K. Beznosov Teaching Dossier 03/09/16 1. INTRODUCTION Having joined the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) in September 2003, I have taught two elective 4th-level undergraduate courses (once each), one-3rd level required course (twice sharing 50% with Dr. Ph. Kruchten each time), and one graduate course in my research field, computer security. I have developed all these courses from scratch, three of which were never taught at the department before and the other one was completely redeveloped together with Kruchten. In the Fall term of 2004, I am teaching two courses, required 3rd and elective 4th level. More on my teaching contributions can be found in Section 3. My pedagogical training at the UBC’s centre for Teaching and Academic Growth (TAG), work experience in industry, and the international learning background shaped my view on teaching in higher education and my style, discussed in Section 2. The key goals in my teaching are to help students to master self-directed learning skills, knowledge of the field’s fundamental principles, critical thinking, creativity, teamwork, and communication skills. Besides mandatory summative student evaluations at the end of the course (Section 7), I’ve solicited formative anonymous feedback from the students via WebCT surveys as often as three times a term in some courses. My peers in the TAG training workshops and programs have also provided feedback on my teaching based on the observations of training and real lessons, found in Section 6. Out of the five courses I have taught so far, I received between 3.2 and 3.9 (out of 4) in average evaluations of my teaching effectiveness by students in all but one (EECE 310) courses. EECE 310 was in the Fall term of 2004, when I taught two new courses (with one shared 50%), both designed from scratch. When I taught that same course in the following term, my evaluation by students improved from 2.3 to 3.4. Having graduated one M.A.Sc. student (co-supervised with Dr. V. Leung) in the Fall 2004, I am currently supervising two undergraduate, three part-time Master students who work in industry or have disability status, one full time Master, and two full time Ph.D. students, all in ECE department. Out of the two undergraduate students, one will start M.A.Sc. program at ECE, and the other will start a Master program in Information Security at Royal Holloway, University of London, both in the Fall of 2005. Two full time Master students and one Ph.D. student are likely to join me during the 2005-2006 academic year. The rest of the Teaching Dossier is organized as follows. Next section explains my approach to teaching and learning in higher education. It discusses the teaching philosophy as well as teaching goals and strategies. Section 3 lists major teaching contributions. Evidence of student learning is provided in Section Error! Reference source not found.. Critical reflections of my teaching and its assessment is discussed in Section 4. Section 5 lists training I’ve undergone to maintain and improve skills and expertise in teaching. Assessments of my teaching by UBC peers are provided in Section 6. Section 7 contains comments from formative evaluations of my courses by students. Video records of my teaching are in Section 8. Selected course materials can be found in Section 9. 1-1 K. Beznosov Teaching Dossier 03/09/16 2. APPROACH TO TEACHING & LEARNING The international learning background, pedagogical training at UBC TAG, and the industrial experience shaped my philosophy of teaching in higher education. My experience in learning spreads from Siberia to Florida, from Physics to Computer Science. I received secondary and undergraduate schooling back in Siberia. My undergraduate degree is in Physics from Novosibrisk State University, with total of some 4,000 student population; the Physics department in that Siberian university was one of the top three in the Soviet Union at that time. The five years (interrupted by 2 years of compulsory military service) exposed me to the Russian system of higher education, which is quite similar to the European (particularly German) systems not only in its organization but also in its high quality. Afterwards, I went to a graduate program in Computer Science at Florida International University in Miami. FIU gave me an opportunity to study in a student population that was highly heterogynous ethnically. While working in industry after graduating from FIU in 2000, I attended or audited several university courses taught by CMU and MIT professors. The diverse cultural, educational, and professional background enabled me to view the educational process from a number of different cultural perspectives, and helps me to contribute to the learning experience of my students in important ways. Although lacking teaching experience before joining the UBC, I have undergone a significant amount of training in teaching and learning through various programs and workshops at the UBC TAG (see Section 3.3). My experience of working in industry for over 5 years helps me to be more realistic about learning outcomes of the courses I teach and the overall learning objectives of the Software Engineering (SE) option at