Revised October 2010
The Wellesley Swimming Association is a non-profit private swimming club started in 1974 to provide an
organized program of competitive swim training and team competition for boys and girls, ages 6-18. Members
represent a number of area towns. The Wellesley Swimming Association is a family oriented swim team run by a
volunteer Board of Directors and its parent volunteers. The Association, as a member of the Winter Suburban Swim
League, arranges for quality training facilities, coaching, and swim meets from October through March.
The Wellesley Swimming Association offers each member the opportunity for personal growth and
development through participation in competitive swimming. Emphasis is placed on the need to develop each
knowledge and understanding of the sport of competitive swimming
stroke technique and efficiency
training procedures and self-discipline
individual and team sportsmanship
Membership in the Wellesley Swimming Association is limited by team requirements as well as training,
coaching and facility resources. Each Fall, new team members are selected based on a number of factors including
time trials in all four strokes (backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and freestyle), form, previous swim experience and
historic family commitment to WSA. Members and their parents must be willing to assume personal responsibility
for a serious program of competitive swimming, training and team competition. Practice sessions concentrate on
stroke refinement, elements of competitive swimming techniques, and physical conditioning.
Members, once selected, are expected to abide by the rules of the Association, the swim league in which it
competes, the Association’s designated coaching staff, and the swimming facilities being used. Any failure to abide
by these rules will be cause for dismissal from practice sessions, meets or the Association. Members and their parents
should be aware of the following general rules:
all swimmers are expected to participate in training sessions and meets and,
parents are required to assist with activities at practices and meets such as locker room/hallway monitoring at
all facilities, timing, scoring, running, etc.. during competition
Additional rules governing the conduct of training sessions and meets are located within the WSA Code of Conduct
and the Coaches Code of Conduct. Swimmers and parents are required to read and sign the Code of Conduct before
entering the pool for the first practice.
WSA 2010-2011 Board
President…………………………………. Eric Fichtel
Past President/Advisor………………….Deb Rayment
Treasurer………………………………… Kristin Lindquist
Website Coordinator……………………Kirk Williamson
Swim Meet Coordinator……………… Kate Ward
Locker Room Coordinator…………… Elizabeth Skelly
Registration Coordinator/Secretary… Katherine Warming
Parent Liaison…………………………….... Mary McNamara
Scorer/Stats………………………………….Maura Guiffre
WSA 2010-2011 Coaches
Head Coach…………………………………….Chris Anzellotti
Assistant Coach………………………………..Amy Ryan
Assistant Coach………………………………..Jenny Borghesi
Assistant Coach………………………………..Stephen Nolan
Assistant Coach………………………………..Tracey Allen
Parent Volunteer Coach……………………….Fran Tocci
Volunteer Coach………………………………..Pam Kuong
WSA Code of Conduct
The WSA program is geared to developing the swimmers’ physical and mental qualities to their utmost. This process demands
the dedication of the swimmer and an equal commitment by the parents. WSA is a parent run organization. As such, it is
necessary for all parents to volunteer at meets and for administrative activities as well as being supportive of the performance of
all swimmers on the team.
Of utmost importance is the safety of all swimmers and the respect of the varying abilities of all swimmers. Our pool contracts
also prohibit certain behaviors in the pool buildings and our ability to use the Babson, Dana Hall and Wellesley College pools
will be jeopardized if the behavior of swimmers or parents violates these contracts. This Code of Conduct must be adhered to by
all swimmers and parents to run a successful swimming program for all team members.
SWIMMERS With about 190 swimmers on the team, practices and meets cannot run smoothly and effectively without the
cooperation of all swimmers.
Swimmers are expected to respect one another as well as the coaching staff.
Swimmers are expected to possess a positive attitude and put forth 100% of their effort for practices and meets.
Swimming is a team sport. Swimmers are expected to encourage and be supportive of one another and be willing to work together
for the common benefit of the team.
Appropriate behavior is expected at all practices and meets, home or away. Facility guidelines with regard to behavior and facility
use will be strictly enforced.
