, can contribute to the frequency, magnitude and intensity of
some natural hazards (for example, drought, flood, bushfire, landslides) at local and regional scales
The impact of natural hazards on organisms, including humans, and ecosystems depends on the
location, magnitude and intensity of the hazard, and the configuration of Earth materials influencing
the hazard (for example, biomass, substrate)
The cause and impact of global climate change
Natural processes (for example, oceanic circulation, orbitally-induced solar radiation fluctuations, the
plate tectonic supercycle) and human activities contribute to global climate changes that are evident
at a variety of time scales
Human activities, particularly land-clearing and fossil fuel consumption, produce gases (including
carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and hydrofluorocarbons) and particulate materials that
change the composition of the atmosphere and climatic conditions (for example, the enhanced
greenhouse effect)
Climate change affects the biosphere, atmosphere, geosphere and hydrosphere; climate change has
been linked to changes in species distribution, crop productivity, sea level, rainfall patterns, surface
temperature and extent of ice sheets
Geological, prehistorical and historical records provide evidence (for example, fossils, pollen grains,
ice core data, isotopic ratios, indigenous art sites) that climate change has affected different regions
and species differently over time
Climate change models (for example, general circulation models, models of El Nino and La Nina)
describe the behaviour and interactions of the oceans and atmosphere; these models are developed
through the analysis of past and current climate data, with the aim of predicting the response of
global climate to changes in the contributing components (for example, changes in global ice cover
and atmospheric composition)
Western Australian syllabus 2013
This text reproduced in part from
Earth is unique in the solar system. Its liquid water and oxygenated atmosphere support a great diversity of
life in a wide range of environments. Technological advances continue to provide us with the opportunity to
view and learn more about these environments. Viewing Earth from space means we can appreciate that our
planet is a global system made up of major reservoirs, namely the solid earth, water, atmosphere and
biosphere. Matter is constantly cycled within and between these reservoirs in a dynamic system
characterised by continual change. The Earth and Environmental Science course takes a multidisciplinary
approach by drawing on a wide variety of science disciplines to understand how these cyclic processes work
and to demonstrate the relevance of Earth science knowledge in daily life.
The course encourages students to be curious about the world around them and apply scientific principles to
develop an understanding of their Earth and environment. They learn about spatial relationships between
Earth’s materials and the geological processes that formed them. They will apply spatial awareness and
knowledge of present-day geological processes to decipher ancient environments.
This knowledge is critical for finding solutions to environmental challenges and making informed decisions
about managing our Earth and environment in a sustainable and responsible way. Environmental issues are
regularly discussed in Western Australia as they affect everyone. For example, the continued provision of
clean water supplies to urban and regional areas; the conservation of soils for agriculture and horticulture;
and the provision of energy from non-renewable, renewable and alternative sources are of importance.
This course emphasises scientific skills through gathering and evaluating information, then devising and
critically evaluating models to solve problems related to Earth and environmental science. On a daily basis
we are confronted with information on environmental issues. Students are encouraged to think critically on
these issues. They consider: how we distinguish fact from fiction; observations from prediction or conjecture;
unsubstantiated assertions from sound evidence. They develop techniques to communicate their
observations and interpretations and, therefore, participate in debate and decision-making as it relates to the
care of our environment and the future of all life on Earth.
This course aims to be attractive to, and inclusive of students with a wide variety of backgrounds, interests
and career aspirations. This course will equip students to undertake tertiary study and/or to gain employment
in the workplace. Earth science skills are highly transferable and relevant to a range of employment in
government, research organisations, education and private industry. More specifically they are important for
careers in environmental science, the resources industries (oil, gas, coal, groundwater, minerals and mineral
sands), agriculture and horticulture, which together represent the largest employment sector in Western
Australia. They may also be interested in related fields such as meteorology, hydrology, forensic science or
marine geoscience.
Course outcomes
The Earth and Environmental Science course is designed to facilitate the achievement of four course
Outcome 1: Investigating and communicating
Students use investigative and communication processes to describe and understand the Earth and its
In achieving this outcome, students:
 develop questions and ideas about the physical world to prepare an investigation plan;
 conduct experiments and investigations;
 analyse data, draw appropriate conclusions based on evidence and critically evaluate investigation
technique; and
 communicate scientific understanding to different audiences for a range of purposes.
Outcome 2: Materials and processes
Students understand how cyclic processes operate and materials and energy interact within the Earth
In achieving this outcome, students:
 understand that Earth is a system composed of reservoirs with different physical, chemical and biological
properties; and
 understand that the Earth system is dynamic and that materials and energy interact within and between
Outcome 3: Environmental change
Students understand that Earth processes operate on time and spatial scales and influence environmental
In achieving this outcome, students:
 understand that interactions between Earth processes and systems cause environments to change;
 understand that environmental changes occur over time and spatial scales; and
 understand that past environmental change influences present and future change.
Outcome 4: Sustainability
Students use their understanding of the Earth system and society’s need for resources to make balanced
and informed decisions about personal, community and global impacts on the environment.
In achieving this outcome, students:
 understand the importance of Earth resources for sustaining and enhancing quality of life;
 use an understanding of Earth and environmental science to make balanced and informed decisions and
evaluate others’ decisions about sustainable practice; and
 understand that active citizenship is essential for environmental responsibility and sustainable use of
Course content
The course content is the focus of learning program.
The course content is divided into four content areas:
 Physical Earth
 Living Earth
 Earth resources
 Earth and environmental science in daily life.
Physical Earth
The physical Earth provides us with materials and energy for life and our lifestyle. We need to understand the
processes that lead to the formation of these materials and how changes occur.