ECE. 2.1. Philosophy The six pillars paramount for my students’ ability to become life-time learners and successful software engineers are self-directed learning skills, knowledge of the field’s fundamental principles, critical thinking, creativity, team work, and communication skills. The diverse cultural background as well as educational and industrial experience I bring to UBC determined my belief in the pillars and my vision of the ways to cultivate them in students. Today the educational system is hard-pressed to teach students functions, features, and other specific “knobs” found in particular programming languages, technological products, and computing systems, because such knowledge can be instantly applied to practical problems making graduates highly competitive in the short run. My industrial experience clearly indicates the fallacy of such a direction. I have seen software developers and designers unable to quickly gain the knowledge of a new middleware technology or even a programming language necessary for reacting swiftly to the client’s needs in custom development projects. Their learning curve was too 2-1 K. Beznosov Teaching Dossier 03/09/16 steep due to the lack of understanding the fundamental principles common to all middleware technologies and programming languages. Others would often be unable to take advantages of the differences and similarities present in technologies alike. These examples from my work in industry show the importance of developing two pillars of life-long successful engineers: self-directed learning skills as well as knowledge of the fundamental principles behind the technologies employed in specific fields of engineering. I want the students to come away from my classes with a deep understanding of the principles and foundations of computing systems. In the technology-centred and fastpaced professions of computing and software, one can easily become overwhelmed with numerous details of ever-changing solutions and turn blind to the underlying commonalities or fail to differentiate their fundamentals. However, heavily equipped with the knowledge of such principles, the students can individually learn on their own any specific (future) technology or system with ease, while keeping a clear understanding of it. While striving to equip UBC students with the knowledge of fundamental principles, it is easy to fall into the trap of ineffective “just-in-case”1 teaching style. To avoid it, I introduce elements of the problem based learning (PBL) approach into my courses design and tie new content into the projects that students have to complete. I believe that PBL techniques will also help me with the gradual “liberation” of students into the world of self-directed learners. Two other pillars I want students to build in my courses are critical thinking and creativity. To be successful, they need to develop a healthy skepticism towards technological “silver bullets” and “panaceas” that too often betray young professionals. Consequently, I value the importance of teaching to distinguish real facts from wishful thinking or speculations. While designing my courses (see samples of the syllabus for my courses in Section 9), I make an effort to employ the techniques shown to be effective for developing critical thinking in students, e.g., independent research projects, discussions, research paper critiques, and group projects. At the same time, fostering creativity and imaginativeness, and keeping students’ minds open to new inventions cannot be overemphasized. I want to encourage my students to be iconoclasts and challenge conventional beliefs. Being fortunate to take a Ph.D. class in Advanced Software Engineering with Michael Evangelist (currently, Director of Research, CMU-West), I came to appreciate how in-class discussions and course assignments could foster the development of both healthy skepticism and creativity in students. Although working with computer technologies usually means spending the lion's share of one’s time in front of computer monitors, team work and communication skills will always be key to the professional success of my students. It holds regardless if they go to work in the industry or continue in academia. For this reason, I prize frequent group “Just-in-case” teaching is a simplistic way of teaching the principles when the teacher fails to connect the body of new knowledge with the learners’ experience. As a result learners find the new knowledge irrelevant to their pre-existing knowledge and experience, which reduces student engagement and lowers content retention. 