No disrespect or defacement to facility property or personnel will be tolerated.
Swimmers are expected to attend all practices and swim in at least five meets and the Championship meet. WSA obligations are
expected to be a priority for all swimmers. It is the responsibility of the swimmer to notify the coach if you will miss a meet or have
a conflict which will result in you arriving late to, or leaving early from, a meet. It is also the responsibility of the swimmer to notify
the coach if you will be participating at a meet if you have missed the practice prior to the meet. Failure to do so will result in the
swimmer not being scheduled to participate in the meet.
Be on the pool deck 10 minutes prior to the scheduled practice and meet warm ups, prepared to enter the water (i.e. caps and goggles
on, etc.). NOTE: Swimmers will not be allowed to participate in practices if they are more than 10 minutes late.
Follow "pool" safety rules at all times. This includes no running on the pool deck and no diving of any sort, into pools or off the
starting blocks, except when instructed by the coach to do so during practice.
Wear designated uniforms at meets.
Remain at meets until the coach has posted the line up for the relays. We encourage all swimmers to stay until the end of every meet
to support and cheer for the team.
Swimmers are expected to demonstrate good sportsmanship in both victory and defeat.
Swimmers should understand that the coaching staff is not a disciplinary body. The mission of the coaching staff is to teach and
promote a positive swimming experience.
Swimmers should pick up team mail from the mailbox on Thursday evenings after practice or make appropriate arrangements to do
so at another time.
Note: No glass containers or food are allowed on the pool decks or in the locker rooms at any time. Plastic water
bottles are accepted.
No flash photography is permitted during a swim meet.
The use of cameras and cellular phone cameras are not permitted in the locker rooms.
PARENTS: Parents of WSA team members are expected to:
Fulfill their volunteer responsibilities for the team. (locker room monitoring, hall monitoring and working at meets) Note: It is the
parent’s responsibility to find a substitute for any assignment which they cannot fulfill. It is not acceptable to call the parent in
charge of assigning volunteers to report that you cannot fulfill your assigned duty. Please plan accordingly.
Check email and the WSA website on a regular basis.
Make the necessary arrangements to ensure that your child arrives at practices and meets on time and is picked up from practices
within 10 minutes of the end of their practice session. Your child should be equipped with all the required training items and meet
attire and should remain at all practices and meets until they have ended.
Refrain from talking to the coaches during practices or meets. Although the coaches are very interested in hearing from you
regarding any concerns that you may have and value your input, in the interest of the safety of all swimmers and due to time
constraints, it is not possible for them to take the time to do so at practices and meets. Please contact coaches via e-mail and they
will get back to you.
Be supportive of your swimmer and all of the swimmers on the team and display "good sportsmanship" at meets, practices and other
WSA events. When your child completes a race, the coaches suggest that parents not to critique the performance but offer support
to the effort made. Abide by the schedule provided by the coaches as to the dates parents may observe practices. Note: Parents are
prohibited from observing practice from the lower level at the Babson College pool. Also, parents are prohibited from being on the
pool deck except when working at a meet.
interest of the safety of all swimmers and to ensure that all meets and practices run smoothly
and in accordance with our pool contracts at Babson College, Dana Hall and Wellesley
College, the following will result if the above stated Code of Conduct is not properly adhered
to by:
Swimmers: At the discretion of the coaches and/or the Board, depending upon the severity of
the violation, swimmers will be either issued a written warning, suspended or dismissed from
the team for failure to abide by any of the above rules. Upon the issuance of (3) warnings over
the course of the season, the swimmer will be dismissed from the team with no refund of dues
Parents: Failure by a parent to fulfill an assigned locker room, hall monitor or swim meet
responsibility (without finding a substitute) can be detrimental to the safety of all swimmers,
the effective running of a meet and to our continued ability to utilize the pools at Babson
College, Dana Hall and Wellesley College. As such, failure by a parent to fulfill an assigned
responsibility will result in the following fines: 1st time: $75.00 2nd time: $100.00
3rd time: dismissal of your child from the team with no refund.
