COSC 1301 Sections N1 and N2 Micro-Computer Applications Blinn College Course Syllabus -Fall 2007 Course Number: COSC 1301 Course Title: Microcomputer Applications Instructor: R. P. L. Skip Ferguson E-Mail: Use WebCT Mail Office: Room 105 – Bob Bullock Center - Brenham Campus Phone: 979-830-4294 Prerequisites: None Office Hours: Other times by appointment Required Text: Parsons/Oja, Computer Concepts—Illustrated Introductory, fifth Edition, Course Technology, 2006. Beskeen/Cram/Duffy/Friedrichsen/Reding, Pinard, Microsoft Office® 2003— Illustrated Introductory, Second Edition, Course Technology, 2006. Included with text is the SAM 2003 software to use on your personal computers. Required Materials: Project files: Instructor will provide instructions for obtaining the Project files. Software: SAM2003, Microsoft Office 2003, Internet Explorer 6, and Windows XP will be used. Another operating system may be used, but students will notice some differences in the appearance of certain dialog boxes. Handouts: Additional handouts may be required. Instructor will provide information on obtaining this material. Course Description: Introduction to the use of computers as communication, data processing and problem-solving tools with hands on experience. Emphasis is placed on the use of application software, such as word processing, spreadsheet, database, and Internet software, to solve various information system problems. Credit: three (3) semester hours. Course Objectives: Learn the functions of the components and operation of microcomputer systems, including the processing units, primary and secondary storage devices, input/output devices, communication devices, and system software. Use word processing technology to efficiently produce written material. Use electronic spreadsheet technology to assist in the decision making process. Use database technology to provide access to extensive sources of information. Use presentation graphics technology to produce presentation media. Understand the significance of business computer information systems and related careers. Blinn College Civility Statement: Members of the Blinn College community, which includes faculty, staff and students, are expected to act honestly and responsibly in all aspects of campus life. Blinn College holds all members accountable for their actions and words. Therefore, all members should commit themselves to behave in a manner that recognizes personal respect and demonstrates concern for the personal dignity, rights, and freedoms of every member of the College community, including respect for College property and the physical and intellectual property of others. Dress Code The dress code as stated in the Blinn student handbook will be enforced in this classroom and lab. Incivility Protocol If a student is asked to leave the classroom because of uncivil behavior, the student may not return to that class until he or she arranges a conference with the instructor: it is the student's responsibility to arrange for this conference. Late Work Policy: Lab assignments will not be accepted late. Assignments will be due by (no later than) 9:00 p.m. on the day they are due (see calendar). You may submit an assignment before its due date, but not after. Exams Policy: Students are required to take their exams in class on the date scheduled (noted on the course calendar). Make-up exams are given in extenuating circumstances. E-Mail: Students are provided email accounts within WebCT. Your WebCT account must be checked regularly as the instructor will use this e-mail to communicate with the students Quiz Policy: Quizzes are given to assure that students are staying current with their assignments and to help them focus on the main concepts from each chapter. It is the student’s responsibility to check the web site and make sure they take the quizzes within the time frame allotted. There will typically be one quiz per chapter. Quizzes are timed. Any answers not saved when time expires will not be submitted for grading. To ensure that your answers get turned in, make sure you click the Save Answer button after each question (a blue check mark will appear next to the question number indicating that the answer has been saved). Class Attendance and Absences Blinn College believes that class attendance is essential for student success; students are expected to report promptly and regularly to all their classes. Class participation will constitute at least 10 percent of the final course grade. If a student has three or more unexcused absences during the semester, the faculty member will report the student to the Promoting Academic Student Success Center (PASS). The Center will contact the student and require him/her to discuss their absences with a faculty advisor in the Center. If the student does not positively respond by attending class, the student may be administratively withdrawn from class. There are two forms of excused absences recognized by the institution: (1) Observance of religious holy days. The student should notify his/her instructor(s) not later than the 15"' day of the semester concerning the specific date(s) that the student will be absent for any religious holy day(s); and (2) Representing Blinn College at an official institutional function (3) Other absences may be excused at the discretion of the faculty member. Course Evaluation Process: Lab Assignments Tests (Three during the semester) Quizzes (weekly) Final Exam Attendance Total 30% 30% 10% 10% 20% 100% Grading Scale: A B C D F 89.5 - 100 79.5 – 89.4 69.5 – 79.4 59.5 – 69.4 below 59.4 Disabled Student Policy: Blinn College will make every attempt to provide the resources necessary to give effective aid to students with disabilities. Any student that requires special assistance is advised to make an appointment with a counselor in Academic Advising during the first week of the semester to make arrangements for this assistance and to learn about the student’s rights and responsibilities. Lab Assignments: Lab assignments will be provided at least one week prior to the due date. The due date will be stipulated at the time of the assignment. The number of lab assignments for each topic will vary. Lab assignments are to be submitted (via WebCT) by 9:00 p.m. on the day that they are due. After 9:00 p.m. they are considered late and will be evaluated with a grade of zero. All Hands-on Exercises are required and will be completed during lab time in class. Students who will be absent due to an official Blinn College event usually know in advance and therefore they should submit any assignment(s) that would be due while they were gone before they leave or make sure that they will have access to the Internet while they are away. Cheating: Students are allowed to discuss homework assignments and labs but are required to do their own work. Any evidence that a student did not complete his or her own assignment will result in a grade of zero on that particular assignment. Students should retain a copy on all assignments in case it is needed to verify work. Any collusion on exams or quizzes is considered cheating and will be dealt with appropriately. Any use of unauthorized materials during a quiz or exam will also be considered cheating. See your Student Handbook. Final Exam Schedule: TBD Draft Schedule Week 1 Reading Introduction and Pre-Test Discussion Topics As assigned 09/08 Unit A Word 2 · As assigned Unit B Word 3 Unit C (Computer Concepts) Computer Software Test One 09/15 4 5 6 7 8 Unit C (Word 2003 (Microsoft Office 2003) Unit A and B (Excel 2003 (Microsoft Office 2003) Unit C and D (Excel 2003 (Microsoft Office 2003) Understand physical file storage Tech Talk: How a Processor Executes Instructions Computers in Context: Astronomy Issue: New Chip Technologies As assigned 09/22 09/29 Unit D C (Word 2003 (Microsoft Office 2003) Unit E (Computer Concepts) Networks and the Internet Due As assigned 10/06 Introduce networks Classify networks Understand network topology Explore network hardware electronic spread sheets data good stuff As assigned 10/13 TBD TBD Test Two 9 Integration 10 Power Point 11 Power Point 12 Integration Test Three TBD TBD TBD TBD Week Reading 13 Unit F Data Security (Computer Concepts) 14 Unit G (Computer Concepts) The Web and E-commerce Discussion Topics Tech Talk: Secure a LAN Computers in Context: Law Enforcement Issue: Is It a Crime? Due TBD Tech Talk: Encryption Computers in Context: Politics Issue: Is the Truth Out There? TBD 15 Unit H (Computer Concepts) Digital Media Tech Talk: Data Compression Computers in Context: Film Issue: Who’s Got the Rights? TBD Final Test