The Earth is a global system composed of major reservoirs (geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and
biosphere) in which materials are temporarily stored. The reservoirs are characterised by their own structure
and composition and are connected by the transfer of materials between reservoirs. Knowledge of the
composition and structure of the Earth's various reservoirs is fundamental to understanding how the Earth
system operates. The Earth's interior is studied, for example, through analysis of plate tectonic processes,
earthquakes, magma and volcanoes, geothermal energy and magnetic fields. Earth's rocky outer layer
represents the dynamic interface between all of Earth's reservoirs and provides the major habitats for life. Its
broad composition, as well as the composition and structure of the oceans and atmosphere, are also
intrinsically linked to processes operating in the Earth's interior since the formation of our planet.
The Earth shares its formation and materials with the solar system. The history of Earth’s formation is
recorded in terrestrial and extraterrestrial materials that we can describe and interpret. The timescales on
which Earth processes occur are highly variable, including the very long time scale since the formation of the
Earth to relatively short examples, such as the revolution of the Earth around the sun and the rotation of the
Earth on its axis. The geological time scale provides a framework in which to investigate Earth processes
through understanding relative age order and absolute ages. Earth scientists examine the ancient geological
record and the recent past to gain insight into the history of our planet and its life.
Interactions between the major reservoirs subject the Earth's surface to continuous environmental change
through processes such as weathering, the movement of water, and climate change. Both internal and
external energy sources, such as the sun, gravity, and heat generated by radioactive decay in Earth's
interior, contribute to the global energy budget and drive Earth cycles and processes. The transfer of
materials between the atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere and biosphere occurs by methods such as
convection, diffusion and evaporation. Major cycles typically involve all of Earth's reservoirs. For example,
the rock cycle is responsible for the formation of common Earth materials including soil and rocks, and the
origin and destruction of landforms. Others, such as biogeochemical cycles, are important for the cycling of
essential elements and nutrients. An understanding of the cycles and processes on the Earth is essential to
maintaining a habitable planet for future generations.
Living Earth
Humans are part of the living Earth. We need to understand the processes involving the modern biosphere
and examine evidence of past biota in the fossil record.
The fossil record shows that the diversity of life forms has been influenced by geological and extraterrestrial
events throughout Earth's history. In addition, the fossil record shows major changes in biodiversity through
time with the rise and evolution of major faunal and floral groups. These expansions in biodiversity have
been interrupted periodically by major biotic crises in which large numbers of organisms became extinct.
Today's biodiversity is arguably the greatest it has ever been in the history of our planet yet the extinction of
species is a major concern worldwide. The geological record provides important insights for reconstruction of
ancient environments. It also provides long-term information with which to understand the impact of
environmental changes on modern habitats and ecosystems and those of the recent past.
Biogeochemistry examines the cycling of elements and compounds controlled by biological, geochemical,
and hydrological processes. On a global scale it provides the basis for understanding the cycling of carbon,
oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur, water and salts. This understanding is also important for assessing
the impact of human activities on the cycling of these materials in terms of sustainable management of the
environment. For example, land-use changes and fossil fuel burning have increased the flow of carbon in the
form of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Increased use of fertilisers in agriculture has led to higher
nutrient levels in waterways and periodic eutrophication.
An ecological system is the organisation and interaction of communities of living things, including humans,
together with the chemical and physical aspects of their environment. The diverse ecological systems of the
biosphere play a variety of roles in Earth environments, for example in stabilising slopes, maintaining and
regulating air quality, freshwater and marine productivity, soil formation, air pollution, water pollution,
conservation, sustainable farming, rehabilitation, revegetation, nutrient cycling and waste management,
recycling and re-use. Ecological systems are hierarchical, complex and dynamic. Human values and
activities impact on the structure and functions of ecological systems directly and indirectly with potentially
adverse or beneficial results. The reduction in arable land because of salinisation, deforestation and loss of
topsoil because of land clearance are instances of such adverse human intervention on ecosystems.
Ecologically sustainable development requires an understanding of the fundamental dependence of human
society on natural environment.
Earth resources
Survival of the human race and the overall quality of life is highly dependent on a wide range of Earth
resources such as water, soils and minerals.
Understanding the processes by which Earth resources are formed is fundamental to their sustainable use
by society. Resources are not randomly distributed but form in particular environments under a specific set of
physical, chemical and biological conditions, such as weathering and erosion. A broad range of environments
in which resources can form have been identified. For example, diamonds form at great depths in the Earth's
crust whereas soils represent the uppermost layer of the crust. Processes that act to concentrate materials
play a major role in forming deposits that are economically viable.
The geological and geographical location of resources determines both the exploration method/s that can be
used in their discovery and the method/s by which these resources can be extracted. In addition, economic
and environmental considerations play a key role regardless of whether the resources are located onshore or
offshore, in populated or remote regions, and at great depth, or near the surface. Extraction of some
resources requires further processing or refining (e.g. ore minerals and oil) so issues related to processing,
waste, pollution and environmental rehabilitation also need to be investigated and understood, to be
managed effectively.
Earth's natural resources, especially water, soils and air, are vital to the survival and development of the
human population. Yet intensified demand for natural resources, resulting from the expansion of agriculture
and urbanisation, has led to increased pressure on the natural ecosystems on which human civilisation is
built. Some of these resources such as fossil fuels and groundwater are non-renewable in that they are
consumed at a faster rate than they are being formed. Other resources such as solar energy or wind power
are renewable. The ways in which Earth resources are used requires consideration of issues such as waste
management, maintenance of air and water quality. One of the biggest challenges now and in the future is to
find a sustainable balance between the use of Earth resources, including future potential resources, and
protection of the environment (i.e. where valuable resources are located within or adjacent to fragile marine
or terrestrial ecosystems or are sites of historical and/or cultural significance).