Locker Room Monitor Duty
The purpose of parent locker room monitors is to ensure the safety of the swimmers and prevent damage to facility
property during practices and meets. This is a requirement of our contract with the colleges and school whose
facilities we lease and is essential to our continued use of their facilities. Only WSA Parents can be monitors.
Each family has an obligation to serve as locker room monitor for two shifts per swimmer per season during
practices. An exception is made for those parents with other significant/time consuming volunteer roles for WSA.
(Occasional timer/runner/scorer at meets is not included in this exemption.)
Unfortunately, by WSA policy, a fine is levied for missed locker room monitor duty. The facilities expect that we
have an adult monitoring safety and we run the risk of losing our contract if the locker rooms are not monitored. A
parent that misses an obligation will be assessed a $75 fine, which will need to be paid before his or her child may
swim again – at a meet or a practice. A second obligation missed will be a $100 fine and a third obligation missed
will result in the dismissal of the family from the team with no refund for dues paid.
A sign up sheet for locker room duty will be available at the first practice. If you do not sign up, we will assign
your shifts to you. Please bring your calendars and be prepared to sign up for your shifts!
On Monday and Tuesday nights at Dana Hall monitors should be in place by 8:15 and must remain until the
last swimmer has been picked up. Coaches should not be left alone to wait with a swimmer.
On Thursday nights at Wellesley College, the boy’s locker room monitor must arrive by 7:00 pm. The front
desk staff will “buzz” the swimmers in only when the adult monitor is there. The Thursday shifts last from
7:00 to 9:40 pm.
The Sunday shifts at Babson College are from 3:15 to 5:45 pm, and from 5:45-8:15pm.
1. Monitors must arrive 15 minutes before their assigned shifts and check in with the coach in charge. If you do
not check in, we will assume that you have not fulfilled your obligation and you run the risk of being fined.
2. Men must cover the Boys' Locker Room and women must cover the Girls' Locker Room.
3. The locker room monitor may need to respond to injuries/accidents in the locker room. The coaches have a
folder of health forms with parent phone numbers and a first aid kit. If you have a cell phone, please bring it
for locker room duty. There is a pay phone in the hallways of the athletic facilities and change can be found in
the first aid kit should you need to phone a swimmer’s parent.
4. Oversee the behavior of swimmers, i.e.. No running, towel swatting, or excessively long showers.
5. Please ensure that showers are turned off at the end of your shift.
6. Collect suits, towels, goggles, flippers left at the end of your shift and give them to a coach for the lost and
found, or bring them to a Thursday practice and give them to the Lost and Found Coordinator.
7. If you are unable to fulfill your assigned locker room duty, you are responsible for obtaining a substitute from
the list provided on the website or by trading with another parent. Please call Elizabeth Skelly, the board
member who serves as out Locker Room Coordinator, at 781-453-4014 (or e-mail ) as
far in advance as possible if you have arranged for a substitute, The Coordinator will then contact the correct
parent with a reminder call.
Meet Job Descriptions
The following are detailed descriptions of each position needed on deck during a swim meet. If you
have further questions or are interested in any of the positions please contact the WSA Board
Member/Swim Meet Coordinator.
Starter (Trish Lincoln at
Serves as public address announcer. Makes general announcements prior to meet starting.
Announces each event (event #, gender, age group, stroke, and distance) and subsequent
heat numbers. Starts each heat with a strong voice and consistent and predictable
cadence. Ensures fair starts; calls false starts. With assistance from bullpen, timers, and
runners combines heats when possible. Continually verifies that others on the pool deck
(coaches, timers, runners, bullpen, stroke and turn judges) are "in synch" so the meet runs
smoothly. Meets with each group or group leader before the meet; slows or stops meet if
any group is not ready. Communicates with coaches and pool deck leaders if there are
activities that are slowing the pace of the meet. Starts the meet ON TIME, and keeps the
pace of the meet moving as quickly as possible.