1 2-2 K. Beznosov Teaching Dossier 03/09/16 assignments and a mini-conference at the end of the course, with students presenting their term projects in the class, as an important part of course work. After witnessing a successful application of this technique in Ron Rivest’s course at MIT on “Network and Computer Security,” I have started to apply it in my classroom to foster students’ interpersonal and communication skills. Having lived in Pittsburgh, PA, for over a year, I had a chance to attend public seminars held at the CMU School of Computer Science. This experience gave me an excellent opportunity to appreciate the importance of maintaining a motivating research atmosphere not only in class but also outside of the classroom. When students find themselves positioned equally with their professors to present their work or talk to visiting speakers, the students tend to develop strong interest in what they learn during lectures and do for their assignments. After realizing that such seminars also were instrumental for developing a unique school of thought, I organized, coordinated, and frequently gave talks at weekly Security Readings Seminars at my company, where participants presented and discussed seminal papers on computer security. I continued this practice at the ECE and as of the Summer of 2005 I have weekly group meetings with my students where we present and discuss recent research papers on computer security. To contribute my share to the nourishment of stimulating academic atmosphere and the progressive school of thought at ECE, I co-founded (together with Jeffrey Joyce) in September 2003 and have been coordinating a weekly Software Engineering Exploration and Discussions Seminar (SEEDS). The seminar quickly became a venue for SE faculty and graduate students (with attendance of 15-20 in average) to reflect on their work, discuss it with peers, and disseminate it to the ECE (and eventually to the UBC) community. 2.2. Teaching Goals and Strategies To cultivate the six pillars of successful software engineers, I have established the following goals and strategies for achieving them. Self-directed learning. Develop courses so that the amount of instructions about how to complete tasks throughout the course is decreased as the course proceeds. For example, in EECE 512, “Topics in Computer Security,” I start with providing students with electronic copies of the papers I want them to read, then I give them just instructions for finding the papers in the repositories (i.e., online libraries), and by the end of the course students are given only paper bibliographical records. EECE 310, “Software Engineering,” and EECE 412, “Introduction to Computer Security” students were required to self-study a short topic using the textbook and recommended additional readings and were assessed on their progress. Fundamental principles. Develop course contents to stress the fundamental body of knowledge in the field. Use appropriate text books and other materials. Employ PBL methods to make the content relevant to the students’ experience. Examples: In EECE 310, the focus of the course is on the seven principles that guide design and implementation of software systems, rather than techniques and tools, which tend to change in the matter of few years. All programming 2-3 K. Beznosov Teaching Dossier 03/09/16 assignments in EECE 440, Advanced Object Orientation, were tied into the content of the upcoming lectures, motivating students to treat lectures as a means of solving problems in the assignments. Critical thinking. Structure the tasks (e.g., in-class and home assignments, term projects and reports) to engage and develop students’ ability to question assumptions, critically analyze and reflect on the material they study. Examples: In all courses I taught so far, I designed most of my sessions to include classroom discussions and group work with the goal of engaging students in critical thinking about the subject of the sessions. Students’ anonymous comments (Section 7) indicate that the students generally find in-class discussions and group work very helpful to their learning. Particularly in EECE 512, the students prepared a one-page critique of the paper they read for the session, and then were engaged in very active discussion of the work reported in the paper. Feedback through formative student evaluations (Section 7) as well as through the conversations with students indicated that the ability of students to critically analyze research in the filed in particular and R&D in general has substantially improved. Creativity. Challenge students to think out of the box, re-examine existing solutions and develop non-conventional alternatives by providing examples and giving non-conventional tasks. Examples: In both EECE 412 and EECE 512, students chose specific problems in the field of computer security and did term projects to solve them. The students were not prescribed any recipes on how to do their projects. Some projects demonstrated impressive creativity of the students in the way they have picked the problems to address and the way they have applied the knowledge acquired in the course to the problems. Teamwork skills. Constantly cultivate team-work skills through group assignments, projects, papers, and in-class engagements. Provide resources helpful in learning about team playing. Examples: In EECE 310 and EECE 440, students were engaged in group-work during sessions, which they found very helpful to their learning (see students’ anonymous comments in Section 7). I’ve also included a number of group home assignments and group term projects in the undergraduate courses. Communication skills. Motivate students to practice their writing, presentation, and other communication skills by organizing mini-conferences at the end of my