Earth and environmental science in daily life
An appreciation of science and how it affects our lives is important in understanding the nature of science as
a human activity.
Issues and challenges are identified; research is conducted and evidence is used to support decisions.
Different strategies to analyse evidence to distinguish between fact and opinion are explored.
Recommendations are supported by scientific evidence and both positive and negative implications are
taken into account. There is an appreciation that attitudes, values and beliefs of society influence scientific
research and the application of scientific knowledge. Views of different groups in the community, bias and the
source of information are taken into account and evaluated.
Working scientifically
Scientific knowledge has developed over a long period of time through an investigative approach. There is a
focus on the tests and trials used to gather evidence and data in order to draw valid and supported
conclusions. When planning investigations, the framing of questions is based on observations. Research and
review of literature is carried out to provide background information for investigative problems. Investigations
are conducted in a safe and ethical manner to collect and record data, using scientific and mathematical
conventions for recording findings. An understanding of the importance of accuracy and consistency in taking
measurements and the need to use standard measures is important. Simulations may be used to gather data
and make predictions about scientific phenomena. Field studies, surveys or working models may be used to
gather data for analysis and interpretation in order to make conclusions. This course also emphasises
development of skills in the collection and summarising of spatial information through interpreting and making
maps. The conventions of scientific language to communicate conclusions are used. Reflecting, questioning
and challenging beliefs in the light of scientific evidence occurs. Limitations and impacts of investigations,
sources of error and differences in interpretation of data are considered.
The core working scientifically skills are:
 record observations verbally and graphically—in a table or organised fashion
 use simple scientific apparatus to make reliable measurements and accurately record data
 identify and state a problem to be investigated
 plan an investigation and carry out planned procedures
 plot and interpret line graphs
 identify potential safety hazards
 identify sources of experimental error
 differentiate between observation and inference
 accurately follow sets of written or verbal instruction
 use word and diagrammatic classification keys to identify and categorise materials
research publications and select relevant information
participate with others in working towards a common goal
communicate effectively with others in verbal, written and diagrammatic forms
use appropriate simple geological and environmental terminology.
Stage 2 working scientifically skills are:
 formulate hypotheses and make predictions from them
 make detailed and logical conclusions from analysing both first and second-hand data
 perform simple mathematical procedures
e.g. calculate averages
 apply laws, principles and relationships to solve problems
 solve theoretical problems using calculations and other quantitative methods.
Earth and environmental science skills
The Earth and Environmental Science course is designed to provide students both with a solid substantive
background in the Earth and environmental sciences, and in a range of skills that are either subject-specific
or considered as life-long learning skills. The Earth and environmental science skills are:
 find locations on a map
 read and understand topographical maps
 interpret simple geological structures from maps, sections and photographs
 construct cross-sections from simple geological maps where dip is perpendicular to the cross-section
 construct simple geological maps from field data and map a small area
 interpret simple scientific field data.
Course units
Each unit is defined with a particular focus and a selection of learning contexts through which the specific
unit content can be taught and learnt. The cognitive difficulty of the content increases with each stage. The
pitch of the content for each stage is notional and there will be overlap between stages.
Stage 1 units provide bridging support and a practical and applied focus to help students develop skills
required to be successful for Stage 2 units.
Stage 2 units provide opportunities for applied learning but there is more focus on academic learning.
Stage 3 units provide opportunities to extend knowledge and understandings in challenging academic
learning contexts.
Unit 1AEES
The focus for this unit is our Earth and environments. Students gain an understanding of several different
local environments as they examine the processes involved in the creation or modification of resources such
as water and soil. Our Earth and environments includes beaches, parklands, catchments, waterways,
lakes, forests and bushlands, farmland and domestic gardens. Students examine the processes and
interactions within chosen contexts and analyse the impact our behaviour has on the environment. They will
have the opportunity to interact with our Earth and environments and conduct their own scientific
investigations within it.
Unit 1BEES
The focus for this unit is changing Earth and environments. The Earth’s surface is continually changing;
students study these changes as part of this unit. The changing environment will be investigated through
such contexts as coastline and national park management, earthquake and volcano monitoring, farming and
mining. Students have the opportunity to examine changing environments and conduct their own
investigations to answer questions about these environments. They will use critical thinking skills to identify
problems for which they can propose solutions.
Unit 2AEES
The focus for this unit is interactive Earth and environments. Students gain an understanding of the
dynamic nature of several different environments as they investigate and measure change within those
environments. They will investigate the effects of human interaction in environments. In addition, students
develop further understandings in relation to the materials and processes within the Earth system. They will
understand how resources are formed, located and extracted and how environments interact on local,
regional and global scales. Scientists monitor such interactions directly and remotely and may use their data
to predict consequences. Students have the opportunity to interact with these environments and conduct
their own scientific investigations within them.
Unit 2BEES
The focus for this unit is sustainable Earth and environments. The intensified and unsustainable demand
for land, mineral, water, marine and coastal resources resulting from the expansion of agriculture and
urbanisation has led to increased degradation of natural ecosystems and deterioration of the life-supporting
systems that uphold human civilisation. Using and conserving natural resources and promoting their
sustainable use is an essential response of humans to ensure our and other species survival and wellbeing
along with the maintenance of the Earth system.
Unit 3AEES
The focus for this unit is the global environments. The global environment contains reservoirs that are
dynamic and interact with each other. Students gain an understanding of the dynamic nature of several
different global processes as they examine the effects of change and human interaction on Earth’s major
reservoirs. They examine processes that operate high in the atmosphere and deep in the interior of the Earth
to gain an holistic understanding of the Earth as a system. They conduct their own scientific investigations to
answer real world questions.