Stroke and Turn
( Debbie Bennett at
Judges legality of swimmer's individual strokes and turns. Judges relay starts.
Must be USS or league certified.
Place Judge
One place judge represents each team in a meet. These judges stand at either side of the
pool deck and visually check for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th place. At the end of a heat,
they hand signal the results to each other. The home team place judge then fills out the
place sheet and hands it to the runner with the time cards.
The place judge also works with the stroke and turn judge to record any disqualifications.
Scorer (Maura Guiffre at
Records name, place and time for each event and all heats included in the event. Together
with opposing team, calculates overall score for the swim meet.
The Recorder files WSA time cards by Event Number grouping. The cards within each
event number are filed by Heat Number and Place Finish within each heat. When needed,
the recorder helps to fill out second heat sheets with swimmer names and
Timers ( MJ Pender at
Report to head timer on pool deck ½ hour before meet starts to be issued a stop watch,
pencil and clipboard. You will be assigned lanes at this time. Responsibility is to time
swimmers in each event that are assigned to your lane. Meet with starter 15 minutes prior
to start of meet to discuss any specifics related to meet. Report to assigned lane 5 minutes
prior to start of meet. On the “go” signal, (whistle or light- starter will specify) start watch.
At finish, stop watch and record time on the swimmers card that has been handed to you by
the runner assigned to your lane. Ask swimmer coming out of the water their name and
verify it with the name on the card. Hand cards to runner who will pick up cards at the end
of each event. Assist starter in combining heats if requested by the starter. Head Timer
runs a back up watch for each event in case there are any mechanical difficulties and
timers watch does not run. Timers will signal to head timer for back up. Timers need to be
present until finish of the meet.
Runner (Janet Petronio at
Runners must pick up time cards from timers in each lane and place slips from the Place
Judge and hand to scorer at the scoring table after each event. Runners must move
quickly in order to keep the swim meet moving efficiently. Runners should plan to wear
Bullpen (Jim Dunn at
Responsibility regarding parents:
Contact parents assigned to the bullpen before each meet to ensure participation.
Make necessary substitutions.
Meet with parents prior to the start of the meet to communicate their location and
responsibilities during the meet.
Designate one parent to work with Jenny to co-ordinate swimming changes during the
Responsibility regarding swimmers:
Responsible for placing swimmers in correct order, based on heat and lane number.
Line up and organize swimmers so that the swimmer arrives with their time cards to
the appropriate lane in a timely manner.
Practice Times
Be on the pool deck 10 minutes before your assigned start time for announcements, stroke training
and exercises. For example, on Thursdays this means you must be on the pool deck promptly at 7:20
pm. IMPORTANT: Ages 11 and up MUST attend 2 out of 3 practices conducted on Sunday,
Monday and Tuesday. You may attend Monday OR Tuesday, or you may attend both, but you
need to commit to attending at least one of these days. All swimmers should plan on attending
Sunday and Thursday practices.
Sunday at Babson
8 and unders
3:40-4:45 pm
9 & 10 boys and girls
3:40-5:00 pm
11 & 12 boys and girls
5:00-6:30 pm
13 & Over boys and girls 6:30-8:00 pm
11&12 boys and girls AND
Monday at Dana Hall
Tuesday at Dana Hall
13 and Over boys and girls
8:30-9:30 pm
11&12 boys and girls
8:30-9:30 pm
13 & Over boys and girls
Thursday at Wellesley
8 and Under boys and
7:30-8:30 pm
9 & 10 boys and girls
7:30-8:45 pm
11 & 12 boys and girls
7:30-9:00 pm
13 & Over boys and girls 8:00-9:30 pm
Wellesley College
Keohane Sports Center. Wellesley. Massachusetts. 02481
Department of Physical Education. Recreation.
Tel: 781-283-20 19
Fax: 781-2
 In addition to locker room monitors, there will be one monitor in the lobby area each Thursday
evening from 7:00 PM until 9:40 PM.