courses, assigning peer reviews, written and oral analysis of the original works in the field, engaging students in pair and group discussion activities. Examples: In EECE 412 and EECE 440, I worked with the staff from the Technical Communication Centre in the Faculty of Applied Science to offer additional tutorial on delivering effective presentations. It was used as a springboard for student groups to prepare for end-of-term mini-conference where each group presented their project. Students in EECE 512 have written some 20 pages of paper critiques, which were evaluated not only on the content but also on 2-4 K. Beznosov Teaching Dossier 03/09/16 the proper grammar, spelling, and clarity of the language. In frequent group work in-class assignments, I ask each group to present their results briefly to the rest of the class and encourage other students to ask questions. In most my undergraduate courses, I allocate part of the final grade to the in-class and out-class (through WebCT forums) participation encouraging students to practice their skills of asking good questions, formulate answers, and maintain focused and productive discussions. Students’ anonymous comments during and at the end of the term indicate that these techniques do help them to learn better and enjoy the sessions. 2-5 K. Beznosov Teaching Dossier 03/09/16 3. MAJOR TEACHING CONTRIBUTIONS 3.1. Teaching Responsibilities My teaching responsibilities are three courses per year. I have started teaching in January 2004. My first course was EECE 440 with 22 students. I taught EECE 412 (38 students) and EECE 310 (50% of load with 28 students) in the fall of 2004. In the following spring, I taught EECE 512 (13 students) and EECE 310 (50% of load with 29 students). More information about the courses could be found in 8.b of my curriculum vitae. 3.2. Supervising and Advising Students I am currently supervising two undergraduate, three part-time Master students who work in industry or have disability status, one full time Master, and two full-time Ph.D. students, all in ECE department. Out of the two undergraduate students, one will start M.A.Sc. program at ECE, and the other will start a Master program in Information Security at Royal Holloway, University of London, both in September 2005. Two full time Master students and one Ph.D. student are likely to join me during the 2005-2006 academic year. My intention is to foster the development of same six pillars in the supervised students. I encourage students to develop their individual development plans and reflect on their achievement every term. Students are also encouraged to use various tools for doing research, such as online databases of scientific and engineering publications (e.g., Web of Science, and digital libraries of professional societies such as IEEE and ACM). We have a weekly group meeting, weekly reading seminar, and I also meet individually on regular basis with active students. Each student presents his/her work to the group on regular basis. All students contribute to the group portal (lersse.ece.ubc.ca) presents the research projects. One M.A.Sc. student co-supervised with Victor Leung has graduated in the Fall of 2004. An exchange Master student from the University of Applied Sciences in Offenburg, Germany, has completed his 6-month thesis work with me in August 2005 and will be defending his thesis in October. I expect at least two of my Master students to graduate in 2006. 3.3. Improving Teaching and Learning Skills I have taken the following workshops and seminars to improve my teaching and presentation skills: 1. I successfully completed the UBC Faculty Certificate Program on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. It consisted of 24 half-day weekly sessions spread from September 12, 2003, to April 2, 2004. 2. I successfully completed a three day long “Instructional Skills Workshop,” (ISW) organized by UBC TAG on October 8, 15, and 27, 2003, for UBC Faculty. 3. I attended a one-hour seminar about “Tips for Effective Teaching and Learning in Large Classes,” organized by the UBC TAG on October 1st, 2003. 3-1 K. Beznosov Teaching Dossier 03/09/16 4. I took a one-hour seminar on “Research in the Sciences,” organized by the UBC Library on September 23, 2003. 5. In 1999 and 2000, I’ve actively participated in Toastmasters International and completed 7 speeches toward the level of Competent Toastmaster. Certificates of completion for the Faculty Certificate Program and ISW can be found in Section 5. 3.4. Committee Service (Teaching and Learning issues) As part of the Software Engineering (SE) group at the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), I contribute to the development of the curriculum for the SE option, which is intended to grow into a separate program. My contributions include, but are not limited to: Providing feedback to other SE faculty on the design of their SE-related courses, Contributing to the design of the SE curriculum in the department through participation in ad-hoc meetings. 3.5. Publications and professional contributions Currently, I do not have any publications or professional contributions related to teaching and learning. 