Unit 3BEES
The focus for this unit is complex Earth and environments. Our Earth is currently being altered at an
unprecedented rate by human activity. We recognise that modern environmental issues such as changes in
the composition of atmospheric gases and loss of biodiversity have occurred throughout Earth’s history. The
geological past is a key to the present and to the future. After completing this unit, students appreciate how
serious these problems are and how they compare with past changes in the Earth system. Students correlate
human activities with environmental problems and identify potential ways to limit environmental destruction
through contexts such as environmental impact assessment, sustainable industry, global climate change and
energy supply.
In Western Australia these units of study deliver one or more of the content areas. Case Studies
should assist teachers deliver these units. See content details below:
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching the specific unit content.
The focus for this unit is our Earth and environments. Students gain an understanding of several different
local environments as they examine the processes involved in the creation or modification of resources such
as water and soil.
Our Earth and environments includes beaches, parklands, catchments, waterways, lakes, forests and
bushlands, farmland and domestic gardens. Students examine the processes and interactions within chosen
contexts and analyse the impact our behaviour has on the environment.
Students have the opportunity to interact with our Earth and environments and conduct their own scientific
investigations within it.
Unit content
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and skills to the degree of complexity described below.
Physical Earth
describe the gross structure of the Earth system and its reservoirs
recognise simple rock textures from rock samples, diagrams or photographs
use word and diagrammatic classification keys to identify and categorise materials as igneous,
sedimentary, metamorphic rocks
explain how different soil types develop in different climates and that materials of the lithosphere are the
source for all soils
explain the cause of the seasons
explain that during the water cycle, water undergoes constant changes in location, phase (state), and
understand that water quality and availability are dependent upon the Earth materials through which it
moves and the possible influence of surface activities
interpret data to show that water use from agriculture, manufacturing, mining, and urbanisation affects
surrounding water sources
explain how changes in land use are linked to negative environmental changes such as salinity,
eutrophication and soil degradation, and how these changes can be measured.
Living Earth
define the concept of the biosphere
define the habitat requirements of living things
interpret local biodiversity with emphasis on a local environmental example and link this to physical
conditions over time
recognise that each element on Earth moves among reservoirs (which exist in the solid Earth, in oceans,
in the atmosphere, and within and among organisms) as part of biogeochemical cycles
describe how the movement of matter among reservoirs is driven by Earth's internal and external sources
of energy
discuss the role of respiration and photosynthesis in the carbon cycle
explain the nutrient depletion of soils caused by farming.
Earth resources
describe two resources that form at Earth’s surface
explain the physical and chemical methods used to extract water from natural sources including
desalination, and those used to extract other Earth resources
discuss the use of two surface resources and the concept of renewability.
Earth and environmental science in daily life
Earth and environmental science skills
 find locations on a map
 interpret simple scientific field data.
Working scientifically skills
The core working scientifically skills are:
 record observations verbally and graphically—in a table or organised fashion
 use simple scientific apparatus to make reliable measurements and accurately record data
 identify and state a problem to be investigated
 plan an investigation and carry out planned procedures
 plot and interpret line graphs
 identify potential safety hazards
 identify sources of experimental error
 differentiate between observation and inference
accurately follow sets of written or verbal instruction
use word and diagrammatic classification key to identify and categorise materials
research publications and select relevant information
participate with others in working towards a common goal
communicate effectively with others in verbal, written and diagrammatic forms
use appropriate simple geological and environmental terminology.
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching the specific unit content.
The focus for this unit is changing Earth and environments. The Earth’s surface is continually changing;
students study these changes as part of this unit.
The changing environment will be investigated through such contexts as coastline and national park
management, earthquake and volcano monitoring, farming and mining.
Students have the opportunity to examine changing environments and conduct their own investigations to
answer questions about these environments. They will use critical thinking skills to identify problems for which
they can propose solutions.
Unit content
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and skills to the degree of complexity described below.
Physical Earth
describe the rock cycle and the major processes that are involved
identify and explain structures formed by tectonic processes including joints, folds (synclines and
anticlines), faults (normal, reverse, strike-slip) on diagrams, maps and in the field, using local features
such as Darling Scarp
describe the causes of, and methods of detecting, earthquakes
recognise that the atmosphere interacts with Earth's crust, water and life and that chemical interaction
between these spheres includes the rock cycle, water cycle, carbon and nitrogen cycles.
Living Earth
define ecology and an ecological system
describe the biotic and abiotic aspects of the environment using a case study
using a local example, recognise that living things have physical requirements and that these impose
limiting factors on communities and populations over time
recognise the cycling of inorganic carbon in the Earth system, including reservoirs, residence times and
pathways, on short- and long-term scales.
Earth resources
explain the role of key processes in the rock cycle, including weathering and deposition of sediments, in
the formation of surface resources such as minerals and building materials
explain the methods used for location and extraction of surface resources, particularly mineral sands and
other building materials
identify the personal dangers posed by some geological features and mining activities, and undertaking
environmental field activities e.g. sampling
describe two methods employed for enhancing the sustainability of fuels.
Earth and environmental science in daily life
Earth and environmental science skills
 find locations on a map
interpret simple scientific field data.
Working scientifically skills
The core working scientifically skills are:
 record observations verbally and graphically—in a table or organised fashion
 use simple scientific apparatus to make reliable measurements and accurately record data
 identify and state a problem to be investigated
 plan an investigation and carry out planned procedures
 plot and interpret line graphs
 identify potential safety hazards
 identify sources of experimental error
 differentiate between observation and inference
 accurately follow sets of written or verbal instruction
 use word and diagrammatic classification keys to identify and categorise materials
 research publications and select relevant information
 participate with others in working towards a common goal
 communicate effectively with others in verbal, written and diagrammatic forms
 use appropriate simple geological and environmental terminology.