 The hallway monitor will remain in the lobby near the doors leading to the gymnasium and vending
machines and will also move between the lobby and the hallway leading from the locker rooms to the
pool deck at the beginning of practice.
 All monitors must arrive by 7:15 PM and will stay until the last WSA swimmer has gone.
Practice Times
7:30 - 8:30
7:30 - 8:45
7:30 - 9:00
8:00 - 9:30
8 & Under
9 & 10s
11 & 12s
 Swimmers that are part of a carpool consisting of different age groups will be permitted on deck
as soon as they arrive at Wellesley College.
 No swimmer should arrive at Wellesley College prior to 7:15 PM and all swimmers MUST be picked
up by 9:30 PM.
(Children of the monitors on duty would be the only exception.)
 All swimmers will be escorted from the lobby to the pool deck via the long hallway upon arrival.
There will be NO use of the locker room prior to practice. Therefore it is imperative that all swimmers
arrive in their bathing suits!
 Parents should be in the building at the time their swimmer exits the pool, perhaps even earlier.
8 and unders
8:30 PM
8:45 PM
9:00 PM
9:30 PM
 At the end of practice, all 10 and under swimmers must be met at the locker room doors by an adult
and remain with that adult.
Wellesley College
Keohane Sports Center. Wellesley. Massachusetts. 02481
Department of Physical Education. Recreation.
Tel: 781-283-20 19
Fax: 781-2
 All 10 and under swimmers must be escorted out of the building by an adult or older sibling.
 No swimmers will be outside the building playing at any time.
 Do NOT park in the circular driveway. Use the parking garage and only park in VISITOR spaces.
 No swimmer or sibling will be allowed into Keohane Sports Center, wearing wheeled shoes of any
kind. Please remove the wheels prior to attending either a WSA practice.
 Swimmers will be escorted from the pool to the locker room by a coach or monitor at the conclusion
of practice.
 NO swimmer will be allowed to shower at Wellesley College,
regardless of age.
 Use of the locker room will be strictly limited to changing out of wet suits and into dry clothes at the
conclusion of practice.
 Swimmers are expected to have the utmost respect and consideration for the facilities at Wellesley
College. Any swimmer involved in malicious, destructive or disrespectful behavior as it relates to any
item belonging to the facility (furniture, posters and other displays, doors, etc.) will be not be admitted.
Webster Center - Facility Guidelines
 All locker room monitors must be in place by 3:15 pm and must remain until
8:15 pm.
 Monitors should be moving swimmers out of the locker rooms as quickly as
 No swimmers should be on the pool deck prior to 3:30 pm during a Sunday
 Swimmers must be dropped off at the upper entrance…
NO ONE is to use the entrance at the lower level.
 Parents must park in the upper parking lot.
 All swimmers should be picked up immediately following the conclusion of
 WSA has use of the locker rooms and pool ONLY.
 Stands will be open to parents only during tryouts and swim meets.
 No WSA swimmers or parents should be in a gym, a weight-room or on the
track at any time.
 No use of vending machines.
 ALL trash must be removed from locker rooms, pool deck, waiting areas and
 No swimmer or sibling will be allowed into the facility wearing wheeled
shoes of any kind. Please remove the wheels prior to attending either a WSA
 All WSA swimmers should move in and out of locker rooms as quickly as
 NO lengthy showers permitted.
 NO WSA swimmer or parent may use the sauna.
 Swimmers are expected to have the utmost respect and consideration for
Babson College facilities. Any WSA swimmer involved in malicious,
destructive or disrespectful behavior as it relates to any item belonging to the
facility (furniture, posters and other displays, doors, etc.) will not be
Shipley Center Pool Guidelines
Monitors should be in place by 8:15 and must remain at the Shipley Center until the last
swimmer has gone home. We do not want the coach waiting alone with a swimmer.
 Monitors should be moving swimmers in and out of the locker rooms quickly and
 All WSA parents should park in a designated parking space and walk in to the facility
with their swimmers.