3-2 K. Beznosov Teaching Dossier 03/09/16 4. ASSESSMENT OF TEACHING: CRITICAL REFLECTIONS Here’s is a summary of the solicited formative anonymous feedback I’ve received from the students of first ever course (EECE 440 “Advanced Object Orientation”) I’ve taught during the spring term of 2004. The actual responses are available upon request. What was good What can be improved Group programming assignments Hands-on experience Giving more marks for first assignments in the term Project-based assignments Making assignments and class work more relevant to each other. Doing the assignments Posting answers to the questions in the assignments Providing more information resources on the tools used for assignments Sessions Session notes Comprehensive session notes Posting session notes before sessions Some examples could be listed on the slides with corresponding diagrams. Content delivery Pace of lectures is slow, good pace. Material is well understood. Slower pace Shorter and condense lecture contents Group work and interactions in the class Providing more examples of the introduced principles and concepts. Interesting material Some more time could be spent describing details of CORBA technology, which was used for the course assignments. Listening to student’s questions in class and the Finishing class on time 4-1 K. Beznosov Teaching Dossier 03/09/16 What was good response What can be improved Last session recaps High-level concepts need to be tied more closely with the low-level details of the discussed systems and technologies Discussions Discussions give opportunities to think hard about the concepts of the subject area Giving rewards for answering questions so students participate more Good interesting exercises/problems/tasks Making student ‘presentations’ on certain topics in class more useful and informative Encouraging discussions among students More content needs to be introduced before opening up discussions Text book The textbook is clear Self study of the text book WebCT Messages on the WebCT discussions With the experience of teaching only for three terms so far, my goals in developing myself as a teacher are as follows: Short term o Further improve the design of all three courses I anticipate to teach regularly, EECE 310, EECE 412, and EECE 512 so that: Students engage more in the classroom discussions, Work-load on students, TAs, and the instructor is distributed more evenly over the term, Students keep up with self-studying the content outside of classroom, Students learn better how to apply the concepts and principles learned during the course to performing practical tasks they would likely be asked to do in the real world. Long term 4-2 K. Beznosov Teaching Dossier 03/09/16 o Learn to deliver more effectively a course to a mid-to-large (between 50 and 100 students) classroom. o Introduce more elements of problem-based learning techniques into the courses. 4-3 K. Beznosov Teaching Dossier 03/09/16 5. TRAINING IN TEACHING SKILLS This section contains copies of the following documents, demonstrating that I have undertaken teaching-related training. Certificate of successfully completing The Certificate Program on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. It was a two-term program with 24 half-day weekly sessions spread from September 12, 2003, to April 2, 2004. The program is offered by the centre for Teaching and Academic Growth (TAG). Certificate of completing Instructional Skills Workshop (ISW) for UBC faculty in October 2004. It is a three day workshop offered by TAG and taught by experienced UBC instructors. I have also taken several short workshops organized by TAG. The complete list can be found in Section 3.3. 5-1 K. Beznosov Teaching Dossier 03/09/16 6. ASSESSMENT OF TEACHING BY PEERS This section contains assessments of my teaching performed by my UBC colleagues. 6.1. Written feedback completed by participants of the UBC TAG Certificate Program on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education The following pages contain feedback from my peers in the program based on their observations of my teaching. 6-2 K. Beznosov Teaching Dossier 6.2. Written feedback completed by my ECE colleagues To be provided 6-3 03/09/16 K. Beznosov Teaching Dossier 03/09/16 7. STUDENT EVALUATIONS OF MY COURSES This section contains those student evaluations that have comments. Other evaluations are available upon request. 7-1 K. Beznosov Teaching Dossier 03/09/16 8. VIDEO RECORDS OF MY TEACHING Selected video records of the following courses, workshops, and tutorials I taught after joining UBC in 2003 are available upon request. 1. Video clips of my Peer-led workshop prepared and conducted as part of the Faculty Certificate Program in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. 2. Vide records of the mini-classes I did for the Instructional Skills Workshop during fall of 2004. 8-1 K. Beznosov Teaching Dossier 03/09/16 9. SELECTED COURSE MATERIALS This section contains selected materials of the courses I have taught at the ECE. To preserve non-linear organization of the materials and to conserve paper and printer toner, most of the materials are provided on CD-ROMs. Printed versions are available upon request. 9-1