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching the specific unit content.
The focus for this unit is interactive Earth and environments. Students gain an understanding of the
dynamic nature of several different environments as they investigate and measure change within those
They will investigate the effects of human interaction in environments. In addition, students develop further
understandings in relation to the materials and processes within the Earth system. They will understand how
resources are formed, located and extracted and how environments interact on local, regional and global
scales. Scientists monitor such interactions directly and remotely and may use their data to predict
consequences. Students have the opportunity to interact with these environments and conduct their own
scientific investigations within them.
Unit content
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and skills to the degree of complexity described below. This is
the examinable content of the course.
Physical Earth
describe the structure and composition of the atmosphere, oceans and Earth’s crust
describe the rock cycle and the major processes that are involved
describe the textural differences between the three major rock types and recognise these in physical
samples, diagrams and photographs
discuss the properties of minerals—colour, streak, lustre, transparency, cleavage, fracture, hardness
(Mohs scale), magnetism and density
conduct practical investigations to measure or determine the mineral properties—colour, streak, lustre,
transparency, cleavage, fracture, hardness (Mohs scale), magnetism and density
describe the mode of formation of common sedimentary rocks
describe simple textures in sedimentary rocks including grainsize, sorting and rounding
identify from physical samples, diagrams and photographs the sedimentary rocks conglomerate, breccia,
sandstone, limestone, siltstone, shale, mudstone and chert
explain how simple sedimentary structures are used as evidence of past processes and are related to
depositional environments including the use of cross-bedding, graded bedding and mud cracks
explain relative timescales in an Australian context using the stratigraphic principles of
 original horizontality
 superposition
 cross-cutting relationships
 inclusions
explain the concept of unconformities and the implications of time missing in the stratigraphic record
explain nuclear decay dating techniques given the half-life values, including uranium-238 – lead-206,
uranium-235 – lead-207, potassium-40 – argon-40 and carbon-14, and their applications
explain the cycling of water and the flow of energy through the Earth-atmosphere system including
convection, conduction, energy balance, evaporation and water balance
define the concept of an aquifer
relate the abundance of underground water directly to climatic factors
explain the environmental implications of the unsustainable use of water.
Living Earth
explain global cycling of carbon involving the biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere
recognise energy and matter flow through the biotic and abiotic components of ecosystems and that
human activities can disrupt the flow, using a Western Australian case study
explain how air and water quality are managed, including pollution issues
explain the formation and preservation of fossils
explain how the study of fossils and their distribution provides information on our understanding of
paleogeography and the changes that have taken place during Earth's history
explain how the succession of fossil assemblages in the stratigraphic column provides insight into the
changes in life forms through geological time
describe the importance of index fossils, and their role in reconstructing past environments of deposition
and climatic conditions
distinguish between major and minor biotic crises including the loss of dinosaurs vs extinction of species
on a local/regional scale
evaluate a variety of hypotheses proposed for mass extinctions at the end of the Permian and at the end
of the Cretaceous.
Earth resources
explain the formation of fossil fuels
describe the methods of locating and extracting fossil fuels including crude oil, coal and natural gas
explain the environmental implications of the unsustainable use of fossil fuels and other resources for the
present and the future
explain the formation of bauxite and mineral sands deposits by sedimentary processes
describe the environmental implications of the mining of bauxite and mineral sands in Western Australia
and strategies for minimising impacts.
Earth and environmental science in daily life
Earth and environmental science skills
 find locations on a map
 interpret simple scientific field data
 read and understand topographical maps
 interpret simple geological structures from maps, sections and photographs.
Working scientifically skills
The core working scientifically skills are:
 record observations verbally and graphically—in a table or organised fashion
 use simple scientific apparatus to make reliable measurements and accurately record data
 identify and state a problem to be investigated
 plan an investigation and carry out planned procedures
 plot and interpret line graphs
 identify potential safety hazards
 identify sources of experimental error
differentiate between observation and inference
accurately follow sets of written or verbal instruction
use word and diagrammatic classification keys to identify and categorise materials
research publications and select relevant information
participate with others in working towards a common goal
communicate effectively with others in verbal, written and diagrammatic forms
use appropriate simple geological and environmental terminology.
The following Stage 2 working scientifically skills supplement the core skills:
 formulate hypotheses and make predictions from them
 make detailed and logical conclusions from analysing both first and second-hand data
 perform simple mathematical procedures
e.g. calculate averages
 apply laws, principles and relationships to solve problems
 solve theoretical problems using calculations and other quantitative methods.
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching the specific unit content.
The focus for this unit is sustainable Earth and environments. The intensified and unsustainable demand
for land, mineral, water, marine and coastal resources resulting from the expansion of agriculture and
urbanisation has led to increased degradation of natural ecosystems and deterioration of the life-supporting
systems that uphold human civilisation. Using and conserving natural resources and promoting their
sustainable use is an essential response of humans to ensure our and other species survival and wellbeing
along with the maintenance of the Earth system.
Unit content
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and skills to the degree of complexity described below. This is
the examinable content of the course.