 Swimmers should not be on deck prior to 8:30 PM
 WSA parents may use the common area lounge only. No WSA swimmers or parents
should be in the gym, squash courts, etc…
 WSA parents may use the computers in the lounge area while swimmers are practicing.
 Use of the vending machines is permitted.
Frequently Asked Questions….and
Who do I go to if I have a question?
Please feel free to contact Eric Fichtel, President, or Mary McNamara, Parent Liaison, any
time about anything.
What is the best way to contact the coaches? or Eric Fichtel at
or Mary McNamara at
What are Mailboxes?
Mailboxes are used to deliver swimmer’s ribbons and other important communications.
Mailboxes are available in the lobby at our Wellesley College practices. There will be a file folder
for each family. Please remind your swimmer to check the mailboxes before they head home.
Why can't we watch practices?
The coaching staff wants complete attention of the swimmers at all times. We would also
like to keep the coaching on the pool deck from the coaching staff.
Why do we need locker room monitors?
WSA rents pool time from private facilities. All these facilities require that we provide adult
supervision in the locker rooms at all times as part of our contracts. If WSA does not have an adult
monitor in a locker room during practice times the locker rooms will be locked and NOT available to
the swimmers.
How did my name get on the sub list for locker room duty?
Each family is obligated to serve two locker room duty slots per WSA swimmer. Each family will
be asked to sign up for 2-3 of their required duties initially to make sure that every family serves at
least 2 duties. Any family that is not slotted for all their required duties due to lack of slots will be
placed on the Substitute list.
Who do I call if I can't fulfill an obligation at a swim meet? locker room?
It is your responsibility to find a substitute for any locker room or swim meet duty to which you have
been assigned. Once you secure a substitute you should notify Elizabeth Skelly for locker room
changes and Kate Ward for swim meet changes.
If you can not make it at the last minute due to unforeseen circumstances please get in touch with
Kate and Elizabeth as soon as possible.
Why are some swimmers allowed to practice with older age groups?
If the coaching staff feels that a swimmer is capable of a more difficult challenge, they may
be invited to swim up an age group.
Who do I talk to if I want my child to swim up?
This should never be driven by a parent. It's a coach’s decision and if we feel the swimmer is
ready, we will discuss with the swimmer and/or parent.
Who do I call/contact if my child can not make it to a meet due to illness? (Day of)
How do I contact that person?
Email the coaches address and also send word with another swimmer to
inform Chris or Jenny immediately upon arriving at the pool for warm-ups so that they can be
scratched from the lineup.
How many events will my child swim in a swim meet?
Each WSA swimmer is eligible to swim “officially” in two individual events and a relay.
Whether or not every swimmer swims in a relay at meet is dictated by the number of swimmers in
Who chooses what events my swimmer will be in? (swimmers or coaches)
For the most part the coaches choose the events but periodically throughout the season, the
swimmer can request a meet event. Exactly what events a swimmer is assigned to is strictly the
coaches’ decision. The WSA coaches place swimmers in heats and events based on previous times
and a swimmer’s ability to compete “legally”.
Why doesn't my swimmer ever get to swim in heat one?
Swimmers are placed in heats based on seed times (fastest times in heat 1, slower times in higher
heats). The heats are computer generated just prior to the start of a meet. Swimmers in any heat
can score points as points/places are based on finish times, not heat.
How are Ribbons awarded??
WSA awards ribbons up to 12th place during the dual meet season for 10 and under
swimmers. Every swimmer who improves his/her time will receive a green time improvement ribbon.
How do I find out if my swimmer has qualified for A's?
Swimmers’ individual times will be posted on the website several days after each dual swim meet.
There are cut-off times to qualify for A Championships based on 2009-2010 times. These times will
be posted on the website, under the Information link, when they become available. If your swimmer
has posted a time equal to or lower than the posted times you can assume they will be going to the A
Championships. Swimmers not qualifying for the A Championships will swim in the B