Physical Earth
describe the mode of formation and identify using texture and mineralogy from physical samples,
diagrams and photographs the igneous rocks basalt, dolerite, gabbro, andesite, diorite, rhyolite,
pegmatite, granite, pumice and obsidian
discuss formation of intrusive igneous rock bodies (dykes, sills, plutons and batholiths) and their
relationship to the surrounding rocks
plate tectonics operating over geological time have changed the distribution of land, sea, and mountains
on the Earth's surface:
 recognise that features of the ocean floor (magnetic patterns, age, and sea-floor topography) provide
evidence of plate tectonics
 explain the main structures that form at the three different kinds of plate boundaries
 discuss why and how earthquakes occur and the scales used to measure their intensity and
 describe and apply the use of P and S wave graphs to locate earthquake epicentres
 explain the location and major characteristics of shield and composite/strato volcanoes and how
these relate to plate boundaries and hot spots
 explain how super continents are assembled and break up over geological time
explain the relationship between simple geological structures and the forces involved in their formation
including anticlines, synclines, normal, reverse and transform faults
identify intrusive igneous bodies, faults and folds from maps, sections and photographs
discuss extreme weather events including cyclones, floods, drought; geohazards (earthquakes and
landslides) and risk assessment
discuss geothermal currents and their energy implications.
Living Earth
explain that weather (in the short-term) and climate (in the long-term) involves the transfer of energy into
and out of the atmosphere
discuss the different atmospheric gases that absorb the Earth's thermal radiation and the mechanism
and significance of the greenhouse effect
explain the significance of changes in systems, their interactions and the influence of human activity,
especially in relation to global climate change
discuss how computer models can be used to predict the effects of the increase in greenhouse gases on
climate for the planet as a whole and for specific regions
discuss a Western Australian example of a biotic resources development including possible future
impacts due to climate change.
Earth resources
discuss renewable energy resources including geothermal hot rock technology, wave, tidal,
biogas/alcohol, solar and wind
discuss site identification and harnessing of alternate energy sources in WA including wind power sites
discuss the environmental impact of renewable and alternative energy use.
Earth and environmental science in daily life
Earth and environmental science skills
 find locations on a map
 interpret simple scientific field data
 read and understand topographical maps
 interpret simple geological structures from maps, sections and photographs.
Working scientifically skills
The core working scientifically skills are:
 record observations verbally and graphically—in a table or organised fashion
 use simple scientific apparatus to make reliable measurements and accurately record data
 identify and state a problem to be investigated
 plan an investigation and carry out planned procedures
 plot and interpret line graphs
 identify potential safety hazards
 identify sources of experimental error
 differentiate between observation and inference
 accurately follow sets of written or verbal instruction
 use word and diagrammatic classification keys to identify and categorise materials
 research publications and select relevant information
 participate with others in working towards a common goal
 communicate effectively with others in verbal, written and diagrammatic forms
 use appropriate simple geological and environmental terminology.
The following Stage 2 working scientifically skills supplement the core skills:
 formulate hypotheses and make predictions from them
 make detailed and logical conclusions from analysing both first and second-hand data
 perform simple mathematical procedures
e.g. calculate averages
 apply laws, principles and relationships to solve problems
 solve theoretical problems using calculations and other quantitative methods.
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching the specific unit content.
The focus for this unit is the global environments. Students gain an understanding of the dynamic nature of
several different global processes as they examine the effects of change and human interaction on Earth’s
major reservoirs.
They examine processes that operate high in the atmosphere and deep in the interior of the Earth to gain an
holistic understanding of the Earth as a system. They conduct their own scientific investigations to answer
real world questions.
Unit content
This unit builds on the content covered by previous units. It is recommended that students studying Stage 3
have completed Stage 2 units.
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and skills to the degree of complexity described below. This is
the examinable content of the course.
Physical Earth
Use the theory of plate tectonics and the rock cycle to:
 describe the textural differences between the three major rock types and recognise these in physical
samples, diagrams and photographs
 classify and identify igneous rocks based on texture and mineralogy including basalt, dolerite, gabbro,
andesite, diorite, rhyolite, pegmatite, granite, pumice, tuff and obsidian
 explain igneous processes and the resources (deposits) that they form and how both relate to plate
tectonics including exhalative / intrusive processes, fractional crystallisation and differentiation according
to Bowen’s reaction series, gravitational settling, and immiscible liquid separation
 describe regional, contact and dynamic metamorphism, and the textures and rocks that result from these
 explain how metamorphic textures are a result of the type of metamorphism, and how the textures
change with increasing metamorphic grade
 discuss the mode of formation of metamorphic rocks and identify them using texture and mineralogy from
physical samples, diagrams and photographs including slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss, marble, quartzite,
hornfels and amphibolite
 suggest possible parent rocks for the metamorphic rocks slate, phyllite, schist, gneiss, marble, quartzite,
hornfels and amphibolite
 discuss formation of deep Earth materials and processes including mantle hot spots, lamproite/kimberlite
pipes and black smokers
 explain the formation of Earth’s deep resources by hydrothermal processes.
Living Earth
explain the impact and implications of regional and global loss of biodiversity through a case study for
explain the human impact on biomass and what a reduction in biomass could mean in terms of global
discuss how Earth's climate has changed over time, corresponding to changes in Earth's geography,
atmospheric composition, solar radiation and plate movement
discuss global pollution issues caused by human activity including CFCs, acid rain, waste accumulation
and land degradation.
Earth resources
for a metallic ore deposit in Western Australia
 discuss its formation
 discuss exploration techniques
 describe the mining and processing of the ore
 explain environmental hazards associated with mining and processing including noise and dust,
chemical contaminants and other impacts
 describe methods of reducing environmental impacts of mining and processing the deposit.
Earth and environmental science in daily life
Earth and environmental science skills
 find locations on a map
 interpret simple scientific field data
 read and understand topographical maps
 construct cross-sections from simple geological maps where dip is perpendicular to the cross-section
 construct simple geological maps from field data and map a small area.
Working scientifically skills
The core working scientifically skills are:
 record observations verbally and graphically—in a table or organised fashion
 use simple scientific apparatus to make reliable measurements and accurately record data
 identify and state a problem to be investigated
 plan an investigation and carry out planned procedures
 plot and interpret line graphs
 identify potential safety hazards
 identify sources of experimental error
 differentiate between observation and inference
 accurately follow sets of written or verbal instruction
 use word and diagrammatic classification keys to identify and categorise materials
 research publications and select relevant information
 participate with others in working towards a common goal
 communicate effectively with others in verbal, written and diagrammatic forms
 use appropriate simple geological and environmental terminology.
The following Stage 2 working scientifically skills supplement the core skills:
 formulate hypotheses and make predictions from them
 make detailed and logical conclusions from analysing both first and second-hand data
 perform simple mathematical procedures
e.g. calculate averages
 apply laws, principles and relationships to solve problems
 solve theoretical problems using calculations and other quantitative methods.
There are no additional Stage 3 working scientifically skills.
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching the specific unit content.
The focus for this unit is complex Earth and environments. Our Earth is currently being altered at an
unprecedented rate by human activity. We recognise that modern environmental issues such as changes in
the composition of atmospheric gases and loss of biodiversity have occurred throughout Earth’s history. The
geological past is a key to the present and to the future.
After completing this unit students appreciate how serious these problems are and how they compare with
past changes in the Earth system. Students correlate human activities with environmental problems and
identify potential ways to limit environmental destruction through contexts such as environmental impact
assessment, sustainable industry, global climate change and energy supply.
Unit content
This unit builds on the content covered by previous units. It is recommended that students studying Stage 3
have completed Stage 2 units.
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and skills to the degree of complexity described below. This is
the examinable content of the course.
Physical Earth
explain the global energy budget
explain that the heating of the Earth's surface and atmosphere by the Sun drives convection within the
atmosphere and oceans, producing and influencing local and global winds, ocean currents and climatic
events including El Niño and La Niña
using Australian examples explain the effects of latitude, elevation, topography, and proximity to large
bodies of water and cold or warm ocean currents on the current climate.
Living Earth
explain how the atmosphere and its temperature have changed over time, including an explanation for
the formation of Banded Iron Formations
discuss ozone formation and destruction in the atmosphere, in both the troposphere and stratosphere
discuss the effect of climate change on changes (losses and gains) in biodiversity over time
describe biodiversity changes based on past and current major events including asteroid impacts and
current activities including land clearing and introduction of species
discuss major human impacts on the carbon and nitrogen biogeochemical cycles including deforestation,
burning of fossil fuels and excess use of nitrogen-based fertilisers
discuss conservation strategies for the protection of the environment for future generations.
Earth resources
discuss pollution control methods associated with the extraction and/or processing of resources
discuss social and heritage issues relating to extractive industries, such as native title and heritage, and
health impacts
analyse the ecological sustainability of a resource site using a case study.
Earth and environmental science in daily life
Earth and environmental science skills
 find locations on a map
 interpret simple scientific field data
 read and understand topographical maps
 construct cross-sections from simple geological maps where dip is perpendicular to the cross-section
 construct simple geological maps from field data and map a small area.
Working scientifically skills
The core working scientifically skills are:
 record observations verbally and graphically—in a table or organised fashion
 use simple scientific apparatus to make reliable measurements and accurately record data
 identify and state a problem to be investigated
 plan an investigation and carry out planned procedures
 plot and interpret line graphs
 identify potential safety hazards
 identify sources of experimental error
 differentiate between observation and inference
 accurately follow sets of written or verbal instruction
 use word and diagrammatic classification keys to identify and categorise materials
 research publications and select relevant information
 participate with others in working towards a common goal
 communicate effectively with others in verbal, written and diagrammatic forms
 use appropriate simple geological and environmental terminology.
The following Stage 2 working scientifically skills supplement the core skills:
 formulate hypotheses and make predictions from them
 make detailed and logical conclusions from analysing both first and second-hand data
 perform simple mathematical procedures
e.g. calculate averages
apply laws, principles and relationships to solve problems
solve theoretical problems using calculations and other quantitative methods.
There are no additional Stage 3 working scientifically skills.
ESWA on-line resources
arranged by EES text book chapters
This text reproduced from:
EES In Context - Presentation PDF document
EES In Context - Presentation Notes PDF document
EES In Context - Student Worksheet PDF document
Locations On A WA Map - Student Worksheet PDF document
Cross Sections - Presentation PDF document
Cross Sections - Presentation Notes PDF document
Cross Sections - Student Worksheet PDF document
Cross Section - Sample Question PDF document
Structure of the Earth - Teacher Introduction PDF document
Minerals - PowerPoint PDF document
Specific Gravity - Student Activity PDF document
Chrysoprase - Reading PDF document
The Rock Cycle - PowerPoint Powerpoint presentation
The Rock Cycle - Notes Pages PDF document
The Rock Cycle - Student Worksheet PDF document
The Rock Cycle - Teacher's Notes PDF document
The Rock Cycle - Wordsleuth PDF document
Rock Classification Activity - Student Worksheet PDF document
Rock Classification Activity - Support Materials PDF document
Rock Classification Activity - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Rock Identification - Student Activity PDF document
Rock Identification - Teacher Notes PDF document
Rocks To Know - Table PDF document
Igneous Rocks & Processes - Presentation PDF document
Igneous Rocks & Processes - Presentation Notes PDF document
Igneous Rocks & Processes - Student Worksheet PDF document
Black Smokers - Reading PDF document
Porosity - Student Activity PDF document
Rock Absorbency - Student Activity PDF document
Solution Caves - Student Activity PDF document
Banded Iron Formations - Reading PDF document
Donnybrook Sandstone - Reading PDF document
Earth's Surface Resources - Teacher Introduction PDF document
Earth's Surface Resources - Student Worksheet PDF document
Earth's Surface Resources - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Hamersley Group - Reading PDF document
Mineral Sands - Reading PDF document
Rock History - Student Worksheet PDF document
Swan Coastal Plain - Reading PDF document
Tamala Limestone - Reading PDF document
Metamorphic Rocks & Processes - Presentation PDF document
Metamorphic Rocks & Processes - Presentation Notes PDF document
Metamorphic Rocks & Processes - Student Worksheet PDF document
Metamorphic Rocks - Student Activity PDF document
Metamorphic Rocks - Teacher Notes PDF document
Granite Emplacement - Reading PDF document
Weathering, Erosion and Deposition - Teacher Introduction PDF document
Weathering & Erosion - Student Worksheet PDF document
Weathering & Groundwater - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Weathering & Erosion, Temperature & Water - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Soils - PowerPoint Powerpoint presentation
Soil Grain Size Indicator - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Permeability of Soils - Student Worksheet PDF document
Permeability Of Soils - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Porosity & Permeability - Student Worksheet PDF document
Porosity & Permeability - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Soil Profile - Student Worksheet PDF document
Soil Wetting Agents - Student Worksheet PDF document
Streamflow & Sediment Size - Student Worksheet PDF document
The Flume Tube - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Weathering Cycle - Reading PDF document
Yandying - Student Worksheet PDF document
Yandying - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Groundwater Spiders - Student Activity PDF document
Hard Water - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Hard Water - Student Activity PDF document
Making Glaciers - Student Activity PDF document
Ocean Currents - Student Activity PDF document
Water Extraction Activities - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Perth Basin and Darling Scarp Overview - Concept Map PDF document
Desalination or Reverse Osmosis - Student Worksheet PDF document
Desalination and Reverse Osmosis - Reading PDF document
Perth Groundwater 1 - Reading PDF document
Perth Groundwater 2 - Reading PDF document
Swan Coastal Plain Groundwater - Reading PDF document
Water - Student Worksheet PDF document
Water - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Climate - Presentation PDF document
Climate - Presentation Notes PDF document
Climate - Student Worksheet PDF document
The Leeuwin Current and ENSO - Reading PDF document
Historical Climate Change - Presentation PDF document
Historical Climate Change - Presentation Notes PDF document
Historical Climate Change - Student Worksheet PDF document
Australia and Ice Age - Reading PDF document
Climate Change - Reading PDF document
Greenhouse Effect - Reading PDF document
Ice House or Hot House - Reading PDF document
Stable Isotopes - Reading PDF document
Volcanoes - PowerPoint PDF document
Chemical Volcano - Student Activity PDF document
Viscosity and Volcanoes - Student Activity PDF document
Volcanism and Magma Behaviour - Student Activity PDF document
Volcanoes and Viscosity - Student Activity PDF document
Mt Toba Supervolcano - Reading PDF document
Types of Volcanoes - Reading PDF document
Earthquakes - PowerPoint PDF document
Earthquakes and Tsunamis - Reading PDF document
Plate Tectonics and Geohazards - PowerPoint PDF document
Plate Tectonics - Demonstration PDF document
Break Up Of Gondwana - Student Activity PDF document
Deformation and Faults - Student Activity PDF document
Continental Drift - Student Activity PDF document
Mars Bar Earth - Student Activity PDF document
Modelling The Structure Of The Earth - Student Activity PDF document
Thermal Convection Currents - Student Activity PDF document
Albany Fraser Origin - Reading PDF document
Cascadia Subduction Zone - Reading PDF document
Eastern Goldfields Superterrane - Reading PDF document
Geothermal Gradient - Reading PDF document
Isostasy - Reading PDF document
Lateral Fault Movements - Reading PDF document
Orogeny and Metamorphism - Reading PDF document
Perth Basin Formation - Reading PDF document
Plate Tectonics Indonesia - Reading PDF document
Supercontinent Break - Reading PDF document
Western Australian Tectonics - Reading PDF document
Cycles & Issues - Presentation PDF document
Cycles & Issues - Presentation Notes PDF document
Cycles & Issues - Student Worksheet PDF document
Measuring Carbon Dioxide - Student Activity PDF document
The Biosphere - Student Worksheet PDF document
The Biosphere - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Habitat Requirements - Student Worksheet PDF document
Habitat Requirements - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Interdependence of Living Things - Student Worksheet PDF document
Organic & Inorganic Carbon - Student Worksheet PDF document
Organic & Inorganic Carbon - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Where Am I - Student Worksheet PDF document
Where Did I Come From - Student Worksheet PDF document
Where Did I Come From - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Fitzgerald River National Park - Fact Sheet PDF document
Fitzgerald River National Park - Reading PDF document
Ozone Layer - Reading PDF document
Rock Lobsters - Reading PDF document
Comparison of Biodiversities - Student Worksheet PDF document
Comparison of Biodiversities - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Mass Extinctions - Presentation PDF document
Mass Extinctions - Presentation Notes PDF document
Mass Extinctions - Student Worksheet PDF document
Mass Extinctions - Case Study PDF document
K-T Extinction - Reading PDF document
Permian Extinction - Reading PDF document
Carbon Dating - Reading PDF document
Radioactive Decay - Reading PDF document
Hot Rocks - Reading PDF document
Wind Turbines - Reading PDF document
Earth Resources - Presentation PDF document
Earth Resources - Presentation Notes PDF document
Earth Resources - Student Worksheet PDF document
A Typical Exploration Sequence - Student Worksheet PDF document
A Typical Exploration Sequence - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Bauxite - Reading PDF document
Geochemical Soil Sampling - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Geophysical Surveys - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Gold - Reading PDF document
Magnetic Survey - Student Worksheet PDF document
Model Magnetometer Survey - Teacher's Notes PDF document
Tropicana East - Reading